Friday, September 9, 2016

recoding reality, reintroducing weird or wyrd, rehabilitating is or ess

fearsome beauty is

chapter i

so you're ready to let weird 
back into your life
to rescind the rigid protocols of mind
put in place long  
 long ago
protocols that filtered out all
manifestations of  weird
no matter what
no matter how
which otherwise would have
compelled us
to look at things
                in different light
 askance   no less
had we seen
had we known
the true nature of  things
the nature of what simply
           i            s
the  e s s
the fundamental interbreathe
between things that are matter
                                      and things that are  nought
had we seen
don’t rush
had we known
nice and slow
 what is    what
this polarising mechanism
       making matter
how what enables us to thing 
to lend them  gravity and mass
borrowing from what is not
                         from nought
                         from what seems to be
                                            null and void
          what 3D mind cannot perceive 
          and i needs must ignore
                                                or else   collapse the house of cards 
                                                    that is  material reality

      yet all the while  unknowingly
                                       we draw forth
        e s s   from nought                     
from not-what the conscious mind
         not what me
         not what i
         not what my     mind        gap    mine
         not what                              thing
         not what                              thought
in short    by bridging the    i s    divide
                     the seemingly innocuous equals sign
                by engaging infinity drive
                by revealing the wheel in   line
                                         the space in  time
                                         the matter in  nought
                                         the moment-um in  thought
and thus we convert
        thus we transduce 
                we       meld      e s s   into  a
                            moment in form on the scrolling page of consciousness
                            activating 3D     the holographic screen of what seems to be            
                                               and  elicit   other
                                           the dark side
                                           and alleged enemy
                                           the not-what   cryptically    me thinks   breathe    it  i s
                                   an all pervasive paradox
                                   demon dance  of inertial gravity
                                   shadow of any thing  or any thought
                                   no matter   what
                                                       inside-out 3D
                                                            essing    e s s
                                                  the subtextual bubbliness 
                                 of   i s             the quantum stream

chapter ii

but how   you rightly ask
       how can things be borrowed into existence
how can things matter massively and with    gravitas
   if they are based on  nought     that is       null and void
this cannot be done except by sleight of hand
                                   or            sleight of mind
by wilfully turning a  wondrously blind eye to all that  is
by radar jamming infinity with       a constant stream of
                                what is not        
                 and thus engineering      a version
                                    or vision      of things      
              a spellbinding narrative      perceived to be      
                                      material      reality
                          spatially termed      3D
                     utterly convincing      utterly real
                                            yet      nought
                    how   you ask    could this be achieved
                      in truth   dear friends   you already know
                    but i shall act as wet nurse to your deep memories  
                    turning the wheel  to help you feel your way home

                    how did we arrive here    you asked
                       by weaving    interlacing threads  of  feeling and thought
                       by knitting things from nought  
                       by knotting myself emotionally into the fabric of what
                                                                 seems to be     though is not

                    how  you asked  
                                           have you ever wondered how you breathe
                                           have you ever stopped long enough to feel
                                           to experience   to know   the breath that is     i  am
                of course you have
                and yet       of course         have always turned back      as agreed
                back towards the thing       the great what not           the machine we’ve
                been working on     digging     building     encrypting     encoding
                the machine that is mind       that is matter       that is 3D         what
                                                                                                             seems  to be
                rejoice                                                               it is complete

                ah me
                                 what a wondrous work it  is been
                                  what a wondrous journey into the tangled confusion
                                    of split infinity

chapter iii

       dear friends  of weird and wonderful
in which fearsome beauty is revealed
it is time to declare the simple truth 
                                                      at first  anti-climactically

                     0 = 1                  it  is                i   am

the change is in              the road through dark the night of the soul

naturally       mind  finds this hard to grasp
and continues to turn away     as if things are still things
as if  i  is still  me
as if we
               are bound to trudge eternally
yoked to an insatiable reality
and yet    i cannot deny      truth
   the change is in
and though seemingly incomprehensible to you
i gladly repeat
0 = 1                  it  is                i   am

in little or no time
you will see     you will know    but whilst you wait
let me quote from the handbook of what is paradoxically  not
to give your busy minds a taste of nought     to revive the ess within
                                                                                                                                                                dot dot dot  a
this 0=1    cannot be grasped by thinking       it
                 must be breathed 
                 directly experienced  no less
                 must be  i s-ed    be    e s s-ed
by full immersion in the conscious stream
   nothing less       will do

                            it is             patiently            i am
 no matter how far apart
      the two seem
   the commonality of be
voids all distance or space     between
as does the equals sign in math
 it is                                     i am
spread them out and let       ess          work its wonders
 observe the magic of in finity      no less
   and as i breathe
and breath sustains       maintains
my field of consciousness
try it and see                        experiment
        for instance
 it is          i am                      tree
                                               experience the  tri    as in three
 it is          i am                      bird
 it is          i am                      that person     what’s been upsetting you
    ah      do you see
try it      dear friend in truth
feel the resistance
 the frothy indignation
the        no  you don’t understand
               it’s not what you think
and let it go back and forth across the tennis court of consciousness
o'er the mind's dividing net
                            its equals sign
like a tennis   ball in flight
delighting in this motion
as two sides battle it   out
 indefatigably            interminably
 as your mind struggles to play by the old rules
inadvertently taking sides
yet now becoming     strangely aware
  it starts to feel                to sense
the field
the quantum stream   metaphors abound       of consciousness
until i finally knows                                                                                                                                                    softly
that every thing 
 cancels out   numerically
  the precise amount
  of what and what is  not
               the zero sum
                      one         and glorious nought
                                       with me  inconceivably   in between

chapter iv

 let us follow breath down
                       through matter
  to source code  itself
  now free   to fly on wings
                                     of consciousness
 to let go of things
that held me back  
        held me  down  
        that trapped
                me in 3D   machine of my own  

here goes         
           release      breath                               breathe
           shift           breath                               breathe
          flight           i                                         ee
           as wheels within wheels
                worlds within worlds 
                minds     gap        mind
           unfold       e s s
                  the nature of breath
           the simple truth
              the       0  =  1
           that lies beyond word
                            thought        or thing 

          deathly interlude             fiercely caught between           
    but        oh
                 tell out my soul 
        a   fearsome beauty is
                            i    s
  wait for it
       i s
                  reach for it
       i s
 yearn for it
       i s
   pray for it
       i s
 weep for it
       i s
         live for it
       i s
 sing for it
       i s
  if need be   even 
                     die for  it
       i s               
                       i am
                                               in    finity

                             expire                                              inspire                                         ing




  1. So this is just like computer code? Is that what you're saying?

  2. You bet, reinserting in-finity back into the equation to ensure things revert to their proper position in our operating system.
