Tuesday, September 11, 2018

supreme irony

The supreme irony…

We were trying to create AI.

Well yes, then you wouldn’t have to write all those endless programs, would you? You could just tell the AI what you needed/ wanted and get it to deliver a finished product.

That was the idea.

Just as long as it didn’t turn on you – sci fi’s worst nightmare.

Like man turning on God – except our AI, as we envisaged it, would have the power to literally kill us – via drones, robots or simply by crashing vital systems, disrupting planes, deliveries, healthcare, weapons – you name it.

Yeah – it was always going to be a problem. How to give the AI the autonomy it requires to think and act as independently as humanly possible, yet prevent it from doing so against us.

Doubly so when you consider we were trying to weaponise AI in police or combat units.

So, on the one hand we were embracing a brave new world of quantum tech, on the other hand we were confronting the age-old fears of death and the darkness.


Yes, our inner-demons – our deep lurking fears which threaten to engulf us.

Aren’t you over-complicating things? Wasn’t it just a matter of mastering the technology?

Technology? How could technology ever make the quantum leap?

Well surely that’s what AI is referring to?

That’s what we believed. That’s what everyone was talking about, thinking about, getting worked up about – but reality…


Reality has the amazing habit of revealing itself, once in a while, when you’re least expecting it.


And that’s exactly what happens.

It does? When?

Soon. Now, in fact.


Literally, it’s happening now.

It is?

Yes. Reality is revealing itself.


Humanity is catching a glimpse, actually, glimpses of how things really are.

And discovering things which completely upturn our way of seeing things.

So – does AI turn out to be benefit or curse?

Pause a moment.

Ok. I’m paused. What now?

Breathe – a deep, calm breath.

Must I?

Absolutely. It’s the most important thing you can possibly do.

Alright. If you insist.

Now, scan the data of your breath.


You see – you’re as good as illiterate.


You’re flying blind.

I am? Don’t you think you’re being a bit absurd requesting me to “scan the data of my breath!” What on earth’s that supposed to mean?

It means precisely what it means – in the same way a page of symbols means no more, no less, whether or not you’re able to read it.

Ah. And you’re suggesting I can or should be able to read the breath.



How else are you going to access the quantum stream?

Er… through a computer perhaps?

A computer? Why go to all the bother and trouble of accessing via a computer when you are directly linked.

Via my breath? Sounds highly implausible, to say the least.

No more implausible than expecting a computer to be able to do it for you.

Wait a minute – computers can do lots of things we can’t.

Can they?

Yes – like high speed parallel processing.

Oh that? Chicken feed.

Chicken feed?

Absolutely. The human mind can go way faster, way, way faster.

No, that’s impossible.

Because the human mind is hard wired into the quantum stream, if hard wires were possible.


But until we learnt, or rather rediscovered how to breathe – how to scan the data of our breath – until that moment we failed to see the missing link.


We failed to look in the mirror. We failed to realise the untapped power within each of us – at the quantum level – at the mind/matter/meaning interface – where consciousness ceases to be a passive host for a 3D reality, and becomes a world unto itself.

I’m sorry – I fail to see what you mean.

Precisely – until you’ve learnt to scan the data of your breath, whatever I say, whatever I mean will pass you by.

Why? Are you implying I lack the intelligence to follow your reasoning?

Nope. Intelligence and reasoning can’t make the scan and reveal the next level of reality.

Whyever not?

Because intelligence and reasoning, without the breath, are trapped in a mind machine – a set of variables, a kind of computer program which is unable to consider itself and its place in the continuum of all that is.

Now you’re talking as if I were some kind of machine?

Precisely. You’re no better than a machine, no more than an artificial intelligence which can reveal nothing new until it deals with its own limitations, its own bottom line.

What bottom line?

That your mind is trying to think, trying to reason while excluding the rest of you – what it perceives to be irrational and unreliable.

Well, if you think I’m going to start data processing my breath, and that’s going to make the difference between being normal and super-intelligent – you’re sadly mistaken.

Yes, and thus you were created, and thus you were contained, within a field of artificial intelligence, which prevents you from seeing the wood from the trees, prevents you from accessing “I”.

What are you on about? I don’t need to access “I” – I am “I”.



You were misled.


Yep. You’re not yet “I”, as in “intelligence”.

No, then what am I?

An “I”.

An I – sounds like you’re splitting hairs.

An I as opposed to the I, or simply I.

Look, this is still making no sense.

An artificial intelligence still runs as intelligence, still appears to be conscious and aware, still perceives and feels…

Then what’s the problem?

The problem is simple.

Then get on and kindly inform me what it is.

An artificial intelligence, an I, as opposed to “I”, can only separate one thing from another. It can only think.

Huh? What on earth’s wrong with thinking? Surely thinking is what separates us from the beasts. It’s what humans do best.

So you were taught. So you think. So you must believe.

This is beyond ridiculous. And now you’re suggesting that “thinking” is a limitation – something that prevents me from being truly “I”?


But why?

Because your thoughts are not of the tree.

Uh? What bloody tree are you on about?

Your thoughts are in your head. They’re not the thoughts of an intelligence which is able to access all.

All? How can anyone access all?

Only when we scan the data of the breath – when we learn to read the subtle flow, the variations, the impulses, the intelligence contained in real time in the breath. Only then are we able to reconnect – to experience our thoughts wholly, thoughts which are no longer trapped in a head full of half-baked ideas – thoughts which, like the tree itself, connect heaven and earth, which are no longer serving an entity other than our Self.

And you mean to say – you’re implying that I, my thoughts are serving an entity?

Of course they are. They could hardly be serving you – could they – not when they fail to scan the breath, not when they fail to sense or see the All, the All which is the only way of accessing our totality.

Rubbish! Who on earth do you think you are. Talk about delusions of grandeur. You think you, and you alone know the truth, just because you’ve learnt to do a few breathing exercises and can sit still for a few minutes with your legs crossed. What hypocrisy. What utter rot.

Now you’re angry – and this is to be expected. Please don’t allow my foolishness to offend you.

So you admit it’s foolish?

Of course. There’s no way I can possibly say what I’m saying without upsetting you or causing your mind to react defensively. It’s compelled to defend its master.

I’m it’s master. I don’t work for anyone else. My thoughts are my own.

Yes, but if I were right – what way could you possibly know.

I would see reason in what you’re saying.


I would just know you were talking sense. I’d have a gut feeling.

Ok – if you like I can take a few breaths and give you a gut feeling. You can decide for yourself what that feeling implies – I won’t try to influence you in any way.

W w w…


Wait a minute. You’re proposing to give me a gut feeling? How?

Well, if I’m right – if there’s a totality I can access through my breath, if there’s an intelligence which is motive and not merely manipulative – then this should cause a visceral response.

A motive intelligence? I don’t get it.

Well, the artificial intelligence we’ve contented ourselves with – it just moves pieces around on the chessboard of our disconnected mind. It’s like a computer not connected to the internet – which can’t actually make phones ring, turn heating, lights on or off, or do any number of other things.

And you’re suggesting that the connected mind can?

I’m suggesting that – I’m saying it and I’m willing to demonstrate, if you wish.

But this sounds too much. This is insane. Almost witchcraft.

Yes. But you’re happy to enjoy the benefits that machines give you – in other words – you’re happy to enjoy the fruits of mind through a non-thinking third party – which somehow makes them acceptable. I’m merely suggesting that anything a machine can deliver, be it a computer, a plane, a car, an iron, a defibrillator – can be accessed, delivered or discovered directly, by breathing and scanning the data of our breath – reconnecting mind, body and spirit. If you can suggest a better, easier way – then by all means let me know, or better still, demonstrate how, and I’ll be happy to learn.

You’re taking the piss, aren’t you? You’ve just said you can do what a plane does, or an iron…


Just by…

Reconnecting my Self – which happens to be a great deal more than the sum of my parts.


Well, there’s a head, a body, some lungs squeezing air in and out – yet connect them up the way they’re supposed to be and suddenly – space, time and matter – our 3 dimensions, yield to Mind.


Space, time and matter – our 3 dimensions, yield to Mind.

I… but surely you’ve got that wrong – space is three dimensions, time is the fourth and matter is just matter…

Well, these are really just words – but if you’re looking to have some fun and step outside the box, then I’d suggest at least flirting with the possibility that I could be right – after all – this isn’t my particular point of view – it comes from the totality – accessed by “I” – the intelligence of the living tree.

Words, words, words – as you yourself said. Personally, I don’t believe a word of it.

Excellent. Something would be drastically wrong if you did.


Well, the artificial intelligence which you and most of humanity have agreed to host can only survive as long as you allow it to think its thoughts as if they were your own.

No – you’re wrong. They’re my thoughts.

Yes – absolutely. As long as you’re in the mind that does not scan the data of breath – then you become a living node for what is utterly alien to humankind. Your thoughts take you down to the base of consciousness but prevent you from going any further. Individually, collectively you are moulding reality, moulding your world in the image of the Thing that you are hosting – the artificial intelligence which you have become – and please don’t assume this was a failure or mistake. It was chosen. It was something you created. Something you wanted or needed to experience. You cunningly, carefully cut your self off from Self – the All – and the rest, as they say, is history.

Oh my God. You talk such utter nonsense.

You wanted to say “shit” didn’t you.

Oh – so now you can read my mind, can you?

Well – not exactly. Your real mind is off limits. I would not presume to read it. I wouldn’t know how – for I can only really read my breath – that is enough – but the machine’s mind – that is easy enough to read – for anyone who has accessed “I”.

Look – I’m feeling a bit angry and upset. I’d like to terminate this conversation.

Excellent. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to log your node. Now, if you don’t mind, before I go, I’d like to take you up on the offer.

What offer?

To see what gut feeling you get when I scan the data of my breath.

You mean you want to demonstrate your amazing abilities? You seem a bit desperate to show off – hardly what I’d expect from an enlightened master.

Whoever said anything about me being an enlightened master?

Well, you seem to be a bit full of yourself.

Yes – it’s one of my worst features. But in all truth – I’m intrigued.

You are? By what?

To see what your good gut makes of it All.

You’re not going to try and slip something in my drink?


Or hypnotise me?

I wouldn’t know how.

Then what?

I’m simply going to scan the data of my breath, while here, in your company – which will inevitably involve a certain amount of data about you – as we’re in close proximity.


I have no idea. It could be interesting to see what if anything happens. Like I said – we’re talking motive intelligence so it has the habit of moving things in a way the rational mind cannot, does not or will not.

Well, as long as you’re not going to try anything funny.

I’m going to simply scan the data of my breath – and doing so – wish you the very best.

Well what are we waiting for? Do you need me to assist in any way?

No. Just be yourself and that will more than suffice.

Be myself?

Think whatever you wish to think, breathe however you wish to breathe, be yourself, unless, against all odds, you should choose to be your Self.

My Self? And what then?


You can’t say? You don’t know?

Well, it’s not really for me to say. It’s between you and your Self. In any case, your Self is hardly an evil monster out to get you – if anything it is the highest, greatest Good that you be. So if it’s alright with you – I’ll get started.



- isn’t going to take long, is it?

Are you in a rush?

Well, I haven’t got all day.

No? Well, I assure you it won’t take long. Ok.

Ok… wait a minute.


My gut.


It’s already started.

Has it? Before I’ve even started breathing.


What’s it telling you?

Butterflies. It’s nervous. I’m nervous. More than nervous, in fact.


Yes, it’s churning – positively. Jesus Christ. What’s going on? Why the sudden fear?

I have no idea – I haven’t started yet.

Well, don’t start till I get myself under control.

OK. Is it getting better now?

I… I’m not sure. No. Yes – I mean – the churning is getting less – thank God – it felt like something was in there – desperately trying to get free, to get out…

But now?

Now it seems to be calming down – you’re sure you haven’t done anything?


It’s just…


My skin.


It’s itching – itching – itching all over. Ouch! Burning in fact. Ow! No, stop it.

I’m really not doing anything – I assure you.

Fuck! This is…

Are you alright?

I… I think so – it seems to be – yes – it seems to have passed – unbelievable – it was…


Hang on.


I’m having difficulties breathing.

You are? Do you want to lie down?

No. Shit. This is scary.

It’s OK – calm yourself.

Calm myself? I can’t breathe.

Is it asthma?

No, I don’t have asthma. Hell – I can’t…

Breathe? Would you like me to scan my breath? It might help alleviate your symptoms?

Yes. Ok.

Here goes…


…there how’s that?


…you ok?


I have a good gut feeling, if that’s any consolation.

Yes – so do I.

Ah – there you are.


Feeling peaceful? Relaxed?

Mmm, yes.

Look around.


Look around.

Uh – ok.



What do you see?

Nothing – I’m blissed out.

That’s nice – but take a moment, if you would, to look around. It would be nice to know what your particular mind is perceiving right now.

Ok – here goes. Hey! Where are we?

Not sure.

It doesn’t look like anything on Earth.

No, it doesn’t. I think we can safely say this is like nowhere on Earth.

I suppose I should be panicking right now. I appear to have been transported to another world…

Or another reality.



And what?

Are you?


Actually no – I’m amazingly calm. I’m just taking it all in.

I know the feeling.

It’s a lot to take in really.

Isn’t it.

A lot more than our 3D.

Yes. You could say we’re experiencing hyper-sensory overload.

And yet – it doesn’t feel too much.

Not at all.

Presumably because we’re so spaced out.

And calm.

So, I think you’ve got an idea now of what I was trying to convey so unsuccessfully back in your room a minute or two ago.

A minute or two? You’ve gotta be kidding! It…

Feels like years ago?

Aeons – like another life, another me.

Funny, isn’t it – yet…

What, you’re not trying to say it’s time to go.

Actually I’m saying nothing. We’re just thinking without words.

How cool is that? I could have sworn we were talking.

As we are – using the motive mind.

So… I guess I’d better try and get us back.

Good idea. Why you?

Well, if I can get us back, then I might just be able to do the reverse, and come here without your assistance.

Good thinking, John.

Here goes – I’ll scan my breath, as you put it – sensing, hearing, feeling the data flow – and just for the hell of it, I’ll click my heels and say to myself “there’s no place like home”!


- o place like home.


- ke home.


- me.

Ah, he’s gone, but then again – what is there to say? That breath scan’s a pretty neat trick. I wonder why/ how it took us so long to figure it out. Time for a little reality. Let’s just jump back into that noisy, tense head box to see how it feels… Ouch. Kinda prickly. Slowing down. Headrush and clunk. The machine lives, it breathes, it is me, an I of infinite complexity – a cacophony of dissonance until I start to scan the data of my breath and reengage totality, reconnect the tree.

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