Monday, September 14, 2015

Three incredibly gifted children and You

Arseniy, now 13, had never played the violin as just a musical instrument. Right from the start it had been a journey of discovery. Even when he could barely make a decent note he was already probing and learning how it was talking to him, helping him to feel things, helping him to become aware of himself and the world around. It was an interface like a computer keyboard that gave him access to the program code of all things, to the harmonics of our reality. This is what he was really up to when people saw him playing a musical instrument: tinkering with the fabric of material reality, and why it sounded so unearthly. He never discussed this with anyone having assumed everyone had common experiences, and when he discovered that few, if any, did there seemed even less point. If he was going to explain this relationship between himself, the violin and everything – it would have to be his music that did the talking. Someone would get it.

Masha, aged 11, was the same. She was learning to dance – classical ballet. She learnt the same moves as all the other pupils, but she was doing something different. She could feel how every move, when executed just right, held her in situ – in a place where things were in resonance. There was a kind of feedback – like she was enveloped in a field that both supported and resisted her – depending on whether she was working with it or against it. It wasn't just her body making the moves  it was mental as well. If her mind wasn’t tuned in – if she were only moving mechanically without consciously engaging this force – then things started to go wrong. Like a slap across the wrist – it reminded her to stay present, to be consciously aware throughout. If she really opened herself to the field – wow – that was something! It took her beyond the here and now – into a timeless everywhere.

Grisha, aged 14, did it with pencil and paint. He too was constantly brushing against the finities – feeling how his painting enabled him to tune into something indescribable. Everything else would fade out and he’d be utterly present – in a space where every brush stroke was an exchange with this field – feeling how he was working with something malleable that he could coax but never force. The more he opened himself to the isness, to the creative light within – the more alive and vibrant things felt – like humming strings, like he was playing a violin – and he knew the field, whatever it actually was, was responding to him, and it was good. “How do you draw like that?” his friends asked him. Even his art teachers were at a loss to explain how he did – how his pictures were so full of... difficult to say what. What could he say? He’d never spoken to Arseniy or Masha. He didn’t know who they were – but when one day he heard Arseniy play and saw Masha dance – he knew immediately that they were doing the same as him. He’d found his family. They’d understand one another.

And you? Are you an Arseniy, a Masha, a Grisha or just normal... unexceptional?

In fact, everyone is able to engage this field – if you choose to start working with your own creative power. That could be anything... a sport, meditation, singing, even the very art of being you... It's whatever best connects, best interfaces with this quantum field, where finities rather than things determine what is what.

Sometimes we find it hard to accept our creative power because we’re trying to be what we’re not – because we’re attached to an idea about ourself that may be only partially true. This will make it more difficult for us to really get attuned, but just as soon as we step aside and allow our inner-nature to take over – the discovery process gets underway, the journey begins. This discovery process always takes us beyond what we've been taught – so if we are too hooked on what the teacher was saying, on what we've already learnt, that too can slow us down. What we really need is to let go – to interact directly with the quantum field. As soon as we do that things click into place – the finities align and 3D reality ceases to be what it was a moment before. We’re now engaging something else: a kind of force that is present not only physically, as gravity is, but which responds to our conscious awareness – taking us deeper and further.

It's a journey that goes beyond what the mind can comprehend, which requires above all else practical experience. I don’t think it serves to overcomplicate things by naming or attempting to explain this force. In any case, it’s only there if you’re willing to work with it – once you’re willing to accept your place in the natural order of things, the isness of Be, and go from there. Doing so, you'll work out what can or cannot be done. You’ll become aware that, in a real sense, you’re able to reprogram reality  not only your reality but something bigger, for we’re living and working within a continuum, an isness of Be. 

So, dear friends, I wish you happy, magical creativity. May each of you find your way to the particular form of expression that enables you to tune into the field. With time you will become a master, for the master already waits within us. You'll be able to reach out further and farther until you're ready to bring it all back together – turning the somewhat unkempt, overgrown backyard of material reality into a garden of soft, magical harmonies, non-linear meaning and endless delight, with those finities that are anything but finite.

1 comment:

  1. В конце текста -- это признак образа моей программы АМКЛ...
