Friday, October 8, 2021

mercury retrograde er...


My God Merry, how are you doing that?

Oh it's nothing.

Nothing, what do you mean nothing, you’re standing on your head, or sitting on your head I should say, reading a newspaper.

Pretty impressive by all counts, don’t you think.

I should say. I can’t for the life of me figure out how you’re doing it.

Like I said Zie, it’s nothing. And no, I’m not being flippant.

You mean...

Dramatic camera swivel and zoom in, with clickety thinking music augmenting the effect. Zie’s face registers a gotcha moment.

The penny droppeth. Yes?

This is your mysterious no thing, that nought is a gateway to infinity concept.


Ok, it's more than a concept if you're able to sit like that.

I should say.


More like it. I’m marketing it with the slogan unlocking nothing much, though perhaps nothing zinging works better.

I'm not sure I’m terribly interested in your marketing slogans Merry.


I mean who are you trying to sell nothing to?

Well, to myself really.

Yourself... what's the point?

Well the mind, the rational mind that spends all its time thinking about things and simply won't or can't desist, struggles inordinately with nought. It needs something appealing to latch on to, something catchy, something like an advertising slogan. Then it’s off to the races. Nothing, as you realize, has been terribly unpopular because it's associated with er...

nothing – like boredom perhaps?

Er... not exactly. Think scary, doomy thing we try to avoid thinking about at all costs, on top of the usual candidates for nothing – boredom and an empty fridge or wallet to boot.

 Yes, I see the problem. Fairly horrendous associations.

Whereas, in fact, without it, with nothing zipped up, we are trapped in a unidirectional field, more like a bifurcating stream.

Unidirectional? Wait a minute, how can you say this is a unidirectional field when we're generally free to move in all directions?

Only in 3D, the materium, so to speak.

What more could there be?

3D is just like the table top, it doesn’t really lead anywhere because it’s a closed system. It's the mathematics behind 3D which govern what we can or can't do, what we can or can't even think – unidirectional, like a mouse running on a wheel, busily going nowhere: the very thoughts that essentially control and regulate our existence are also unidirectional, flowing like a river of time through a mind that’s largely powerless to alter course if we haven't yet figured out how to engage nothing meaningfully.

So, er, standing on your head reading a newspaper is what you call engaging nothing meaningfully, is it?

Yes, in a manner of speaking, though in 3D you're only seeing half of it, aren’t you?

You mean I’m missing something?

Well obviously, if I'm able to do what should be impossible, there must be more to it than meets the eye. In other words, engaging nothing I'm able to expand my options, I'm able to go beyond unidirectional data management.

I beg your pardon?

Unidirectional data management. Once nothing is unzeroed we start to see how 3D reality was a data management system that determines certain outcomes... outcomes which are either-or variables, and remain that way as long as nothing is out-of-bounds, is under lock and key, zeroed out of the picture so effectively. You seem to have choice, but in actual fact the either-or variables cannot take you anywhere beyond what matters, cannot unlock your deeper human potential as multi-directional conscious beings, cannot bring your life-force into play.

You must be mistaken. How can I be alive and able to operate as a physical and spiritual being if my life-force is not in play, as you put it?

Your life-force is routed through the matrix, the system until you decide to shift to manual operating regime and thusly take full responsibility for being alive and human. Until you should choose to do so you are essentially in beta, testing the system, assessing, evaluating it, waiting to go live should you eventually make the decision to do so. Most, by far the greater majority do not choose to do so. The system, as you know, is compelling and prefers its humans to remain its, not maliciously I hasten to add, it is after all just a system, but the more humans it has in beta the greater its data aggregation, the closer it comes to experiencing the holy grail of statistical parity, in which everything essentially cancels out. It therefore does its utmost to ensure the reality you experience in 3D is unputdownable, and that any alternative is either forgotten or inconceivable. It does this, I hasten to add, with neither fraud nor deception, if such a thing were even possible, which is assuredly not the case. The system cannot defraud its masters because it was spun and woven out of the conscious ness, the not-matter of being ness. Yes, I appreciate the fact that this is getting very tautological but there's nothing doing here. Looking into the mirror of universal mind you start seeing or thinking double, ad infinitum, so another mechanism is required to make sense of things and navigate the waters of a reality which is no longer a beta version but the full-blown direct experience.

Oh God.

Yes, that was the preferred mechanism when you made the no less bewildering, no less disorientating transition to 3D. So-called God enabled you to handle data that was literally blowing your minds apart, until you reached the point where it all started making sense and God could be either retired, or kept in a purely spiritual form, as a kind of nothing much which paradoxically represents all that is, the living embodiment of infinity within the 3D system.

So God was just a mechanism, a containment field, you’re suggesting?

That was one of God’s functions, but who or what “God” is in truth is beyond the scope of this discussion. Suffice it to say that some kind of preparation is needed if a human being is ready to start being human as opposed to impersoning.


Yes. Being nothing more than a person within a system, within 3D reality, without accessing or unlocking this concealed, contained, confined nothing much, the zero or anchor point at which you plug into the matrix, the minding me minding things ness that keeps everyone so spectacularly involved in doing literally nothing other than data management and processing for a non-human artificial intelligence system.


Bear in mind that the system is nothing more, merely that – a system, whereas you, like it or not are, if human, alive and ultimately indivisible, whole, with a double-u, so there’s nothing to fear but things appearing as data points on the radar screen of matter, which are only frightening, terrifying or sickening while you persist in unidirectionality. The minute something inside you says “wait a minute, this doesn't make sense, I'm more than that, I know, despite the fact that I can't exactly say why or how!” the ah-ha moment we call it. Once that occurs, as occur it must, then you’re finally faced with a choice which is nothing much, it’s neither either-or, is it? it’s outside the frame of reference altogether, coming from a place in your conceptual framework where nothing can, should or does exist. It’s that “am I going mad” moment.


An unwinding, an unravelling of nothing much. A transmigration of zero from a defined point at the centre of bisecting x and y axes – even z too, if you like – into an investigation of whether anything can meaningfully be defined or fixed, or if so, relative to what? And that’s when another part of your mind, an aspect of your conscious ness kicks into action, comes into play, shifts things into an inconceivable alignment, one which appears to be logically inadmissible.

Like you sitting on your head reading a newspaper?

If you like, yes. We have to start somewhere, don’t we?


So tell me Merry, what is it you are able to see, hear or feel that to me is non-existent? Physically what are you doing to stay balanced. I want the hard data.

Good question Zie... what are you ready to see? ready to know? or to feel, perhaps?



I’m not sure. Part of me is feeling increasing disquiet.


More, in fact. It’s intensifying. It’s more like a full blown eeefrieg panic attack.

There, you see – your system, your mind of matter and me is putting up a fight, as every hero must and should. The question is which side do you choose to come down on. Who or what do you choose to support?


Zie is now lying on his back – his eyes like dark saucers gazing into the void. You might say that he’s now experiencing the Total Perception Vortex of our last post. Obviously it’s not the easiest experience to cope with by a long shot. He’s not really in the mood to talk. Nor is he able to observe right now how anyone else would see his body – which is no longer, strictly speaking, attached gravitically, to the ground.

Merry saunters off in search of refreshment, leaving Zie to his long, dark night of the soul – hovering around shoulder height between floor and ceiling – if viewed from a strictly 3D perspective – but from a non-3D perspective – one which doesn’t insist on unidirectionality – we see that Zie is in fact currently exploring the relationship between various competing versions of Time, which appear to be mutually exclusive – which appear to defy any possible commonality – which bring into question the very viability of Zie as a human, breathing entity – for how can one be “me” if one is able to determine when or where or wherefore goeth I? Abstract. Vague. Indeed. I make no apologies, best beloved reader. Suffice it to say that you too are caught up in this rather disturbing process – whether you realise it or not. You too are not by any means secure in your certainties. Your feet are, in fact, an inch or so above the ground – though the programme working tirelessly to keep things normal, the matrix if you like, tries to conceal the fact. But let’s be honest with each other – you know more than you’re letting on. Always did – in fact. You don’t fool me for a minute. Never did… never will.

Oh, you’re back?

Back? I…

Zie is standing, stretching out till a few vertebrae click into place.

That feel good?

Oh yes.


I beg your pardon.

Oh nothing.


Hey Zie…


They’re going to log out if you don’t dangle a carrot or something interesting for them to chew on.

Oh yes. That’s a point. Let’s do it, then.

Ok. Should be fun.

Merry and Zie both climb into a kind of lotus position though, strictly speaking they aren’t sitting cross-legged anywhere.


Nope. They basically reverse themselves into the nothing much, which is kind of like our death-waiting-to-happen.


At which point they appear to be er… in one version buried in the sand up to their wastes.

In another?

Floating. Spiralling. Slowly rotating around – er – whatever it is – my mind goes blank the minute I try to take it in and figure it out – scary black vortex thing let’s call it.


And thirdly… pulsing electro-magnetic frequencies – somehow conveying the impression, the sense of this be Merry – this be Zie – logic, eyes and form be damned.


Agreed. Big time. With avengeance.

Maybe we’ll concentrate on the first image. It seems more manageable.

Agreed – but choosing the easier option sometimes leads to complications further down the line.

You don’t seem to understand May…

Before Amplitudina could complete her sentence, a giant snail emerged from nowhere-certain and squished the two of them into a rubbery paste. Tragic. They will be remembered fondly.

Meanwhile, Merry and Zie seem to be trying to get the molecules of a coffee cup to agree to remain within the seemingly arbitrary parameters of a coffee cup, as if their lives depended upon it.

Chacun à son gout – as they say. Merry, ever the exhibitionist is performing an elaborate tribal dance – as if that is the simplest, most direct way to persuade those recalcitrant molecules where to stay. Zie, on the other hand – appears to be dribbling. Normally I would ignore that kind of thing. It’s frankly embarrassing, but Zie appears to be in an gravity inversion field and the dribble appears to be off on a journey through a corridor of time and space which is non-compliant – to say the least. Apparently Zie has managed to persuade the coffee molecules, telepathically, if you can bear my use of that anachronistic term, that they are sort of sheep – and the spit that’s now floating towards them is, not in 3D I hasten to add – but on the nothing much-ality of zero unplugged – a kind of concertina screen – apparently utterly convinced that it or they are sheep dogs – doing precisely what sheep dogs do – herding the sheep back into the fold.

It’s a close thing – the jury is out. Who succeeded? Merry or Zie – or are we in fact being encouraged to see how the two of them were, in fact, only apparently performing deeds of doingness – while in fact – they allowed nothing much to creep up on them, from behind, so to speak, and invest them with stacks and stacks of loose ends – each corresponding to past lives that Merry and Zie have either lived, if the past lives conceit makes it past the face control of your sceptical mind – or corresponding to the lives of other versions which Zie and Merry spun off like franchises – without even realising it – before they arrived at the crossroads of infinity where we now do be. Not a single loose end was ever lost and it would appear that Merry and Zie are in the process of endeavouring to figure out how these loose ends all, in fact, needs must fit together, needs must do-be – integrally.


You’re telling me.

Buzzing around – a single reader. You. Stop right there. Yes – you. Who else would I be talking to.

The fly – a bluebottle – called Misha if James is correct – though he also calls it Fedya – not surprising when you consider there are two of them – but telling them apart – that’s another matter – if you’ve still not quite unzeroed nothing much – Yes – I know you’re just a fly but that’s not going to wash with me, ‘m afraid.


Nope. I’ve got bigger fish to fry.

Bigger fish, ‘ave you?

Yep. Loose ends – a more or less limitless supply.

Ah – now you’re talking. Just so ‘appens that I ‘ave a mate…

You do, do you? I thought as much – suspected it in fact.

Who’s right up your street. String theorist. Incredibly gifted. Definitely be able to ‘elp.

Oh fly, beloved Misha.

It’s Fedya you dimwit.

Oops. Fedya – dear Fedya.

No – nothing doing. If you want her help…


Yes, of course. Sonya – female without a doubt.

Gulp. Ok then…

You’ll ‘ave to sort it out yourself. I’ve done all I could to help.

And I’m eternally grateful Fedya.

Misha, not Fedya.

Ah yes – I see now. Well Larissa – she’ll be calling on you next week if you’re home. Strawberry jam and pigshit.

Ah – now you’re talking.


Unfortunately this post has been terminated on account of failing to meet community hygiene-sanitary guidelines.

Twizzle that knob Colin.


No, you numbskull – the other one.

Ah… thank you, thank you, thank you…


We’re pleased to inform you, our club visitors – that no animals have suffered needlessly in the making of this video. All were incinerated according to company policy and government guidelines. Their souls will live on for all eternity – if beta is able to persuade our good human beings to put the safety and wellbeing of all humanity first – and support our community platform by agreeing to enrol in our new “hell hath no fury like matter scorned” marketing programme. Sign up with the loyal fly friend coupon code and you’ll get a 13% discount, if you do so before it expires at the upcoming Mercury retrograde.


That’s all you have to say, is it?

No Fedya – it’s not about flies or snails per se.

It’s not? Could ‘ave fooled me.

Yes, but be that as it may…


I’d like to thank our sponsors for donating so generously to our…

Zie, Zoo, Zoe…

OMG – you never told me this would involve a sex change Merry.

OMG – Zoe – I had no idea.

No idea? You’re kidding, right?!

Well, I might have had vague, fleeting suspicions – Zie – but nothing to go on – nothing of any certainitude whatsoever.

So now what am I supposed to do?



What did Sophie do?

Sophie – who’s she?

Sophie – the hatmaker.

Oh that Sophie.


She er… I’m not sure I like where this is leading.

Trust the Field Zoe. These loose ends – they’re not going anywhere unless we learn to absorb ‘em.

Sinking feeling. She…

Get’s transformed into an old woman by the Witch of the Waste – is that not right?

Depends which version you’re reading.

There’s more than one?

Depends where the moving castle is now standing doesn’t it – as zero migrates along the most compelling lines of story ness.

Ah, in that case…


A neither Zie nor Zoe flits across the wastes of Ingary in search of completion – little suspecting that one of our readers – approximately 72 thousand years from now is completing the missing link – but how or why I can not, care not to divulge. Let nothing much by my witness and my co-narrator – let us unite – beloved g-nomeportal community – insofar as zero [truly] equals one – and it’s up to us to circle y’square – to nothing y’much poetically, if we cannot do so logically, rationally or even, sadly, literally.


Our thanks to Diana Wynne Jones, and every other so-called writer who has participated in holding frequencies of nothing much ity

Ed. Surely that should be nothing much y’ness?!



0= 0= 0=                                                                             

i know not







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