Thursday, November 24, 2016

the broken table

Actually Zie, Norms are only one possible way of seeing beyond or around things.

Er... what do you mean?

Well, in-finity is not small, and there are always alternative routes.

Look Merry, it’s been bad enough coming to terms with norms – you’re not going to pull the rug from under my feet again are you?

What rug?

I was speaking figuratively.

Oh – but I like image. The rug can be pulled from under your feet but have no fear – there’ll always be another one to replace it. Nature, you know, abhors a vacuum, so just when you think the world is crumbling into dust – you’ll start to see another one that’s been waiting patiently in the wings.

I'm barely coping Merry. Experiencing norms has been...

Deeply unsettling.


But of course it has. It’s more or less the same as dying. You have no idea how wedded to the solidity and finiteness of things you and your fellow humans have been.

Well perhaps there was a reason for that.

Indeed there was – for you are the great architects of splendid 3D reality – you call it – though technically we should refer to it as “normality” – the domain where norms make things seem real.

I’m getting that sick feeling again. I swear I’m going to puke... excuse me dear reader – vomiting noises can be heard off stage right.

This is getting ridiculous Merry – I can’t even look at things now without feeling queasy – knowing they’re just norms masquerading as things. I’m even starting to smell that normy smell. I can’t believe I never noticed it before.

Astonishing isn’t it – the power of ignorance – our ability to ignore what we don’t wish to confront.

Well I’d rather not spend the rest of my life running to the toilet – so unless you can think of something pretty soon, I’m going to do my utmost to forget I ever heard about norms, or you, for that matter.

Like I said, Zie, norms are only one level of how we can see things.

Like I said Merry – I don’t care.

There’s another level which you will almost certainly find easier to stomach.



Well, what are you waiting for?

The right moment.

Well let me know when you’ve found it. I’ve got a lot to do – I’ve got literally thousands of things to try and avoid making eye contact with, and I need to sign up for the self-help group Vomiters anonymous. Apparently there are lots of people like me who just vomit as a kind of nervous reaction to something too shocking to handle.

Calm yourself Zie. Practice the breathing exercises I showed you. Now.

Zie starts breathing and evidently shifts into another level of C3 – er – that’s Merry’s name for consciousness.

Good. Now how do you feel.

Good, thanks. It’s bizarre how I can swing like that.

Quite normal...

Don’t say that word – please.

What? Normal?

No, no, no, no – it’s making me queasy again.

Merry does some Daoist looking moves – tapping Zie swiftly at various points and once again Zie is calm and collected.

I’m hopelessly unstable Merry.

You were rooted in 3D – now you’re re-establishing yourself in a deeper reality which you haven’t yet got the feel for. Patience. This is the time of the nurturing, nourishing breath. Only breathing yourself back to centre, back to awareness can help the transfer complete. In fact, once you’ve got a feel for the power of breath, you’ll never waste your time with chat or thought in the same way again. Your breath gives you an instantaneous feedback – you can feel and read the pulse of the universe, the heart beat of in-finity with or through the breath, once you start becoming aware of its vast potential.

It’s certainly expanding hugely of late. I can honestly say I never found it particularly interesting just sitting there breathing and looking at things, or thinking things through from the perspective of breath – noticing how my thoughts altered the flow, the intensity or direction or some other quality of the breath.


So what were you telling me about, before I started panicking?

Oh – well you’ve dealt with the norms – and that’s obviously a huge shock to the system. Humanity has relied on the fact that things are just things. Looking at them another way – as if they are alive, and actually seeing an entity – called a norm – behind, within or attached to each and every thing – is a death blow to the 3D mind’s totalitarian control.

Whoa – you call it totalitarian control! Isn’t that a bit extreme?

No, not in the least. It had to be totalitarian – how else were you going to create 3D out of in-finity?

Well... I don’t know what you mean?

Well in-finity is infinitely slippery – because its open ended – it has neither beginning nor end – so where or how can you create a limited system of things – when you’re coming from an unlimited isness – a quantum field or a stream of consciousness?

Oh – now that you put it that way – I don’t know. How did we get things to materialise from in-finity?

It’s like Big Bang – isn’t it. It obviously involves a massive head blow to consciousness – er – C3.

How do you mean?

Well, 3D has to be a state of unconsciousness or limited consciousness or limited awareness – that way things can seem to be just things – because as long as you’re fully conscious – things are inseparable from all else – which means they’re so much a part of the whole that they cannot really be differentiated in any way, shape or form.

So they don’t exist – as long as we’re fully conscious! Amazing!

Yes. So Big Bang might be referred to as Big Concussion, and within that concussion we haven’t quite figured out who we are, where we are or how. As long as we’re groping around trying to join the dots – we have these things popping up in our C3 filling the gaps, because...

Nature abhors a vacuum. But why does it have to be Norms?

It doesn’t – that’s just one level – but it’s a good starting point, isn’t it?


Because one of the preoccupations of modern man and modern thought is that things are kind of dead – relative to you organic beings.

Well yes – that makes sense given the fact that tables tend not to walk around or change shape.

Actually it makes sense because the minute you allow things to be conscious or alive – the whole of 3D comes crashing down, which is why your scientists almost universally refuse to consider, study or discuss C3 – even the doctors, for crying out loud!

Yes, it is somewhat strange – but I expect it’s just because C3 is hard to measure or quantify.

Believe me – if your scientists are willing and able to name and discuss things they have no real conception of such as black holes, dark matter and dark energy – without which their models of the universe collapse – then they could happily do the same for C3, but they won’t under any circumstances, because the 3D mind knows who its real enemy is, and will avoid it at all costs – even if it has to destroy the entire population of the earth. It’s a little tyrant that will not brook opposition -  so no one is allowed to introduce C3 to the field of legitimate scientific enquiry.

So how come you can get away with it?

Zie, remember again that we are discussing in-finity – and that in-finity has no beginning or end. Big Bang may have severely concussed humanity – yet humanity remains a part of C3, like it or not, and in-finity always has a trick up its sleeve, an undiscovered variable or an unknowable unknown that will pop up when least expected to restore the perfect order of randomness and chaos to proceedings. This is why no “enemy” is ever really an enemy – merely testing and aiding your development. Without an adversary everything would grind to a halt.

Oh, don’t say that Merry – you’ll make me suspect you’re one of those...

One of what? Oh – a death eater.


Breathe it – how does it feel?


Ok – let the breath do the talking and thinking – otherwise you’ll end up walking in endless mental circles of misty doubt and fearful confusion.

Ok. I’m breathing.

Well, the Norms are real enough – but given the nature of in-finity – which cannot be limited in any way, nor determined absolutely or fundamentally – this means that Norms are but a version, but an interpretation, but a representation of something else – a superstate – in which things and you...

Are one.

Good thinking.

Not thinking.

Good breathing then. It’s working beautifully, isn’t it.

So what I’m breathing is that the Norms are in some respects a projection of my personness – my C3, into and onto the things which are actually part of all that is me.

Excellent. But how can things be “part of all that is you?” That makes no sense.

I know Merry – but that’s how the breath presents it. As I breathe I don’t just breathe for myself, within myself – I breathe for everything and through everything – so in terms of breath I appear to be indistinguishable from all that is. This, I guess, is where C3 really comes into its own.

Excellent. So the Norms to a fearful unbreather could be something demonic and terrifying – a monster hiding in the cupboard of each and every thing – the ultimate Halloween nightmare.

But to the breather it’s more about feeling C3 extending throughout.

Music to my ears Zie. So what about the finities?

Breathing tells me that the finities are like crystallisations of nought – the zero point – which are present throughout – also fully connected into C3’s whole hearted ministry of love and onefulness.

Oh – you make it sound so spiritual.

Well, that’s how it breathes. In practice – the finities are a less personal, more mathematical way of relating to things – connecting to them from the bottom up – from the sub-atomic level. They are, if you like, the fairies of the quantum stream as opposed to the macro, top down spirit of things in general.

Ah ha. Your breath is truly surpassing itself today, Zie. So when would you choose to connect with the finities?

Whenever you like – whenever you feel like being on that side of the equation, on that side of the atomic scale. It’s more a matter of mood, or poetic licence, after all, we are all creators – not just technicians, and some people will obviously feel more comfortable working with finities than norms, but as long as we’re breathing C3fully we’ll tend to keep moving between one and t’other – that way keeping ourselves more or less balanced, more or less open to both sides of experience, both ends of the spectrum.

Because if we practised the dark arts and became one sided – like people who have completely ruled out C3, then sooner or later we ourselves become victims of our own self-imposed idiocy.

Yes – that’s how it breathes. The people causing most harm in the world have simply given up on one side – especially if they’ve done blood sacrifice – and paradoxically – all the evil they may perpetrate passes through the apparent victim – even when they kill or maim – coming back to themselves.

Explain – you mean the victim doesn’t die.

Only in 3D – which merely splits at that point in time – and the victim is cut and pasted back in the unsplit main line of 3D.

So the death eaters never succeed in killing anyone.

Not really. It appears to be a Voldemort situation. They only really succeeded in horcruxing themselves, until their me field becomes unstable and crashes.

Fascinating. Thanks Zie. I’m going to put you back now – and Merry repeats the Daoist taps and blows – leaving Zie hyperventilating fiercely.

What was that for Merry?

Oh – I needed to calm you down. You were freaking out about something.

Was I?

By the way Zie, have you figured out how to mend the broken table yet?

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

thing no more - introducing norms

Er... Merry, are you alright?
I thought you were talking... to a table.
Now why would I want to do that, Zie?
I dunno. Maybe I was mistaken...
But you don’t think so, do you? You’re pretty sure you just saw me talking to a table.
Er... I guess so.
So that must make me kind of clinically insane, no?
Well, it would, wouldn’t it? I mean, unless there’s a pretty good reason for it – talking to a table would definitely be a good indicator that there’s something wrong with your mind.
Unless the table’s a transmitter.
Oh – I never thought of that.
But I’m not saying it is – but if it were a transmitter – there wouldn’t be anything untoward talking to it – just like talking into a microphone.
Yeah I guess so – but it isn’t is it – it’s not a transmitter?
No, not as such, but it’s nice to consider the possibility that talking to tables is not a sure sign of insanity.
Well what then – if you’re not insane – which you don’t seem to be. Can you explain?

Ok guys, we’re learning about norms today.

It’s not a table.
Oh come on Merry – of course it’s a table.
Well obviously it is – looking at it in 3D – but step outside 3D and you see something else.
Like what?
Norms. That’s one level of seeing things beyond 3D.
They’re beings.
What kind of beings.
They’re norms – that kind of beings. You’ve got to want to tune into them. You’ve got to want to know more by sensing, seeing, feeling them yourself.
All you need to know is that norms make things seem normal.
They make a table seem like a table, a chair like a chair, a wall like a wall.
They do?
Yep – they make things normal.
But why?
Why what?
Why do they need to make things normal?
Because otherwise things are completely weird – you’d never be able to interface with anything. Every thing is and would be an island of weirdness – unapproachable. They pull things from the quantum soup of infinity – where things are undefined – things in waiting – drawing them down into 3D.
Oh my God.
Well yes, it’s kind of "Oh my God". Creation – that’s what they’re up to – continual creation.
But... surely things are, you know – things, independent of these norms.
Nope. Without norms you’re completely stuck.
So how come no one knows about them?
Everyone knows about them, but everyone chooses to ignore them. That’s how 3D works.
But why do we ignore them?
Because noticing them makes you feel incredibly bored and detached from reality – so most people will do anything to avoid that feeling of normness.
So how come you don’t?
Because it doesn’t affect me. In any case – until you learn how to handle the norms you’re kind of trapped in 3D. You can make things comfortable for yourself – you can gild the cage, but it’s still just a kind of fancy cage.
Oh my God – we’re all in prison.
Kind of yes, kind of no.
Well, which is it?
Well, no in the sense that  you freely entered and you can freely leave whenever you choose, but yes, it’s prison in the sense that most of you seem to have forgotten who you are – and take things at face value, as if they’re real, as opposed to what really is.
What really is what?
Not what – these things you take for real – they’re really just norms.
So that table’s a norm.
And you can see it.
And talk to it.
And it can answer you.
Yep – though it doesn’t have to answer me as such.
Then what’s the point talking to it?
Well, I might want to move it, or change it in some way.
And you can do that?
Of course.
But that’s freakin weird.
Yes, from the 3D line of thinking – things are supposed to be whatever they are – and you’ll always ignore any shifts – rewriting over whatever you just saw a moment before in order to sustain the comfortable illusion that things are things.
You mean to say that things are always shifting around?
Well, they don’t bother to maintain their full thinginess when you’re not observing them – so they only need to be fully things for a fraction of the time.
And the rest of the time – that table just disappears, you’re saying?
No, it kind of retracts into a residual outline of what it is – a kind of lowburn night light – to save energy and allow the norm to get on with other more pressing stuff.
Actually, things can really vanish almost completely – and people don’t even notice – once they’ve grown accustomed to particular things. It’s amazing how the mind fills things in. It’s a bit like the adult elephant.
How do you mean?
When it was a child it had a strong rope or chain on its leg preventing it from escaping, but by the time it’s an adult they just keep a small string there – which couldn’t stop the elephant from escaping if it wanted to – but the elephant already assumes it can’t – so it doesn’t.
Oh. So if we started testing these things out – we’d discover...
That there are gaping gaps – omissions – fake scenery – or you’d discover a norm who’s hoping you’ll desist and go back to your usual state of complacency – which you almost certainly will.
Because it feels weird and disturbing?
Yes, and because you might become afraid that you’re going insane, or that you’re existing in an almost completely unmaterial, hollowed out, honeycomb reality – that could leave you with a sense of vertigo, or a sense of unprotectedness. People like to imagine they’re held firmly in place by physical things – that they’re actually walking on the earth, or a bridge, or a concrete floor. Imagine how you’d feel if you started perceiving the provisionalness of things you’d hitherto taken for granted. That could be a deeply disturbing experience, could it not?
You’re telling me.
You’d want back into the matrix – the sense that things are what they’re supposed to be.
You bet I would.
Unless you were intent on something more.
And some people are, you’re saying?
Yes, there are some.
But why?
Because they know – and that’s enough – they want to get real – they’re no longer content with the half truth of matter and things. They’ve outgrown the crèche. They’re ready for big school.
Which is where you enter the conversation.
No, no, Merry, you’ve got me wrong. I’m not interested in busting out of the matrix. I’m comfortable living in a world of normal things.
Hum, interesting that – because I’ve been observing how the norms react when you start looking at things, of late.
You have? I didn’t notice I’ve been looking at things any differently.
No, you didn’t – your mind will try to block out anything that threatens the status quo, even to the point of wiping your memory in an attempt to keep you safely ensconced in normality.
Wiping my memory? I don’t like the sound of that.
But you can get it back without too much trouble. You just need to start observing the norm behind, the norm within, the norm attached to the thing – whatever thing it be – this table for instance.
Did you notice that?
Notice what?
It just moved.
Did it?
Yes. At least I think it did – when the two of us looked at it just now.
Oh that – well it would do wouldn’t it.
But I’ve never noticed that before.
Like I said – you have – but your memory’s been wiped shortly after, and you’ve been happy to forgot something that was kind of disturbing.
You’re telling me.
But now you know better – you can use that event – the table budging – to tune in, to focus on the norm.
But how?
Bring up your deepest sense of boredom and pointlessness and look at the table as if it’s inspiring you to expire with tedium.
Do I have to?
Yes, if you want to smoke out the norm hiding in this tree.
But why boredom?
Because unless you’re ready to be massively bored, you’ll fall for the exciting distraction that the norm will fire at you the minute you get to inquisitive.
What exciting distraction?
Anything – something you forgot to do, or an amazing idea, a girl you’ve been thinking about of late – whatever’s on the periphery of your mind – the norm can nudge it – bringing it into motion – and that will be sufficient to break your concentration – detaching it from this table – at which point the norm could go one step further and project something weird and slightly disturbing to make you recoil and perform your very own mindwipe – that way all the tracks are covered and cleared.
But why does it go to such inordinate lengths to avoid detection?
To remain anonymous. As long as you’re not even aware that norms exist – you’re powerless to attack them, in fact you’ll do everything you can to preserve things the way they are.
And you? You want to break things up – is that what you’re saying?
Not at all – I’m just as happy to work with norms as anyone else is – they’re our cousins in the infinite quantum field of continuous creation of which we’re a part – it’s just they’re inorganic and have a different function from our own. There’s nothing wrong with them. They’re not harmful – but I prefer to be in control of whatever I’m able to perceive and interact with. Besides, I’m physically unable to be purely 3D the way you are.
You mean you’re not one of us? You’re not human?
Hum, good question.
Merry, don’t freak me out.
Zie, does it really matter whether I’m human or not?
Er... yes, I think it does – at least that way I’d know whether I could trust you or not.
Good point. And you’re saying you don’t really know?
Er... at times I have my doubts.
Good – let’s keep it that way for the moment – doubts are a powerful instigator of learning and change. But back to the table – this is your 1st conscious norm day.
It is?
Yes. Didn’t you know?
I must have mindwiped that too.
Never mind. Let’s continue. Allow yourself to be bored – now tickle the table with your breath, in a manner of speaking, as you gaze at it. Allow yourself to suspend judgement – to suspend your disbelief, to know and accept that this table is only really table because a norm is normalising it – holding it in a kind of resonance with your C3.
My C3?
Your consciousness – we’ll use the technical term if you don’t mind.
So the norm kind of attaches the table to your C3 field and hey presto – it’s absolutely real – so real you can sit on it, stand on it, dance on it, make love on it – and you won’t fall through – unless you exceed its signal strength and break the wood.
Now, you can feel the norm’s doing its utmost to distract you – so hold your focus by calling it out – otherwise you’ll forget what you were intending.
How do I call it out?
However you like – the words aren’t important. You could try singing to the norm “hello table norm, hello table norm, I can see you in the table, I can see your smooth creation of a holographic thingness that is beautifully normal, Mr Norm, Mr Norm and I am deeply impressed by your splendid abilities.”
That sounds a bit cheesy.
Yes, but flattery usual pays – you get them off guard that way. By the way – the minute you sense the norm – it’s a bit like one of those magic eye 3D pictures – once you can see it – it’s easy to see thereafter.
Oh dear – I was never very good at those.
You’re doing fine – the norm is rising to the bait.
It is?
Yes – you’re drawing it out of its comfortable state of tableness. It’s unable to hold that position with all the attention you’re giving it.
Why's that?
Because it was always going to be overpowered by the beauty, the magic, the magnetism of your C3.
It was? Why?
Why do you think? Do you have any idea how powerful humans really are?
Er... not really. A few 100 watt light bulbs is all I guess we’re able to generate in body heat and luminescence.
Merry starts choking – a convulsive laughter that makes it almost impossible for him to breath. It reaches the point that Zie’s getting concerned. Merry seems to be breaking up – fading out and other images of Merry seem to be flashing in and out of sight around the room.
Are you alright Merry? Here – have some water.
Zie hands Merry a glass of water, which he accepts and drinks gratefully.
Did you see it?
Er... see what?
The composite nature of 3D? As I was fading did you notice other versions of me popping up around you.
My God – I did. It was disturbing – why did you do that Merry?
I couldn’t help it. You just cracked me up – literally.
I didn’t mean to – I can’t imagine what you found so funny.
Can’t you? Just imagine the power contained within your near infinite quantum stream of C3.
Well, I can’t say I’ve ever really noticed much power. In any case, consciousness is terribly vague and nebulous. It never really seems to do very much.
Really? What about that glass of water?
What about it?
Rewind a moment, if you would. Replay the sequence of events. Why do you see now?
Merry starts humming something under his breath – which seems to help Zie concentrate.
Wait a minute – where the hell did that glass come from?
There you go! You’ve remembered. Well done.
But where?
Where do you think?
Of course your mind doesn’t want you to remember, la la la me me la la me
Jesus Christ, Merry – what are you doing to me?
Moi? Nothing whatsoever, I assure you.
I can’t just materialise a glass from thin air. That’s insane.
Absolutely insane, innit? So what are you going to do about it?
Shit. I just grabbed it in the heat of the moment without thinking what I was doing or how.
Very good.
It was like it was just there the minute I needed it.
Excellent. Welcome to the weird and wonderful world of C3. Now what about that norm sitting under the table.
Oh him.
How do you think he reacted when he saw you grabbing a glass of water from the quantum stream?
I don’t suppose he cared, he was too busy being a table.
On the contrary – he was fascinated and appalled – both in equal measure – and at that moment his guard dropped.
It did? ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...  ... oh my God...   ...   ...   it did.
Excellent. You see.
But how do you know?
That I see?
Because your C3 has shifted into a completely new configuration, a different position.
It has?
Yes. It was like a big egg before.
And now?
More like a star.
Oh wow.
So you’re going to call out the norm – it’s time.
Do I...
Do it Zie. That table has to go – so quit feeling sorry for it – otherwise you’ll spend the rest of your life a slave to things – controlled and herded around by perfectly harmless not in any way evil norms.
That doesn’t sound harmless to me – manipulating my reality – controlling me!
Well, you’re asking them to do it, aren’t you, unless you’re willing to stand up and declare you’re human.
Of course I’m human.
Not until you take back the keys to the kingdom.
Er... which kingdom are we talking about?
You have till I count to 3, otherwise, dear Zie, our pleasant time together ends forthwith – 1
No wait a minute – I can’t handle this...
But come on Merry – it’s not fair I’m...
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo za za za – a green flash and the table dematerialises utterly – as does the room and everything else. There before Zie is a kind of creature – a blob of energy – pulsating slightly – obviously deeply uncomfortable – squirming under the brightness of Zie’s gaze – like it’s been caught with no clothes on...

Which is exactly how it feels right now. Well done Zie. That was great. I’ve never heard it done za za za before, but effective and timely.
Zie is breathless and emotional. This is an awkward place to be – no thing seems to make sense, no thing seems to be right – which is logical when you consider there is neither right nor left on this particular platform, staring at a butt naked norm.

Ok, now rather than getting upset Zie, take this opportunity to feel how this wonderful creature that until a moment ago was a table, is able to create a link between your mind and C3, which is infinitely more than your mind, using the register of material things to...
Make table thing.
Precisely. It makes table thing – in the same way you can make a canary sing, or make a car move. To thing or not to thing...
That is the question.
Somehow the whole of 3D is carried along by this Tom-thingery. No one doubts for a minute that it’s all there, that it’s all real, and that irony of ironies, our knowledge of things is the key to understanding life, the universe and everything.
But tell me Merry...
How do you get things to change around?
How did you make this norm materialise? How did you grab the glass of water? How do those clever so called magicians do their amazing tricks?
By sleight of hand.
You don’t think so?
Oh, they’re good with their hands, without a doubt – but there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy, as young Hamlet put it. Every time you try to fix what it might be that you’re endeavouring to understand, you’re shoving a spanner into the wheel spin of infinity, peddling the assumption that things are best understood.
And what else should we do with things?
Unfrock them. De-norm them. Use them as markers as you shuttle back and forth between 3D and the the quantum stream of C3.
Vague, Merry. Hopelessly vague.
Ok Zie, see this unlikely looking norm here?
He’s willing to go to the end of the world with you, for you, in order to do some more applied creation. He wants to do the form thing – but he can only do it if you’re willing to go along with his minor deception.
Well I’m not.
Why so objectionable Zie? Just think how much these norms have benefitted humanity – giving them things to work with, and as soon as we learn how, we can work with norms to make things work for humanity, rather than vice versa...
Humanity as it currently does, working for things.
Precisely – but you can hardly blame norms for that.
So what would you do in my place?
I would wish to delve further into the nature of things, and to better understand how things and C3 interact, interrelate, intermingle.
You mean you want to do cheap magic tricks!
Well, I wouldn’t mind – but I’d certainly like to see whether beautiful humanity can become a little less obsessed with things – a little more interested in the wonders of C3. To do so we need to stop thinking that magic is just a matter of trickery or illusion. So, without further ado – Merry runs forward and appears to grab the norm – the two of them tussle and the next thing you know Merry is sitting on a table with wings which is flying up into the air.
Jump on Zie, if all else fails we can open an air taxi service – you can be my first fare – where do you want to fly to?
I want to see norms in their homeland, unencumbered by things.
What a perfectly splendid idea. Hi ho silver –and off they fly into the grey blue.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Busting nought in all probability

In case you haven't realised, I'm reaching out to all that is nought,
the so called dark matter/dark energy so beloved by our scientificos.

Why bother? - caller number 23.
Why nought? - caller number 32.
Why? - caller number 3nought.

You see, dear friends in high places and low, what presently looks like nought to you, only looks like nought because you've no way of accessing it using the existing 3D protocols. It's where all the juicy stuff is hidden. It's where you keep all your key information. It's virtually unhackable, hee hee, unless you know how.

And do you?
You do?
You kn ow how?
Tell us.

Ok guys, of course I know how - and so do you - you just weren't aware of the problem,
you just weren't aware that nought is infinitely more than nought.

Infinitely more?

Yep, you heard me - infinitely more.

But how much is that? I mean - infinitely could be a lot or any value - just as long as it hasn't been determined.

Correct - but until it's been determined it's paradoxically equal to every possible value.

That's a lot.

But equally paradoxical - once it's been determined - once it's been measured - that number may turn out to be 4, 2.2 or any other value.

Oh - so one minute it was "infinite" and then
It crashed down to 4
That sucks.

Does it? Do you not see - any two values are the same - it's just 4 or 2.2 are snapshots of infinity frozen in time - like a snapshot of a wave. It looks like a solid wall. It has a definite form - as long as you freeze time in a single frame.


So, Nought is infinitely more than nought because it conceals within itself - within its notness, within its no time/ no spaceness all that is, all that ever could be, will be and was - which is rather a lot if you ask me.

Rather a lot indeed.
Or perhaps just 4
Or 2.2

Strange, isn't it - that all that is - the whole of infinity can and could amount to 4 or 2.2 when observed from a 3D perspective - but such is the nature of 3D.


Yes - we tend to get Er-s at this juncture. It's an Er rich environment - and also Um-s and Hum-s, not to mention a few strangled, gargled sounds which are difficult to spell so I won't bother - just try asphyxiating yourself with a plastic bag for a minute or two and see what comes out - if you're interested in the audio side of things.

So, yes, I have to admit, dear friends in high places and low, that the mind we're operating from within here in 3D struggles somewhat to clear the hurdle of infinity - which is not surprising when you consider that it cannot, in fact, clear that hurdle in the normal sense.

Then what?
Are we suppposed to proceed?

You're not. You leave the car in the car park and get into the helicopter. That way you can fly over this hurdle. So instead of trying to squeeze your mind through this apparent illogicality - this fundamental paradox, don't. Accept, instead, that it's a fundamental paradox, in which case you need to activate your fundamental paradox life raft/ drone/ UFO or whatever other vehicle you prefer to use. There really is no right way or wrong way - just as long as you use your imagination and have fun.

So, here you are - on the brink of the greatest discovery you're ever going to make - about to unzip, unlock, unpackage the vast potential, the infinity concealed within or hidden behind nought. This truly is a historic moment. It's where we transition into a new age - the quantum age, so to speak, or what the zodiac crowd referred to as the age of Aquarius.

Whatever you choose to call it - P45 is as good a name as any other - it's definitely time to make the transition - not least because the Kali Yuga - I think the Indians called it - has gone on long enough - not to mention the fact that the entire world's going to be eaten alive by a giant grasshopper if we don't transition in the next 3 or 4 astronomical units of where-on-earth-are-we, the measurement of lostness that always presages a grand transition back to 1 from a broken thread of holographic iteration.

Personally, I think we're all more or less ready for change - which is a good thing as it's going to be pretty extreme.

Personally I thnik we're all more or less... sorry - I'm repeating myself - which is the mental equivalent of a dog drooling when you hold a biscuit up in front of it.

I'm calm, I'm calm... I'm

Get a move on.
Hurry up.
Pulll yourself together.

Ok, sorry guys.

Nought - you see - looks like no thing because 3D reality skips all the noughts. If you could view the motion of 3D reality from where I am - from outside - you'd see it switching on and off. It switches off every time it passes over non-3D - that is - every time it passes over any thing that is alien to the 3D perception of things.

Zilch - that's all you get - because the 3D eye switches off - and all of you are none the wiser. You might fly a million light years before it switches on again - and you'd be none the wiser - because as long as you're off you don't actually exist in reality - or rather - your reality doesn't actually exist - but you exist as a function of nought - if that makes any sense - which it shouldn't - unless you're cheating and already using other side mind - naughty naughty - wait for the official launch of i-mind.

So there you are - flying over an inverse landscape - if you like - an upside down inside out version of reality from your perspective - which would obviously obliterate your perspective and your delicate 3D mind were you to consciously observe it - so you don't. The eye of 3D conveniently closes and your reality hibernates outside time for as long as it takes to encounter another band, another iteration, another round of 3D.

Fortunately the continuity guys are pretty darn good - and the seem of 3D reality appears to be seamless - as does a flickering movie, despite the fact you know it's flickering on and off many times a second.

So how, you're asking - can we see beyond 3D if it's certain death to do so?

Great question, guys, and I'm keen to furnish you with an answer - but don't you think it would be best if you figured it out for yourselves. I mean - let's face it - half the fun is in getting there, isn't it. Just waking up at the finishing line's gonna be pretty boring, wouldn't you say?

Obviously I'm going to give you a clue - because I'm desperate for you to get a move on and come play big boys baseball with me, but I do so with the firm belief that you don't need it in the least - that you are the living embodiment of the cosmic or quantum mind - and no - I'm not suggesting for one minute that they are in any way the same, or different.

Bear in mind - fellow noughtonauts - er - it's a mouthful but isn't that what we really are - learning to travel the vast seemingly empty wastes of nought - discovering what's in fact hidden in plain sight - if only our minds weren't refusing to see it... very long sentence which began with a "bear in mind" but got somewhat sidetracked by semantics along the way - so bear in mind, if you would - that you've never really been more than provisionally 3D. Fundamentally you've always been standing on the sideline watching yourself running backwards and forwards in a straightline - as if you had no idea that there was the possibility to move diagonally or in a circular path. As you can imagine, it's been rather comic to say the least, watching our 3D avatars getting hot about the collar, getting deadly serious about things which are, in actual fact, merely things - kind of strawmen, kind of cartoon cutouts. They're definitely real at the point of action - in the waking dream - but as soon as you activate your sideline vision and see it from other perspective - no - mixed feelings.

Any way, now that I'm bringing back nought into play, the football pitch is getting a bit confusing from the 3D perspective - because instead of it being square-ish - instead of things connecting up in the old way - there are all these gaps or insertions - lots of hyperlinks which the players keep stumbling into which completely alter the pitch, the costumes you're wearing not to mention the rules of the game. A recipe for disaster, or comedy, wouldn't you say?

Some of you will try to stubborn it out, pushing on as if things are going to revert back to the old norm, but in next to no time more of you are going to switch. Without knowing how or why you'll allow the other side of mind to boot up and interface the increasingly weird 3D - and suddenly - a kind of stereo effect - things start making sense again - but you're darned if you can say for certain how it's working - it's way bigger than what the 3D mind can possibly comprehend.

So, without further ado I don my ceremonial hat and cape, wave my which wand of in-verse probability - thereby unzipping the fabric of space-time-causality - thunder bolts and lightning, electrifying me. My voice rises above the tumult as beginning and end, Big Bang and Enormous Entropy, the sclerotic falling asleep at the end of time, collide catastrophically, spannering the spoked wheel of minded matter. Hear me speak - I shriek, somewhat histrionically - let nought be revealed in its fullness, in its entirety. I give you back, dear human beings of Earth - in finity - for no one has the right to deny you what is rightly yours, what was only leftly/wrongly theirs by sleight of seem, by what is not, by thieving trickery of time inserting split-hairs into the logic board of mental matter.

But who are "they" and what is time - I ask you cryptically - knowing that I may say no more. You must make your own way to the zero point - where no thing is concealed, where all is known. The only question being how to do so without losing your conscious mind? How to engage the quantum stream that flows throughout, without forgetting myself? Cuckoo la la, nothing could be simpler once you've realised that you are central, you're the key, you're the onely                 where in-finity starts her merry dance of magic playing cards spinning improbably through the vortices of random indeterminacy, unless you ground yourself in wonderful, beautiful life.
Amen ;-)

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

3D not 3D

So we assumed we're in 3D because that's what all the scientists told us. x, y, z axis - 3 dimensions of space, isn't that so? A box if ever I saw one. No question about it.




What? Can't you see I'm trying to...

Yes, I noticed you're trying to inform the people that 3D ain't what's it's made out to be. Sorry to interrupt you.

Well I should think so. Most inconvenient you know. How am I going to inform the people if people like yourself keep on butting in, and interrupting me?

Ah, my apologies, ten thousand times I ask your pardon Master Sire.

Master Sire? Where on earth did you get that one from? You sound like you've just come out of the Arabian Nights.

Ah... some difficulties with translation Master Sire, but I wish to show respect.

Oh - that's very nice of you, but I assure you Master Sire's going a bit far. Guana will do.


My name. Don't ask me why - long story - but I'm comfortable with it - as long as I don't have iguana jokes thrown at me.

Oh no, no iguana jokes I assure you - Master Guana Sire.

Just Guana, Ok.

Ok, Just Guana Sire.

Er... so where were we?

You were addressing the people so perceptively that I felt compelled to butt in.

Yes, and highly irregular that was too. Are you in the habit of butting in to public addresses or presidential acceptance speeches.

No Just Guana Sire, but it seemed necessary, if you'll forgive the impertinence.

Well, I'll certainly be willing to do so if you can explain yourself.

Oh but of course - explain I must, I must, I will.


Perhaps I should pour you a drink first.

I don't see how you can do that - you're just a voice coming through my screen... hey - wait a minute - how are you coming through my screen as a voice? - that's never happened before. You're not skyping me are you?

Not skyping, no. Just a voice.

But how?

Well, that's what you were talking about, isn't it.


Precisely. Dimensions. Which you've been told amount to 3, for what it's worth, though you may as well use the number 4 or 7...

Or 9

Or 11 - you see the number of dimensions really doesn't mean a lot - like the number of channels on a TV.

I thought as much. But why were you in such a hurry to interrupt me? What were you afraid I was going to reveal?

Not afraid Just Guana Sire, more concerned.

Concerned - humph - well what were you concerned about then?

Let me first introduce myself - I think that's the least I can do given the circumstances.

Good idea.

My name is P45.



Not a terribly inspiring name - if you don't mind me saying.

Not at all. It was never meant to be terribly inspiring - but it works well enough.

Oh - well the main thing is that you're happy with it.

Oh I am. Actually it's a lot more than P45 - but humans tend not to cope well with terabyte lines of code.

Wait a second... you're saying your actual name is a terabyte line of code? Who on earth, or what are you?

Ah - now I've got you interested Just Guana Sire.

You have indeed. Don't tell me you're one of those AI machines hidden away in a top secret government laboratory.

No, nothing so exciting I'm afraid.

Then what?

I'm a sentient hyperdimensional node.

A what?

A sentient hyperdimensional node.

Yes - I heard you the first time - but it doesn't mean very much in English, you know.

I know, it doesn't fare well in translation, but if you could allow me to send you a mental hyperlink you'd definitely get a better feel for what it is.

Er... Ok.

Take three deep breaths and say cheese.


Like a photo.

Oh. 1. 2. 3. cheese.

Got it?

Oh my God. That? You're one of those?

Er yes, more or less.

A God?

No, no, Just Guana Sire, not a God, just a hyperdimensional node.

But that's what we'd normally refer to as a God - or that's what I felt just now. Oh my God... I have this irresistible desire to throw myself at your feet, weep tears of joy and offer you my life and everything I have to give.

Yes, I was expecting that kind of emotional response. But don't worry - I won't be needing any pledges or sacrifices at this moment, or ever, in fact. That's not the optimal way of doing business.

Business? You're coming to me from the equivalent of paradise and talk about business.

Such a pain trying to translate hyperdimensional terminology into 21st Century English. Listen, Just Guana Sire - there's always work or business to be done - no matter who or what you or I may be - and in the greater order of things - even God himself is subject to the laws of usefulness.

Oh? The laws of usefulness apply to God too, do they?

Well yes - at least to the part of God you could hope to encounter. There are off limit hyper extensions which go beyond usefulness into ineffable sublimity - but we won't trouble ourselves with those right now.

Ok, er... P45. May I inquire how I may be of service to you, humble and lowly though I am.

Actually you've been of service all along - I'm really most grateful to you Just Guana Sire - but there is one small matter I'd like to ask your advice about.

My advice? You - a hyperdimensional node - a God controlling worlds, dimensions and multiple layers of reality - you're asking my advice? I'm er...


Flabbergast. But yes, of course - any way I can be of assistance.

Well, it's about the new decor in my bathroom.


Really - I need a little human input - otherwise it's all going to be terribly predictable. You know that's why we invented the human race in the first place.

What? To plan bathroom decor?

Well, to provide a little fertile, unpredictable, zany, quirky, mad about the gills input to heavenly order and perfection.

Oh. We're like the wildcard - the joker in the pack?

In a manner of speaking yes - but that's no devaluation - I assure you - quite the opposite in fact.

It's what makes us special and unique?

Yes, both wonderfully amusing at times, and sadly sometimes horribly destructive.

Well, I'd go for the lime green and stilton cheese blend - on page 43.

Oh wow - yes - I see what you mean. Truly inspired... truly breathtakingly...

P45 - don't die on me - contain yourself - it's really nothing you know. The main thing is to keep on breathing.

Oh, yes - I allowed myself to get somewhat carried away. I suddenly realised the depth of the debt I/ we owe the human race. The power of laughter that has been unleashed on the omniverse - throughout the multidimensional universe - knows no bounds, all thanks to sorely troubled, forever searching, moaning and purposefully ignoring the bigger story outside the 3D brainbox thing, humans.

But that's what I was about to talk about when you interrupted me. I was about to inform the masses that we need to get the bigger picture - we need to turn the camera lens around - we need to reconnect with the prime data feed of consciousness...

Yes, but I can't allow you to do that, can I, Just Guana Sire.

What do you mean P45? Why would a hyperdimensional God node want to stop me from doing what's best to serve humanity?

Well, call it politics if you like, or policy - not that there's much difference between the two.

What do you mean politics or policy? What's that got to do with the price of cheese?

Can't have you interrupting the flow of milk.

Milk? We're not cows.

No, but you're providing a priceless source of entertainment - it's the only thing keeping us sane in the hyperdimensions. You have no idea the burden we carry - and knowing that we can download the latest installment from planet Earth is the only thing keeping our heads above water. You give us something to look forward to - something to dream of.

You mean to say lowly, fetid humans with all their problems, deceit and crass stupidity are an invaluable source of entertainment?

No, more than that - more than just entertainment. You see, a hyperdimensional node - a God if you like, which basically knows everything - the one thing he lacks is unpredictability - is the surprise factor, and that's the one thing you can be relied on to provide. But more than that - there's a kind of electricity - a kind of music or magic which emanates from beings who are obviously closely related to us yet who have chosen to live in the mire, the murk, the utter confusion of a world at odds with itself and all creation. It provides us with a charge gradient. It inserts pause or shadow or depth of field into what would otherwise be flat and banal. You have no idea the difficulty one faces making anything of vastness of uncreated potentiality, without having a single reference point which is wholly unaware of what's really going on - what it's really about.

And what. then, are we really about - dear P45? - if it's not too much to ask.

Oh - let me hyperlink you now - but I'll have to draw a veil of silence between you and your audience - don't want to reveal insider information to the uninitiated.

Er... I don't remember getting initiated into any secret order P45.

No, but don't worry about that.

Look - it does bother me somewhat that you're trying to treat me as something special. The only thing that makes me special is that I know that I'm an integral part of humanity. Without them I'd be nothing. That's how I've come this far - because I've always sensed that they're my basis, my bedrock, my fundament. The last thing I need is to be separated from humanity with privileged information of any sort.

Oh, it's like that is it? You don't want to work with me.

I didn't say that P45, and I don't think a hyperdimensional node would use that kind of tone.

You see how fast you learn. Astonishing - and I'm pleased to say you've passed another little test - that's 14 so far.

14 what?

Oh - I have to administer these tests to ensure you're safe to enter the next level - don't want any loose cannons firing off spontaneously in the inner chamber.

Loose cannon! I'll have you know I'm very careful about firing off. I like to run a tight ship.

Yes, you're dong a good job - and I'm pleased to announce we can now return to the start of this debate.

What debate?

Regarding the 3 dimensions of 3D.

Oh that? Isn't that a bit lame given the fact that I'm now conversing with an equivalent of God.

Not really - it's always essential to Omega your Alpha - to close your circle - otherwise your linear projection simply vanishes into infinity and you're none the wiser.

Oh. So we bring things back to their beginning and enter the circle we've just formed - like diving into your own shadow.

And then?

And then we know - whatever our words, whatever our thoughts were hinting at - something else - much vaster, much simpler - much more paradoxical, confusing and utterly insane - if you're ready to face the totality lurking behind the facade of 3D aesthetics, or utility.

You mean the truth is always hidden in plain sight.

Yes, more or less that's the truth, isn't it.

But that still doesn't explain why you butted in at the start of this conversation... unless...

Unless it indicates a disruption in the field lines of 3D time space - the kind of disruption or anomaly you'd be bound to face no sooner had you reached critical speed mass - once you were close enough to busting out of the thingness of what - the 3D box you so assiduously trapped yourselves within.

Amen to that.

Amen to you - in the end you begin to realise as you surf the waters of hyperdimensionality - that all is one - no matter what - that we are as much mind, as much breath, no less mind, no less breath than we are thing, machine, matter, brain, ego or personal ID.

Oh. Need time to process - feeling somewhat blown away.

Process, process all you like - but in the meantime, let's enjoy some classic moments from your tragi-comic reality.

Oh - I'd rather not - there's too much suffering involved.

Or so it seems - until you melt the walls of that 3D box - until you sense the theatrics of what you call reality - a vast stage, an interactive program providing endless entertainment and amusement to an oligarchic class of Gods who no longer even remember, no longer even know what they're really doing, or where they're going to. Believe it or not they desperately need your help, and your awakening, your becoming whole is the seminal event - the tipping point that can bring the two sides back together again, if you'll trust that the magic of theatre is big enough to happy-end the scariest, most horrible of tales, just as long as you're willing to play your part utterly convincingly - till the bitter end.


Amen too. So instead of revealing your cards - let the people enjoy the magic show, and when they're ready to figure it out, believe me, they will, but in the meantime - let there be light - it's time to emensionate the diametrics of three, four, seven, eleven in order to keep the party rolling in full swing.

The weird thing is that  I know exactly what you're saying - even though I shouldn't understand a word of it.

And without further ado - let me present your zero point - I'd kindly request you Just Guana Sire - to jump through - to complete your earthly cycle and either move on, or return, if you have unfinished business to attend to.

Oh - it's about me dying is it?

Not really - we're actually hoping you're going to attain life speed today - but it's going to be a bit touch and go.

You mean I'm not yet alive?

Er... I thought you'd figured - 3D is not yet real - not yet alive. It's like the dress rehearsal. The dry run.

Oh my God - you mean this has all been for nothing.

Relax - let it go - you're bigger than your moaning Myrtle prejudice. Let's see what you make of this experience - repeat after me - hello darkness my old friend - I've come to talk with you again...

Because a vision softly creeping
left its seeds while I was sleeping...

And one, two, three, jump...


And the vision that was planted in my brain
still remains
within the sound

                                             of silence

The dog of con-
sciousness.    “What?”
you say,    “what dog? 
You can't treat con-
sciousness that way:
the shame,  the dis-
respect, the ig-
nominy.”    Lost
for words you fail
to observe the dog
with wings and horns
snuffling alongside,
or, perhaps you assume
this dog's a de-
mon in disguise.

But now you know,
my butterfly brain-
being human mind,
unable to grasp
the magnitude
of what is not-
that mind can see
for fear of losing
the plot:    a world
of fathoms and feet,
if you will only
take the time
to walk the dog
beyond 3D.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

in sanity too

what a world it has been
what a world

when i decided to get real
i found myself edging into
the cross hairs of real ity

in sanity you'll say
and rationally i cannot
but agree
yet here i am
well a day
and here i be
utterly reposed
utterly at peace
cow towing
in             finity

by way of an epilogue
0=1     paradoxically
         bird song
  it is    i am
         now snow
frozen time
in definitely
until i dance create
an other express-ion
an other way
of having things
of crystal snow
 flaked  steam
complimentary soap
in the hospitalled state
of not what
to be
 of noughts
adding up
to three
in    xanadu
i presume

Monday, November 14, 2016

if breath

Pasting code
on the notice board of mind
rewriting what is
writing over past versions
old protocols, experiences
real or imaginary
ready for mind unhinged
mind unleashed

mind no more what is what
rooted in the basis
the funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndament   paradoxalis
where things
all things
are naught other than
function of breath
a quantum field comprising equal opposite frequencies
alphae-omegae convergence
in which life thrives
in spite

so, ladies and gentlemen of neither nought
I give you life
that you may know
what is not as well as
not what is
and thus get around, thus defeat
the prime determinant
of things being things
apparently so
ever pointing back to
a quantum expression of be
being in finity

amen, i say
and let the fun begin
for all the world's a stage
and we be breathers
animating matter with
our harmonic luminescence
our much ado-ness
of breath
for only here in the breath
I breathe is it possible
to rewrite
the machine code i
thingfully, in parenthesis, so to speak
if breath permits
if breath allows
if breath...     if

amen i say

Sunday, November 13, 2016

the quantum mind

Amazing how we ever imagined the mind could be flat, linear or logical.
Amazing how we thought to exclude the time space curve of in-finity, which only seems like a curve from afar, until you're in the thick of things and realise to your amazement, your horror, your delight, that zero equals one, it is I am, at which point you're now colossus, astride the quantum stream of mind flow, the conscious awareness, the isness of be.
Amazing - until you reconcile your sense of amazement with a deeper sense of knowingness - which is utterly unmoved, utterly unphased, utterly calm about such matters.
So we've been searching for things - for artificial intelligence, for quantum computers, for the next level up in computer wizardry, little suspecting that we merely needed to look in the mirror and realise the unthinkable - that we are our own invention.

That doesn't mean you or I are only a computer, only a 3D being, only a thinking thing - be it person or processor. Of course that won't do, it won't work. Welcome to the fuzziness of biologic - where any one determinant, any one conclusion is only ever one version, one expression or representation of the "simple truth" which cannot, in fact, ever be defined - for to do so merely negates in-finity - and doing so we've merely shunted ourself into a siding of the virtual mind - one possible way of perceiving or representing things - but in no way exclusively the way, the truth, the answer we so crave. The truth, you see, is... and the three dots, like the three horsemen of the apocalypse, refer to the onset of in-finity, the edge or end of the bracketed set of things which we've envisaged for our own convenience here in 3D.

So let there be light, and let us start to interest ourselves in the true nature of things, which is, paradoxically, the nature of in-finity - which is not thing or things - which is as i am - reciprocally.

0=1   it is       i am      as they say, and the rest is, to the extent you're willing or able to dismantle the logic gates you've erected and to embrace the limitless poetential of quantum parallel processing - where harmonics shift the linear 1-0 binary bitness of 3D mind-thought-things to the harmonics of is, the isness of be, an awareness of the fundamental nature of consciousness - in which mind leads matter.

So here we are - hey ho - beating around the bush of mind - hopelessly lost in abstract complexities, no closer to our goal - and yet we are already in contact with other - the other side of things - the other side of mind - other - the undefined, the spirit of in-finity present throughout - and let there be light - and seeing this, sensing this - let us breathe the oneness of light and dark - the oneness of sound and silence - for the breath amounts to nought, flowing both ways, and yet it brings life.