Monday, December 8, 2014

Toroidal vision

Don't you mean television Zie?

No Pi.

But this "toridal vision"...

Toroidal - as in the torus.

What torris? I've never seen a torris. I can't for the life of me imagine what a torris is.

Ok Pi... let me present you with not one, but seven. You can scroll down to see the others, if you like.

Oh - so that's what you meant... A kind of doughnutty thing.


Well why didn't you say so?

Er... I think I did. Torus... they're you go - I've said it again.

No, doughnutty thing - that would have been much easier to understand.

Ok Pi, I can see I have my work cut out for me. Surely it wasn't this difficult when Merry was instructing me.

Merry? Who's that?

Oh, just a friend of mine.

Just a friend or an instructor? Make up your mind. What was he teaching you?

Nothing that I didn't already know.

How bizarre. 

Yes, it gets more bizarre the more you think about it.

About what?

That we basically know everything - except for the fact that we know everything.

Well if we basically know everything - then what's the problem - why do we need instruction?

Because we're convinced that we don't - that we can't possibly know everything - and so we tend to persuade ourselves that we know next to nothing - and live accordingly.

How pessimistic. I don't know where you get that idea from Zie.

Pessimistic? Surely the opposite!

What? The opposite of pessimistic?


You mean optimistic?

I guess so.

How can the opposite be true? How can it be optimistic to live with the idea that we've persuaded ourselves that we know next to nothing. I mean, it's all very well being ignorant if that's your natural state - if that's what you really are - but imagine being ignorant if in fact you're chock-full of knowledge, bulging at the seams with it. That would be like a billionaire living in poverty just because he'd forgotten he had all that money. It's depressing.

Or the opposite.

There you go again - playing at being contrary. How can it fail to be depressing if someone's living as a lesser version of what he-she really is. The trapped and wasted potential - it makes me feel quite sad you know.

Yes, I do, and I think I know why.

What do you mean Zie?

You seem to be having an emotional reaction - like I've hit a nerve or something.

What? You don't mean this applies to me?

Of course it does. You're no different from anyone else. We're all using just a few percent of our real cognitive powers - like an engine running on it's emergency supply system in survival regime.

Oh Zie, stop. You're upsetting me.

Pi has an intense emotional response. For four or five minutes he sinks into a place of sadness and sobs away, like he's the last survivor of a plane crash, all alone on a deserted mountainside - not sure whether to be thankful or regret his close escape from near-certain death.

So what do you in fact mean by toroidal vision? - asks Pi out of the blue, apparently recovered.

For a moment Zie looks vague as he comes out of meditation. Then his mind snaps back into place.

Oh that... well Pi, what do you think it means? You've seen one of the illustrations. Here's another to refresh you. 

Oh - that's so beautiful.

Isn't it. I'm deeply appreciative towards this and all the artists who provide these amazing images. It's a great service to humanity.

Mmm! - Looking at this - it's somehow uplifting - I can't think why.

Yes. So simple and yet so profound, like the yin-yang symbol, only three dimensional, showing the relationship between the whole, the all, the field - choose whichever term you prefer, and the zero point, the absence, the dark side, the nought.

Oh dear Zie... you do like to inundate me with variants of a theme, don't you.

Yes, it's one of my foibles, and an unavoidable part of my job.

What job?

Chatting about things.

That's your job? Just chatting about things? Are you paid to do so?

In a manner of speaking, yes.

Not with money then. So it isn't really a job.

There are more ways of being paid than money, Pi.

There are?

Yes, of course.

Like what?

Like payment in kind, or favours, or information.

What? Information can be a payment too?

Of course - information can be infinitely more valuable than money.

You do say the strangest things Zie... but anyway, we were discussing why you like to complicate things by offering multiple terms for every thing you/re discussing, no matter what.

Oh that... Yes.

Yes what?

Yes. I do.

Well obviously you do. I've already worked that one out. But why?

Why what?

Why do you need to complicate everything with multiple terms. I mean... it's unnecessary. It's confusing, and quite frankly, somewhat annoying.

Ah - annoying is it?

Well yes. Somewhat.

And how much is "somewhat" on a scale of 6 to 13.

6 to 13 - I've never heard of that scale before.

That's because it's never existed before.

Are you sure of that?

Yes. Quite sure. 

Well - not 6, and not 13 - somewhere in the middle, a little below halfway - unless it's a logarithmic scale.

A what?


You mean the one that progresses exponentially.

Yes, that one.

No, I don't think it is.

Don't think or don't know?

Look Pi, I know you like maths and all, but there's no need to complicate matters with needless erudition.

Oh - I just wanted to be clear. In that case 9.75

9.75? How did you arrive at that particular answer.

Don't ask Zie. I thought you said you didn't want me to complicate things.

You mean you just ran a whole sequence of calculations in your head and arrived at that number as a result.

More or less. But to all intents and purposes it matters not. As I said at the outset - it annoys me a bit more than a third and less than a half. Happy now?

Delighted, I am.

So what are you going to do with my number?

Feed it into the torus.

You're what?

I'm feeding it into the torus.

But how.

It's done instantaneously - the moment I intend it.

But how? How do you intend it. Where's your uplink, your interface. How do you enter the data?

By mere intention. In the same way you basically know everything - you just don't remember the fact that you do, similarly you're always connected to everything, you just don't remember it, or can't believe it.

Well? If I don't remember or believe it then that's stalemate. I can do nothing.

So it would seem, thinking logically.

And how else would I think?

Well you're more than a computer, more than a robot.


Then think naturally.

That's what I'm doing by being logical.

No, that's not what you're doing.


By being logical you're being logical - not natural. You're running a programme that treats all this as matter of fact, rather than...

Rather than what?

Life stream.

Don't you mean live stream.

No. Life stream. 

Which is?

The flow of life itself - which is biological. There's a different kind of logic which involves parallel processing.

What - as in quantum computing?


And, what do you call this other kind of logic?


Er... Zie I think you're mistaken. Biologic's just a name describing organic life processes. 

Of which thought, analysis, reason, understanding, dreaming and intuition are all a part.

?!?! How can you say thought processes are "biologic". They're separate. They're electrical signals in the brain. The brain itself may be biological, but thought and thinking - these are part of consciousness, which is a different thing altogether.

Oh good - I'm glad we've cleared that up, and yet, I still choose to use the term biologic to describe a different kind of logic - one which flows both ways.

How so? Logic has to flow downstream from cause to effect... from problem to solution.

Whereas bio-logic does no such thing. For in consciousness - time ceases to be a factor, as does space. In consciousness the matter-of-fact is neither here nor there... 

Neither then nor when, if you're to have it your way.


Then where is it? It has to be somewhere!

In the isness.

The what?

The isness of be - which is non-local - which is why we need to look at the torus to better understand what this means.

Go on then, upload another jpeg if you would.

Oh - how pretty. It looks like a psychedelic galaxy. 

Yes, Pi, I'm glad you like it. It's nice to be appreciated.

So, what are you saying?

Well, imagine a point anywhere on the surface of the torus.

How can I do that? The surface is to all appearances both inside and out, and appears to connect infinitely throughout - like a superconductor.

Ah, that's good Pi, very good. It does indeed. It's like the surface of a bubble, in a way.

How so?

Either it's wholly whole - in which case any point is any other point because the data or electrical flow throughout is infinite - or it pops - in which case it's nothing at all.

Which is also true - for it certainly incorporates nothing - rather like yin-yang incorporating the dark side within the light...

And the light within the dark... 

Pi sinks to the floor as his mind leaps into the toroidal field and starts calculating the infinite possibilities now unfolding before him...

Yes - you're right - time and space cease to matter - or exist - for that matter.

Ah ha...

And there's no way cause and effect can be linear as in our 3D model of reality.

Ah ha...

It's like chicken and egg. The paradox ceases to be a paradox in the toridal field.


What? Oh yeah, toroidal. 

So now you can see what I mean by bio-logic. 

Pi continues to travel through the quantum field of is - his mind shifting this way and that through myriad permutations, variations, dancing nimbly through the various densities and harmonics of Is. Suddenly, for the first time he's really aware of what mind is capable of - the depth, the range... 

This goes beyond mind, Zie. 

Yes, it does. 

I'm experiencing interference patterns - like I running up against matter itself.

Or thought, or emotions... yes - with the quantum stream, you cannot separate your self from the equation... you have to coax your way past blockages that may have been concealed deep within your past, or your sub-consciousness. You can see how this process necessarily results in clearing and streamlining of old inconsistencies, redundancies and products of fear, anger and other emotions.

My God. So the torus really brings us back to... er... God.


But not God as we knew it.


Because that was a version of God that corresponded with the matter-of-fact mind, riddled with inconsistencies.


So toroidal vision - it doesn't look forward at all - does it?


Then where?

Why where? 

Well it has to look somewhere doesn't it?

Where is there to look? There's only the torus, or a double torus if one is insufficient.

A double torus. Wow! Let me see.

Oh my God! Suddenly watching paint dry becomes the most exciting thing imaginable!

You like it?

Like it? I love it. Give me more. I need more data.

You're not going to blow your mind, Pi?

Blow my mind? The only thing that's been blowing my mind is how mind-numbing the data sets I've been brought up on have been. I don't know how I survived.

Actually you didn't. You've been in a near catatonic state for years Pi. It's taken me a huge effort to revive you.

Oh - yes. So my mind adjusted to the data stream available. It just switched off rather than going mad with impatience.

That's right. But remember - you're more than a computer - more than just a mind.

I am?

Er... yes.

What? What could be more than mind.

Not what.


Not what. Not thing. Nought, in fact.

You mean imagination.

Wow! That was fast - breathtakingly fast Pi! There really is no holding you back.

So let me see - where is imagination in the toroidal field?

Ah... I'll give you some time to think it through, and while you're having a think I'll post another pretty image to spur you on.

God - they're so beautiful. Why wasn't I even taught this at school?

There's nothing really to teach, is there? There's absolutely nothing to it. You simply have to tune in and feel it - the oneness, the connectedness, the beauty, the subtle dance, the loving relationship between the finite that we know as form, and the infinite hiding within, behind, or throughout form.

Hidden in plain sight! Yes, that's always the best way to do it. So the architect of all this really concealed nothing for those who are willing to see...

For those who are willing to See, as opposed to seeing.

Yes, but what't the difference?

You tell me Pi, I'm pretty sure your mind has the answer.

Pi allows his face to relax, stepping back as it were from his ego's noisy self, and waits patiently as the silence creates an opening for answer to come forth.

Well, whenever we see something it's always directional, and somewhere over there apart, removed from ourself. 


To See, on the other hand, is to Know. It's toroidal vision, to answer my own question. It's every direction simultaneously - but how is that possible?

How indeed?

The mind - how could it process every direction simultaneously - that would be infinite.

Naturally. Let me present you with one more image which, while not answering the question directly, will at least provide you with food for thought.

Oh it's too much! I've been living in a desert all my life, and suddenly it rains and the desert floor is transformed into a lily leven. 

Yes, indeed Pi. Welcome to paradise.

Don't joke.

Pi grows emotional again - his eyes fill with tears and he starts to cry - overcome by the sense of beauty, the mathematical perfection of Is... Zie steps aside, and in his place stands someone Pi's never met before - who puts an arm round him. 

Welcome home Pi - he murmurs quietly. Welcome home!

Tick, tick, tock...

There's really no difference, is there, between the Earth and me - Pi continues - as if nothing untoward has happened, or interrupted his flow of thought.

Correct - Zie replies.

It's just a question of scale.


As the scale changes, the zero point shifts through whatever form is most appropriate - Earth, galaxy, human, cell, atom... like in cymatics.

Yes. Change the sound frequency and the sand or water pattern alters accordingly. 

So what... what gives us form, what gives us matter?

What makes matter matter?

Yes, what makes matter... Oh, I don't know - it's all too much.

It looks, for a moment, like Pi's about to sink back down into self-pity and melancholy, but something changes all that. He remembers.

Who was that, Zie?

Who was what?

Who just came in a moment ago, and comforted me when I was feeling upset?

Oh, you remember do you?

Yes of course I do. Why shouldn't I?

No reason - only you didn't remember a moment ago.

Actually, now that I think about it you're right - I didn't remember. Why is that?

Good question. We seem to have quanta - bunchings or groupings where things take form, become clear, and spaces between, where there seems to be nothing - but in fact there is... no less.

Yes, but what is there... no less? That's the million dollar question.

The rational mind insists it must be a what not... something or someone, but the answer is evidently of a different nature - one which brings form and the formless into proximity or resonance - thus generating a third - a harmonic of the two.

Three! It's the number three - isn't it.

It might be Pi, if the number three enables you to See toroidally.


And I know who it was.

Yes, of course you do. You know, ultimately...

Everything. So that's why you always give three variants of a word...


To keep the answer in the flow, the stream, as opposed to the form or thing of a single, seemingly fixed word or idea.

Mmm - like music ot my ears.

So where is he then?

Where is who?

Your instructor, the one who came to me, Merry.

Right here, in the toroidal field. Are you ready to go?

Ready. 0 - 1 - 3

and to the casual observer - the room was suddenly vacant, apart from a few small dust motes and minor temporal vortices.

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