Monday, January 30, 2017

the white rabbit

Er Merry, do you have to stand on your head in the middle of the road?

Oh hi Zie. How you doing?

You'll get run over. I'm seriously worried about you.

Yes, but watch what happens. I think there's  a car coming.

Oh my God. Quick Merry. Get over here. Oh God, this is insane...

Watch. Be still.
Something arrests Zie's frantic urge to go drag his friend to safety. Instead he simply observes, calmly, apparently knowing everything's under control. 

The car is driving straight towards Merry. It looks like the driver hasn't spotted him. It's beyond Zie how the man behind the wheel of that 4 by 4 could fail to see brightly coloured legs sticking up into the air in the centre of the road. 

Did you see?

Er,  kind of, I guess so.


How did you do it?

Ah, you think I passed straight through a car, dear Zie? You attribute supernatural powers to me!

Well that's what I saw.

At one level, yes, but if we go deeper into your conscious awareness you'll find a different version of events. Shall we?

Er, yes, why not.

Let's take a few breaths, deep breaths, one, two, three... now kindly fall backwards.


Trust me, let your mind go blank, release or scrutinise, i.e. observe with curiosity any fear you experience and that will do the trick.

But I'll hurt myself.

You'd imagine so, wouldn't you, in the same way you'd imagine I'd be injured by the car that apparently drove through me. Let's suspend our disbelief for a moment or two. Let's treat this as an experiment, or as a kind of meditation.

As an exercise in constructive lunacy.

What an excellent expression. Yes, indeed. Let's do just that, treating it as an exercise in constructive lunacy. On the count of three...

I was joking Merry.

No matter. The moment awaits: one... two...  three...

To Zie's amazement he finds himself falling backwards, having assumed he'd never for the life of him be so dumb, and falling backwards he experiences a curious sensation in the back of his head and his neck, like he's moving in a physically real,  but unfamiliar direction... a sensation that stimulates him to push on further, like the children in the Narnia tales who find the back of the wardrobe is missing, who feel an impulse to go further and see what lies at the back of, or behind the wardrobe. 

Zie doesn't make it down to the ground, he's too busy exploring the z axis, a plain that seems to extend in a curling cone from "behind" his neck or somehow wedged between the two hemispheres of his brain. Sorry for the apparent confusion: these things are supposed to be either/or, are they not, but in this case Zie's sensory perception seems to be divided, running two models simultaneously. 

Where am I, Merry?

Ah, there you are. I was wondering where you'd got to.

I'm not sure if or what...

Yes, that's as should be. It's a neat little corner of your conscious awareness that you've managed to ignore or overlook most of your life.

I feel big and small.

Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

You mean... Alice?

Lewis Carol of course was describing it. "Falling down the rabbit hole" is the entry point.

So what about...

Ah, there you are!

A white rabbit rushes up to Merry, apparently terribly late and stricken with remorse. 

It's ok, rabbity dear, these things happen. We even have a name for it: temporal displacement, describing the way the two sides fit or knit together with a sense of stretching or compression of time and space. That's why Zie is phase shifting between hyper elongation and compression. In a moment he'll click, both sides will equalise and he'll be ready to proceed through yonder door.

Oh, and I always assumed it was my fault for those dreadful sizal convulsions.

Well, if you can stay calm dear rabbit it will definitely ease the transitional process for Zie, and remember that yonder door only ever opens at the right moment.

Yes, I know all that in theory, but the queen, she'll be furious you know.

Yes, she's bound to be, but her fury is a powerful force in our story, is it not, like the Dies Irae in Mozart's Requiem.

Oh, but I do so wish to please her, to avoid these perturbations.

Yes, don't we all, but remember when you were Zie watching me standing on my head in the middle of the road.

Do I have to? I'd rather just be rabbity.

As indeed you are, but you want to please the queen and fix the time displacement anomaly, don't you?

Yes,  of course I do.

Then run with the hares for a moment and see what you see...

The white rabbit, deep in uffish thought, sees himself seeing Merry standing upside down on a road, feels Zie's anxiety as the car approaches, wants to leap into the road to prevent calamity, yet suddenly bursts into body shaking chortling, is all but split asunder by the huge release of Jabberwocky tension, the enormous static build up of charge where the competing narratives, the competing versions of reality don't quite fit, don't quite mesh, fail to intercognate, and rub together vorpally, driving the frumious Bandersnatch shaft-belt of crackling passions and fears, separating the two tales in opposing bands of perception and cognitive dissonance. 

White Rabbit wipes the tears from his eyes as he sees the Mad Hatter apparently standing on his head as a car mystifyingly drives straight through, but now that he's experiencing the frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! now that the Jabberwock is dead, everything falls neatly into place: Zie finds himself standing alongside a door that a moment ago was too small to pass through or too big. Everything floods back into place: the Mad Hatter's time frozen tea party, the grinning Cheshire cat and of course White Rabbit leading the way. Suddenly Zie observes Merry standing contrarywise, at the very storygates of perception, where the three axes of mind, matter and myth meet. 

Ah, there you are! Merry exclaims, in what can only be described as deja vu-fully, except this time Merry is a pipe-smoking caterpillar sitting atop an enormous mushroom. 

Actually, it isn't necessarily enormous, the caterpillar explains, appearances can be deceptive. But now that you're here, why don't you...

Another perturbation in the field of perception and cognition and Zie suddenly remembers how he fell backwards in order to see how Merry was able to apparently dematerialise...

You mean these stories are actually real?

Well yes, of course they're real, otherwise no one would bother to read 'em or watch 'em.

Oh! I always imagined...

Yes, that, along with four and twenty blackbirds was baked into the pie from the outset.

But why?

Along with your why's, where's, what, when and how's, all cunningly masquerading as innocent questions designed to attain answers, but in fact serving to do the very opposite, to feed the Jabberwock of temporal dislocation, perceptual division and cognitive dissonance. So now, if you're ready, isn't it about time you brought the fractals back together?

But there are two many, I couldn't possibly...

True, but I know someone who can.

You do?




What do you mean, Merry?

Whoever's holding the other end of zed or zee.

You mean that ticklish sensation I felt behind my neck, between my head.

I mean whoever's reading this, you know who you are, you know exactly what this means and how it works... There, Zie, we're good to go, the silent reader has felt the gentle ticklish tulgey urgings, the promptings of zed equals zee...

Zero equals one...

One... two...  three...  This time as they fall backwards they feel the z axis extending back/ inwards neurally to first one reader's mind, then another, another, an other... until the whole human network of mind is now integrated, actively holding the field.

You see! Once you've discharged the Jabberwock nothing can stand in the way of  complete reunity.

Oh my! Oh... wow! It feels wonderful to be reconnected.

The irony being it was only ever a back flip away.

You're kidding. Insane.

Apparently not. No more insane than imagining matter, those material forms we defer to so obsequiously, could possibly cause us harm.

But they do, don't they? People die when struck by bullets, trains...

Cars, ballons...

No Merry, not ballons!

You see, you too accept limitations of matter, but no, to address your perfectly reasonable yet utterly false assumption, they don't.

They don't what?

-- die when struck by material objects. You're never actually struck by matter, because each and every object is encased in its own particularity, or peculiarity of spacey-timeness. The axes appear to cross two dimensionally, it looks like they make contact, but they never in factually meet. Only when you allow rational assumptions to get the better of you, mistaking perception for reality, is the 3D bridge complete... only then is matter weaponised.



Then what in fact causes physical damage, if not matter colliding?

Haven't you guessed?

Er...  I could try falling backwards again.

Or you could pause a moment uffishly, in thought.

Oh!... You mean "the claws that catch and jaws that bite", that Jabberwock is what makes things matter, that deals the fatal blow? But how, I wonder.

How indeed is matter weaponised, if not by fear.

Fear of what?

Of falling; of failing; of losing the plot totally.

Nothing more?

What more can there be? Things are only ever as real as the fear underpinning them: fear of nothing being what it seems, and fear of having to finally confront Jabberwock, our deeeply disturbing yet in no way malevolent temporal dislocation. Fear, only fear, is what makes things matter, keeps us as minions in a tale full of sound and fury...  signifying nothing.

But people can't just step in front of a train, that would be suicide.

No, but they can choose to know themselves, to face their fear no matter what. That way is guaranteed to bring things to a head, to reveal the z axis concealed behind/ within. Then it's time to go hunting Jabberwock... to reconnect to story by shorting the circuit as you just did. It's time to story Zie... What's it going to be -- a car, a train, a...

No Merry, I need to find Alice first. She's waiting for me, I think I know where.

For a moment it looks almost as though Merry is disappointed, jealous... but in a flash he starts dancing with barely controllable excitement -- oh frabjous day! Calloo! Callay! He chortles in his joy, beetling buzzily, as Zie allows the neural network of human mind to brush aside every objection of spacey-timeness hitherto interposed between himself and Alice, his storified heroine, as he powers up to befly back into the zed cone's twin vortices of neither here nor there-ness

one...  two...  three...

Credits to

Sunday, January 29, 2017

clickety click

There was nothing to say really.

I don't get it.

Well in-finity is so vast -- one tiny step and you're already in an entirely different frame of consciousness.

Fantastic -- that's like going and visiting another country for the first time.

Yes, kind of, only here the difficulty is that you happen to be the thing.

Er... what do you mean?

Well, when you go abroad you need to take money with you, in some shape or form -- converting your dollars into Euros or vice versa.


Stepping into a different frame of consciousness also requires a conversion as you have to shift your IP address.


Internet Protocol address -- each device has it's own, unique address, and people are no different.

You mean we're devices?

As person -- yes, but as human being -- no.

You can't have both, Merry.

Oh yes I can -- in the same way you can act as a private individual, government official, company executive officer and trustee of a charity -- without having to move anywhere, change your clothes or name, if you happen to be a busy man or woman, employed in various capacities.


So, you have your personhood -- a physical body which is a kind of quantum bio computer if you like...

Not really -- I'd much rather think of myself as just a human being.

And you also have the conscious I am which is being human -- but is in fact simply a being.

Oh. But I don't see why you have to separate the two.

True -- it didn't seem necessary until recently, but now that we've entered the quantum age, and things like telekinesis, teleportation and telepathy are no longer distant pipe dreams, we have to distinguish the being itself -- which is akin to the wave form, and the person and its main attribute, the body, which is akin to the particle in physics.


So there you are -- particle and wave -- capable of existing in various capacities, various configurations, depending on your willingness to entertain and allow a little leeway, a little flexibility in your conscious awareness.


Because if you insist on remaining wedded rigidly to 3D physicality, 3D materiality then you can't shift frames, you can't go abroad. If you insist that you are primarily your person, your person's mind and person body, then for better or for worse you ain't going anywhere.

But if I'm ready to shift frames of consciousness, as you put it?

Then you need to start establishing your hyperdimensional awareness. You need to establish a conscious presence in hyperspace.

I do? Why?

Because what's happening at the moment is that you're constantly slipping out of 3D into other states of awareness, but you have no exchange mechanism, no means of translating your experiences or achievements there into something meaningful here. You might have a stack of currency you've earned over there -- but without an exchange mechanism it remains there, and you have neither memory of it nor access to it when you come back to 3D. The same goes for all your experiences over there. In order for them to become useful here you need to be able to correlate the two, exchange or translate one into t'other.

Oh. But how?

Well not at the level of person -- that's for sure.

Why not?

Because your personhood is IP specific. So if you're shifting frames of consciousness into another reality, you'll have a mirror person there on that side.

So I don't actually physically go there?

Go where? All time and space is a function of consciousness, bearing in mind that zero equals one.

So it's all here?

Of course.

Then why can't I access it directly -- via this person?

You can access it directly via your conscious awareness, hyperspatially. What could be more direct than that?

But I don't really know my conscious awareness. I'm much more familiar with my 3D mind, body person.

You know this reminds me of an excerpt from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

It does?

Yes, the Vogon Captain says: What do you mean you've never been to Alpha Centauri? Oh for heaven sake mankind it's only four light years away you know! I'm sorry but if you can't be bothered to take an interest in local affairs that's your own regard. Energise the demolition beams! God I don't know…apathetic bloody planet, I've no sympathy at all… prior to blowing up the Earth. Your 3D mind-body person is a specific planetary integration vehicle, so it works perfectly for Earth. As soon as you want to shift into another frame, or even just teleport to another place on Earth or in the universe, you're not going to get very far walking in lockstep with the local person.

Why not?

Why do you think? Do you really imagine that the local expression of mind, body person here in 3D is able to envision another, alternative expression while it's giving all its attention to maintaining your vessel, your person vehicle here in 3D?


You, the being, are the one who can see beyond. You're the one who can tune into deepest consciousness, who can send out quantum probes to the far side of reality and track down a mirror site, a mirror confluence of space and time where you can reemerge from in-finity, as if you’ve just travelled ten million miles.

You mean to say that this doesn't actually involve travel at all?

Of course it involves travel. You physically relocate your attention from one IP address to another -- form one expression of in-finity to another, from one expression or frame of personhood to another. If that isn't travel then what is?

But the physical body? Does it physically move?

And how far do you propose it should physically move if both IP addresses are located in cyberspace so to speak, or in the electromagnetics of consciousness?

Well that's just it Merry -- I don't see it that way. I don't see things as derivatives of consciousness. I see things as things -- miles as miles, metres as metres, days as days, hours as hours.

Wonderful. Anything else you'd like to tell me? Perhaps you see dogs as dogs and bananas as...

Look, at least I'm not living in fantasy land.

Ah, that's what you're getting at. Zie, how can I put this -- it looks like fantasy land until you've established infinity drive.


You remember I mentioned the need to be able to exchange experiences, memories, things of value you experience in other frames of consciousness with your 3D person here.


Either you can try to learn individual languages and set up bilateral relations with each and every reference frame/ planet/ reality, or you can establish your very own infinity drive. That is a kind of hyerdimensional interface protocol.

Interface protocol? I'm...

Oh, think of it as a flying saucer if you like, with some very nifty technology on board, that enables you to stabilise your mind as you shift IP addresses, and retain most or all of what you've experienced elsewhere.

Ok -- but is it actually a machine or just a protocol?

Good question. For you at the moment it's the mother of all machines, seemingly capable of practically anything whatsoever... but in actual fact it's a lot simpler -- it's really just an attribute of the conscious-ness -- a kind of program that facilitates hyperdimensionality in any shape or form.

Oh, that makes sense... but why then did you say it’s a kind of UFO if it's really just a protocol.

That's how your mind, body person might see it at the 3D level, but as you advance, as you get to know it better, you'll start opening up new aware-ness which will, little by little, transform how you see it.


In any case, it's a pretty nifty device which cuts through most the interminable garbage designed to keep you locked in one particular frame of reference -- such as this 3D mind, body personhood.

Oh... but I don't see what you've got against...

Nothing whatsoever. This is not about hating, belittling or being against, quite the contrary -- it's about embracing the conscious aware-ness, without which you'll never realise just how wonderful and extraordinary this life/ world/ reality actually is.


So aren't you interested to know how to activate your in-finity drive?


Let me just give you one little clue.

Er... I

There's nothing to it.


Nothing whatsoever... That's the key, you see -- the mind, body person has everything under control and ensures your 3D reality is absolutely consistent, homogeneous and uninterrupted, which is why no thing you do, nothing, will ever help you breach its defences.

You make it sound like being in prison.

Which is precisely what is it... a prison of your own making, which you willingly entered, like hotel California -- you can check in any time you like but you can never leave.


But the 3D mind cannot defend itself against in-finity, because in-finity, by definition, is no thing, is any thing or every thing. It involves activating the z axis.


Well you have the x axis representing time, if you like, and the y axis representing space -- but please don't try to be too literal about this -- then there's one more axis which is forever ignored, forever overlooked.

The z axis.


Which does what?

Nothing whatsoever.

Er... wow! Is that what I'm supposed to say? You’ve just overwhelmed me Merry with nothing.

Ha ha, nothing like a little sarcasm to whet the knife of woeful wit.

Well, now that you've told me to do nothing whatsoever I think I'll be going.

Ok. Good luck.

Er... thanks.

Zie walks off but finds himself back where he started half a moment ago. Merry looks all innocence, like he doesn't know what's going on.

Without saying a word Zie walks off again -- more determinedly, and the same happens. Without knowing how or what just happened, he's back at the same spot he just left.

The third time this happens Zie begins to realise this is not just some minor glitch.

Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten... Merry continues to look incredibly innocent. He's just kind of sitting there, meditating if you like.

Not surprisingly Zie's getting a bit er... frustrated, annoyed, confused -- he's also quietly amused, fascinated, appalled and delighted elsewhere in his conscious aware-ness, but these are less obvious feelings. The f a c feelings are front of stage, so you might reasonably expect Zie to reach breaking point before too long -- either to throw a tantrum or to sink into self-pitying mode -- this ain't fair, why is it happening to me? But surprisingly, none of the above transpires. Just as Zie's about to lose it, just as he's about to freak out big time and launch a tirade against Merry for interfering with his space time continuum -- something, somewhere inside; something, somewhere, unmistakably there -- but not in any place Zie could possibly imagine is in any way part of his 3D-ness, clicks.

Congratulations Zie... You've clicked.

Astonishingly, although Zie has no idea what this means, he knows without a doubt that it's true: he clicked.

Again, the million dollar dilemma. Whether to start asking questions, playing ignorant, demanding an answer, revealing a barely concealed sense of self-pity -- of the "why is this happening to me, this ain't fair, I can't be bothered with this weird shit" variety, or an other -- a first step on the z axis -- a first step towards establishing in-finity as a meaningful, valid, vital part of the conscious aware-ness life experience? which is it going to be? which path does Zie choose?

You know Merry, I never imagined that a click was all it takes.

[smileful pause]

I never imagined that something as minimalistic as a click could totally, utterly change the context of my existence.

[                       ]

One click – and, you know what Merry -- something tells me that that click was in fact no thing whatsoever.

[                       ]

A no thing so intense, or so pure, or so plain that it couldn't be denied.

[                       ]

My mind, body person experienced it as an infinitesimal click, even though in fact it was no thing whatsoever, because 3D reality has no other way of translating nothing into form.

[                       ]

And something tells me this is going to be the first of many clicks.

[                       ]

That each click will be identically, identifiably no thing.

[                       ]

That each click will take me deeper, further, into the void

[                       ]

the vastness

[                       ]

the in-finity that is conscious awareness

[                       ]

that simply is   [                       ]

[                       ]

that is   [                       ]

[                       ]

So I guess I want to thank you, dear Merry, for being my sponsor, so to speak

[                       ]

for introducing me to what I can only assume is going to be in-finity drive


I still can't believe it -- something so minute, so insubstantial, so incredibly faint, and yet so



Welcome back Zie

[                       ]

It's been a journey has it not, but now you've found your z axis

[                       ]

You’re ready to zee as never before, and without further ado, may I humbly present to you...

Zie and Merry both click into [                       ]
and the entire 3D plain of existence folds itself into a hyperpoint of pregnant zee/zed/ sometimes transliterated cy, as in pregnant-cy.

I'd love to tell you what they're doing on the other side of in-finity, but there's really no point.
[What do you mean you've never been to Alpha Centauri? Oh for heaven sake mankind it's only four light years away you know! I'm sorry but if you can't be bothered to take an interest in local affairs that's your own regard. Energise the demolition beams! God I don't know…apathetic bloody planet, I've no sympathy at all...]

You're welcome to join them, and the good news is you're only one single click away from full on, incipient, irreversibly self-propagating conscious aware-ness, if and when you're ready to engage in-finity's mindless thingless-ness. In the meantime, let us observe the two beetles flying through a beautiful pristine forest on a planet that never existed a moment before, but which now has a million years of history or more, thanks to a few clicks as the beetles jump frames, investigating how things have an astonishing, apparently limitless capacity to mould themselves into any narrative whatsoever, just as soon as we're willing to give them the chance, just as long as we're willing to zed or zee triaxially. 

[                       ]




Tuesday, January 24, 2017

the triaxial metrics of zero

Er... don't you think you've slightly overdone this whole zero malarkey Merry?


Yeah -- you go on and on about it,  but we don't exactly see a lot of zeros walking around on a daily basis. We see stuff. We see things. We see...

Ok Zie, I see what you mean. We see things, therefore, it seems reasonable to focus on whatever tangibly exists.


Absolutely. Let's focus on what tangibly exists.

Well -- you're contradicting yourself, aren't you?

No Zie -- we're surrounded by zero -- it permeates everything -- you just don't see it.

How? It makes no sense.

Not unless you realise that left and right, east and west -- are plus and minuses -- and you individually, and your society or culture collectively, are the y axis -- the zero line.

Er... how can you say that Merry? How can things on one side of me be plus, and on the other be minus? They're still just things, aren't they? They're not like matter and anti-matter which apparently explode if they ever meet. What you're asserting... it makes no sense.

Absolutely -- it makes no sense until you realise this is a zero sum game.

A what?

Zero sum game. It adds up to nought. Every plus one can only exist, and only exists, if there's a corresponding minus one on the other side -- and the two sides don't have to be fixed geographically. Everything in nature is spinning, spiralling, rotating. You yourself are yin and yan -- you are plus and minus -- you are matter and anti-matter -- such is the fundamental nature of this paradox. Until you realise the nature of Is -- a kind of wave which amounts to nought -- an upwelling on one side and a down welling on t'other. Bring the two sides together and you collapse the equation -- everything cancels out in a flash -- a flash crash if you like.

God Merry -- you're making it all sound apocalyptic.

Not exactly apocalyptic -- more a case of learning to love and appreciate the wave form -- to feel the connectedness throughout -- to begin to know and experience that you, both individually and collectively, are the fulcrum, the y axis, the zero line between left and right, east and west, plus and minus... a huge factor of immeasurable significance. Once you figure this out, once you feel it, once you undeny it, once you allow yourself to know it intuitively -- you collapse every barrier and obstacle that has been inserted between you and in-finity, between you and the force that is conscious-awareness -- the force that governs, regulates and manifests the two that are one that is nought -- and whether you're looking at it as a wave traversing the y axis or the x -- it matters not -- the simple fact of matter is unchanged -- the sum always amounts to nought, which is as close as we come to defining zero, the total net displacement, if you like.

Er???!!! Can't say I've ever worried about net displacement, still less noticed axes slicing reality in twain, Merry.

No, that's hardly surprising. The flat, two dimensional models which the rational mind finds easier to analyse are misleading, as the axial sine wave is more like a spiralling corkscrew in motion, that merely appears flat when projected onto graph paper -- meaning that your plus one and minus ones are basically one and the same -- either inverted spatially within time, or temporally within space, if that makes any sense.


Yeah -- I know the feeling dude. It's a mind-bender if you start trying to figure it out -- but that's partly because this isn't supposed to be figured out rationally. It's supposed to be gnown.

Typo, dude. That should have been a "k".

Known is gnown as x is y, as 0=1. Ultimately the only thing changing here is your -- your attitude, your orientation, your metrical or matrical configuration.

Hold it Merry, you're doing my head in -- metrical or matrical -- what on earth am I supposed to do with all that?

Your configuration either in terms of the metrics, or in terms of the matrix.

Still lost me.

Yeah -- not surprising in the least. Let's just keep it fuzzy and soundy -- because there's no great need to bend the mind beyond comfortability. Let's instead feel the flux, the flow -- how the entire universe pulses, spirals, collapses and expands from within me -- from within the concealed vastness that I constitute -- that I in fact am. The only force, the only factor big enough, diffuse enough, powerful enough to affect this vast, all encompassing process is...


the breath

The breath? That's it?

Which is the almost physical expression of the so-called conscious awareness -- whatever that might be.

So it's one vague term succeeded by another -- and never the wiser we be, never the twain shall meet.

What on earth are you on about? Of course they meet. If they didn't you wouldn't be here. You are the space-time anomaly, the quantum disturbance, the underbelly of in-finity -- you are where it all comes together and, simultaneously, all disperses back out again.

I am?

Well how else could you be alive, breathing and conscious?

Er... dunno.

Not strictly true. A moment's hard nosed rationalism and there are only a couple of options worth consideration.


There's God -- He did it: he created everything, and I'm the product of his creative spurt.

OK.      Er...


What about Big Bang?

What about it?

Well, doesn't that also explain where everything originates?

Yes, I suppose it does if you like to believe that things can and did come from nothing, for no apparent reason, just because zero reached that extreme point of -- let's call it "anger" -- which as so often happens -- led to an Almighty explosion.

Why the capital "A" Merry?

Because it would have had to have been a transcendental Godlike explosion, to have spawned life and liberty, form and order, butterflies, frogs, tadpoles and caterpillars to name but a few. Wow! Imagine if we could produce such bombs -- what we could do to our enemies! That would show'em!

Are you being sarcastic, Merry?

Ironic. I don't approve of sarcasm Zie.

So you don't think such an explosion was possible?

Possible? Of course it was, or is -- where in-finity is concerned anything is possible. Monkeys can, indeed, write the entire works of Shakespeare, it's just when they do so they tend to shift the field lines and all of a sudden they no longer look like monkeys at all -- much more like an Elizabethan bard.

Oh dear... So you're writing off the whole Big Bang hypothesis?

Why? I love it for what it is.

You do? And what, in fact, is it?

A hypothesis that enables the rational mind of 3D-ers to postulate one sided solutions to a two sided equation. This was a vital fudge. It had to be done, otherwise we'd have had to join the dots or gone one step further -- and figured out how the various axes not only meet at zero point -- but are in fact one and the same -- that 3D space and time is a precursor to hyperspace in which you can hyperlink to any other space or time by navigating the quantum field of consciousness, if you're willing to allow awareness to decouple from any one particular frame and recouple to another.

Dum di dum... I'm happy knowing I know nothing.

Ah -- truly you are an inspiration to me Zie. Now, all you need do is change your "k" for a "g".


Be happy, if you will, gnowing you know nothing -- and thus embracing posive noughtfulness, or positively gnought, you're now in a position to transcend the otherwise impermeable axis running straight through you in three directions.

Three? Why three?

Why not? You happen to have three major axes, if you think about it you should see for yourself.

I can imagine one going straight down through me -- like a y axis would.


But what other axes could there be?

Let go or your time spatial programming -- then you'll see more clearly.

Let go of time and space? What have I got left? That's practically all there is, barring thought perhaps.

Good. Thought and...


And breath. Excellent. Roughly speaking there you have your three main axes.

And with these I can...

Absolutely! You ken, you can, you do and you are, should you so require, should you so wish, should you be willing to really start to play the zero sum game of life -- should you be willing to test the hypothesis and see what happens when you start mobilising your resources -- bringing both sides into play simultaneously -- thus revealing the quantum nature of all that is -- the neither space nor time -- once you've brought things, thought and breath back into x, y and z alignment.






Saturday, January 21, 2017

3D nullification vs gnome

Close the door please Merry.

What door?

It's a bit drafty in here – I thought you left the door open.

Oh, that door.

Merry turns around slowly two or three times and the draft suddenly stops.

Er... what was all that about Merry?

Closing the door – as requested.

But you just spinned around a couple of times. How does that shut the door? Is this some kind of telekinesis?

Yeah, if you like.

I'd like it even more if you'd shed a little light on the subject.

Well there's really nothing to say – you yourself saw me turn around.

But that doesn't explain how you closed the door while standing here. That's weird.

I agree – it’s definitely weird, until you start realising the astonishing extent to which all things are connected.

Uh oh... more woo woo stuff. Can't you give a straight-forward explanation: the kind of thing I can share with normal people?

Yes and no.

Oh give me a break... it can't be both.

On the contrary – it can and is. Yes, I can give a calm, dispassionate explanation, but unless you're willing to navigate the quantum stream – to experience the other side of in-finity, we're basically wasting our time. Nothing will register. Nothing will sink in. Nothing will make any sense.

Oh, so it's my fault, is it? That's typical! Instead of accepting your explanation might be woefully inadequate or plan unintelligible, you put it down to my inability to comprehend. Most convenient, if you ask me.

Why do you imagine an explanation can help you if your own eyes refuse to see what I'm doing, or to register what they saw?

My own eyes? What do you mean? There's nothing wrong with my eyes. I've got excellent vision.

Yes, things you see well, but we're not talking about “things” in the traditional sense, are we?


Obviously not. In the traditional, 3D sense things are all just separate and only vaguely, or indirectly connected, but isly... let me show you what I mean.

Merry does a kind of dance skip and suddenly, out of the blue, the entire balance of probabilities in the room shifts, you might even say "lurches" sideways leaving the room in a heavily photo-shopped state with literally everything redesignated, redefined, redetermined. What had been a bed a moment earlier is now trying to pretend it’s a chicken standing on its head – and not looking terribly convincing – more like a moose trying to disguise itself as a chicken standing on its head. In fact, nothing in the room now looks even remotely like it did a moment before. Reality shock of the highest order.

What the (beep)?

Do you see?

Zie is making apoplectic turkey and goldfish noises if you can give your imagination free rein to complete the picture. He’s obviously having huge difficulties processing and dealing with the disrupted continuity of watching an entire room full of things suddenly, as in instantaneously, rearrange itself for no apparent reason. That kind of thing isn’t officially supposed to happen, not least because the space-time continuum is supposed to conserve energy and religiously preserve the continuity of things, governed by tried and trusted laws of causality. The alternative, an apparently warrantless rethingification, a redesignation or rearrangement of things, quite frankly smacks of anarchy or ludicrously reckless levity, and undermines the very bedrock of reality itself,  namely the fact that it’s supposed to be objectively real, that things are supposed to be unquestionably things, and not subject to sudden, causeless, whimsical shifts of substance, form or location. 


Oh, you’re taking this the hard way, are you? 


Yes, I understand Zie, it is somewhat shocking to see familiar things go rogue like that. 


Indeed, you have my heartfelt sympathy, and yet there really is no other way to introduce this other-way-of-arranging-things-perceptionally meme. It’s all or nothing. Either I pull the rug from under your feet in a friendly, supportive manner, thus enabling you to glimpse the conditional nature of your cosy reality setup, or we’re just blathering about the bush, with no practical awareness of the astonishing paradox we happen to be living in. You would agree, Zie, that as paradoxes go, this one takes the biscuit. I think we might fairly call it the mother of all non sequiturs. Hardly surprising that it’s an existential code red near-death-experience to witness the kind of quantum shift you just did. It’s safe to say, dear Zie, that you’ll never be the same again, I warrant, if you survive the shock, that is.

Umba zefle gwompickery tsenzijalafleh...

Look Zie, instead of focussing on me, the messenger, why not make the perfectly reasonable assumption that you also might in some way be responsible for the transthingation you just observed.

Impossible! How on earth could I be responsible for what just happened? I had no prior knowledge whatsoever. I was merely a passive observer.

Ah, welcome back. Nothing like a bit of righteous indignation to restore a man to his senses. So you really believe it's possible to be a “passive observer” in this quantum day and age, Zie? that you were in no way responsible for choosing to perceive things either one way or t’other, thus tipping the scales. What a quaint notion!

Go on then – explain yourself, if you have anything intelligent to say on the subject.

Well that’s just it Zie, isn’t it?

Isn’t what?

How on Earth can it be “intelligent” if it involves a quantum shift – a retabulation of reality? To be “intelligible” would require you to completely overhaul the nature of what is what, to unpin things from the 2D motherboard of reality, and allow your perception to interface another version in which 0=1



You forgot the period at the end of that remark.

There you go Zie. You’re looking for finality, formality and definity, all of which you can have in so called 3D, at a price.

A price? What are you on about?

A Faustian bargain.

With the devil? You know my views on that subject.

Yes, and you’re welcome to whatever views you wish to cherish and nurture. May they grow big and strong in the rose garden of your mind, but this is not a question of religion or the Devil, per se.


Not in the least.

I’m pleased to hear it – then why did you refer to a Faustian bargain?

Because 3D’s finality, formality and definity which is so highly valued is only possible if you insert your consciousness into the equation in such a way that you’re no longer able to question fundamentals, no longer able to see the wood from the trees because, once inserted, you’re unable to detach and consider any alternative, period

Oh come on Merry – we’re not all blind. 

Then how did I shut that door – and how did the goldfish bowl on the windowsill over there transform into a pair of elephant skin slippers.

Oh my God – elephant skin? That’s gross. You know how I feel about environmental issues.

I assure you no elephants were captured, slaughtered or harmed in any way.

Then how can they be elephant slippers? Is it all just a clever illusion? Is that what you’re doing?

Oh, you’d like that get out of jail free card, wouldn’t you? That way you’d be able to dismiss all this as fantasy.

Well I don’t see how I can do otherwise if you’re unable to explain how these things happen, like where those utterly tasteless elephant skin slippers came from.

Nothing, I mean no thing happened.

Which only goes to prove...

They isnd.


Isnd, without any chain of causality – merely as expressions of the 0=1ness, the infinite fungibility of all that is.

Fungibility – what on earth’s that meant to mean?

That one thing’s as good as another – once you look inside – once you realise that the thingness is but a stitch in time, a moment. Well these moments are only meaningful within a closed system – a matrix – a box which has to be created artificially – by thinking things. The minute you decide you no longer wish to deposit the greater part of your conscious-awareness in the quantum fund that holds 3D together, the minute you realise the implications of doing so – that directly or indirectly you’re funding a system which is inherently unnatural, which seems to enjoy dropping bombs and destroying forests, a system which is attempting to mould the world and humanity into its own gridiron image, which is inherently doomed to collapse under the weight of its internal contradictions – that’s the point at which you unsign the Faustian pact by reengaging, reactivating in-finity drive, thus obsoleting anything less than in-finity.

Obsoleting anything less than in-finity? What are you talking about? You can’t just void 3D reality because it’s a little perverse or artificial! 

Can’t? Watch this...


Nice, isn’t it Zie.

Actually yes, even if it’s somewhat uncomfortable finding my legs attached to the bottom of the sofa and my arms now transmitting wifi signals.

Well yes – it takes some getting used to, but really – it’s a bit like money coming in and going out of an account. You don’t need to hold onto this idea that one part of you is actually you – just because it’s been that way at some point in the past.

Well call me old fashioned – but I quite like being me.

Not half as much as you’d enjoy being the universe, or me, for that matter.

You? – talk about conceited! Have you no shame?

It seems that way – doesn’t it, but it’s actually an honest evaluation based on the fact that I’ve already open sourced myself – so my experience of reality is infinitely more enjoyable, valuable and meaningful than it ever was er ever could have been prior to transitioning.


That I’m neither better nor worse than anyone or anything else...


No – I merely stepped back and allowed the internal contradictions to utterly unhappen me – at which point the underlying isness kicked back into gear – zero being one – and once again I find myself out in the open expansiveness and endless fungibility of all that is.

So you’re eh... not exactly human?

Quite the reverse. You can’t possibly be human, no matter how hard you try, as long as you’re based in the closed 3D system of things.

Oh come on Merry! Of course we’re human.

Up to a point.

There you go.

Up to zero point – no further.

Well what’s that supposed to mean?

That beyond zero point is your true nature – and everything you experience within the black box or black hole of so called 3D reality – is but an approximation, a derivative, a time-space cut-out which is only real because your conscious-awareness is brought to bear – is invested in maintaining and preserving the utterly convincing, yet completely illogical, thingness of me.

Thingness of me – how can you be so disparaging?

How can you allow yourself to be transformed into a sofa, Zie? Do you really imagine I’m a great sorcerer or magician? 

The thought had crossed my mind – an illusionist perhaps.

Uh huh. The great noble mind that you possess can do no better than attach labels and tags to...

Look Merry – instead of calling me names, perhaps you could turn me back into human form.

Actually Zie, the truth is that I never, in fact, did anything to you whatsoever.

Then why am I now part aquarium, part sofa, wifi router and tastelessly gross, politically abject elephant skin slippers? I think I’d have chosen a bit more wisely.

Er... all I did was make it temporarily easier for you to reaccess your very own isness. It’s a slightly chaotic experience first time round, until you've equalised the various potentialities, but the same could be said for entering the world as a baby.

So the minute you vacate my space I’m back to normal?

Naturally. You don’t really imagine you’re actually a sofa, a computer, a... 

Merry withdraws, allowing Zie to sink back down into his normal state of consciousness. A somewhat vacant expression appears on Zie’s face.

The weirdest dream Merry – though at the time I could have sworn it was real.

Yes? Let me guess – you and I were transformed into beetles and...

Before Merry could say another word the other side of the infinity flips into prominence and the two intrepid Zeronauts buzz into a brave new world of psychedelic beetleness, irrespective of...

The weird thing about being a beetle is all this stuff I never even notice when in my normal human state, I mean, how do we get by with such a miniscule part of the overall picture.

Insane, isn't it? But it goes a long way to explaining why we're so determined to distract ourselves with whatever stimulant may relieve the crushing boredom of  3D "reality": drugs, alcohol, video games, murder, sport, problem solving, business, politics, spirituality... the list goes on, until eventually we call it quits and fly off into the sunset, beyond nought.



Friday, January 20, 2017

introducing allful gnot to fill in time

Actually I was always trying to keep it short and sweet.

You didn't have much success, did you.

Nope, not really.

What went wrong?

Oh, you know, getting carried away, trying a little too hard to cram in more than really deserved to be included, or more than comfortably fitted.

And for that we have you to blame for millennia of misery.

Er... don't you think you're slightly over-exaggerating the extent of the problem?

Over-exaggerating? I don't think so. If anything, the reverse is true. It's been hell here on Earth for at least 10 thousand years.

10 thousand years? But I only started the blog a year or two ago.

Blog? What on Earth are you talking about?

Er... blogging. What else would I be talking about.

Blogging? What's that got to do with your creating the 3D matrix.

Oh that... I didn't exactly create the matrix Zie, more I redefined it.

Redefined? Not sure I...

Look, there's always something there in the background of huge significance, almost completely overlooked by the masses until one unlikely sort of person realises a way to turn it into something useful by overlaying some kind of grid. That's what I did with the matrix by inserting 0=1 – but it was only a year or two ago.

No way. The matrix has been around for ages. They even made a film about it in 1999.

Yes, I know, but you haven't figured out the way time works when you're operating outside 3D.

Well that's not exactly surprising is it – to the best of my knowledge I've never actually been outside.

Well, this time thing you're referring to – time, or space, essentially anything you like, even the matrix itself – they're all essentially iterations of the same basic line of code.


They don't actually exist in themselves.


Only if your conscious-awareness takes the bait and elects to run the particular line of code, only if you do so – you're hooked. Suddenly it all seems terribly convincing, terribly real when nicely presented by the hyper-dimensional conscious-awareness, such that your mind here in 3D is utterly spellbound, and nullifies anything that might undermine the illusion.


This has all been discussed by seers, mystics and mad scientists for ever and a day, but unless you get to the point of experiencing it for yourself it ain't gonna make a blind bit of difference to how you lead your life, or what you're able to experience.


Words, words, blah, blah – very overrated, wouldn't you say?


No, if instead of words we start to dig and delve in the living flow, the (pardon the expression) quantum stream, the isness of be – whatever that is, pretty soon you're going to uncover some astonishing stuff; so astonishing in fact that you'll probably drop dead in shock or get assassinated if you blab your head off. Silence, you see, is the essence – so, of the millions of good folk who have stumbled on the truth, the key, or the underflow – whatever you want to call it, which is where things are really happening, things are really evolving, shifting, mutating, mating, interconnecting and collaborating in a naturally thingless state – very few have bothered to speak out, knowing full well it's almost futile, not to mention suicidal, to do so. In any case – once you've accessed quantum stream – dispensing with the "the" as there's nothing definite about it – from that moment onwards you realise that no one needs your help – that all the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. In other words, they may insist that they're miserable and need your assistance, but at the quantum level you no longer identify with people or things in the same way, not least because you see that every person is in fact a summation of, not only the entire universe, but also everything that ever was, will be, and all that is not, the wild joker card flip-side of sanity which I don't want to dwell on, if I can possibly avoid it.


So, that means you tend to leave well enough alone – recognising that humanity is 99.99999999% gnot, as in positively not, in other words a quantum field of consciousness – or call it conscious-awareness if you prefer – I honestly don't care – it makes little or no difference, and as such, it has very little in common with what 3Dly you might imagine reality to be.

So you're just going to let starving children die?

Gnot necessarily – I might run around like a headless chicken squawking about the need to feed and clothe them, and better still, I might personally get involved providing actual physical assistance, but I'll do so without disconnecting from the underflow, the simple truth, the quantum awareness that each of these children is in fact well able to take care of itself, and if I appear to be providing material assistance, it's merely because that may happen to be the path to greater flow awareness, greater isness within be. Those starving children are emotionally so precious to you because they're the ultimate distraction - the ultimate excuse not to take responsibility and recognise that they originate this very moment within your suppression and denial of gnot.

No Merry, that's insane. That's all wrong. Of course I feel responsible for not doing enough. No one should have to suffer.

Yep. I agree.

No you don't. You just said...

Yes – the folly of speaking Isly from within 3D. It's a complete waste of time. Forever, epically lost in translation.


Oh that – you want me to...

Could you quit doing that Merry. Let me finish what I'm saying.

Sorry, I always assume it's already been said, once I get the message.

Oh, so you think you're telepathic, do you?



I mean yes. Only kidding Zie. Look, I don't know, but I guess you wanted me to clear up that time anomaly?

Er... yes.

I just did.


Didn't you get it?

Get what?

Oh God – you mean I've gotta use language? Damn. That'll be impossible. It always pulls one side or t'other – you can never quite say what you mean to say.

Well give it a try. You might succeed this time round.

Er... if I did that would be the end of everything.

What do you mean Merry?

I mean what I say. If I did succeed in conveying the utterly simple truth, the entire matrix would resolve it's internal anomaly, its baseline contradiction, and that would be the end of that.

You mean to say that the entire universe could be destroyed by a word?

Yes, why not?

But it's insane.

Naturally, yet no more insane than the fact that it was created in like manner.

By a word.


You did that?

Well, not exactly – I think the Bible says it was God.

The Bible? What's that got to do with the Matrix.

Well, everything's got something to do with everything else – wouldn't you agree, otherwise what would be the point of things being things within a continuum – if they started claiming exclusivity? That would be the end of the quaint notion you just referred to as "universe".

It would?

Naturally. The universe is only universe as long as it obeys the first law of materia in universum.

Can't say I've ever heard of such a law.

No, you wouldn't have unless, like me, you hacked the operating system of material reality and started playing around with the source code.

Jesus, Merry, I don't know whether to believe a word you're saying or...

So, as they say, a stitch in time saves nine. Technically I didn't interrupt you Zie – I simply switched channels and you never said what you were saying before I made the switch. You were talking about orchids and butterflies in this channel, but we won't go into that right now.

Oh my God.

Yes, it's all fairly apocryphal, wouldn't you agree. So, where were we?


Oh yes, thanks, God created the universe with a word, but not until I created the matrix a year or two ago when I hacked the source code writing my blog.


Don't ask me how – sometimes these things just happen – in any case, everything's so interconnected that anything I did – you did, and vice versa, so I can't claim any credit whatsoever, and in any case, who would want to when you look at the state of affairs.


Actually it was a bit of an accident – I can't say it was ever my intention to – ever my intention – it was ever my intention to create a new forum for being – so there you go, and here we are.


I was rather hoping we'd moved beyond Ers by now – oh damn, the timey thing – it keeps missing the stitch. Er... I've caught your contagion. You realise I'm not really allowed to explain how the timey thing works. You're supposed to figure it out yourself. I think the key is to expanding the present moment which is actually a lot of fun, if you ask me. It's like, one minute you're in a normal 3D space wondering how the hell you're going to make ends meet, and the next you're strolling through the palatial hallways of infinity wondering how the hell you ever managed to convince yourself that you were anything less than allful.


This happens every bloody time. Allful, allful, ay double el eff you el.

Oh, allful! Er... what

Oh never mind. Look Zie, I apologise for being bad tempered with you just now. Patience is a virtue I remind myself every time I skim through the hallways of eternity, just to catch a glimpse of what's new, but you know, nothing much seems to change until, quite unexpectedly, some complete nutter like er myself – inserts a proverbial spanner in the wheel of time.

But didn't you say time's...

Swiftly switching channels – in the machine of mind.






That's better. And that's when you find yourself back in the maelstrom of time and space, space and time, and it's all pretty intense until you figure out how to breathe deeply, deeply, deeply... Click.

Sorry Merry – you seem to have frozen – it was my turn to use the remote control.

Oh my God Zie – this is the historic moment.


When the disciple.




His master...

Click. Click. Click.

And the rest, they say is...



The End

Screen credits. Nice music.
Special thanks to God and everything God is not – herein referred to as great not or simply gnot – an exquisitely misunderstood yet vital ingredient in in-finity, or perhaps this should be um-finity.

I did my best. I kept it short. But things have a habit of running their course, like fractals iterating to Pi's end and beyond, so honestly, what did you expect Virginia?

Thursday, January 12, 2017

failure to speak numberly

scratching the underside of in-finity
i gaze longingly 

breathing heavily
i curl
into world

absolutely not
is never 

strange to say
tapping toe
determinedly i

if 3 is space to turn
and 4 to bend
then 5 

embrace the joyful
ness of never not 
for aye

holding out against
bitter night with no respite

y fiddle dee

read around the
lines between the
words and go no

interfacing all i ever
said i thought i did 
make-y-mad merry sane

holding every thread
holding every speck
of nothing tight 

one two one
two one sighs into 
terminal delight

casting spinning
knitting kneading
splicing thought y time

seasonal weather
gapping canyon mind
with um vortices

my is your 'nt
my am your thing
my live your be

sending messages out
into in-finity

let there be  uh
let there be  um
let three

tomorrow we



Wednesday, January 4, 2017

weaving words between time

ßecause i like the weave of words
that slips through mind space
and time with an easy catch
of line and loon
the weft of thought and word
the counterweight of thing unseen
thing unthought  and things that be
fully brought forth
fully matterfied
in matter's much of nought
a quantum field of dreams

casting lines requires a flick of wrist
requires a gentle  calm  patient  sense
of time's good emptiness
its oh    ah
um  not sure i
know what you mean unless
that inner rhythm
that heartbeat of whymy whym
slipsliding knowingly carelessly
over the rooftops of eternity
o'er the waters therebeneath
 assume the absolute

ah  breathe that sweet fragrant reminder
that here be gods in their infancy
in their natural habitat  playing carefreely
unobserved by man
resting between times
between ticks of sun and moon
as our planetary clock tocks
the ages of man and a celestial orchestra fiddles
our flat-footed poem into espadrilles of song
into leaps and bounds
on the fretboard of merry-goes-round
the world precessing equinoctially
a wobble no less
a motley wobbliness
and therein lies the upturned lips
the chuckle
an irrepressible toothy grin
this strange infusion of humour
into what was supposed to be
a deadly seriousness of thingy thing

ah me   a Juliet sighs affectingly
 the time i knew that words may fracture
into ten thousand splintered snicks of light
slithering haplessly back into open jaws
of tethered infinity
that all our endeavours
every attempt at mellifluousity
at conjuring semblant meaning from
the void of words-fail-to-expressfulness
indeed  can only draw a horse-hair bow
across the strings of what might be
expressed conjecturally
but never known
never fixed in time or space
never certainlied
unless  that is  i   humanity itself
succeeds in painting
time into the very substance
of my breath
the very interlude-cum-internode
the hubbleness of breath o'er mind
mind o'er heart
heart o'er recalcitrant um
 and the rest justifiably
be damned

you see how easy it is
to lose your way
to skid off the hydrophobic skin
of water's otherness
the side of life we cannot ever comprehend
so let me drum my message wordlessly
let it resound throughout
and if you notice primal urges
moving your so called feet
 your so called body
twining or tensing those sinews of
your so called mind until you inadvertently
alligator smile your way onto the front page
of my happy dentistry review of gapeless grins
biding there blissfully unaware
of time's last huzzah
its preternatural whyme
 that will do