Friday, February 15, 2019

killing me kindly

Hi guys -- it's me again -- netman -- the crazy fool who agreed to carry the net which reality emerges from/is woven into -- yup -- kind of toroidal north pole/south pole dichotomy, if you like -- but let it go, moving swiftly on, let's keep the mind in a constant state of Schauberger flow, rather than allowing it to collapse into a matrix of linearity and flat think...

How? I dunno -- just by being in that splendid natural state of flow, and being aware of the folly, the insanity of taking things, or the master-thing -- the grand illustrious Myself -- too seriously.

Spinning, twisting, stretching, zimming waterfully -- beyond dimensional count -- too much data to name and determine axes as the energies of being momentously now carry me back again, and again, into the mindbenumbing, mindboggling allness of present, of presence, of prescience... words, merely words, so stand a moment -- wave your arms, let your body move and feel the energies of space and time and spin and moment -- how else are you going to make sense of all that mind so desperately strives to obfuscate, to hide behind matter and words and things of no elemental consequence whatsoever.

Morality -- apropos the last post -- some of you were surprised by the use of this word -- why, you inquired, would a scientist of my impeccable credentials -- the netman no less, who created, in a manner of speaking, the net which seamlessly upholds reality, the universe, your blessed state of being conscious and sentient -- why would an engineer, a visionary, a dreamer and architect of such epic epicness -- er -- why would i resort to the cheap trick of invoking "morality" as a substantive factor in my inter-net of things -- what some refer to as the grail -- the single cup that holds everything in place?

ok -- it was out of order -- i had no right to invoke anything whatsoever -- i apologise

really -- i do

no -- i just don't always feel like putting a full stop. at the end of the sentence -- give me a break.

you see? it changes everything, dunnit?

no full stop -- we're in flow -- we're surfing beyond thing, beyond mind, beyond meaning -- and no matter what i say -- those words -- they kind of fade into irrelevancy -- don't they?

Here -- let me paste in this embed code:

Your guess is as good as mine -- apparently this is in some way relevant -- that's what i'm hearing, but don't take my word for it -- do your own analysis.

Look -- enough twiddling nobs and fiddling with conscious-ness -- your understanding of "morality" and morality_ per se could be v-erry different

from the netman perspective -- which is all I can really speak for -- morality only exists or matters in terms of its absence or willful contravention -- only then does it show up as a factor -- not so much in terms of "how shocking/ how could they/ what a terrible shame" which may or may not be felt at a personal level by "victims of immoral, unkind, cruel, devious, sociopathic or evil behaviour" (trying to cover the panoply) -- I'll leave all issue-based discussion to humankind -- I'm sure you've got plenty to say on the subject. Instead, focus on the Schauberger flow of water in natural channels, in rivers and streams, the net effect as information, as energy, as a representation of life itself distributes its-elf in whatever way it does -- yielding, resisting, being river, being stream, whatever that entails, however, and what do you see?

Hopefully, you see I'm unable to give you a clear, didactic message. Either you learn to see and trust infinity in all its simple glory your/s.elf -- present even in a single drop of rain -- or you feel that things can't survive without your intervention -- without your desperate resort to force -- of some shape or description -- whether that be physical, emotional, mental, psychic or an.other

behind morality, behind words, behind me... silly, isn't it?! You've seen through my little subterfuge, have you not, and yet you're aware that we are beings of light, that words are merely a pretext for entering a sacred grove to dance a while and resuscitate the still living connection with an ancient, powerful stream of life-force-energy, concealed in those dark, shadowy corners behind morality and other such system tools, which served beautifully in the construction phase of this prison community, this alluring, captivating hell-on-earth

in other words -- in every problem, in every matter is its solution -- once i'm ready to stop insisting that the thing itself matters

did you know the good people of this world are holding on to the evil doers -- terrified of letting them go, of letting them fall into the abyss they have created for themselves.

why? because they are good? or because they too fear that evil is fundamental, and stronger than the Shauberger flow?

Isn't it time to trust in water -- to allow the flow to flow -- to give fluid dynamics back their natural prerogative of solving the equations that only get us hopelessly entangled morally and emotionally when we seek to interfere -- to save the "evil-doers" from the consequences of their actions. Would you destroy the entire planet before you let God decide -- do you not see what this says of your faith in justice, in beauty, in truth, love, forgiveness or redemption?

behind morality -- you see your-s/elf, knowing that you are neither better nor worse, and rather than allowing infinity to have its way -- seek to tame the river, the flood tide, the powers that be ineffably, with your terror-stricken intervention -- and thus you assume God's mantle -- and with the best intentions and impeccable credentials -- destroy the world.


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