Thursday, November 15, 2018

not here Mr Chelmsworth

At what point Mr Chelmsworth did you realise that we are not actually here?

It dawned on me slowly, incrementally, as I began to notice things not adding up.

Like what?

It was a bit like watching a film where the sound and pictures don’t quite sync.


There were lots of minor contributing factors which got my attention and compelled me to do more homework, but these were really confirming what deep inside I already knew – that we are little more than slaves in a truly fantastic mind machine – an almost impossibly perfect, hopelessly convincing real-ity.



Why the hyphen in “real-ity”? Why not just “reality”, and be done with it?



Is that what they want?



Who are they?

How should I know?

But you mentioned them. You must know who you’re referring to.

Perhaps I do – but the last thing I’m going to do is give them the satisfaction of watching me trying to define them. I’m not a complete idiot.

Er… what’s any of this got to do with being an idiot?

I don’t know. Ask them?

Well I would if you’d tell me who they are.

There – don’t you see them.


Behind you?

Behind me? You’re joking, right?
Pulling your strings – trying to pull mine too. Our puppet masters, except no – I simply can’t say or even imagine what they might be, in fact.

Puppet masters? Is that what you think they are?

Definitely not.

But you said it.

Did I?


Are you sure?

Yes of course. I heard you with my own ears.

Did you really? Or perhaps they heard it for you. Perhaps they implanted the thought in your mind’s ear.

Oh God – this is getting insane.

Yes – it’s bound to get that way the minute one of us refers to them – and is foolish enough to imagine they’ll tolerate that kind of familiarity.

You make it sound like they hate being noticed or publicised.

Of course they do. They like secrecy – don’t they?

I – don’t know. I’ve never even heard of them before – whoever they may be.

Well now you have – but fat good it’s going to do you.

Fat good?

Fat good.

As opposed to thin good?

Or skinny bad? Yes, that kind of thing.

And you think we’re not actually here – that this reality is nothing more than a “real-ity”?

Bravo. Nail you hit on the head. Couldn’t I have it put better self.

My – I think you missed it out.

It might have been a test.

A test?

Of your unweaning pedantry – or summat else I cannot say.

Oh – here we go again. But rather than starting another blank trail – let’s go back and deal with this real-ity of yours.

You’re not still harping on about it, are you?

Yes – apparently I am – not surprisingly. After all – it’s somewhat disconcerting to hear that it’s not the be all and end all we take it to be – tonic without gin, shampoo without conditioner, adam without eve – that kind of thing.

Adam without Eve? What on earth’s that got to do with real-ity?

I assumed…

Big mistake.

I haven’t even said what it was – kindly allow me to finish my sent-

ence. No time.

No time to be polite?

Not if we’re to save the planet.

Oh God – here we go again. Why is it always a question of saving the planet? Talk about Flash Gordon delusions of heroism syndrome!

Actually – saving the planet is little different from, for example, saving your soul or saving the day. It’s precisely what they don’t want.

They, they, they – you’re obsessed with evil, malevolent forces. I like your sense of drama – but don’t you ever feel the need to be a little more er… realistic.

Yes. That’s why I’ve been developing practical techniques to reveal the honeycomb nature of real-ity.

The what?

Honeycomb. It’s only half here.

And the other half?

Appears to be empty –

But is, in fact?

Is in fact – do I have to give it a name? Can’t I keep it vague?

No, it has to have a name – otherwise people won’t know what we’re referring to.

As if.

As if? That’s it?

That’s a name – if you need one – a name that doesn’t commit us too much to a new thing. Hate replacing one thing with an other. Come to think of it – that’s a pretty good name too.

An other? I don’t think so. People will always be asking “what”.

Moving swiftly on.

Oh yes. Time, time –

I figured out how to access as if.

Or an other – and I’ll avoid the temptation to ask “what”.

You simply need to neutralise time.

To what?

Actually, the reverse – to “un-what” – to neutralise time.

But how on earth are you supposed to do that. Time’s not the kind of thing that you can just switch off, is it?

No, but you can as if switch it off, can’t you?

In what way?

Well, it’s a bit like harmonic resonance.

It is?

Yeah. Once you hit the right frequency – then you’re essentially keeping time with time.

And? People use beats all the time – I don’t see much evidence of time itself being switched off.

Because this is a conscious-awareness technique. It’s not enough to simply play a drum or spin around or dance or whatever you like at the right frequency.


No way. You have to set the intention to feel and hone in on time.

And? You really think that’s gonna work?

No. That’s just gonna neutralise time’s wave obstruction.


As long as you’re not in sync with time you can’t really access as if, can you?


But once you’ve hit the right frequency and locked in – then real-ity and as if or an other are now moving side by side and are traversable.


Yeah. That’s when you make your amazing discovery – that the other half of the honeycomb structure isn’t actually empty, at all.


On the contrary – it’s a hive of fascinating quantum effects which can lead into side chambers and entirely different levels of reality.


You suddenly realise that the real-ity you were stuck in previously – is a cramped simulation of what’s really happening in Reality – but you were never sufficiently connected or aware in real-ity to make sense of things or experience the full sensory picture. Not just real-ity itself, but the five senses we were using to navigate its ways are a feeble simulacrum of the full experience required in order to make meaningful progress.

So you mean to say no one’s been making “meaningful progress”? I personally find that hard to believe.

Personally, I understand precisely how you feel, having felt the same way myself. But…


Seeing is believing.

But what about Buddha, or, I don’t know, Albert Einstein?

Ok – Buddha and other masters of consciousness made progress only to the extent that they mastered access to as if, for only then can you move forward onto the next chess square. This is described in the second Alice in Wonderland book – er…

Through the looking glass – yes – I know the bit you’re talking about – but how can you say great achievers in real-ity didn’t move forwards? They helped the whole of humanity to make a step forwards, did they not?


But, you must be able to see that civilisation has advanced, surely?

Civilisation is like bread being baked – first it gets mixed, then kneaded into a squidgy dough, then left to stand and rise, then kneaded again, and again left to stand, then placed in the oven and baked. All this takes time. It seems to be progressing because time is passing and things change – but if you move at the speed of time – you’re not progressing as such.


No. Only if you eliminate time – and reconnect the two halves – and to do that doesn’t require you be a genius or a saint.


Not at all.

Then what?

Just that you feel or sense what is missing, what is not, the absence, the void, the no thing, the other which is astonishingly, unfathomably close, and yet, paradoxically, impossibly far away – being on the other side of Time itself – i.e. beyond the known universe.


Precisely. Big, fat, steaming Er…

So then you reconnect the two halves – and what? You become some kind of enlightened Christ figure? I find that pretty hard to swallow judging by your behaviour over the years.

Ah – now you’re not being logical.

Whyever not?

Because, think about it.

What do you think I’m doing?

If you were still in time – no matter what I said or did – you’d see my actions or words in terms of things – as real-ity. Everything would be distorted through this viewing lens.

Oh – so I’m supposed to believe it’s just the imperfections of my perception which make you appear to be a selfish, arrogant, inconsiderate jerk.

Well – it’s partly your perception – yes, that’s true, but partly also the distortions of the beast itself, the mechanism which translates the great unwhat Is of Reality into whatever is down here – in thingity la land.

I still find that hard to believe! It would have to be one hell of a good mechanism, beast, machine or god to translate enlightened action into crass ineptitude and gross insensitivity.

Oh – you sure know how to make me feel loved and wanted.

ha bloody ha.

But like I said – I don’t have to be enlightened as such, to access as if or an other, do I? I just need to have figured out what is Not – and by deduction notwhat Is. That’s not such an amazing achievement given the fact that Time is basically designed to trigger this process – like a baby knowing when to hit the exit after nine months, or birds knowing how and when to migrate. Time, you might say, is now ripe. We have accumulated or stored a wealth of 3D experience and we’re ready to use that as a basis, or the basis, for our further growth and development – long awaited – I might add.


Brain-tied, aren’t you?

I… yes, I guess I am.

That’s Ok. There’s an other kind of brain – it kicks into action as soon as Time’s out of the way – just as soon as you’re consciously ready to embrace an other, just as soon as you’re ready to allow the two to combine – to collapse the Time machine you’ve been living in.

And on the other side – is it scary?

You bet it is. Freakin terrifying – at times – but nothing an intergalactic, transdimensional being can’t handle.

Ha bloody ha.

I kid you not. Fear is a kind of force – a kind of gravity which to a certain extent replaces the force of so called gravity here in 3D.

So out of the frying pan into the fire. You’re not exactly doing the hard sell, are you?

There’s no need. I have nothing to sell.

Then what’s your purpose in this? Why aren’t you off in the farthest reaches of in-finity – fighting space monsters or rescuing planets in distress?

Like I said – I’m not really here – none of us are in fact – it’s just some of us haven’t yet seen the wood from the trees.

But you’re talking to me – aren’t you?

Not necessarily.

What? Don’t be ridiculous.

When you pass through the quantum stream – you see how things are entangled – in a mind boggling fashion.


And so I can be talking to you now – here in your real-ity – whereas in fact I’m engaging an entirely different aspect or expression of you in an other realm – in Reality.

But – I can see it’s you.

Absolutely. Bloody amazing technology, isn’t it?

Oh come on – pull the other one.

Ok. 1 – 2 – 3

Shit. That is so unreasonable. There should be a law against instantaneous dematerialisation. It’s a violation of everything our real-ity stands for.

Like compassion, love and…

Christ – don’t just appear like that without warning behind my back. Do you have no idea how disconcer...

Yes, I know – but like I said – I wasn’t actually here in the first place. That was just the mechanism slotting me in place, as long as I engaged your tangle-dweeb.

My what? No, don’t even answer. I don’t want to know what my tangle-dweeb is. I know it’s going to be another huge blow to my self-respect, and the foolishly old-fashioned belief which I cherish and hold dear, that I’m actually me.

As indeed you are – notwithstanding other aspects of yourself beyond the quantum divide. Actually, I couldn’t even describe your tangle-dweeb if I wanted to – these things are non-translatable into 3D syntax – though Douglas Adams tried pretty hard in his Hitch hiker’s guide series.

Oh, let me guess, could I be one of the mattresses of Sqornshellous Zeta?

Amazing! How did you know.

God. Leave. Leave me now. I’ve heard enough.

Only kidding – it’s ok.

Well I’m not – and if what you’re saying is true, Mr Chelmsworth – then I myself can tune in to Time and rid myself of your pestilent presence. Tap tap tap

Oh – good for you. Perhaps a little faster.

Shut up – I’m eliminating you – tap tap tap

Fanstastic – you’re nearly there.

Tap tap tap – I don’t believe it – it’s working – it’s – ah ha – as if indeed – I’m here – in the fabled quantum stream and there – oh my God – no – tell me it’s not true – tell me…

To be continued… or not, as if

Cuckoo la

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