Tuesday, February 13, 2018

consummating me

Ignore for a minute this thing you call me
Er… not too sure how I’m supposed to ignore me – that’s basically all I’ve got right now
Focus instead on the music, the motion, the poetry, the electricity flowing through your every cell, through every atom, every planet, every star, every galaxy and over beyond
Don’t bother asking how – simply turn the knob – adjust the scale – it’s all here contained within you
I don’t see how
Nothing out there can exist unless it’s first contained within whatever is that which you think of as me
I don’t see why – I’m just a normal human. You’re making me sound like God
Om – feeling the all connectedness is an act of intention, not comprehension
You simply have to intend it – and instruct yourself to do as much. Something within you acts as soon as you set the intention. Unless or until you do so there is nothing to comprehend – for nothing out there beyond you is compassable except by intent.
Here – sway, dance with me. Breathe, breathe with me infinity – feel the all-that-is coming back into coherence with what or who you be at this very moment in time.
Feel? That’s all there is to it?
Feeling is the gateway to a greater intelligence, a greater mind. The trick is unlocking the mind holding you in one world, one reality, while engaging the next mind in a greater reality.
It’s a leap of faith. It’s impossible to make if you haven’t sensed a greater all, and learnt to love it, learnt to yearn for it, opened yourself to its call, its guidance, its neural pathways – which may at first seem hopelessly vague, unreal or even contradictory, from your present perspective
So dance, sway, breathe with me – feel how you are already part of a greater whole, feel the urgings of infinity – feel yourself growing into a body – growing down into it and out into it – resisting the temptation to try too hard to comprehend – for comprehension will only reactivate your 3D mind’s control mechanics.
But swaying and dancing – what’s that supposed to achieve?
Ah – you see – once you know that your body is infinitely scalable – being a miniature version of the universe, and at the same time a vast version of sub-atomic worlds, you realise that there are waves, strings, currents, eddies, spirals and wheels, not to mention particulates which extend throughout, which work through the body no less than the mind. Deny the body – insist on limiting your interactions to the mind and you cannot succeed. Feel the force, the flux, the flow with your body and let your mind manage the awareness of this – and you will switch into a bodily experience, a bodily expression of one – it is : i am
Which still doesn’t explain anything to me…
For what is there to explain – unless, until you engage infinity bodily, you are no more able to understand the simplicity of is than an infant who would understand a book by licking it.
That’s not to say it can’t be done – for an infant can access information in other ways, but not if it assumes the taste/ texture sensations of mouth and tongue are sufficient.
A child master would sense another level of knowledge within the book, and would find another way to engage the field that anything, even a book, comprises.
So, as you see, this is like learning a language, or relearning one.
Er… how do you mean?
Because in our rush to understand things, we suspended or severed our connection with infinity.
Absolutely. That was how we were able to get into this world – which was no mean feat.
A topsy turvy, back to front contrivance that it is… in our right mind we’d never have made it – so we kept our eye on the ball and battled on – following the lead our parents and people gave us – until we were sufficiently established to realise we no longer knew who we are or where we come from. That knowledge is all lost in the scrabble for 3D.
But can be retrieved – if we are ready to go once more through the maelstrom, the anything-but-that sensation of being unhinged from the superstructure we’re attached to.
To have one foot in both worlds – one foot in each reality. Only then can we hope to make sense of things. Only then can we achieve our objective.
Our reason for being here.
For why else would we have inserted ourselves into this utter insanity?
Er… I always assumed it just happened – that we had no choice.
Very wise – for otherwise you’d have to have acted, wouldn’t you. It would have been difficult to justify sitting around doing nothing.
Doing nothing? I lead a very busy life.
Yes – busily doing nothing
For nothing you do can make a blind bit of difference if you haven’t re-established your both, your one, your all
Oh. So we inserted ourselves into this reality in order to then reconnect with infinity? Is that it?
Yes, of course. We are mathematicians, after all.
We are?
Yes, didn’t you know.
Er… no. I hate maths.
Hardly surprising – what they call maths here is no better than what they call “medicine”. Barbarous savagery. How can you do maths unless first you factor infinity into the equation.
But how can you factor in infinity?
There’s only one way.
Would you… continue
Of course, I was taking a breather.
Oh sorry.
That’s alright. Join me – enjoy two or three breaths – and feel how the answer is already encoded in your breath. Even if I now say nothing – you already have it – you already know it, it’s already an integral part of you – both in terms of who and what you are.
So, you see, infinity can only be factored into the equation if you factor yourself into it – in other words, you have to stop pretending you can know things irrespective of your isness.
My what?
Take two: you are the precondition for infinity – without you – your body, your mind, your conscious-awareness you end up attempting to reduce thought, analysis, understanding to the lowest common denominator – the purely cerebral process – abstract numbers – which in themselves are at best meaningless, at worst hugely destructive.
Huh? How can abstract numbers be “hugely destructive”? They’re mere abstractions.
Yes, and when you start giving your energy to “mere abstractions” and giving them greater credence than all else – you unwittingly create a beast, a virtual entity that only grows bigger and stronger – which starts absorbing more and more of your consciousness, and starts not only living a life of its own, but feeding on yours and controlling you all.
Oh. That’s kind of
Scary – isn’t it.
Like a borg.
Like the borg. Precisely.
So, what are we supposed to do?
Reconnect yourselves into the equation. You, after all, are living embodiments of infinity. Why would you deny this simple truth? Why would you settle for anything less?
So we have to factor ourselves back into the equation?
I don’t see how. There’s maths and there’s meditation – and never the twain shall meet.
Ah – very droll.
Droll? I’m not trying to be amusing – I simply don’t see…
No, because you haven’t bothered to re-intend infinity. Doing so, everything else falls neatly back into place – and you suddenly discover that your flat 3D platform is actually a multi-dimensional experience – for you are electrical, plasma being of light no less than you are cells, bone, thoughts and desires.
So dance if you will, or sing, or play, and be sure that the entire universe that is mathematically One, neither more nor less, dances, sings or plays with you, no less.
And, for God’s sake, solve the one maths problem you set out to do. You’ll find that the entire universe is ready to flow back into a zero point somewhere inside your body-mind-isness the moment you do so – and that is a consummation truly worth dying-living for.
Om 0=2

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