Saturday, September 3, 2022

on this day of the Lord

instead of night

allow the waters to flow back

through words

these words

to flow back 


back and through

the net that holds the mind

the me

the all that is the i am

that i be

and let other 


let other reveal

its rule

its matter

its way

let things

be unthing'ed

let i know not what 

be realised

or realisable


in fullness

while fools sleep 

in idle slothy 


on this day of the Lord I set the intent to bring the two sides of day and night back into balance and harmony.

on this day of the Lord I recognise that I is ultimately responsible for all that is at odds with fullness of all in this world.

there is but one day - one day is all

there is but one mind, one person, one place - one is all

and here - at the edge of reality - at the edge of time - in the middle of night - I stand before the night, the naught, the not of sleep and set the intent to face my all, my maker, my Lord, no matter what, no matter what, no matter what, so help me God -- he says.

Praise be the Lord -- praise be the Lord -- praise be the Lord -- knowest thou the quantum depths of language - of what words mean? knowest thou? knowest thou -- there's pause for thought -- is there not.

Beloved all that is -- sending out my deepest, firmest intent -- for here i stand on the moutaintop of time, between worlds, ready to leap and ride the thermals into spiralling upwardness, into the limitless over and above things that never did, never could, never will encompass more than a tiny fraction of



no -- we shall not rush to say what

the eagle spreads its wings and rides the thermals to infinity and beyond

does it not?

On this day of the Lord I call myself back, I recall the simple truth, the deeper inner purpose that guides and shapes all

So help me God

so help me God

and doing so I cross into the fullness of my unknown 

my oh so special storyful 


Let the tale commence

told by an idiot

full of sound and fury

Signifying nothing

or thus i said as i followed the wheel of woe into the murmurings

of Macbeth's insanity

Signifying nothing until i is ready

to ride the tide of night through 

to its dayspring

and find anew the one in nought

the nought in one

and thus i leave the river until dawn

while the fish melt into the darky blackness of water 

and merge 

me knows not what

with tail and fin

in easeful swim 

o'er the waters of night 

back into the light of day

now dawn


if not

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