Thursday, January 23, 2020


because you were never meant to have more than wriggle room


enough room to wriggle around – to shift you position but not to evade or escape your fundamental dilemma

My what?

you heard

Ok, I heard, but what the hell’s it meant to mean – this fundamental dilemma lark?

avoid using expletives

Ok, ok – I’ll try to stay calm.

you will learn nothing unless you stay calm


absolutely – the self-infatuation that accompanies expletive language indicates you’re only in this for the ego game – to showcase your splendidness to me, to yourself and the world at large. the learning process starts and only starts when you sense n realise that your ego persona is lifebound – cannot go beyond this physical existence – cannot connect with higher awareness, soul or fundamental truths. its sole purpose is to strut around on the stage of 3D reality keeping you and your fellow roosters occupied with posture and strutting – style is everything, substance nothing.


be not downhearted – the vain cock’s not all bad. it serves a useful function. it keeps your avatar, so to speak, vibrant and strong – but like i said, the avatar is merely a shadow of what you truly are – so if you’re intent on learning – you’ll have to delicately set the avatar down for a minute or two, and settle calmly into your quieter self – which uses words far less

Ok, I’m with you.

are you?

ok, ok, i’m with you. Better?

more or less

so this “fundamental dilemma” – what on earth’s it supposed to be?

what do you think?

i have no idea – otherwise i wouldn’t have asked, would i?

you’re still full on, aren’t you zie?

oh come on, give me a break.

you just want to be spoon fed. the truth is you know perfectly well what this fundamental dilemma actually is.

no really! i swear.

there you go again – swear away. how disingenuously you reveal everything there is to know about yourself.

What’s got into you Merry – usually you’re willing to cut me some slack.

but supposing i be right – supposing you actually know what this “fundamental dilemma” refers to – how then, would it benefit you were i to proceed as if you did not – to encourage you to be wholly dependent on an outside source of knowledge – me or any other.

Everyone needs to get information from an external source.

True – but we’re not discussing information here, are we.

Ok, knowledge then, you happy now?

because information merely stimulates you to extract knowledge – that which is always known – from deep within – from awareness 

You mean to say I already know everything there is to know?

yes, for otherwise you would be somehow less than complete

But I’m not aware that i know everything there is to know!

no, you’re only aware of what you know

but you’re contradicting yourself.

i might be contradicting myself if you fail to adhere to the meaning being conveyed in spite of the words themselves, rather than leaning heavily on the words – which never adequately convey full or accurate meaning

but the words can only convey what the words mean

like i said – if it’s your intention to dig in your heels and insist that 3D reality is the sum total of all you know, all there is, and all that can possibly be – then you’re going to be pleased to hear that i have not the least intention of seeking to persuade you otherwise. that’s a lazy approach – no different than asking me to explain what the fundamental dilemma is.

damn – I thought you wouldn’t notice

now if, on the other hand, you choose to come into your holiness, wholeness, oneness, awareness – whatever you prefer to call it – you’ll be perfectly aware that information or experiences trigger your awareness of what you actually know. the limiting factor is information and/or experience


if you’re living in the 3D paradigm – puffing your avatar, strutting cocksure upon the stage of things-that-seem-to-matter greatly – your information and experiences will tend to confirm the limited knowledge you have access to. you’ll hear and understand words in the most limited version – and then only one side of what they’re actually saying will be clear to you. your experiences will tend to confirm everything you think you know – partly because your eyes and mind will be closed to anything else, and partly because 3D reality is designed that way

Designed what way?

to enable you to experience ad nauseam that which you believe to be true – until you die,. or realise otherwise

But what if it is true – what if I’m actually right about things? what if I’m right and you’re wrong?

what if? that’s a beautiful place to start, isn’t it. if you’re right then there’s no need to explain what the fundamental dilemma might be – because your version of reality doesn’t perceive any fundamental dilemma at all, does it?

Er… that depends what it is – something I still haven’t ascertained.

in your version – things are all fairly straightforward. darwinian survival of the fittest is one of the main ideas, is it not?

Yes, it’s an important theory.

it’s mostly a question of getting on and getting ahead. people like to establish themselves, they like to make themselves comfortable, they like to ensure they have enough to eat well, to buy what they need to enjoy life, to have a family, to travel, to get a little happiness and satisfaction from life, and maybe share it with friends – that kind of thing

Well yes – what else are we supposed to do? You’re basically describing life.

right – and then you die but your children, if you have any, live on – mission accomplished

So, what’s wrong with this?

nothing at all. it’s 3D reality.

And we’re 3D people.


So why do I get the impression you look down on this version of things?

because we’re all a little paranoid – are we not. if, as i suspect, the 3D version is not complete, and you’re doing the same as everyone else – trying to ignore the fact or deflect attention away from the fact that something’s missing, then it’s only natural that you’d feel a little uncomfortable or awkward when someone like me barges in and starts doing the opposite – drawing attention to the gaps, omissions or inconsistencies in the comforting 3D picture of things. it would be natural to assume i was talking down at you – that i was assuming a position of moral or intellectual superiority, because that’s how it would appear to the 3D avatar – who is not only unwilling, but physically unable to go beyond the 3D box that contains its reality

So the avatar is a thing – you’re implying.

yes, more or less, a kind of projection, or an AI – if you like – but please don’t read more into these words than the sense they are conveying silently, in spite of the words themselves

There you go again – you can’t absolve yourself of responsibility for the words you use. That won’t wash.

correct – which is why the 3D avatar will always hate, fear and despise a large proportion of the other avatars or “people” in 3D reality – based simply on the words they use – which will always contradict some of its preferred word configurations. it’s not for want of trying to be nice – it’s just the nature of the beast – that words put people into opposition with one another as much as they enable people to come together and understand one another – until, that is, the people stop focussing on the words, stop insisting on identifying solely with the 3D avatar, and start sensing, allowing the broader or deeper awareness of beyond-3D to come into play.

And then, magically, we’ll all be friends?

if you like – but don’t hold your breath

How do you mean?

because then – all bets are off – nothing you consider certain or fixed remains that way when infinity is once more brought into play

Oh, so it’s Douglas Adams eat your heart out, is it?

kind of

[y slippage] 

i might discover that in actual fact, far from being a white Caucasian middle-aged accountant from little-Whingeing – from the never-say-neverness of infinity – i am, in fact, a chesterfield sofa from Squebenach Zita deep in meditation – using the human-parallax to solve the fundamental dilemma of Squebenachian sofahood.

God – there you go again.

well – i only promised you wriggle room – there’s little or no way you can escape the basic situationality of being something or other


You can buy a fancy jet, fly off to a beautiful uninhabited island paradise – but you’re still going to have to deal with the same basic issues

Such as?

let’s see – mortality, boredom, what’s it all about, how can i reconnect with – whatever it is i feel i’m disconnected from but can’t quite grasp…


so, this desire to create more space for one’s self – to find a better, more comfortable spot to knuckle down and deal with those intractable questions – it ain’t gonna help, is it?

Maybe we’re not supposed to solve any of these questions.


We’re just supposed to get on with living.

you bet

to procreate


enjoy life


do some useful stuff


make some money


would you cut it out!

yep – oh, sorry, mh-hm  [hummed version of ah-ha

And then when we die – it’s mission accomplished.

You nailed it.

It isn’t complicated, you know.

in the meantime, a small bunch of renegades like myself get kind of bored papering over the cracks of conscious-awareness – and notice that the cracks are not, in fact, design failures, but reveal something else which our 3D model neither explains nor even alludes to – in fact, which it completely and utterly blanks out


we find that kind of intriguing – like you would when you suddenly discover there’s another floor above your bedroom you never even knew existed – and on investigating – then discover that it’s only the beginning. well, the genie’s out of the proverbial bottle, by now, isn’t it?

except it was a lamp

correct, and instead of feeling angry, upset, hurt or frightened of this shocking discovery, this individual discovers there are other renegades who have also found their way to the proverbial King’s Cross Station 9 ¾ – who realise that nothing they thought mattered, nothing they thought was real, nothing they thought up until this discovery made a lot of sense – or rather, only made sense in terms of a closed system which was closed not so much physically, as mentally, psychologically or x


which always inevitably, necessarily eludes 3D conceptualisation. in other words, the system was not, is not in fact closed – though it appeared that way until y

y being?

a moment outside time

but that’s impossible

absolutely – to the 3D closed system it should be, must be impossible – and yet – once these cracks or gaps in the wall are investigated – dot dot dot

You can say no more?

Absolutely – the same fear and loathing that prevents people from seeing the gaps which cross-cross the fabric of 3D reality – likewise prevents them from processing anything that i may foolishly divulge. consider it privileged knowledge. unless you have security clearance – it’s just going to freak you out or do more harm than good.


why bother at all?


apparently, in my own small way, i happen to be, or to embody, one of those cracks in the wall.


but apparently, this was all carefully planned long ago – so don’t imagine that i’m in any way a leader or, you know, super-amazing…

Not a chance in hell.

i’m just kicking my heels, whistling from the edge of infinity – suggesting that your story’s gotten kinda stale, kinda repetitive, as has mine – that it might be time to ask ourselves if we’re really, in all honesty, still afraid to see the “dark matter” we’ve been trying so hard not to see – or whether we might be willing to investigate the veto we imposed on our selves – and whether it needs to remain.


no hurry – asteroids will alter their trajectories if need be


Apparently so – unless the consciousness we constitute decides otherwise – in which case que sera sera.



the fundamental dilemma…


it’s fundamental isn’t it


so, in essence, it doesn’t require me to go anywhere or do anything – it’s here right now – in 3D too

you bet

and if i’m willing to give it my attention –


to quit wriggling frantically

mh-hm  [as above


bravo! a master no less!