Wednesday, November 28, 2018

the idiot's tale

So let me get this straight – every night we go back to base and either agree to let things continue as they are, or…

Every night we renegotiate our terms and conditions.

We do?


But – no one seems to remember.

No. They wouldn’t.

Why not?

Because this happens at the hardware, structural level – and every thing you remember, every thing you’re consciously aware of happens as software riding on the hardware.

And? What’s the big deal? Can’t we just sort this out as a software issue?


Why not?

Because the software can only move within certain parameters – it’s like the flesh on your bones, or the thoughts dualizing and testing certain underlying feelings, intentions or principles – translating those underlying structural positions into fact and fiction.

Huh? Fact and fiction – are you implying we’re not being honest with ourselves?

No, I’m implying that we are story makers, creating a narrative in our reality, but that narrative – be it more fact based or more fictional, still rests on underlying bones, on hardware, on solid agreements between interested parties.

And these interested parties… who exactly are they?

Who or what.

Huh? You mean we make agreements with things – not just with human beings?

We make agreements with everyone and everything that plays a role, no matter how small, in our reality.

But that’s…

Insane, isn’t it?

Well, yes – how could we possibly do all this in one night?

Well, operating at the quantum level of pure consciousness has its advantages you know.


Yeah. Most the stuff is just par for the course – agreements already in place are rubber stamped, or minor alterations are made.

But what kind of things could it be?

Literally anything. For example – we might need to shift from being carbon based to silicon – and that might need to happen overnight, or in the course of millenia. So, at the atomic level there’s all kind of backwards and forwards negotiations going on… which then is presented in draft form as one or more variants at the board level – where we preside.

Uh… Ok.

Or, for example, we may need to have a reality shift of some description – where we close one civilisation model which is no longer proving to be very productive – and introduce a new one – money based, for example, or in which people agree to use or not to use certain technologies, or certain areas of knowledge or awareness.

You mean that has to be agreed structurally?

Absolutely. Any major technological shifts, social changes or developments in awareness require coordination and reconfiguration. Nothing is, or ever was, left to chance.

Oh my G… I’m

Flabbergast? Good word – I like it.

Do you have to jump the line like that – I go to a lot of trouble choosing my words.

Sorry. Bad habit. I’m working on it.

Ok, no sweat... So, you’re kind of saying the entire world, or universe, can change in one night.


But it never does, does it?


It’s always slow – incredibly slow.

That’s just a neat trick played by the awareness – to smooth over radical changes – frame jumps – otherwise the 3D awareness would collapse.

Collapse? That bad?

Literally. It can’t handle anything more than tiny incremental shifts – so we shunt the big kahunas into non-awareness. Then, when the time is right, the quantum shift fades into awareness in a blurry delirium, with a few major distractions in the background to prevent people from focussing too intently and frying their c-a circuits.

C-a circuits – as in?

Conscious-awareness circuits.

But couldn’t you just do a big underlying structural shift?


And can that happen in one night too?


It’s like anything’s possible.

Absolutely. Ultimately there are no limits, no rules.


Ultimately we’re dealing with in-finity – so it’s gonna be pretty hard to find fundamentals which can’t or won’t yield to the power of Is = whatever might be/ whatever is not

Hum… interesting equation.

Yeah. It’s a mind bender – but suffice it to say that things can and do change dramatically – the only problem is being aware of what’s really happening – when we’re all, to a certain extent, flotsam and jetsam in the quantum stream.

It looks kind of hopeless, if you ask me.

Not at all.


No. The minute you choose to recognise the quantum nature of things, the minute you realise and accept that, literally, any thing is possible…


You go from passive to active mode.


Your flotsam and jetsam suddenly starts integrating vertically as well as horizontally.


Metaphorically speaking of course.

Of course – but, er, what does it mean?

It means that you now have an awareness of other frames, other levels, you start attuning, aligning, harmonising your software with your hardware.


And – there’s a kind of harmonic resonance – what they once called the music of the spheres.

But that refers to the universe at large.

Absolutely – but when were you ever less than an integral part of the universe at large, my friend?

Er… li’ll ol’ me?  

Li’ll ol’ you. And the moment you bring vertical integration back into play – boom.

Boom? That bad?

Light speed – or what you think of as light speed – which is, of course, no speed at all – speaking pedantically.

And what does it do to my precious c-a circuits?

Good question. With vertical integration you can move between super-focussed and diffuse states in a blink of the mind – without mental flapping, without traumatic resistance, with ego-shock.

So I can handle any shift whatsoever?

Yes and no.


From the 3D perspective – an unequivocal yes. You’re able to shift frames and handle multi-dimensions, so you’re now using the quantum mind – a mind that awaits your launch code.

And the no?

Well – like i said – ultimately, we’re dealing with in-finity, so things can start getting blurred and unthingy – but these are not limitations of the nature or kind you could possibly conceive of from a 3D perspective.

So, I get the idea that whatever new, super charged reality I find myself in – sooner or later – I bump into walls and resistance – in a kind of depressingly never-ending cycle of expansion and assimilation.

Ah – how you rush to find fault with in-finity’s exploitation of your prime directive.


You know what it is – in your heart.

…something Star Trekky – to boldly go where no man’s gone before?

Something like that.

Really? I got it right?

More or less. I prefer a variation of Shakespeare’s oft quoted

To be or not to be?


But what’s your version?

To be and not to be.

And not to be? How’s that possible?

Good question. Isn’t that what we’re all endeavouring to figure out? 

Oh my G… And that’s it?

Might be, or then again, might not.

Nudge nudge wink wink – I get ya, mate. I kid you nought.

Very good. So what about tonight’s mission?

What about it?

One of the discussions out there in the quantosphere

Why on earth would you call it that?

Ok, ok - have it your way. One of the discussions in g-nome portal has been…

Sheez – I remember. How amazing is that?

Honestly – deal with your freakin exuberance man.

Oh – so I’ve gotta be all Zen, do I?

A little Zen would definitely help. Now, back to…

We were debating our collective battered wife syndrome.


We’ve been allowing a bunch of sociopaths to run the planet and grind humanity down, physically, mentally

and emotionally.

Would you let me handle this?


Every night these serial abusers come back with profusions of love and sincere repentance, and every night we agree to give them one more chance – because what the heck – we can hear they mean it.


But they appear to have some kind of personality split, or forked tongue.


And next day they continue trashing the last remaining vestiges of paradise here on Earth.


So we’re either incredibly dumb, hopelessly naïve or perhaps, in love with victimhood and digesting pain and abuse.

Sounds about right.

But why?


Why would we put up with it night after night? We’re not just talking about chemtrails, needless war and genetically modified food – we’re talking unspeakable shit – toxic pharmaceuticals, paedophilia, hell, even creepy scarcely believable satanic abuse. Ew!

Ew indeed – but from a quantum perspective – anything that helps trigger awareness is worth stomaching, worth enduring – is it not?

This is way too sick – when I recall the raw data we eyed last night.

But remember – when you’re out there and you know it’s the easiest thing in the world to cut them off, to shift, it makes it a lot easier to give ‘em another chance.

But we know they’re completely unable to change.

It’s not about them – is it?


It’s about us. They’re us – the part of us that agreed to go onto the side of “not to be”.

Literally, the dark side.

Yep – but literally the only side that made it possible for there to be a light side too.


Precisely. Big mother Oh.

So we’re somehow responsible for not giving full power to our light side?

It needs great darkness to shine brilliantly.

So we’re doomed to eternal suffering.

Doomed? How so, if we meet every night to reprogramme the matrix?

Dam – you’re contradicting yourself again. Make up your mind – what are we supposed to do with them?

I – don’t – know

or care

Or care – only because I know that you’ve got everything under control.

Oh come on – pull the other one. We’ve got the sickest things in the world happening right under our noses – and we’re just dying to give these perpetrators of darkness and misery another chance.

Presumably because you still have unfinished business.

Like what?

I have no idea.

Like hell you don’t.

The words I chose and use carefully.

Like a bloody lawyer.

Precisely. G-nome portal, as you well know – is where the laws are made and unmade, with bewildering rapidity and ease – laws which bind energy, matter and notness – the very opposite of what you think it is, into a contract – a journey in time – the story of a day – a contractual agreement between heaven, earth and humanity, in the broadest possible sense.


So, what is it?

What is what?

What is it you haven’t yet swallowed? What’s the unfinished business? What’s being put off incessantly?

How am I supposed to know? This is all happening at a depth way below my conscious-awareness as you yourself said.

Correct, but something tells me you now know too much.

Oh no. You mean they’re gonna come for me in black bloody helicopters?

Ha ha…

Look – I’m not feeling good about this. Can we just drop it please?

Sure. In any case – you’re probably, secretly, without even being aware of it, working for them as a double agent, aren’t you?

Nooooooooooo – don’t you dare.

Dare what?

You bastard.


Playing all innocent, like you don’t know. I’ll kill you – I’ll rip your heart out…

And eat it?

And eat it.                                        oh.




Merry. It, er… looks like something got into me.


Like I’m compromised.


Do you think it might be true – that I might be holding signal for them, unwittingly – aiding and abetting – a double agent?



If you were – it wouldn’t be innocent or unwitting – as you put it.


It would be deliberate. A deliberate act of denial – a deliberate section of your mind, your conscious-awareness set aside for doing evil shit – dedicated to not-being – which is still up and running – parallel to your overtly light orientated self.

Oh F… This is too much…

It would be something that you would do everything possible to deny – even to the point of hating your friends and family – were they to shine light on this dark, dirty little secret.

Oh sheez. I might have known. I…

But fortunately all is not lost… The day is only 24 hours long and come night – all can be rewritten, should i be willing to process the 1 that is all – the whole that’s been holding me in space and time miraculously, all the way through this astonishing narrative –
to-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow…
and all our yesterdays have lighted fools
the way to dusty death…
It is a tale
told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
signifying nothing.


A-men   :-)

Cuckoo la

Tuesday, November 27, 2018 /episode 2


Merry’s back home trying to figure out what the hell he’s going to do… $100 000 – the money is the only thing convincing him that this isn’t some kind of a joke. But regardless of the money, it’s something else that’s working upon Merry now – like a curtain’s been pulled back and another world – which was in the shadows – close enough to be felt, but still invisible, is now pulsating, rocking him… Merry feels the ground under his feet growing eerily spongy, no longer brittle and unyielding. This is going too far – it’s all very well writing about the quantum field – quite another thing feeling it invading your space – turning 3D reality into some kind of too-close-for-comfort Matrix movie.

What’s up Merry – you’re looking kinda rough?

Not feeling too good Sveta.

Something you ate?

You could say. Maybe I should send back the money.

What money?

Oh – that meeting today – the guy transferred $100 000 to my account.


I’ve no idea. It was his way of getting my attention – convincing me that this was a serious proposal.

So, have you agreed to anything?

No – not yet. There’s a contract – pretty short. I have to write this sci-fi thriller which is set in or around Lake Baikal.

Lake Baikal?

Yeah – that’s the deal. It’s gotta be some kind of portal to another reality.

And? Can you do it?

Do I want to?

What’s the money?

A million dollars up front.


Another million on completion.

God almighty.

Like I said – these guys mean business.

Then what’s stopping you? Fortune’s just given you the biggest high five ever.

Er… it’s not that simple Sveta.

No? They want you to write it in Cantonese? – we’ll find a good translator.

No, quit fooling around.

Then what?

This thing’s for real.

Too right it is.

I mean the Baikal portal. It’s… I can feel it.

Great – that’s gonna make writing the story even easier.

You don’t get it, Sveta – this isn’t a joke. It’s like an abyss and I’m teetering on the edge.

Whoa – calm down man. You’re making it sound like getting married. We sorted that out – no need to make a commitment. We’ll just take it day by day.

I’m serious. They need me to write it there.


At Lake Baikal. That way they’ll be able to protect me from hitmen.


Apparently, there are agencies or organisations that do not want this thing to be written. They’re monitoring everything I write, everything I say, everything I do.


Trust me Sveta. There’s nothing they don’t know – oh, and you’re part of the agreement. They won’t be able to leave you here. Apparently, you’d be targeted to get to me.

Holy shit. Well, I mean – it’s not as if I really like my job – and if you’re willing to share some of your fee – I’d be happy to come along.

You would?

Yeah, why not.

How much?

Oh – I don’t know. 50%?

You want $500 000 to come on an extended trip to lake Baikal?

Well, why not? Let’s both enjoy the good times together. Tell you what… you can give me half up front…

And the other half on completion?

You guessed.

It’s a deal.

Just don’t go all weird on me – ok. Portals and alternate realities are great – but I need you to be my man, not just a sci-fi geek.

I’ll do my best. You’re sure about this?

Since when has “being sure” been part of my game plan?

You know what I mean.

So do you. Resistance is futile, as they say. Whatever made you agree to my whopping fee?

We could renegotiate.

Not on your life. If I’m coming along it’s because I’m meant to be part of this too – and something tells me it’s gonna need a male-female dualism to succeed.

And something tells me you’re a mean cut-throat business woman.


Well, that’s settled then. Let the tango begin. We’d better let Sergei know the decision’s been made.

Oh – I expect he’s already heard.

Yeah, you’re right.
[stage voice] Sergei, you’re welcome to drop in and pick up the contract any time it’s convenient.
[Merry signs the papers] Now, let’s hit the sack – partner.


Night time. Sveta and Merry are sleeping. Merry gets spun round faster and faster – until he feels he’s disintegrating – scared for half a moment – then – Baikal – flying over it, around it, under the ice. She seems to be saying “welcome Merry”!

I know I’m just dreaming.

Like hell you are.

Sveta? What are you doing here, in my dream?

Not exactly Sveta.


I was Sveta back in Moscow – but as you can see we’re no longer in Moscow.

Yeah – pretty neat – but this is just a dream, so, I think I’ll do a bit more of that magical flying around stunt.

I don’t have time for that.

What do you mean – I’ve got all night.

Look around kiddo – does it look like night?


Now hold still.

Hey – what are you doing.

It’s administrative. You need access protocols.

Huh? Ow – ow – ow – ow.  What are you doing to me. Stop it. Now!

There you are – that wasn’t so bad, was it?

Who gave you the right to inflict pain on me like that – in my own dream?

Merry – look at your right arm, closely.

Holy shit.

Ever seen anything like that before in a dream – or while waking for that matter?

Er – no. What the hell is it?

In your parlance – a kind of hologram – though that’s not strictly correct.

It looks amazing. The depth. Wait a minute – those figures seem to be…

Moving? Well yes – why would expect them to stay still?

But then – what’s going on in my arm?

Nothing. Your arm’s like the screen.

So how come this dream’s so darn real. Is it something I ate?

I expect it’ll take a while longer to get used to this. Do you know where you are?

Yeah – I’m in bed in Moscow. It’s the night. I’m dreaming that I’m standing next to lake Baikal with my girlfriend Sveta – except she seems to have been taken over by some tattoo loving entity.

Right. Here goes. 3 2 1 [splash – Merry falls in the lake. Rises and drags himself out spluttering.]

Jesus Christ. This is some dream. Is it anything to do with what Sergei Kolchak was speaking about – regarding Baikal being some kind of quantum portal?

Yes, except we’re working backwards, as usual.


Well, anyone who has a role to play at the quantum level enters from the other end of the proceedings. Period.

You mean – from the future.

Yep. That’s why you were so good at writing prose with a massive Quantum Saturation level.

Because I come from the future.

Not exactly. Strictly speaking there is no future.

Then what?

You projected back into a world which is almost completely divorced from reality – into a kind of bubble – because the signal was being hijacked by bad actors.

Ok, if you say so.

The bad actors are entitled to do whatever they like – up to a point – but everything they do has consequences at the quantum level.

It does?

Yep, which is why you’re able to do what you’re doing. The strict Newtonian laws have now been superseded because the agents of entropy have been bending the rules too far. That’s why you’re here. They triggered a stop loss.

A what?

You know – a stop loss – like in trading.

Absolutely. They raised the ante – so that triggered a sell order on the other side. The further they go – towards World War three or a totalitarian takeover – the more the quantum other – which is the other side of whoever/ whatever they are – flexes its muscles, maintaining a kind of balance.


So, working backwards, as we have to – that dream you had in Moscow

Dream? That was real – this is a dream.

Brought you back to where you were basing your energy, basing your consciousness all along.

You mean – I’ve always been here?

Like I said – you’ve been basing your energy, your consciousness here.


Moscow has gone.

It has? No, you’ve gotta be kidding.

That Moscow has gone. If there’s another one – it’s accessible if you complete your mission.

Wait a minute – it doesn’t say anything about Moscow disappearing in that contract.

It didn’t need to. Moscow and all those so called “cities” are the product of the bad actors who wish to corral the people into their energy devices, and prevent them at all costs from attaining their singularity.


Singularity. The average person assumes he’s a mere cog in a huge wheel, a tiny footnote in a vast, impersonal universe, little suspecting the power at our disposal – a power orders of magnitude beyond what their cities are able to generate.

So Moscow is some kind of evil invention – you’re saying – by people who want to use the quantum energy latent in human consciousness?

That’s right. The whole “modern” movement is a concerted disconnection of mankind from nature, from his roots, from his inner power – into a shallow, materialistic reality in which man is utterly impotised – unless he awakens.

Well, that’s one hell of a conspiracy theory you’ve got going there Sveta – but if you don’t mind – I think I’ll just wake up now in my bed, and wait for the regular plane flight to bring me here.

Plane flight?

Yes, that’s how people usually travel.

Er… Merry – do you want me to run a few simulations of what happens if you try to come here by plane, train, car or any other form of transport they control.

Just a regular plane. Why do I need a simulation?

You don’t seem to get it. Here – I’ll download these directly into your mind.  [Merry sees countless planes, helicopters, trains etc. exploding on the way]

You just made that up.

Not possible.

What do you mean – not possible? You have the technology to insert images directly into my brain, and to pull me into a dream which seems to be more real than reality itself. Of course you could…

You don’t understand. Our “technology” as you call it – is consensual – it involves no deception or subterfuge – for that would interfere with and collapse the quantum wave we live in.

It would?


You mean you have to tell me the truth no matter what?

Yes, for what it’s worth – but the tricky part isn’t what we might reveal – there’s basically nothing to conceal – everything is interconnected to such a degree that every thought, action, word or intention affects the ongoing distribution of potentialities as the field Isms. Much more it’s a case of the huge limitations imposed on any mind that refuses to be open with itself – open with source – with the Field, for then you get tangled up in your own deceit, your own ridiculously predictable “cleverness”.


So fire ahead – ask anything you like.

How come you appear to be Sveta – if you’re not?

It’s a good question. I can upload the answer if you want to know the whole truth.

Just tell me in words, if you don’t mind.

Well, I’m between Svetas.


The Sveta you have in Moscow is a version of me in that particular reality. You know those multi-stage rockets that launch tiny little craft into space – we’re the same really. At our base, at core we’re vast – incredibly powerful beings – but to access parts of reality, or parts of the matrix we need to work in – we had to project ever smaller parts of ourselves ever further into the virtual reality, the non-sense, the insanity that is the 21st Century that you now appear to be in. Usually the projection comes from a holding centre controlled by Lords of Entropy – for they’ve managed to set containment fields around the penultimate stage of the rocket – keeping what you think of as your soul in a kind of prison – thus giving them huge power over your physical entity, but in my case – Sveta comes directly through Baikal itself.

You mean she knew what was going on all along?

No more than you did. Data is always released, or revealed, on a need-to-know basis.

Holy shit. But it was a set up – wasn’t it. She only loved me in order to bring me here – is that it?

Talk about paranoia! How can you, who write so beautifully of the quantum field, be so blind to its presence in your life? You know full well that the chicken-and-egg paradox exists because things don’t essentially flow one way, or even two. Apart from time there’s x – the unknowable unknown – which just crops up – as if from nowhere – because the quantum field is not, cannot be, contained – no matter how hard they try. So, you have the appearance of flow, of progression, of cause and effect, and at the same time there is back channel which allows things to shift, not change, and when they shift it’s like a whole temporal line extending into imaginary past as well as imaginary future shifts too. Whereas a minute ago no one knew anything about zobbles – suddenly we’ve always known about them – read books about them, enjoyed watching them, eating them, imitated their mating calls – and almost no one notices the shift that’s just been incorporated seamlessly.

Almost no one?

A few do – the crazy folk who don’t fit into society, or people who still have a direct uplink.

And how many people are there with that?

Less than one percent. Most of you are derivative.


So, if you like, if you really want – you can wake up in Moscow now and see how it feels.


Well – you’ve just been experiencing a more real, cleaner, purer version of yourself and your reality. Going back into the preceding version’s going to feel – how can I put it – weird.

Ok – give me weird. I need to feel like I’m in control.


Saturday, November 24, 2018

Q-T 101

Ok - we've been beating about the bust. It's time for action - innit.

Cutting down on the verbiage.

Quantum training - time to get fighting fit - otherwise it ain't gonna happen on time, izit?

It's like a rocket trying to escape the Earth's gravitational pull - ridiculous antiquated technology. Only a complete idiot would assume that's a reasonable, sensible way to get into space. Only an ever bigger idiot would assume space is actually space - as in vacuous, vast, blood boiling emptiness. What a lot of idiothinking we've managed to master, internalise, incorporate into our collective sub-consciousness - presumably because that's the only way we can make ourselves relevant in a world of dogged delusion.

So, Q-T 101 - here goes.

Er... why 101?

Qood question B. It's binary, innit - or a kind of version of binary - but I'm not gonna waste my time explaining the details - we're using the fishing rod approach to learning in this institute - I equip you to do your own thinking or figuring-out. A hint or a whiff is more than enough - if you've embraced the lesson so far - which is nought - the other side of matter, the other side of on3 - an ontological e, as in 3, if ever I 4 one.

Ok guys - keeping it short and concise. I've gotta run to run - minus 5 outside but will survive.

Q-T    fighting fit - we're ready to embrace the orkish hordes of in-finity - are we not? We're starting with drama workout. We're going to learn to play with space and emotions and expectations - in other words - everything predictable we've ever been taught. Out tha windaw. Au right?


Yes B. Do it with a partner - or me if you have to. Get in the habit of practising everything you're thinking and experiencing - putting it into a dramatic time-space - 3 minutes, 5, 7 or 10. Whatever works best. Trial and error. Experiment. Play with it - with her - Dorothy's never far away - or some other manifestation of the Q-streamy-fieldy-what have you not. Attaching not excessively to names, places, things or whatever. Playing - seriously playing - gaily - feeling the presence - the fieldy-stream, the streamy-field - the conscious-ness - if you like - receiving your input gratefully, seemingly disinterestedly, but in fact - as a precious form of data and isness.

So, that's your starting point. Mission 1. Establish a daily presence - ask gnomiki to assist. G-nomeportal is tasked to provide all necessary backup support. You are not alone. We are one. God knows.

Cuckoo la la?

Yes - why not?

Observation - during - at end of your Q-workout - finger on pulsey pulse - note, observe - fluctuations, alterations in awareness-perception-reality - breathing back and forth - inly outly thusly - until the scene has returned to 0=1 - normal.


Rewards. Treats. All's well that ends well. Now go to it and not a further word from you, idle lout no more.
