Wednesday, September 20, 2017

behind the curtain of mind

Would you care to step behind the curtain of mind
Would you?

Mind -- do you mind? we say
do you mind?
me? no, I don't mind
I don't mind at all
I... don't mind

So there is mind -- a way of thinking
in terms of what does not
please me, what does not
suit me, what does not
appeal or what does not
conform with my preferences
or prejudice

Not, in fact, a faculty or device
designed or even capable of taking me
into the starry heights of knowledge
of truth, of that which simply is
instead this mind
discovers whatever may displease
whatever dissatisfies or alienates me
like a dog on the scent, it sniffs out
what I needs must oppose,
reject, negate and then
only then does it turn
to contemplate good that is not unacceptable
good which benefits me or mine
which adds to my store of value
my worth, or so I perceive
which does not make me fear the loss
of that by which my mind sets store

Convoluted though this analysis may be,
we soon learn, with a little thought
how the mind, or to be more precise,
how mind has us in thrall
for as long as we are minding things
minding whatever what may be
we are not, cannot be alive to the infinite
that is not accessible to that which must
that which can only divide to rule
to rule the world
to rule things in a mindscape of what
whatever what may be

And instead of minding this
let me instead be in two minds
or maybe even three
let them equal oppose one another
until I am no more able to discern
which or what i be
feeling instead a deeper state of mind
perhaps we'll call it a mindlessness
or perhaps a new word
a gnowingness
with a guttural g
or an Om-sweet-omishness

Here I be master of every state
unresolved whether or not
to take sides and grant one dream state
absolute dominion over an other
for not only do I hold the balance
here in the pre-mind state of gnowing
big bang has not yet happened
I have not yet collapsed the wave form
have not yet given power to the narrative that
things above all else

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