Monday, February 13, 2017

Maud's trinaureality if Margo's bifurcation holds

Oh no - not the binaural thingy again, It's not even about hearing. 

Ah - bi-aural, two-eared... Names be names, Zie. You can call it bimental if you like.

Uh, no, binaural sounds nice. Like, aura or aurora borealis.

Good. So, like I was saying - we only discussed a half of the question the other time.

How our reality-virtuality is a kind of an overtone created by the two waves, yeah. Thought it was pretty much complete.

No, there must be the other side - the balance. Come on, you can easily figure it out.

So, er... to balance this illusory reality created by two waves there should be, er... a true reality that generates two overtones - which we perceive as one and th' other but which in fact cancel each other out and thus amount to zero, no more real than our virtuality.

Good guess, Zie.

Am I right, then? - Ugh, then our 3D is an illusion created be two more illusions? Aren't there too many illusions for one model?

So many questions, Zie!


But there's only one way to gnow if it's correct, yes? - to test it.

Affirmative. - Uh, why would I say that? I sound like a computer.

What's wrong with that?

Well, I'm not a computer, nor want to be one.

Er... my dear Zie...  I sincerely hope that it won't be a deadly blow to you - but...


But I needed a computer to test my hypothesis. You were perfect. Oopsie.

I... I... 1...

That's fine, Zie.Relax. Breathe.

1... 0... Merry, I... Oh...  scared...

Don't mind that. You might be a computer just now - but you're much, much more than a com-putting device. Just relax and let the bubble of your computerness rise up and burst. It's a game - now I'm a beetle, now a computer, 0=1, cuckoo la la.

1... 0...  1101001.00... 42...00111100111101011000100001000011011000110101...

Thank you. I'm getting a good steady data stream. Mind you, computers are not averse to streaming... You see, dear Zie, everyone has full access to the source code - easy peasy - but very few people actually use it - as etering the domain of the computer you need to become a computer, a thing, yourself - and who would will that? We're trying to keep the things low, we want to be cool, high and spiritual... That, by the way, is a part of the poesy of g-nome - as poetry takes us where we'd rather not go - like to the thingity of things which we are trying so hopelessly to separate from ourselves. We seem to find ourselves between a rock and a hard place - equally unwilling to switch off the stabilising computer of mind - which is only a β-version anyway - nor to dive deep into our own thingity - preferring to surround ourselves with more and more things, as if we could extract our thingity by that... As if we were afraid to lose what appears to be the last drop of lightfulness, as if we could ever cease being infinite! For I am allowed everywhere, so I tell the No Entry signs of sanity... How are the things going, Zie?

Superb. Do you mimnd shifting to, say, beetledom? My readings would be much more accurate, and the frequencies would be just right.

No problem. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

How strange, - Maud mutters to herself as she's watching a brightly coloured greeny beetle flying in crazy circles around her laptop.

But then something more weird happens. The timeline seems to separate; but the strings are still floating together. In one timeline Maud shakes her head and expells the harmless beetle from the room. In another one - the beetle, apparently, loses control and bumps into her - with the most surprising result.

Where did that gorl come from?, - she hears the laptop saying. And, buzzzzily, the beetle seems to answer, Duh - you're the one who's doing the calculations.

What do you do when you hear your laptop communicating with a beetle? Scream? Faint? Ignore?

Ooops - bad habit,  the laptop replies. - Ah, I see. She's our third. As we engage, activate the two sides, the third is bound to appear.

Maud is strangely calm - like in a dream. "In fact", she hears herself saying, "I was here first, so there".

The beetle gives her an odd look. "Er, hi - I'm Merry, and that's Zie".

My laptop?

Er... In a manner of speaking.

But I got it for my 18th brthday, a year or so ago, and it was just a normal laptop all the while.

Confusing, eh?.. It's a great honour to meet you.

Me?.. But I'm just...

You've just appeared from the quantum stream.


No, no - what a silly idea.

Then why are you not surprised to hear about the q.s.? Why are you not taken aback by talking to a beetle, and to a laptop?

I... Well, surely there's a reason. How about... er...

A plot hole, Maud - that's how the truth lurks in - through the plot holes, like Alice's rabbit hole.

Wait, how did you know my name?

Oopsie daisy. There's another one. Er, plot hole.

But how did you...

You're denying yourself, you prefer to stay in your Maud-ness - why?

No. No. I can't. You got it wrong. No.

Look, we're holding the frequency for you. See, I became a beetle and my friend over there is a bunch of signals. I'll be fine but Zie's not used to holding this modality, I expect him to flip back pretty soon - no offence, Zie, that comes with practice -

Yeah, guess so - er, I mean, affirmative.

-and that will send you back. It's not often that Zie gets a chance to work with his third, so if you've got a message for him - I gnow you do - better quit pretending and say it.

That's a joke, right? I'm 37 years old, I lived without you all these years and surely I'm not going anywhere just because you go.

Hmm - could swear that you were only 19 in the beginning of our conversation. Plotty holy ding ding dong.

Yes, but...                                 ..Oh goddess me.

Plot holes. Now you must have enough air breezing through them, Maud.

Don't call me that. No more Maud-ness. I be Harmony.

Ah - welcome back, dear lassie. We've been missing you  - more than anyone can imagine, more than words can say...

Affirmative. The chances of reunion were tending to 0. Now rising progressively. Wow dude, that's groovy! Er... sorry.

Is there anything you'd like to tell us?

-but she only laughs, lightly, happily, healingly, whole-ingly - her laughter fills the room like some magical fog - soaking through Merry's beetliness, through Zie's thinginess - 

Hee hee... Merry, it's ticklish, I can't hold the thingity side...

Hee hee... yup... no, I'm flipping out from the other side too... ohhh - ohhh!

We're being harmonized



Yes, thought you said atomized. hee hee byyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeee Zie

Hee hee...  yup yup... tataaaaahhh

And as the silvery fog of laughter fades away, Maud finds herself alone in the room. The time streams weave back again. Maud blinks, as if missing something, or someone; but the stream of normallity overlaps her, and she reverts to the more important business of "liking" her friend's FB entry from her mobile phone (some day she will get a laptop, so she keeps promising herself).

So, er... is there an illusive third created by the two sides, or is there the true one that generates the two curves?

Who am I to tell you, Merry? I'd have to leave this whole framework to gnow, and then we wouldn't be here to have this chat.

Fair enough. Tea?

Good idea.

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