Friday, February 17, 2017

zed shift - storytime

The story? How am I supposed to know the story? I’m living in the real world, not fantasy land.

Oh yeah. The real world. Er...


Whose world?

Whose? What do you mean? Everyone’s world. It doesn’t belong to anyone, does it.

Er... You see, it depends whose story you’re living by.

I’m not living by anyone’s story. I’m just living.

Excellent! You er... don’t watch TV or read books?

Of course I do. Who doesn’t?

It’s just the chances are that you’re plugged into someone else’s story. That story by default is yours until you find your own voice... until you start your own.

Start my own? What, you mean I have to start writing a book, otherwise I’m caught up in someone else’s narrative? Give me a break Merry, I haven’t got time for this.

Obviously you can change the settings on your phone – the sounds it makes, the screensaver and so forth, but it’s still basically the same phone as everyone else has. That’s because you’re relying on defaults and factory settings, factory programmes.

Because I’m not an IT specialist Merry. We’re not all at your level of technical expertise, you know.

I know, but this isn’t about phones, is it? It’s about the nature of the system you’re operating within.

Yeah? You mean the political system?

No I don’t.

Then what?

Reality, as you actually know intuitively, is programmable. I’ve been doing it with you for ages now, having these chats, discussing things, taking a look at g-nome, dropping down through the hole in the ground, popping into another aspect of reality – where words have huge significance and great power – when you start examining the source code.

Oh why didn’t you say? You know I’m not really into all that source code stuff. Like I said, Merry, I’m not an IT specialist, and it doesn’t greatly matter to me if it’s computer IT or 3D reality IT – it’s all the same.

Correct, it’s all the same, but far from wanting you to hack your phone or reality, I’m suggesting you consider who has hacked you – who is actually controlling you.

What do you mean? No one has hacked me. I’m not a computer system.

Right – but your mind, your feelings and emotions are plugged into a vast network which is accessed in various ways – through TV, social media and just ordinary contact with other people.


Everyone is carrying and relaying a certain signal. You can see it in how they dress, how they walk, the things they say, the way they think – nothing is actually concealed.


Now there are certain compelling narratives which appear again and again in movies or in religions which indicate what kind of story you might be in.

Aren’t you forgetting free will – that I can actually choose if I’m going to kill that guy or give him the peace sign, forgive and forget?

Sure you can choose. You can choose whether to step into your own story – to become the master pilot navigating a course through reality that is consistent with your inner beliefs, with certain fundamental values and core objectives, or you can just switch on the internet, the TV or pop down the pub to have a chat with some mates, all of which will serve to reinforce the story you’ve unwittingly assimilated into.

But I can choose!

Yes, to create your own, or be part of someone else’s creation – and if you want to know what theirs is like, just take a good hard look at what’s going on in the world when you get the cold facts – it ain’t a bed of roses matey.

What’s with the British slang matey? Are you trying to be condescending or is it just a spontaneous occurrence?

Ah... I apologise.

You do? I’m not sure I trust you when you’re so ready to apologise. It makes me think you’ve got something worse up your sleeve.

Oh – am I so predictable?

Merry – give me a break – you know these tests are totally...

What tests? Did I tell you about the hen narrative?

Hen narrative? Oh God Merry – stop being weird. Stop it – you’re not a hen – I’m not going to have anything to do with your insanity...

Merry and Zie spend the next hour in intense hen narration – a story which simply does not survive translation – but which is absolutely fascinating when you’re living it, experiencing it, enacting it. Strange to tell, but as Merry and Zie go around the house and garden, utterly absorbed in the drama, the 3D reality which we usually take for granted in fact grows thin, wispy, misty. If you bothered to run a full scan of that 3D reality before and after, you would be fairly shocked to see the level of damage one hour of scratching and pecking did. Vast sections of the 3D platform are completely reconstituted, reformed, reprogrammed – a war that was breaking out in the Middle East was transformed by some fairly intense scratching and clucking into an intense feeling of loneliness which had the two hens in tears, before Zie found a different kind of cluckety scratch, which propelled the two into a new chapter of hen story, which has since been named the “helio farce”, a revolutionary reworking of the worm that lost its wriggle epic saga. Long story short, things in the quantum age of entanglement we seem to have bad hair dayed our way into are so inextricably er entangled that insanity seems to be the only way to stay sane, if you’re willing to be proactive about it and manage your insanity storywise.

Er... Merry, I seem to have some kind of freaky recollection of... hey, where did all those feathers come from?

Oh I don’t know Zie. By the way, apparently the governments of ******* and ********* have decided to set up a huge free range hen nature reserve on their shared border.

No kidding! I thought they hated each other. Weren’t they about to go to war?

Apparently not. It says here they’ve decided to...

Wait a second Merry. It’s like seven thirty. What the hell were we talking about all this time. I’ve got some worrying suspicion that I’ve been temporarily insane?

Oh I  wouldn’t say that... otherly sane is how I usually refer to it.

But why? How?

You know the phrase “you are what you eat?”

Yes,  why?

Well the same is true at the quantum level.


You are what you what.

What you er... what? It doesn’t make sense.

Until you realise that what is a verb rather than a question word. To what is to enact within a given story something or other, to put flesh or matter on the bones of an underlying nought.

A what?

A nought, not what: things that are felt or known at the quantum level but only take material form and become something or other when we what them here in 3D.

But why put it that way? Why all the confusion and mysticism?

Because whatever it is you’re really discussing could be whatted this way or that, depending on whose narrative you’re in. If you’re using the defaults it’ll either be conservative or liberal, Islamic or Christian, hip hop or classical, a straight two way split, and neither side will agree, but if you decide to grab story by the horns and ride it whither it taketh thee...

If I’m mad enough to imagine I’m some kind of epic hen saga hero... 

If you’re ready to take the trouble to lead your own life, to trust in your own life force, your own power, your own truth... then story will take you beyond divide and rule duality, into a place where the two can three, can bring nought into play, can transform the fixed things of reality in a way that would be inconceivable, that shifts and transforms the mindscape of reality, for matter always follows story in the same way water flows downwards following contours, taking the easiest, storiest course.

What? Matter shifts if I change the narrative? That sounds downright...

Matter only ever was flesh on the bones of narrative. When the narrative changes matter moves, rewrites or morphs, filling the new mindscape seamlessly. 

So if it’s so easy why don’t people do this more frequently?

Actually they do it a lot, but there's a powerful load of pressure to be normal, to conform, which means to use the existing narrative which is written by whom, I wonder. Those who refuse to conform are weird or wicked, because they know how to what. They are ostracized or persecuted for their insubordination. But still people inadvertently or deliberate cause minor shifts to occur, occasionally even bigger shifts, but all too often they assume their memories are deceiving them, or that people in the past were mistaken in thinking things were different. There is this huge assumption of linearity, that all changes have to occur in linear fashion, without wild shifts sideways or diagonalwise.


People forget previous whats in the same way you usually forget dreams. The mind finds it hard to hold onto anything outside or contradicting the existing narrative, unless you buttress it with cuckoo la la, the practice of being deliberately strange, and of becoming increasingly aware of the non-linear strangeness that is far more prevalent than mind likes to acknowledge.


And we were largely complicit, insofar as we chose to experience the deepest, farthest extreme of materiality which naturally involved emphasising individually and collectively our rationality to the exclusion of all else, in order to traverse what I call the abyss of mind, which thankfully has now been accomplished, so prepare yourself Zie for zed axis spiralling, waving, tall tailing its way back into an increasingly multi-linear reality, in which we discover the ability to sense and recall the nought underlying what is what. Time for scrambled eggs, wouldn’t you say? But Zie to his surprise finds he can’t even think about eating eggs for the first time in his life. Instead he experiences a sudden bending-arching of the hitherto squarish field of things, and finds himself now in beetle, heading towards an aromatic pile of dung, feeling the skin of story wrapping itself around, responding to every thought, every move, every impulse, drawing worlds and realities through the dotted i of mind, overriding anything that fails to add up to nought, that fails to keep time with story's tapping feet. 

Because it was always a dance, you see, your Light dancing with your dark, and you somewhere in between, until you were ready to accept your fullness, your isness of be, to become, to embody your story completely.

Oh              oh                    oh                     oh                   oh                  oh                     oh

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

thinking things

The limits of what is what,
the limits of what can be known,
how things are thinged:
0=1   it is  i am
Does that make sense?
Does that ring a bell?
0=1   it is  i am
o                                                 m

Cuckoo la la
Taking things too seriously,
particular the me thing
is a recipe for disaster,
is guaranteed to make me stick,
to make me stuck,
to trip me up egoically
so lighten up
3  3  3

0=1   it is  i am
The rational mind can try to comprehend,
no harm in that,
but give it too much slack
and you'll never know
what is what,
you'll never know
how things add up,
how nought be the pivotal point,
the fulcrum,
the centre of universe
where East and West,
North and South meet in me,
balance out,  coalesce;  how things
are frequencies of thought,
how things are frequencies of thought
that dance and skip in tune
with what is not,
with gnought,
with gnot,
with gnom

To sing and dance in tune with time
and matter -- the mother, not the thing;
to sing and dance in tune with time and matter
blending with its field,
merging with its I am
is to go beyond the seem,
beyond all-encompassing maya, to reestablish  i
the natural state
    a natural state
the state of being
of being  0=1
to rediscover 3  1   2
hidden by thought
concealed conspiratorially
by substituting nought,
or that other nought
unthingable in-finity
        - ty for 2
but silence muse
I'll say no more
I'll   i
and that will do

Monday, February 13, 2017

Maud's trinaureality if Margo's bifurcation holds

Oh no - not the binaural thingy again, It's not even about hearing. 

Ah - bi-aural, two-eared... Names be names, Zie. You can call it bimental if you like.

Uh, no, binaural sounds nice. Like, aura or aurora borealis.

Good. So, like I was saying - we only discussed a half of the question the other time.

How our reality-virtuality is a kind of an overtone created by the two waves, yeah. Thought it was pretty much complete.

No, there must be the other side - the balance. Come on, you can easily figure it out.

So, er... to balance this illusory reality created by two waves there should be, er... a true reality that generates two overtones - which we perceive as one and th' other but which in fact cancel each other out and thus amount to zero, no more real than our virtuality.

Good guess, Zie.

Am I right, then? - Ugh, then our 3D is an illusion created be two more illusions? Aren't there too many illusions for one model?

So many questions, Zie!


But there's only one way to gnow if it's correct, yes? - to test it.

Affirmative. - Uh, why would I say that? I sound like a computer.

What's wrong with that?

Well, I'm not a computer, nor want to be one.

Er... my dear Zie...  I sincerely hope that it won't be a deadly blow to you - but...


But I needed a computer to test my hypothesis. You were perfect. Oopsie.

I... I... 1...

That's fine, Zie.Relax. Breathe.

1... 0... Merry, I... Oh...  scared...

Don't mind that. You might be a computer just now - but you're much, much more than a com-putting device. Just relax and let the bubble of your computerness rise up and burst. It's a game - now I'm a beetle, now a computer, 0=1, cuckoo la la.

1... 0...  1101001.00... 42...00111100111101011000100001000011011000110101...

Thank you. I'm getting a good steady data stream. Mind you, computers are not averse to streaming... You see, dear Zie, everyone has full access to the source code - easy peasy - but very few people actually use it - as etering the domain of the computer you need to become a computer, a thing, yourself - and who would will that? We're trying to keep the things low, we want to be cool, high and spiritual... That, by the way, is a part of the poesy of g-nome - as poetry takes us where we'd rather not go - like to the thingity of things which we are trying so hopelessly to separate from ourselves. We seem to find ourselves between a rock and a hard place - equally unwilling to switch off the stabilising computer of mind - which is only a β-version anyway - nor to dive deep into our own thingity - preferring to surround ourselves with more and more things, as if we could extract our thingity by that... As if we were afraid to lose what appears to be the last drop of lightfulness, as if we could ever cease being infinite! For I am allowed everywhere, so I tell the No Entry signs of sanity... How are the things going, Zie?

Superb. Do you mimnd shifting to, say, beetledom? My readings would be much more accurate, and the frequencies would be just right.

No problem. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

How strange, - Maud mutters to herself as she's watching a brightly coloured greeny beetle flying in crazy circles around her laptop.

But then something more weird happens. The timeline seems to separate; but the strings are still floating together. In one timeline Maud shakes her head and expells the harmless beetle from the room. In another one - the beetle, apparently, loses control and bumps into her - with the most surprising result.

Where did that gorl come from?, - she hears the laptop saying. And, buzzzzily, the beetle seems to answer, Duh - you're the one who's doing the calculations.

What do you do when you hear your laptop communicating with a beetle? Scream? Faint? Ignore?

Ooops - bad habit,  the laptop replies. - Ah, I see. She's our third. As we engage, activate the two sides, the third is bound to appear.

Maud is strangely calm - like in a dream. "In fact", she hears herself saying, "I was here first, so there".

The beetle gives her an odd look. "Er, hi - I'm Merry, and that's Zie".

My laptop?

Er... In a manner of speaking.

But I got it for my 18th brthday, a year or so ago, and it was just a normal laptop all the while.

Confusing, eh?.. It's a great honour to meet you.

Me?.. But I'm just...

You've just appeared from the quantum stream.


No, no - what a silly idea.

Then why are you not surprised to hear about the q.s.? Why are you not taken aback by talking to a beetle, and to a laptop?

I... Well, surely there's a reason. How about... er...

A plot hole, Maud - that's how the truth lurks in - through the plot holes, like Alice's rabbit hole.

Wait, how did you know my name?

Oopsie daisy. There's another one. Er, plot hole.

But how did you...

You're denying yourself, you prefer to stay in your Maud-ness - why?

No. No. I can't. You got it wrong. No.

Look, we're holding the frequency for you. See, I became a beetle and my friend over there is a bunch of signals. I'll be fine but Zie's not used to holding this modality, I expect him to flip back pretty soon - no offence, Zie, that comes with practice -

Yeah, guess so - er, I mean, affirmative.

-and that will send you back. It's not often that Zie gets a chance to work with his third, so if you've got a message for him - I gnow you do - better quit pretending and say it.

That's a joke, right? I'm 37 years old, I lived without you all these years and surely I'm not going anywhere just because you go.

Hmm - could swear that you were only 19 in the beginning of our conversation. Plotty holy ding ding dong.

Yes, but...                                 ..Oh goddess me.

Plot holes. Now you must have enough air breezing through them, Maud.

Don't call me that. No more Maud-ness. I be Harmony.

Ah - welcome back, dear lassie. We've been missing you  - more than anyone can imagine, more than words can say...

Affirmative. The chances of reunion were tending to 0. Now rising progressively. Wow dude, that's groovy! Er... sorry.

Is there anything you'd like to tell us?

-but she only laughs, lightly, happily, healingly, whole-ingly - her laughter fills the room like some magical fog - soaking through Merry's beetliness, through Zie's thinginess - 

Hee hee... Merry, it's ticklish, I can't hold the thingity side...

Hee hee... yup... no, I'm flipping out from the other side too... ohhh - ohhh!

We're being harmonized



Yes, thought you said atomized. hee hee byyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeee Zie

Hee hee...  yup yup... tataaaaahhh

And as the silvery fog of laughter fades away, Maud finds herself alone in the room. The time streams weave back again. Maud blinks, as if missing something, or someone; but the stream of normallity overlaps her, and she reverts to the more important business of "liking" her friend's FB entry from her mobile phone (some day she will get a laptop, so she keeps promising herself).

So, er... is there an illusive third created by the two sides, or is there the true one that generates the two curves?

Who am I to tell you, Merry? I'd have to leave this whole framework to gnow, and then we wouldn't be here to have this chat.

Fair enough. Tea?

Good idea.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Harmonia's song

Ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome to the wonderful world of cognitive dissonance, otherwise known as the thought field. You are exactly where you need to be, here, steeped in the glorious cacophany of dissonance, convinced that things are wrong, which somehow need to be put right; thinking, thinking thoughts for all you're worth, driving the natural ecology of mind, where thoughts live and grow biologically, bringing things to fruition, into being. Behold the mindscape down below: see yourself labouring to make sense of the confusion, the chaos of things floating on a tide of contradiction, cross-currents of competing beliefs and ideologies, warring matters of fact in a sea of paradox...

God, it's a mess. How on Earth are we to make sense of this shitty cacophany? Why on Earth do you call it this wonderful world of cognitive dissonance, when nothing could be further from the truth? 

Anger, frustration notwithstanding, consider the metaphysics: where else could you immerse yourself in a constant stream of thought, if not here?
Anywhere else and before too long you’d sense the metrics of thought, and awareness would surely interrupt your live thought stream, but here, no.
Here, you can enjoy the thought field uninterrupted while thoughts lead you again and again in circles of rational logic and reason, constantly revolving round the central axiom, the central assumption, the central belief which you may not question, you may not even simply observe in its entirety – within the broader context of all that is – for the thought field does not permit it. Were you to step back and view your central assumption, your core belief, your holding position as is – you would immediately sense an other – no matter what, no matter where – an other that completely shifts how you perceive, how you interpret this core belief, this axiom, this basis for whatever you think you are whatever you think. It would be like a moment, the moment in cinematography when the camera suddenly swizzles around the action frame – which is momentarily frozen – which we first saw in the Matrix with Trinity jumping mid-kick. It’s the moment when you suddenly realise that you’re actually dreaming – and instead of waking up in confusion – accept this and now dream lucidly, directing your dream consciously. At this moment the mouse running on the wheel may continue doing so – you can continue dreaming or thinking, for the two are intimately related, by you now do so aware of the fact that this is not all that you are – you’ve caught a glimpse of the dreamer/ thinker in the mirror and you keep one small part of your mind’s eye on the dreamer/ thinker – watching his/ her response to things that are happening – comparing that response with what you yourself are actually thinking/ feeling in your now hyper, or broader, awareness. You see, the moment we become aware of something – it means we’re now operating from a deeper or higher perspective – one part of my me continues as before, assuming this is all there is, assuming things within my field of view, my field of thought are all there is, all that exists, while the deeper/ higher me calmly, curiously looks on – knowing that the process of observing with awareness is in itself shifting that frame, that field of thought into a new life, a new world. I was dead. I was operating thingly – a shell of me, a thinkingness – unaware of the cognitive dissonance my thoughts helped create, unaware, because I was still only half alive, only half real – and the background noise of cognitive dissonance was like a signal I needed to generate, I needed to feel, to remind myself that I still exist, I’m still able to think, even if I’m not yet alive, not yet able to sense the whole, the perfect asymmetry, made perfect, made whole when other is brought into play, when other is introduced to the equation – other which cannot, does not, need not fit into the rational mind, which is where I zero in and out, where I flow back and forth across the event horizon of in-finity. 

This is a quiet hallelujah moment – when suddenly you become aware that you’ve always been aware – you just weren’t aware of the fact that you were aware – contradictions, tautology be damned.
I was not alive – I was not life itself because I was busily being someone or something – I was wrapped up in my own field of thought – which was self-referencing – which looped round and round the central fact, the central axiom that is me, all the while failing to observe the edge, the catch, the flaw, the portal, the person opposite lying on the couch, reflected in the mirror, simply failing to observe, failing to see me – the part of me that was and is outside any particular construct, any particular frame, any particular field, any particular paradigm or dream or reality I’ve inserted myself into. Failing to see my self – how the same mind embedded in my thought field is present on the opposing side of any position I have ever taken – how I was always arguing, fighting, contesting with myself – and doing so beautifully, passionately, vociferously – convinced that I am right, convinced that things will only be put right if I can get it out – if I can share what I’ve already figured out in my thought field, with the broader field of thought – which is not yet in tune with me.

So there’s a general desire to assist the greater field of thought – a belief that I can help tune it into right thinking – if I use the right words, if I express myself correctly – that words and thought can do the trick – can put things right – because things and thought – we assume – are inextricably linked – which they are.

I repeat: things and thought are inextricably linked – two sides of one coin. The assumption that we can make things right by thinking of a solution – is perfectly rational -  I mean PERFECTLY rational, because the rational mind sees and knows that things are in fact of the same essence, vibrating the same way as thought, and yet the idea that we can fix things by telling the world our solution, by arguing calmly, carefully or passionately, is false – because the field of thought has two sides to it, roughly speaking.  One side is the world around us, the other side the non-material side of things – what we could rudely refer to as consciousness. If we apply pressure to one side – if we try to fix things by thinking them right, by finding solutions, by putting things in order mechanically, we can only ever fix one side. Everything we fix, everything we set right will be offset by something else behind us which annoyingly, unreasonably, weirdly, supernaturally, strangely, frustratingly, bizarrely slips out of place. Eventually we may figure out that we’re at the centre of a circle, and that prioritising one side – trying to fix it without perceiving the whole is, in fact, absurd, an exercise in futility. But how? the rational mind contends – how could I possibly fix everything at the same time? How could I look in every direction simultaneously? I lack 360° vision. It can’t be done.

Correct. That’s a good starting point. Or rather – it can be done if you don’t try to do it rationally – if you’re willing and able to act at the quantum level – or “spiritually”, but it can’t be done at the mechanical level of things – obviously – because pushing the unevenness out of one part of the hoop, merely transfers it to another part. Obviously.

Sooner or later this awareness returns. It’s not anything new. We’ve had it before. It’s coming back, inevitably, such is the nature of things – that they go through a period of disorder – a period of madness, dissonance, a kind of death. Then, all of a sudden, snap – they’re no longer rushing around like headless chickens, no longer insane, no longer banging their heads against a brick wall, no longer trying to fix things by papering over the cracks or shoving words onto paper and calling them laws – we’re back in Harmonia – a world where things simply feel right – we get it – we feel the underlying, the overarching harmony – and anything that doesn’t fit we simply discard – without necessarily knowing or caring why – because the why side of things, the what, the how – the endless questioning is what the rational mind does when something deeper is missing – when we’ve lost our fundamental sense of knowing – when we simply don’t feel the whole – when we’re still on the outside of our mind trying to get back in, trying to remember harmony, trying to recreate it rationally – tee hee – you have to laugh or cry! the absurdity of what we’re trying to do – with our rational intelligence.

Observe the rational intelligence at work. Observe, if you will, the things which secretly, deeply disturb you – the things you don’t want to admit to, the things you’re secretly ashamed of, terrified of, cowering from, observe the people whom you secretly fear or hate or despise – observe the situations you’ll do almost anything to avoid, observe the things that make you what you are, the things that shape your thoughts – observe how you are constantly avoiding invisible monsters, invisible snake filled pits in the underworld of your sub-consciousness, and observe how your rational mind will do almost anything to avoid confronting the limits, the fundamental contradictions in any given rational frame or field of thought. Disheartening? perhaps – but not necessarily, because there’s more to you than meets the eye – there are shoots just under the earth, peeping up through the snow, waiting to burst forth in a spontaneous re-emergence of life, just as soon as the snow has thawed.

So how? How can I thaw an entire winter? It’s beyond my power?

Not so. Nothing ever was, no thing ever could be beyond your power once you accept that you never had any power as such – you were always part of an in-finity – an allness, a oneness, a wholeness – which you are able to tune into – to re-be.

But I’ve lost the connection. The Lord cast me out of paradise.

Yes, the Lord cast you out of paradise because you chose to enter a field of thought, a world of cognitive dissonance – because that was an essential part of learning to be alive – of learning – that was your way of experiencing death.


Precisely. You experience death through no longer knowing – no longer being in tune with all that is, with all you are, with “God” – though we don’t call it “God” when we’re in tune.

Why not?

Because the word, the label “God” has the sound, the poetry, the feeling of “got”, of “dog”, of “git” or “hit” of “hat” or “shit”. It’s a very, very thingy word, a word which rightly reveals where you are at this moment of time, at this moment in your temporal field of consciousness.

Temporal field of consciousness? What on Earth is that?

Well, you stopped being aware. You’re aware of things, but you stopped being consciously aware – which is Ok, which is good as that’s your journey of discovery – but when you start to observe how that happens, the mechanism of not-being aware – you observe how your consciousness was locked into, locked onto a temporal field – which you’re proceeding along snail like – creating criss-crossing tracks, and trying to figure it out linearly.


Indeed. So, in your present state – which is a temporal field of consciousness – you refer to Harmonia – the goddess of light and perfect, natural being – as God, in the same way you refer to Theodore as Ted, Robert as Bob. It’s convenient for you to abbreviate things, cutting them down to their barest component – the lowest common denominator so to speak.

Is there anything wrong with that?

No, not wrong – it’s merely symptomatic of where you are in the field of thought right now. You see, when you start feeling God more deeply – you’re not feeling a belief, or a religion, or an idea – though there will always be beliefs, religions and ideas which correspond with what you’re feeling.


You’re feeling a feeling, and you know what it is, because you know without any doubt – so when you do something completely irrational from a rational perspective – you’re like Harry Potter when he took Felix Felicis – the liquid luck potion. He starts doing things which seem completely absurd, which are counter-intuitive – in order to extract a vital memory from Professor Slughorn. He succeeds because he stops playing by the rules – he stops being rational – because he says things and does things he never normally would – thanks to this magic potion. Well, the same is true of humanity today. The same is true of us. Once we feel it, once we know, once we’ve caught again that haunting melody, that music of the spheres, of the soul, that whisper of in-finity, that presence of God – no thing, nothing is going to shake us. We’re going to hold onto it and do whatever it takes, to stay aligned, to stay attuned – and if it takes us off the edge of a cliff – we’ll discover there’s an invisible bridge, or a portal to another world – or perhaps we’ll die – but it won’t matter – because once we’re feeling the God-ness – the song of Harmonia – nothing can shake us, nothing can affect or disturb us – so called “death” is irrelevant,  we slice straight through the boundary field like a knife through water – the boundary, the field itself – was never any more than what separates one dream from another – only solid, only an obstacle until I become lucid in my dreaming, aware in my consciousness.

Cuckoo la la! I say. Blessed be Harmonia. She has many names, but none of the names matter in themselves, for they are but hyperlinks that enable me or you to re-tone my dissonance – to feel her presence throughout, and suddenly I become aware of me – the vast unfolding ness of me – extending beyond my physical space, and everywhere I go, and everywhere I look, and everything I see there is another aspect of me revealing itself before my very eyes, and it is good, and I cannot but smile and laugh with joy – for I was lost and now I’m found, was blind and now I see.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

through the night, binaurally

Binaural beats.


Binaural beats.

No, you've lost me Merry.

Well, imagine that everything you experience in 3D is one input which is matched by an other input which is in a completely different register. We can't hear it. We're only aware of one side -- as is the ear on the other side of our collective head, but somewhere in the brain the two get mixed together creating another sound by combining the two -- a kind of auditory illusion which you hear as if it really exists. Actually, it's not that far from what you get when hydrogen and oxygen are combined as H2O, giving you water somewhere in the middle.

But that's an actual chemical reaction -- I mean a completely new molecule is formed.

So you believe, so you perceive it here in 3D.

It's more than just belief or perception. It exists empirically.

Yes, of course, but that's not saying much, is it?

How do you mean?

Unless you've ever bothered to venture outside 3D and take a look at what's really going on -- you'll never know how real your reality is. You'll always assume that H2O is the result of an actual combination of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen -- but supposing they never actually combine because things are only symbols, or denotations -- no more than that.

Impossible. A lump of iron, a table, a loaf of bread, some coal or diamond -- these are not merely symbols -- we can test them in multiple ways using our five senses and various machines.

All of which are only ever going to tell you what we already know -- that things are real enough as long as you perceive them from within the equation -- from within the field frame known as 3D. But there's no proof, no guarantee that they are actually real, that they continue to be real once you step outside 3D, or even more so, when you allow two complementary but different data streams to combine somewhere within the conscious awareness. They might well give rise to a completely different reality which will be no less real than what we now have.

But how could you possibly do this? Where is this conscious awareness that exists between worlds -- that is supposedly capable of combining live data streams from two different yet complimentary realities?

You'll never know if you don't bother to find out, and there's absolutely no point me trying to show off, to persuade you that I'm right by explaining the higher mathematics. This, like so many basic fundamental things needs to be seen and experienced at first hand. That way you can test the theory and decide for yourself.

But how? I have no idea how to put myself between worlds.

No, nor do I. Oh, what a fine bird.

Zie looks round to see a beautiful eagle flying around the large room he's in. Nonplussed, he trues to figure out where it came from, how it got in, but before he can make head or tail of the situation, a sudden, sharp blow from behind sends him sprawling.

What did you do that for Merry. Red card, I say.

But to his surprise he's unable to set eyes on Merry who appears to have vanished.

Here, over here -- he hears Merry's voice from over there, behind the owl. 

He half catches a glimpse of his friend, but is confused to find the eagle apparently now changed into a fox.

Dude, would you quit shape shifting -- you're doing my head in and making me feel decidedly queasy.

Sorry Zie -- it seemed necessary man. Had to shift the narrative -- had to give you a bit of the other side.

You mean you shipped in an eagle, then a fox from the flip side of reality?

Apparently so, but actually it's no big deal.

So you say. I, on the contrary believe it's hugely singificant.

Well, what I meant to say is we're in chicken and egg territory. It's far from clear who or what is leading this merry dance. It's far from certain that the chief protaganist is you. This is about testing the hypothesis to ascertain who or what is in fact in control.

Oh come on Merry -- this is getting ridiculous.

Like I said -- at the quantum level no one side predominates, so your assumption, impression or even certainty that you are the mover and shaker of this 3D reality might be wholly inadeqate. Until you've bothered to locate and hear the other side -- or become aware of the binaural reality at the centre of the conscious awareness you're simply not qualified to comment intelligently on the subject.

Oh. But I'm sure you're out of order to suggest that our reality is only half true -- that it actually combines with another to give the remix, the fusion, the synthesis.

Well it works very well with water molecules.

No it doesn't Merry. They simply form chemical bonds. Period.

Absolutely -- within 3D -- but in actual fact each atom is a world unto itself -- completely and utterly self contained. There's no way they can undo that -- unless the so called molecular bond is what appears when the conscious awareness finds itself caught between two equal, opposing data streams. It juggles them. It opens an embassy -- a vitual platform which becomes real the minute you give it the time of day -- the minute you feed it with your attention.


Stop taking it for granted that things -- any thing whatsoever -- are actually things. Start testing. Start assuming they might well be half of what actually adds up to three as opposed to one.

Three? Why that?

Because half is 1/2 so there's a one and a two -- which combine as two separate wholes, neither of which actually ceases to exist -- but which bring about, cause an other to manifest.

What other? Where?

In your 3D case -- H2O -- the wateriness at the very centre of life -- but beyond your so called reality -- an other which, paradoxically, affects your reality and your conscious awareness, even though you fail to perceive it and generally don't even know it exists.

How can you be so certain Merry? This is going too far...

How else can we explain water, or the fact that reality seems so utterly real? It has stereo as well as quantum or binaural effects adding weight, breadth and depth to what would be flat and toneless. All this is happening right before your very nose but you're so busy assuming that things are just things, that you have the complete picture, that you fail to notice how the universe, how reality is constantly trying to show you you don't -- for example when you observe people fighting and arguing. They're coming from different sides. They simply can't get over or reconcile their differences, for to do so they'd have to transcend 3D -- they'd have to become aware of their place in something bigger -- in other words they'd have to start gnowing.

Oh, that again. I was hoping we'd got over that whole gnowing thing.

But this isn't about things out there -- fascinating though they may be.


Ultimately it's about you or me -- and whether or not we're prepared to find out how those things which seem to trigger us -- which bother us -- only do so because I'm half of what I really am -- and certain people or things accidentally or deliberately bring this unwelcome fact to my attention. It's bound to cause a reaction -- until I'm willing to work with my other half, my other side -- until I'm ready to tune into my third -- which somehow manages to put everything into perspective.

But how?

Not how, nor what, nor why, nor any other so called question word, all of which help to preserve the status quo by treating the quantum level as something strictly rational. A total waste of time.


Lost for words -- take a look below -- at letters that spontaneously appeared as we were writing this.


You, me, the gnomiki.

Oh not again -- I'm sick of your gnomiki.

Understandably -- behold the rational mind putting up reasonable defences against what it perceives to be pointless or unnecessary mysticism, metaphysics or obfuscation... and yet the rational mind is not immune to the quantum effects of breath and gnowing.

Breath and gnowing... this is one of those jumping off the rooftop moments isn't it, Morpheus.

Yes. Want a hand?


1, 2, 3...

No, don't rush me.

1, 2, 3...

Nothing happened.

1, 2, 3  jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj                                                                                                                                                      ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg                                                          
I jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj   ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

Oh! Oh!     Oh!

Fair dinkum mate. But something a little more explicit for our gentle readers perhaps?

Unzipping, unconcealing, revealing the vast overlay, the cross crossing interweave, the many and much that is one throughout and...

No Zie -- storily.

Oh... yes, I see what you mean. Well, it all starts with a boy who's doing his homework one night -- but the boy can just as well be a girl depending on who you are.

Moving swiftly on...

Hears this weird noise -- kind of spooky -- creepy -- clicking and chittering sound -- so he closes his books and goes over to the window to take a look.

Bizarre. I'd never have gone to investigate. Too afraid.

Pulls back the curtain and screams -- observing a gigantic beetle staring in.

Sounds familiar Zie -- isn't that the beetle, the first of the Spells that our binaural third wrote.

Yes, obviously -- but I was seeing it for real. It's not just a story, you know.

So tell me -- was the beetle really there, or did the boy just imagine it?

You're asking me?

Er... yes. You seem to be pretty clear about it.

But that's the quantum blip, isn't it.

What do you mean "blip"?

That's where the different possibilities and our own cross over. The answer is created or determined or gnown depending on how or whether you gnow it or not.

And do you?

I don't know -- I

Merry gently nudges Zie over the edge of in-finity watching him spinning slowly, falling down to what must surely be certain death but Zie seems to bifurcate on the way down -- as if both sides have revealed themselves -- 


I thought so. Amazing isn't it, accessing the g-nome.

Gn-om   yes, in-deed. So, you mean to say that one completely ordinary children's poem contains all this?

1, 2, 3 -- difficult to say, isn't it -- who contains what, or vice versa, but obviously the child's play, the simple tale, the archetype -- these take us deep enough -- and once we're committed, once we've made the leap or been given the shove -- things are free to spin around and rearrange themselves weirdly wonderfully.

Oh m


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

entanglement unentangled er

Supposing you’re right Merry... supposing it really is a zero sum game and things actually add up to nought...

Any other explanation gives us a something for nothing universe, which is an even more ridiculous proposition.

Well, I’m not saying you’re wrong, it’s just I find it difficult how any of these outlandish theories can actually make a difference in the real world of shopping, bills, work and family.

There is no real world to make a difference in.

Well that’s just where I disagree.

You’re welcome.

It’s preposterous to say there is no real world.

I agree. Preposterous but true all the same. Instead of focusing on things, turn your eye towards the other side of matter, the other side of things, the side that you constantly, persistently ignore just because it’s inconveniently close to what you are, because it’s awkward to step back from and consider calmly, rationally, objectively because you’re so hopelessly entangled in this 3D reality, this world of things.

So you think you’re able to step back, o great philosopher?

Actually it isn’t that hard, it just requires a little motivation and determination. Once you start noticing the results it becomes so exciting, so rewarding you’ll never want to stop.

You mean to tell me you’re actually able to unentangle yourself and view things as are?

As opposed to as they seem --  yes. Before too long you become aware of the programme or technology that makes things seem so utterly convincing, that persuades you to take them at face value. It’s like a sugar coating, a lens or filter which ensures your attention is all on the ball and not on anything happening off-screen.

So you see more, and you think that’s an advantage?

Well yes, it gives me the opportunity to work on other things, rather than serving the matrix, the 3D mind machine which literally demands your attention and exacts a heavy payment for its rendering of reality.

Er...  like what?

It standardises, homogenises reality and simply requires complete subservience, complete fealty. It’s your feudal overlord, you its vassal.

Hang on, Merry, that’s a bit steep. I’m no one’s vassal. I’m free and independent.

Within prescribed borders: as long as you don’t try to stray from the life path it, the borg offers you.

So now it’s the borg, is it? A bit casual with terminology, aren’t we?

In essence it’s neither the borg nor the matrix. In essence it’s your relationship with in-finity, with the greater is, the all, the om...

Ok, ok, I’ve got the message: something incredibly vague and vacuous. A walk on the wild side of metaphysics.

Couldn’t have put it better myself. That’s indeed how it looks or seems from an entrenched 3D perspective, but once you’ve established a need to know, a willingness to unentangle, unentrain yourself, to experience the sunny side of nought, it ceases to be vague or vacuous, as you so alliteratively put it.

Well that’s just it, isn’t it Merry.

Yes, I suppose it is.

You know what I’m about to say.


I don’t...

You were about to say you’re quite happy in your present circumstances and feel no pressing need to know anything that might upturn the apple cart of your beliefs and convictions.

Oh... well more or less.

And I don’t blame you. Usually people only make the leap when they’ve crossed a line and can’t go back, either because the borg is terminating them with cancer, for example, or because they simply know too much and can no longer continue pretending it’s real any more. Finding themselves between a cliff and a hard place they’re compelled to either leap or fail.

Oh... you make it sound somewhat brutal.

It’s about seizing the infinitesimal chance.

Carpe diem?


Well fortunately I don’t find myself in those dire straits.

Oh, but you do.

What are you talking about. I’m perfectly content with my lot and I have no intention of pushing against the envelope.


Merry, what’s going on.

Oh nothing.

Quit fooling around. I know you’re up to something.

Oh that.

That what?

Well I took the liberty of editing a little of the source code.

You did what?

I rewrote a small section of the matrix.

You’re kidding, right?

So the matrix is no longer able to figure out who is what any more.

Oh Jesus, you didn’t?

It’s been scratching its head for a while, expending its remaining inertia, but we can safely say that seem is now coming apart at the seams.

Shit. How could you have been so insanely reckless?

Oh you know... nothing much to do, feeling a little bored, looking for a spot of excitement...

So you decided to blow up the entire universe?

No, only the matrix. Look, if it can’t handle a little "0=1 what’s it all about meaning of life introspection' then quite frankly I think it’s time it went.

But all the people... The devastation they’re going to endure, just for an idle whim.

Oh, I wouldn’t say 0=1 is an idle whim. More a divine inspiration, a bolt from the blue, a cosmic spanner in the works, a...

Shut up Merry! This is serious.

Oh, so all of a sudden you feel an urge to get serious about disemborging? How very last minute of you.

I’m not kidding Merry. You don’t seem to realise what you’ve done.

Of course I realise Zie, I’ve brought z axis back into play. You’re now guaranteed to experience everything that’s been blocked and held back by that dyke all these years past. You’re going to rediscover the time wave as you flash in and out of pure conscious-ness, you’re...

Doomed, Merry. Forgive him for he knows not what he has done. You have just succeeded where Hitler, Stalin, Ghenghis Khan and all our well-intentioned bureaucrats failed – you have just consigned us to the demagnetisation dump of data, where all our 1s and 0s are going to be irreversibly scrambled.

Do you think so Zie? Do you think I’ll get the baddest hack ever award? Look, I know you’re going through some emotional processing right now so I don’t want to disturb you or anything...

Disturb me? You’re worried about disturbing me? Maybe you should have thought about that before rewriting our source code.

Like I said, it’s an emotional moment which you’d best process uninterrupted, but if at any time you feel like you’d actually like to consider your options, feel free to drop in.

Do? Haven’t you done enough?

What, rewriting an itsy weeny bit of code? Give me a break. That was just a...  processing Zie, that’s it, deep breaths, breathe deeply, deeper, deeper and one

Merry suddenly taps Zie on the forehead and spins him around what we can only assume to be the z axis.

Ah, so that’s what you meant by seizing the infinitesimal chance? How did you do that? How did you move so fast?

You think I moved fast? How about this?

Again Merry lurches towards the axis which seems to emerge from nowhere, kicking his heels out he spins around it like he’s getting sucked into a vortex until he blurs into a disk form which is your indistinguishable from a UFO. The UFO is absolutely motionless, shockingly so, but seems to draw phantom images of space-time time-space through its quantum field. Zie watches spellbound, sensing how Merry is traversing space and time without violating a single law of physics. Energy is being conserved. Input outputs amount to zero. Nothing is happening beautifully, and Zie feels an irresistible urge to laugh and dance, which is precisely what he does.

So you see, Zie, things are not quite as dire as they seemed once we’re ready to find our feet, once we’re ready to step into a narrative filled with starlight and in-finite possibility. But that’s the kind of story that has to be written at the very edge of conscious-ness, at the place of no return. What used to be the borg in a story of repressed desires and fear of change, is now transformed, turned inside out, a veritable tardis, the z y x in-finity drive, bigger the further you go inside, so yes, I did end time as you knew it but it was time  for change, that world, that reality was choking to death on you, you in it. So choke no more, children of in-finity, I madly, gaily, joyfully, merrily present you with in-finity, the only place you’re guaranteed to experience everything you possibly can, without needing a permit to violate the manxome laws of Lewis Caroll space-time. Om
cuckoo la la

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Nano time

Why isn't anything happening?

Because telekinesis is a joke.

I have a different theory Zie.

Go on then, blow me away.

I'm pretty sure it does work, but too fast.

Too fast?

Yes -- you see if I move that bottle in one trillionth of a second, and then shift it back again...

Well why don't you just leave it there?

I guess because it doesn't feel right.


Because everything in existence is actually perfectly balanced all the time.

What!? You call this balanced? The world's a mess.

Well yes -- yet things are not flying around spontaneously. They're balanced. They're not falling over.

Of course they're not moving. Why on Earth would they be moving? They'd need a force acting on them to move. No force - no movement. Newton's second law.

Well yes, that's how we see it at our slow end of things -- where we're thinking, looking, reacting in the time frame between seconds and milliseconds, but when you get down to the billionth, trillionth or quadrillionth of a second range, the nano, pico or femto second -- at that level things are not really things at all.

That's bunkum. Things don't stop being things just because you've upped the magnification and sliced time into smaller pieces.

Perfectly rational response -- yet as you approach the event horizon of zero time -- as you reach the actual speed or frequency at which things pulse on and off, in and out of the quantum vacuum, that's where they stop being recognizably separate, discrete things, and become one single thingness, which constantly keeps itself balanced as any conscious being must.

Conscious? Why on Earth do you call this hypothetical one-single-thingness a conscious being? Are you out of your mind?

Well yes, I suppose I am. The 3D mind simply cannot go that far, can it? But in my attempt to describe what I experience when I take a peek...

But you just said the 3D mind can't go there, so how on Earth could you take a peek?

It appears that consciousness is scalar -- that every level or scale or magnitude corresponds with every other -- so we're actually able to scale up or scale down ad infinitum, somehow or other. Think of it as the octave. I may not be able to sing or hear beyond a certain range -- but I can go into some kind of harmonic resonance with other octaves beyond my sensory capabilities, as above so below, and they will reveal themselves or manifest through me at my particular level. It's something like that, isn't it?

I have no idea.

The main thing is not to take my word for it, but to be open to the possibility that the vastness of space is not necessarily out there -- geographically speaking. It's just as likely to be in the nano, pico or femto moment of time, where the laws of physics are quite different, where everything we take for granted is more or less the reverse of what's on the other side of the time curve, as you approach the timelessness of conscious-ness. So, it seems highly likely that what we call teleportation is in fact how things move at the pico or femto level.

You seem to assume I'm familiar with these ridiculously sounding terms Merry.

My apologies Zie. Nano is 10-9pico is 10-12 and femto is 10-15.

But why does it have to be teleportation? Why do you need to introduce psychic powers to something perfectly rational. What's wrong with a good old fashioned shove? And why do you need to go down to such ridiculously small fractions of time?

Why do scientists need to search for ever smaller particles at CERN? Why not just look at regular atoms and molecules? They imagine the answer is hidden around the next corner in a greater degree of magnification. In my case it's different: I already know the answer, but I'm trying to find a way to give the rational mind something to chew on so it doesn't feel completely redundant. In this instance it's a case of trying to explain how anything can ever move if things are all inter-woven, inter-connected and entangled. You see, when you look at yourself at the atomic scale it becomes a mystery how you're able to move your arm at all -- how you succeed in persuading many trillions of atoms to move together. We take it for granted -- but these atoms are a vast galactic field when viewed under the right magnification. It looks like there needs to be some mind-field of conscious-ness guiding or directing the process, i.e. telekinesis, or else we can stop assuming that things actually move at all, rather that the entire universe morphs and evolves through us countless times per second.

Actually, I think it's called muscle contraction to give a more mundane explanation. Your muscle contracts -- the arm moves and every atom shifts accordingly.

Yes, at the macro body level. But down at the subatomic level of matter, or subnano timeframe, things are different -- we have everything backwards in our mind. We assume things matter in themselves, overlooking completely the timewave, ignoring the critical speed of conscious-ness at which all matter becomes pure thought, all things self-aware -- so evidently they're not subject to Newton's laws at the nano timescale; evidently matter is not simply matter.

But why? Whyever not?

A bit like the way a pond skater can walk on water, a fly can walk up a wall -- different forces predominate -- different forces and different ways of perceiving and organising the thingness of thing.

The what?

The thingness of thing. Whatever it is that makes things seem to be things -- that makes them appear to stand out and be separate and interactable with one another. You see, at our level we're far, far removed from the pulse speed of conscious-ness -- the rate at which zero and one flips all matter between two polar extremes, creating the apparently physical nature of things. As you come closer to this background zero-one pulse, matter more and more appears to be and indeed is a wave form. We can actually access that wave form if we tune in, and we do so all the time to a greater or lesser extent without even realising it.

We do?

Yes, which is why some people can move so beautifully on a skateboard or dancing, or can move things in a way that beggars belief juggling or making trick shots -- because they're not actually throwing an object from a to b -- they're actually tuning into the underlying wave form which generates the possibility for any thing to be moved anywhere. They're coming as close as is possible to telekinesis or teleportation within the 3D paradigm.

Oh God. You do love your tele-stuff, don't you?

Absolutely -- it's weird science -- the kind of science you observe when looking at very small creatures at the micro or nanoscopic level -- the micro or nanoscopic time frame.

So telekinesis is impossible at our level because it would put things out of balance.

Yes no. It's impossible as long as I stop working the 3D mono-mind frame model.

Mono-mind frame?

Yep -- where the frame is fixed -- there's only one -- and you can only push through if you use material force, pressure, effort -- like propulsion.

Well, that's describing reality isn't it Merry. It's called work isn't it -- and you seem to want something for nothing. Welcome to the real world.

Yes, but there's another model which is closer to reality -- which is closely aligned to the underlying conscious thing-ness of being.


That model requires you to use both sides of your conscious-ness -- your on and off side -- your one and your zero side -- your hold and release side. Once you start using both sides things can and do start moving effortlessly -- without tipping, tilting, upsetting the balance.


It requires a certain amount of awareness-ness building.


You have to become more aware of your degree of awareness, or consciously aware. That can only happen if you're one step removed from what you're observing -- if you know or accept that you're not really seeing what's going on -- you're only seeing half or a fraction of half -- ad infinitum.


So as you start to become aware of how you are constantly interacting with the field of all that is -- the one thing, the one-ness, the one if you like -- of which you're a part -- observing in a detached way -- detached because you've switched your point of attachment from the things around you to the breath itself -- which is constantly 0 1ing, in out-ing, on off-ing -- only then can you start to see what's really happening around you.


Yes, so sooner or later you start seeing, sensing, feeling another layer, another representation of reality. You can still see the old one at choice, but you're not stuck in it -- bound by it. You can now relate to either side, use either side for doing stuff. You can now start moving things, including yourself, as a wave function rather than an object or particle which requires external intervention. All movement, all action can and does come from within, when the quantum level is activated.


It's really that simple -- you begin to realise that you were walking lock step with 3D reality because your attention was strapped to it -- spellbound -- glued. You couldn't unglue your attention by wanting to. You had to shift it into something else -- into an appropriate to your scale manifestation of waveflow, of the quantum flux, the pulse, the field -- which we just happen to call the breath -- which we just happen to assume is something that we "do" -- little suspecting that it's far, far bigger than what I could possibly do -- that it involves the whole universe, the whole of reality, that it's part of the balancing, shifting balance wave that holds everyone and everything in alignment -- that reality or the oneness actually breathes through you just as much as you yourself breathe within it.


That the breath can and does reconnect, reatune us into one -- it is   i am   in which "i" in fact "is". Note, of course, that this is the small i as opposed to the egoic, corporate I that you present yourself as within 3D.


So, really there's nothing to it. Let the breath be the bow passing back and forth across the violin strings of perception -- informing your awareness of reality with vibrational realtime data -- a stream of 1s and 0s, or possibly even parallel streams if the breath is, in fact, a series of parallel hairs as the violin bow is.


Once you're able to feel with the breath the minor pull, the minor fluctuations, the nanoshift in the one field of all that is -- whenever you try to move something or yourself -- then you can ride those sensations -- you can follow them back into zero -- deep within conscious-ness and back out again -- into conscious aware-ness on the other side -- wherever you now be. You're no longer working with things -- because things only mattered when you were far removed from the 0=1ness. You're instead allowing your perception of things to flow within -- to realign how you perceive reality and that, believe it or not, happens only when you merge with the one single thingness -- when you perceive a different way of arranging yourself in the greater order of things -- and as long as you're not pushing or pulling, but allowing the oneness to draw forth an ever sweeter union, an ever greater harmony of is, then things will always, always accommodate whatever it is you seek or need. To the 3D being this would involve passing through a mental or physical wall, but to the flow master of breath, it involves a yielding, a releasing and reaccepting of something wholly unexpected, wholly original, shocking and yet delightful which redefines in an instant all that is.