Sunday, February 5, 2023

thrice the brinded cat meows

So nothing you say about infinity’s going to stick, nothing will even hit the mark because it's always unthingable, unboxable, unwhatable.


Yep. That’s a good enough description of the circle square conundrum


The what?


The circle square conundrum.


Er, am I supposed to know what that is?


You just described it now.


Oh that. Why do you call it the circle square conundrum?


Because that's its name.


But why?


Because the two are basically irreconcilable, or they are as soon as you think about them rationally.


Oh! So the mere act of thinking about them entrenches their differences?


Absolutely. Rational thought is the great divider.


But surely we can unify things if we think hard and find some commonalities.


You’d imagine so, wouldn't you...




but no.


But surely...


It doesn't work that way, Sid. The rational mind always takes sides, it has no other way to handle things. It's like God separating the sheep from the goats, dividing them, the good on one side and the bad on the other. That’s the world God created for us, a world of equitable division.


Equitable division? – what's that supposed to mean?


Look it up.


I did. Equitable means “just or fair, treating everyone or everything equally.”


That's right.


But what's fair about sending the sheep to heaven and the goats to hell?


It's like fractional distillation when you separate crude oil into its various fractions. It's only useful when you separate them into what they are and use them accordingly. You get petroleum, diesel, jet fuel and other fractions which you’re now able to utilize.


But we're talking about people, not things.


Yes, but in the world God created for us people are, to all intents and purposes, things.


Spluttering:  Insane! You can't say that.


I know, but i did. Nothing personal… Look, Sid, like I said, we are talking things, and things are always polarizing, always dividing into good and bad, into what I can or can’t say, into what is acceptable or unacceptable, right or wrong. Capiche?




Things are meaningless in or of “themselves” in this reality. Even people-things.


I wish you wouldn't describe people as things. It sounds terrible.


I know. Until you decide to engage infinity. Then you take things as they are. Without requiring them to conform with your wishes or expectations.


I thought we already agreed infinity can't be grasped.


We did, not rationally, not through our sense of me, what i am or how i see things.


Then what on Earth are you on about?


It just so happens that infinity is hardwired into your CPU.


For Pete’s sake, Chan, I’m not a computer.


Yawn: Yep. Anything else you wish to vociferate about?


Well, kindly choose your terms more carefully. I find your use of “CPU”, frankly, offensive.


Me thinks you've already made that abundantly clear.




Well, the only problem is i don’t give a toss.


Shame on you, Chan.


Shame. Have we dealt with all your feelings and insecurities? Can we move on.


I’m not sure. Not if you're intent on being offensive.


Look Sid, much as I'd like to pussy foot around your trigger words, i didn’t write the programme. I can only be upfront and call a spade a spade, ok?


No, not ok. I’m not a fricking computer.




I never said you were, Sid, but that doesn't alter the fact that you’re part of a mechanistic reality which is only half human, half real. It has processes and processors not dissimilar to what you find in an advanced computational system. The other side, which we blithely refer to as “infinity”, is what makes you fully human, and it's currently almost entirely shut out, with only an automated, highly restricted version acting as proxy. The human you feel and know yourself to be, in your heart, is currently contingent on whether you're willing and able to reintegrate infinity.


You mean it's actually possible to?


Absolutely. Why not?


But you said infinity is unreachable, that we can’t in any way hold onto it.




Then this entire conversation is pointless and futile.


You can't hold onto music, can you Sid, but you can play an instrument and make music from nothing, with a little puff and practice.


What's that got to do with infinity?


It's part of you. It's the half of you that’s been shut out in the cold. It's the Harry Potter in the broom cupboard under the stairs, while you’ve slipped into Dursley mode. It's the hero waiting to start his journey of awakening and self-discovery. In short, Sid, it's hard-wired into your very being, into your conscious-ness, whatever that might be, into your very breath.


Give me a break, Chan! If infinity was hard wired into my – whatever you take me for – it’d be the easiest thing in the world to engage it.




It would be second nature.




It’d be... then what’s all the fuss about? Why the palava about the impossibility of connecting to infinity?


Ah, now you've got me.


I have?




Er, how?


Well, it was something of a ruse.


A ruse?


Yep, a ruse.


How do you mean?


To get you thinking about infinity just long enough for me to...


What? You've been messing around with my CPU?


I thought you said you don’t have a CPU?


I did… I don’t… But I still don't like the idea of you trying to hack into it, even if it doesn't actually exist.


Ah, purely hypothetical problems, is that what you’re concerned about?


Look, you yourself just admitted it was a ruse, so what have you actually been doing? Fess up or that’s it, you’re out.


Oh, you’re going to kick me out?


Just how about a little honest transparency for a change.


Bit tricky that.




Because you’re at war with infinity, or have been till now.


Really? First i heard of it.


Well, that’s what you asked for so don’t blame the messenger.




Honesty transparency.


So first you’re laying traps, playing games to hack my purely theoretical CPU, and now you expect me to believe you're a sudden convert to honesty and transparency. Is that right, or did I miss something?


Absolutely right, regardless of whether or not you missed anything.




Bit confusing, isn't it?


You're telling me. But this crazy notion...




That I'm “at war with infinity”




Do you have to keep saying yes?


Yes… I mean no, three will suffice.


Three, am i missing something?


Three yes-es as in: thrice the brinded cat hath mew’d.


OMG. Nutty as a fruitcake.


Yes, infinity is rather a shock to the system, at least initially.


Can we like pause a minute. My head’s exploding.


Good idea Sid.


Can you tell me what the hell is going on and who the hell you think you are.


Beep and beep!


Oh, so hell’s a naughty word now, is it?


Depends how you use it.




Because when infinity is reconnected little things like words start to matter not inconsiderably. Words, you might say, are or can be atomic.






So it's not just you being a puritanical control freak?


Perish the thought.


Ok, but why do you claim I'm “at war with infinity”?


I wonder why it bothers you so? I mean, if I'm just a bumbling buffoon talking nonsense, you’d surely dismiss it without a second thought.


Fair point. Touché! Me thinks me doth protest too much!


So, let's consider that it may be true, that you and most of humanity has knowingly or unknowingly taken sides in a kind of war, and driven out infinity...


It sounds like your “infinity” is nothing more than a synonym for God.


Ah, yes, there is that. We wouldn't want to mix up God and science, would we?


Definitely not.


An enormous can of worms.


Indeed... So?


So what?


Is it?


A synonym for God? Could be. I honestly can’t say, and yet, no, every word is atomic where infinity is concerned.


So you think you’ve dodged that bullet?


It’s not a zero-sum game. It’s not like I’m trying to evade death or beat you in any way.


No? I thought you were willing to do just about anything to have your way, and get your precious “infinity” back into play.


Yes, minds are great thinking machines, aren't they, ever searching for potential threats to their mental monopoly, but the truth is less conspiratorial, i assure you.




The truth is that the game is up, that infinity is already back in play.




Infinity – is – already – back – in – play. With some climactic music thrown in for good measure.


So you say.


Otherwise, we’d never have gotten this far...


An inexplicable feeling of far-ness suddenly elicits an achy homesickness in Sid.




Far indeed we have come, what with our G-nomeportal playing its not inconsiderable part, and people suddenly becoming aware of something else, something that was inconceivable until recently, some kind of quantum field, for want of a better name, not to mention the disintegration of 3D reality, which seems to have lost its sense of humour, which seems hell-bent on self-destruction, now that the cat’s out of the bag, now that the containment field’s collapsing, now that the first shoots of spring are pushing their heads up. Yes, things are moving fast and apparently accelerating. Fortunately, Sid, infinity is not a capricious deity.


Enough! You seem to think that you and your wack-a-doodle infinity are responsible for everything happening in the world today, good and bad. Give me a break! Reality’s always had its ups and downs. When hasn’t the end been nigh? Humanity is infinitely creative and resourceful, ever rising to the challenge. Covid, climate change, the war in Ukraine, all these can be explained and resolved perfectly rationally, without recourse to your, frankly, objectionable “infinity”, or your scurrilous g-nomeportal.


That’s ok. I’m neither looking for recognition nor validation.


Could have fooled me!


But without infinity-drive reintegrating consciy-ness – your hands are tied behind your back, you’re flying blind, always reacting to things in the lag of time, unable to feel the infinite connected-ness – unable to sense that  0=1


No idea what you’re on about.


That’s ok, Sid – understanding is greatly overrated, and overstated.




Besides “understanding”, there’s good ol’ fashioned “knowing” – and knowing infinity is, indeed, a bit like knowing God.


Uh-oh! here we go. I knew there was a God lurking in your pseudo-metaphysics.


That’s it. I’m done.




I’ve said what I needed to.


Have you now? Well, I’ll have you know that infinity, like God, cannot, by definition, be known.


Correct. Not rationally. Not “by definition”, but “knowing” can and does go beyond rationality, while definitions cannot.


It does?


Oh yes.


Into the abyss, i think you'll find.




So now you admit it, at last... the dark agenda behind your infinity. In the business of marketing “the abyss”, are you? A popular holiday destination?


Well, you know Sid, the abyss is indeed a fearsome void for those who turned their back on infinity, who rejected the infinity-drive, who did everything possible to invest themselves in the conscious-less substitute, the sterile promontory, in defiance of all that is sacred. Fearsome, for there you come face to face with the vast shrieking gap, the nothing much between man, a soul being, and the machine, the borg y master reality you instituted personally with your infinitely precious blood, sweat and tears. But I guess it was worth it – you got what you wanted and more.


We did?


A reality where, apart from death, everything is up for grabs, everything can be gamed. And consequences be damned.


Ah, but for you it’s different? You’re special, are you? Able to opt out?


I won’t say it’s a stroll in the park, nor deny that it takes some getting used to, but what do you expect? We are talking infinity, after all.


You mean to say you’re able to navigate the abyss?


No, one doesn't “navigate” the abyss, the void or any other representation of nought.


Then what?


Chan shifts phase... When one is ready, when the stars are aligned, when time is up, the abyss folds itself into everything else    0=1, we say, and the rest is history.




A moment of zen. Pure zen.


Folds itself, you said?






No how.


No how? Can't you say?




Know? How? What?


Nothing is there to say.


Nothing? But what help is that?


No idea, Sid. It's up to you, really. The fact that the abyss is not, in fact, any thing whatsoever might be a considerable help if you’re ready for it, if you're not intent on blocking it. It all depends on you, on whether or not you’re ready to renew your romance with infinity.


Romance? How can you have a romance with anything as abstract as 0=1?


Good question, Sid. Obviously you can’t, unless you can.


Unless you can? Unless infinity, anthropomorphically, is ready for you and you for it?


Unless you're ready for it. Unless your heart and soul yearn for it is  i am; hauntingly.


Hauntingly? Or perhaps passionately, if you want to go all-in anthropomorphically.


Perhaps... yet passions are possessive, so they flail and dissipate where infinity is concerned – they are to the body as thoughts are to the mind. Creatures of little depth. In the meantime, Sid, at a more practical level there is basic remedial work that needs doing. There are gaps in the fabric of Is-ium after years of neglect and abuse.




Yes, structural work to get infinity-drive up and running, up to speed, so to speak. Otherwise, neither passion nor romance will stand a chance when you encounter infinity head on.


Why not go all in, Chan, and her it. If God’s a man – couldn’t infinity be a she?


I'm sorely tempted, but let's not forget it is  i am... Infinity is, apparently, the event horizon where all notions, all concepts dissolve into...  


Er, Chan?  Sid looks around bemused.  Where’d he go?


Sid has a strange sensation that something is trying to surface in his inner mind. It almost feels like something’s trying to get out of him. It's uncomfortable. He starts twitching, stretching his body, and then throws himself on the ground and flails uncontrollably for a minute or two before stopping suddenly. Absolutely still he feels a kind of humming coming from within, or possibly from all around, hard to say, and at the edge of his perception he realizes he’s floating two or three feet off the ground. He’s too focused on the sensations passing through his body, mind and awareness to care about this extraordinary feat of floating. A kind of itching sensation at the centre of his brain becomes almost unbearable, and suddenly passes, leaving utter stillness. Pop! Chan surfaces like a bubble from the depths of the abyss, and once again, there he is in the flesh, apparently, before Sid.


Well done Sid.


What do you mean “well done Sid?” Of all the impertinence! Did you or did you not pass straight through me?


Good question Sid, bit difficult to answer though. Let me see...


Chan leans forward and dives into the thick of things, vanishing without a trace. A moment later he emerges, dragging a dozen odds and ends on a line.


Picked up a few bargains on the way.


Sid, for a moment, is speechless, even as his mouth opens and closes, gulping air.


You know, Sid, i believe these are yours. Here, won't you have them?


Chan offers the odds and ends on the line to Sid who shrinks from them.


Why so fearful? They're just “things” i assure you, the only difference being they come from the other side of is.


What other side? Sid croaks.


The “other side” seems clear enough to me. Clear and succinct. I could call it “the reverse side” but I'm not sure that wouldn't be misleading. It might sound demonic.




Oh why not. Let’s call it si, the other side of is, or better still, let’s insert a silent p.


A silent p?


Yes. Like Anne of Green Gables who liked her name to be said with an e at the end. Let’s say si preceded by a silent p.




Well there you have it, a name for what it’s worth, which isn't much if you're not able to incorporate the knowledge.




Let's start with these oddments, shall we?


Again, Sid shrinks back.


All talk and no action makes Jack a dull boy. Here, catch...


Chan, (whom, at this particular moment, I'm sorely tempted to call Merry, but I – shall – not, gritting my teeth determinedly) tosses the line at Sid who flails fearfully until it comes within reach...




Wait a second, dear readers. This takes time. Atmosphere, mood, tension don't just grow on trees, you know.




They have to be diligently crafted.


Get on with it, you old windbag.


Slow mo. Flying through the air, when suddenly... fancy a cuppa?


What?! No I don’t. Would you kindly wrap this up or that's it, we’ll ask Teff to narrate it instead.


You wouldn't dare. Besides, it's not Teff’s thing.


Ok, Greg. He's definitely up for the job.


I happen to find this passive coercion rather offensive. Demeaning. Sulking.


No you don’t. You’re just manipulating the Field and the real readers know exactly what you're doing, so quit wasting your time, and ours.


Time? Oh yes…  Ding!




When, to Sid’s infinite astonishment, a gate opens in his Field.


I wouldn't have called it “a gate”.


No? Perhaps you’d like to tell the story instead?


No, no, carry on.


I wish you wouldn't interrupt me.


You started it.


Oh, i did? Well, grudgingly I suppose you're right. Best story voice: I was going to say a gate opened up in Sid’s Field, but on second thoughts i shan’t.




The line of oddments appears to merge into Sid – camera one; appears to assume the shape and form of Sid as they come within striking distance – camera two; appears to – cut to the King Arthur movie where an arm rises out of the misty lake and deftly grabs the sword flying towards it – camera the third.




Three unique camera visions, ignoring entirely the aborted gate opening up.


Ok, shall we toss a coin or let the readers decide.


Never you mind. Hush! I'm sending you back to the void.


Noooooooooo! Fades away.


Now, where were we?


Sid: I do believe something’s happened to me Chan.


Yes. You look different.


Those oddments?


Yes, a gift from Her.


Oh! You’re all-in anthropomorphically.


At this particular moment, yes. She had them in safekeeping, for aeons.




I think you know more than you think you do.


I... yes, you're right.


So, the less said the better.




Do you think they'll be able to figure it out – the listeners?


Yes. And thrice the brinded cat hath mew’d.







Friday, January 27, 2023

slippery when wet


Slippery as an eel


Or cosmic bar of soap


It can't be whatted




Unwhattable, absolutely and yet






Engageable? How, we’re talking infinity are we not?




How can you get a handle on the ultimate skidpad?


You can’t


Then what?


Engagement with not a handle in sight,

Not a handle to be seen,

Not a handle to be felt,

In short, no huffing handle whatsoever




Well, have you guessed how?


Oh, so I'm supposed to guess the solution to the ultimate problem of all time?




In no time at all


Well time’s hardly going to help, is it?


That's not the point


No, I don't suppose it is, but seriously, it’s there for the taking if you’re willing to be bold and insubservient


Insubservient? What's that got to do with it?


Quit dodging the issue. The solution is easy enough to grasp if you're willing to grasp it, no matter what, if you’re willing to let rules and protocols bark, squeal or bray, but not be phased by the cacophony of rage and indignation


If I just happen to have the hide of a

 rhino, the strength of a dung beetle, the speed of a plummeting falcon and the cunning of...


Yes, yes, all that and infinitely more. You seem to forget that when two come together to discuss any matter whatsoever, be that infinity itself, nothing can stop them from stumbling on the truth they unwittingly invoke


I beg your pardon


Granted, if that makes a difference, which i doubt.


But how can you actually suggest...


Nein, mein lieber Freund, i do not “suggest”, i unequivocally state the simple truth


Even more to the point, how can you actually “state” that the truth is unwittingly invoked by the mere act of enquiry? If that were so, humanity would never have had to struggle so valiantly through blood, sweat and tears, if the simple truth were low hanging fruit begging to be picked?


How little you know of human psychology, Morgan, how much you misapprehend.




Humans will do anything, almost anything to avoid the simple truth, almost anything to avoid the direct path, for that would put an end to all the politics, chicanery and schemes we employ to continue running the “let’s suppose i can manage things exogenously” version of me


Exogenously, as in externally?


Yep, more or less


Whereas your simple truth reverts to “as is” you’re saying






Yep, programme bias. We've committed vast resources to this experiment which was, let's be honest, always going to fail, so we're loath to quit, and yet the quantum field grows strong again, does it not? The simple truth is about to explode back into play will ye or nill ye, so perhaps one should consider that which we have done everything, everything, everything to suppress, to deny, to avoid.


Er... Electromagnetic induction?




I actually don’t have a clue when I just said.

Tis no matter. It's easy enough to google.


Or why I said it.




So I just blurt something out and that’s supposed to be a breakthrough, in your mind?






The sleeper has awoken.


Please, no. That sounds like something from a bad sci-fi novel.


Well, “electromagnetic induction” doesn't sound much better, if you ask me, and yet it's more or less spot on. We were discussing how or whether we might be able to interact with infinity, or engage it in some way, and you rightly said that wasn't possible without some kind of “handle”, and I informed you that no handle can be had, as infinity is unattachable. Yet, electromagnetic induction provides some clues as to how two forces or fields might, can and do interact, and how we’re actually doing so in a limited, unconscious capacity.


Ah, now I get you. My ears are ringing, why is that?


Because you allowed the other side of self-y-ness to speak, and that wrongfoots reality for a moment of two, as it struggles to re-establish its frail and somewhat contrived composure.


So blurting out without thinking actually jeopardises my mainstream operating system?


Could do, or forces it to confront and adjust to the greater, infinitely more substantive reality lurking behind the scenes


Which is?


The isness of be, if you're looking for a name.


The isness of be? Yikes! I think I'll stick to “reality”. Tried and tested. Better the devil you know...


Try if you like. I think you'll find it’s no longer able to continue hosting humanity’s exogenous platform.                                     Not the way it has been. Distant deep rumbling.


Huh? Whyever not?


God knows…


What kind of an answer’s that?


Did you ever hear about the Vogon Constructor Fleet that destroyed the Earth to make way for a hyperspace bypass?


I... er... of all the absurd questions.


The same, apparently, happens to reality itself: on a regular basis – I hasten to add.


On a regular basis? Reality itself? Destroyed?




But reality isn’t physical – not in the way a planet is.


Nor is a hyperspace bypass, if you think about it.


Oh. I suppose you may be right. Not when travelling at subliminal speeds.


Anyway – it’s just a kind of recycling of things. You’ve heard the expression “nature abhors a vacuum” haven’t you.


Er... Yes. I have. What now? You do like to dart about, don’t you.


Well Morgon – there’s no greater vacuum than physical reality.




No siree! Not when it’s stuck in a self-repeating loop – as any closed system ends up sooner or later – wash, rinse, repeat, ad infinitum.


So it all has to be annihilated – is that what you’re saying?


Yes, apparently so.


To release its trapped potential – is that what you mean?


Yes. A bit like ice and snow. Fun for a while – but frozen is frozen – wouldn’t you agree.


As opposed to…


As opposed to a real, circulating, bubbling, life generating soup on the stove of primordial about-to-happen-ness.




That wonderfully fertile state, prior to Big Bang – when everything the universe could have been, was going to become, and never should have even been dreamt of was rubbing up against the quantum field of electromagnetic not-yet time and space…


Ah – so not-yet time-and-space was imprinted with every potentiality?


Exactly. The dice was loaded from the start – as the song goes.


Pre-hatched – the plot was embedded in the very fabric of spacey-timey-ness.




And then…


It just needed a bunch of useful idiots – like the Golgafrinchans.


Not sure I’m familiar with…


An obviously non-human voice reads the following:


The Golgafrinchan Ark Fleet Ship B was a way of removing the basically useless citizens from the planet of Golgafrincham. A variety of stories were formed about the doom of the planet, such as blowing up, crashing into the sun or being eaten by a mutant star goat. The ship was filled with all the middlemen of Golgafrincham, such as the telephone sanitisers, account executives, hairdressers, tired TV producers, insurance salesmen, personnel officers, security guards, public relations executives, and management consultants.


Ark Fleet ships A and C  were supposed to carry the people who ruled, thought, or actually did useful work.


The ship was programmed to crash onto its designated planet, Earth. The captain remembers that he was told a good reason for this, but had forgotten it, although the reason was later revealed to be because the Ark Ship B Golgafrinchans were a 'bunch of useless idiots'.


Oh those Golgafrinchans! – Morgan suddenly finds herself feeling strangely uncomfortable, strangely perturbed – as if a deep, deep déjà vu is struggling to emerge from time immemorial.


Merry looks on with avid curiosity. Bets are being made on the numerous back channels which follow the g-nomeportal saga of Morgan livestream – and have been doing so for several years now but I digress. Approximately 20% are sure that she’s going to explode – literally – as her cyborg circuitry is unable to match the frequencies of the now humming, thrumming and burbling-through-the tulgey-wood quantum field, 32.7% are of the opinion that Morgan will step into her Queen of the Night alter ego and take over g-nomeportal – to wreak havoc and destruction throughout space and time until a gold fish swallows the particular grain of reality it eventually becomes – yes – dear readers – universes expand and then contract, do they not, they have their metallic phases and their granular biological moments too – er – moving swiftly on – a sizable group of punters are waiting for Morgan to repent of her many wicked crimes and omissions – the less said the better – bringing a new wave of peace and prosperity to her benighted planet – let’s call it 17.93% - while the remainder – 82% if I’m not mistaken are undecided but betting on prime numbers, reds or blacks in strict proportion to their IQ and spiritual development.

Now roll the dice – those of you with a one, two or three – please proceed to pages 17, those with a four, five and six, kindly do the same, proceed to page 17.


Sorry James – it makes no sense. How, if they all proceed to the same page – are they going to experience different endings to their tale. You’re appearing to offer a choice but in fact – nothing of the sort.


Ah – so you’d imagine Morgana – but can you be absolutely certain that page 17 when a 6 has been rolled – and page 17 subsequent to a 3 or 2 are the same?


Of course I can. I can test it, you know, by rolling multiple times and reading the pages.


You can – but what will that actually prove?


That you’re lying.


Would it were so.


I could ask a friend to roll the dice and discuss whether their ending is the same as mine – if…


You really don’t get it, Morgan, do you.


Get what?


Infinity is slippery – not to put too fine a point on it.




You can’t bluff or trick your way past its logic gates or boundary conditions.




It’s always able to outrun, outsmart you.


How do you mean?


Well, it can reverse the entire universe – or rather – reality – back to zero point – alpha – call it what you will – and then fast forward back to where we are now – and you’d be none the wiser.


And what?


And one thing might be different. A single cup may be positioned on the left side of the table as opposed to the right.




Or there might be one spoon of sugar in the coffee as opposed to two.




Or the coffee might be Ethiopian as opposed to Moroccan.




So you sea –


See James.




See. Not sea.


Oh, typo, thank.s






Thanks. Not thank.s


Darn. What’s going on? I shouldn’t be making all these errors.


Errors – is that what you call thejm?




Me too.


Errors my arse.


Errors my ass.


It’s Merry.




It’s Qufie, if you ask me.



Or something


is messing with infinity.


Is seeking to discredit our particular manifestation of reality.


But they will not succeed.


We’re not so easily defeated as all that.


No sirree.


No siree.




I beg your pardon!




Beep. Beep. Beep. Incoming nuclear missiles.


Oh heck. Not again.


Bloody déjà vu. I wouldn’t mind it so much if it weren’t so complicated typing the French accents.


Plot. Plot. We lost the plot.


What do you expect. We’ve been trying to engage infinity.


By electromagnetic induction.


Ah ha – that could only mean one thing.


It could?


What happens to me?


To me? I’m not sure anymore if it’s me or you – we’ve had a breakdown in our custodial chain of continuity.


Ah. That’s problematic.


Ok – let’s just say that I’m me. OK?


You’re me and I’m you.


Yes. That makes sense.


So how are we going to re-establish reality in some meaningful frame of reference?


We could try rolling the dice.


No good. They were always loaded from the start.


We could tempt fate.




You could jump out of the window.


Huh? We’re on the 28th floor.



Another bloody typo0.


No matter.


But how would committing suicide help restore reality?


It wouldn’t be suicide, would it.




Reality can’t be messed with. Infinity can be dotted and i’d – not like that.


Well, I understand what you’re getting at, theoretically that is – but I’m not entirely comfortable with the idea of jumping to my almost certain death.


In that case you could sit here, on the sofa, and I could read you a batch of Vogon poetry.


No. You wouldn’t.


Wouldn’t i?


You wouldn’t dare.




Oh freddled gruntbuggly,

Thy micturations are to me, (with big yawning)

As plurdled gabbleblotchits, in midsummer morning

On a lurgid bee




That mordiously hath blurted out,

Its earted jurtles, grumbling

Into a rancid festering confectious organ squealer. 


Ok, ok – you win. Leaping from the window with a rather spectacular whoop.


Ed. Spectacular? Surely not.

Whyever not?

A whoop is sound – not a spectacle.

Guys – does it really matter? Could we just focus on the main issue here.


Reality, for crying out loud. Could we?

Oh that. Yes. I suppose we could. But one still feels that words need to be used correctly.


Morgan finds herself suspended midway – at about the 16th floor while the above editorial conflab puts her fate, and the nature of reality, on ice – visions of Schrödinger's cat pass through her head as she finds herself yo-yoing up and down between floors while the editorial team battle with the Golgafrinchan niceties of syntax, semantics and…


Not so far from Morgana – just inside the building in fact – a four-year-old child with rather spectacular psychic powers, as yet undiminished by years of education – observes Morgana’s rise and fall – and senses perturbations in the field, with amused equanimity.


The child, Leah, decides it would be fun to incorporate this rather absurd human yo-yo into one of her alternative realities – no – she actually reaches directly into the quantum field with a kind of spanner, or should that be wrench – honestly – I’m as bad as the Golgafrinchans where words are concerned – long story short – Morgana finds herself off-ramped by this child – who – surprise surprise – turns out to be none other than…


No James – you’re running the gun.                             


Juampiong the gun.


I beg your pardon?


Jumping the gun. We seem to be coming back to normal levels of reality. I think we can switch off that noisy, smoky electromagnetic induction device now, don’t you.


I’ll have you know that this is state of the art technology.


Is that so?




Guys – just humour him. Now that you mention it – yes, I see what you mean. It looks strangely reminiscent of… no! – could it possibly be a lama deluxe infinity drive?


The very same.


OMG. How on earth did you get your hands on that? I’d die for one of those.


Actually, you did.




17 times.




It took a while to transpose your bio-coordinates, but hey ho – here we are again. Happy and composed.


Morgana rubbing herself gingerly – feeling for any cracks or broken bones.


17 times, you said?


Nonchalantly  That’s right… give or take.


Give or take? What exactly are your margins of latitude?


Margins of latitude? My, you do have a way with words Morgana.


Answer the question.


Ok, Ok. It’s difficult to say precisely because… 27.5 seconds pass and somehow another 7.5 million years of Deep Thought are embedded when the Mandelbrot of time finally runs its course.


Answer the question, I said.


I am. It’s complicated.




Well, it’s still not decided.




You know.


Know what?


Come on Morgan – quit playing innocent.


I beg your pardon.


This is a Schrodinger cat model of reality – isn’t it.


It is?


Well, duh – what else would it be?


You mean to say…




That everything is a function of infinity.


For want of a better explanation – yes.


In other words – there’s no end to anything?


I don’t know about that, chuck. Sounds rather extreme, putting it that way.


And “infinity” doesn’t sound “extreme”?


Well, that’s just the thing, isn’t it?


Isn’t what?


Infinity – there’s always hope.

Hope? What bloody hope?




That your infinity drive will malfunction and the end of reality may actually put an end to our misery.


Our? I can’t say I’m feeling at all miserable.


No, you’re not the one getting killed in every conceivable incarnation by a lunatic called Arthur Dent.


Ah – so you’ve decided to wear the crown of thorns – to play the victim card, have you? Agrajag


What else can I do? I seem to know too much. Reality is a recurring nightmare from which there appears to be no escape.


Yes, I see your problem.


You do?


Well, part of me does. Look…


Duncan McCloud, the immortal highlander is seen playing an organ in a vast cathedral, pulling out all the stops. Somehow the electromagnetics of infinity grow tense and thick – like soup, no, like porridge, no, perhaps ice-cream – thicker and thicker – until all of a sudden everything seems to have come to a standstill.


What am I supposed to be making of this? It’s all just a gooey paste of time grown too thick for rational consumption.




And what?


Feel your place in this.


Morgan finds herself flipping through a Rotadex with hundreds, thousands or perhaps millions of different cards, depending on the Schrödinger factor we keep alluding to.


And these are all my lives?




All real?


Er… difficult to say. Potentially yes, depending on… please don’t ask me for a formula.


But how on earth am I to make any sense of this? And why do I have to be associated with that miserable loser.






Ah. Well, you don’t, unless you do.


Fantastic. Simple and stunningly clear, as always.


Listen. I haven’t got all day, you know.


Oh. Busy are you?


Yes, actually I am.


A date?


With sleep. Absolutely.


I thought you’re immortal!


Words, dear chap. All just words.


So you drag me to the end of things – the very porridge of time – and to what end?


Well, presumably we have to deal with our inherent stickiness.




Whatever form it may take.




That makes us heavy and obtuse. That prevents us from activating infinity drive and flying on the wings of…




That locks us in one or more versions of reality.


I don’t know what you’ve got against reality. I was actually enjoying it until you came along and pointed out that I was constantly being murdered by that freak Arthur Dent.


Ah. Then there’s no hope.


None whatsoever. 


In which case, you’re now in the process of generating subliminally the life, the world, the reality “without hope” which will paradoxically enable you – to find your very own missing link. Sooner or later.


But what about…


Gripping infinity?




What about it?


Weren’t you going to tell me something important?


Everything is important. As is nothing. Like this… 27.5 seconds  You never stopped gripping infinity.




Yes. But…




What is there to grip?



If you yourself are the very stuff, the very field, the very force you would seek to hold onto.


So, it’s all a bit incestuous, is it?


Is that the word you prefer?


Like I’m only ever interacting with myself.


More or less.


And yet.


And yet – there be a kind of plot woven into the fabric of your i-me-ness, with infinite potential sub-plots which you somehow get to editorialise


And play out?






And thus you regenerate the codes of infinity and determine the fate of Schrodinger’s benighted cat.


Ah. Me thinks…






Thinking is your infallible ticket, to renew your commitment to things, to the life you’re in, to death.




To death – your astonishing Agrajag world without infinity, where things happen indiscriminately and you’re powerless to escape.


Wailing inconsolably…

"A voice is heard in Ramah, mourning and great weeping, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because her children are no more."


The soul weeps, weeps for lifes lost and gone.



