Monday, September 12, 2022

sweeping the yard


So let me get this right… you’re not doing this – writing this blog for fame or fortune.




You think I’m being slow witted, don’t you?


Not really.


But why would you go to all the trouble…


What trouble? It’s really no trouble at all.


To write all this…



If you’re not even getting paid to do so? I mean – it’s not exactly fun, is it, sitting in front of a computer for hours on end?


Ah… that’s what you’re getting at.


Well yes, isn’t it a reasonable question.


Of course it is.


Then what’s the objection?


No objection.


Then why the secrecy?


No secrecy whatsoever. I’m completely open and transparent in my dealings with you and all of humanity.


“All of humanity”?!


Ok – whoever is part of this.


But that’s simply untrue.




Writing just for the sake of writing.


Yes – that would be rather tiresome, I have to admit. Doing something for no good reason – just because one has nothing better to do.


So, perhaps it’s something spiritual? Like yoga or meditation?


Kerchink. Now you’re talking.


It’s a way of connecting with something deeper within yourself – is that it?


Very unidirectional of you.


Not within yourself. A way of connecting with higher spiritual forces? A presence?


That’s the other side of the pendulum. But you’re trying to squeeze this into convenient categories – the kind of categories that the mind likes to use to tick boxes and file everything neatly away.


And that’s a mistake – you’re saying?


A mistake – that’s just such a category. It’s what the mind does – automatically – when it’s trying to process things, when it’s trying to make sense of something that it finds hard to comprehend.


Well, I do find this hard to comprehend.


Naturally – in the same way you’d find music hard to comprehend if you only ever looked at notes rather than heard the sounds.




So whatever I’m doing – you’ve had the good fortune to experience directly – so you definitely know more than you think you do – but that knowledge, or that awareness may not fit neatly into one of your squares – and that’s what the mind is programmed or required to do – in order to ensure that reality remains flat and manicured, like a carefully managed garden.


So… there’s stuff in what you’re doing which can’t be compressed, can’t be categorised, can’t be…


Naturally – there’s something natural in what I’m doing – which doesn’t conform to the requirements or specifications of a digital operating system. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t allow your mind to do its stuff – but if you’re aware of the process – aware that the mind wants to tidy everything neatly away, and that, in the process, it often converts data or experiences into file formats which basically sweep all that is alive and fresh, all that is really noteworthy under the rug of homogeneity – then you’d probably want to allow another space for stuff which can’t or shouldn’t really be processed in that way – to ensure that you still have access to the live feed, the direct experience.


Ok. But we’re getting off topic.


Are we?


Well yes, because I’m trying to figure out what’s really motivating you.


Ah that.




It could be tricky.


Why’s that?


Because you’re making basic assumptions which may be fundamentally mistaken.


I am? Like what?


Like the fact that I’m a guy writing things down.


But that’s exactly what you are.


Agreed. But if I were just a guy writing things down – then a. I wouldn’t – what would be the point? and b. if I did so, for no good reason – then I'm clearly wacky.


I don’t see why – lots of people like writing – poets for example.


Ah – yes – poets. And they’d be poets. So it’s ok.


Well yes – a poet would be a poet. Seems kind of obvious really.


And uncontroversial?


And uncontroversial.


But what exactly is a poet?


Ah – now there’s a question Seth.



No one really knows. Not exactly.


And yet we do, don’t we? We know a poet in the same way we know an artist or a composer – people who are working creatively – creating some kind of unique content that is more than simply content – that in some way needs to come through from up there – if the poet, artist or composer has a good enough connection.


Well yes – It’s just difficult to express exactly what a poet exactly is.


On the contrary – nothing could be simpler.




A poet is a man or woman who writes poetry.


Yes, but then we need to ask what is poetry, don’t we – because there are plenty of mediocre song writers, poets or hacks who churn out stuff that may superficially look like poetry…


But which isn’t.




So they’re not poets, in the same way there are lots of people who live their lives without ever really being alive – without shining eyes – without a shining heart, who aren't in fact human.


Oh. I’m not sure we want to go down that path, Seth.




No. Let’s stay on topic.




So you’re a kind of poet, are you?


If I do as a poet does – if I open a channel and allow the waters to flow.


Then a poet is someone who allows the real stuff, the living waters to flow? Who revitalises our world?


I guess so.


But doesn’t he or she need to write poetry?


Of course.


And this – isn’t exactly poetry, is it?




Then you’re not exactly a poet, are you?


No, I’m not. But then again – if we’re talking about what things really are – the simple truth – then none of these labels really matter – because you’re allowing the mind to try and figure out whether this bird is actually a bird, rather than allowing the magic of bird to reveal itself to you.


And how exactly can the magic of bird reveal itself to me?


Good question? I don’t really know – though we could write about it and we might learn.


But why would I want to study the “magic of bird” as you put it – if I’m a scientist looking to understand the facts?


You wouldn’t. Your scientist doesn’t want to know anything much about the magic of things, does he (or she) – because very, very soon all his (or her) neat little categories and boxes are going to disintegrate like a house of cards.


Oh! Surely it can’t be that bad?


It’s neither bad nor good. The scientist has to fight to defend artificial borders, artificial boundaries, in the same way you need to pay far greater attention to words than to what’s actually going on in reality.


That’s a rather pessimistic view, if you don’t mind me saying.


Of course I don’t mind. I wouldn’t necessarily agree with you that it’s pessimistic – there’s nothing particularly pessimistic about being a cleaner and cleaning the same street or house again and again – knowing that it’ll be dirty again tomorrow – because a. you’re getting paid to do so and b. there’s an element of kung fu involved.


Kung fu?


Yes. If you do your cleaning beautifully, conscientiously, with awareness – then your simple and somewhat futile action can lead you, nonetheless, to a higher level of consciousness – over and beyond the limitations of what you’re doing.


They can?


Absolutely. If that’s your intent.


Ah. So, perhaps that’s what you’re doing too?


Correct. I’m sweeping up all kinds of stuff as I write – and processing it as I breathe, as I stay calm and centred, as I…


Oh! You just…


Correct – I allowed myself to feel, to experience, to connect with the infinite lurking in, behind or around those simple little words.


So it’s not futile, then?


Is that what you’re afraid of?


I have my fears, from time to time, you know.


Don’t we all.


But you think that we can progress?


Whatever happens, we’ll either be moving forwards or backwards. There’s no staying put. The infinite – like it or not – is circling us relentlessly – like death itself – waiting to pounce.


And you’re happy about that?


About accepting reality and facing it? Yes. Why wouldn’t I be?


Well it’s rather disturbing, if you ask me.


Absolutely. It’s deeply, deeply disturbing if you start to face it in its entirety.




Which is why very few do, do they?




Now if you notice that there’s a disturbing void at the very centre of your existence – what are you going to do about it?


I’m going to try to make it go away. To plug the gap, or heal it.


And if you can’t? If it’s fundamental? As fundamental as time itself.


Then I’m going to go crazy – because no matter what I’m doing it’s going to undermine the very bedrock of my existence.


Right. So there you have it.


I do?


The human predicament.


You mean to say…


We’re all doing our best to manage the void – either by concealing it – or by turning around and facing the other way – not because we’re cowards or weak – but because otherwise existence is more or less impossible to bear.


Oh dear. This is very gloomy.


Yes and no.


I fail to see how you can put a positive spin on this so-called void?


Well, there’s a time for action and a time for inaction. A time for self-deception or concealment, and a time for facing the truth and taking back your power.


Wait a second – what’s acknowledging this terrible void got to do with “taking back your power”?


Good question bro.




Supposing you’ve grown and matured in some way, supposing you’re now ready to face that void, failure to do so would mean you chose to remain at your current level of development – which was fine until it became your limiting factor, your refusal to advance.


So the fact that the void has come back into view indicates that I’ve made progress – that I’m now ready to face it again.




How can you be so sure?


You’re asking me to remove your doubts and uncertainties. I’m not going to do that. If what I’m saying is true then it’s true – but the proof, as they say, is in the pudding – not in my claims or assurances.


So you’re sure?


You see how the mind desperately looks for assurances. It makes no difference to you whether I’m sure or not – because you are you – no one can take you through the void – no one can die for you. That’s a fact.


Ok, I get it.


If I say something and it’s true – somewhere, somehow you’ll feel it and know it, "in your bones" – but that may be a part of you that’s very far from where you are right now mentally, emotionally or psychologically.


So how would I know?


You wouldn’t – not in the part of you that’s currently controlling the narrative – but that part of you is not what you’re evolving or growing into – is it? 


I don’t know.


That’s where you are now. If you’re going to carry on growing or evolving in some way – there’s another part of you – or a truer version waiting to be stumbled upon unexpectedly, waiting to be brought forth – waiting to be disinterred from deep within.


And how would I do that if I'm full of doubts?


You’d zig zag.




You’d zig zag.


I don’t get you.


You wouldn’t.wanr to march straight forwards into your new me unless you had some kind of revelation.

Like a road to Damascus experience?

That's right, then you might. But otherwise you’d wiggle back and forth, testing the waters – to and fro, probing your uncertainties – allowing sommat ain't right feelings and real life issues to pile up, enough to provide the impetus to take another step forward.


So laborious.


Unless you’re practising kung fu.


There you go again.


Unless you’ve already figured out that whatever you’re thinking or doing in life, no matter what, is part of something bigger – something you can’t possibly comprehend at the moment – which thus prompts you to start looking for the infinite, the unknowable, the magic in all things, no matter how small – knowing that the limiting factor is, above all, our inability to see what’s right there in front of our eyes.


So sweeping the floor is as good as any other action?


Absolutely. Or writing a blog. Or going to work. Or walking in the forest talking to the birds – but all the time we’re zig zagging back and forth – like a violin’s bow – over the violin strings – making them vibrate – and somewhere deep inside we can feel those vibrations – we can sense what they mean – and part of us that’s already there – already transmitting or receiving – is able to respond to our successes and failures.


It would be great, Seth, if it weren’t so vague.


Oh – don’t worry about that.


Why not?


Because time has the knack of ensuring you feel whatever you need to feel, or experience whatever you need to experience, or realise whatever you need to realise, in order to put two and two together, or in order to rediscover that you're more than a digital circuit in an internet of things. Even the fear, the boredom or doubts are an essential part of the process. Learning to engage them, learning to extract whatever medicine or message they are delivering is the magic of being alive. And believe me – it ain’t gonna fit in any predetermined boxes or definitions.


So I’m going to have to experience some kind of mental derangement syndrome, am I?


Kind of, yes. You’re going to have to accept that you’re more than the convenient beliefs of a disconnected social environment. That this voice, the voice of this blog, for better or for worse, is part of a reality that may seem strange or outdated but which is as natural as birds singing, the wind blowing or rain falling.


Ah. Nature.


Correct. And some kind of understanding, some kind of awareness that nature is present throughout – even in your body and your mind – that you’re part of it – like it or not – and that it ain’t digital, or algorithmic, no matter what they say.


But nature is so fragile – it’s barely hanging on.


Your definition, not mine.




Nature is present throughout. You think you know the planet you’re living on? You think nature is restricted to plants and animals? Give me a break.




Qufie’s nature too, you know.


Your quantum field?


Absolutely. It’s certainly not artificial – that’s for sure.


But if the planet is destroyed, or the biosphere collapses in a mass extinction event – what then happens to your precious quantum field?


What happened to nature before your precious Big Bang – or in the billions of years after it – when supposedly there were just clouds of gas?


But we can’t just let things collapse, can we?


You’re looking in the rearview mirror.  Nature, or even Big Bang as you call it, Ten, is ongoing, happening all the time, at the event horizon of reality, and the event horizon of reality is not then, billions of years ago, but here and now, just at the very edge of perception and awareness, at the edge where the rubber hits the road – where things emerge from the unthingable and unknowable side of

Of what? 

Um. Let's call it Um.




The undecided awareness. The undermined mind.


Um – ok. I can go with that. Um…


There – kung fu in action. You’ve now raised um to a state of awareness.


And this?


This is our back and forth bow string – this is our carpet braider making patterns out of the strands of light, the filaments of awareness that reality itself comprises.


Head spin.


Which is why we prefer, in the end, to…


Seth? Where are you?


Ten – who the hell is Seth?




You ok bro? Looks like you need a rest.


No, I’m fine. Really, I’m fine.


I thought you were talking to someone.


What? No, I was just thinking aloud.


Thinking aloud? Er...


Dude – just chill, ok. Sometimes you gotta let things roll. I’m a creative soul, aren’t I.


You are?


I can be. I think I’m a poet.


A poet? You’re kidding, right?


Why? We’ve all got creative potential you know.


Ok, whatever you say man, but...


If you're feeling ok now, let’s get the job done, ok?


Ok bro. Your folks – telling you to sweep the entire yard. It’s insane. You must of really upset them.


Yeah, but it’s not so bad. You’re helping me. 


Sure. I’m happy to help. And you know what…




Kung fu.


What? You’re off your rocker, man!


No really. Kung fu.


Time lapse photography as they work away, back and forth, making piles of autumn leaves across the ever-expanding backyard, then, huh? For the first time, Ten finds himself experiencing what the heck... definitely "wyrd" – the quantum field aligns in a new configuration connecting him with this…

 and this…

and suddenly the Matrix skips a beat     a new form of poetry emerges from the back and beyond of infinity. Briefly, perceptibly, Ten dezeroes, and experiences Um... One   



does it not?

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