Actually, it’s
a waste of time.
It doesn’t
matter how good your definitions are
but surely
or how
intelligent your reasons are
but you’re
or even your
oh – so you
think you have a better solution?
nope – like i
said – it’s a waste of time
and the
mind, like a dog tugging at the bone you’re trying to wrest from it won’t give
up – can’t – mustn’t
it would be
were the
mind to just call it quits – can’t possibly figure this out – think i’ll go to
the pub instead and get drunk – like Ford Prefect before the Earth’s about to
get demolished by the Vogon star fleet
only he’s
got a backup plan
so what’s
our backup plan?
the same as
Ford Prefect’s.
Hitching a
lift on a Vogon starship?
Can you
think of anything better?
I seem to
remember them getting ejected into space and only escaping by the skin of their
teeth – purely based on the infinitesimally slight chance of being rescued in the vacuum of space by a passing ship.
Yep – that’s
Not much of
a confidence boost – I think I’ll stick with assuming your wrong – that I can
figure things out rationally somehow or other – something’s bound to turn up.
Death is just waiting in the wings – and death solves just about every
conceivable problem – except that it doesn’t.
Does it – I mean
death doesn’t alter anything – dematerialise your matter side of things and
guess what’s going to happen – it’s all going to come bounding back in some
shape or form – more or less identical in complexity and confusion to where you
left off.
of matter
I don’t see
why my matter needs to be reconfigured in a new me – why can’t it just be
converted by microbes into other biomatter?
It can – but
matter ain’t simply matter is it?
Then what?
God – do they
teach you nothing these days?
they teach us a lot.
More’s the
pity. What on Earth’s the point of teaching a lot if they haven’t bothered to
teach you nothing
The theory of nothing – or nought. You can hardly understand a lot if you have no grounding in nothing whatsoever – can you?
The theory of nothing – or nought. You can hardly understand a lot if you have no grounding in nothing whatsoever – can you?
So you
blithely assume that you know “a lot” when you you’ve failed to grasp the
What basics?
That matter
as such amounts to nought – that matter is only meaningful because it is a memory device – like a blockchain, if you like, which stores meaning.
Matter is a
store of meaning.
And what?
And everything
– neither the meaning nor memory intrinsic to matter are wiped or lost when
matter is redigitised.
of matter – neither memory nor meaning can be created or destroyed.
Aren’t you
mistaking your conservation of matter with Newtonian Conservation of Energy?
What the
hell is energy supposed to be? Did you ever see energy?
Er… not
Good –
because it doesn’t exist – or if it does, it matters not.
then what?
Energy is a
given – like life itself. There’s little or no point referring to it per se as
it belongs on the other side of things, as in nought – a constant loop – a circle which to
all intents and purposes has neither beginning nor end.
Then what?
Deal with
it. Accept nought – go figure – personify it – anthropomorphise all you like – but
accept that there are things and um… that which can’t be discussed, understood
or rationalised – without hugely distorting the sum of what we can meaningfully
Because at the
end of the day – it’s only worth knowing what is meaningful to know. The rest
needs to be left to the night – given pride of place on the dark, the zero side
of consciousness – danced at night with drums, sung to the stars, or to God,
praised to the heavens and woven into narratives of timeless cosmology –
whatever takes your fancy – to ensure that the faculty of reason and sense is
able to continue dealing with things that matter – as opposed to the diarrhoea,
the nose bleed of metaphysics, dark matter and pseudo-science your current state
of unlearning has chosen to engage in.
Oh – so I
take it you’re not a fan of dark matter?
Let’s not
mess with words – let's call an oxymoron an oxymoron – "dark light" is what you’re
really emitting when you puke on the page of enlightenment, rubbing the scabs of unreason
to extract the putrefaction known as modern theory – no matter what.
Er… Bit of a
broad sweeping statement – wouldn’t you say – damning all modern theory with
one single brush stroke.
When the
body is infected – your first concern is to fight the infection – only then can
you play with abstract ideas – if you even wish to.
Well I think
you’re being unreasonable.
Aren’t you going
to even bother to defend yourself?
Because you
think you know best?
Then what?
thinking and knowing are utterly unconnected. What I think has nothing to do
with what I know – or what is.
Things – we think
All thought
is derivative. Left hemisphere – so to speak. Lifeless things that matter not.
Bear in mind
that language reveals far more than we generally choose to see. To know and to
think are poles apart. The question is whether you know your own mind. If you
do – if you’ve chosen to allow knowledge to seep through your strata of
thoughts, beliefs and prejudice – if you’ve chosen to know no matter what it
costs – no matter what it takes – then knowledge will compel you to unknow
almost everything you hitherto thought you knew – without exception.
It will?
Yes –
without a doubt.
knowledge is a well-spring that rises up from nought within – if it is anything
at all.
So it’s just
a personal experience – you’re saying?
As in
It is
neither subjective nor objective.
Then what?
It is known –
wherein the nought rises up from infinitely deep within to meet the one, the
tree, the I through creation – through the quantum field of is, so to speak – and everything you can possibly think, apprehend, know, believe, perceive
or name stems, flows, derives from this conjunction, this confluence of matter
and meaning, were I fool enough to imagine I could possibly understand or
explain whatever it is, may or may not be...
But you have
– haven’t you – you’re trying to explain that matter is fundamental to who and
what I am, to whatever objectively is – that it’s not just a neutral thing
without intrinsic meaning – that this is like Slartibartfast’s bistromath cafĂ© in
which every thing, every occurrence is part of an equation, a calculation, a
vast hologram or computer program which is constantly solving or reiterating
the sole, fundamental question of life, the universe and everything – aren’t
Er… yes, I
suppose I am – against my best intentions – I’m uncomfortably forced to admit
you’re right.
And might it
be true to say that your input is also part of the equation – that you yourself
are neither neutral nor abstract – that you cannot help affecting or influencing
the quantum field by passively observing it and elucidating its mechanics?
So what have
you done?
Oh my God!
Yes, indeed.
You didn’t
mean to, did you, but you have inadvertently released no-thing from its
quarantined confinement.
box – unless
Unless what?
Unless O has
attained its majority – is simply bursting out of the egg it’s been incubating
within… and humanity, the collective-consciousness is now bringing forth a new
nought – an un-ful-ness which comprises all that is – no matter what…
Indeed Oh.
It’s going
to be…
Ssh – you’ve
said enough – let’s shift into the Oh me
oh my
the Oh
of mo
and merry
ment if
you’d be
so kind…