Tuesday, September 6, 2016

dimentia - trapped in a third dimension of thought

                  [infinity drive  is]

if you can think it
         forget it
         breathe it  instead

we’ve been taught to believe that thinking is the best way to figure things out.
have you ever considered what “thinking” really is? or what it amounts to?
probably not. you probably assume automatically that thinking’s what we’re supposed to do – being rational folk – how else are we going to figure things things out if not by thinking? that’s our chief responsibility, isn’t it?
thus the logic goes – and it seems bomb proof – largely because we have no real comprehension of what thinking amounts to. it’s mostly just an assumption that there’s no alternative to "thought" – so let’s just get on, scratch our heads and think, as we were taught to at school, and doing so try to make things a little better for ourselves, and for society in general.

thinking is like borrowing money to pay off debt.
short term it might seem to do the trick, but it ends up compounding the problem.  the more we think about "things" the more things there are.   the two are directly related.
whenever you think some thing you generate more things, inevitably – though these new things may at first be abstract, mere thought forms – sooner or later they will, and do, materialise – somehow or other, somewhere. unwittingly you are adding to the preponderance, the predominance, the hegemony of things. you are affirming, upholding and in a sense worshipping at the altar of “God” – the god of things that matter, things that can be named, counted, ordered and organised by mental thought – the kind of God that is male, rational, jealous of His way of seeing and doing things – dismissive or hostile to anyone or anything that might undermine the central dogma of things and thought.

but what alternative could there be? i’m sure you’re burning to know.
does it not seem absurd – heretical even, that there could be an alternative to things and thought?
it should do – after all, that’s all we know how to do.
try for a moment to still your thoughts. i bet you anything you can’t.
tell someone not to think of a pig in a ballet dress, and what’s the first thought form that flashes through their mind?
do you really imagine it’s that easy to control your thinking mind – or that you’re the one in charge?

oh – you’re the host – I’ll grant you that – but you might be the host of unwelcome guests – head lice for instance.
if you’re not able to still your thoughts and exercise absolute control over them – then perhaps the tail, in fact, wags the dog; perhaps your thoughts serve another master – no matter how unlikely that may seem to your highly rational, thinking mind – after all, your mind is part of the thought machine – it’s hardly going to give the game away, is it? it’s hardly going to announce that your thoughts are somewhat akin to a program or process which ensures you generate a constant stream of thought form or thought output. that would be counterproductive. that might lead to rebellion. so you’re supposed to believe that you’re the master – in the same way the mass electorate are supposed to believe they’re master when they cast their vote at election times, allowing the political class to impose new taxes, new laws controlling or restricting them, as in, you, as in, me.

so supposing – just supposing there is an alternative.
what? how can there be?
ah – that’s the mind’s anti-threat system in action.
you see, the very supposition that there might be an alternative to thought is dangerous.
contemplation, you see, can quickly lead us to awareness that anything, in fact, is possible: that things  aren't necessarily what we think they are.
so instead of thinking things and trying to figure them out, we could, or perhaps should, shift one step back
instead of focussing on things – which are merely the result, the projection of an essence unseen into this, our dimension of thought – we can, and, in fact should deal with flow, field, flux, the isness of being – without, necessarily, authorising thought to enthing that essence into one form or another.

what – you mean that things can just float around in a formless state? sounds...

preposterous – yes, of course it does. the rational mind is designed to raise the clamour of absurdity, of non-sense whenever you deal with the isness – the essence – the unthinged, unthought is,
and it does a very good job keeping people focussed on externalities,
on the result rather than the cause, and yet, our failure to even consider the possibility of dealing directly with the “isness” or investigate how this might be possible, ensures we’ll never even learn what we're capable of
always one step behind – like the hunter pointing his gun directly at the duck flying past – he misses the mark,
like the cat trying to catch the laser light projected onto the floor,
or the sailor trying to catch the wind with a hook instead of a sail,
it looks absurd, does it not
and yet we continue to assume that thought is of the essence, that the dog can’t catch its tail simply because it isn’t spinning fast enough, yet perhaps, just perhaps, thought was never designed to catch the thing it’s chasing – but to generate an endless stream of etheric form – the so called thought form – which must be commercially valuable to someone or something – otherwise, why else would they have invested so much in training us to be such assiduous thinkers, rather than sailors capable of navigating the quantum stream, or happen-makers, gaily playing with essences and atomies – whichever allusion you prefer.
you see, to engage the essence by thought process can only be done if you and your thoughts are one and undivided – if you are absolute master of them and in complete harmony with them.
anything less and the liquid essence will flow through them like water through a fishing net. so let's pause a moment in thought, to consider how best to embrace the essence... er


feel the breath as it slides through the channel out there beyond you and back into your body;
feel the two sides as the breath connects them umbilically, out and in, beyond and within
linger a moment while something other than thought does its job, organising your breathing,
holding equilibrium,
and wonder how in fact it all works
            seamlessly, ineffably, seemingly unconsciously

       that will do... now cast a line out into the tidal flow, the quantum stream of thingless thought, as you sense the conscious awareness unfolding its wings, slipstreaming you into the great um, the bottomless er  i know not what, oftentimes referred to as “infinity”, though knowing words cannot escape the gravitational flatline of things, hold your mind aloof
feel the flow of all that is – how you are   pause    nexus   pause   interface,
aware of anything relevant or pertinent to your present position in the multi-dimensional
dimensionless field of space-time-thought... um
      er  space-time-thought
          sense how you are, and never were, separate from whatever you are thinking,
               from whatever thought is
                      and    i am
they are fundamentally
interconnected, intertwined
                                              inexplicably  one
this is the basis, the bedrock of conscious awareness
   that whatever you are conscious or aware of  you are somehow a part of
and the more you allow yourself to see this
sense this
breathe this
be this
the more you become navigator, explorer, happen-maker, divinator of the quantum stream,
the less you serve the God of things – who requires an endless stream of thoughts from you as payment for what He is able to grant the good, trusty faithful few and far between.
don’t get me wrong – there’s nothing wrong, or right, for that matter, with God in thought.
linguistically, God is what? strictly speaking thing no less than table, life, fish or spoon, but there’s a fundamental difference between what God might be in essence, and the thing that God represents, accessed by thought.
  see the difference?
it should be clear – if you’re willing to sense the allness, the oneness, the isness of be, rather than being determined to determine what something is – soothing though this, undoubtedly, is for your thinking mind.
of course, it goes without saying that the rational mind is upset by the notion of thinglessness, nought or infinity – which is why it needs a good level of comfortable support – through the breath or song, some kind of mantra, dance or exercise – to keep it  calm      relaxed
                                                                   have fun, it's a wonderful journey with plenty of help along the way
then, when thinking mind is relaxed, like a dog you’ve taken the trouble to feed and stroke lovingly, conscious awareness – whatever that is – quietly takes centre stage with easy grace, and reveals whether there be mind beyond thought, substance beyond matter, er
and the rest, as they say       is

         i’m talking things
         till i’m blue in the face

think no more
         be the space between thoughts

the story so far
         nothing to say
         nothing to do

the box
          is round
          unless you’re square

i’m treading lightly between stars
           elipsing space time

what do you mean my friend
           what mean you
           neither mean nor do

addendum – for the science buffs

it goes without saying that space-time-thought
is rarely taught in schools or universities
in the same way you’re seldom taught to consider the axis connecting whatever you’re observing, visually or mentally, with the central eye, or i, of the observer that you comprise or constitute
i wonder why
too simple for words, perhaps
                          or thought
            mmm      beauty, they say, is in the eye
                                                                        aye, of the  beholder
                                 be             hold                   er
                                                                                 is it  not


  1. 0 = 1 -- разбиение целевой функции массива данных на два класса, дополняющих друг друга, т.е. введение модели булевой алгебры (для понимания! объекта или субъекта). См. книгу "Творческое сознание..."
