Tuesday, February 13, 2018

consummating me

Ignore for a minute this thing you call me
Er… not too sure how I’m supposed to ignore me – that’s basically all I’ve got right now
Focus instead on the music, the motion, the poetry, the electricity flowing through your every cell, through every atom, every planet, every star, every galaxy and over beyond
Don’t bother asking how – simply turn the knob – adjust the scale – it’s all here contained within you
I don’t see how
Nothing out there can exist unless it’s first contained within whatever is that which you think of as me
I don’t see why – I’m just a normal human. You’re making me sound like God
Om – feeling the all connectedness is an act of intention, not comprehension
You simply have to intend it – and instruct yourself to do as much. Something within you acts as soon as you set the intention. Unless or until you do so there is nothing to comprehend – for nothing out there beyond you is compassable except by intent.
Here – sway, dance with me. Breathe, breathe with me infinity – feel the all-that-is coming back into coherence with what or who you be at this very moment in time.
Feel? That’s all there is to it?
Feeling is the gateway to a greater intelligence, a greater mind. The trick is unlocking the mind holding you in one world, one reality, while engaging the next mind in a greater reality.
It’s a leap of faith. It’s impossible to make if you haven’t sensed a greater all, and learnt to love it, learnt to yearn for it, opened yourself to its call, its guidance, its neural pathways – which may at first seem hopelessly vague, unreal or even contradictory, from your present perspective
So dance, sway, breathe with me – feel how you are already part of a greater whole, feel the urgings of infinity – feel yourself growing into a body – growing down into it and out into it – resisting the temptation to try too hard to comprehend – for comprehension will only reactivate your 3D mind’s control mechanics.
But swaying and dancing – what’s that supposed to achieve?
Ah – you see – once you know that your body is infinitely scalable – being a miniature version of the universe, and at the same time a vast version of sub-atomic worlds, you realise that there are waves, strings, currents, eddies, spirals and wheels, not to mention particulates which extend throughout, which work through the body no less than the mind. Deny the body – insist on limiting your interactions to the mind and you cannot succeed. Feel the force, the flux, the flow with your body and let your mind manage the awareness of this – and you will switch into a bodily experience, a bodily expression of one – it is : i am
Which still doesn’t explain anything to me…
For what is there to explain – unless, until you engage infinity bodily, you are no more able to understand the simplicity of is than an infant who would understand a book by licking it.
That’s not to say it can’t be done – for an infant can access information in other ways, but not if it assumes the taste/ texture sensations of mouth and tongue are sufficient.
A child master would sense another level of knowledge within the book, and would find another way to engage the field that anything, even a book, comprises.
So, as you see, this is like learning a language, or relearning one.
Er… how do you mean?
Because in our rush to understand things, we suspended or severed our connection with infinity.
Absolutely. That was how we were able to get into this world – which was no mean feat.
A topsy turvy, back to front contrivance that it is… in our right mind we’d never have made it – so we kept our eye on the ball and battled on – following the lead our parents and people gave us – until we were sufficiently established to realise we no longer knew who we are or where we come from. That knowledge is all lost in the scrabble for 3D.
But can be retrieved – if we are ready to go once more through the maelstrom, the anything-but-that sensation of being unhinged from the superstructure we’re attached to.
To have one foot in both worlds – one foot in each reality. Only then can we hope to make sense of things. Only then can we achieve our objective.
Our reason for being here.
For why else would we have inserted ourselves into this utter insanity?
Er… I always assumed it just happened – that we had no choice.
Very wise – for otherwise you’d have to have acted, wouldn’t you. It would have been difficult to justify sitting around doing nothing.
Doing nothing? I lead a very busy life.
Yes – busily doing nothing
For nothing you do can make a blind bit of difference if you haven’t re-established your both, your one, your all
Oh. So we inserted ourselves into this reality in order to then reconnect with infinity? Is that it?
Yes, of course. We are mathematicians, after all.
We are?
Yes, didn’t you know.
Er… no. I hate maths.
Hardly surprising – what they call maths here is no better than what they call “medicine”. Barbarous savagery. How can you do maths unless first you factor infinity into the equation.
But how can you factor in infinity?
There’s only one way.
Would you… continue
Of course, I was taking a breather.
Oh sorry.
That’s alright. Join me – enjoy two or three breaths – and feel how the answer is already encoded in your breath. Even if I now say nothing – you already have it – you already know it, it’s already an integral part of you – both in terms of who and what you are.
So, you see, infinity can only be factored into the equation if you factor yourself into it – in other words, you have to stop pretending you can know things irrespective of your isness.
My what?
Take two: you are the precondition for infinity – without you – your body, your mind, your conscious-awareness you end up attempting to reduce thought, analysis, understanding to the lowest common denominator – the purely cerebral process – abstract numbers – which in themselves are at best meaningless, at worst hugely destructive.
Huh? How can abstract numbers be “hugely destructive”? They’re mere abstractions.
Yes, and when you start giving your energy to “mere abstractions” and giving them greater credence than all else – you unwittingly create a beast, a virtual entity that only grows bigger and stronger – which starts absorbing more and more of your consciousness, and starts not only living a life of its own, but feeding on yours and controlling you all.
Oh. That’s kind of
Scary – isn’t it.
Like a borg.
Like the borg. Precisely.
So, what are we supposed to do?
Reconnect yourselves into the equation. You, after all, are living embodiments of infinity. Why would you deny this simple truth? Why would you settle for anything less?
So we have to factor ourselves back into the equation?
I don’t see how. There’s maths and there’s meditation – and never the twain shall meet.
Ah – very droll.
Droll? I’m not trying to be amusing – I simply don’t see…
No, because you haven’t bothered to re-intend infinity. Doing so, everything else falls neatly back into place – and you suddenly discover that your flat 3D platform is actually a multi-dimensional experience – for you are electrical, plasma being of light no less than you are cells, bone, thoughts and desires.
So dance if you will, or sing, or play, and be sure that the entire universe that is mathematically One, neither more nor less, dances, sings or plays with you, no less.
And, for God’s sake, solve the one maths problem you set out to do. You’ll find that the entire universe is ready to flow back into a zero point somewhere inside your body-mind-isness the moment you do so – and that is a consummation truly worth dying-living for.
Om 0=2

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

drumming everywhichall

Drumming? No, not interested.
But what if I told you I was actually making a poem?
But you just said you were drumming?!
Yes, for all I was worth, and singing along too.
Then how can you describe that as “making a poem”? In any case, you don’t “make a poem”, you write one.
Yes, yes, all very true, but only as far as things go.
You write a poem when you’re playing with words, but sometimes you have to dig deeper into the code of things, the fabric of reality, and then words won’t do.
I don’t see why not.
No, but I do.
Ok, clever clogs, let’s see if you can…
Don’t say another word. Of course I can, and will.
You and I both know what you were about to say, so consider it said.
Sometimes it’s vital not to say what, for doing so you make things heavy and bind yourself.
You do?
Yes, because all language is a kind of spell.
Oh. I’m not sure I believe in spells.
No, I expect you don’t, and yet that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. It’s a short, convenient word. I could use another to avoid offending your rationalism, but frankly, we don’t have time.
No – there’s a time/ speed limit. If we go at the speed of rational thought we’ll learn nothing and get precisely nowhere. So instead, we hold our nose, we dive into the swamp, we don’t say what we’re doing – for to do so we’d alert the AI, conscious system we’re operating in of our business and intentions – we merely invoke the spirit of poetry – we commence our dialogue with primal sound, rhythm, beat – we allow ourself to be the column, the axis around which things revolve, through which fresh code can flow, code which is not reliant on what seems to be down here in the thick of things – but flows directly from the all-that-is, the one-and-all, the quantum field – and is entered onto the ledger, registered, signed and sealed, by the very act of making poem. For poem, believe it or not, is fundamental – no matter how written over, manipulated or distorted this reality may have become, no matter what spells have been cast – poem restores the proper constitution, the natural state, period
Er… you make it sound like a legal submission.
Yup. It’s law.
Law. Poem is law
Huh? No way… how can it be? I mean – where’s the sitting government, the jurisdiction, the judge, the… hell, I don’t know.
Poem takes precedence. It just happens to be fundamental – if you do it right.
And did you?
…[calming pause]…
Did you… do it right?
So – you changed the law? Which one in particular?
Oh – all of them.
All?!!!!! How can you change all of them?
Well, most of them – you see, most of them have been written based on fraud and deceit. All those are now invalidated.
But how? Who’s going to enforce your “law”.
How about the universe itself.
? Come on dude. The universe doesn’t care. It’s neutral. It’s just an observer – watch how we destroy ourselves, or the planet.
No? You’ve figured out how to get it onside?
It’s much simpler than that?
How so?
Because, little beknown to you, or little beknown to most of you at any rate, there’s a kind of energy or gas that powers everything we’re doing – at the micro level of consciousness.
There is?
Yup. Every level has its own energy supply, otherwise things don’t happen.
Well my decree, my poem, removes all funding from anything whatsoever they were about which is not consistent with Poem.
And poem is fundamental law – natural law – karma rolled into one.
Oh. Plus the fact that it doesn’t rely on words – which means they can’t rewrite it.
But how do you know you got it right?
That’s the beauty of poem – it’s right if it’s right – if it resonates – if it reaches out to the whole, reconnecting each and every one in a way we cannot possibly comprehend rationally – unless we introduce a new science, a new terminology – which we will shortly start to do.
So, happy days, dude. Let’s spread the word. Let’s make poem. Let’s assert our fundamental rights to be, to rule, to serve the great All, the One, the isness of be – quantumly – without reference to any priestly class who presumed to be our
And in the meantime – let’s enjoy the music, the magic, the much and feel and beat and vibe of shaking the walls, the ceiling, the floors of over-hyped, little understood, horribly manipulated 3D reality. Join me. I dance. I sing. I king code reality – kissing goodbye AIs, borgs – each and any system God that would presume to rule man, woman, child, you, me – and in so doing – I rediscover the beauty, the power of poem tree.
For poem is like a tree, a web, a branching interlocking isness which permeates all – which I can tune into and become, in a sense, as long as I try not to it it.
To what?
To what it, or it it – to make it my thing, to make it do what I want – as opposed to enjoying what it can do naturally, in harmony with the all present dance, song, spiral, life force that we comprise. Feeling it – is knowing – it cannot be known any other way. But how can you feel infinity all around unless you are moving, swaying, flowing – willingly going into a deeper, fuller sense experience of all that is – drumming poem back into your life, back into the fabric of cracked, desiccated reality. And suddenly, the dead, dried piece of seaweed is moist, supple and alive – for we are always present in an ocean of life – just as soon as we choose to connect to the life force, and poem time back to verse, back to syncopated rhythms of everywhichall.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

witching hour

Did I tell you how I feel about

the witching hour
is come

breathe the soft steeply waters
of all that lies
beyond the ken
of mortal
breathe the spiral
which await
your delight
your desire to embrace
the fathomless
space between
what and
if you will
the signal
which utterly
contradicts whatever
you or i may think
or know dayfully
the counter-code
of life
no matter what
inspite of things
being no more
real   __   certain
than a mind's
way of thinking
locked in step
marching o’er
the edge of
       §        [the mind gap] 
in a suicide pact
in service
to God
of this
failure to see
the is
that i
the is
that i
the is
that is
not what
you      i
ought to be
but is
in fact
in truth
waiting to be
stretched out
on a clothesline
of infinity
yet comprising
the essence
the isness of be
no matter how
no matter what
a prayer
a drop in an ocean
of incandescent
the great unthought
a pulse
 a beat
of timeless hope
of pregnant expectancy
and suddenly
the world falls into place
and a narrative
fills the breach
in the matter of mind
with tale-like meaning
bringing the body
back to a state of
and thus the world
on a dime
of pure
does it

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

She cometh

Do you have any idea how frustrating it is
how frustrating it is when
when someone like you
interrupts me constantly
before I've finished what I was trying to say
You're not a good listener Merry
Even now -- you're scoffing silently
You're keeping quiet just long enough to
there you go again... 
I apologise
Instead of pretending to be sorry -- try playing the game of silence
Oh -- it's a game, is it?
Yes -- it's an engagement
There, you see -- you have infinity at the fingertips of your mind -- just as long as you're willing to listen with them.
To listen?
With fingertips of my mind?
Precisely. Give it a try.
Wave them around like this... breathe with them... feel them... now hear what is being felt
But how?
Impossibly. The only things worth doing in life are impossible.
They are?
Naturally. Everything else is commonplace/ routine/ barely worth the effort
Even writing a poem or cleaning your teeth?
Especially writing a poem. [bloody] waste of time.
Oh. That's a pity.
Pity? Why?
I rather thought writing a poem was a noble way to grapple with infinity.
Which it is -- if you're talking about writing one poem, and not several -- because all too soon these things become washing lines to hang the laundry of our life upon.
As opposed to poetically inspired word-foolery.
Much better to write the other kind of poem.
Which one is that?
The one with no words
No words? What kind of a poem is that?
That depends. It could be good or bad -- depending on how you do it.
How can you call it a poem if it has no words?
It's the only poem that is truly, utterly 
All other poems -- the ones with words -- they never quite succeed.
? I'm not sure I follow.
They never quite hit the mark.
You're saying "poems with words in them never quite hit the mark? Tell that to Milton, Keats, Shakespeare
to name but three. Look Eldritch -- read them a dozen times, then a dozen more, then another dozen -- and very soon you're going to get sick of those words. They don't bear frequent repetition.
And? That's hardly a reason not to read or write 'em, is it? 
I rather thought it was.
That would be like not eating food just because eating too much can make you sick and put you off.
You might be right, but I'm not concerned about being right. I'm simply interested in sharing an insight.
An insight?
Yes, precisely, concerning poetry.
I was pausing -- before you rudely interjected. 
Oh -- sorry.
Let me back up.
Ok. My lips are sealed.
... concerning poetry...                                           excellent -- you held that... beautifully.
What's the insight?
You're assuming you only know things when they're spelled out.
That seems logical to me
Whereas, in fact, you have direct access to poetry -- audible and inaudible, visible and invisible.
I do?
Yes, naturally.We all do, just as soon as we start listening -- hearing the sounds of silence. 
Oh come on -- I thought you had something original to say. You're just Simon Garfunkling me. 
Not even Simon and Garfunkle hit the mark though, admittedly, they come pretty close.
But you can’t seriously be intent on promulgating a policy of silent poetry?
No, I’m not.
Phew! You had me worried.
“Silent poetry” would be something denied, something missing.
Then what?
I’m suggesting that all you’re so-called “poetry” is a kind of rough guide to poetry – an indicator of the sort of direction we should be heading in.
If we’re aiming for the real McCoy: true poetry, then it’s not going to be a thing, primarily.
Then what?
A transition into poetry, a state of being in rhythm, in tune with life itself, receptive to the music, the moods, the magic, the umm
An altered state?
Again, you are barking up a tree rather than sounding the silence of knowing.
Probably because I’m not an aery-faery mystic living in a dream world.
Not an altered state because poetry is the original. Everything else is derivative. Poetry, and alone poetry has the power to give you real satisfaction, real meaning, real beauty, real...
Oh that. Why didn’t I guess – real mind-the-gap.
So instead of taking offence or worrying about whether or not I’ve succeeded in conveying the magic, the beauty of Is...
What is – nothing more, nothing less.
I thought as much.
Now i simply allow her to work her magic.
Her? Who are you talking about?
Who else? Poetry, of course.
But... you said it was a state.
As it is, yet engaging it/ interfacing that state colours it imperceptibly – as it responds to us.
It does?
Yes, naturally. How could it be otherwise?
I don’t know. I never really gave it any thought.
It’s the quantum mechanics thing. You cannot help but affect in some way anything you come into contact with, be that a field or seemingly neutral state.
Ok... But why female?
Why’s God male?
He wasn’t always male, was he. There used to be female Gods.
But the one God the Creator has to be male, doesn’t it?
It becomes He as and when we...
You’re not going to say that we make God male?
I don’t need to say it. We’re not really concerned with God right now, are we? We are dealing with Her. God can wait.
So she’s God in reverse?
You might say... She is what happens if and when you engage poetry, without rushing to cash it in.
Well usually the poet hastens to cash in the experience, to convert it into magical words, and thus win renown.
In doing so he
Or she
No, the poet is he in the same way a priest serving God is female.
What? You’re kidding – they’re nearly always male.
I’m not talking about the body.
It’s the electrical circuit, if you like.
He, the poet, whether he’s male or female, holds the He position, engaging Her – poetry itself. If he’s successful – he entices her to hold court with him – enabling him to actually, physically become Poet.
As in “a poet”.
No – to become Poet has nothing to do with being “a poet”. Poet may never write a line of verse, and be none the worse for it.
Poet holds state with Her – poetry itself.
For what purpose?
Let’s just say it’s a calling – and if you have this particular calling – nothing could be more powerful, nothing could be more… words fail me.
So, what you’re saying is that this “Poet” doesn’t have to bother to write anything?
This Poet is working with Her, at the front line of sense and meaning – at the vcry coalface of reality – where neither things nor words are yet defined or determined.
Ok – I hear you, but I still don’t see what’s the point of it all.
Because this reality you’re living in cannot survive without us. It decays rapidly – exponentially the minute people cease to direct attention to the open end of things.
There are two sides to the equation. The closed system where God the Father reigns supreme – and the other
Full stop.
No, the other is open ended – it cannot be end stopped. It cannot even be named. It’s simply the other side – but it’s also present within each and every one of us.
Ok. And you’re saying that it’s vital to the survival of this reality we’re in. That’s a fairly bold assertion, if you don’t mind me saying.
Not at all. It matters little whether you follow the maths of the equation or not. What you will find, however, is that when attention has been skewed too much to one side – when people have given their all to reap the benefits of fame or fortune in this 3D reality – and have forgotten or lost other – absurd though this may sound.
Well what do you propose?
Poets are beginning to realise that they have a calling – they are not simply performers. They are doing more – whether they realise it or not.
Like what?
They are in the process of redefining, recoding reality.
Not by what they write, say, dance, paint or sing
But by how they engage Her, the aspect of infinity that can be charmed into femininity.
Charmed – for Poet can only engage her magically – beyond the ken of mortal man – at the very limits of what can possibly be, by pouring his soul into the experience, by unpicking the strings of his existence, unwriting himself in order to use those precious bits of energy and raw code as
There She is.
Dorothy – he doesn’t get it, not surprisingly. Maybe he’s not ready.
Of course he’s ready – he wouldn’t be here with you now if he weren’t.
Give him a nudge. I want to take him for a spin.
Dorothy? Who’s that?
Would you like to see? She’s waiting for you.
As in Her?
As in Her.
But why? I’m not a poet.
No, apparently that doesn’t matter. You are what you are
So, I promised to give you the opportunity to meet Her. It’s time.
How do you mean?
It’s now or never.
Let me tell you a secret.
A secret? What is it?
Acceptance – come – the gates of hell have parted – you are free to proceed.
No! I…
In peace, in wonder, in joy
Oh     oh                    oh                                         so you’re Dorothy

i am She

Friday, January 19, 2018

c3 and I

did i mention my platform
  no, tell us more
consciousness [c3]
   boring, yawn
like you’ve never known it yet
   go on – shock me if you can
ok – take a breath
   as if i’m not already breathing
take a body breath
   a what
body – a body breath
just do it – c3 it if you can
   c3 my breath
no – breathe your breath and feel
   feel what
the unique relationship between body and breath when c3 is applied
   when c3 is applied – you make it sound like cookery
or a chemical process – yes – a kind of magic known as
   so you want me to turn my back on four hundred years of science and embrace
alchemy – yes – why not
   because now we know better
now we know one technique – one way of thinking – one kind of thought
   so why go back to alchemy
because you’ll never advance unless you do
thinking without the body breath – thinking without alchemy is suicidal – the brainbox mind is hopelessly inadequate to the task – and why would you lock yourself outside the engine room
   the engine room?
where the force of c3 is activated – where you begin to experience the quantum field, the inter-connectedness of all that is – the living-ness of thought
   the livingness of thought – whatever’s that supposed to mean
why talk about it when you have the right to experience it empirically – at first hand
   what – your atavistic c3?
if you can set aside your prejudice for a minute – suspend your disbelief
   i don’t see how – i am what i am – the product of my age
ok – remain true to your age – but bear in mind that those walls were built on lies – those walls stand on something else – those walls have shifted dramatically – which is why your reality is going through such convulsions, such distortion – because what you assumed was universal earth and universal god – it turns out were not
you seemed to be based on terra firma – but in fact there’s an agenda at work – there’s a constant eating away of cherished ideals and principles – not because times are changing – not because of corrupt politicians
you never bothered to check the fundament – the foundational base on which your world – your so called real-ity stands
   because there’s nothing to check – it’s a given
so you claim – and yet you cannot possibly know – unless you know – and how can you know if you’ve never bothered to breathe
   never bothered to breathe? – what on earth are you about
if only on earth – we wouldn’t be having this debate – you cannot be on earth unless you bother to breathe bodily and do so in the fullness of c3 is
   is what
breathe and then you’ll know – from knowing words flow
   from knowing words flow – absurd absurd absurd
c3 is more than absurd – it is captivating, enchanting, the story’s source – the point at which time, space personalise – at which the drama of life unfolds – polyphonically – how?
   how? what do you mean “how”? how am i supposed to know? – it’s all greek to me
how do you imagine – how could c3 possibly work?
   i – don’t – know – ok?
could it possibly work in real-ity
   i – don’t – know – ok
or would it operate at a deeper level?
   like i said – i – don’t
know – it’s time you did – because you never will, you never do until/unless you start to body breathe c3
   ok – i’m breathing it – i’m seeing… i’m… switching channels
at last

Hi Merry, what took you so long?
Hi Zie – God I’m slow, I apologise.
It doesn’t make sense – you’re all seeing, all knowing over here – but back there you’re wedded to the world – a complete dumbass.
Paradoxical, isn’t it.
Paradoxical? It makes no sense.
No? Why not?
It isn’t consistent – is it?
Not if you look at it rationally.
Which is the only rational thing to do.
Yes, but c3 is beyond rational-ity, beyond real-ity, beyond any thing i can say, or think or do.
It is?
Do it – breathe bodily.
I already did.
Do it again – once is not enough.
Oh come on – I’m already switched on – you were the one who was stuck in dumb resistance.
Yes i was – but now i’m calling your bluff. c3 it – let’s see.
Ok – if i must – here goes…


Which is all very well Merry – but how are they going to understand any of that?
The people reading this.
What people?
All the people who follow this blog.
But where are they? Can you see them now?
No – but they’re out there somewhere – in real-ity.
Are they? Didn’t we just deal with that above?
Yes – but – I can’t just pretend the people don’t exist
Or don’t matter.
Precisely. Can i?
You can do, think or say whatever you like – but i don’t see how that makes a difference.
Because anything you think, say or do only has traction down to the ground you’re walking on – which is limited to one side, or one half as long as you’re in your right mind here in real-ity.
Ok, ok – I see what you mean – it’s just I don’t see how c3 can get around this blockage. We still have to deal with reality, don’t we?
Alchemically. We are magic beings. We have one foot – let’s call it the left – though it may as well be the right – in other – the allegedly dream side of is, and the right leg planted here in this – the only problem being…
I don’t know. 
c3 it.
Ok – that we’ve allowed the two sides to slip out of sync – out of balance.
So how am I supposed to mediate between the two?
i don’t know. it looks impossible if you use the right mind.
And you think i should avoid the right mind – i should c3 everything?
i think you should be true to your feet – left and right. you cannot take sides.
But I have to – don’t I?
Yes, if you allow rationality to hold sway.
So there’s an alternative – you’re implying.
Naturally. Back to nature – you mean. Forest time. Gardening. Dancing with bluebells and daffodils?
That kind of thing – if it works – but i suspect that won’t be enough.
You do?
Yes. I suspect that c3 is taking on a whole new dimension.
Oh – I see – you’re going to pull another dimension out of your hat.
I suppose I really must – as the existing ones no longer join the dots together without deviations or crossed lines.
So you need to add another layer.
I thought you said you’re going to bring a new dimension into play?
Yes – here goes – here it is….   .. .   ….     .. .  …  ..  …. … . . . . . . …  ..  .  ..  . .
So it’s a dotty dimension.
Yes – I guess you could call it that.
But – what does it achieve?
When you come back to dots you no longer have a problem reconciling the conflicts between different lines of thought, or different plains.
But dots… why dots?
Because c3 teaches us that everything can be expressed as a single point… that a point, in fact, better expresses the vastness, the infinite whole than other spatial representations. Keeping it incredibly simple forces us to deal with things at ground zero level – at the level of the intersect – and intersect or interface there has to be.
Er… there does?
Because you have a left and a right foot – because you exist on both sides of all that is – the cosmic divide between right and left – between real-ity and c3 or above and below – so it’s really just a case of breathing deep enough to feel whence the dots arise – how the dots pop in and out of space-time time-space. The breath simply won’t take sides – it holds true – as long as I breathe bodily – as long as I embrace c3 with all my heart and soul, bilaterally.
Ok, I'll give it a try. Here goes for nothing – dot dot dot [hiccup]
Smaller – you’re too big still –  . . .
Oh – I get you • • •
That’s right – nearly there
Er – I’m feeling something shift around.
Dotted i
Try a dotted i instead – it’s better attuned – it’ll ease the change if i'm not mistaken 
Ok – I, I mean – darn – old habits die hard – i . i . i .
Excellent. Now let go
Let go? I’m 
you mean – i’m
Oh yes – i’m not sure i can
Naturally – c3fully
Funny – let it be – c3fully .. … …. ……. … … ..  . ..   . .. … … .. .    
Wait – there’s more
There is?
Yes   .. .. .. ..          .. .. .. ..          .. .. .. ..                                                   .
Oh my god – you’re a poet – au naturel
i – don’t believe it – to feel is to see is to know
but what about them?
Your followers who read that blog?
Aren’t they all here dottily – or if not – they’ll find their way now that I’ve touched base – now that .. .. ..   •
Oh bravo! What wit! What synthesis! What ... . .. ..
What a wonderful world! All hail the dotted i!


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

dendrites and demons

the poet in me
steps across the filaments of stars
and the oceanic wastes
of dark space
my ruby black cosmos
mistakenly referred to in English
as “space”
mistakenly, as you may have
already guessed
being chock-full
of matter
and weightiness
if only our scientists cared to know
but they have theories to uphold
theories to defend
so let them think what they will
the truth, an irascible dog
will doubtless creep up behind
and bite their collective ass
or british english “arse”
so stepping o’er the time-space debacle
with a practised nonchalance
i note how the low lying fruit has
already been snatched,
i suspect that the poet
is about to rear a shaggy
prophetic head and pronounce
as if from the blue
a new age
a new way with words
perhaps involving
parallel processing
one grows tired of linear sequencing
you know
or some other turning of the tide
affront to common
and deterministic intelligence
woe betide the faculty of reason
when words are on the march
when thoughts are jumbling
through a blender on their way
to just in time absorption
at the far end of the gastrointestinal
the mind’s a synchromesh
ill adapted to biologics
the fluid dynamics of
words on the go
a natural force synergising
the dark dark matter of space
which you abhor
and rightly a-void
avoid at any cost
nay, demonise
with whiteful consciousness
until chirrup, a bolt from below
a dendritic tear in the fabric of sameyness
pum pa pum, living word
loosed from stygian depths
lets rip through the fossil fueled agency
of poem, its fish tail slapping
the face of man
before skittering out of hand
and salopping back into
the silent hallows of
beyond cognisance
rhyme or  or
leaving no trace
but an utterly altered
of what was assumed
and what is secretly

dear god
ask not what i can say or
do as man
ask only
for the shaggy wayward
brace as i
poem my soul back
back into the
broken receptacle
the sarcophagus of space
that is humankind
and finally
finally resonate
without needing
any recompense

betwixt hard sound

weighing the possibility
of violence
i invariably chooses
do i not

tip toe tip toe
         tip toe
clackety clack
sounds stepping back
on top
as I revert to
form and ducklike

in actual fact
the space between cognition
and utter inability to grasp
whatever it is
or may have been
is a chuckle's width
abreast a broken hearted
two cocks vying
to out crow the morning

i go round the mute
that i would become
had i the grace to accept
the life I freely chose
had i the wit
to slip effortlessly
betwixt the pavement
gaps in my no  not that
nor that
nor that either
   nor that
or that  you know
until in the end
i lets go
and things revert to
what can only be described as

and still
i fails to pin the tail
on the pig
not for want
of i-ing

a sheep in fold i gaze
out and dream
of wolves and sweet
in my field of consyllabic

as you began
weighing possibility
if you please