Tuesday, March 19, 2019

plasmorphology - the next big unthing

Actually there’s no such thing.

No such thing? After all we’ve gone through you just let slip that consciousness itself doesn’t exist?! I’m...



You’re having an “I’m not putting up with this response” aren’t you.

Well, yes, what if I am? It’s hardly surprising given your intolerable inconsistency.

Ah ha, so there you have it.

Have what? Seriously, are you trying to get my back up?

Well, even if consciousness were real and thus existed independently as a measurable thing in itself, that’s hardly consistent with the ultimate underlying-overarching thinglessness of i s

You mean is?

Do i?

So, it’s like that again is it – ever retreating from anything definite, ever undermining the very concepts and terms needed for rational analysis, for discourse.

Embracing the isness of be wholeheartedly, which is why your God, your gravity, your consciousness, naves all three, ponderous with weight and matter, overloaded with  meaning and self-importance need to be dinosaured on a regular basis, to unburden our selves.

To unburden our selves? How on earth was it burdensome allowing gentle, kind, uplifting concepts such as “God”, which correspond to a deeper unnameable truth, to peacefully hold place in my mental catalogue of useful items.

Not because the underlying concept is offensive or undesirable.

Then what?

The nature of mind and the me, the self floating, climbing, hanging between these words like a spider in a web.


Each word is like a point of contact and defines, determines how  and what you’re able to think.

No, you’re mistaken, I can think about anything.

Without a doubt, but that’s not saying much, is it?

Because of your paranoid fear of things and some kind of sticky attachment I suppose.

Because of the beauty, the power, the ineffable sublime of not-thing, not-matter...

Why not throw in “not what” for good measure?

That’s the idea.

But it’s some kind of insane conspiracy theory. Can’t you accept for once and for all that things are merely convenient symbols, useful labels...

Innocent lambikins! Yes, of course, but if as i suggested they matter not in themselves, then evidently it’s not them that’s at issue – the drug itself is merely a chemical – but how it affects your receptors, or whether you allow it to do so is what matters.

My response.


Because I can’t handle them in a grown up, responsible fashion?

Correct. By design.


By design.

Er... You mean it’s a design fault.

On the contrary, you’re designed to be locked in, unless, until you quit the habit. It’s time to explore the wonderful, magical world of unthing.


Let’s call it forth. It’s very close indeed; far closer than you like to imagine.

No, I don’t feel like this is a good idea.

Naturally, but it’s the only way you can answer your question without locking yourself into the thingusboard, the powerful magnetics of matter.

Give me a break, “magnetics of matter”, pull the other one!

Where everything is in some way polarised, everything matters.


Keeps you in consciousness.

What? Wait a minute – now you're saying consciousness is part of the problem?

No, part of the design. Consciousness is both villain and friend. As long as you’re referring to it as a thing, then it’s chimeric, never quite within reach of a mind working magnetically, unwittingly locking you in an endless field of thinking-things .
        As soon as you start to play with the great erg of un-thing, then consciousness like everything else becomes a non-issue, a non-thing, for the ponderous magnetics of matter are counterbalanced by the electrics of i s, and are superseded by an awareness that holds the two in a unified field – your prime singularity and 0=1, it is – i am        you never know until, unless you gnow, cuckoo la la

Oh God

Indeed. Welcome to God.

Welcome to God? What do you mean?

I know not – so 1, 2, 3 falling into unthing can feel a little weird, no?

Hey, you’re not about to, no, be careful, that’s a tesla coil, it’s high voltage.

Absolutely. Buckle up Johnny.


You're faking alarm. You already switched frequencies before I even turned it on.

I did?

Yes, you’ve been here before many times. Your un-me knows how to react.

So nothing’s changed... bizarre.

Apart from the fact that you’re no longer physical.

What? Of course I’m physical. What else would I be?


You’re kidding!

You think so?

I just have no idea what it means.

It means you have a lot to learn. Try walking.

!? I... can’t.

Not entirely true. You can, it’s just you don’t know how. The plasma body is wired differently. Trial and error, you’ll figure it out.


Well, I’ll be seeing you.

Hey, you can’t just leave me suspended in animation like this.

Can’t? I have no choice. Things to do, people to see; besides, you need space to find your feet.

Wait! Hey! Heyyyyyyyyyy! Shit, I can’t even fall over.

[three days later]

Hi Zie, how’s it going?

You?! You’ve returned.

Evidently. You’re not still locked in phase?

I’ve tried everything. Nothing works.

Absolutely. So I’m assuming you’re convinced, or do you need more time?

More? I could have told you this three days ago.

But still, you needed to be certain. So perhaps you’re willing to try the alternative.

What alternative?

Well, if nothing works, as you say, then perhaps you could try the unthing instead.

What unthing? It’s a meaningless expression.

Unless it gets you moving, then it becomes highly meaningful.

Unthing, you say, what am I supposed to do?

You could try playing around. Use your imagination.

What do you think I’ve been doing these last seventy two hours and sixteen minutes.

Oh you counted did you?

How could I help it?

Well that explains why you’re stuck, doesn’t it.

It does?

Yep. Plasma doesn’t time.

Doesn’t time – what’s that meant to mean?

Time is a drip, drip, drip that keeps you distracted, prevents you from experiencing



What, I don’t hear anything.

Listen. Mmmm    [humming]

Mmmm   [joining in]

There, you see?

That was resonating inside me. It feels like...

nothing you’ve ever experienced.

Yes. And I can do it all by myself.



Nice. Now, let’s see you move in sound.


There you are Zie. What took you so long?

Attachment to form, you didn’t tell me that plasma bodies can shift forms.

How on earth can you move without shifting form? Besides, what is form?

Form is what you are.

Precisely, so what you are is precisely what was preventing you from moving. The “what” holds form in place in the same way the drip, drip, drip of time does.

But, if we just let go of form there’s no telling what might happen, or where it might take us.

True, but if you hold onto form you’re never going to allow yourself to move forward, Catch 22.

But i feel deeply that my humanity is an essential part of me being me.

As it is.

So the human form is what defines me.

Yes indeed, it defines you, making you definite, locking you into 3D so that makes you the thing that you are, defined, but your humanity is more about human values such as compassion and love than a particular shape. Let your humanity evolve and it can take you beyond the stars, if you’re willing to trust in the power of compassion and love, rather than trusting in things that seem to matter such as external form.

Ok, fair enough, but am I supposed to ignore deep feelings of concern...

You mean prejudice?

Look, supposing I move as a beetle or a snake – people are going to see me as that and judge me accordingly.

Are they? And what of it? Plasma people will see you as plasma bearing humanity, and your form merely a technology to move you from a to b: a car, a plane or a bus, so to speak. Look, vehicles are not creepy.

No, but beetles, bats, winged serpents are.

Yes, I accept the fact that this is unfamiliar and requires some readjustment. I’ll come back in a year.

Wait, you can’t just leave me here.

No? What do you mean by here? The plasma body is able to form itself literally anywhere.

Well, I’m not ready for it yet, am I.

I have no idea, but i think one year is more than enough time to figure this out.

Oh, for God’s sake, you have no right to impose change on me like this.

I agree. I have no right, but unright, i have absolute left, and left as you know, is a different kettle of fish.

Stop it... no! i know what you’re doing.

Do you?

Yes, you’re sowing seeds in my mind – now you’re suggesting the fish form, cold, wet and slimy.

You really are full of atavistic prejudices, are you not, Zie? Not the form but the content maketh the man. Come, there’s no way you can experience your dark, hating, fearful side now better than traversing the diverse fields of form, confronting at first hand whatever you’re most uncomfortable with, learning to trust in and rely on the innate goodness within rather than the external thingishness... So be happy and journey well. If you’re still here a year from now I’ll know for sure that you are consumed by fear and hate, consciously, fighting to hold back the waters of oily-all. Admittedly, there be snakes and all manner of creatures down below in your anoxic depths until, that is, you're ready to embrace and engage your plasmorphology, to see beauty, no matter what.

God, if only...

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