Friday, March 25, 2016

Baikal speaks two

Day two


Dreaming of Baikal
I fail to see
The purpose
Of me
Being me

Between worlds
Between waves
Between words
Is that space
That is  free

See the shoreline curve
The rocks
Glance at them
Sky  water  stone
Everything else is tone

Bird swoops down into sea
Grabs fish
Flying over poem
Scratching around for words


Never the twain shall meet
And yet horizon squeezes
Infinity to a single point
Of blurred intensity
For me

Boat on Baikal’s endless
Count the waves
Count the clouds
Stretch credibility

Never the ice comes too soon
Never the water too deep
Never the gods of Baikal
Dally with our destiny

Did the wind tell you
What I want to say
Did the omul rise
Slap its tail
And win your heart’s gaze

If I drown all sorrow
In the deepest hollow
Of this lake
If I drum all night
What then

Skimming o’er the waters
I was loath to part
With spirit
Loath to leap
Into fragile form

Night falls and now
You’ll not know
Where I start or end
I’ll take you through
The veil   beyond

If the teeming life of summers
Too short
The biomass of
Concern and thought
Is not enough 

Baikal speaks

Day one


Calling across the ages of eternity
I sign my name
With a song
On the cover page
Of Baikal

Clapping my hands
I snap time in two
Syncopating time and space
Writing lines
Of intent

Across the waters of Baikal
A world awaits
Not yet born
Not yet ready
To assume place

Did I tell you
How Baikal holds
The memories of
The human race
Did I tell you

The morning breaks
Cold and clear
No morning ever spoke
My name
As you do

Baikal shrugs as hail
Spickles its surface
When will you remember
When will you


Rising with the moon
I lay my hand upon
The night
And draw the empty
Star light

If Baikal won’t say
How the world
Goes around
If Baikal won’t say
Baikal’s mood

Dropping bombs of rain
Dropping bombs I rain
The waters of the world
Back into submission

Standing astride Baikal
The sky in my hair
The Earth in my bowels
Reaching along her shoreline

Drumming my fingers
On the edge of eternity
Reaching into the depths
Of Blue
I hear you back

Fizzing waters slide across
The wake
As glide and slop
The suck and skim
Of tuneful slake

Monday, March 7, 2016

The hero hyperlink

OK guys - I call this thing infinity drive. It's a pretty neat piece of hardware, only it's neither hardware nor software - as it works on the reverse principle.

Er... Merry - what's the reverse principle?

Well as you can guess, it's the opposite of what you're expecting it to be. So, for example, you're used to propulsion systems moving trains, plains and automobiles forwards by pushing. The opposite would be an impulsion system moving your vehicle or your self back into balance - drawing it forwards not by pushing but the opposite.

By pulling?

Yes, in a way. Instead of pushing with a big plus, a bang of some sorts, we can tune into infinity and minus our vehicle to the extent that it will move forwards of its own volition in order to reach neutrality - to arrive back at nought.

But why? What's wrong with pushing?

Ineffective. Inefficient. The impulsion drive starts with infinity so the vehicle isn't actually moving at all, though it appears to do so.

How so?

Because as we electron it, making it negative, it simply wishes to balance its electric equation but this doesn't happen in a thingful sense.


It's not a thing action or movement. When you start with infinity things happen, but only as a result of nothing or nought - so your vehicle can move across the universe, or down the road, but only because the universe or the road have to reconfigure themselves spatially as the vehicle balances itself energetically. I call this the infinity drive - though you could call it anything else you like.

So it's a mind bender?

Well, yes, unless you meditate or get out of the old way of thinking, and the old way of thinging.


You've been programmed in terms of doing things - like kicking a ball or riding a bike. These are thingful actions. They're a way of reaffirming your attachment to the 3D paradigm. They're a way of avoiding infinity and the quantum field which, in fact, permeate everything and anything.


Once you realise that the quantum field and infinity are present throughout - you're dealing instead with a continuum, a oneness, and at the heart of the oneness is nought.


Well, you can't really have one, can you? Where would it come from. But we experience it as one - one of the tricks of our conscious awareness, or our perception. So, that means that the entire physical universe is held in its oneness, in its positivity and thingfulness by an equal and opposite that you represent.

Me? I what?

You represent the counter balance to all matter. Crazy isn't it. This is why you're wasting your time trying to fly around the universe using propulsion. We need something simpler - simpler even than a knife through butter.

We do? What?

Not what. It's not a thing issue. It's not a matter of thing at all.

Then what?

Think about it logically.


All these things in the universe - all of them are for the sake of argument plus one - or a series of plus ones - but we can just treat them as plus one, in parallel if you like.


Well, for them to be plus one - I mean - how's it possible? Where did it come from?

Er... not really sure.

Well don't try to complicate things. It has to be amazingly simple if it's anything at all.

It does?

Yes, so the plus oneness of all that is requires you to hold an opposite charge - a minus oneness for each and every object in the universe - for each and every thing that is.

My God.

Even for God - you have to hold a minus one. That's what you do. That's how your consciousness works.

It is?

Obviously. How else could things, even abstract non-material things - how else could they be something or other - how else could they be discernible, recongisable or tangible, bearing in mind that everything has to come from nothing.


Because the universe is a zero sum game. So we can have plus one - we can create a bend in the line pushing it up a little about zero point as long as we allow the opposite to happen - for it to push down a corresponding amount before or after. That's where time comes into play - because the pushing up involves movement forwards and backwards - like a wave going simultaneously in different directions when you throw a stone in a pond.

So my thing - my plus one - can't stay still - you're saying?



But things do stay still?

Yes - buildings - a road - a table...

Correct. Spatially they can stay still for a while, but the wave is still moving in time, but even the spatial plus one will decay with time and the building will fall down... because time and space are just ways of representing and then perceiving something or other. The essence - of course - is quite different.

It is?

Of course.

How so?

The essence is that the plus one and minus one are nothing more than a fluctuation, a feeling, a nothing much in the quantum field which is, by its very nature infinite.


Being infinite means that all matter that you perceive - all things, people, whatever you like - these things nevertheless amount to nought.


And so they're not actually real - when you consider their totality.

Sorry - you lost me there.

Well, take your universe for instance - a nice big fat juicy plus one, wouldn't you say?

Well, yes - it's big isn't it.

So it appears to be... but at the quantum level it's neither big nor small - it's merely plus one - and it's only plus one as long as you're holding a minus one. Space and time then expand or contract to fit the bill - to produce the desired effect.

Oh God. You're saying that the universe is something like an optical illusion?

Not really. As long as you're glued to the 3D reality of space and time - what could be more real than the universe?

Oh. But are you implying that I could unglue myself from 3D reality?

Evidently, because you hold the balance, and you are a channel of consciousness - which is by its very nature, infinite. So as soon as you start becoming aware of how you hold the balance - how you're a part of a magical mysterious process of plus and minus oneing - this awareness is enough to change everything.

In what way?

In the reverse.

Oh that again.

Yes. Instead of always pushing forwards - to boldly go where no man has gone before, as they said in Star Trek, you become aware that things are tidal.


That waves have to go both ways at the very least.


Into you as well as from you. And the best way to catch the departing wave is not to chase it like a madman.


But to feel it's minus oneness in your quantum field of conscious awareness. That does away with the need to smash endlessly through space and time.


There's no need. Everything is infinitely close at hand - just as soon as you're ready to start dealing with infinity.

But how? How am I supposed to deal with infinity?

By realising your own nature - that you are the balance - you are the point at which infinity meets things, no matter how big or small. Your consciousness can zoom in and out ad infinitum - from the sub-atomic scale up to the entire universe. It's a wonderful piece of equipment.

Piece of equipment?

Yes. It's actually the most perfect technology in existence. That's why I refer to it as "infinity drive". There's nothing, quite literally, that it can't do.



There must be something impossible. There have to be some limits.

Oh there are plenty of limits, but these all dissolve once you engage the quantum field. The limit is your willingness to accept and embrace infinity.

Well there you go. How many people are willing to do that?

More and more - now that we're rushing headlong back into the quantum age.


There's little alternative. The old pathlines are now defunct or imploding.


We have to switch back to the infinity drive if we're to survive. The ice, you see, is melting.

Global warming?

Global awakening. So, instead of talking mathematically - let's get some real practice.

Er... ok.

I was reading an amazing book the other day.

Er... ok.

Flying bats, talking rats - all kinds of weird and wonderful stuff.

Oh - I'm not a fan of fantasy literature.

Understandably. Anyway, regardless of whether you're a fan or not, the book shifted my field lines outside and beyond 3D.

It did?

Yes. And while I was there I engaged infinity drive.


I connected with another reality.

Oh come on - it's just a book - it's imaginary.

Absolutely - in 3D space and time it's imaginary, but in terms of plus and minus one - in terms of the quantum field - it's just as real as anything else - more so, in fact, because it was full of strong emotions, strong stuff.

If you say so.

Instead of telling myself it was just a book - I engaged infinity drive and breathed it, meditated it, embraced it - because it had colour and passion that seems to be lacking in this 3D reality.


And now I've linked it in.

You've what?

Linked it in. I've created a kind of hyperlink... a bridge. It's now an integral part of this reality - and I've accepted it as a part of my Self, my meness, my allness, my oneness, my isness.

Any more nesses you want to introduce?

They're all much of a much, are they not?

If you say so.

So now I have a point of reference outside 3D which means I can start looping stuff around that hyper-point. I can reconnect the hero inside.

Oh that's what you're after is it? You want to satisfy your childish urges to be the messiah - to save the world.

There is no world to save. There is the hero who can lift you out of 3D dull normalcy back into a living, vibrant experience of...

Of what?

Not of what.

Then what? It's got to be something.

Reverse that.

It's not got to be something.

That's better. Now you're getting closer to impulsion. Now you're learning how to activate infinity drive, how to access the quantum field.


Reverse that - your mind's trying to slow things down, trying to clip your wings, and drag you down into the whatness of 3D reality.

Oh God Merry, can't you be more normal for a change.

Time is up. Normalcy is yesterday's dream - yesterday's fashion. It's time to rediscover story - the drama of your life, your magic, your passion, your isness.

Oh God - this is so weird. Can't you....

Reverse that. Catch this.

Merry throws Zie a ball of green.

What is it?

It's green.

Green what?

Not what. Just green. Play with it. See what you can do with it.

Zie is like a child again - playing with this green - like it's a computer game - making it fly around - learning how he can control it with his thoughts, with his mind...

It's amazing.

Isn't it just.

It's... hey - where did it go?

Where did what go?

The green.

Green what?

I don't know what - what I was playing with.

Oh that... it went back where it came from. It was merely a training tool to get you to play around with the quantum field - to learn how to activate your conscious awareness. Call it back.


It matters not how. Call it back. You know what it felt like... you can get it back by impulsion. Minus one it.

Oh. Why didn't you say?

Zie minus ones it. Almost immediately the green not-what reappears, and Zie spends another ? no idea how long playing with it.

It's like time stood still.

Isn't it just.

What else can I play with?

Anything you like. You just need to see what excites you most. What would you like to experience? Why not recollect one of your dreams - something you experienced long ago - remember anything?

Oh - you mean the bubbles?

Yes, why not.

Zie recalls how he'd experienced bubbles - as if he became one - a dualistic sense of getting smaller and smaller, while at the same time being huge - and a certain sense, or taste, a feeling of bubbleness. Almost immediately it comes back - and Zie is reliving the dream - this time in 3D - so it would seem.

But how's this going to change the world? How's it going to make my life any better?

Ah... you haven't noticed how your conscious awareness is now more fully activated, sharper?

Actually yes...

And that you are now feeling people and things from both sides, so to speak - from within as well as out there. There's a kind of drum skin - the balance of nought running right through you and you can be aware of both sides, if you choose to.

Oh my God - you're right. What does it mean?

It means the game has commenced. Training time is over. Welcome to the quantum age of nought.


And you assumed nought was nothing whatsoever... If that were the case - how can things seem so real, how can you be sure that you're alive - if it's all just a zero sum - if zero truly amounts to nothing whatsoever...


Reversing things doesn't actually destroy them, does it Zie... there seems to be something more - something else in play... but what that is I cannot say.


But I'm willing to give you back the one thing you've been deprived of, the one thing you need to make your way back to infinity and beyond.


Story. Myth. The epic tale. To be the living legend. To discover the hero - that you cannot be contained within a plus one projection - a thinged-up representation of that which is - no matter how hard you try. Feel the space within opening up. Allow the silence to grow fuller. It isn't what you imagined it to be. It isn't dark and lonely at all - quite the reverse in fact. It brings everything back together again - and you just happen to be the centre.

Sounds like a big ego trip to me.

Not when you experience the two sides of conscious awareness and feel yourself the missing link - the balance. It's mathematical. We're opening up the magic of nought between plus and minus 1. We are cosmonauts, each one of us discovering the totality of what we truly are - the missing link in the equation matter is not alive. We can no longer deny the simple truth - the hero hyperlink, and the force of impulsion now draws us ever faster, ever further and deeper back into infinity - the isness of be where mathematically 0=1
and cuckoo la la
it is    I am


the quantum field concealed within nought - what Tesla considered the ether, Einstein the vacuum but which, if anything, is closer to the dance of Shiva and Shakti - two indeterminacies - neither of which amounts to ought individually, yet from which all that is emerges as the constant what of creation, of which I is an integral part.


Or simply OM

Dance, if you wish to step behind reality, to sense what's really going on, or use your breath in meditation to do the same, in reverse. However you choose to engage it - the allness, the isness, the oneness is your friend and will reveal itself just as soon as you're ready to step out of your noughtless infancy into your noughtful Self and noughtical Mind, just as soon as you're ready to be hero, to let the power of story shift you beyond your little fears and fallacies, back into the epic tale of Is, in which...

dot dot dot

only you can tell

only you can decide

only you can be

in totality

in entirety

all that you are

all that you be

all that is


capstone and consummator of infinity

epic hero and cosmo-nought

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

One day story came knocking at my door

One day story came knocking at my door...

Go away – I yelled, and tried to ignore the fact that story wanted to enter my life.
My life – I thought – I have enough problems without story coming along and introducing chaos and confusion. I’m barely coping as it is. Let story come back later – I thought
at a more opportune moment
when it’s more convenient – said the fisherman when the strangely intense man on the shore told him to quit his job, his way of life and go on some mad cap adventure – some insane journey into spirituality.
Go away – I wanted to yell, but something inside me, to my horror, to my intense surprise, to my confusion said
Yes master, I will come with you – and that was that – my life was no longer my own – it was his and, helter skelter, I tasted the fruits of paradise while I seemed to slide along the edge of hell.
Go away – I yelled, when...
When what?
Whenever I found myself being lured out of the cosy nest I’d made for myself – the refuge where I could get by, where I could lick my wounds and hope that things might improve – yet never fly, never taste the fresh wine, the intoxicating juice of life itself, the hemlock to dreary ordinariness, the...
The jolt that knocks me sprawling from the backwater of my numb and soul-less existence into the floodtide, the surge, the tumult of Is and be: unreferenced, uncatologued, undetermined;
the poetry of do or die,
the poetry of Be – astride the quantum field of Story:
ask not what story can do for you, ask instead what you can do for story, how you can serve;
know that anything less is heresy, is sacrilege, a profanation of the livingness, the much ado-ness, the isness of life itself; profanation and godlessness – to take the elixir and convert it into stuff, into things that are weighed down by the heaviness of matter, that cannot see beyond the confines of creature comforts and social mores: the graveyard of story; the walking dead.
And yet, a butterfly comes one last time and knocks on the door of your soul.
You hear its intrusive clatter with fear and trepidation – as you hope ‘n pray that this last chance at life will mercifully pass you by unnoticed, unanswered, unrequited...
leave me alone – you scream from the rooftop of your faint-heartedness
leave me alone – as you draw back the steel bolts and incomprehensibly,

let the butterfly enter.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

i-drive disambiguation

I-drive disambiguation

.I-drive doesn't need to take you to the stars. 
.Why not?
.Because the stars are here.
.Sorry Merry, I don't follow.
.Ok, in 3D everything gets rolled out, stretched onto a vast canvas you call space.
.Except that space is 3 dimensional. 
.So you're led to believe.
.What do you mean?
.It's only 3 dimensional around you, in your immediate vicinity, when you wave your arms around.
.But that's absurd. I can turn around and see things in any direction, I can move in any direction and experience what space has to offer.
.Of course. That's fine. But you only ever experience whatever's surrounding you, and just because you can turn around and view space in every direction, you can do the same thing in a computer game. That doesn't mean it's actually sitting there waiting for you when you're not engaging it.
.But it has to be. It can't just dematerialise when I look away.
.It doesn't need to.
.What do you mean?
.The program is still running, the space around about, the endlessness, the entirety of space is implicit within whichever blob of space you're interacting with.
.But how? How can the entirety of space extending for millions of light years be implicit within the globule of space I'm currently engaging?
.It can't in 3D, which is why 3 dimensional space appears to be vast, which is why people assume infinity is something incalculably big.
.Which it is... how could infinity be small?
.Small or big are relative terms referring to physical things. Infinity is neither big nor small. It's a quantum indeterminacy. It simply can't be determined, measured, defined or even observed. The minute you do so its wave function collapses and it becomes either one thing or an other,  either particle or wave, either cat or mouse and ceases to be infinite.
.So you're saying space isn't in fact vast.
.No, I'm saying it's vast when rolled out like pastry in 3D, but have you ever considered the easel?
.What easel?
.The easel it has to be stretched out onto in order to seem vast. 
.No I haven't, and I don't see why there has to be an easel.
.Well how else would you be able to sense, appreciate or see its vastness, were there not something common to you which is equally vast.
.Er... what are you saying?
.Space can only be as vast as your ability to sense or appreciate its vastness. It cannot exceed the size of the easel. 
.I don't see why not?
.Because space as you perceive it is merely a way of organising infinity as if it were a near infinite sequence or range of finite matter, finite stuff, finite things. 
.Which, as far as I'm concerned is exactly what it is.
.Naturally?  What do you mean?
.You're accustomed to 3D, to operating within finiteness, things that can be measured, placed in time and space, labelled, catalogued, described empirically. 
.Well I don't see what's wrong with that. It seems perfectly rational.
.Precisely. It seems perfectly rational because it is rational within seem. 
.And what, pray tell, is "seem"?
.Seem is what transposes the quantum field, the absolute, onto the flat screen, the easel that we call space, or 3D.
.But it can't be a flat screen. It has depth, breadth, length and height.
.Correct. That's where seem does its magic.
.What on earth do you mean?
.Seem stitches together composites. It's no coincidence that the word "seem" is the same as "seam".
.Oh come on Merry! The two are completely different in meaning. 
.Yet they just happen to inhabit the same space-time globule, the same word. Would you say that 7 and seven are different just because they're spelt differently?
.No Merry, you're clearly spouting nonsense here. 
.Absolutely. It's non-sense as long as you're wedded to the space-time paradigm in which things are just things, little bits of matter with no fundamental unifying principle, no recognised commonality. But once you step outside the dark cave of thingfulness, thingles and Tom-thingery, you discover...
.Er... aren't you going to end your statement?
.No. The end has to be sensed individually. Each of us has all the data points. All we have to do is join the dots.
.And what happens when we do so?
.We see the fallacy.
.Which fallacy?
.That things are only as real as we make them. That the glue is perception, the illuminator consciousness, the source is creation itself - an indescribable force which constantly engages us within its stream of whatness.
.Oh my God,  you're a raving lunatic.
.Yes, a little, but once you recognise the actuality of infinity, you no longer need space-time to project onto, no longer need to thingify. You can start to sense and experience the infinite directly within your conscious awareness, just as soon as you make peace with infinity.
.Oh come on Merry.... make peace with infinity! You're off your rocker.
.Evidently, but the proof, as they say, is in the pudding.
.Er, what do you mean?
.If what I'm saying is right, if I can make peace with infinity and move onto a quantum platform, then I should be able to evade the restrictions,  the limitations of space-time and Tom-thingery, I should be able to access and work with any part of creation, no matter when or where, no matter its size, speed or density. In short it's time for me to put up or shut up.
.Well spoken Merry. Good for you! Less idle chit chat and more action, more substance, more matter.
.So without further ado I intend to activate i-drive and...
.Dance? Is that all you can think of? If what you say is true you can go anywhere in the universe, have anything you like, pulling diamonds out of the quantum flux like candies, turn into a dragon, a beetle,  a unicorn, visit Alexander the Great at the battle of Gaugamela...
.Anything else?
.Oh yes, I can think of hundreds of things to do.
.As well you might, until you've accessed infinity through the quantum field, at which point...
.You realise that all these things are already present within you... within the infinity that you encompass. 
.They are?
.Yes. Where else? 
.But I've not experienced them.
.Not knowingly, you simply haven't yet learnt how to access the all that you are, the all that you be.
.And you have?
.Actually there's nothing to it. It doesn't make me special. It's just I figured out the 3D fallacy, mathematically, by which stage I could no longer adhere to the 3D mythos, the illusion started crumbling automatically, once I'd realised the impossibility of what we call objective reality.
.So now you're completely at home with the quantum field?
.More or less. It makes more sense. It allows infinitely more possibilities for self-expression and self-realisation.
.Oh. Then how can I see you as if you're a normal part of 3D if you're actually operating from the quantum field? You should be anywhere and everywhere, indeterminably. 
.Because I've fixed my attention on you, so here we are.
.And if you fix it on Alexander the Great?
.Here goes. [Merry vanishes from sight. A minute later he reappears causing Zie to hiccup uncontrollably.]
.A little disturbing is it not?
.You're telling me!
.It sends ripples through your anchor line.
.My what?
.The anchor line which holds you, fixing you in this reality. It's susceptible to quantum flux.

.And you, how do you cope with it?

.When I made peace with infinity my anchor line caused me some discomfort until it retracted. Now it forms a temporary grounding connection wherever I touch down, but automatically retracts when I turn the dial and shift elsewhere.
.And you actually have to turn a dial?
.Not exactly, that's a way of describing it. Actually it all happens mentally, or to be more precise intentionally. 
.By intention, though you only know what that is once you've learnt how to do it. It's basically how we learnt to walk as infants; now we think nothing of it, but at the time we had to figure out how to get those appendages to move synchronistically. Twas no mean feat.
.If you say so... So, let me get this straight  you're able to turn the dial and the entire universe is at your disposal?

.Naturally, but you have to understand that some strands are richer, more fertile, more productive and meaningful than others. 
.Why so?
.Because they open up the field, expanding, rather than contracting it into mindless minutiae. So visiting Alexander the Great may sound great, but may be of little interest once you realise all people and all things are equal at the quantum level. For someone out there, Alexander the Great might be a key node, whereas for me meeting Martin Luther King may be infinitely more instructive or valuable, if doing so brings me into contact with an aspect of my allness which needs further development, which tends towards infinity.
.And what in particular tends towards infinity?
.That knows no bounds, borders or limits, which hums in tune with the song of creation.
.Oh, very poetic, I'm sure.
.Well yes, poetry bridges the gap between matter of fact and isness of Be. It brings the mind a little closer to the fractal whirl of infinity.
.So that's why you prefer to dance?
.Yes, poetry in motion, particularly when you feel the field responding to your every move, and allow it to guide you into the ecstasy of all that is.
.Sounds a bit far-fetched, Merry.
.Very, very far-fetched but no less real. Infinity is always going to take you on a journey into what seems impossible or inconceivable, and yet, this is the only way we can complete our journey, achieve zero in one, one in zero, thus settling accounts throughout creation, solving the equation experientially. 
.So this is all just a glorified maths puzzle for you?
.Maths puzzle, a dance, a poem, a game, more than words can say, and yet it is – I am One,  in spite of everything that indicates otherwise, despite the fact that the whole of 3D reality is designed to disprove, rationally, infinity. It's a near flawless system which is breathtaking in scope and which, at times seems to be inspired by the devil himself, until you realise...
Merry starts to dance... He dances, disambiguating day and night; dances, disambiguating heaven and hell; dances, disambiguating good and evil, then life and death: dances in such a way that Zie is transported through the isness of all these things: dances zero back to one, dances every life, every word, every breath, every thought, every star and every grain of sand, dances till Zie arrives back at his emergence from the source of all... and sees the entire universe contained within himself, projected onto the canvas of every fractional moment he experiences rolled out onto time and space; dances until he is no more.

Friday, January 22, 2016

When markets fail

Let’s assume a market is a living entity – a person. In good health it stays in balance. Inputs and outputs self-regulate. The organism ticks over at a comfortable speed allowing work to be done and life to be lived, yielding a surplus.
But why should there be a surplus?
Good question. Life is a given and life itself is a key component which feeds or supports the system. By life we mean inputs such as consciousness, thought, inspiration which are constantly nebulising around and feeding into and through the organism, connecting it with more than itself – with God or other systems which may exist in another dimension or at a quantum level. So each person engaging that market, each person contributing to it is doing so at more than a purely intellectual, material or mechanical level. We are just beginning to become aware of this. There really is no limit to the level of input that a system or market can receive from market players at an abstract, quantum level – via the non-physicality of consciousness. Once we entered the quantum  age – once we realised that the mere fact of observation altered the system under observation – collapsing the wave form giving, for example, either a photon as particle or wave – as opposed to the prior indeterminacy – we should have realised that something is coming from nothing – that the relationship between some thing and nothing is fundamental.
What do you mean “the relationship is fundamental”?
That this is not just happening in laboratories with photons or electrons. Consciousness or awareness is shifting the state from 0/1 non-linear and therefore infinite – to either 0 or 1. This is work and this is being done by the mere fact or observation. It means that the market, the entire system is much vaster than we realised – that the whole is in fact something akin to a computer where a stream of zeros and ones are the output which are the product of our observations – but which originate as no thing or an indeterminacy which is in fact, another way of describing infinity. This is a mind bender – so please don’t bother trying to understand it unless you just see it and get it – in which case there’s nothing to understand – it just makes sense.
So we’re supposed to take this on trust?
No. You can ignore it or you can experiment for yourself with the quantum field until you figure things out. Each of us has equal access. The purest, most abstract way of accessing the quantum field is meditation – but that doesn’t mean you should do it that particular way – it depends on your nature. You can have just as much success accessing the quantum field of 0=1 indeterminacy cooking or gardening as meditating. There really is no preferred methodology.
So what are we supposed to do when we access the quantum field of indeterminacy, 0=1?
Do no thing. Let it speak to you. Let it guide you. Become aware of yourself and your relationship to the field, or your relationship to everything, to the world around you, to other people, from within the field, from the calm collectiveness of the field, from its oneness, allness and isness.
Vague beyond belief, Merry. Have you nothing better to say?
Yes – have a wonderful time expanding and engaging that which is, giving yourself some much needed respite from the muddle we’ve created for ourselves down here in 3D.
You think we’re to blame for what’s happening here on Earth?
Blame? How can blame be a part of the equation? If you breathe a plastic bag of air for long enough you’re going to asphyxiate – guaranteed. Sooner or later you need to take a breath of fresh air. We created what amounts to a closed system and we tried to eliminate all reference to the quantum field of consciousness. We tried to play our 3D games as if they have intrinsic value – as if we can gain something by playing for the purpose of winning by crushing and defeating our enemy, yet to do so we had to close completely our awareness of all that is – of consciousness, of the quantum field, of the real magic, the real purpose, the real value of being here and engaging one another from within this matrix. We did this intentionally, which is why the idea of blame is irrelevant.
Why would we create chaos intentionally?
We chose to engage material reality objectively to the very limit – to the point of no return. At that point, which is where we now are, either we reengage our common sense, our primary awareness, our consciousness, or we die.
But why?
Because that way we could reset infinity.
Reset infinity? How on earth can infinity be reset?
It can’t, of course, which is why we had to go through all this finity – experiencing death and annihilation in 3D material reality in order to really feel, really believe like this is it, like we’ve reached the end, like death is actually a factor – for out there in hyper-dimensionality it ain’t. By believing this experience totally, by suffering like Christ on the cross, by weeping for the suffering of others and experiencing the joy and the pain, the degradation and the bliss, we have effectively moved through a collective death experience, an apocalypse. We actually came to believe that things were hopeless – that we were irredeemably sinful, corrupt or flawed – and energetically we shifted our conscious awareness beyond the balance point, into material reality. What started out as a kind of dream of being in the flesh, became heavier and fleshier – the more we learnt to identify with our physical experiences, until eventually the dream side faded into obscurity, spirit became a faint enigma, God an authority for less and less beings, as He appeared to look on indifferently, if He existed at all – as wars continued to spread blood across continents. To have reached the stage where we are actually able to totally identify with our body and our experiences in 3D reality is a huge shift, a huge achievement, and yet it completely fails to recognise the real energy behind our being – the force which sustains us and carries us through life, no matter what.
What force is that? Do you mean God?
I mean – if you can step outside 3D materiality – coming into a neutral place – experiencing the balance, the indeterminacy of the quantum field – experiencing how all is in a perfectly balanced state of flux, which centres not in matter, institutions, factors or things, but in you individually, personally – in you – for you are the interface between the infinite of the quantum field, and this world, the reality, this universe. You not only hold the balance – you are the balance.
But that seems impossible.
Yes. Precisely. It seems impossible – which is why things get worse and worse until people such as yourself have to stop and try the alternative – which is quietly awaiting your attention.
So I have to start meditating? You’re into Buddhism are you?
As I said, you don’t have to meditate – but your happiness depends upon accepting that which is – which in Christianity would be summed up by the words “thy will be done” in the Lord’s prayer. Once we accept and start to work with what is, as opposed to what we want, or what we think or imagine should be – then things start flowing effortlessly, magically, wonderfully back into their rightful channels, and we discover that perfection which we’ve constantly overlooked.
Oh. So you’re an optimist, I see.
More a mathematician. I can see the equation all around, and it’s designed perfectly, to defeat anything but perfection.
Excuse me?
Nothing less than perfection will succeed.
But no one’s perfect. It’s blasphemy to assume a person can be perfect. Only God can be.
Yes, apparently so, but the impossible only matters as long as you’re fixing your ideas in 3D reality.
Nonsense – this is a universal truth.
In which case I can only bow to you and fall silent – for when you talk about universal truths, you’re talking absolutes, and these cannot be debated or discussed. Instead I can enter into my silence and play a game called being perfect or being complete. To do that I simply have to bring the two sides of the equation more or less into harmony. That done, the rest of the universe or God assists, for the quantum field is infinite, and infinity has the habit of exceeding our expectations, taking us beyond what we imagine possible.
But what’s all this got to do with markets failing?
A failing market, like any failing system helps jolt our awareness. We are constantly evolving – either into ever greater materialism, or conversely, back into conscious-awareness which is the current trend. Every crisis is now going to reveal the fallacies of our earlier assumptions about what markets are and how they should operate. Every crisis is in fact born from the next wave of awareness, as we start to rediscover the true purpose, the true value, the true meaning of our work and our interactions with one another. Little by little we’re moving back into alignment with nature and the underlying/ overarching/ all-pervasive energy flows which in fact surround us with such abundance, such wealth, that only huge ineptness, blindness and stupidity enable us to continue operating in deficit and debt. But this is not about blaming greedy oligarchs or incompetent officials, for each one of us has direct access to the quantum stream, and infinity itself ensures that everyone of us has the power to rewrite the narrative of humanity, regardless.
Fat chance of that...
For as soon as I make peace with my Self, or with infinity, material reality cannot help but shift into alignment with the perfection of peace, the limitless power of that which simply is – just as soon as I’ve handed back my stay in jail indefinitely card, the jail of a mind that will not relent, will not let go of its commitment, its adherence to the totalitarianism of mind in matter.
Oh my God – whatever next?
For as long as I keep my mind anchored, rooted in matter and things – I’m like a chick that’s afraid to fly from the nest.
But what if I fall and die? What if I lose my mind?
What if, instead, we end with a little magic? What if I share a secret with you – that you cannot fall, you cannot fail, you cannot die when you’re already dead. So here goes... one  zero   three

One, zero, three? Hey, where did he go? Hey, where did you go, Merry? Where... oh God – this is ridiculous. I can’t just stay here, hanging around indefinitely... what did he say now? Er... one er... zero... er... oh my God... three...    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! What the hell was that? three... faster than the wind... three... higher than the sky... three... to infinity and beyond... whoopeeeee... three    three   three    oh my word   three   indescribably    three   talk about infinity...   three!