Tuesday, December 24, 2019

zamming facts and things inbuntiously

The fact is, Zie, that a fact’s not a fact.

?!?!? Give – me – a – break Chan.

No  can Zie.

Look at my head, Merry, do I look like the kind of person who candle handle multiple streams of totally contradictory data?

Based on the shape of your head right now I’d say the answer is no, definitely not – but here – take a look at the shape of your head tomorrow.


Just take a look – now what do you say to that?

Shit – that’s me?


What happened to me?

Nothing – yet.

Why do I look like someone’s been blowing hot air into my cranium?

The mind, apparently, can expand to handle multiple data streams – as you put it.


Yep – totally.

Totally what?

What you were about to say – m…

…indboggling. I’m…

Yes, you’re always lost for words when the mind goes through an existential shift. What do you expect? It’s akin to death and rebirth – almost instantaneous – the system has to reboot – unless you’re already running a full-consciousness node – which few people bother to do. The assumption always was that things are basically settled so consciousness can, or could be run on them – so to speak – rather than run independendently.


As long as things were fixed in their thing-y-ness it was a perfectly reasonable assumption to make, and seemed to provide a sensible shortcut. I won’t go into the technical details unless you particularly want me to, but suffice it to say this shortcut enabled human-ity to accelerate the experientialisation process by running multiple versions of reality on matching sets of things.

Er… where exactly would human-ity find “matching sets of things”?

In the html department of reality – to borrow from programming language.

So we’re able to run multiple versions of reality?

Yep. Pretty nifty heh?

Er… if you say so. Can’t say I’ve ever noticed more than the single version I’m in.

That’s because they’re nearly perfectly aligned – and all but identical – but the part of your consciousness which sets this up and manages the process is able to generate and extract way more data – not surprisingly – but then averages it all out to the single version you experience – in which you’re only generally aware of one stream – until/unless something glitches – or – you hit a level of conscious-ness – or conscious-awareness if you’ll excuse my pedantry – in which you start to notice alternatives and can actually choose which stream to follow based on your preferred outcome.

Like shifting streams.

Yep – or channel picking – whatever you want to call it.

So, er… why the heavy technical debriefing Chan?


Like I’ve never heard that before.

True – but now it’s becoming more of a reality for you.

How do you mean?

You’re getting better and better at managing these – what shall we call them…

reality shifts.



And what?

You’re holding something back – aren’t you?

Well observed.

The suspense is killing me.

Ha ha, very amusing.

Ok – I’m supposed to do this with minimal input from you – it’s a kind of aptitude test, isn’t it.


So, I’ve got two data sets – the first one that I’m deliberately ignoring – that fact that a fact isn’t really a fact – which will give me a cerebral nose bleed if I start thinking too hard about it, and the second – that without quite realising it – I’ve become fairly skilled at managing or manipulating the multiple parallel  streams my conscious-ness is simultaneously experiencing somewhere somehow. Now all I have to do is wave my magic wand and see what on Earth these data reveal when brought together into a combi-set – preferably without giving myself the cerebral nose bleed which is just waiting to rescue my brain from system overload.

Well done.  Think “magic eye” 3-D pictures.

Ah – so another image is waiting to jump out and reveal itself when I stop focussing on the  two separately.


Ok – sounds easy enough.

It is – if you’re running a full-conscious-ness node.

Which I’m not... In which case?

Something’s liable to give – if you push too hard.

Ok – I’m taking it easy.

Actually, you don’t have time for that.

I thought you just said…

I did – but this can’t be helped. The transition’s always kind of inconvenient.


It’s something of a stretch – going from a thing-based perception/ experiential-awareness of real-ity to…

Because eventually my awareness catches up with the speed of thing-shift – at which point I start to see or sense that every-thing happening in my real-ity is not, in fact, happening because I’m initiating it or do-ing anything…

Good – but may I suggest you go no further at this precise moment.

No, I need to see this through to its apex…

Why do they always choose to ignore my well-intentioned advice? Oh well Zophen, if you insist… if you sinsit…

…at which point…


…at which point… God…


…at which point… i…


…i…no longer...

ah – there they are – little green numbers – they always show up at this particularly moment in time – hello my friends – be gentle with Zie if it’s not too much to ask…

…but because things themselves are not stable but shifting – facts are not in fact facts – no thing is an island unto itself – nor even remotely or possibly a certainty when in-finity is no longer denied, ignored, en-timed – en-timed – en-timed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Well, that wasn’t too painful was it?


Don’t worry Zie – no need to answer – it’s going to take a moment or two for the universe to locate your encryption points – somewhere out there you have an alpha and a corresponding omega – now that you’ve succeeded in crashing your matrix – these will be sending out little bleep bleeps – like lambs on a mountainside bleating for their mother. Fortunately for you, and anyone else in your position, She’s a highly protective ewe and takes prodigious good care of her scattered flock. Ah, there we are – if I’m not much mistaken…


Good – system auto-test – ready for reboot and launch of fully autonomous conscious-ness


hub – i don’t know why Ziebun – but i get kind of emotional at this point – seeing a new full node coming online – it’s – where’s my handkerchief…

Merry – what’s wrong – why are you weeping?

Nothing wrong with good old-fashioned emotions Zie, is there?

No, I suppose not. Come to think of it… have you got a spare hanky – I’m coming over all emotional myself…

There, there – you marking your birth as a full-node conscious-ness the only way a body really can – with salt tears… congratulations Zie – I think it’s fair to say that you’ve succeeded in separating yourself from the fallacy of fact, and from the fickle-ness or thingless-ness of thing the only way, ultimately, that this can be done – by establishing your conscious-ness as the be-all and end-all, opting to rely on things no longer. What that conscious-ness in fact is, how it interacts with the fabric of zero-one-if-ications which you hitherto perceived as “things” – is a whole new matter for you to get your teeth into – but more anon…

Indeed, anon – right now – i – this unbounded sense of…


yes – that’s the word i was looking for, and…




Wow! incredible – finally there are words to describe…

No Zie – these words only work for you because the full node conscious-ness you’re running has certain technical terms to describe what you’re experiencing but rewind – run these same words through your previous conscious-ness… of an hour ago.

Nada. Incredible! I knew it all along but had no access to the…


! so what about them?

Who’s “them”?

Everyone else – everyone I know and love – human-ity, if you like.

They don’t exist.

But surely…

They were part of your perception – things in flux – distortions in the field of matter and unmatter – 0 and 1

But… you’re sending mixed signals Chan – you’re being disingenuous.

True. You have not eliminated paradox by activating your full node – merely raised it to a far higher level of sensitivity. Ultimately – of course – you and they are both-either-neither entangled at multiple levels – as you are aware, as you know, and yet, at the same time  0=1 – ultimately they belong to infin-ity and not to you, me or any other aspect of what me thought of as i-ness


you certainly can’t do anything for them – in the same way they could do nothing for you

except – they were there – weren’t they – when i collapsed my matter-x

yes – of course they were – so cherish this – hold it in your heart – know that beyond all technical knowledge and awareness there is presence – theirs – or God only knows – and this is where you can sing, dance, make believe – reach out to them beyond or through infin-ity and give them any thing you will – knowing full well that this is a supreme act of folly, of love, of magic and creative design – to bring things together no matter what, no matter how – to transcend the unbreachable barriers of in-fin-ity.

cuckoo la la

it is – i am



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