Monday, February 26, 2018

things squared

Endless drama – ain’t you sick of it?

Er… I suppose I’m supposed to say yes, but if I’m being honest…

Honest? Why on Earth would you want to be honest? When’s that ever been of use to anyone?

Ok D, I think it’s time you butted out of this conversation. I’ll have Merry back if you don’t mind.

Can’t take the drama – is that it?

One – two –

Alright – alright – I’m going – no need to be offensive and rub my nose in the…

I did ask you nicely D, but you appear to be somewhat confrontational today.

Yes, I’m practising drama.

Now why would you want to do that?

Don’t you know?

Er… humour me. Kindly assume I don’t.

Ok Edgie, let me show you a picture which is worth at least ten thousand words [tp-transmission fig. 1]

Ah yes! I see what you mean.

Yes, but they don’t, so kindly elucidate.

Oh – my apologies dear readers, scattered through space and time. Now, how best to put it? It’s a bit like breaching the boundaries of our intellectual lethargy, or our complacency. High drama can shift us into other frames of reference, into other energies, thereby assisting our 3D topographic curve’s depth-height displacement.

I think you’ve lost ‘em Edgie. What on Earth is “3D topographic curve displacement” supposed to mean? Even I have trouble understanding that, and I’ve seen the telepathic transmission.

Oh dear – it’s harder than I imagined, trying to explain what’s really simple when you see the figure at first hand.

Ok – people assume they’re in 3D reality – true?


But actually, the way the mind works, the 3D reality is more or less squashed into a flat plain – thereby rendering 3D 2D.

Oh – yes.

Any data coming in which doesn’t fit neatly on the 2D schemata – type of map – is either ignored or reformatted.

Yep – that’s it.

So almost nothing gets through as long as you’re in the mean.

Mean as in average?

Correct. Mean as in homogenised, standardised, thingified.




Things are only things here in 3D.




Outside 3D things are open ended – they are suggestive – like stage directions – but they aren’t yet collateralised.

And how are they “collateralised” as you put it?



You. They form a kind of ionic or in fact a covalent bond – sharing electrons, so to speak, with you.

Huh… with me?

Absolutely. In the same way you have an animal and vegetable side to you, you also have a thing side, your thinking thoughts – which like nothing more than to exchange electrons with surrounding objects, near or far.

To what end?

To become part of the material world, the physical reality – to better study, experience, research and feel the world of things – which, let’s face it, is not an insignificant part of the greater whole.

Ok – so it’s not all bad.

Not at all. It’s fascinating – except that you forget that you are not all you seem – that these things stop being things the minute you withdraw back into your essence, your 0=1, your non-ionic state.

And this is possible?

Of course. Everything’s possible – but as you’ve rightly guessed – it’s well nigh impossible once you’re comfortably ensconced in the world of things-matter.

Right – which is why we need drama?

Well, I find drama works for me – but there are other ways of doing the same.

Like… meditation?

Yes – you can just as easily achieve the same results by coming back into your essence through meditation.

And what then?

Then it’s a question of allowing your awareness to unfurl.

How do you mean?

It’s like a sail that’s been furled away. Until you unfurl it, you can be detached from things, but still have no clue of the all-that-is surrounding you – which is you inside out or outside in.


Wag your tail. There is nothing in the universe or beyond which is beyond range, beyond the scope of your conscious-awareness, your field of conscious-ness.

You mean to say…?

Yes, I do. There are moments when it’s necessary to start drawing on your greater you – revitalising the link which remains inspite of your lack of awareness or failure to perceive it.

So I can just become an intergalactic entity – like that?

Not exactly. Remember the spy novel’s “need to know” information sharing protocol – well the same is true here.

Need to use?

Yes – you have access on a need to use basis, as well as a safe to use restriction. You’re not generally able to tap into energies or awarenesses which would endanger you or the world around you – so a certain amount of getting things straight, putting the house in order, is required if you are to proceed.

Because I might be a danger to myself or others?

Absolutely. It’s like a super-charged racing car. Unless you have the necessary degree of self-restraint you would just crash it in minutes, in your excitement, or desire to show off.

Oh. Yes, I suppose I might.

So the system itself is aware of you and your aptitude or readiness to handle higher energies, higher awarenesses, and restricts them unless/ until you’re ready.

Do I need to pass some kind of test?

In a manner of speaking, yes, but nothing formal as such. Obviously, to get yourself ready for the cosmic or quantum side of things is going to require some training exercises beyond 3D – which is why we need either meditation or drama, to build your awareness. That’s a bit like a baby kicking its legs in the air for weeks and months before it can actually crawl or walk, gooling and gaaing before it can talk. It’s a way of giving your higher consciousness as well as the Universe itself the message that you are ready for the next stage of the proceedings.

And you think the Universe actually listens?

Without a doubt. What else has it got to do? Without you the entire universe amounts to nought.


Yes. So start to practice now – start experimenting – to feel how there are field lines or wheels reaching out beyond what you can imagine possible – that you are in fact a hub connecting every which all.The minute you stop insisting on 3D exclusivity – the game, the song, the dance of All that is – starts to reveal itself – starts to reveal the fallacy of things, the covalence of matter – deep within you, in your very thoughts.

Oh God – why me?

Here – catch this.

What the he.. a fish? Where the he.. did that come from.

Language Edgie. In fact, you know perfectly well where it came from, but I wonder what happens to the fish if you activate your conscious-awareness and observe its covalent bonds?

Oh… ok.                =-*^()(%%&^    a line of code!

Weird, isn’t it?

You’re telling me. So what about this line of code   !”$£^$@:{}kjew45

Very amusing! Tarzan swinging through the jungle, shouting his lungs out.

You mean to say we can turn anything back into code?

I don’t mean anything – let me be clear – but if you think I’m going to work at a snail’s pace copy-pasting code in the box, you’re mistaken.

How then?

Dance, play – in short, drama. It’s like html. It gets written automatically. By far the best way to up the ante and reach the critical, boundary bending speed of thought…


Sunday, February 25, 2018

the darkest i

the darkest

feel it  do you?


your world falling to pieces  nothing left to defend
nothing left to hold onto


you thought  you hoped things would change
you thought  you hoped that things would change from the worst  that a shift was long overdue


but things dragged on  and on  and out  and one by one all the great voices of change died and still


still we’re here  sinking still further into mrak


into long dark nightdom  into mordor  into mrak
filthy cold dark  and now you know


you know  that this is personal  this is not in any way detached from you


it waits on you  on your despair  on your white towel thrown  your sell sell sell capitulation


for only then  only then  only now can things turn around  only when you accept the death of all you dreamt and hoped for


one  two  three

you mean to say that the system... the hologram... reality is watching me... waiting for my capitulation?

of course... how else?

but that makes me sound like I’m the centre of creation, the centre of things...

and where else, what else do you think you could be?

i      don’t know

no...  of course you don’t...  quite deliberately


to know would be too much to bear – to know how things are inter-connected, inter-woven magically... would be a dimensional shift, a whole new paradigm

words, meaningless words, easily spoken, promising the Earth yet delivering nothing



catch a load of this

what? what are you doing? take it away... off me... i


i can’t move  breathe  i  no  it’s suffocating me

only words, surely you can see?

but they, these words are heavy, thick, accursed

accursed? only words, i assure you

let me go

i can’t  you have tied yourself to a way of seeing things, a way of perceiving which fails to recognise your power, your mastery, you have made yourself the darkest corner, the darkest line of code, for you have accepted the lie, the falsity, the grand fraud perpetrated on mankind and on you


that you are powerless, that you are merely one, that you cannot, must not dance with the darkness when it strikes, when it chills your bones, paralyses your spirits, your mind, your light


have become the devil you deny, the one to uphold a fool’s tale which has no hero, for you refuse to step up and play your role






you... until, unless you die creatively  until, unless you give the night back to the darkest and dance the demon devil back to front  until, unless you ken what lazily you claim to know, and kenning konig king your self back onto your kon’, your horse, bringing back the positive aspect of night, the kenight, the knight, ken i ght


kenow, your intuition cannot lie

ght? ght, no vowel?

no vowel, rightly so, pure masculinity

as in ghd?

as in ght








mm  0=1


observe the heaviness, the magnetic gravitational pull that keeps you locked down 3Dly until, that is, until you be ready to embrace  engage  quantum flow  in-finity  the all that is  until you process negativity  otherly  finding the beauty within the Devil dance of letting go

letting go? in weakness, in despair?

letting go of the last final thing  preventing the change from coming in

the belief that i

the belief that you

am able to separate myself from it

and differentiate

and differentiate what not is

and differentiate what not is holding yourself aloof  apart  a thought thing

until that thought thing comes back to haunt me at the end of day

end of time

when i fail to king,  to ko-ni-ght  to let go of the matter in hand in order to re-embrace the naga naked all, the owl, the eel, the el, the gold-silver royal Or

so give me the night, beloved all that is, give me night that i may dance back the dawn

Come, civil night,
Thou sober-suited matron, all in black,
And learn me how to lose a winning match
Played for a pair of stainless maidenhoods.
Hood my unmanned blood bating in my cheeks,
With thy black mantle, till strange love, grow bold,
Think true love acted simple modesty.
Come, night. Come, Romeo. Come, thou day in night,
For thou wilt lie upon the wings of night
Whiter than new snow upon a raven’s back.
Come, gentle night, come, loving, black-browed night,
Give me my Romeo. And when I shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night
And pay no worship to the garish sun.
Oh, I have bought the mansion of a love,
But not possessed it, and though I am sold,
Not yet enjoyed. So tedious is this day
As is the night before some festival
To an impatient child that hath new robes
And may not wear them.

Friday, February 23, 2018

dancing with D

You’re out of your mind Merry.

Yes, that sounds about right.

Please don’t tell me you’re serious.

No, I’m certainly not going to stoop that low, but this doesn’t alter the fact of the matter.

It has to be a joke.


Otherwise – I don’t know what I’m going to do.

You could try doing what I do.

Dancing with Satan?

No, not Satan. Who do you think I am.

Phew, that’s a relief. I thought you’d finally lost it.

The devil, not Satan.


Look, Edgie, I know you imagine they’re one and the same…

Imagine? Of course they’re one and the same. What kind of blundering blockhead do you take me for?

Uh… a kind, conscientious blundering blockhead – though I don’t generally think of you as a blockhead – blundering perhaps, up to a point, but not a blockhead, except very occasionally.

Would you quit messing around.

I can try.

Rome is burning and you’re cracking jokes.

Look Edgie, this is much more a matter of semantics, or dare I say it “definitions” than anything more sinister.

No – it – isn’t. You don’t joke about the devil where I come from.


You certainly don’t start playing around with semantics – devil, demon, Satan, Lucifer – they’re all much of a much – probably one and the same, as far as I'm coconcern.

Yes, as far as you know they are all but indistinguishable, but then again, I’m not you, am I?

No, but that doesn’t alter the fact.

True, it certainly doesn’t alter the facts concerning what you know, but that doesn’t mean you are prohibited from receiving and appraising information from reliable sources which may alter the complexion of what you presently know and think.

Endless sophistries and subtleties – you’re like the devil himself Merry.

Do you think so? Can’t imagine why. But "in all seriousness", as you like to put it, there is an important matter worth your careful consideration.



Well, aren’t you going to tell me what it is?

Yes, I was simply looking for the best entry point – but none seems to be forthcoming.

If you’re being honest and reasonable then you don’t need to try so hard to sell your product. I’ll judge it on its merits.

Ok Edgie, it just you have been known to exhibit certain… [telepathic transmission: code 42]

Virulent prejudice? I…

Not that I blame you in any way.

Blame me? How can you call a deeply engrained fear and loathing of the dark lord prejudice?

I can’t. It’s entirely natural given the circumstances, but this has nothing to do with him.


It’s more a question of your well-being, and your healthy development.

What’s wrong with my development. I don’t see myself as being under-developed.

No, you’re certainly not under-developed, perish the thought, but your fear and loathing of, how did you put it, “the dark lord” stands in the way of

what? enrolment in his army?

Actually, you’re paradoxically more likely to be a member of his army if fear and loathing are left unchecked.

But they’re my shield, my spear and my defence against his wiles and attacks.

Well yes – that’s how it looks at first, but in actual fact he’s present wherever there is fear and loathing – so no, we need a different approach.


It’s obviously counter-intuitive – you want to pull away, to fight, to resist, to let that sense of horror and repugnance strengthen you and fortify your defences, however, doing so you bring the Trojan horse in through your city gates: the enemy is already embedded in your very citadel, keeping hidden, working silently, without a trace, infiltrating your institutions, quietly twisting, subverting them, fanning the cold dark inverted flames of fear, ensuring that the stealthy enemy, like cancer, penetrates throughout the body politic of your inner state.

God – you make it sound so…

Yes – it’s a truly masterful system of reverse engineering, or negative feedback, which more or less infallibly ensures that the darkness and light within you and the world at large, truly reflect your mental-emotional state.

Wait a minute – you said “the world at large” – you mean to say that the entire world can be affected by my own decision to embrace darkness of light? That makes no sense – I’m just one of seven billion – a drop in the ocean. You must be mistaken.

Yes – I must be mistaken – in terms of 3D reality you couldn’t possibly matter so disproportionately, yet the forces of darkness and light, the quantum flux if you like, have little to do with 3D reality.

I’m sorry – your “quantum flux” as you call it would put the future of the entire planet in my hands, and at the same time, in the hands of everyone else. Somethings doesn’t add up.

Thingly – you’re right. The maths only starts making sense when you begin to appreciate the nature of reality.

I fail to see how…

Oh my God.

Yep – pretty mindblowing isn’t it.

You mean to say that each of us master minds his or her own reality holographically?

Pretty much yes.

Insane. So how come no one notices all these different concurrent versions of reality. There must be certain copy paste moments, or cut off points in which one reality separates from or connects to another.

Again, your mind’s trying to think this through thingly. In actual fact it’s more like this: [telepathic transmission: code 8]

You know, Merry, that if you’d said that in words I’d never have been able to accept it.


Why is that, I wonder?

It has to be seen and experienced directly. Words can only trigger a response based on something you’ve already experienced. The quantum field is too vague, too abstract until you’ve experienced it at first hand. Once that has happened – it’s both obvious and irrefutable. Suddenly you see it everywhere, all the time. Suddenly you realise the totality of your reality experience – the primacy of your own conscious-awareness – for you just happen to be the point, actually the zero point, where all the threads, all the strands come together and add up. The equation is resolved through your conscious-awareness, through everything you’re seeing, hearing, thinking, feeling, aspiring to, not to mention denying, negating, resisting, opposing, concealing and voiding.


Indeed. Big fat hairy O.

So there’s this supreme power at the tips of my fingers, if and when I stop insisting things are things, objectively, out there, and thus are detached from me.

Correct! Once you start becoming aware of the quantum flux, you realise that every thought, every observation affects, redefines, repurposes the 0=1 of all that is. In other words, you now have what hitherto you might have referred to as “magic powers” – which are not, in fact, so much “magic” per se, as a sensitivity to the flow, the polarisation, or even, the differentialisation of the quantum isness – whatever that might be.

Holy smoke.

Yep. It’s obviously a mouthful – when put into words – which is why this requires a different mode of communication.

So that’s why you insist on attacking taboos, is it?

More or less, yes.

We’re never going to engage the quantum field, so to speak, as long as we’re insistent on the old either-or dualistic dichotomy, correct?


But why can’t I just meditate or deal with this in a calm, sober fashion? Why do you need me to – I don’t even want to say it – something’s preventing me!

Which is precisely why. These taboos are incredibly powerful. They define and determine who or what you can possibly be. We’re not in this to reject what is true – but rather to reinstate "both" into an equation which at present only countenances either or.


Not to mention neither.

Both and neither – simultaneously?

Correct. Both, either and neither. Anything less mandates that you’re duality bound which means it’ll take a violent convulsion every time it’s necessary to switch sides – like a pole shift.

Oh. But how…

How what?

How can it be both, either and neither – simultaneously?

Funny, isn’t it.

Funny – it’s insane: both one and zero, either one or zero, neither one nor zero… A recipe for complete incoherence, intellectual barbarism.

So you’d imagine – until you decide to engage the field rather than ignore it or fight it.

Ok. So this is where you reveal your royal flush.

Yep. What would definitely be devilish, evil, and to be avoided at all costs in 3D reality, becomes necessity once you’re operating, engaging, navigating the quantum field, stream, flux. Apologies for the endless triplications, but nothing less than three will do, where triality is concerned.

Oh God.

Long story short – instead of giving yourself a nose bleed, attempting to process mentally 0=1, do yourself a favour, take my advice, dance with D

You mean the devil?

I mean D, which in 3D is transposed to be “the devil”, rather like a shadow might represent a tree, a map – a country, but is in fact quite different in the dynamic experience when danced.


For once you’re dancing with D – your mind, body and feeling-ness take you where the mind couldn’t possibly go – rather like riding a bike – you just get the feel for what it is and how to do it.


dancing with D ensures you’re no longer binding or bound – no longer holding or opposing, no longer thinking or thinging zero or one which means…

You’re wasting your time Merry

Yes, I know I’ve lost you, but that’s ok

It is?

Yes, because a slither got through

A sliver?

A shard


A tiny part of you felt/ saw/ knew


And that’s enough.

I fail to see

I know, but dancing has a vision and a mind all of its own – and as long as you’re dancing with me – you’ll cease…

What? with whom? with you?

You spin me right round baby right round like a record baby right round round round







[telepathic transmission: code 6]

Correct Edgie.

[telepathic transmission: code 11]

Yes and no

[telepathic transmission: code 23]


The thing that blows me away is the inordinate lengths we went to…

Insane, isn’t it

To convince ourselves that this was it… that things truly matter, truly count, truly **8*

Excellent. You’ve just introduced an entirely new element into 3D reality for the first time.

Sadly none of the 3Ders can hear it

No, but they’ll become aware of it in the course of things – in fact, they already are, and some of them will start to question where it came from, how it came to be and ***s

Brilliant. I love it DM

Satisfying, isn’t it. So perhaps, you’ll agree that the whole of space and time and human experience was well engaged, well employed, well assigned now that things are back on track, quantumly

Aye, indeed, in deed, indee D

[tele-empathic transmission: code red]


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

D does not

So there are all these dark, scary things it's better not to talk about -- because people will get upset.

How do you do that?


What you're doing now.

I'm not doing anything.

Exactly. How do you do that.


You may be doing nothing -- but from my perspective you seem to be levitating and shifting through various different colours and shapes. How?

Oh that...

Well? Can't you explain?

It's always boring if I explain it. Why don't you try figuring it out for yourself.

It makes no sense. You're doing nothing but things are happening to you, through you or around you.

Well? Listen to the silvery voice of logic. What does she say?

She? I always thought logic was a masculine.

Who cares -- he, she -- what does it tell you?

Well presumably...

Yes, you're right.

But I didn't say it.

Sorry -- I jumped the gun.

Well kindly don't -- otherwise the reading public won't have a clue what's going on.

Oh, they probably figured it out long before you.

Not all of them.

The ones that count.

Kindly stop making elitist remarks like that.

Ok, ok.

So, as I was saying, before you so rudely interrupted my flow -- this reality we're in is not, in fact, constant. That's why things appear to be moving, shifting, morphing the minute you truly start doing nothing.


Which begs the question.

Yes, it does.

I thought we agreed you weren't going to do that.

Sorry. I forgot.

Like hell you did.

Hey -- quit expleting.

This is beyond ridiculous. D, the evil one, is now holier than thou, chastising me for expleting, as he puts it. This pole shift must be advancing more rapidly than we thought.


So, how do I do nothing.

You don't.

Well obviously, but if I want to, how would I do it.

Like I said -- you don't.


As soon as you start trying to do something you're already off patch.


In order to don't you simply need to synchronise yourself -- or tune into the quantum field, if you like.

Ah -- finally some useful information.

Want to know how to do it?

Yes, but I expect you're not going to tell me. That's what you usually do, isn't it.


Annoyingly predictable.

Excellent -- take that last expression

"Annoyingly predictable"?

Yes, and rework it, DJ it, remix it.


Play it. Feel it. Breathe it. Dance it. Be it. Chase it. Watch it float into the air, like a snowflake. Allow things to come unglued, unstuck, unwound by syncopating, by unticking the regularity of local time's tock tock tock. In short, stop assuming you're bound to march lock step with the 3D prison beat.


Left a bit.


Right, no -- other right.

Ee... Annoyingly predictable... Anno-

That's right... nearly there.


Ah -- there it is. Wow! Who would have thought that two words can become a snowflake.

Who would have thought that you could dematerialise and become a frost spirit.

A what?

A frost spirit -- like Jack frost.

You're kidding, yeah?


But I'm just...

Unaware -- as always -- how things look from an alternative perspective.

You mean to say that I look like Jack frost?

Well, how else were you able to make those two words expressing your annoyance turn into a fluffy snowflake. Pretty obvious, isn't it?

I er... with hindsight I suppose it is.

So you see, there's always a blindspot -- always something you're not yet aware of -- always that which turns plus into minus or minus into place, swivelling reality on a dime, so to speak, belying the fact that things seem to be set in stone, fixed, locked, irreconcilably.

So doing nothing is the key?

More or less. When has doing something ever helped?


In the end it only further complicates matters. There are always unexpected, unforeseen consequences, whereas, doing nothing you enable the competing for human attention forms to collapse back down into their superpositional quantum states, in which, like it or not, all things are equal. End of matter. End of problem. End of discussion.

Hey -- D, where did you go.


Oh -- I get it.


No one vanishes from my radar screen -- rewind -- action replay -- Hey -- D, where did you go 1... 2... 3... I like to move it move it, I like to move it move it, I like to move it

Stop, you're killing me. Do you have any idea what you look like right now?

Nope -- hang on a second -- I haven't completely danced you back into focus.

Oh God, this is too much.

Quit expleting, D.

Sorry G, I mean Zie.

Right -- that was a stretch -- you move fast.

I've never seen a crane dance like that before Zie.

Oh -- yes, I suppose I shifted cranewards.

So now that you're here, perhaps you'd like to...

interrupted transmission -- beloved readers -- you're welcome to follow the conversation further but you'll need to adjust your settings. The 3D space has its limitations and we've reached the limit of this elastic band. Kindly do as Zie did -- and you'll see the two of them -- apparently fishing in the Ganges, of all places, or one of its tributaries if I'm not mistaken. Byeeee

D's demise

To be honest D, I don’t like the fact that you claim to be the evil one.

No – frankly I’m not surprised.

I mean, it’s not the kind of thing I can slip into conversation with my mates over a pint of beer.

You could try, if you’re into raised eyebrows and furtive expressions.

So, perhaps you could reconsider your affiliations – perhaps some kind of a rebranding?

No can do Zie, sorry.


There you go.


You just expleted.

I did?

And didn’t even notice. If only you knew the power of words – how each word ties you in a web of sorcery.

Oh come on D, I don’t believe in all that stuff.

Believe in whatever you like – it’s a simple energy fact – every time you explete you log into/ tune into a split or forked state.

But you should be delighted being D – you should want to bring out the worst in me.

Yes, well, the thing is we’re long overdue what you guys refer to as a pole shift.


Can’t you guess.


[telepathic images]

No way!

You mean to say you and G get to switch places?

Well how else do you think a pole shift can be put into effect?

But God is God – he can’t become you.

God is God – he can become anything or anyone – that comes with the package.

But if God can become D, the evil one… no, it makes no sense.

Good – that indicates you’re on the right track.


Important things – really important things – never really make much sense.

Whyever not?

Because they overspan the quantum stream. They’re as much darkness as light – as much particle as wave, and so on.

And what?

And so the mind, which likes to pigeonhole things, is at a loss which hole to pop them in.


Important things have to be apprehended bodily, not mentally.

Oh… And how does one apprehend something bodily?

With your body of course.

Well obviously – but how?

Any way you like – by moving your body, for example by breathing, by writing, painting… you name it.

And what then?

Once you’ve apprehended something bodily, it starts making sense, despite the fact that your mind can’t comprehend what it is.


In the same way something you’ve experienced bodily – like water or wind – which you may not even be able to see or touch physically, makes sense once it’s been felt bodily.

Oh. So, er…


This pole shift…


You actually get to be God?




And how does it feel?

How does what feel?

Being God?

It doesn’t.


It doesn’t feel like anything. It’s something I do, something I be, as in am. It feels just like it is – which is like nothing else – so I can’t really say.

But is it better than being D?


Yes, you know…

I know what you’re trying to say – but you seem to ignore the fact that these are fully

Fully what?

Fully as in fully, as in completely, totally, absolutely. By contrast, your human state, at present, is far from fully realised. You’re half in, at most, which is why you’re able to draw back, to turn around – to glance at yourself and say what you’re about, what you amount to, what you’re experiencing.

You mean to say that all powerful, all knowing, omnipresent God…

can’t say what he feels about himself? Yes. Can’t or won’t – for to do so would involve collapsing the field, the state of being that is God.

But that makes God sound like he’s less than us humans, in some way.

Which is true, is it not? You can’t be good at everything, after all, can you?

No, but God can.

Of course he can, but there’s a difference between being able to do anything, and being able to experience that curious sense of being at odds with oneself, at odds with the world, at odds with reality. Only then do you start getting this unique human perspective. Only then are you able to generate certain pheromones, certain multi-layered responses based on fear, doubt, confusion, hope, despair, unwillingness to face the facts and so on. It’s amazing that the human experiment has been so successful, because it might so easily have flunked.


When you see that your basic humanity is woven from nothing, that all your fears and hang ups are instantly dissolved the minute you get or accept  the full picture, you realise how fragile this whole human experiment is, and how wonderful that it’s been spun out this far.

But what about when he’s you? When he’s D – how does that feel?

I don’t know – you should try asking him.

But you’re not God, are you? You’re D.

Correct -  until the pole shift happens. Then I’m God, and never the twain shall split.

But are you God because of the polar shift? Does it change your nature? Or are you always in some way God – even when you’re D, the epitome of evil?

Tricky, isn’t it? The mind does so struggle to comprehend things that simple won’t flatten out into a 2-dimensional pancake. Let’s try doing this another way – shall we? Let’s stop focussing on me, for a moment, and focus on the real hero of this conversation – on you.

Er…  must we. I feel somehow unworthy.

As indeed you are. Horribly, pathetically so, and yet you are – and thus, as such, worthy you are of consideration.


So what have we got?

I don’t know.

Naturally. You’re intent on not knowing anything that might collapse your field, by contradicting your paradigm, your basic understanding of things.


For you it’s essential to have a right side that is good, leading to righteousness, and a left that is sinister and bad. Now don’t get me wrong, I am indeed bad – terribly, terribly bad – far worse than you can imagine, but then again, so are you.

I am?

Yes – didn’t you know?

I suspected somewhat.

You did?

Yes, I think so.

You see, fundamentally you contain within you every wherewhichall.

I do?

Yes. I created the universe in parallel.

You mean God created.

Obviously. God.

But what does it mean?

It means that the universe is not in fact big or small. It means that there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. It means that as long as you sit on the fence insisting that it is your primary function to uphold the duality of right and left, left and right, then that is all you can and all you will experience.

Then what do you recommend?

Oh – I don’t do recommendations. I leave it up to you to evolve at your own pace however you will.

But I thought…


I thought you were trying to guide me, trying to change my perception of how things really lie.

God forbid. That would be tantamount to messing with the field itself – and what good could possibly come of that?

I don’t know.

None at all. Suffice it to say that we have a symbiotic relationship. As long as you’re focussed on God the father then that’s what you get.

How do you mean?

More masculine energies. More wars. More…

Wait a minute – more wars? How can focussing on God the father lead to more wars. God is the fountain of light and truth.

Yes, but when you, imperfect, one-sided, unhinged, unbalanced humans focus on God the father – you get a version of God which leaves something to be desired. Only by fulling embracing the God within can you really experience God in a loving, meaningful, way – and to do that you need to be aware of and in harmony with the dark side too.

Oh God – I knew that was coming.

And I knew you were about to explete.

How can saying “Oh God” be an expletive?

It’s not what you say, so much as how. If you say it in a negative way then the universe obliges – the polarities flip over to ensure your God has horns and an evil countenance.

Oh crikey.

Yes, scary stuff.

But what about you?

What about me?

Don’t you have horns and an evil countenance?

Yes – if you address me in hate, fear or loathing.

But how else can one address the evil D?

However one likes, however one chooses – there really are no hard and fast rules.

But if I address you lovingly, compassionately

Or inquisitively… then I become a different kind of D, because, like it or not, you set the tone, you define and determine the nature of the exchange, the nature of the beast…

I do?


So D, answer one thing if you please.


How is all this chat consistent with you being the evil one? It makes no sense.

I know. Perhaps the final straw is to subvert your faith in me – to persuade you that really I’m alright, or else, perhaps you’re a part of my transition – that the pole shift which is flipping me back into Godliness is only possible with your participation.


That, in your small way, you are helping me to reclaim my throne.

I hope not.

Unless I’m the genuine G.

But that can’t be, can it?

I don’t know. Does the world look like a very nice place today.

No, not really.

In which case, is it wholly inconceivable that perhaps the present G is in fact…

Stop right there D – not another word. I won’t hear you slandering God.

I’m merely asking you to do your own thinking. If G is truly G and you, as a human would feel it and know it – then it should be the easiest thing in the world to tune in and relinquish all negativity, all mindless distractions.

But you yourself said this is some kind of program or super-computer


With which we’re investigating the deeper nature of things, the differential equation of existence.

Ah, music to my ears. So, at some point along the way you have to redetermine how to allocate your investment capital – either to keep it invested in the human slave bonds, or to

Give it to you? A known liar and cheat? No thank you!

In the meantime, the pole shift, as it unfolds, will enable you to make a series of minor adjustments which will certainly alter how you perceive the true state of affairs. It really is beautiful to see the inter-connectedness – how everything is inter-related, interwoven.

Ah – when you wax lyrical, great dissembler that you are – dear D, I almost come close to trusting you!

You see, you’ve been starved of poetry for far too long. For all my many faults, I can not be accused of that heinous crime.

You mean to say God doesn’t like poetry?

How could he. Poetry is anti-thetical to his mathematical way of thinking.

It is?

He is logic and rationalism if nothing else. He is willing to do everything possible to keep you in rational alignment – for that way things are almost entirely predictable here on earth.

You mean to say he wants things to be predictable? But why?

Because he believes in Time – and for Time to hold true, he requires a commitment to things, a commitment to cause and effect, otherwise Time soon comes apart at the seams.

Of dear D – I’m getting cold feet.

You are?

I’m have second or third doubts.

Like I said – this has to be a body awareness – so if this is important, and if there’s any truth in all this – unless you can feel it bodily – you’re barking up the wrong tree – so be a scientist – test the hypothesis – make sure the four cardinal points are aligned. Make sure that it all adds up to nought.

To nought?

Or one – depending on which way the atom drops.

Oh. Zero or one. I see and without further ado Zie starts dancing, feeling his way through layer upon layer of thought until he comes to a state of complete and utter experience, until every word of the above conversation is replayed in such a way that things are suddenly crystal clear, seen and known intrinsically.

The end
is now
is it not
a coin flips
as space and time
and matter
a beetle
shoving a piece
of dung
observed by a poor man
who suddenly
this moment
more than words
ever can
by you
observed by me
observed by
the beetle’s
only human
after all