Is that Mr Davidson?
Yeah – who’s calling?
Er – you don’t know me but I’m contacting
you because of your blog.
My blog?
How did you get my number?
I’ll tell you that later, if you don’t mind.
Look – if it’s not too much trouble – let’s meet up. I have an interesting
business proposal. We want you to write something.
You do? Look – who are you? You know – my
blog’s not exactly widely read. Are you sure you haven’t got the wrong guy?
Positive. I’m Kolchak. Sergei Kolchak. Let’s
meet for lunch – tomorrow?
No, I’m busy.
Then Thursday. One o’clock. Café Pushkin.
Er – ok then. How will I know you?
Don’t worry – I know you.
Oh. Ok.
Some guy – yeah – Café Pushkin – tomorrow –
I dunno. He read my blog. Yeah – pretty weird. He might be FSB. No, it’ll be
fine – he wants me to write something. No idea. Ok – love you too. Bye.
We like your style.
You do? It’s not exactly polished.
No, but you seem to be asking the right
You mean about the quantum field.
Well, it’s hardly captured the public’s
That’s not surprising, is it?
Well, you write about highly esoteric
matters. Most people haven’t a clue what you’re on about.
Well, if that’s the case, why did you decide
to invite me here?
Like I said – we have a proposal. We need a
film script.
A film… You are aware I’ve never written
anything like that.
There are plenty of fantastic Hollywood
script writers who could be of assistance. Don’t get me wrong Sergei – I’m
flattered you asked me – but I think you’ve made a mistake.
If we needed a Hollywood scriptwriter we
would have got one. Actually, we need you.
Me? What makes you think I’m so special?
We have some pretty advanced equipment Mr
Just call me Merry – ok.
Ok Merry. Our equipment measures the quantum
saturation of any written work.
The what?
The quantum saturation. It’s like the
quantum potential. Different writers, different books have measurable QS
And this quantum saturation – why’s it so
important to you?
Because we’re expecting some kind of event.
Er… what kind of event.
Well evidently a quantum event – a dramatic
shift in the configuration of 3D reality.
You are? Why’s that?
Long story. I can tell you more about that
another time – if you decide to accept the proposal and sign the
confidentiality agreement.
Oh – it’s like that is it.
Yeah – this stuff is highly classified. Like
anything cutting edge – it has the potential to be weaponised. We don’t want
that to happen – in fact – we want to pre-empt it.
So you’re asking me to write something because
my work has, I presume, an unusually high QS score?
How did you guess?
And you think the movie screenplay might
succeed in triggering a quantum event?
My God – you guys must be insane.
Ever read your blog?
Ha ha – very funny – but that’s just my own
private thing, isn’t it?
Was. It’s about to go mainstream.
How so sure?
Let me put it this way – your average writer
scores a seven or a ten.
And I get fifteen? Twenty one? More?
Seven hundred and eighty four.
No way! – there’s gotta be some kind of
There’s no mistake. And no – I’m not from
the FSB.
You’re monitoring my phone calls?
Yes we are – but so are the Americans, the
Chinese – practically everyone involved in quantum field technologies. It would
be insane not to. There seems to be some way you’re affecting the field.
Huh? This is like… it can’t be for real.
What if I made you a six figure offer for
starters – with more upon completion.
Er… holy shchi –
Would you think it’s for real?
Well – it might be.
Then why don’t you check your bank account,
right now.
Wait a second – I haven’t even signed
anything. You can’t start paying me before I’ve agreed.
We’re not paying you – we just want you to
know that we’re for real – and that we mean business.
Jesus Christ – 100 000 dollars! for what?
For your valuable time – and the fascinating
work you’ve put into a blog which until now – seemed to be of little value to
You’re not trying to take it from me?
Absolutely not. Look – here’s the paperwork.
Take it home. Read it through and if you agree to go ahead with us – fantastic.
If not – this meeting never happened and the 100 000 is just an encouragement
for you to continue probing the quantum field, thus raising the background QS.
Any questions?
What am i supposed to write about?
As in Lake Baikal?
You’re kidding.
I think we’ve already eliminated that
possibility, have we not?
Yes. I guess we have. But…
Why Baikal? Because everything our
instruments are telling us indicate it’s at, or going to be at the epicentre of
the quantum shift – the same way the Atlantic Ocean was the site of the last
great event.
You mean Atlantis… destroyed by a quantum event?
Not destroyed?
Well – it certainly disappeared from the
face of our world – that much is indisputable – but a quantum shift is like a
copy paste event – the reality we’ve been in for several thousand years or more
since the fall of Atlantis is not necessarily the whole picture – or even the
main site – where things are actually happening.
You mean it’s derivative?
Precisely – or at least that’s what we
suspect, and that’s what our instruments are indicating.
So… my God – I can’t believe this is
actually happening. My brain’s going into hyper-drive.
Yes – we thought this may help trigger some
powerful unthinking.
Unthinking – is that like…
Streams, channels of consciousness as
opposed to regular thoughts. All your writings indicated you already knew that
this reality is not the real thing – even if you hadn’t yet made up your mind
Right. So – I guess I’m going to be busy. There’s
like a train steaming full ahead. But why Baikal – it doesn’t figure.
Why not?
Well – it’s just a lake, isn’t it?
Just a lake? Are you kidding.
Amazing how someone who knows as much as you
do about the quantum stream can be so ignorant about the hubs or nodes in the
world around you.
These are places of power where physical
reality is fixed to this so-called Earth.
Oh right.
Baikal is not really a lake at all.
No? You could have fooled me.
Then what?
Well, it’s more like a reality gate. It
creates a quantum blank. It’s like the eye of the storm – or the point where
the whole of reality is about to either disappear or re-emerge – depending on
which side of the fence you sit on.
So, you want me to activate this event.
We do.
Because otherwise our instruments tell us
there’ll be nothing left of this beautiful earth.
Nothing left? You’re k…
Merry – I think you know I’m in deadly
Ok – you think there’s going to be some kind
of apocalyptic event.
If you call knowing to a 99.84% degree of
certainty “thinking” – then yes, we “think” there’s going to be an apocalyptic
event. It’s as likely as not to involve nuclear and energy weapons. But it’s
not just about Narcissistic, idiotic politicians and deep state officials –
though they certainly play their role.
What then?
It’s the result of the temporary quantum
code which was inserted into our reality – which was only designed to last
until 2012. It’s decaying rapidly and the old stabilities, the old certainties
are coming undone. Unless we activate the Baikal Ism, unless we reconnect to the
underlying quantum field – the reality that has been invisible to us since the
fall of Mu and Atlantis, then we’re going to get sucked down when this field
either fizzles out or implodes – like passengers of the Titanic who failed to
get far enough away from the sinking ship. Everything you see happening in
politics is merely 3D reality trying to play catch up – keeping in step with
the underlying quantum field – as it must – as it always does.
God – this is bleak.
On the contrary – there’s always hope.
Instead of figuring out how in the hell we’re gonna avoid WW3, which looks more
or less like a foregone conclusion – we simply have to direct the public’s
attention from the decaying narrative stream of a manipulated reality – to the
prime stream of a reality which is ready to welcome us back home.
But this is – it’s like you’re asking me to
play God.
No, we’re just asking you to help us to save
the world with a single, simple filmscript.
It just doesn’t sound real.
Nope – but that’s not our concern. That’s
your job – to make the impossible real – by allowing the quantum saturation
levels to rise high enough to bring down the mental shields people have in
place – to give them a whiff – just the faintest whiff of the underlying
reality waiting in the wings – waiting to be rediscovered by a mass
consciousness already bored to death by this utterly stale, stagnating version
of reality.
Holy shit – and if it succeeds?
They you’ll have created a whole new
literary genre – quantumising fiction – we’ll call it. Kind of sci-fi that
actually makes shit happen. Oh – one more thing.
If you agree – we’ll be taking you to Baikal
to do the writing.
Well, you’ll actually need to be in the
field, won’t you, and also, it’ll be easier to keep you alive if you’re writing
You mean there’ll be a price on my head?
Absolutely. A lot of very powerful people
have invested a lot of money and energy in bringing World War 3 to fruition.
They’re hardly going to welcome a thief in the night – dismantling all their
well laid plans, are they?
Once we get you to Baikal – it’ll not just
be our detachments keeping you out of harm’s way.
No? Who else?
She’ll be doing most the work.
Baikal – or the quantum field she apparently

Ah Lady B, at last!
ReplyDeleteshe shines in the finest way in this short story.......................... |(0_0)|