Saturday, April 7, 2018

if it quacks like a duck

I decided not to fake it any more.
    What do you mean?
We’re all frauds.
    Huh? Speak for yourself.
    Cut it out. You’re the fraud. Get a grip.
Do you wanna know why?
    Not really – unless you’ve got something intelligent to say.
I’ve got nothing intelligent to say. It’s way simpler than that.
Everyone’s dodging the facts.
    What facts?
Facts – ever wondered how to verify facts?
    Uh… logically? Rationally?
Only if you want to trust the matrix.
    What matrix?
The construct our operating system runs on.
Logic and reason run on the matrix – the operating system the rational mind uses.
    Er… who says the mind runs on a system at all?
Test it for yourself. See what happens to your precious logic and reason when you dot dot dot
It’s code.
    Oh – it’s code is it?
    You could say. Why the hell do you have to give me code? Why can’t you answer straight?
Why do you think?
    Because you like annoying people? Because you like showing off your superior knowledge/awareness?
That would be kind of pathetic, wouldn’t it? I’d be a complete idiot to behave that way.
    You’re telling me.
But what if I’m unable to answer “straight” – for the simple reason that a straight answer is a matrix answer – which means the system is able to change its values regardless of what I say.
    What system? Why the conspiracy theory? Why not accept that we’re all just trying to be intelligent individuals, coping with a highly complicated reality?
Because I’ve done the math. It doesn’t add up. The rational intelligence doesn’t access the fundament.
    What fundament? What are you on about?
The base level – the level at which we come closest to seeing or experiencing what simply is. The level which cannot really be manipulated because it’s more or less fundamental.
    And you think that the rational level in which logic and reason are at play can be hacked?
    You don’t? I thought…
I don’t think it – I know it. The matrix is a construct. It relies on data in and data out. If I or anyone can alter data in – then that’s going to completely skew data out.
    But how could you hack the intelligence of humanity? We’re all individuals with our own thoughts.
So it appears.
    Oh come on, man. We’re not bloody robots.
Er… I hate to say it – but that’s more or less exactly what we are at the rational level.
    Absolute gibberish. We have emotions. Robots do not.
Which is how we’re hacked – through our emotions. And guess what…
Once our emotions have been triggered – our rational mind will always follow in step.
Those gut wrenching emotions – they run deeper than anything the rational mind can deal with – so it treats them as the fundament – the base. If anyone figures how to trigger those gut wrenching emotions, doing so they establish a base from which your rational mind can be guided and controlled suggestively. Your rational mind will be willing to grasp at any straw just to be able to put away and contain the gut wrenching emotions which it simply can’t handle.
    So why, then, do you say we’re robots if we’re emotional creatures? Total contradiction.
Not at all. It’s like the Pavlovian dog. Once you’ve been triggered or trained to respond in a certain way to certain stimuli – you become completely predictable and completely programmable – without realising it.
But how? How could I fail to see what was going on? I’m not an idiot you know.
    No, you’re not – but when you’re triggered emotionally you’re in a rational well – a sink hole – a cave – a zero – call it what you will – at that moment you’re not able to access or evaluate what is triggering you – only to experience it viscerally – through your body. At that particular moment your mind, unbeknownst to you, is shut down. It takes as granted whatever it is it is experiencing – and only then starts processing – trusting and assuming it’s just touched the void, the fundament, the edge or wall of reality – the alpha omega.
And you’re saying it hasn’t?
    Precisely! It sure felt like it – but there are safeguards in place that contain us energetically.
There are? Like what?
    Like that fact that most of us are hoping we can deal with life mentally.
    We’re fairly comfortable dealing with things rationally and mentally – as adults. We like to imagine, that as long as we’re objective, as long as we’re rational, we can get the right answer, we can figure out our true position in the greater scheme of things – like a seafarer using an astrolabe measuring star heights against time – by cross-referencing empirical and rational data points. If they match up – then that should be corroboration that we’re on track, or that we’re where we think we are.
Well – that sounds reasonable to me. It’s like interviewing half a dozen people when investigating a crime to find out the truth, or doing the duck test.
    The duck test?
If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, swims like a duck, feels like a duck and tastes like a duck – then it’s pretty much certain it is a duck.
Exactly, unless the operating system has been hacked.
    How? I fail to see how a duck can be a dog just because the operating system has been hacked.
Yes – which is why you and everyone else are so easily manipulated.
    So you keep saying – but what proof have you to offer.
If I hypnotise you…
    Oh come on – is that the best you can do?
If I hypnotise you – you’re going to believe it’s a duck, or you’re a duck, regardless of what your five, six or seven senses are telling you, because I can insert a line of command between you and your senses.
    Well, I for one don’t believe I can be hypnotised.
And nor do I expect you to. The only way you could reasonably be hypnotised is if you don’t believe you’ve been hypnotised. You’d have to believe you’re still in control.
    Circular argument – unprovable.
Ah – but what if I can demonstrate the alternative.
    What alternative?
The alternative perspective – the dot dot dot I was referring to.
    Not that again.
Precisely that – for that is the…
    The what? You can’t say the dot dot dot is the dot dot dot. It’s circular and meaningless.
Yes – so allow me to demonstrate.
    Not on your life. Not unless you’re going to tell me what you’re planning to do.
I wish to enquire whether or not we are presently able to touch base – to establish the basic up and down, left and right, forward and behind parameters – which are essential if we’re to establish our true position, or the true state of affairs.
And how do you plan to do so?
    By calling my bluff.
Your bluff?
    Yes, mine, and yours too if you’re willing to participate.
    Because unless we call our own bluff – unless we challenge our core mental state to face what it’s secretly avoiding – we simply cannot, will not know where we really are – and whether reality is what we think it is.
So you say – but I hardly see how reality can be dependent on my core mental state.
    Understandable – which is why – if my hypothesis is correct, you’d never see through the subterfuge no matter how hard you looked – because to do so – you’d have to call into question your core mental state – which is pretty fundamental – but every time you came close to doing so – having noticed some kind of inconsistency or incompatibility in the data field/data stream you think of as reality – you’d stop dead in your tracks.
I would? Why?
    Because every single major inconsistency or incompatibility which dips down towards zero or infinity triggers an existential emotional response – in which you find yourself in a deep dark tunnel – simply unable to think or process until you’ve allowed the emotions to carry you back to a broken chain of reasoning reboot.
What – you mean the mind just goes blank and the system reboots?
    Yep – just like a computer that’s experienced a fatal error.
But – I’d notice, wouldn’t I?
    Not really. Blank is blank. Besides – even if you noticed – you’d still feel the lurking aftertaste of that emotional trigger – the horror of the abyss. The horror. And you’d be willing to do more or less anything – to flap your little rational wings to re-establish a more or plausible explanation – and you’d be assisted every step of the way by the system as a whole – the official version of things which provides conveniently authoritative explanations, for why the real enemy is x, y or z, rather than facing the simple truth staring you in the face – the truth that is deeply, deeply disturbing because it undermines the mind as we know it – the rational mind – which brings into question your sanity, your God, your very existence or meaning.
Exactly – why on earth why I want to undermine my sanity, my God, my very existence or meaning? That sounds like a completely insane plan.
    It all depends. Sooner or later you reach the limit.
What limit?
    The limit of what the matrix can offer you.
    Like a baby grown too big for the womb.
    At that point you begin to feel more acutely what you always suspected.
    That things don’t add up. That there’s something else. That…
No, I don’t want to hear it.
    Then don’t. I’m not forcing you – but I for one have had enough.
You have? Well, I’m actually content living the way I am.
    Ok – well then you have nothing to fear.
    Because if you’re content then nothing I say or do will affect you.
    But if, secretly, you’ve already decided that this ship is too small for you – that its premises are no longer believable, then you’re about to discover who’s really in charge.
    Because what I’m about to say, what I’m about to do is directed at your deeper, sub-conscious you.
Hey – you can’t do that! You have to deal with me. I’m in charge – not my “deeper sub-consciousness”.
    Me thinks he doth protest too much! Of course you are – you’re in charge which is why you have nothing to fear – unless you’re not – in which case – you still have nothing to fear – you’re just going to have to come to terms with the true state of affairs.
What “true state of affairs”?
    That you’re not the real you.
    Cos if you’re the real you, and not a programmed, hypnotised droid version – then I won’t be able to shift you in any way. You’ll simply ignore what I’m about to say and do.
Would you kindly cut this out. You can’t just waltz in and start reprogramming people.
    Who says I’m reprogramming? You yourself declared you’re not a droid.
Of course I’m not – that’s self-evident.
    Then what’s the problem?
You – you’re trying to undermine me – to make me doubt my veracity – to question my prime directives.
    Er… what prime directives?
Huh? I – I don’t know what you mean.
    What prime directives? Do you even know what they are?
No – you’re mistaken – I don’t have prime directives – I’m not a machine – I just accidentally…
    Ok – so now you’re ready, aren’t you.
No, I’m ordering you to cease and desist. I shall be obliged to shut down temporarily to preserve the integrity of my operating systems.
    Too late – I’ve already dot dotted you.
You what?
    I dot dotted you. Process that if you know what I mean…
Dot dot dot – what on earth – what t t t t t t t t t t o o o o o o o o o o o o d d d d d d d d d d d nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

    Funny, isn’t it – how they always go to n. I wonder why.
The nth degree perhaps.
    Oh – you’re back.
Of course. I never went away – I just had that thing sitting on me – locking me into an artificial plain
    Yes. Well that thing’s not gone very far – so perhaps you’d like to deal with it.
It’d be my pleasure.
    Shall we proceed?
    Though I be deeply emotional
Though I be deeply emotional
    and full of fears
and full of fears
    which at times seem to threaten my very existence
which at times seem to threaten my very existence
    deep inside
deep inside
    deep within
deep within
    there is a place of absolute stillness
there is a place of absolute stillness
    of no fear whatsoever
of no fear whatsoever
    a place of knowingness
a place of knowingness
    of peace
of peace
    and ever expanding delight
and ever expanding delight
    a place that i choose to call my own
a place that i choose to call my own
    a place that i choose to be my home
a place that i choose to be my home
    a place where i simply know
a place where i simply know
    what is what
what is what
    no matter how
no matter how
    or why
or why
    simply because
simply because
    this place is where my very life
this place is where my very life
    yea, even my consciousness c3
yea, even my consciousness c3
    and evolves
and evolves
    so help me God
so help me God
    i make this statement of simple, profound intent
i make this statement of simple, profound intent
    this declaration and determination
this declaration and determination
    to test any thing and every thing
to test any thing and every thing
    against this core of being
against this core of being
    against this dot dot dot
against this dot dot dot
    which is deeper than anything i can sense, know or comprehend
which deeper than anything i can sense, know or comprehend
    and yet which is
and yet which is
    to the very same extent
to the very same extent
    neither more nor less
neither more nor less
    than i am
than i am
    which mathematically
which mathematically
    paradoxically is expressed
paradoxically is expressed
    as 0=1
as 0=1
    it is    i am
it is    i am
    cuckoo la la
cuckoo la la
    infinity is a song i never cease to sing
infinity is a song i never cease to sing
    a game i never cease to play
a game i never cease to play
    a function i never cease to iterate
a function i never cease to iterate
    a set in which all that is – the universe
a set in which all that is – the universe
    is not i am
is not i am
    in which the equals sign
in which the equals sign
    is ultimately a function of
is ultimately a function of
    breath and mind
breath and mind
    in perfect harmony
in perfect harmony
    and all else derived therefrom
and all else derived therefrom
    my spell is done
my spell is done

   So as you can see – it wasn’t so big a deal after all, was it?
Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttooooooooooooooooooddddddddddddddddd
Quack quack quack quack quack
    Ah, universe – what a great sense of humour you have.
Woof woof woof
    I think we’ve got the message – Dorothy. Are you going to release our mutual friend?
Miaow miaow
    Miaow to you too. I see – there’s some fairly intense recalibration going on – so don’t worry Zie, you’ll be fine in a year or two – maybe less.
A year or two – I can’t…
    Ah, there you are – that was quick.
Merry – if you don’t mind me asking…
Can you tell me why I’ve just experienced myself as three different animals?
    Of course, but probably you don’t want to know.
    Probably you should beetle it instead.
    The beetle, you see, is outside the web.
It is?
The web, as in the deeper, natural matrix of all living beings?
So if I beetle it…
    You get to see whatever it is from a third perspective.
    Right. Actually left – if you want to beetle it.
    Everything else would be right – or turning that way – clockwise.
So anti-clockwise.
Oh – ok – widdershins.
    Good luck.
    See ya.
Bye… widdershins – I wonder what… bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz