Friday, September 6, 2019

the ticking time bomb

Actually I'm perfectly happy with reality.



Apart from things like encephalitis.

Well that's hardly the fault of reality - is it?


I mean - you can't go blaming "reality" itself for the nasty little diseases which nature has a habit of concocting.

So you're passing the buck to nature. She's the one that turns a perfectly agreeable "reality" into something problematic, uncomfortable or less than idyllic.

Well, I'm not exactly "blaming" her, am I?


No. I mean - disease is inevitable, isn't it? You can't blame nature for doing what nature does. It's all good old-fashioned Darwinian survival of the fittest, isn't it? Without these viruses probing the defenses of computer and biological systems they would fail to evolve, fail to improve themselves.

Oh. So diseases are not only unavoidable, in your reality, they are actually necessary and, might I infer, essential.

Necessary - yes, of course they are - as we see nature competing at every level in every way imaginable for supremacy - do we not? Essential - yes, your inference is wholly acceptable as competition through probing and testing any inherent weaknesses is as important to nature as it is to theory, knowledge and learning.


In comes a hitherto unconsidered alternative - some new data or a new arrangement of existing data which is stronger, more resistant to attack than anything else - and naturally, inevitably it will replace the existing theory in a matter of time.

A matter of time. What a wonderful turn of phrase. I wonder how it came into being?

Presumably it implies that time has vacuous periods of non-matter - when through inertia, apathy or resistance things tend not to shift, and then time suddenly matters - it becomes a potent force in its own right - which brings a huge change - a paradigm shift or a new age - without trying to sound too dramatic.

You might be right. Time might indeed traverse matter - or transduce it into something else. The mind boggles, the potentialities are limitless - the phrase perhaps indicates a quantum shift, in which the walls of infinity, or the skin on the surface of infinity which keeps us in the illusion of finite matter, space and time - depolarises - I won't even say dissolves. But we digress.

We do?


How so?

Because you were intent on suggesting that nature is the key determinant - the force or factor which bottom-lines reality, so to speak.

Well, I fail to see how we can avoid the fact. It seems incontrovertible.


Reality, after all, doesn't amount to much, does it, when you suddenly get sick and die.


Or when your civilisation is suddenly wiped out by a meteorite strike, an inundation or some other so called "act of God".

Ah. He's back.

It's just an expression. I might equally have said "natural disaster".


It's rather childish to endlessly squabble over words, isn't it. You're being disingenuous Merry, or arch. You know exactly what I meant to say.

Yes, you see through my every subterfuge.


Well what?

Don't pretend you didn't want to ambush me - I know exactly what's going on in your mind.

You do?

Absolutely. You want to demolish my argument about nature. You're waiting for the right moment.

And how would I demolish an argument as well-reasoned and sensible as your own?

Oh - you'll bring God back into the equation - won't you. You'll almost certainly prove that my use of the word "Nature" has no legal standing - that it's merely an ill-disguised substitution for the Master Creator of an intelligent universe - something like that.

Well, I might have done - it would have been fun at another matter of time.


But the fact that you've pre-empted the ambush eliminates the possibility - that you're aware of the God in nature argument makes it obsolete as a line of attack.



You mean I've won? You're not going to destroy my argument?

What would be the point. It's obviously infallible - designed to withstand the test of time - or the matter of time - for that matter.

Oh stop. I know exactly what's going on.


It's a pincer movement, isn't it. A feint or a counter-feint. There's really no limit to what your holographology can throw at me, is there?

Bravo Zie. You astound me. Never have I observed such depth of perception.

That too is a subtle ploy to put me off-guard - as if your praise was ever more than the weird sisters consoling Macbeth that he was safely ensconsed on the throne of Scotland - till Birnham wood remove to Dunsinane.


Dramatic pause. Yes. I'm feeling the ground begin to shift under my feet. Holy sh..  It's not the argument is it... It's not the words at all... is it?


What's doing Merry. What's coming apart - what have I unleashed.

Yes. Ironically you fell right into the trap.


Your mention of Birnham wood and Dunsinane - where did it originate? Was it entirely your thought?

Oh my God.

Do you see?

No - I don't want to know. I can't believe in that degree of inter-correlation.

It's scary, isn't it - when you feel it

see it

know it


Yes Zie. God.

Here in the fabric of reality


rising up around me - Shakespeare's words - it could have been anything - couldn't it?


So it was you - you triggered it?

Did i?

Please Merry - stop - i need some certainty - i


need to know


you can't just wipe out my words

can't - of course i can't

i need something to hold onto





[-[ . ]-]

no!! you're losing me in the fractal - [.]

[=[-[  .  ]-]=]

Anything - will - do

[^[=[-[   .   ]-]=]^]

Any thing - no matter what




why ever not? twill serve well enough, grist for the mill, matter to grind or choke on...

then let it be


happily - and thus it is

you mean to say...

i mean nothing of the sort

you mean that encephalitis is my Birnham wood?

well it would appear so, would it not?

But why - of all the things it might have been?

Why not?


What, after all, is encephalitis

or Birnham wood - for that matter


where reality is concerned


happily -

yes - the level beyond

so now I've experienced reality - you've just shattered my illusion of what


there really is no degree of separation, is there?

is there


not even between us

between us?????? what might we be

happily we might be anything we choose to experience

happily - so is happy the new God?

I know not




so return to 3D and see the fabric of reality as you've never seen it before



but how indeed

you have your basis - work from there


what else?

Oh my God - you're not suggesting...

no, there's no need - you know whatever it is you need to know - without me to interfere

oh well - you only die once - here goes

Zie heads off into the sunset on the quest for encephalitis - or a humble tick willing to share the code of all reality with him - happily

1 comment:

  1. Congrats, you've just bugged it - or was it ticked?
