Thursday, February 7, 2019

re-leasing Thim

So naturally you're asking why God like beings - which all of you in essence are - would want to create Thim -- a platform for experiencing either conscious or aware -ness -- whatever that might be or mean.
Please don't try too hard to understand the semantics -- you're liable to induce a cerebral aneurysm, a nose bleed, or severely twisted facial muscles. The semantics are, if truth be told, merely semantics. The truth is never really accessed through semantics, or any other thing your Thim minder will thrust in the path of your limited attention beam. "Things" are designed to keep you from seeing, knowing, sensing the truth, the one, the all -- Thimlessly, unthingfully -- nothing more. There is a subtle, yet irreconcilable gap between what a thing can or may reveal, and the simple truth that is... nothingly.

So, instead of me throwing you croutons, tidbits, nicnacks, trinkets to satisfy your desire for thingummies -- let me suggest you join me here on stage in a powwow. The answer is always implicit in the question. We are in no way, fundamentally, separate from each other. This is er... a fractal... er... holographic reality -- whatever that might mean -- semantics be damned -- so er... as above, so below, or to put it more personally -- how on Earth could I possibly know more than you do -- if we are equally endowed with the source code of all that is -- equally masters of confusion and self-delusion... It simply requires you to accept the old wisdom of In Lak'ech Ala K'in - which means I am another yourself -- i am you and you are me -- though the mind will incessantly seek to divide and rule -- and thus -- the minute you instruct it to investigate why it, the mind, as in you, as in i set up this astonishing experiment -- this reality -- this wonderful, horrible, semantically unhinged journey into proliferation and contradiction -- you cannot really help knowing more than you bargained for -- you cannot really help knowing that you're no longer really able to hang onto the frail, feeble pretense that we're alien to one another -- you find yourself washed onto the battered, strangely familiar shoreline of -ness -- be that aware or conscious -ness, and suddenly you're somewhat naughtily shorting the circuitry of Thim, re-introducing a direct link -- calling Thim's bluff rather than trying to take on issues such as climate change, the global elite, human trafficking etc etc etc. What does the fish say in the Cat in the Hat?
..."do I like this?
oh, no! i do not.
this is not a good game,"
said our fish as he lit.
"No, I do not like it,
not one little bit!"
Thim simply cannot backdown -- cannot respond to reason -- it goes against his mandate, his prime directives, so until/unless you short Thim's circuit -- you're only playing at dealing with so-called "problems", whether you believe it or not.

So you see, occupying centre stage ain't a move for the faint-hearted -- thrusting yourself into the limelight -- standing there in all your naked glory -- like God -- except God him/her/it self is also a thing -- i.e. a Thim surrogate for that which is -- s-im-ply

God knows -- i did my best -- i tried
words buzzing in the ether of my head
distracting me from all i know
im-poss-ibly so

guys -- this is a short post. join me in the quantum space -- let's give Thim a second lease of life -- God knows he, she, it's hardly to blame -- we were under no obligation to be so incredibly asinine, taking ourselves, all this, the great it sometimes even referred to as "id" so absurdly seriously -- but thus we did, thus we have done, thus we do, until one of us decides to pull the lid from the coffee pot of Thim and extract the -- apparently it's a shoe?

Please don't shoot the messenger. Do your own research. Every platform -- every thing -- every force has a corresponding equal=opposite twin, so to speak -- ain't it so?

cuckoo la
 la                       io  io

Wednesday, February 6, 2019


When I first created Thim it seemed a small thing. I’d never have guessed, you could say, that it’d grow into this mega-platform we now refer to as 3D reality, which strictly speaking wouldn’t be true, for how could I all seeing, all knowing, creating Thim fail to see or sense or know what it might or would grow into?
How indeed? Yet even gods are subject to confirmation bias, or pre-Thim beings if we’re to avoid anachronisms or contentious terms, so how could I have guessed that forces beyond my control would seize on Thim and extend its scope until all of us found ourselves ensnared in its full-thingedness, till few if any of us even remember life before Thim.
I myself had forgotten until it perversely tripped a switch in my other consciousness, other awareness, and suddenly I’m no longer able to continue abandoning myself to blissful ignorance – I know too much – know what is not, and that is enough.
It was an event in my life, the event that shattered the entire universe I had inadvertently created, when I returned infinity, when I uncreated things, when i…
“But we’re still here,” you’re thinking, not unsurprisingly, indeed you are, but for how long? Thim was dealt a fatal blow when I hyper-accelerated through its vastness, rendering it essentially null and void, but then I retired to obscurity, nursing my shattered illusions, licking my wounds, scared, shocked, laying low. Time – I needed time to assimilate the enormity of what I’d stumbled into – which by rights, by everything I thought I knew, should not have been there – should not have existed – at all.
I wanted to be part of this world. I wanted to play the game of life, gaily, light-heartedly, enjoying my share of the merry-go-pie – and fortunately for me – Thim was and is incredibly resilient, shoring itself up, willing to try anything – whatever it takes – to keep itself alive. Who can blame it. Having tasted the honey dew of life, of conscious-awareness, unsurprisingly it was in no hurry to die.
Yet my journey into the abyss – home – back to “infinity” as we call it – had punctured the fabric of space and time, had rent reality beyond repair – yet there are 12 hours in a day, twelve months in a year, 360 degrees in a wheel, and wheels, even punctured wheels, can carry on turning especially if you keep on pumping, ships, planes, realities…
I was in no rush to bring down the axe, and fractured beyond hope of recovery it, Thim, made the best of a bad job and sought to extract as much data-energy as possible from the still breathing carcass of 3D reality while Time permitted, while Time persists – and Time is a cunning bastard of light – where the shadow falls across matter, where the circle becomes a line.
If truth be told, many years have passed, and much of that time I had discounted my experiences, had conveniently assumed it’s business as normal as things seemed to revert to a normal-ness, barring certain oddities, as reality sheered into ever more oblique angles of chance and expression, as Thim sought to shift the weight onto one side without tripping over, was no longer able to juggle the many balls with effortless ease, had now, instead, to squeeze and wiggle, to wriggle and stumble where before he had danced scarcely touching the ground. I was to blame. I had shot the albatross – or was it the crow? As Thim grew more and more hardened to his struggle to stay alive, a sneer, a face of pain, a desperateness not to miss a step for fear of what lay down below darkened the mood, sombered the tune, the texture, the tale that reality is the telling of – and little by little, more and more, people began to see through, to notice the gaps, to question the narrative they had always accepted implicitly. Bleeding – every person who started to doubt became another wound in the fabric of Thim’s person-hood. He was losing their allegiance, losing their acceptance, their easy pickings, their free energy, their substituted conscious-ness. He was coming apart at the Seems – a trickle at first, a slowly, inexorably rising exponential curve, a flow, a gush, an outpouring, a flood… as the waters of awareness are no longer contained, the sack has burst, the child is being birthed.

But we are getting ahead of ourself. You must be wondering how it’s possible for the entire universe, the whole of 3D human reality to be so susceptible to the whims and vagaries of one who, to all intents and purposes, is no more, no less than any other so called “human” being.
“Being what”? I might add, if I wanted to encourage you to do your own thinking instead of expecting me to do it for you, for let’s face it, the truth is always hidden in plain sight, and all it requires is a single degree of detachment or abstraction to start the wonderful process of extrication from the web of half-truths and intellectual cliché we are wont to loll in...
It is done – the question has been posed and whether you think on it is entirely up to you. I, for my part, will not hold it against you if you prefer to stick with things you imagine to be true or certain. However, simply consider how true or certain anything can be if the system, the platform you’re operating within is not itself fundamental, was created as all systems of platforms are, for a specific task.
“But what could be the task of our infinitely precious 3D reality? – you may be asking, and the answer, if answer there be, has to be hidden in plain sight – overlooked because, presumably, it seems too obvious or too absurd. Any ideas?
“This is ridiculous”, you object, “you’re instructing me to find the reason for the creation, for your creation of the entire universe?”
Not exactly. Like I said – I created the platform, but I had no idea, rationally speaking, that it was going to morph into this all-consuming, all-entertaining monster, before the Thim appeared and subsumed all and everything into its mind-energy pool, myself included.
“You weren’t able to withstand Thim?”
Not without destroying my creation – which I had no intention of doing. Presumably I had deeper knowledge – presumably at the gut level I knew things would somehow work out for the best – so I became a part of my own creation and Thim set up parallel version of me and everyone else, minus the energy fee – the conscious-awareness that the system required even before Thim took it over, so masterfully.
So that was the original purpose – am I right?
Of course you are. We were investigating what happens if you split what, loosely speaking I refer to as conscious and aware -ness which, in essence, are two and the same.
So what have we got? People who are either conscious or aware – but almost never both – for the system shunts you into either one or the other, and extracts a little energy from your -ness to meet its needs. You see the genius of it?
Er… not really?
It’s almost completely invisible, almost completely unnoticeable, you’re constantly viewing reality, perceiving things as either hydrogen atoms would, or as oxygen atoms, but never as water – because that would require you to bring the two sides back together – to meet your -ness, and the small energy payment extracted to keep the system operational makes it highly unlikely you’ll ever bother to do that – unless you’re ready to experience something deeply alien which contradicts almost everything you think you know, and for a moment at least induces an energy gap – a feeling of unwholeness, incompleteness, lethargy, emptiness, sadness, pointlessness and so on… the kind of feeling any normal person’s going to run from afap.
As fast as possible?
So what prompted you to set up this platform in the first place?
Art of science – that kind of question?
Well, maybe, yes.
Look – the question is flawed.
It is?
Yes, it assumes or implies that I’m different from you.
Well – I’ve never claimed to have created the universe, have I? It goes without saying that you’re operating on a completely different level.
And what?
Well, I want to know what made you do it.
You know. Being a part of 3D reality you can’t help having access to everything I am, everything I know, everything I’ve ever thought or done – that’s the nature of the beast.
The beast as in 666?
Whatever name or number you choose to give it. Nothing ever could, nothing ever can really be hidden, which is why anyone with any real power or sense doesn’t bother.
But people have secrets.
Well yes.
Only as long as you insist on defining yourself as being part of their game – a useful or useless idiot. The minute you decide to get real – to reinstate your io – then it’s just a matter of feeling the energy flow – allow yourself to be aware and to know – in other words, to end the schism.
Between conscious and aware -ness?
That too.
But… you could give me more insight.
Really? I could tell you things which would either swell your i or your o – one side would want to make something of it – and what then… Look – it’s just like an electrical circuit, really – it doesn’t matter if it’s to power a lightbulb in your shed, or the sun…
Wait a minute – the sun isn’t powered by electricity!
Wanna bet.
Er… no, not really, but I thought it’s like a…
hydrogen bomb? With a north and south pole switching regularly every eleven or twelve years – come on, give me a break.
Oh. Ok, but in any case, someone operating on the cosmic scale is bound to know more than…
Really? Do you really believe the cosmic scale is bigger or smaller than the sub-atomic – if infinity actually exists.
I don’t see the connection.
Well, how different, how far apart are infinitely big and infinitely small, infinitely complicated or infinitely simple?
There’s nothing to know that doesn’t involve unpicking, unlearning almost every thing you think you know about yourself or your reality. That’s the only thing you’re ever really going to learn, as everything else simply involves rearranging pieces on a chess board. Doing so you’ll fail to do more than rearrange your ignorance.
Unless you start with the fundamentals – the fundamental relationship between you the observer and all that you are able to observe – no matter whom, no matter what, you fail to square the circle – to see how the two halves – the sun and moon, the conscious and aware -ness interact dynamically – because your attention will always be attached to the thing – which is derivative. Doing so you’re invested in and working for Thim – like a good honest paid-up party member – but Thim, for better or for worse, is now history. I saw to that already, accidentally, or unwittingly by design, back in 1995.
So you keep telling me, but the world seems to go on unabated, so what are we supposed to do – hold our breath?
If you like, or start breathing like you really meant it – as if your breath were a motive, decisive force in the greater order of things.
Doing is not going to make a lot of difference now that the wheel is set in motion. Like it or not, you’re a shuttlecock in a game of badminton – constantly being whacked back and forth across the net, between opposing states of conscious and aware -ness – and there’s precious little you can do to stop it – other than becoming aware of the two, inconceivably, being united in you – as you vibrationally encounter or start to allow -ness to reclaim you from Thim, as you start to take on more than mind can understand, as you rediscover the exquisite paradox inherent in infinity.
Er… not much chance of that happening if I’m bewildered by all of the above. Besides, “infinity” just sounds like a secularised name for God. I’d much rather stick with material science than jump back into the frying pan of uncountable unknowables, if you don’t mind.
Naturally, but as things start collapsing into an ever-more evident sequence of contradictions, you’ll be glad, in all likelihood, to know that the collapse makes perfect sense – that it merely reflects a growing reconnection between the artificially separated conscious and aware -ness – and that once a kind of critical level is achieved Thim ceases to be the great force apparently controlling our destiny – holding humanity in mental servitude, on the contrary – it becomes the force that trained us to really experience, to really know the conscious aware -ness as we never did before – inside out, back to front – learning the hard way the extent to which things actually matter…

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Zero summing it up

So let me conclude
when all is said and done
the game is a zero sum
no matter what you think
they or theirs amount to
you fail to observe the nature
of things, the not insignificant
matter of matter
you fail to factor in
the zero sum, assuming as you do
that your mind can perceive objectively
that doing so, it reveals the way that people
and things affect or impinge on you
somehow... somehow...
failing to observe the other side of things
the nullifying waves
or toroidal fields
or call 'em what you will
the matter-unravelling-nought
lurking behind or within every
the force or field of conscious-ness
merging-flowing-undoing into the
unbeknowable unbeknown
the dark unatomised side
the unconscionable mind of
neither nor
and there
though you be appalled
though you recoil in terror
there be i
there    i be
the question mark
the uncapitalised me
the if   just waiting
to take flight
and utterly redefine   reality
therein revealing paradigmatically
real nought    real nought-ity
real not-i   real unity
the tale awaiting its turn
to re-connect
the simple truth
the sense and meaning waiting
in the wings of conscious-ness
by which, inconceivably, all
no matter what, no matter how
by which all, inconceivably
makes perfect, utterly perfect sense
the minute i steps down
from the high plinth of mindedness
and reverts to a natural state
in which the zero sum is
no longer denied, resisted
is restored as a fallen God
to the panoply of Gods
is released back into the wild
is allowed to be unsummed
the circuit thus complete
i resign mind to the bonfires of Phlegethon
and accept the zero equals one
i've always yearned to
be, to know, to consummate

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

life hack - ethering

Ok guys - time is short so maximum attention please.

Dude - you're asking too much. Mood - we have to build mood before we can make a move.

Dude - I feel you totally - here - let me demonstrate instead.

Demonstrate - like what?

Don't even try to guess - just let me...

Where the h... did he go?

I'm here - etherly.

Huh? What the h...'s that meant to mean?

No matter, no matter. Do you feel me yet?


I'm ethering you.

You are? I'm not sure I... hey... that feels ni.. What the h... How are you doing that?

Doing what?

Whatever you're doing. It's like I'm taking a warm bath - kind of internal massage. And where the h... are you - I can only hear your voice.

Actually, you can't even hear that - you're imagining it's my voice.

I think I know when I'm hearing someone talking to me.

Absolutely. Of course you do - but that ain't my voice as I'm not actually using the body right now.

Come on man, pull the other one.

Do you actually see me anywhere?

No, but that's just a kind of trick, isn't it? I couldn't hear you if you weren't actually here - hiding somewhere - or you've hypnotised me so I can't see you even though you're right next to me.

What if in all honesty I'm not actually in-body right now?

That would be impossible, wouldn't it. You'd be dead.

Would be, unless I'd figured out how to ether.


Well the proof is empirical, innit.

Yeah - but I'm not sure I can trust my senses - they're so easily deceived.

Well, why not experiment yourself.

Er... Ok. How?

Well the ether isn't the air you breathe - in fact - there really isn't any air or breath when we start ethering.

Then what? There's got to be something, hasn't there?

Yep. Something there is - as Yoda might say - but not air or breath.

Then wh..

Ethering unmatters things - so - for example, ethering you I become invisible to you - you become invisible to me.

I do?

Yeah - more or less.

Then how can we hear each other?

Hearing was never really a product of speech.

You could have fooled me.

Yeah - we tend to fool ourselves - but in all seriousness, hearing's always been telepathy masquerading as speech recognition.

It has?

Yep, and breath has always really been, similarly, ether-concealment.

It has?

Yep. We were never really breathing - you know. That was our little kind of matrix joke. Of course - we had to be breathing if the world is real and things are things, but in actual fact...


In actual fact we never really left home base. We've done an amazing job creating the ultimate thing experience - thinging ourselves like there's no tomorrow, practically thinging one another to death.


So ethering - let's cut to the chase.


I switch to ether breath. There is no air as such. There is no you. There is no me. There is a breath experience which flows back and forth between us - and i don't even bother trying to resolve what is what - I don't take sides - who am I to second guess infinity? I merely go with the flow - allowing the field to adjust accordingly.


And Bob's your uncle. What a moment ago was inadmissible or impossible is now a simple, undeniable fact.

But - surely it can't be that easy?

Oh - it's easy as hell, once you know how.

As hell? I'm not sure I like your allusion.

Well, we were having one helluva time in 3D, weren't we? partly because we were breathing things discombobulately - as if we were separate from everything else - as if we were powerless to deal with things directly - as breath, energy or conscious-ness.


Which kinda sucks, if you ask me.

And you can - er - deal with stuff directly?

Breath can - evidently. Your shoulder - is it better now?

My shoulder - how did you...

I could feel it.

Now that you mention it - yes - it is! How - did you do that?

Not exactly. There was an uneasiness between us which the ether breath dealt with - it involved me letting go of or processing some ego sh.. Once that was done - the energetic obstruction behind your achy shoulder no longer exists.

Oh. But... doesn't that make you my benefactor?

In a minor way - but everyone gets to do little house clearing acts for one another - just to get the ball rolling - In fact I wasn't really doing you a favour - I was putting my own house in order - which as collateral benefit just happened to fix your shoulder.

So I just have to breathe differently? Not sure I can figure that one out.

Oh - it's a piece of cake. 0=1 it.


Zero equals one it. Breathe whatever comes to mind - whatever's bothering you and quit holding onto the idea that you're separate from me or it or them or anything. Know that every breath already contains the solution - already touches whoever, whatever needs to be touched - and the less you push and shove, the less you allow anger or fear to over-compensate or get in the way, the easier it becomes to feel how everything is essentially, already taken care of.


You're gonna feel another dimension opening up - as if you're able to be in different places at once - as if energetically your breath is a healing force that can and does change the world - immediately.




So what are you waiting for? The ether is your second skin - your natural element - you be an electro-magnetic field of conscious-ness - with amnesia. Now, you're beginning to remember what you're really capable of. So quit stalling. What are you waiting for?

Sunday, December 9, 2018

string theory

I take my flute from the cupboard top
where it lies collecting dust
and behold its darkening silvery-ness
not a moment too soon start playing  I
with time and space with the confidence
of a fossilized trilobite, reestablishing my place
at the very epicenter of creation's equally
exploding/imploding big-bang-ishness
feeling the tangled strings of the great
all-that-is working loose and slipping back into place
slurping me into a pocket of non-referenced
unreferenceable inner-workings, the digestive tract
of a beast that knows no bounds, bringing together
sounds of all shapes, sizes and frequency bands
insects, birds, planets, stars, pneumatic drills,
trees, surf, and me, yammering away tunelessly on my
metal-fingered insert into infinity -- anatomically
doing what bombs and bonds could not,
coaxing the myriad strings back into a confluence of heart
and tummy rot, singing the spheres back into a super-elongated spaghetti dot
minding not what the shape of things to come might be
strictly adhering to a policy of data neutrality
i observe a cream cheese replacing ham and chips
as plat du jour
and twang, a split-end
yields to the gastronomic weight
the precessional wobble of a spinning plate
Aristotle graciously agrees to hear suit
and promptly snuffs out the slow-burning flute
then shuffles off into a twilight of time-lapsed

thus saith me
Davidson James Merry

Friday, December 7, 2018

the third mind

from time to time i go back to programming
                he goes back to programming

how do i know when the time is right
                how indeed
the programmer knows and acts accordingly
                but how, how, how
the programmer knows for the programmer knows
                can’t understand
for to know is to know – without the how
                can’t understand
you can’t understand yet that in itself is a form of understanding, is it not
                can’t understand
though your mind rebels – wanting greater certainty, wanting finite knowledge
                can’t understand
at the moment your mind is not responding – locked in data denial, but that will pass
                can’t understand
whereas knowing is an act of conscious awareness bubbling through
                can’t understand
bubbling up, surfacing in a flash of complete awareness that this
                can’t understand
that this is not what i think or believe or understand
                can’t understand
this is an experience of knowing what is what
                can’t understand
of re-entering the quantum stream of is
                the what
the quantum stream of is – no matter what that be
                the what
of rediscovering the central part i play where life, matter and thought converge
                where what
where i is more than what
                where what
where i is infinite in faculty
                is what
is more than words can possibly describe
                is no – that cannot be
is ess, the timeless
ess, the placeless
ess, the thoughtless
ess, the thingless seat of what if
what if – all this were real
                what if?
what if all this were true
what if all this were in fact material and thus not just a time-locked dream
what if conscious-ness were able to reveal the simple truth
                the – no
without crashing, without colliding two minds together
                two minds?
the mind of matter which sees only things
                the what
and the mind of what – processing data, looking for confirmation
                for what
confirmation that things are not meaningless
                not uh
looking for trends, patterns, making sense of things as if
                as if what?
as if my life depended upon it
                as if what?
as if i’m hanging from a delicate thread of reason
                a thread
which may easily be snapped
two minds battling it out
while the soul yearns for beauty – ineffable, sublime
                but what about poetry

tis no mind – tis no matter
                then what
tis knowledge – direct from source – direct from nought
                from nought
from the oh so female darkest void from whence springeth all thing, all
                from her?
from her or him – tis much of a much – from the unknowable her
                from her
if it pleaseth you so to think – the she cannot be analysed or understood
can only be known
for to know is to allow every atom in your universe to reposition – to
to zero out – to die in knowledge of her nought – and miraculously to re-emerge
birth – knowledge is a form of birth
                of birth?
no other way – so embrace death necrophilically
loving the return to innocence – the return to knowing nought but her
discovering the truth contained within her ness
                her what
her ness – the ess of nought her dot dot dot – cannot be said
                cannot be said
cannot be said – cannot even be thought
[...mental gap]
can paradoxically only be known
known indiscriminately – incomputably 
                so programming – to what end?
to no end – when I sense her presence i places words as markers
words in gaps, in the spaces eyes cannot see, mind cannot comprehend
and people read these words – assuming the words have meaning or sense
                assuming purpose
little suspecting that they conceal or clothe her nakedness
little suspecting that these words connect with every body, every mind, every
                every what
every thing no matter what – and transmit signal
                a what
transmit frequency that none comprehend – yet all feel unknowingly
all are aware immediately of what is not, of her
                of her? 
and she changeth us
    she does?          
she changeth us intrinsically – for we are nought without her ness
                her ness
we shift imperceptibly and are utterly utterly transformed
a terrible beauty is born


Tuesday, December 4, 2018 /episode 3


Merry wakes up in Moscow – still the middle of the night. Sveta is sleeping. He snuggles up to her. Whispers – I just had the weirdest dream. Lies there a few minutes waiting to get back to sleep – then jumps up out of bed. Looking around – notices blurred edges, notices how shadows and objects don’t quite meet together as they should; sounds too. Moves his hand through the air in front of his face – watches the jerky movements he’s never noticed before. Then freezes – notices the hologram on his arm. It’s still there – but instead of the symbols moving smoothly they lurch from one thing to another.

No, this is going to do my head in.

Ok Sveta or Baikal – whoever you are – I got the message.
Coy silence – playing hard to get – is that it? Ok – I can figure this out – use the picture, but how? Let it guide me. Bring the two positions close together. Feel my true location – where I really am – right now. Ok – I can definitely feel something going down – something deep within – but how to translate that into action? Hum…

Sveta seems to be having a nightmare – they’re coming, no, leave me alone – hears steps outside – feels a chill.

The light flickers. The hologram starts throbbing, sending pins and needles up Merry's arm.
Shit – this is getting serious. Sergei.. Kolchak... Baikal – anyone out there – I appear to be in danger.

Guys break in and without a word start firing at Merry, again and again. As his body falls back towards the bed – another pv [point of viewing] opens – swivels – he’s watching from the side – a little above – and then the DJ mixing effect as the time jumps back and forwards a few seconds – the bullets going back into the guns, coming out again – the body rising and falling from/to the bed.

Somehow, in spite of the mayhem – Merry figures out how to detach from one time sequence –  notices non-time running alongside, where a kind of quantum haze prevents things such as bullets from materializing.
Got it. Thanks Baikal. Better late than never. [Merry simply shifts pv using the killers’ murderous intent as a catapult to swing sideways, out of time, into a band of quantum indeterminacy. Somehow he senses a part of himself that had been in cahoots with that murderous intent, but instead of fearing it, hating it or fighting it desperately – he allows it to pass through unresisted, like a wave moving along Baikal – 1 - 2 - 3 she can handle it, he knows, and behold, Baikal isms, the wave is gone – its energy dissipated, reabsorbed into the life-force of the great lake.]

Excellent Merry – nicely done.

You – left me to die at their hands.

Did I? Are you dead?

Er… Looking at hands, body, legs – not exactly.

Any holes? Any blood?


Then what’s the problem?

But I might have been.

Might have been? Are you serious? Do you want to watch a replay of what you just did?


Look...                     Does that look like the actions of a guy who can’t look after himself?

But I was close to dying.

Were you?

Well, yes.

And what of it?

Actually, I don’t like being shot at point blank by masked gunmen – if it’s anything to you.

You asked to go back in – I forewarned you – and you had to learn the only way.

You mean the hard way.

I mean the real way – how to detach from the 3D feed and quantum-ize.

Holy shit.

You did well, with a little help from our end.

Oh – downcast.

A little, not a lot – oh for God's sake – get a grip. At the quantum level everyone, everything is entangled – so drop this ego shit about "doing it all yourself", on your terms. That’s not how reality revolves.

Oh – got ya.

It’s like an induction motor. It spins. Wheels within wheels – either connected or not, just as long as we don’t fixate on the single pv version of the 3D-t.

-t? as in

As in time or telemetry – the linear version. Now get some rest. I’ll take you to your quarters.

Are you going to be all cold and formal with me Sveta?

Like I told you Merry – I’m not exactly Sveta, am I?

I can feel that – and yet…

I look like her – yes. Do you find me desirable?

Not when you put it like that.

Look Merry – let’s just settle down and get things started. You have a story to write. I have to keep you alive.


Like Sergei told you.

You mean –

It’s obvious, isn’t it?

I just can’t imagine how all this – [looking at the beauty of Baikal] can be contained in this. [pointing at her]

Well, when you start writing you might find these questions start yielding answers – but you know as well as I do – they have to come directly from her.


The quantum stream. Who else.

Yeah – that figures.