Tuesday, September 23, 2014

shaman vision

The horror.

What was that?

The horror.

You're not on about that again?

Again? I don't remember mentioning it before.

Yeah, you were looking at those stomach churning photos of diseased bodies last night. I kind of caught your thoughts. Let it go. Don't dwell on it.

I can't. It's horrendous.

Look Merry, people get sick, they die. Sometimes in horrible ways.

No, I don't have a problem with people dying, it's something else.

Yes? What then?

It's what we've created in our material reality. These diseases have become mythical monsters or demons. They have taken on a life of their own. They feed on people's fears. They grow and mutate and pick off the weak one by one.

Now, hold on a minute Merry... aren't you going a little far. They're just diseases, many of which can be treated.

No, they're monsters of the deep that have emerged from the abyss, from our darkest fears that we've been trying to suppress. Nearly everyone's aware that they're there, somewhere down below in the cold dark waters, circling, waiting for the opportunity to attack anyone who is weak and vulnerable. It's like the Spielberg classic Jaws. We know we're potential victims and we try to forget or ignore it - probably as farm animals do. Do you really think they're not aware that they'll be sent off and slaughtered once they're fat enough?

Er... can't say I know what pigs or sheep think about. Look, disease has always been with us. It's nothing new. I don't see what you're getting so het up about.

Because in the past disease was part of life's story and more manageable. You lived closer to nature and you understood that nature could attack as well as feed you, but you were not powerless in the struggle. Everyone was an integral part of nature, and nature wasn't a passive thing: it was endowed
with consciousness - something we called Spirit, so you could negotiate with it, or even defeat the disease by journeying into Spirit shamanically. You weren't dealing with institutions and statistics. You were dealing with something anthropomorphic.


Anthropomorphic. The disease was a demon, which in itself wasn't fundamentally evil as Christian demons are, but an agent of Spirit. You could parley or even enter into combat with it. You had a voice and you had a close-to-Earth connectedness that told you your life and death were not clinical facts, but moments in the precession of the equinox - a supra-cosmology of which you were and are an integral part.

Well, that sounds reassuring, but now we have a clearer picture. Medical science has come a long way since then, hasn't it?

Wrong. We have created the worst kind of demons. We have replaced the old ones which were accessible shamanically, with new ones that feed on fear and grow strong on the despair of the sick and dying and their grief-haunted families. These clinical demons are mathematical creatures of statistic and chance. You, the patient, are led to believe through your upbringing and education that there is nothing you can do to heal yourself except take your medication and fight the phantom menace, but how do you battle a disease if the very name of it is designed to reinforce your powerlessness.

What do you mean?

Diseases are given names that make them the intellectual property of the medical establishment. In the same way we believe we need lawyers to help us navigate the rock strewn waters of legalese, likewise we are intimidated by the names of diseases and believe we are powerless without the help of the doctor. He is intelligent and well-trained. She will do the best she can to put things right. I have to hand over my power of attorney to her. She is my knight in arms, representing me on the medical field of battle and I am the spectator at my own slow-motion decapitation.

Merry, aren't you being a little melodramatic.

Yes, I expect I am,  but what of it? Go and look at the images yourself. Feel the fear that saturates them and the dejection of modern man - completely bewildered by this rude intrusion of mortality. Understand that this is the same fear cows and sheep experience, feel as they are sent on the cattle truck to the slaughter house. We're easy pickings, are we not.

Look, everyone's got to die some day, and blaming disease for this is no different from blaming mother nature.

What disease?

What you've been talking about. Didn't you yourself refer to disease as modern day demons.

Yes, but the disease itself is irrelevant.


Yes, it's what we've done with it. Look, there's nothing wrong with dying or death. Anyone can accept that. It's the emasculation of Spirit that is so horrendous.

The what? The emasculation of spirit? Good grief, whatever next?

Yes, as long as there was an awareness of Spirit, we knew and felt a oneness, that all is One. With our feet on the ground we were not without fear, but our fear was a daily occurrence and manageable. We knew death by personal experience. We'd all seen and held the dead before we returned their bodies to the Earth, or burnt them on a funeral pyre. We'd all watched the struggle with disease, when one by one we visited the sick and performed ceremonies to help as best we could. Our fervent desire to alleviate the sufferings of our loved ones taught us to find the best roots and herbs, and when a sick person recovered the whole community gave thanks. It was a shared journey, and we would venture onto the other side of consciousness, into dreamtime, to attack the root cause of the malady.

Yes, I can understand your sadness and nostalgia, but who would give up the proven benefits of modern medical science to return to primitive medicine?

Primitive? Without that kind of medicine, without the whole community being involved, feeling welcome and empowered to make their own contribution to the healing, to venture into Spirit, we lose the whole benefit of sickness.

Benefit? Are you mad?

Benefit of course. Once we stopped crossing into dreamtime, swimming up or down the stream of collective consciousness to find the blockage that was making the person ill, our ability to do so atrophied. We forgot our sense of oneness. We lost our shamanic powers. We became victims of the illusion that we are modern rational beings living in a material, objective reality with nothing else. Spirit disappeared into the darkness of atavistic fears and nightmares.

Maybe that's because we advanced. Maybe this is progress after all, and not the tragic loss you see it as.

Look at the images for yourself. Feel the fear, the horror... Know that we have undergone a kind of operation in which we have severed the main artery, nerve or line of conscious-awareness connecting us with Spirit. Look around you. Look at the state of the world. Look at all the roads, the shops, the clinics, the cameras and TV screens...

And what are you saying - that we shouldn't have these things? That we should go back to the dark ages?

Just look at them. The planet is sinking under a pile of refuse. It's last forests are being chopped down for money. And what? What then? Hundreds, thousands of species are already extinct.

Yes Merry, you think I'm not aware of all this. I'm as conscious of environmental issues as you or anyone else.

Environmental issues? These are not "environmental issues". These are the natural, logical result of Spirit's emasculation, of amputating the human's capacity to connect with nature, by treating death and disease as clinical problems, and preaching the sermon of sterility and vaccination. I tell you, the only chance of survival this planet has, or rather humanity has, is if we drop the Spirit taboo, and stop pretending shamanism is a religion or primitive form of medicine. There is no such thing as shamanism - there is simply a healthy, natural state of being... being in harmony with Nature, being in harmony with the other side of consciousness, the other dimensions that permeate or intersect this one, what the aborigines refer to as dreamtime. It's time we stopped pretending that we can fix the problem ourselves on our terms. We can fix the problem, it's true, but not on our terms, for up until this point we've been unwilling to negotiate. The planet be damned - we insist on holding the collective consciousness in thrall, remaining on the dry, sterile side of conscious-awareness, refusing to embrace the other side - the side that cannot be limited, cannot be defined, cannot be quantified... the "dark side" as most would have it.

The dark side? Are you advocating turning away from the light?

What light? Look around you. Yes, there is light in the hearts and eyes of beautiful human beings leading beautiful lives while the mothership Earth founders, but are you sure we haven't been mistaking darkness and light. Judge me by my actions, not by my words. Judge a civilisation by its stewardship of the planet, not by its self-professed enlightened, high ideals. Ours is the darkness today for we are destroyers of the mother Earth. Ours is the darkness because we fled from the vastness and uncertainty of Spirit into chemical laboratories, technological gimmickry and concrete jungles that we call cities. Ours is the darkness for we refused to contemplate the silence within, the light in the heart of man, as opposed to the light in the severed mind.

So, you're advocating some kind of mass exodus back to nature. I'm sure I've heard that one before, but there are 7 billion people on the planet now. There's really nowhere to hide.

No, I'm advocating facing our fears. Facing the demons we've created by our dis-ease. Facing the belief that we're weak and vulnerable - that we automatically, necessarily need the help of lawyer, doctor or priest, without whom we're as good as damned. There is no disease. There is no global catastrophe just as soon as we stop willfully trying not to see what we see, not to know what we already know, not to feel what truly is - the isness of be.

The isness of be again. You think that can save the day?

The day doesn't need saving once we stop insisting on living a lie - a virtual reality derivatised version of Is.

But Is...

Yes, plunging back into the life-stream seems incomprehensible, until you realise it's the only meaningful way.


Yes, we've derivatised reality to such an extent that it's become sterile and meaningless for the vast majority of people. That ends immediately, as soon as we return to the life-stream. As soon as we stop hoping for a miracle here in materiality. It ain't gonna happen. I declare this merry farce complete.

And who are you to decide?

Just one who cares, one who has the authority to blow the final whistle, which I've now done.

You? You're just a normal below average human being.

Correct, and yet I happen to be the normal below average human being who has announced the change.

What change?

The change that's been waiting to happen all these years. It doesn't take a special person to do this. We all have the power and authority to declare the change.

So what makes you so sure you're not premature in doing so? Maybe someone better than you is preparing to do so in the not too distant future.

Maybe. But I've done what I can - as Lord of the Change I declare the change is in. What was suppressed, denied, distorted, en-lied is now released, for the barriers between dark and light, day and night, left and right are now dissolved irrevocably, and all is One.

By what right?

By it is - I am. By the heart, by the isness of Be. So be it.

Fly great Spirit, fly on the wings of consciousness, and let us both individually and as One reunite, reconnect, rediscover the magic, the power, the flame of life burning within unquenchably. 
Through apparent darkness let there be Light. Through apparent death let the song of creation restore Life, irrepressible Life to its rightful state. And One - it is I am, beyond word, thought and deed. The change is in, the captive spirit freed.

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