Everyone's looking for the answer out there.
Everyone's looking for the device that can transform the world - whatever it might be. For one person it's a replicator, that can replicate anything else - like a 3D photocopier, for someone else it's a free energy device - lots of those kicking around if you take the trouble to look, and otherwise want free travel - some kind of a UFO. Whatever excites you most... a quantum telephone or computer - they're pretty cool - contact anyone anywhere in the universe with zero time lapse, or limitless parallel processing - a computer so powerful it can tell us what questions we should be asking rather than simply helping to find the answers.
But if you're not very technical - that kind of sucks. No one wants to be reliant on other people for their free lunch, or their ticket to the stars. Of course, non-technical people can make huge, cosmic discoveries in other areas - new ways of growing food that don't require pesticides or other chemicals, new healing modalities using consciousness, sound, light, crystals - whatever turns you on - we have a limitless capacity to create. Cleaning up the planet - removing the blight of Fukushima and other nuclear power plants - all this can be done using quantum age technologies. There's so much work to be done. Now that we're ready to reconnect zero point conscious awareness, we need to get our planet back in order, because it's far, far more than just a rock or a resource.
So it's great to see progress being made on so many fronts, in so many ways. People are doing their stuff. Awesome.
Me? I miss the wide open spaces - inter-galactic travel would definitely be nice, but it's not essential for me. I miss my Self. Living in this life in this body has been kind of isolated - being cut off from all that I be, all that I am, so here goes - it's time to reconnect.
It can be done in so many ways... it's really up to you.
The main thing is never to force the system. Think of yourself as a child. Be respectful. If the child is afraid and starts to cry - then back off - find another way - there's always another way - but never abuse the inner child - because doing so defeats the whole object - which is a magical journey rather than a final destination.
So, everything limiting you right now is perfect. Those limitations are what you're going to use, to work on, to engage in order to build your bio spaceship.
You know what I mean, Zie.
Not really Merry.
Well, reconnecting the conscious awareness, becoming your Self again, the real Self, is tantamount to building a spaceship, as the real Self is not limited to this particular reality that we're now in.
Er... I don't feel limited.
No, ignorance is bliss, is it not. People in the middle ages who never washed and were covered in fleas probably didn't feel dirty - but we would if we went back there. So you'd only feel limited or trapped if you had memories or glimpses of another state. Anyway, building a spaceship is a nice kind of metaphor because your body is so much more than a 3D biological house.
It is?
Absolutely. Once you realise it's capable of... well what isn't it capable of, in fact?
We can't fly - that's for sure.
We'll see about that Zie. Every can't is only true as long as you're adhering to certain protocols of limitation - all of which were voluntarily entered into in order to experience 3D reality. Sometimes we hear people blaming ETs or overlords for imposing these limitations on us, but if you were able to see your inner light you'd realise that isn't strictly true. Nothing can truly be imposed without your personal consent.
So I gave my consent to be a dumbed down version of me. That sounds kind of dumb.
Yes, but think what this has done to the universe.
Er, what?
It's made it huge.
It has?
Yes. The deeper we sank, the further down into the darkness, the higher the light appeared to be in the sky - the further away the stars, until we started believing we needed some kind of ship to reach them.
Which we do.
Which we do - but it just so happens that our primary ship is, in fact, the human body.
I thought we established the fact that it can't fly.
Until we call the protocols of limitation into question - you see - the whole point of sinking down was to expand the universe - to create a huge, vast dome - a resonating chamber for the conscious awareness - but that's only possible - that only really happens if at some point in the future we reconnect - completing the circle.
Er... why? Why can't we just be the kind of martyr giving our life so the part of our Self that stayed up there enjoys the benefits of our darkness.
It doesn't work like that.
It doesn't?
Why not?
Because you and the "higher Self" are one.
And what is split asunder at one point in time, must be made whole again - otherwise it couldn't have been split asunder.
Why not?
Because you can't really separate one from one. It's fractal and it's a hologram - and I really don't know how that's going to help - but these two words are kind of the key.
Not to me they're not.
Me neither... they sound a bit confusing I know - but let them be there for the moment - overhead. Think of a child learning to read. It doesn't really understand the symbols at first. It just looks at them and sees a kind of pattern and copies the sounds its mother or father is making. So, at first we have to kind of fake it - or take it on trust - and then things start making sense when we have a little movement, a little momentum.
Ok. So I'm a child learning to read. Back to basics.
Yes, that's about right. So, basically, in order for you to be here - there's a wheel and...
And what?
Well at the point where you are - you seem to be disconnected from the rest of the wheel.
Why's that?
Because you're the point where it connects with the Earth, and your experience of being here, connected to the Earth is so intense you don't feel the rest of the wheel - but it's still there. Were it not there - you couldn't be here.
If you say so.
More than that - unless you have already completed the journey - and made it back home - you cannot be here.
What - like time travel.
Yes. Because the wheel is spinning outside time. You only have time here on Earth at the point where the wheel touches down on the Earth plain creating what seems to be a line going back in time. But you see, in truth, your past, if you have a past, is not the wheel's track on the Earth. That's just a mark in the dirt.
So where's my past?
It's upstream - the part of the wheel that revolved, turned, came into the point where you now are.
Oooo kay - if you say so - but it sounds incredibly vague.
Yes. Moving swiftly on. Think of it like an electric circuit - unless the circuit is complete - the electricity can't flow.
Ok. That's understandable.
So, There can be no real point of separation or incompleteness - only what seems.
So I seem to be stuck in this lesser part of me - but that's just a kind of illusion.
I don't see how that's going to help me get back home.
Well, you have to start by realising there's really no where to go. You're already here. It's more just a case of feeling the circuit, feeling the wheel, feeling the...
The what?
Er... the not-what.
Merry - don't do this to me. Speak sense or I'm quitting.
Not-what is sense. Look, Zie, I can't say what it is, because any "what" I might give you will fix your mind here in the Earth plain - that's the way "what" works. It's a processing tool... a bit like the digestive system. It helps you stay here in 3D - otherwise you'd flip back into All that Is - your Oneness.
I would?
Yes. It's actually really hard keeping you down here. At first when we set up this system we couldn't get the consistency right - it wasn't sticky enough - and the beings never really got the full Earth contact.
They didn't? They were still kind of cosmic?
Yes, which meant they weren't able to generate Nought.
I beg your pardon.
You're generating Nought or space - aren't you.
Er... I don't know.
Well, how else do you think the universe has become so big. Why else do the scientists say it's expanding. I mean, think about it - expanding relative to what? It just means that you're collapsing the zero point ever further and deeper into matter, which makes matter - the material universe look like it's expanding. So you're already a spaceship.
In reverse.
Yes, in reverse. Flying backwards into the darkness of uncreated matter.
Oh my God.
Yes, but it reaches the limit, does it not.
I don't really know.
Well, it must do - otherwise you'd not be talking with me now.
Oh - I suppose so.
You see a generation ago you'd be busily living in the equation, with little or no awareness of...
Of what?
Oh - you know I can't really name it - dot dot dot - how's that?
Dot dot dot? Sounds kind of vague.
Er... dot3... dorothy - any better?
Yeah - so people a generation or so ago had no awareness of the other side of the equation - and now we do. That's technology for you.
Yes, you see the allness, the isness, the electricity of consciousness cannot be excluded indefinitely. Sooner or later it seeps back in. It's like digging a hole on a beach. The seawater will appear in the bottom once you dig deep enough, or the hole will fill in a few hours, once the tide comes in again. Notice the way that everything in nature is cyclical - like a wave - rising and falling.
Ok. But what's that got to do with me being a spaceship?
Well, for the last hundred years it's all been technology - external to you - or that's how it's appeared. Of course, appearances can be and are deceptive. You've gone through huge changes in your wiring - that're ongoing.
They are? I've not seen anything happening.
Well, our brains are different today to what they were a hundred years ago. IQs are higher. You're more able to think in terms of global issues - joining the dots, seeing how everything is related.
Ok - so there have been internal changes too. But how? What's the mechanism.
It's like your computer getting automatic updates and upgrades. It comes though the pipeline, through the quantum vortex - a kind of internet.
It does?
Yes. How else?
I don't know. I'm struggling to see this.
Look - your system doesn't really exist the way you see it. For a start, the atoms that you're made of are 99% empty space. Furthermore, you flash on and off millions of times a second. If I slowed down your vision you'd see yourself disappear - literally - there's nothing there - just energy and a kind of expectation.
A what?
An expectation. In your other quantum state - you're neither here nor there. You could be and in fact are quite literally anywhere. But then time crashes back, or your conscious awareness collapses back into material reality - just like a wave breaking on the shore - and for the duration of the interval we refer to as "time" you're here physically.
Yes, it's kind of weird isn't it. But don't worry about it.
Don't worry? You're telling me I don't really exist. I'm just an expectation in a quantum field of not-what... and you expect me to be calm.
No, I expect nothing whatsoever - I assure you. You're free to feel angry, upset, afraid - these emotions are helping you to reconnect.
But you can help in other ways.
I can?
Yes. You see, I've done something very simple but incredibly powerful.
You have?
Yes. I've sown a seed.
Er - where?
In you.
In your mind. I've given you a few simple ideas - just that.
Because I'm too stupid to handle anything more complicated?
Because the most powerful ideas are always incredibly simple, and you are able to handle them - you'll see. In fact - you're already doing so unofficially - which is why you're feeling some emotions - uncertainty, excitement, confusion to name a few.
It doesn't look like that's "handling the situation" - more like I'm being adversely affected.
Yes, that's how it looks - down on the ground - but as a technician I can assure you that you're responding admirably. It's laying the groundwork for lift off.
It is?
Yes. It's a relatively small step - a tiny quantum leap - like a spark jumping from one side to the other - thereby igniting the fuel in the air.
Bang. An explosion?
Oh - nothing so dramatic. Just a little leap into...
Dot3 - the quantum stream?
So what do I need to do?
Basically nothing - it's all been programmed in - from the start - and you're controlling things right now - from the future and the past - so to speak.
My God.
If you mentally open yourself to your future and past - which is kind of up there on the wheel - ahead of you or behind you - then that certainly helps. Imagine how you're coming back to yourself from the future - from mission accomplished - from a place of confidence, knowingness and happy ease - providing assistance - a guiding hand - but it doesn't have to be any more than that - because remember - this is fractal hologram - which means that even though you think you don't know right now - in fact you have to know everything, regardless.
Ok. Merry - can I ask you a personal question?
Sure, fire ahead.
Are you in any way... part of me - you know - my future Self.
Good question Zie. What do you feel?
I... Zie has an existential moment - recollections, feelings, things he half remembered, half knew, a number of dreams which shift the pieces on the chess board of his mind. He evolves - changes - knows things that a moment ago were concealed... but then quickly forgets where his mind has just taken him. These things can take a while to root themselves into the conscious awareness.
Ok Zie - so here's a little exercise for you. Repeat out loud or mentally - "my body is more than just a body. Truly it's a spaceship connecting me with everyone and everything, truly it contains all that is - including the entire universe."
Are you sure about that Merry?
Absolutely. I've tested it out myself. We'll take this further once you've got the hang of the basics.
Ok - so what do I have to do.
Start with your fingers - your nails, the space between your fingers, the space between your nails and your fingers - so we have what and not-what, we have 1 and we have zero - and we move between the two - just gently oscillate between what and not-what - feeling the energies - the electrics, the magnetics, the isness... and don't forget to pay attention to your breath - which is the recorder.
It is?
Yes - your breath records everything you're experiencing. If you don't pay attention to it you'll have no way of recalling what you experienced.
Yes - you may have just flown across the universe to another star, but unless you can recall it using your breath it's as good as lost in space... so you have to feel the breath - and allow it to open up into a kind of dimension.
Just feel the quality of your breath at the same time as you're feeling your body - your hands, fingers, wrists, the palm and the outer side of your hands. Do you see the pattern emerging.
Kind of... it's like thing and no thing, projection and hollow or indentation.
That's right - or you could say male and female. So in the same way geographically there's a mountain and a valley, likewise your body has male and female spots all over it - and lightly touching these with your conscious awareness, feeling them, breathing them - you start to open up the multi-dimensionality of your body when you apply breath to the equation. You find that you are, in fact, the gateway to the universe - that you don't have to go anywhere - in fact - it's all here - within.
My God.
Yes - pretty awesome isn't it. So keep a sense of balance and proportion. Go outside and exercise. Don't push it too hard. Listen to your body and your intuition. If you find adverse reactions - then ease up.
What kind of adverse reactions?
Oh anything... a headache, a sense of disorientation, or dizziness... friends getting annoyed with you.
Oh they often get annoyed with me.
Yes, but if you get too spaced out - they'd notice and might start worrying. That would be a sign that you're not keeping things balanced.
And what then?
Nothing. Without balance you'll actually slow things down - because we're not really going anywhere at all. We're opening up Nought - that which appears not to exist. This can't be done by pushing and showing - because you'd be pushing on a string. It needs to be done with grace and compassion - loving yourself and the universe.
The universe?
Yes, it's not going to feel very comfortable if you start forcing your way in when you're not ready yet.
You need to acclimatise. You need to match her frequencies - to pass through her crystal portals of light - and that is best done by not-doing.
Not doing?
Yes, doing Nought - in a playful, magical, loving and perhaps even sensuous way.
Precisely - oh... as in zero...
As in Nought.
Positively so.
Everyone's looking for the device that can transform the world - whatever it might be. For one person it's a replicator, that can replicate anything else - like a 3D photocopier, for someone else it's a free energy device - lots of those kicking around if you take the trouble to look, and otherwise want free travel - some kind of a UFO. Whatever excites you most... a quantum telephone or computer - they're pretty cool - contact anyone anywhere in the universe with zero time lapse, or limitless parallel processing - a computer so powerful it can tell us what questions we should be asking rather than simply helping to find the answers.
But if you're not very technical - that kind of sucks. No one wants to be reliant on other people for their free lunch, or their ticket to the stars. Of course, non-technical people can make huge, cosmic discoveries in other areas - new ways of growing food that don't require pesticides or other chemicals, new healing modalities using consciousness, sound, light, crystals - whatever turns you on - we have a limitless capacity to create. Cleaning up the planet - removing the blight of Fukushima and other nuclear power plants - all this can be done using quantum age technologies. There's so much work to be done. Now that we're ready to reconnect zero point conscious awareness, we need to get our planet back in order, because it's far, far more than just a rock or a resource.
So it's great to see progress being made on so many fronts, in so many ways. People are doing their stuff. Awesome.
Me? I miss the wide open spaces - inter-galactic travel would definitely be nice, but it's not essential for me. I miss my Self. Living in this life in this body has been kind of isolated - being cut off from all that I be, all that I am, so here goes - it's time to reconnect.
It can be done in so many ways... it's really up to you.
The main thing is never to force the system. Think of yourself as a child. Be respectful. If the child is afraid and starts to cry - then back off - find another way - there's always another way - but never abuse the inner child - because doing so defeats the whole object - which is a magical journey rather than a final destination.
So, everything limiting you right now is perfect. Those limitations are what you're going to use, to work on, to engage in order to build your bio spaceship.
You know what I mean, Zie.
Not really Merry.
Well, reconnecting the conscious awareness, becoming your Self again, the real Self, is tantamount to building a spaceship, as the real Self is not limited to this particular reality that we're now in.
Er... I don't feel limited.
No, ignorance is bliss, is it not. People in the middle ages who never washed and were covered in fleas probably didn't feel dirty - but we would if we went back there. So you'd only feel limited or trapped if you had memories or glimpses of another state. Anyway, building a spaceship is a nice kind of metaphor because your body is so much more than a 3D biological house.
It is?
Absolutely. Once you realise it's capable of... well what isn't it capable of, in fact?
We can't fly - that's for sure.
We'll see about that Zie. Every can't is only true as long as you're adhering to certain protocols of limitation - all of which were voluntarily entered into in order to experience 3D reality. Sometimes we hear people blaming ETs or overlords for imposing these limitations on us, but if you were able to see your inner light you'd realise that isn't strictly true. Nothing can truly be imposed without your personal consent.
So I gave my consent to be a dumbed down version of me. That sounds kind of dumb.
Yes, but think what this has done to the universe.
Er, what?
It's made it huge.
It has?
Yes. The deeper we sank, the further down into the darkness, the higher the light appeared to be in the sky - the further away the stars, until we started believing we needed some kind of ship to reach them.
Which we do.
Which we do - but it just so happens that our primary ship is, in fact, the human body.
I thought we established the fact that it can't fly.
Until we call the protocols of limitation into question - you see - the whole point of sinking down was to expand the universe - to create a huge, vast dome - a resonating chamber for the conscious awareness - but that's only possible - that only really happens if at some point in the future we reconnect - completing the circle.
Er... why? Why can't we just be the kind of martyr giving our life so the part of our Self that stayed up there enjoys the benefits of our darkness.
It doesn't work like that.
It doesn't?
Why not?
Because you and the "higher Self" are one.
And what is split asunder at one point in time, must be made whole again - otherwise it couldn't have been split asunder.
Why not?
Because you can't really separate one from one. It's fractal and it's a hologram - and I really don't know how that's going to help - but these two words are kind of the key.
Not to me they're not.
Me neither... they sound a bit confusing I know - but let them be there for the moment - overhead. Think of a child learning to read. It doesn't really understand the symbols at first. It just looks at them and sees a kind of pattern and copies the sounds its mother or father is making. So, at first we have to kind of fake it - or take it on trust - and then things start making sense when we have a little movement, a little momentum.
Ok. So I'm a child learning to read. Back to basics.
Yes, that's about right. So, basically, in order for you to be here - there's a wheel and...
And what?
Well at the point where you are - you seem to be disconnected from the rest of the wheel.
Why's that?
Because you're the point where it connects with the Earth, and your experience of being here, connected to the Earth is so intense you don't feel the rest of the wheel - but it's still there. Were it not there - you couldn't be here.
If you say so.
More than that - unless you have already completed the journey - and made it back home - you cannot be here.
What - like time travel.
Yes. Because the wheel is spinning outside time. You only have time here on Earth at the point where the wheel touches down on the Earth plain creating what seems to be a line going back in time. But you see, in truth, your past, if you have a past, is not the wheel's track on the Earth. That's just a mark in the dirt.
So where's my past?
It's upstream - the part of the wheel that revolved, turned, came into the point where you now are.
Oooo kay - if you say so - but it sounds incredibly vague.
Yes. Moving swiftly on. Think of it like an electric circuit - unless the circuit is complete - the electricity can't flow.
Ok. That's understandable.
So, There can be no real point of separation or incompleteness - only what seems.
So I seem to be stuck in this lesser part of me - but that's just a kind of illusion.
I don't see how that's going to help me get back home.
Well, you have to start by realising there's really no where to go. You're already here. It's more just a case of feeling the circuit, feeling the wheel, feeling the...
The what?
Er... the not-what.
Merry - don't do this to me. Speak sense or I'm quitting.
Not-what is sense. Look, Zie, I can't say what it is, because any "what" I might give you will fix your mind here in the Earth plain - that's the way "what" works. It's a processing tool... a bit like the digestive system. It helps you stay here in 3D - otherwise you'd flip back into All that Is - your Oneness.
I would?
Yes. It's actually really hard keeping you down here. At first when we set up this system we couldn't get the consistency right - it wasn't sticky enough - and the beings never really got the full Earth contact.
They didn't? They were still kind of cosmic?
Yes, which meant they weren't able to generate Nought.
I beg your pardon.
You're generating Nought or space - aren't you.
Er... I don't know.
Well, how else do you think the universe has become so big. Why else do the scientists say it's expanding. I mean, think about it - expanding relative to what? It just means that you're collapsing the zero point ever further and deeper into matter, which makes matter - the material universe look like it's expanding. So you're already a spaceship.
In reverse.
Yes, in reverse. Flying backwards into the darkness of uncreated matter.
Oh my God.
Yes, but it reaches the limit, does it not.
I don't really know.
Well, it must do - otherwise you'd not be talking with me now.
Oh - I suppose so.
You see a generation ago you'd be busily living in the equation, with little or no awareness of...
Of what?
Oh - you know I can't really name it - dot dot dot - how's that?
Dot dot dot? Sounds kind of vague.
Er... dot3... dorothy - any better?
Yeah - so people a generation or so ago had no awareness of the other side of the equation - and now we do. That's technology for you.
Yes, you see the allness, the isness, the electricity of consciousness cannot be excluded indefinitely. Sooner or later it seeps back in. It's like digging a hole on a beach. The seawater will appear in the bottom once you dig deep enough, or the hole will fill in a few hours, once the tide comes in again. Notice the way that everything in nature is cyclical - like a wave - rising and falling.
Ok. But what's that got to do with me being a spaceship?
Well, for the last hundred years it's all been technology - external to you - or that's how it's appeared. Of course, appearances can be and are deceptive. You've gone through huge changes in your wiring - that're ongoing.
They are? I've not seen anything happening.
Well, our brains are different today to what they were a hundred years ago. IQs are higher. You're more able to think in terms of global issues - joining the dots, seeing how everything is related.
Ok - so there have been internal changes too. But how? What's the mechanism.
It's like your computer getting automatic updates and upgrades. It comes though the pipeline, through the quantum vortex - a kind of internet.
It does?
Yes. How else?
I don't know. I'm struggling to see this.
Look - your system doesn't really exist the way you see it. For a start, the atoms that you're made of are 99% empty space. Furthermore, you flash on and off millions of times a second. If I slowed down your vision you'd see yourself disappear - literally - there's nothing there - just energy and a kind of expectation.
A what?
An expectation. In your other quantum state - you're neither here nor there. You could be and in fact are quite literally anywhere. But then time crashes back, or your conscious awareness collapses back into material reality - just like a wave breaking on the shore - and for the duration of the interval we refer to as "time" you're here physically.
Yes, it's kind of weird isn't it. But don't worry about it.
Don't worry? You're telling me I don't really exist. I'm just an expectation in a quantum field of not-what... and you expect me to be calm.
No, I expect nothing whatsoever - I assure you. You're free to feel angry, upset, afraid - these emotions are helping you to reconnect.
But you can help in other ways.
I can?
Yes. You see, I've done something very simple but incredibly powerful.
You have?
Yes. I've sown a seed.
Er - where?
In you.
In your mind. I've given you a few simple ideas - just that.
Because I'm too stupid to handle anything more complicated?
Because the most powerful ideas are always incredibly simple, and you are able to handle them - you'll see. In fact - you're already doing so unofficially - which is why you're feeling some emotions - uncertainty, excitement, confusion to name a few.
It doesn't look like that's "handling the situation" - more like I'm being adversely affected.
Yes, that's how it looks - down on the ground - but as a technician I can assure you that you're responding admirably. It's laying the groundwork for lift off.
It is?
Yes. It's a relatively small step - a tiny quantum leap - like a spark jumping from one side to the other - thereby igniting the fuel in the air.
Bang. An explosion?
Oh - nothing so dramatic. Just a little leap into...
Dot3 - the quantum stream?
So what do I need to do?
Basically nothing - it's all been programmed in - from the start - and you're controlling things right now - from the future and the past - so to speak.
My God.
If you mentally open yourself to your future and past - which is kind of up there on the wheel - ahead of you or behind you - then that certainly helps. Imagine how you're coming back to yourself from the future - from mission accomplished - from a place of confidence, knowingness and happy ease - providing assistance - a guiding hand - but it doesn't have to be any more than that - because remember - this is fractal hologram - which means that even though you think you don't know right now - in fact you have to know everything, regardless.
Ok. Merry - can I ask you a personal question?
Sure, fire ahead.
Are you in any way... part of me - you know - my future Self.
Good question Zie. What do you feel?
I... Zie has an existential moment - recollections, feelings, things he half remembered, half knew, a number of dreams which shift the pieces on the chess board of his mind. He evolves - changes - knows things that a moment ago were concealed... but then quickly forgets where his mind has just taken him. These things can take a while to root themselves into the conscious awareness.
Ok Zie - so here's a little exercise for you. Repeat out loud or mentally - "my body is more than just a body. Truly it's a spaceship connecting me with everyone and everything, truly it contains all that is - including the entire universe."
Are you sure about that Merry?
Absolutely. I've tested it out myself. We'll take this further once you've got the hang of the basics.
Ok - so what do I have to do.
Start with your fingers - your nails, the space between your fingers, the space between your nails and your fingers - so we have what and not-what, we have 1 and we have zero - and we move between the two - just gently oscillate between what and not-what - feeling the energies - the electrics, the magnetics, the isness... and don't forget to pay attention to your breath - which is the recorder.
It is?
Yes - your breath records everything you're experiencing. If you don't pay attention to it you'll have no way of recalling what you experienced.
Yes - you may have just flown across the universe to another star, but unless you can recall it using your breath it's as good as lost in space... so you have to feel the breath - and allow it to open up into a kind of dimension.
Just feel the quality of your breath at the same time as you're feeling your body - your hands, fingers, wrists, the palm and the outer side of your hands. Do you see the pattern emerging.
Kind of... it's like thing and no thing, projection and hollow or indentation.
That's right - or you could say male and female. So in the same way geographically there's a mountain and a valley, likewise your body has male and female spots all over it - and lightly touching these with your conscious awareness, feeling them, breathing them - you start to open up the multi-dimensionality of your body when you apply breath to the equation. You find that you are, in fact, the gateway to the universe - that you don't have to go anywhere - in fact - it's all here - within.
My God.
Yes - pretty awesome isn't it. So keep a sense of balance and proportion. Go outside and exercise. Don't push it too hard. Listen to your body and your intuition. If you find adverse reactions - then ease up.
What kind of adverse reactions?
Oh anything... a headache, a sense of disorientation, or dizziness... friends getting annoyed with you.
Oh they often get annoyed with me.
Yes, but if you get too spaced out - they'd notice and might start worrying. That would be a sign that you're not keeping things balanced.
And what then?
Nothing. Without balance you'll actually slow things down - because we're not really going anywhere at all. We're opening up Nought - that which appears not to exist. This can't be done by pushing and showing - because you'd be pushing on a string. It needs to be done with grace and compassion - loving yourself and the universe.
The universe?
Yes, it's not going to feel very comfortable if you start forcing your way in when you're not ready yet.
You need to acclimatise. You need to match her frequencies - to pass through her crystal portals of light - and that is best done by not-doing.
Not doing?
Yes, doing Nought - in a playful, magical, loving and perhaps even sensuous way.
Precisely - oh... as in zero...
As in Nought.
Positively so.