Thursday, March 13, 2014

Why we can fly - in which Sigmund and Ezgebon find that gravity matters not

By now we’ve spent enough time talking about “what matters” for the penny to have dropped. Please don’t feel embarrassed or slow on the uptake if you’re still blissfully unaware of what “matter” amounts to. This is not a race and each of us learns at whatever speed or rate of return is most appropriate. High risk investments get a better rate of return, the hare runs ahead of the tortoise, figuratively speaking, but there’s a reasonable chance they may crash leaving you with nothing.
But for those of you who have felt a kind of itchy-scratchy sensation that led to awareness of something you’ve never felt before – either that means that it’s time for you to get your handkerchief ready as you’re about to sneeze, or that you’ve arrived at the heart of matter.
“The heart of matter?” Let’s insert a gloriously rhetorical “oooh!” and “aaah!” as, simultaneously, members of our studio audience express their surprise, wonder, confusion and concern... We try to keep the audience a mixed bunch so there’s always a broad range of reasons for any given involuntary response.
One more time, for additional rhetorical effect, all together now: “The heart of matter?” and already the still nebulous “what on earth’s that?” is condensing in our minds.
Interesting, isn’t it, the use of the expression “what on earth?” given the subject under discussion. For indeed, “what on earth” could well be described as the heart of matter! at least, for those of us currently inhabiting this fair planet. For g-nomers on other planets, and there are many out there so let’s not be too parochial in outlook, it might as well be “what on Zarkon is that?” or “What on Jemerol?” But the overall message is the same – that for each of us, the planet does indeed seem to be the “heart of matter”, and all of us find ourselves attached to its surface by a little understood force known as “gravity”.
Now, gravity, as you’re well aware, is explained by science as “a force pulling together all matter. The more the matter, the greater the force...” rather unsurprisingly. My mind starts to grapple with something strange in all this – something I’ve always previously taken for granted: “So, let me get this straight: you’re telling me that the force that keeps me stuck to this planet and so assiduously prevents me from flying to another is merely the result of Earth being er... a more massive body that just happens to attract me a much smaller body, merely by virtue of its massiveness? and I’m powerless to do anything about it?” Somehow this doesn’t quite pass the smell test. I’ve spent enough time at g-nome to suspect this truth ain’t the whole truth.
The 3D scientist hears my question but doesn’t like the word “powerless”, so he prefers not to give a straight answer. He prevaricates and squirms a little sideways... “You can do something about it” he replies “if you use power to overcome the effects of gravity – lots of power – a rocket load of power burning oodles and oodles of rocket fuel and making a fearful din.” Well, I don’t know about you, best beloved g-nomers [bbgs] but I don’t much like the idea of using such noisome, shuddering, shaking and violent means to escape the earth’s gravitational field. I rather feel, in a quietly confident, peaceful and unaccountably certain sort of way, that there must be an alternative. And yet what? Proverbially speaking, I scratch my head, and apply the quantum computing power of g-nome portal’s “tis no matter” collective Mind.
“Tis no matter?!” the very name of the quantum computer system that keeps g-nome portal at the cutting edge of conscious-awareness – could it be? Surely not? It couldn’t be that simple....?”
What? What? ...another part of my mind is desperately trying to work out what the brightest kid in class saw long ago.
We are a collective – this is, after all, the quantum mind, so there is no “first” or “last” – that’s what our team trainer and oneness therapist tells us constantly – and yet... I always seem to be the last to get it.
“Tis no matter” Ezgebon the Nutty (but extremely brainy) patiently explains... “Surely this indicates that matter is itself the product of 3D mind, rather than existing independently.”
No!? How could that be? Surely matter is matter, regardless of my mind? 
“You’d think so, in your right mind,” assists Ezgebon, “but in actual fact, it turns out that mind itself is what makes things matter – simply by minding what matters. That’s why we here at g-nome so persistently refer to 3D mind as “I-mind/what matters”.
Well, I know that’s what we call 3D mind, but isn’t this taking it a bit far, saying that the mind itself creates matter? I mean – surely something is something regardless of what my mind thinks?
“Again, that’s what you’ve been trained to believe, and it’s absolutely true as long as you’re operating within 3D reality, but just as soon as you move beyond 3D it cannot any longer be true.”
Whyever not?
“Because in order to move beyond 3D mind you simply have to leave behind/ evolve beyond I-mind/what matters. Doing so you find yourself in another mindscape, and that means a wholly different reality.”
And what? You’re saying that beyond 3D reality matter no longer matters? That gravity no longer applies? That you can fly around like bees?
“Well, yes Sigmund, you know we can. How else do you think we’re able to beetle around. We don’t just fly inside the beetle as a pilot in the plane: at a certain point we physically become the beetle – something that would be impossible in 3D reality. We transmorph.”
Well, obviously, but that’s just a kind of magic isn’t it?
“Yes, Sigmund, that’s one way of putting it, but in actual fact it ain’t magic at all, it’s scientific fact. We’re able to beetle around and escape the gravitational pull of Earth and even escape our human form, which is also a body, simply because we’re no longer trapped within and bound by the logic of I-mind/what matters... “
So, if that’s true, Ezgebon, I should be able to levitate just like that? Without even using the beetle template.
“Should, of course. What’s stopping you?”
Well, I’ve never really tried. I always assumed it was impossible.
“There you go. Just accept the obvious – in order for you to be here in g-nome portal you already had to escape the Earth’s gravitational pull.”
But g-nome portal isn’t floating in space above Earth... It doesn’t need a rocket to get here.
“Actually, it’s in various places at once – a bit like our thoughts or internet data. Part of g-nome portal is within the Earth, or whichever planet the operative originates from. Another part of it is at the galactic centre – in the massive black hole... and just think how much power would be required to escape from that if we were using conventional physics and rocketry.”
Ok, Ezgebon – let’s not get carried away here. One step at a time. The bottom line, you’re saying, is that matter only matters, and gravity only holds us down, as long as we’re locked in the 3D mind.
“That’s about right – but I’d add one thing. You see, gravity isn’t exactly what scientists currently describe it as. Instead of focussing exclusively on the force holding you down, you should think more in terms of gravity being a sandwich, like a pair of hands, holding you in position. That’s why it’s so effective. People, without realising it, are terrified of being released and falling off, flying uncontrollably into infinity. This fear is, in fact, the force that keeps you overwhelmingly grounded, as opposed to gravity itself. Gravity is just the natural inertia within a system that means that things tend to get cosy together and prefer to stay together until a greater force, impulse or desire separates them and leads to a new configuration, a new pairing – but always, always, there will be a new gravity sooner or later – the raindrop will always find a new surface to attach to, even if that surface be the ocean or an iceberg floating on it.”
So, if that’s the case, if gravity’s more a form of mild inertia, and in fact it’s the fear of the unknown, the fear of the infinite that keeps me heavily weighted down, then I simply need to confront my fear to unweigh myself – to come closer to my natural weightlessness.
“Yep, that’s right Sigmund, but remember, you’re never going to unattach from the gravitational sandwich simply by dealing with fear alone, the negative. You also need the positive: the impulse, the desire to go somewhere, see something, participate in another level of awareness. Once you’ve allowed this impulse to grow – it stretches its wings, and without you knowing how, you’re airborn and never look back. You’re flying without the foggiest how, but that doesn’t matter  – for the experience is everything and it’s just like learning to swim or ride a bike – all of a sudden you click, as if you’ve always known how.”
Ok, that’s been helpful Ezgebon. I appreciate your mathematical assistance. What do we need to tell our sceptical g-nomers who are just starting out – who imagine this is just a hypothetical discussion and not absolutely for real?
“Tell them nothing.”
Oh come on Ezgebon – that’s being defeatist.
“No it’s not. I have absolute faith in each of them. All of them are butterflies in the making, but until they’ve gorged themselves on 3D reality they won’t be ready to chrysalise and grow wings. The trouble is, some of them are afraid to gorge themselves on 3D reality, preferring to turn the tap to the merest trickle in the fear that the barrel might run dry before they are complete. They need to trust reality – that it’ll last just long enough for them to evolve, to outgrow it – not a moment longer. At that point when they can drink no more, they’ll pupate and then, before you know it, the butterfly miraculously emerges, glorious painted, huge, completely impractical wings, and a new world, a new reality opens before them, with a mind to match.”
But maybe just a few hints?
“Look Sigmund – you think you’re trying to help but actually you’re treating them without the respect they deserve. Each person, each one of us, is equally enlightened in his own time, at his own pace. We have to learn it for ourselves. We have to go with our own life-journey. There’s more to life than “learning to fly”. If your beginner g-nomers are inspired by their interactive experiences here, they’ll simply start becoming more aware of what lies beyond I-mind/what matters; they’ll start asking their own questions, doing their own research, and before too long they’ll bump into Master Wu who’ll help give them a firm grounding in the tree of consciousness. Everything else happens as naturally as blossom turning into a seed, falling to the ground and an acorn sprouting into a new oak. Why rush the process? Why not enjoy each step of the way – for life itself is the beautiful wondrous mystery, that is here for the living, not to be forced, overcome, quenched or quelled.”
Ok Ezgebon, I’ll say nothing. I won’t even share this conversation with them.

“Very wise,” said Ezgebon as he dematerialises before Sigmund, and somewhere on the other side of the universe, a wood beetle emerges from a dank tree trunk, eager to go and find some tasty grubs.


  1. He thought he saw the Pulling Force
    That Wouldn't Let Him Drop:
    He looked again and found it was
    Matter That Matters Not.
    “Don't be so Grave”, he said, “Escape
    The Gravity of What!”.

    1. Gravitational Sandwich? What a toppin' name! Speakin' o' names, I know a man with a wooden leg named Smith...
