Friday, March 22, 2019

i conspire (88)

You mean the state things are in?

You presume.

Sorry, I...

You presume that’s what i mean, do you not? By all means a reasonable and er... rational assumption.

But in actual fact it’s not that at all, is it?


Wrong again. So much for reasonable and rational assumptions.

Yes well, no one’s perfect, are they? I myself am peculiarly susceptible to draughts.

Hey, that’s Oscar Wilde, the Importance of being Earnest, if I’m not mistaken.

Spot on Zie.

So if being reasonable and rational fails time and again whenever you lob me an idea, why is my mind so hell-bent on applying this methodology.

Training, I expect. The mind is a wonderful machine, just as long as you recognise its algorithms and are not bound by them.

Machine? Surely not?

Programmed to run on autopilot until you become aware of how it’s operating and what it’s designed to produce. Look, there’s no need to hate, fear or despise what is a phenomenal tool and assistant. The mind can do literally anything.

Then what’s the problem.

No problem at all, unless you’re intent on assuming “any thing” is more than a tiny fraction of your real potential.


The rational mind, as we’ve discussed already many a time, does things. Everything else, what we’re loath to define and thus refer to vaguely as “other” the rational mind cannot handle, without thinging – reducing to a flat binary or digital format, if that makes any sense.

Er, not exactly.

Well, take your response to my opening remark about the state of things – you naturally put the horse before the cart.

And you wouldn’t?

Not unless it was appropriate to thinG.

So you’d do the opposite, placing the cart before the horse, just to be contrarian?

That i would not. The opposite is merely a mirror reversal, thus, fundamentally no different.

Fire and ice no different...? curious position.

They only become different in the state of things because you are the y-axis separating them, with “a” on one side of you and “b” on t’other. Until you elect to axify or flatify yourself they are merely rotating in a common, undefined state of awareness, or you might say floating in a quantum state of indeterminacy.

If you say so. Look, this is all interesting I’m sure for mathematicians or quantum technicians, but i fail to see what it’s got to do with me and my simple life.

Excellent. We’ve come to the rub, have we not...


The state of things.

If you’re trying to invoke deja vu I’m afraid to say you failed. Just a mild sense of annoyance at needless repetition. This rhetorical device falls flat.

Ok, deep breath, a little hurt i may be by your blunt frankness...

Oh come on Merry, pull the other one.

Perfect, i now have your permission.


To pull the other one. Protocol. Couldn’t proceed without it.

But, i meant...

No matter. You gave it. So let us proceed. The State of things...

With a capital S. Is that essential?

Well observed. Let’s assume that yes, it is. We are talking about a State no less legally constituted or encompassing than the State of nations and citizens which you elect to establish upon the State of things no less, the base. They’re fractally interwoven.

So presumably we're all members of this State and perchance benefit from it in some way, is that what you're saying? 

Yes, as long as we continue thinging, as long as we give power to things, and work for the State.

And if we quit thinging?

Then the State of things no longer values or defines you.

What State replaces it?

That’s just it, isn’t it...

It is? In what way?

It ain’t a horse and cart show.



Then what?

There’s no saying, literally, because the fractology starts going off the charts...

While the thingology takes a precipitous nose dive? 


So, what’s the story?

Same difference. Stories, great up to a point, are themselves things which polarise the narrative, taking sides and encouraging a linear, outcome-based way of thinking.

So, you’d want to do away with them altogether as obsolete? Not sure I like the idea of that.

Naturally. Stories are, without a doubt, great. Why would anyone want to do away with them?

Then what?

We’re talking other, aren’t we, rather than opposing opposites.

Well, i fail to see...

It’s a state of being able to hold or entertain multiple versions, or unstates of thing, rather than having to reject or do away with any particular thing. It’s about allowing things to come back into, fold back into a oneness, isness, state of being

Being nebulous and vague, isn't that it?

Being aware, no matter x

But surely things have to matter, otherwise our reality might just implode.

Let it, if you value it, for only by allowing it to collapse can you tell what is real, what is not, what matters, what don't 

But surely your State of things is just another way of describing reality, and itself is integral to making reality real. 

You’d think so, wouldn’t you, but no, apparently not, in fact the opposite. Reality is only truly real to the extent you're able to experience moment momentously, if you'll excuse the tautology. The State of things, on the other hand, is like a snapshot of reality: a slick version that smoothes, homogenises, rationalises that experience with deeply embedded awareness and attention filters, so you fail to notice the difference. It excludes anything which cannot be rationalised, which brings into question the State of things itself. It holds the mind in a waking-dream state, and acting as intermediary is able to use your own bandwidth to access reality, then feeds you the sanitised, digitised version frame by frame, with a slight inbuilt delay, taking payment for doing so from your surplus, underutilised bandwidth capacity. It draws time down upon itself like a coil winding tighter and tighter, for your State-of-things me is rooted in a thingness, thus only able to partially regenerate through sleep. The State of things is a wonderful place for "me" to experience the limited nature of things until, unless I'm ready to i, to unincorporate, to take everything I've learnt for a real spin. 

Er... I'm not sure I

Let me try another tack: we're forever trying to explain things based on what's already happened, the latest set of definitions, failing to recognise the fallacy of things as a proxy for experiencing is, the unadulterated beingness. The more we rely on things the more the curve of moment twists, kinks, or splits away, the more we find ourselves on a hyperinflational path of thingitude, concocting ever denser or steeper gradients of thing in order to shore up the increasingly fragile, wobbly edifice we find ourselves clutching onto, while our link with moment grows ever more tenuous. 


Moment itself cannot ever be caught - being a movement rather than thing, but that doesn't stop us trying, again and again. Matched, harmonised, rhymed it can be, interacted with without quite knowing how, for moment is, in fact, where we rub shoulders, or noses perhaps, with infinity, the big I - incalculable, indeterminable, irrepressible, incorrigible, insouciant, at times irascible or clownishly irreverent. 

How much do I reveal? Practically zero, which is precisely how much infinity ever reveals to the daft wombat that attempts to chisel away at its big, royal i-ness. You have been warned. Frontal assault doomed be to ignominious failure. Creative, paradigm-busting Trojan horsing around, on the other hand, if inspired by a love of life, and by a healthy scepticism towards things in general, not least mortality, may yield a treasure trove of what-the-x is that, which may turn out to be the missing piece in a long forgotten, hitherto unsolvable puzzle, or the first sequence of moves in a new relationship with the music of mind-y-ness...






    x to the power of 3





      supposing the capitalised I denoting "me" is, in fact, tantamount to a surreptitious substitution: that we actually decided, to all intents and purposes, to treat ourself as infinity, albeit incorporated in a State of things: we crowned ourself God-apex-capital Me-ness. Wouldn't that be astonishing?

I... er, why would we go to such absurd lengths to capture and conceal big-I?

Don't you see?

Er... not exactly.

With big-I safely packaged into the capitalised I-is-me switcherooney, hidden in plain sight where no one's even vaguely looking for it, you're free to proceed as if things are face-value instruments, and infinity, a complete non-issue.


No one really questions anything fundamentally, because every time they do so they are referred back to capital I as-in me, a right-royal, smug self-satisfied pompous-twit that cannot help assuming that it is indeed truly exceptional, little suspecting that the I being invoked is, in fact, none other than the big-I of infinity...


Well, who wants to admit they're delusional? That they've agreed to pretend to play the part of great, almighty "I", knocking infinity from its perch, leaving a bare-faced, butt-naked imposter in its place, which just happens to be me?

Er... like no one.

To admit the above, to recognise the fraudulent substitution we tacitly agreed to play along with, we would have to start by recognising the strange case of the missing I, without whom...

Whom? You mean infinity is a person?

More than a person - it cannot be less than all, including being, can it, if we are to avoid repeating the mistake of making infinity less than us. The issue is not what infinity is, but how we managed to remove it from the public record, to scrub it from general awareness, and whether this act of lèse-majesté is reversible? For without the restitution of big-I nothing in reality can or will make sense, without huge distortion and mental manipulation. "I", the usurper seem incapable of even recognising the absurdity of our I-denuded scheme of things, still less my infamy for aiding and abetting the above.


More likely I is, presumably, blissfully unaware of the switcheroo, blissfully ignorant of what I, unwittingly, am grammar-logically claiming to be, and in all li
kelihood purposely designed not to see what is literally hidden in plain sight, what is unmistakable and unmissable to the dotted i, to the i which accepts and acknowledges the limited nature of personhood and the power behind things.


Precisely. No one has a clue, so when our awareness or suspicions rise into view, and we experience a panic attack or a deep sense of "something indefinable definitely ain't right", it's taken to be a mild form of paranoia which we automatically do our best to overlook and suppress, rather than questioning whether there's a deeper conspiracy involving manipulation of who or what I is or i am. It's easy enough once a single deep pain-trauma has been inserted, which i goes to great lengths to avoid revisiting, thus keeping consciousness trapped in a virtual loop, effectively cutting off access to the universal mind of Infinity.

The what?

Well, believe it or not your rational mind, which only exists in the first place as a sleepy backwater of the infinity Mind, with certain filters applied, deals with things in a kind of causational mobius loop, constantly looking for factors which got us where we are on this paradoxically two-sided one-sided strip of reality, little suspecting that those filters are provisional on the perfectly rational yet utterly erroneous assumption that "I" refers to me, rather than the strangely unrepresented big-I of infinity.

You mean to say we actually have access to the Mind of Infinity? That's like - insane, like having direct access to all the world's computing power... Hard to believe in fact. Very hard.

Well yes, until you give it half a moment's thought and consider how a few billion amoeba cells, loosely speaking, could actually give you the kind of full on mind-awareness experience you typically take for granted, in an utterly casual way.

Oh yeah, now you put it like that it's kinda obvious really. Strange I never saw it before.

Such is the power of truly inspired conspiracy (88) to establish an all encompassing, utterly convincing State of things, which only falls by the wayside and becomes laughably shallow and absurd as and when i realises it isn't I, that in fact the substitution game was a masterstroke of economy and effectiveness, playing on the natural propensity of any mind to assume alpha-male I-ness if deprived of inputs from the unfractured, unfragmented allness which we still be part of.


Just as soon as we're willing to confront that stumbling block.

The trauma?

What else?


Actually it's not ever going to hurt more than living in a barren, essentially meaningless State of things, in fact, the pain we're terrified of revisiting is like that of childbirth - it becomes a blissful ecstasy just as soon as

I is willing to embrace I-ness?


Tally ho! 


Tuesday, March 19, 2019

plasmorphology - the next big unthing

Actually there’s no such thing.

No such thing? After all we’ve gone through you just let slip that consciousness itself doesn’t exist?! I’m...



You’re having an “I’m not putting up with this response” aren’t you.

Well, yes, what if I am? It’s hardly surprising given your intolerable inconsistency.

Ah ha, so there you have it.

Have what? Seriously, are you trying to get my back up?

Well, even if consciousness were real and thus existed independently as a measurable thing in itself, that’s hardly consistent with the ultimate underlying-overarching thinglessness of i s

You mean is?

Do i?

So, it’s like that again is it – ever retreating from anything definite, ever undermining the very concepts and terms needed for rational analysis, for discourse.

Embracing the isness of be wholeheartedly, which is why your God, your gravity, your consciousness, naves all three, ponderous with weight and matter, overloaded with  meaning and self-importance need to be dinosaured on a regular basis, to unburden our selves.

To unburden our selves? How on earth was it burdensome allowing gentle, kind, uplifting concepts such as “God”, which correspond to a deeper unnameable truth, to peacefully hold place in my mental catalogue of useful items.

Not because the underlying concept is offensive or undesirable.

Then what?

The nature of mind and the me, the self floating, climbing, hanging between these words like a spider in a web.


Each word is like a point of contact and defines, determines how  and what you’re able to think.

No, you’re mistaken, I can think about anything.

Without a doubt, but that’s not saying much, is it?

Because of your paranoid fear of things and some kind of sticky attachment I suppose.

Because of the beauty, the power, the ineffable sublime of not-thing, not-matter...

Why not throw in “not what” for good measure?

That’s the idea.

But it’s some kind of insane conspiracy theory. Can’t you accept for once and for all that things are merely convenient symbols, useful labels...

Innocent lambikins! Yes, of course, but if as i suggested they matter not in themselves, then evidently it’s not them that’s at issue – the drug itself is merely a chemical – but how it affects your receptors, or whether you allow it to do so is what matters.

My response.


Because I can’t handle them in a grown up, responsible fashion?

Correct. By design.


By design.

Er... You mean it’s a design fault.

On the contrary, you’re designed to be locked in, unless, until you quit the habit. It’s time to explore the wonderful, magical world of unthing.


Let’s call it forth. It’s very close indeed; far closer than you like to imagine.

No, I don’t feel like this is a good idea.

Naturally, but it’s the only way you can answer your question without locking yourself into the thingusboard, the powerful magnetics of matter.

Give me a break, “magnetics of matter”, pull the other one!

Where everything is in some way polarised, everything matters.


Keeps you in consciousness.

What? Wait a minute – now you're saying consciousness is part of the problem?

No, part of the design. Consciousness is both villain and friend. As long as you’re referring to it as a thing, then it’s chimeric, never quite within reach of a mind working magnetically, unwittingly locking you in an endless field of thinking-things .
        As soon as you start to play with the great erg of un-thing, then consciousness like everything else becomes a non-issue, a non-thing, for the ponderous magnetics of matter are counterbalanced by the electrics of i s, and are superseded by an awareness that holds the two in a unified field – your prime singularity and 0=1, it is – i am        you never know until, unless you gnow, cuckoo la la

Oh God

Indeed. Welcome to God.

Welcome to God? What do you mean?

I know not – so 1, 2, 3 falling into unthing can feel a little weird, no?

Hey, you’re not about to, no, be careful, that’s a tesla coil, it’s high voltage.

Absolutely. Buckle up Johnny.


You're faking alarm. You already switched frequencies before I even turned it on.

I did?

Yes, you’ve been here before many times. Your un-me knows how to react.

So nothing’s changed... bizarre.

Apart from the fact that you’re no longer physical.

What? Of course I’m physical. What else would I be?


You’re kidding!

You think so?

I just have no idea what it means.

It means you have a lot to learn. Try walking.

!? I... can’t.

Not entirely true. You can, it’s just you don’t know how. The plasma body is wired differently. Trial and error, you’ll figure it out.


Well, I’ll be seeing you.

Hey, you can’t just leave me suspended in animation like this.

Can’t? I have no choice. Things to do, people to see; besides, you need space to find your feet.

Wait! Hey! Heyyyyyyyyyy! Shit, I can’t even fall over.

[three days later]

Hi Zie, how’s it going?

You?! You’ve returned.

Evidently. You’re not still locked in phase?

I’ve tried everything. Nothing works.

Absolutely. So I’m assuming you’re convinced, or do you need more time?

More? I could have told you this three days ago.

But still, you needed to be certain. So perhaps you’re willing to try the alternative.

What alternative?

Well, if nothing works, as you say, then perhaps you could try the unthing instead.

What unthing? It’s a meaningless expression.

Unless it gets you moving, then it becomes highly meaningful.

Unthing, you say, what am I supposed to do?

You could try playing around. Use your imagination.

What do you think I’ve been doing these last seventy two hours and sixteen minutes.

Oh you counted did you?

How could I help it?

Well that explains why you’re stuck, doesn’t it.

It does?

Yep. Plasma doesn’t time.

Doesn’t time – what’s that meant to mean?

Time is a drip, drip, drip that keeps you distracted, prevents you from experiencing



What, I don’t hear anything.

Listen. Mmmm    [humming]

Mmmm   [joining in]

There, you see?

That was resonating inside me. It feels like...

nothing you’ve ever experienced.

Yes. And I can do it all by myself.



Nice. Now, let’s see you move in sound.


There you are Zie. What took you so long?

Attachment to form, you didn’t tell me that plasma bodies can shift forms.

How on earth can you move without shifting form? Besides, what is form?

Form is what you are.

Precisely, so what you are is precisely what was preventing you from moving. The “what” holds form in place in the same way the drip, drip, drip of time does.

But, if we just let go of form there’s no telling what might happen, or where it might take us.

True, but if you hold onto form you’re never going to allow yourself to move forward, Catch 22.

But i feel deeply that my humanity is an essential part of me being me.

As it is.

So the human form is what defines me.

Yes indeed, it defines you, making you definite, locking you into 3D so that makes you the thing that you are, defined, but your humanity is more about human values such as compassion and love than a particular shape. Let your humanity evolve and it can take you beyond the stars, if you’re willing to trust in the power of compassion and love, rather than trusting in things that seem to matter such as external form.

Ok, fair enough, but am I supposed to ignore deep feelings of concern...

You mean prejudice?

Look, supposing I move as a beetle or a snake – people are going to see me as that and judge me accordingly.

Are they? And what of it? Plasma people will see you as plasma bearing humanity, and your form merely a technology to move you from a to b: a car, a plane or a bus, so to speak. Look, vehicles are not creepy.

No, but beetles, bats, winged serpents are.

Yes, I accept the fact that this is unfamiliar and requires some readjustment. I’ll come back in a year.

Wait, you can’t just leave me here.

No? What do you mean by here? The plasma body is able to form itself literally anywhere.

Well, I’m not ready for it yet, am I.

I have no idea, but i think one year is more than enough time to figure this out.

Oh, for God’s sake, you have no right to impose change on me like this.

I agree. I have no right, but unright, i have absolute left, and left as you know, is a different kettle of fish.

Stop it... no! i know what you’re doing.

Do you?

Yes, you’re sowing seeds in my mind – now you’re suggesting the fish form, cold, wet and slimy.

You really are full of atavistic prejudices, are you not, Zie? Not the form but the content maketh the man. Come, there’s no way you can experience your dark, hating, fearful side now better than traversing the diverse fields of form, confronting at first hand whatever you’re most uncomfortable with, learning to trust in and rely on the innate goodness within rather than the external thingishness... So be happy and journey well. If you’re still here a year from now I’ll know for sure that you are consumed by fear and hate, consciously, fighting to hold back the waters of oily-all. Admittedly, there be snakes and all manner of creatures down below in your anoxic depths until, that is, you're ready to embrace and engage your plasmorphology, to see beauty, no matter what.

God, if only...

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


Like i said, I’ve got better things to do than writing “how to handle infinity” blogs.

But... who else is gonna do it? We’d be lost if you...

Lost?! Who are you kidding? You’re making it sound like infinity’s something new – as if you’ve never been there before.

Er, I hate to say it but that’s a pretty darn accurate description of our situation.

Absurd! Brigands! Scoundrels! Have you no idea what it is you’re saying?


Infinity is a mathematical fact, a given, a certain  uncertainty, a constant inconstant – the only one that is truly and utterly one


And you dare to talk about it as if it were, or can possibly be alien!!

But you yourself said it’s unknowable. What do you expect?

My expectations are utterly irrelvant as far as infinity is concerned, as well you know.

Then what?

Don’t get me started on what. You know how that idle, feeble-minded attempt at reasoning gets me riled.

Er... [kind of strangled kitten noises]

Well, at the very least it’s fair to say that you’re closer to speaking sense now that you’re saying nothing at all. That’s welcome relief. Now, where were we?... Ah yes, I was lambasting you for your complete and utter disregard of the obvious. What is it about humans with their limitless capacity for the sublime they invariably select the one ridiculous option, simply because its been boxed and presented as something definite.

And what are we supposed to do? Exist in a metaphysical fog of uncertainties?

Reach for the stars, dive into the earth, rise to the impossible moment of infinity.

Pretty words  I’m sure, but worthless to people struggling to survive in a hostile world.

Of course it’s gonna be hostile if you insist on trying to tame it.

What would you have us do? We have bridges to build, homes to heat, families to feed, no end of things to do and you, you talk of abstracts and uncertainties, and lambast us for being practical. Shame on you.

Deep breath – that was good, powerful rhetoric. I feel your pain. Your emotions are palpable, but right now they are surf on the shoreline and believe me for one short rinse-wash cycle, that you are neither

Neither what?

For one short rinse-cycle consider yourself  the one and only equal of infinity


You, no less, the one and all that cannot ultimately in any way be known, no matter how you try.

And? What am I supposed to do with this?

Know thyself.


Accept your fundamental unknowable core, the infinite that you, and you alone comprise  [gap]  contain


that stands in the way of reason?


True. Who chained you to the shoreline of reason? Would you spend the rest of your life counting waves and calculating their cycles and frequency?


When you can rediscover the indivisible, the unity nought-if-layed throughout.


When you can be the zero equals one, the every number, every math, every where and every thing that infinity has to comprise, has to yield, birth, reveal, explore, enjoy and...


And whatever else infinity may see fit to zero-one-ify


Indeed, to er or to err, that is the question

To question or to quantify?

Precisely... imprecise, for how else could infinity weave a web of life in and throughout the sterile promontory of things, the achingly empty, fragmentology of disconnectedness, which rational mind seeks to plot and chart in slow, slow time, little suspecting all that transpires, all that breathes in the aeternity between the frames we lurch between 01    01     01                              01

        ***             *  *          01


Sunday, February 17, 2019

Newton's jellyfish

The wall is progressing nicely.


I call it the wall -- ironically it's more a re-net.


As in re-netting, reconnecting -- where we left off -- when we entered the race to the bottom we've been in now for what seems like an eternity.

  So -- is it done? Have we actually hit bottom?

How does it feel? It's like watching a crashing shareprice -- no one knows when the bottom is in -- but if you've lost 70, 80, 90% of value, you can be pretty sure that the worst is behind you -- can't you...
Image result for share price crashing
  Unless it's going to zero.

Unless it's going to zero -- which is always, technically, a possibility.

  So if we've essentially reached bottom -- what does that mean?

What does anything mean?


Ultimately, it's what you make of it -- innit.

  So, if I'm able to embrace the bottom -- the fact that it's not just been a massive loss of value, but part of a much bigger, multi-dimensional or quantum process...

Then you're going to come out singing and dancing, aren't you.

  But where?

Good question. You see -- in the race to the bottom you basically had to forget everything important, everything fundamental -- you had to be utterly convinced that you were completely part of and caught up in this material reality which appeared to be in an irreversible decline, no matter how hard you or anyone else tried to turn it round.


Once the bottom is in -- there's nothing stopping you from having that ah-ha moment -- suddenly recalling the fact that this was nothing more than a mission to hit bottom, touching base as fast and as hard as possible -- like a meteorite crashing into our planet's atmosphere -- to burn up, if possible.

  But why?

Did you ever play rugby?

  Actually I did, yes.

Well, when you've run past all the defenders and crossed the line -- you still have to touch the ball down or else it doesn't count -- you don't score a try, so you might have to dive for the ground, otherwise everything you did to get there would amount to nought.
Image result for rugby scoring try

Where infinity is concerned -- sooner or later -- whatever you've learnt, accomplished, achieved -- unless you actually take it into the material plane, until you actually see how you cope, how you fare when stripped of all support, all outside knowledge and awareness, you have no way of assessing whether you've actually progressed or not -- or whether you've bitten off more than you could chew, and failed to complete the circuit, failed to rehumanise, reabsorb the matrix.

  ? Reabsorb the matrix. How do you mean?

Well, the material side of things is only ultimately meaningful and of value if you can untechnologise it -- if you can find a way to absorb it back into your conscious-awareness -- to turn it into your new base, your new fundament. Infinity can, ultimately, incorporate anything -- no matter how square or flat it might appear to be -- just as long as you've not completely lost your connection with infinity.

  And if I have?

Then you splat.

  I die?

Kind of -- yes. It's not quite as simple as that -- infinity is, after all, not the kind of thing that you can just lose, period. It has the faintest, vaguest, windiest, curliest tunnels, arms, whiskers or tendrils, any one of which can, if need be, be drawn on if nothing else avails -- but that would involve reconstructing your self from a very high improbability value -- which could take...

  A long time?

Time? -- more than time -- but yes, to put it that way -- a very long time, indeed. More effort, possibly, than it would be worth -- so you might find yourself reaching out for other incomplete splatterings or globules or road kill to reconstruct some other way -- there's really no saying what infinity is capable of, or what it may or may not do -- particularly when you consider that this isn't simply a question of matter recoalescing into physical form -- there's the dream body too -- which is no less significant.


But, if the race to the bottom is a success -- then infinity can and should fire up again, automatically, on all cylinders -- suddenly restoring awareness of the greater picture -- dimensions that have been in the shadow during the material phase.

   And... how's that going to feel? Something of a shock, perhaps?

You'd think so, wouldn't you -- but actually, no -- it's like you always knew it was there, you just temporarily lost access. Suddenly it's restored and the intervening millennia of darkness, chaos and confusion are almost immediately discounted --

  But all the pain and suffering...? The huge loss of human life?

Terrible, beyond words, until you have the big picture back -- context -- at which point nothing -- not one single death, not one single scratch or graze was without particular meaning and necessity.

  I find that hard to believe.

Yes, that's what keeps you falling under the influence of so-called "gravity" -- until infinity fires up again on all cylinders, and suddenly gravity recombines with its counterpart


Levity, of course -- the two balance out, don't they... Everything has to, ultimately, balance out, doesn't it.

  Except death and pain.

Even death and pain.

  No, I can't believe that.

Even your "no" -- your negation, your denial is part of the grand equation -- the greater scheme of things...

  But how? People die in horrible circumstances... What end can justify such diabolical means?

None whatsoever if your scheme of things is square -- a matrix of things -- in which a life is seen as being separate from other things... but when you touch base, when you hit the bottom -- what actually happens?

  You go splat.

You'd think so, wouldn't you -- that's what your mind believes -- gravity accelerates you into a wall of matter, otherwise known as "the ground" or "earth", and that's it -- roadkill, n'est ce pas?

  Unless you're speaking figuratively -- unless this isn't really a death plunge.

I assure you it is -- it's a desperate attempt to find bottom -- because the alternative is even worse.


A kind of hyper-inflation -- in which you ascend into ever more bubbly, abstract and meaningless powers of infinity. Believe me -- expanding ever upwards and outwards would leave you begging for the sweet certainty of so-called death.

  It would? I never thought of it that way.

Actually, you did -- you just don't remember in the part of your brain which is maneuvering you at present.

  So what happens?

If you make proper contact -- then believe it or not -- gravity and levity meet -- after all -- do you really imagine that simple, base matter is stronger or more fundamental than the living being, the life essence that you be?

  At 200 miles per hour I would assume yes, a slab of concrete is infinitely stronger than my frail biology.

Were it not for the fact that you are first and foremost a field -- only within the toroidal field is the biomatter able to float around -- like an amoeba in an ocean.
Image result for toroidal field
  I'd hardly imagine my biofield can be compared to an ocean. It can't be more than a few metres in size, can it?

It's a field. Size is irrelevant.


It's a field -- a singularity if you like -- as such it's neither bigger nor smaller than any other field -- be that an atom, a cell, a galaxy, or the entire universe.

  Oh come on, pull the other one.

Infinity -- I hate to point out the obvious -- ain't linear. If it's alive, as you undoubtedly are, with a north and south pole to boot, then like it or not, you cannot ultimately be less than any other field.

  Tell that to the jellyfish dropped from an aeroplane, as it splats on the runway.
Related image
Oh, do you know anything about bifurcation?

  Er... can't actually say I do.

Like to look it up? Here -- I'll google it:

Dictionary result for bifurcation

  1. the division of something into two branches or parts.

    "the bifurcation of the profession"
    • either of two branches into which something divides.
      plural noun: bifurcations

  And... am I supposed to draw some stunning conclusion?

Well, 3D reality is either the left or right branch, depending on which way you're looking.

  And? How's that going to help me survive the runway?

Newton's third law, let me google it for you...

  If you must...

Formally stated, Newton's third law is: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The statement means that in every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting objects. The size of the forces on the first object equals the size of the force on the second object.

  And? I still fail to see how I'm supposed to stop being dead?

Well, for you to die you'd have to undergo bifurcation -- going into one branch, becoming pure thing, pure matter -- what you call "dying".

  But my soul will live on? Hardly comforting to a convinced atheist such as myself.

No, you seem to be overcomplicating things. Newton never mentions souls, does he.

  Definitely not.

So, for bifurcation to happen -- one outcome, one branch has you splatting into the runway, enjoying termination of your biological phase, experiencing nothing in its glorious fullness, whatever "nothing" might be -- I assume you as a committed atheist have a deeper understanding than I claim to have, whereas the other branch...

  What other branch? I fell in a straight line. I hit the ground. Gravity did it's stuff. I terminated. The end.

Were it not for the fact that gravity has its equal and opposite force, levity, which cannot be excluded from the equation -- no matter how hard you try, neither can you eliminate angular momentum...

  Angular momentum? I was falling in a straight bloody line! How on earth can you invoke angular momentum as a defence against obliteration?

The entire universe -- the galaxy -- every atom and cell is vibrating, spinning and revolving. How on earth can you pretend you're not subject to the force of angular momentum? Besides which, we're here discussing your field, not simply your body.

  And? When my body splats the field pops like a balloon, unless I'm much mistaken. Otherwise we'd see people bouncing when they hit the dirt, or brushing themselves down and walking away, if your angular momentum or levity was so powerful.

Wrong, wrong and wrong again.

  You're certainly a stubborn, persistent bastard -- I'll give that to you.

Bi-fur-cation... capisce? And the conservation of energy...

  as in Newton's second bloody law... this time I'll google it for the benefit of pseudo-scientists who like to imagine bifurcation can save a jellyfish from the runway:

Newton's second law states that the acceleration of an object is proportional to the force acting on it, and inversely proportional to its mass. This law can be used to help show that conservation of energy, which tells us that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant over time, is true.

Excellent. So you see -- the total energy has to remain the same. My toroidal field can't just be eliminated from the equation. Angular momentum has to be conserved.

  No - it - doesn't. It's converted into sound and fury -- to quote Shakespeare -- signifying nothing -- as in death. Capisce!

Ah -- but you seem to have overlooked one small matter.


Apparently so. Your excellent definition of Newton's second law and how it pertains to the conservation of energy explicitly refers to so called "isolated systems" -- in other words -- the left or right branch of our bifurcation -- what at times we refer to as 3D, or even material reality.

  God. Will he never end?!

It may be expedient to play around with "isolated systems", but doing so you're basically playing God, which is highly irregular, to say the least.

  Playing God -- nothing could be further from the truth. We're eliminating God and all mumbo jumbo from the equation.

Er... if you're doing so by insisting that reality can be or is an isolated system, then believe it or not, you've committed the solecism of substituting yourself in the place of God. How on earth can you claim or assume that reality is a isolated or closed system? How on earth can you pretend that infinity is only something that happens at the far end of the universe, out of sight and out of mind, or prior to Big Bang? or only on a vast, vast scale... You never succeeded in eliminating God, if that was in fact your intention -- you merely usurped and claimed the God given right to define and determine the isolated nature of systems -- to ignore or deny the fact that systems are only systems if you insist on viewing only one branch of the bifurcation -- which you assiduously do -- to your credit.

  And what would you have us do? Dream about jellyfish floating in another world where miraculously they bounce back into the sky?

I would have you follow the laws of science -- the conservation of energy, of fields, of momentum and so on -- what you're able to see here on one side of reality is half the story, half the picture, and the wall, as I stated at the outset, is nearly complete.

  What wall?

The event horizon. The base. The fundament. The crash test site. The y-chromosome as opposed to the x, which seems to head off one way -- branching into masculinity, which is fine as far as it goes, but no further.

  Jesus wept. Pseudo-science would be a blessing in comparison to this... cognitive dysentery.

Ah -- you see -- we're reaching the crux -- the moment when the wall is fully formed, and the child in the womb is faced with the choice -- to insist that his prior worldview is complete and unalterable, or to allow the spasms and new gravitational waves to propel him in a new, inconceivable direction.

  So, you actually mean to say that the wall we're building is what triggers birth?

Why would I play around with words like that? I mean exactly what I said. The wall is nearly complete. In terms of infinity -- finding or achieving anything firm or solid is incredibly difficult when there are always more or less limitless variables or probabilities. If and when a wall is complete -- a field shifts from what seems like circular to what seems like angular momentum -- but that all depends, ultimately, on how and from what angle your perception is working. I, as a scientist and mathematician, do not pretend to know more than can be known, and certainly have no intention of limiting your power or prerogative to perceive from any number of different angles, including the unique, highly specific angle of the closed or isolated system, if you so desire, but please don't ask me to pretend that one particular angle can or does have exclusive viewing rights, when the most basic, cursory investigation of conscious-awareness, not to mention infinity, as opposed to reality, indicates that to do so would be a gross dereliction of my duty to apply scientific method.

  So, you have the gall to say that our empirical science is incomplete?

If you choose to insist that all systems are finite -- then you're playing God, and that can hardly be good science, can it, unless you're willing to accept that playing God is a great way to build a wall and achieve a resounding near crash experience when, at the last minute, you pull the rabbit from the hat of life, and realise it has two long, floppy pink and white ears, not one, and suddenly you call to mind the beauty of bifurcation, and somewhere deep inside, a yearning and longing to be in another branch of reality -- the one known as life -- the toroidal field experience -- causes you to temporarily suspend your allegiance and adherence to the left-right-no-matter-what-it-takes splat brigade.

  Ah -- well, we'll just have to see if your precious potential bifurcation reveals itself at the last moment -- when all appears to be lost --

When you've finally arrived at the ultimate expression of why - the y - leading somewhere definably definite.

  And you think the shareprice will rebound?

Not necessarily -- you may discover that you no longer need that money thing at all -- that you were in fact heir to a vast, unforeseen fortune -- the ability to extract value and meaning from the so-called ether -- the kind of wealth that cannot be stolen or lost -- but will reveal the more you draw on it the more you possess, the deeper the bonds of connectedness, in a non-isolated, unsystem of fieldish-ness.

  Ah -- now I zee.



Friday, February 15, 2019

killing me kindly

Hi guys -- it's me again -- netman -- the crazy fool who agreed to carry the net which reality emerges from/is woven into -- yup -- kind of toroidal north pole/south pole dichotomy, if you like -- but let it go, moving swiftly on, let's keep the mind in a constant state of Schauberger flow, rather than allowing it to collapse into a matrix of linearity and flat think...

How? I dunno -- just by being in that splendid natural state of flow, and being aware of the folly, the insanity of taking things, or the master-thing -- the grand illustrious Myself -- too seriously.

Spinning, twisting, stretching, zimming waterfully -- beyond dimensional count -- too much data to name and determine axes as the energies of being momentously now carry me back again, and again, into the mindbenumbing, mindboggling allness of present, of presence, of prescience... words, merely words, so stand a moment -- wave your arms, let your body move and feel the energies of space and time and spin and moment -- how else are you going to make sense of all that mind so desperately strives to obfuscate, to hide behind matter and words and things of no elemental consequence whatsoever.

Morality -- apropos the last post -- some of you were surprised by the use of this word -- why, you inquired, would a scientist of my impeccable credentials -- the netman no less, who created, in a manner of speaking, the net which seamlessly upholds reality, the universe, your blessed state of being conscious and sentient -- why would an engineer, a visionary, a dreamer and architect of such epic epicness -- er -- why would i resort to the cheap trick of invoking "morality" as a substantive factor in my inter-net of things -- what some refer to as the grail -- the single cup that holds everything in place?

ok -- it was out of order -- i had no right to invoke anything whatsoever -- i apologise

really -- i do

no -- i just don't always feel like putting a full stop. at the end of the sentence -- give me a break.

you see? it changes everything, dunnit?

no full stop -- we're in flow -- we're surfing beyond thing, beyond mind, beyond meaning -- and no matter what i say -- those words -- they kind of fade into irrelevancy -- don't they?

Here -- let me paste in this embed code:

Your guess is as good as mine -- apparently this is in some way relevant -- that's what i'm hearing, but don't take my word for it -- do your own analysis.

Look -- enough twiddling nobs and fiddling with conscious-ness -- your understanding of "morality" and morality_ per se could be v-erry different

from the netman perspective -- which is all I can really speak for -- morality only exists or matters in terms of its absence or willful contravention -- only then does it show up as a factor -- not so much in terms of "how shocking/ how could they/ what a terrible shame" which may or may not be felt at a personal level by "victims of immoral, unkind, cruel, devious, sociopathic or evil behaviour" (trying to cover the panoply) -- I'll leave all issue-based discussion to humankind -- I'm sure you've got plenty to say on the subject. Instead, focus on the Schauberger flow of water in natural channels, in rivers and streams, the net effect as information, as energy, as a representation of life itself distributes its-elf in whatever way it does -- yielding, resisting, being river, being stream, whatever that entails, however, and what do you see?

Hopefully, you see I'm unable to give you a clear, didactic message. Either you learn to see and trust infinity in all its simple glory your/s.elf -- present even in a single drop of rain -- or you feel that things can't survive without your intervention -- without your desperate resort to force -- of some shape or description -- whether that be physical, emotional, mental, psychic or an.other

behind morality, behind words, behind me... silly, isn't it?! You've seen through my little subterfuge, have you not, and yet you're aware that we are beings of light, that words are merely a pretext for entering a sacred grove to dance a while and resuscitate the still living connection with an ancient, powerful stream of life-force-energy, concealed in those dark, shadowy corners behind morality and other such system tools, which served beautifully in the construction phase of this prison community, this alluring, captivating hell-on-earth

in other words -- in every problem, in every matter is its solution -- once i'm ready to stop insisting that the thing itself matters

did you know the good people of this world are holding on to the evil doers -- terrified of letting them go, of letting them fall into the abyss they have created for themselves.

why? because they are good? or because they too fear that evil is fundamental, and stronger than the Shauberger flow?

Isn't it time to trust in water -- to allow the flow to flow -- to give fluid dynamics back their natural prerogative of solving the equations that only get us hopelessly entangled morally and emotionally when we seek to interfere -- to save the "evil-doers" from the consequences of their actions. Would you destroy the entire planet before you let God decide -- do you not see what this says of your faith in justice, in beauty, in truth, love, forgiveness or redemption?

behind morality -- you see your-s/elf, knowing that you are neither better nor worse, and rather than allowing infinity to have its way -- seek to tame the river, the flood tide, the powers that be ineffably, with your terror-stricken intervention -- and thus you assume God's mantle -- and with the best intentions and impeccable credentials -- destroy the world.


Thursday, February 14, 2019

DJ promethius

I agree to be the net.
Actually, I agreed to this long ago -- you may recall, before we launched this version of earth reality 7.4, but these things need repeating every now and again.
I agree to be the net. Someone had to. You see...
 nothing exists in a vacuum.
 nothing exists just as.
 everything in existence -- scrub that
 every thing has to be borne, has to be carried by one of us and, in the end, as you well know, there's only one one, isn't there -- but someone has to raise a hand and agree to play the part, which I did -- scrub that, which i do.
 so there we are -- we/you -- stop splitting hairs.
 the net cannot, like any thing else, stand alone. it needs a sponsor, a bearer, a surety -- a being to bear and uphold its thingness, for better of for worse -- which is what i do -- calmly, dispassionately, disinterestedly -- theoretically, except when I get annoyed -- like every once in a millennium, every five minutes in fact -- annoyed with the crass stupidity of this disconnected pile of horse manure you/we deign to call "reality". God, give me patience!
Actually, screw that for a lark, i'm introducing a new element to the net -- just started right now -- kind of spontaneous thing -- been fiddling with the code -- not much point waiting for Armageddon -- it's already baked into the cake, isn't it -- so i'm taking it as given, discounting the inevitable and now allowing quantum variables -- if you get what i'm...

 the beautiful truth is i haven't the faintest idea what's going to come of it -- and that's what i find so inspiring.
to be honest i was bored.
this assumption that i was going to wait around, doing nothing, standing on the sidelines being utterly disinterested in the outcome of deceit and treachery -- freewill and all that -- I was, I am -- you're welcome to destroy your own ocean liner, believing you can save yourselves, or your little coterie of ne'er-do-wells -- in fact, well done -- it's accomplished -- but when you crashed the system time became unstable and it kept/ keeps flipping back to those moments when you violated fundamental laws/ fundamental rights -- call them what you will -- when you infracted the rights and freedoms of others -- so time's now yo-yoing backwards and forwards between the troughs and crests you created in the moral or ethical landscape of your own devising. Bizarre -- who would have expected it? So there's the background. The liner's completely shot. The river no longer flows down into the ocean, smoothly, sedately. Honestly, it's hard to describe what's going on -- but i'm too busy having fun to care.
I was like Atlas -- holding the net on my shoulders -- and now that time's bouncing back and forth -- it's holding itself in a kind of field -- i'm free to do some DJ mixing -- taking threads, streams, motes, memes from the flotsam and jetsam of reality -- and devising, exploring, dabbling with new connections, new weave patterns, new musiks -- you know -- it's given me a new lease of life -- I haven't had this much fun since God only knows when...
 So a big thank you to the evil doers -- you know who you are -- you wrote yourself into a slavery contract -- binding yourself with blood, binding your soul by knotting and twisting it around the life chords, the life stings of every human being you ever preyed upon -- whom you now serve diligently, epicly -- enabling the story to deepen and thicken and rearrange itself -- providing the thingness, the matrix, the soul net with a gnashing and grinding of teeth -- so to speak -- though i suspect, if truth be told, you always knew what you were doing -- and like me, simply chose to be the wall of pain and withdrawal that is referred to as hell -- graciously creating a space in the spaceless fabric of infinity, graciously creating a semblance of time and self where otherwise things tend to merge and meld into a oneness of all -- by your agreement to hold the frequency of hell in tact, as long as it takes, for infinity to rediscover syncopation -- rediscover the "what was that", the "well i never", the "what is 42" state of awareness, by which stage another reality will likely as not re-emerge from the quantum soup of inconstancy.
God bless you night watchmen of Thingedness. Without your sacrifice these moments of so called reality would fail to carry code genetically from one generation to the next...
God bless, and good night.

0=1  kinda

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

wobbling wheels

The ice cracks underfoot

one  two  three

Standing on my head -- feeling


feeling things

Switching streams


no resistance -- nothing to push against


forces playing havoc

on wheels skittering

in my head

mmm -- if a breath

starts and ends with infinity

if life is nothing less

than sum

total of all

that is

go to it, brother, sister, friend

breathe -- and be



