Thursday, November 15, 2018

not here Mr Chelmsworth

At what point Mr Chelmsworth did you realise that we are not actually here?

It dawned on me slowly, incrementally, as I began to notice things not adding up.

Like what?

It was a bit like watching a film where the sound and pictures don’t quite sync.


There were lots of minor contributing factors which got my attention and compelled me to do more homework, but these were really confirming what deep inside I already knew – that we are little more than slaves in a truly fantastic mind machine – an almost impossibly perfect, hopelessly convincing real-ity.



Why the hyphen in “real-ity”? Why not just “reality”, and be done with it?



Is that what they want?



Who are they?

How should I know?

But you mentioned them. You must know who you’re referring to.

Perhaps I do – but the last thing I’m going to do is give them the satisfaction of watching me trying to define them. I’m not a complete idiot.

Er… what’s any of this got to do with being an idiot?

I don’t know. Ask them?

Well I would if you’d tell me who they are.

There – don’t you see them.


Behind you?

Behind me? You’re joking, right?
Pulling your strings – trying to pull mine too. Our puppet masters, except no – I simply can’t say or even imagine what they might be, in fact.

Puppet masters? Is that what you think they are?

Definitely not.

But you said it.

Did I?


Are you sure?

Yes of course. I heard you with my own ears.

Did you really? Or perhaps they heard it for you. Perhaps they implanted the thought in your mind’s ear.

Oh God – this is getting insane.

Yes – it’s bound to get that way the minute one of us refers to them – and is foolish enough to imagine they’ll tolerate that kind of familiarity.

You make it sound like they hate being noticed or publicised.

Of course they do. They like secrecy – don’t they?

I – don’t know. I’ve never even heard of them before – whoever they may be.

Well now you have – but fat good it’s going to do you.

Fat good?

Fat good.

As opposed to thin good?

Or skinny bad? Yes, that kind of thing.

And you think we’re not actually here – that this reality is nothing more than a “real-ity”?

Bravo. Nail you hit on the head. Couldn’t I have it put better self.

My – I think you missed it out.

It might have been a test.

A test?

Of your unweaning pedantry – or summat else I cannot say.

Oh – here we go again. But rather than starting another blank trail – let’s go back and deal with this real-ity of yours.

You’re not still harping on about it, are you?

Yes – apparently I am – not surprisingly. After all – it’s somewhat disconcerting to hear that it’s not the be all and end all we take it to be – tonic without gin, shampoo without conditioner, adam without eve – that kind of thing.

Adam without Eve? What on earth’s that got to do with real-ity?

I assumed…

Big mistake.

I haven’t even said what it was – kindly allow me to finish my sent-

ence. No time.

No time to be polite?

Not if we’re to save the planet.

Oh God – here we go again. Why is it always a question of saving the planet? Talk about Flash Gordon delusions of heroism syndrome!

Actually – saving the planet is little different from, for example, saving your soul or saving the day. It’s precisely what they don’t want.

They, they, they – you’re obsessed with evil, malevolent forces. I like your sense of drama – but don’t you ever feel the need to be a little more er… realistic.

Yes. That’s why I’ve been developing practical techniques to reveal the honeycomb nature of real-ity.

The what?

Honeycomb. It’s only half here.

And the other half?

Appears to be empty –

But is, in fact?

Is in fact – do I have to give it a name? Can’t I keep it vague?

No, it has to have a name – otherwise people won’t know what we’re referring to.

As if.

As if? That’s it?

That’s a name – if you need one – a name that doesn’t commit us too much to a new thing. Hate replacing one thing with an other. Come to think of it – that’s a pretty good name too.

An other? I don’t think so. People will always be asking “what”.

Moving swiftly on.

Oh yes. Time, time –

I figured out how to access as if.

Or an other – and I’ll avoid the temptation to ask “what”.

You simply need to neutralise time.

To what?

Actually, the reverse – to “un-what” – to neutralise time.

But how on earth are you supposed to do that. Time’s not the kind of thing that you can just switch off, is it?

No, but you can as if switch it off, can’t you?

In what way?

Well, it’s a bit like harmonic resonance.

It is?

Yeah. Once you hit the right frequency – then you’re essentially keeping time with time.

And? People use beats all the time – I don’t see much evidence of time itself being switched off.

Because this is a conscious-awareness technique. It’s not enough to simply play a drum or spin around or dance or whatever you like at the right frequency.


No way. You have to set the intention to feel and hone in on time.

And? You really think that’s gonna work?

No. That’s just gonna neutralise time’s wave obstruction.


As long as you’re not in sync with time you can’t really access as if, can you?


But once you’ve hit the right frequency and locked in – then real-ity and as if or an other are now moving side by side and are traversable.


Yeah. That’s when you make your amazing discovery – that the other half of the honeycomb structure isn’t actually empty, at all.


On the contrary – it’s a hive of fascinating quantum effects which can lead into side chambers and entirely different levels of reality.


You suddenly realise that the real-ity you were stuck in previously – is a cramped simulation of what’s really happening in Reality – but you were never sufficiently connected or aware in real-ity to make sense of things or experience the full sensory picture. Not just real-ity itself, but the five senses we were using to navigate its ways are a feeble simulacrum of the full experience required in order to make meaningful progress.

So you mean to say no one’s been making “meaningful progress”? I personally find that hard to believe.

Personally, I understand precisely how you feel, having felt the same way myself. But…


Seeing is believing.

But what about Buddha, or, I don’t know, Albert Einstein?

Ok – Buddha and other masters of consciousness made progress only to the extent that they mastered access to as if, for only then can you move forward onto the next chess square. This is described in the second Alice in Wonderland book – er…

Through the looking glass – yes – I know the bit you’re talking about – but how can you say great achievers in real-ity didn’t move forwards? They helped the whole of humanity to make a step forwards, did they not?


But, you must be able to see that civilisation has advanced, surely?

Civilisation is like bread being baked – first it gets mixed, then kneaded into a squidgy dough, then left to stand and rise, then kneaded again, and again left to stand, then placed in the oven and baked. All this takes time. It seems to be progressing because time is passing and things change – but if you move at the speed of time – you’re not progressing as such.


No. Only if you eliminate time – and reconnect the two halves – and to do that doesn’t require you be a genius or a saint.


Not at all.

Then what?

Just that you feel or sense what is missing, what is not, the absence, the void, the no thing, the other which is astonishingly, unfathomably close, and yet, paradoxically, impossibly far away – being on the other side of Time itself – i.e. beyond the known universe.


Precisely. Big, fat, steaming Er…

So then you reconnect the two halves – and what? You become some kind of enlightened Christ figure? I find that pretty hard to swallow judging by your behaviour over the years.

Ah – now you’re not being logical.

Whyever not?

Because, think about it.

What do you think I’m doing?

If you were still in time – no matter what I said or did – you’d see my actions or words in terms of things – as real-ity. Everything would be distorted through this viewing lens.

Oh – so I’m supposed to believe it’s just the imperfections of my perception which make you appear to be a selfish, arrogant, inconsiderate jerk.

Well – it’s partly your perception – yes, that’s true, but partly also the distortions of the beast itself, the mechanism which translates the great unwhat Is of Reality into whatever is down here – in thingity la land.

I still find that hard to believe! It would have to be one hell of a good mechanism, beast, machine or god to translate enlightened action into crass ineptitude and gross insensitivity.

Oh – you sure know how to make me feel loved and wanted.

ha bloody ha.

But like I said – I don’t have to be enlightened as such, to access as if or an other, do I? I just need to have figured out what is Not – and by deduction notwhat Is. That’s not such an amazing achievement given the fact that Time is basically designed to trigger this process – like a baby knowing when to hit the exit after nine months, or birds knowing how and when to migrate. Time, you might say, is now ripe. We have accumulated or stored a wealth of 3D experience and we’re ready to use that as a basis, or the basis, for our further growth and development – long awaited – I might add.


Brain-tied, aren’t you?

I… yes, I guess I am.

That’s Ok. There’s an other kind of brain – it kicks into action as soon as Time’s out of the way – just as soon as you’re consciously ready to embrace an other, just as soon as you’re ready to allow the two to combine – to collapse the Time machine you’ve been living in.

And on the other side – is it scary?

You bet it is. Freakin terrifying – at times – but nothing an intergalactic, transdimensional being can’t handle.

Ha bloody ha.

I kid you not. Fear is a kind of force – a kind of gravity which to a certain extent replaces the force of so called gravity here in 3D.

So out of the frying pan into the fire. You’re not exactly doing the hard sell, are you?

There’s no need. I have nothing to sell.

Then what’s your purpose in this? Why aren’t you off in the farthest reaches of in-finity – fighting space monsters or rescuing planets in distress?

Like I said – I’m not really here – none of us are in fact – it’s just some of us haven’t yet seen the wood from the trees.

But you’re talking to me – aren’t you?

Not necessarily.

What? Don’t be ridiculous.

When you pass through the quantum stream – you see how things are entangled – in a mind boggling fashion.


And so I can be talking to you now – here in your real-ity – whereas in fact I’m engaging an entirely different aspect or expression of you in an other realm – in Reality.

But – I can see it’s you.

Absolutely. Bloody amazing technology, isn’t it?

Oh come on – pull the other one.

Ok. 1 – 2 – 3

Shit. That is so unreasonable. There should be a law against instantaneous dematerialisation. It’s a violation of everything our real-ity stands for.

Like compassion, love and…

Christ – don’t just appear like that without warning behind my back. Do you have no idea how disconcer...

Yes, I know – but like I said – I wasn’t actually here in the first place. That was just the mechanism slotting me in place, as long as I engaged your tangle-dweeb.

My what? No, don’t even answer. I don’t want to know what my tangle-dweeb is. I know it’s going to be another huge blow to my self-respect, and the foolishly old-fashioned belief which I cherish and hold dear, that I’m actually me.

As indeed you are – notwithstanding other aspects of yourself beyond the quantum divide. Actually, I couldn’t even describe your tangle-dweeb if I wanted to – these things are non-translatable into 3D syntax – though Douglas Adams tried pretty hard in his Hitch hiker’s guide series.

Oh, let me guess, could I be one of the mattresses of Sqornshellous Zeta?

Amazing! How did you know.

God. Leave. Leave me now. I’ve heard enough.

Only kidding – it’s ok.

Well I’m not – and if what you’re saying is true, Mr Chelmsworth – then I myself can tune in to Time and rid myself of your pestilent presence. Tap tap tap

Oh – good for you. Perhaps a little faster.

Shut up – I’m eliminating you – tap tap tap

Fanstastic – you’re nearly there.

Tap tap tap – I don’t believe it – it’s working – it’s – ah ha – as if indeed – I’m here – in the fabled quantum stream and there – oh my God – no – tell me it’s not true – tell me…

To be continued… or not, as if

Cuckoo la

Sunday, November 11, 2018

between a rock and a white rabbit

How fast is infinity?  Never thought about that did you? Always assumed things happen at their own speed, didn’t you? Easy assumption to make. I’m no different. The thing is – for infinity to be infinity and not thingity – it has to be instant – or more than instant. [see below ***]

More than instant’s kinda weird, of course. That’s gonna fry the brains – I know – so let’s just ignore it for a minute or two… time heals most traumas, does it not?

Instant – what exactly does that mean? Well imagine at the level of infinity – which to all intents and purposes implies total consciousness – shall we call it C3 for short – you set a new intention – to stop being ill if you were ill, or to manifest a new car if you needed one of those, or a million dollars, or whatever it is you wished to bring forth from the quantum field of all-that-is.


Well infinity doesn’t mess around. It delivers instantaneously, in your face, so to speak – but not in 3D.


No. 3D has to cause-effect things – to find a logical, plausible, rational conduit or explanation for these things to manifest -  otherwise it’s gonna crash or burst wide open. It has to have something going out for something coming in – or things moving around to make space to maintain the balance of matter and conservation of energy, does it not?

So where do the things manifest?

To you directly – in Is as opposed to 3D – which from the 3D perspective is a parallel reality – an other branch of where we are – but that’s not really true – is it?


No – because Is simply is – whereas 3D is what/where/when/how etc – a derivative or subset of Is. So Is is kinda like the main trunk of the tree or the main river – whereas 3D is a side branch or tributary. Is doesn’t need to balance matter or conserve energy – does it – because it is open to in-finity – in which anything manifesting obviously came from or through conscious-ness – and therefore made whatever necessary adjustments in the Field automatically and instantaneously, without which nothing can happen.

But how?

No matter how. These things happen. Such is the nature of infinity.

But that contradicts the law of conservation of energy, does it not?

No. That law only refers to matter or things in a closed system. In an open system you are dealing with in-finity as opposed to thingity – so energy or matter or things are the product of conscious-ness – and conscious-ness as you well know – is non-local and non-temporal. It simply can’t be contained within any one time, space or locale, can it?

I suppose it can’t.

And if someone thinks something – it’s a kind of chicken and egg affair – isn’t it?

Er… is it? In what way?

Because they’re only really able to think something which has already been modelled, greenlighted, set up and delivered in conscious-ness, but until you’ve actually bothered to Is C3ly none of this will make a lot of sense – will it?

To Is C3ly – doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.

Yes, my apologies: to manifest whatever consciously – if that’s any clearer – which ultimately involves utilising a tiny, tiny fraction of the unlimited wealth, energy and resources within your self.

Within my self? I’m not sure I understand?

No, I suppose you wouldn’t. All matter, all energy, all things in whatever shape, form or context – all involve a slight energy input – not to create as such, but to hold back or suspend temporarily infinity.


Because without creating a kind of containment field – infinity just swallows them up, nullifies and/ or consumes them. It’s like – instead of having to create the thing itself – the thing is a given – given the nature of infinity – the only difficulty is temporarily suspending the actions and operation of infinity to allow the shadow of a thing to draw it forth into physicality.

Easier said than done.

Literally – there’s nothing to it, particularly when we went to the trouble of setting up the 3D platform where everything happens more or less like clockwork.

[***] “has to be instant or more than instant? Who says? On whose authority? – obviously this is an indefensible statement – such is the nature of language. We use words and they come out wrong – because one finds oneself making a positive assertion when in fact one was merely attempting to avoid a negative.

So, let’s try again – infinity, in order to be infinite, cannot be measurable – it has to be any speed – which in a sense implies no speed at all, which thus implies instantaneous. It would appear that the whole time or space measuring units and three, four or more dimensional realities, only really exist in a thingity universe – a thingity space – where things are recognisable, meaningful and definitive – which is not possible in a space where infinity is known to prowl and act. The minute in-finity is let loose – it can and, presumably does, upset every reasonable calculation time and again, so to speak, for a little in-finity is indistinguishable from a lot – it’s like a super-conductor, or a hyper-viscous liquid which requires almost no effort or moment to reach nose bleed levels of thingliness.

It’s not that in-finity has to happen or manifest instantaneously – which is like saying God has to be exert himself and use his super powers to assert his will over all beings – no – it’s just that if in-finity can be present – is not actually excluded intentionally by the creation of a closed system or loop – then that in itself prevents time from functioning as we expect it to – in a timely fashion, or space – in a kind of beaten flat and hammered out space preserving, space honouring spaciousness. Yes, I know we assume these are givens – that time and space are always just what we conceive them to be – as they ostensibly are in our controlled, contrived, 3D/4D/xD closed systems – but in the kind of reality in which infinity is neither excluded nor excludable – none of the givens, constants or configurations we rely on and take for granted without even being aware of the fact – matter or figure. How could you measure anything against anything else – when in-finity is known to be present – which can act as a wormhole propelling you to any other time space “location”, and thus, “the best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men/ Gang aft a-gley”.

That’s not to say that life is completely untenable or meaningless in an open system reality – in which in-finity is not seemingly excluded – just that the priorities, methodologies and criteria by which people act, perceive and understand what we refer to as “things” are completely different. There is no meaningful division there between objective and subjective reality. Perish the thought. These neat, nice distinctions we are so attached to here in our closed system are symptoms of a mind that is doing everything it can to keep us focussed on the matter in hand, i.e. on matter itself, rather than allowing in-finity to slip back into view. Presumably we conspire not to observe it, not to suspect it, nor even to grant it admission into our rational thought processes – as to do so may prove fatal either to ourselves, or to the system we are upholding and maintaining.

So, in fact, saying something happens instantly or faster than instantly – which would be leaching backwards through time – sounds momentous or absurd to the 3D thinker – but actually amounts to precious little – barely a whimper or a wiggle when we stop insisting that things have any real or meaningful basis in fact – as soon as we confront the absurdity of what is what – as soon as we listen to or engage the openness, the Is which must permeate and penetrate all that is, regardless of what I’ve so assiduously denied/ ignored/ magicked away.

Yes – at root there is a magic at work – but it doesn’t involve pulling white rabbits out of a black hat.
No, it involves eliminating awareness of or access to the all that is – the open system, the so called “in-finite” which is not in-fact-infinite – for even that term is a term which conjures more thing into existence – in the same way a God you might conceive, consider or apprehend is never quite The God – but a thing-ed version of the supreme Godness. There is a magic at work – by which we constantly serve to validate and reaffirm not only ourselves, but also It – the Great All in which we are but a single atom or cell – but every magic has its other side – and believe it or not – this is no exception… at the same time we thrust or propel ourselves forth into ever new time and space – an other magic – less vivid perhaps, less noticeable but no less powerful – arguably, in fact, in-finitely more so, is holding All together and ensuring that we are still where we always were – within easy reach of in-finity – able to pull the vast, super-elongated strings of logic, thought and reason, the vast fields of matter, purpose and things-done back into our zero equals one – back into our collapsible implosion – our impulse wave of hyper-entropification – if such a wantonly pseudo-scientific term be acceptable.

This other magic creeps quietly, gently – is barely observed. Things may start to change externally – may even change dramatically – but that will always be led by the deeper internal change in the mind and consciousness of the individual or individuals concerned…

Oh – so it’s back to having to reprogram myself is it – swallowing the bitter pill of my own petty egoism again and again until I’m ready to grasp or engage in-finity? A path of Christ like suffering and acceptance?

Er… it could be – if you choose to do it the hard way.


hard way. Taking things, yourself especially (being Prime thing) too seriously. But if you’ve already accepted in-finity – and know that nothing rational is going to come close to revealing the whole, the Is, the simple truth – then, without necessarily rejecting rationalism or rationality – you actively develop the other side…

Which is?

Cuckoo la la – not-whatting.

Not whatting – as in?

Not doing what you’re supposed to do to endlessly meet and fit the criteria of the Borg, master or objective reality.

Er… what Borg are you referring to?

Thim – the Borg.


Another story I haven’t yet posted – not sure I ever will – but it’s out there in the quantum field if you’re interested.


In any case – as long as you’re thinging things – like it or not – you’re not just working for the Borg, for Thim, you’re actually Borging Borg or Thinging Thim – so to speak.


You’re literally making things matter – little suspecting that you just happen to be the lynch pin…

The lynch pin?

The main hinge on which all things incredibly, unbelievably hang. Now, as long as you’re thinging things or whatting what – like it or not, your energy goes into building and maintaining the AI virtual reality that is 3D, that is Thim, that is the Borg – regardless of what your presumably noble intentions may be.


Until you start not-whatting – until you start enquiring into and becoming aware of other – the other ness, the silent power, the magic within, which does nothing but can achieve anything whatsoever – as long as we quit pretending that things actually matter, actually exist or…

What do you mean “pretend”? Of course “things” matter. It would matter a great deal if you, idle word monger that you are – had no bread on the table, no money in your wallet, no…

Naturally, but no one suggested you should go to extremes and quit working, did they? But if you think that things are anything more than periphery to the Is they represent, to the power or energy that is beneath them… Look, infinity cannot be abstract – period. Unless you’re willing to feel and experience the ocean beneath the amazing spectacle of matter – the magic that matter is woven from – you’ll never have the opportunity to experience an other magic – which doesn’t involve ritual sacrifices, blood drinking or whatever other soul-mutilation the matter maker-shakers like to engage in. Bless them – they know not what they are not not-whatting, for otherwise they would waste not a moment, not an iota of conscious-energy on such Borgish Thimness… would they?


Never mind.

Never mind? You’re kidding. You can’t just leave things like that – unresolved, in the air…

No – I can’t – there’s an energy debt – isn’t there – unless I go the other way.


Well, supposing it’s not all hot air – that I’ve been practising what I preach and not-whatting beautifully…

And? Have you?

How would you know?

Surely you’d be radiant, or incredibly peaceful and unperturbed by things going on around.

Yes, you’d think so, wouldn’t you – unless I was of a dramatic bent and chose to develop down a path of dancing with delusion.


Instead of trying to run from the insanity of the world, or become immune to it – I could actually thrive on dancing with it.


Energetically – like this for example.

Hey – what are you doing man? That’s… no… you can’t move like that… it’s… it’s…

So join me

Never… it’s… you’ve gotta stop.

I do?

Now. It’s making me feel…


No. Stop. Please.

So close your eyes if you don’t like my dance.

I have. It doesn’t help. I can feel it.


I know. Please, I beg you. Stop.

How? I’m not doing anything.

Yes you are – you’re dancing. I can see you moving.

With your eyes shut?

Yes. You know I can.

But I’m not even here so you’re being ridiculous.

Whadya mean you’re not even here? Of course you are. Where else would you be?

I’m not exactly sure – but I’m definitely not here.

Look, this is insane. I know you’re here – I can see you, and you’re making me – like I’m coming apart.

Well if you don’t believe me then step towards me – touch me.

No – it’s too much. I can’t bear it any more. You’ve got to stop now.

I’d love to but I’m not in control of this situation.

What do you mean? Of course you are. Anyone can see you’re doing this – this wicked abominable dance.


Yes – no – maybe not abominable but it’s killing me.

Well that’s hardly my fault is it?

Whatdo you mean?

If you never bothered to establish yourself outside the Borg. Ignorance, after all, is no defence, neither is apathetic idleness.

I can’t breathe. I can’t even open my eyes any more.

That’s because your body’s no longer intact. Apparently all your atoms and cells have decided to go walkabouts.

Then how the hell can I be talking to you – and see you no less?

Er… it’s a mystery to me. Maybe you have special powers we’re not yet aware of.

Come on man – give me a break – I’m begging you.

Ok – if that’s what you want – I’ll give you a break.

Hey – what are you doing now?

Giving you a break. Like you asked.

Oh for God’s sake – I was speaking metaphorically.

Woops. Well, it was done with good intent.

You’ve split me in two.

Yes, apparently I have.

Down the bloody middle.

Yes – but not bloody, miraculously.

Miraculously? Are you insane? You can’t do this to me.

No, so I hear – in fact, I’d rather have nothing whatsoever to do with you in this rather disturbing state. You’re giving me nightmares – look at you. Two walking zombie halves. I wish you’d pull yourself together.

Pull myself together? Are you trying to be funny?

Not really, no, I expect it just comes naturally – but honestly – I wish you’d do something – it’s a horrible sight to see anyone split down the middle, still more when that individual starts mutating into – what exactly are you mutating into, if you don’t mind me asking?

African tree frog and Fly agaric.

Any particular reason?

Yes – but I’m hard pressed to explain it using normal terminology. It’s easy enough to see at the vision level of archetypes and hieroglyphs.

Well – fire ahead – I’ve never objected to telepathic communication, have I?

Er… Ok. Could I ask you to do me a favour please?

Sure – would that be for the African tree frog you’re representing or the fly agaric?

Just for me – if it’s not too much trouble?

Well, spit it out then?

I just messaged you pictorially – didn’t you get it?

I did – but frankly speaking – I’m flabbergast – you want me to start dancing again?

We do – we need it in fact – to complete the transformation.

My God – I seem to be trapped in some kind of Ovid Metamorphosis horror movie.

I thought you said you’re not here?

I wasn’t, was I?


As soon as I engaged in-finity drive.

You mean your dance?

I mean nothing of the sort – but you’re welcome to label things however you choose.


Well in-finity has a different way of organising people and things, doesn’t it?

I can’t say I’m overly familiar with such matters.

Like you right now – it’s reclassified you as an African tree frog and a rather splendid fly agaric – for some purpose which we may never quite understand – and you’ll realise that the frog is real enough – probably living somewhere in Africa doing whatever frogs do, and the fly Agaric – if I’m not mistaken is from Eastern Europe – perhaps even Russia – though I can’t imagine why it would matter.

And you?

Ah – well – what you mistakenly took to be a dance was in fact…


Yes, apparently so.


Crazy isn’t it.

Who ever would have thought that a star could move like that.

Oh, I don’t know – there’s a rather unappealing kind of racism humankind exhibits – with their astonishing assumption that they’re the only conscious, aware, sentient lifeforms in the universe.

Well, now that you put it like that – speaking as a rather unique blend of African tree frog and fly agaric I can see that conscious-awareness or sentiency can certainly make itself at home in rather spectacularly incongruous settings.

Well, perhaps that was the lesson in-finity chose to divulge and share with you today. I’m certainly not going to try to second guess her aims or methods. That would be suicide – from a stellar perspective.

But surely you know exactly what’s going on – you have the conscious equivalent of billions of people right at this moment – if I’m not mistaken.

14 trillion in fact – but no need to quibble over decimal points.


Well – this isn’t about numbers is it – in-finity is neither big nor small. Whatever she, in her wisdom, sees fit to share with us – we can only receive with gratitude and humility – if we’re to continue down this path – speaking of which…

At last – I thought you’d never finish me off.

Harp and carp.

No – really?

Harp and carp alang wi me.

I thought – wasn’t that the Fairy Queen in the ballad Thomas the Rhymer?

But it will be seven years and a day Till ye win back yere ain countrie.

Seven years?

And a day – apparently.

So long?

Long – you still don’t get it, do you?

I just – I don’t know how I’m going to cope.


Fair enough – it’s not exactly what you’d call me – is it?

Not in the thingish racist sense – no – but isn’t it time we moved beyond such form bound stereotypes. After all, how else are you going to re-establish your presence in the Is beyond, above or beneath 3D?

True – true – I canna quibble wi what yere sayin.

Oh please – spare me the fake Scottish accent. Now, if ye dun mine, ayve go sum dansin tu du.

Aaaargh – the worst accent ayve ever hurd.

Well you’re the worst African tree frog fly agaric cross I’ve ever encountered – so we’re quits – so give me the harp – it’s gotta be somewhere in the madness you’re currently embodying.

Ah – yes – I see – there it is.

Finally. Ah – Scotland the beautiful, Scotland the brave. Never in my wildest imaginings did I imagine a fish could play a harp so sweetly. I just pray that the… oh damn – another shift – another tree – another day…

Read no more – your eyes will see no further trace – of what befalls our intrepid heroes. The quantum veil cannot offer no glimpse of what lies beyond the purlieus of in-finity. Instead, poor bereaved reader – know that you have broken the back of literature, slaughtered the fatted calf and mopped up all the blood – to no avail – for unless, until you too confront the story yourself – unless, until you disengage the Borgish Thim by not-whatting witcherly – no good will come of any thing what – so – ev – er.




cuckoo la

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Riders of the storm

#The reasonable assumption of degree

You know, we always assumed that a little was less than a lot – and a little poison was a lot less likely to kill you than a lot. Logical – you’re probably nodding, being men, women or its of reason. Well, boy have I got news for you…

Come on Spike – spare us the lecture on unreason please. We all know the theory – but frankly – who gives a damn. In reality the matter of degree holds true almost infallibly – hell – they even call the qualification you leave university with a "degree" in recognition of this mostly unreported law.

Well, be that as it may…

No Spike – be that as it is. When are you going to face reality – rather than living in a dream world of theoretical things of neither moment nor matter.

Well, now that you put it so bluntly – I have one thing to say to you.

Yes? You’ve finally decided to see reason.

The word does not, in fact, begin with an r.

Oh hell. Here we go again. Let me guess – does it begin with an i for insanity, or perhaps an h for hula or horsesh..

it does not. If you’d hold wind for a single breath – it begins with c

for conspiracy? Been there, seen the movie, smoked the cigar – it’s not even remotely appealing so let’s move on to our next point on the agenda…

for capacitor

Capacitor? What on Earth are you on about now.

This is why your law of degree appears to hold true.

It is? Uh…

We’re in a kind of electrical circuit – aren’t we.

No, we’re actually in a syncretic field of consciousness – commonly known as “reality”.

Yes, of course – that’s the official version which is great for day to day processing – but simply won’t work if you need to touch fundamentals.

And you believe?

Our so-called field of consciousness has a lot in common with a common and garden capacitor.

It does? In what way?

It builds and stores charge – until it is discharged.

Well, yes, I know how a capacitor works – but what’s that got to do with the law of degree and human beings?

Because we’re all part of an electrical circuit – and our information or ideas are current. They build up, build up, build up until – crash – they are suddenly released.

I fail to see where you get this ridiculous notion from.

Of course – that’s exactly how the mind is supposed to work. It’s an excellent device and you – both individually and no less collectively – serve your function admirably – as capacitors – in the same way clouds do too – until the charge is sufficient and then – crash – a bolt of lightning rips through the air – bringing the two plates back to an even, neutral state of equilibrium.

Er… but why do you assume ideas and information are in any way comparable to electric charge?

Because this reality we’re in appears to be bound by the law of degree – whereas, in fact, things can or should be much less stable and ordered – if it was all naturally haphazard, unstructured and free flowing.

In what way?

Well, infinity is not something to be sniffed at. It’s potential wild and savage. It can, and should be able to manifest anywhere and at any time – and completely upturn the status quo – if we were operating in a quantum state of Is-ness.


But things seem to be remarkably well organised – do they not? Our body doesn’t exactly jump or jitter about. The atoms in our body, the thoughts in our head, the cars on the road, the planets in space – they all seem to hold course fairly consistently – as does the information in our computer, on our drives or in the processor. The same is true of water flowing in rivers, the atmosphere, animals or people moving as crowds and basically any thing you choose to look at. Absent, throughout – is the pandora’s  glove of infinity – the magic wand which suddenly flummoxes rhyme or reason – shifting things beyond recognition in a flash – seemingly randomly. That’s what you would expect, or need, if infinity were to manifest at any time anywhere in your field – whatever field you choose to observe.

So maybe it’s just the fact that we’re observing it that prevents real randomness – the hoofmarks of infinity – from riding roughshod over reality’s manicured lawns.

Maybe indeed, or maybe the four horsemen of the apocalypse are merely patiently awaiting our summons – that we are, in fact, the dielectric separating the two plates – and until we become aware of the electrical nature of our reality – we’re unable to call forth and work with the limitless and creative powers of infinity.

Or just as likely – we know that the limitless and creative powers of infinity – you refer to – are wild, savage and untameable – so better left well alone.

Indeed, indeed – all these and many more random possible permutations – but something tells me the answer is staring us in the face.


And it involves inside outing our perception of things.


Well, for example, instead of assuming infinity is somewhere out there – in the vastness of space or time – let’s start by assuming the opposite.

That it’s present here in our small, cosy, confined reality? Haven’t you yourself just pointed out that it seems to be strangely absent.

Yes – but that’s to be expected, isn’t it?

Er… why?

If we are the keepers of infinity – the hiding place for its quantum depths.

But how likely is that?

In terms of infinity – very likely indeed.

But why?

Because infinity has little or no respect for vastness – it’s just as comfortable working at any scale – and what better place to hide and conceal it than here in us – lurking in the unplotted depths of our consciousness.

But where are the sudden surges, translocations, eruptions or fluxes which give the game away?

Well, if the entire universe – from the subatomic level up to the smorgasbord of galaxies are the electrical circuitry, or the hardware if you like, and if we, our consciousness: our conscious-awareness are the capacitor – then we, it transpires, are what smooths the curve – are what averages out the wild undulations and teenage petulance of infinity.


Who else? If you want to get a difficult job done – then better to do it yourself. Who else can you really rely on?

But – how can this be?

What could be simpler? Consciousness, in this model – is not something merely possessed by biological, organic entities – human beings or other life forms. Consciousness is what keeps things in order – is it not?

I wouldn’t know. It’s a little beyond my ken.

Well, let’s just wildly assume that in fact, things are incredibly simple.

Er… I’m not sure that’s a particular reasonable assumption to make given the incredibly complicated nature of things…

Things are only complicated because you’re consciously bound to ignore the obvious – the unifying force, the common denominator – right before your eyes.

Which is?

Which is what holds all the different strands together – life, perception, awareness, consciousness, matter and whatever else it is I’m missing.

And this, you’re saying, is going to be incredibly simple?

It has to be. The only way things can hold together and work is if they come to a single point – a single oscillation – a single equation or a single experience – a bit like the Greek theatrical unities of time, place and action.


It means that if we notice something surprisingly smooth, homogenous or recognisable about reality, things in general or the nature of all that is – then ding ding ding – the alarm bell starts ringing – there is no single force out there big enough to hold it all together – to bring it under control – is there?


How on earth could all the planets, stars, atoms and, what have you – kind of fix themselves or synchronise their orbits or whatever they do so beautifully? Or the cells in your body, the atoms in the galaxy your body floats within, or the sub-atomic particles in the quantum states of indeterminacy those atoms kind of rest upon…


It’s all just too much – unless/ until you recognise that it has to be way, way simpler than you're imagining – does it not?

I… don’t see why? Can’t it just be mindnumbingly complicated?

Well, it could – but then things get too thingish, too heavy, too interlocking and interconnecting and you find yourself utterly unable to accommodate infinity anywhere in your ponderous, massive and weighty model of things.


And believe it or not – infinity has to be the key element – does it not?

Really, I can’t say

For how else are you going to make sense of anything?

We seem to be doing pretty well actually, without reference to infinity.

Well yes – we just have to Big Bang an entire universe into existence for no apparent reason, with no external cause. Hum… and then we have inorganic chemicals doing a second big bang – just somehow coming alive – becoming conscious, and aware – even though matter, we are told, is neither conscious, nor aware – just because a bit of light, warmth, or dare we say – electricity, happened to make Frankenstein’s heart start beating and open his eyes.

Well… we are talking about billions of years – are we not? Anything can happen given enough time and the right conditions.

Hmmm… Actually, electricity or light might well be hugely central to the whole life conundrum – as presumably they are full of it – and carry huge amounts of information which we’re barely even aware of…

You see – you too can begin to see how things start falling into place without any great need to dispense with complexity.

Oh yes – things fall into place – you have huge incredibly complicated electrical circuits and machines – let’s face it – a galaxy, a solar system, a universe is no less. What are they powering? How were they designed? How long is a piece of string?


All meaningless rhetorical questions once you realise that all this so-called “intellectual thought” and “rational enquiry” is missing the elephant under the proverbial carpet.

It is?


Obviously? Er… what exactly do you mean?

That the thinking through of things ignores the thinker and his or her or its direct relationship with the processes he, she, it is thinking – for what is thought if not a kind of observation looking inwards – in other words – a time going backwards from our perspective electrical reality observing the reverse of everything we’re thinking in our physical reality – so to speak, if you know what I mean.

Er… not really.

No, not surprisingly – but really it’s fairly simple if you remember the capacitor.

It is?

Yes. All our thought is our side of things – and it builds up, builds up until eventually something is decided, then acted upon and done. The spark is carried across the dielectric bridge or gap – the air becomes a conductor at the right voltage and lightning rises up to the cloud or falls down to the earth – depending on which way you prefer to see things.


It also rises up into so-called “space” above the thunder cloud – which is interesting in and of itself, is it not?

Er… if you say so.

Now, consider that our consciousness rides upon electrical current – whether that be the electrical signals in our brain – or quantumly connected electrical current in the cloud – somewhere above our head at any distance – near or far.

Oh… must it really be so inconceivable?

Absolutely. The two plates in the capacitor have to be separated by a dielectric non-conductor – an insulator – which could be water or glass or air – actually water’s better if you can keep it from leaking out.


And so, whatever you think makes sense is going to be one side of the plate. Whatever is in fact true is going to appear to be inconceivable or absurd, is it not – otherwise your mind would fail to act as an insulator – your two plates would constantly be shorting out rather than holding their opposing charge as they must.


So, the mind is designed not to see the whole picture – to see one half, one side – because it needs to act as capacitor for the electrical current that is consciousness – which you host – not merely for yourself…


No – you are way too over-engineered for just holding your own life together.

I am?

Absolutely. If it was just you – you could have done a perfectly good job as an amoeba or just a kind of non-cellular electrolyte – anything that could hold and separate a little electrical current – but you’ve got much, much more going on inside you – thoughts, emotions, feelings, passions – all of which complicate exponentially what you’re able to hold, capicatate and then deliver.

So, what am I in fact doing?

Doing, thinking, being – who knows – after all – the mind’s not supposed to know these things – is it – otherwise the circuit shorts out – but really – we don’t have to look too far, do we?


We know there have been enlightened people – or even unenlightened people who have had experiences of the universe – of being totally, utterly connected to one and all – in a cosmic sense – banal as this may sound.

So, you think we little humans are at the very centre of the entire universe?

Oh no, much more than that.

Uh?? More than the universe?

Oh yes. The universe, after all, is fairly spaced out and diffuse. Just think how much information is stored or processed by the interface – your conscious-awareness – name it what you like – the numbers are beyond astronomical – particularly if you practice some kind of prayer or meditation and learn to switch off the noisiest part of your head and connect to a bigger allness.

Er… So, you’re talking multiple universes?

No, neither one nor many – because they just stack up and amount to little more or less. Matter, after all, is merely matter whereas we, beautiful human beings that we are – or aspire to be – are the quintessence of dust – are we not.

Which isn’t saying much – is it?

Which is saying very little – which is precisely what we should agree to do – if we’re to approach the truth.

By saying very little?

By keeping it simple.

But why? how?

Because everything you think or say acts as a link or a gap or a barrier and interrupts the natural unity – the whole, the one, the all. Things thought – immediately grow heavy and drag us down into time and space – which is a million miles from where we want to be if we are interested in learning the truth.


For the truth is unthingable.


That too. So what could it be – you still haven’t found the answer to the question.

Er… that’s because my brain’s bleeding. You’ve lacerated it.

Relax. Don’t fight the circuit. Don’t try to push or force it – you’ll only trip yourself up mentally.

Then what?

Feel the two plates of the capacitor that you be –

Two plates?

The yin and the yang – so to speak

Yin yang – feel?

Feel. Breathe. Know that you are no less than the all there be, all that is – the entire universe – but this is not something your mind can or should try to process – merely smile inwardly at the absurd futility of trying to understand what your electrical function cannot allow.

My electrical function…

For ultimately, the conscious-ness that you carry, that you stream, that you be…

The conscious- ness

Cannot itself be perceived, understood or known directly – consciously – can it?

No, I suppose not.

But, on the other hand – you can feel the electrical charge – you can sense and become more aware of the architecture of consciousness, which is more or less the entire universe turned inside out – for perception reverses what is, when brought into your mind.

It does does it – naughty tyke.

Well, how else could you function as a capacitor?


You had to hold both sides. You had to be turned around. You had to be largely ignorant of, and more or less determined to ignore infinity, did you not, or else you’d have been too tempted to walk away from the task in hand – to go visit pastures greener.

And you? Why do you assume you’re not?

Well, let’s say that I’m a kind of poet – absurd though this sounds.

And what?

And I derive satisfaction from the beauty inherent in what is seemingly absurd, even superficially ugly. You might say I’m a bit like the bacteria you find in your gut, or in a compost heap – that likes breaking things down into simpler elements.

So you’re feeding on us?

I’m not sure that’s the best way of putting it – but probably, in a manner of speaking this may be true – after all – everything is to a greater or lesser extent symbiotic – feeding off whatever it is surrounded by…

So, if you know all this – why don’t you just use it and

Abuse it? What good what that do?

Good – why do you need to do good?

Ah – now we’re really making music – are we not?

Er… are you trying to dodge the question?

Perhaps, a little, but in fact asking me what good might be, or why we might wish to do it – is not very different from trying to gaze at the fundamental nature of things. You’re dielectric function shouldn’t really allow it – so you smash right into the limitations of consciousness once again – unless, that is, you decide that your consciousness is not internal – is in fact the same consciousness present in all things and all beings – in which case you’re able to see yourself from an entirely new, a fresh perspective – which will certainly go some way towards answering this ticklish question.


Yes, fundamental questions are inherently ticklish – and unless we are able to expand into them and inflate our awareness exponentially, then we tend to merely exchange one set of distortions for another.

So bigger is better, you’re saying?

Not exactly – but a one millimetre error at the nanoscale is infinitely larger than a kilometre error at the galactic scale, is it not?

I suppose it is.

So, demeaning though this may sound – once we’re willing to bite the bullet and accept that in a funny sort of way, we are a kind of capacitor – that infinity behaves itself only really because the split infinity within us slows it down and largely brings it under control – then and only then are we really able to start re-engaging infinity – bringing in-finity back to the surface, back into play.

We can? Really?

Yes, absolutely.


Exciting isn’t it.


You see – this is what we’ve secretly been longing for, looking for, hoping to rediscover – but always to no avail – for we were always trying to think it through – to bring it from the thought process into the physical reality we believe ourselves to be a part of – hopelessly cart-before-horsish, is it not?

Yes, I suppose you’re right.

Whereas, in fact, it was infinitely simpler. Once we confront our internal contradictions, our paradox, our ridiculously impossible complexity – only then do we begin to sense, to feel, to understand and know the infinity we be, the infinity we rest upon, the infinity we comprise, contain or hold


And joy, let the magic and joy of in-finity lift you up, back into the plains of conscious-ness which only you can enjoy, only you can know, only you can be – no one else – for when the cogs of in-finity start turning, the sluice gates open and the waters flow – all things, all matter, all beings, even, join in the great celebration of what is utterly ineffable, unknowable and good – no matter what that might mean or be, do they not?



cuckoo la
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