Friday, February 17, 2017

zed shift - storytime

The story? How am I supposed to know the story? I’m living in the real world, not fantasy land.

Oh yeah. The real world. Er...


Whose world?

Whose? What do you mean? Everyone’s world. It doesn’t belong to anyone, does it.

Er... You see, it depends whose story you’re living by.

I’m not living by anyone’s story. I’m just living.

Excellent! You er... don’t watch TV or read books?

Of course I do. Who doesn’t?

It’s just the chances are that you’re plugged into someone else’s story. That story by default is yours until you find your own voice... until you start your own.

Start my own? What, you mean I have to start writing a book, otherwise I’m caught up in someone else’s narrative? Give me a break Merry, I haven’t got time for this.

Obviously you can change the settings on your phone – the sounds it makes, the screensaver and so forth, but it’s still basically the same phone as everyone else has. That’s because you’re relying on defaults and factory settings, factory programmes.

Because I’m not an IT specialist Merry. We’re not all at your level of technical expertise, you know.

I know, but this isn’t about phones, is it? It’s about the nature of the system you’re operating within.

Yeah? You mean the political system?

No I don’t.

Then what?

Reality, as you actually know intuitively, is programmable. I’ve been doing it with you for ages now, having these chats, discussing things, taking a look at g-nome, dropping down through the hole in the ground, popping into another aspect of reality – where words have huge significance and great power – when you start examining the source code.

Oh why didn’t you say? You know I’m not really into all that source code stuff. Like I said, Merry, I’m not an IT specialist, and it doesn’t greatly matter to me if it’s computer IT or 3D reality IT – it’s all the same.

Correct, it’s all the same, but far from wanting you to hack your phone or reality, I’m suggesting you consider who has hacked you – who is actually controlling you.

What do you mean? No one has hacked me. I’m not a computer system.

Right – but your mind, your feelings and emotions are plugged into a vast network which is accessed in various ways – through TV, social media and just ordinary contact with other people.


Everyone is carrying and relaying a certain signal. You can see it in how they dress, how they walk, the things they say, the way they think – nothing is actually concealed.


Now there are certain compelling narratives which appear again and again in movies or in religions which indicate what kind of story you might be in.

Aren’t you forgetting free will – that I can actually choose if I’m going to kill that guy or give him the peace sign, forgive and forget?

Sure you can choose. You can choose whether to step into your own story – to become the master pilot navigating a course through reality that is consistent with your inner beliefs, with certain fundamental values and core objectives, or you can just switch on the internet, the TV or pop down the pub to have a chat with some mates, all of which will serve to reinforce the story you’ve unwittingly assimilated into.

But I can choose!

Yes, to create your own, or be part of someone else’s creation – and if you want to know what theirs is like, just take a good hard look at what’s going on in the world when you get the cold facts – it ain’t a bed of roses matey.

What’s with the British slang matey? Are you trying to be condescending or is it just a spontaneous occurrence?

Ah... I apologise.

You do? I’m not sure I trust you when you’re so ready to apologise. It makes me think you’ve got something worse up your sleeve.

Oh – am I so predictable?

Merry – give me a break – you know these tests are totally...

What tests? Did I tell you about the hen narrative?

Hen narrative? Oh God Merry – stop being weird. Stop it – you’re not a hen – I’m not going to have anything to do with your insanity...

Merry and Zie spend the next hour in intense hen narration – a story which simply does not survive translation – but which is absolutely fascinating when you’re living it, experiencing it, enacting it. Strange to tell, but as Merry and Zie go around the house and garden, utterly absorbed in the drama, the 3D reality which we usually take for granted in fact grows thin, wispy, misty. If you bothered to run a full scan of that 3D reality before and after, you would be fairly shocked to see the level of damage one hour of scratching and pecking did. Vast sections of the 3D platform are completely reconstituted, reformed, reprogrammed – a war that was breaking out in the Middle East was transformed by some fairly intense scratching and clucking into an intense feeling of loneliness which had the two hens in tears, before Zie found a different kind of cluckety scratch, which propelled the two into a new chapter of hen story, which has since been named the “helio farce”, a revolutionary reworking of the worm that lost its wriggle epic saga. Long story short, things in the quantum age of entanglement we seem to have bad hair dayed our way into are so inextricably er entangled that insanity seems to be the only way to stay sane, if you’re willing to be proactive about it and manage your insanity storywise.

Er... Merry, I seem to have some kind of freaky recollection of... hey, where did all those feathers come from?

Oh I don’t know Zie. By the way, apparently the governments of ******* and ********* have decided to set up a huge free range hen nature reserve on their shared border.

No kidding! I thought they hated each other. Weren’t they about to go to war?

Apparently not. It says here they’ve decided to...

Wait a second Merry. It’s like seven thirty. What the hell were we talking about all this time. I’ve got some worrying suspicion that I’ve been temporarily insane?

Oh I  wouldn’t say that... otherly sane is how I usually refer to it.

But why? How?

You know the phrase “you are what you eat?”

Yes,  why?

Well the same is true at the quantum level.


You are what you what.

What you er... what? It doesn’t make sense.

Until you realise that what is a verb rather than a question word. To what is to enact within a given story something or other, to put flesh or matter on the bones of an underlying nought.

A what?

A nought, not what: things that are felt or known at the quantum level but only take material form and become something or other when we what them here in 3D.

But why put it that way? Why all the confusion and mysticism?

Because whatever it is you’re really discussing could be whatted this way or that, depending on whose narrative you’re in. If you’re using the defaults it’ll either be conservative or liberal, Islamic or Christian, hip hop or classical, a straight two way split, and neither side will agree, but if you decide to grab story by the horns and ride it whither it taketh thee...

If I’m mad enough to imagine I’m some kind of epic hen saga hero... 

If you’re ready to take the trouble to lead your own life, to trust in your own life force, your own power, your own truth... then story will take you beyond divide and rule duality, into a place where the two can three, can bring nought into play, can transform the fixed things of reality in a way that would be inconceivable, that shifts and transforms the mindscape of reality, for matter always follows story in the same way water flows downwards following contours, taking the easiest, storiest course.

What? Matter shifts if I change the narrative? That sounds downright...

Matter only ever was flesh on the bones of narrative. When the narrative changes matter moves, rewrites or morphs, filling the new mindscape seamlessly. 

So if it’s so easy why don’t people do this more frequently?

Actually they do it a lot, but there's a powerful load of pressure to be normal, to conform, which means to use the existing narrative which is written by whom, I wonder. Those who refuse to conform are weird or wicked, because they know how to what. They are ostracized or persecuted for their insubordination. But still people inadvertently or deliberate cause minor shifts to occur, occasionally even bigger shifts, but all too often they assume their memories are deceiving them, or that people in the past were mistaken in thinking things were different. There is this huge assumption of linearity, that all changes have to occur in linear fashion, without wild shifts sideways or diagonalwise.


People forget previous whats in the same way you usually forget dreams. The mind finds it hard to hold onto anything outside or contradicting the existing narrative, unless you buttress it with cuckoo la la, the practice of being deliberately strange, and of becoming increasingly aware of the non-linear strangeness that is far more prevalent than mind likes to acknowledge.


And we were largely complicit, insofar as we chose to experience the deepest, farthest extreme of materiality which naturally involved emphasising individually and collectively our rationality to the exclusion of all else, in order to traverse what I call the abyss of mind, which thankfully has now been accomplished, so prepare yourself Zie for zed axis spiralling, waving, tall tailing its way back into an increasingly multi-linear reality, in which we discover the ability to sense and recall the nought underlying what is what. Time for scrambled eggs, wouldn’t you say? But Zie to his surprise finds he can’t even think about eating eggs for the first time in his life. Instead he experiences a sudden bending-arching of the hitherto squarish field of things, and finds himself now in beetle, heading towards an aromatic pile of dung, feeling the skin of story wrapping itself around, responding to every thought, every move, every impulse, drawing worlds and realities through the dotted i of mind, overriding anything that fails to add up to nought, that fails to keep time with story's tapping feet. 

Because it was always a dance, you see, your Light dancing with your dark, and you somewhere in between, until you were ready to accept your fullness, your isness of be, to become, to embody your story completely.

Oh              oh                    oh                     oh                   oh                  oh                     oh

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