Tuesday, April 6, 2021

ye dragons

 audio recording

calling on ye dragons

with a purple plastic bag

my memory link

my portkey to a state

of knowing


a state of feeling, holding, breathing

where I truly am

where I’m going

from whence it all began

redundancies be damned

I’ll run with idiom

with the merry band of


scuffed black tan

words in hiding

words on th’run

words that won’t

can’t or’d

sooner be hanged

than conform to a state of


Do I make myself clear?

indeed you do

ah, welcome my schizoid


welcome back

do you come to ride dragons

 or to hunt the unicorn?


              neither, perhaps


neither, you’ll say


              neither, to tap three times

              the barrel’s oaken floor

              and imbibe the fruit

              of barleycorn

you would lead them astray


you would forge a false trail

would you not


you would seek to play their minds

like a harpsichord

a don Giovanni personifying

the triumph of form

over meaningless



were it not for purply plastic bag

a vision connecting me to what is truly


i’d suffer irreparable damage

following your line

of reasoning

but wind 

 the wind bloweth

and the rain y'raineth

with a hey, with a ho

and a hey nonny nonny

for words are but words

and deeds

but deeds

              and folk

              fair or foul

              but players strutting upon the stage

while life

the spider herself

weaveth a web

of intricate pattern

              deliberate design

and Socrates 

   the fool 

puts reason beyond reproach

while Euclides of Alexandria

nails geometry to the mast

of minstrelsy

we do not care

for these names or numbers

for these…  things

you hang upon so fervently

oozing unctuously

with obsequious sycophancy

a uriah heep of philo-sophistry

we care for no thing

you'cn spin or weave with words

and dance we

dance your words back to the devil himself

who flingeth up his arms in despair

as we dance past rhyme or reason

to a purple haze

plastic'y bag


to recollect the unfathomable


of infinity

to breathe

to be

to know             

              and knowing



              ye words

              ye gods of littleness

              the ever flow

              of things

              things in motion

              things unseen



              thrice – be sure to pause

              to hold the power of emptiness

              the power of nought encompassing


              or fail to poem, to space

              to sing

my miller’s tale

my song of nothing much

encompassing every other



ah, ye dragons, transmute the stuff of

all hereinabove

the space, the time, the matter

of mind grappling doggedly with shadows

on the cave wall 

until a sun calleth us

back outside

into a light

of golden hair and greeny-blue eyes


unless perhaps we take

the unicorn trail

and head off eastwards

beyond the






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