Saturday, January 13, 2018

Luke 2:1

i number you 5
i number you 4
i number you 7
i number you 9

"And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered."


You heard.

All the world?


Kind of like treating people as assets or property -- wouldn't you say?

Yep -- more or less.


happens -- from time to time -- but don't let it trouble you

Why not?

because administrative or jurisdictional overreach never goes unpunished.


Whenever officials start acting like they own you -- as they do from time to time, or own your family, your property or anything they don't in fact actually own


that can be termed administrative or jurisdictional overreach. 


And I like I said -- it never goes unpunished.



You could have fooled me

That's not my intention

What I meant to say is that I don't see any proof to back this up.


No -- I don't. Governments are constantly extending their powers and jurisdiction over people, their families or their property -- and no one seems to stop them.

I agree.


I agree.

I thought you just said...

I agree that no one seems to stop them, but whether or not this seems to happen -- the universe, or God for that matter, moves in mysterious ways. The cosmic duvet cannot be stretched -- if it gets pulled over a new territory it always leaves another part uncovered.

Not sure I follow.

Well -- take the original quotation.

Luke, chapter 2 verse 1.

Very good -- are you a bible man?

No -- but I know a bit.

Very nice - but even if you didn't -- this isn't really about religion -- I'm using a basic mathematical formula.

You are?

Yes -- because, as it turns out, reality is basically mathematical.

You could have fooled me.

Not my intention either -- but we'll come back to that in a moment, if you don't mind.


So -- you obviously have an empire attempting to extend its reach -- as often happens -- trying to establish a complete inventory or database of all biological assets -- which is great if you happen to own those assets as a farmer or slave owner might -- but not so great if you start treating freemen and private individuals as if they're your private property.

Yeah -- I see what you mean. But where's the punishment for administrative or jurisdictional overreach -- you seem to imply it's baked into the mathematical cake, so to speak.

Yep. A few verses later Mary gives birth to a child -- poetically, and no less ironically, in a stable.

Er -- what's poetic or ironic about that?

Well -- if the State has decided to treat people as cattle and insist on their being registered -- as if it owns them -- then what could be more fitting or perhaps revealing than the immediate appearance of the presumed saviour of mankind being born in a stable, of all places.

I see what you mean. Kind of ironic -- yeah. 

You see -- this is a case of instant karma -- or just in time duvet delivered responses.


Well -- at the very moment "the whole world" is being inventorised, or turned into digital assets, so to speak -- at that precise moment the "saviour" appears as a farm animal, or at least, hidden among farm animals.

And you think he wasn't registered?

That's kind of irrelevant.

I thought that was the whole point you were trying to make.

Not exactly. Let's just suspend our disbelief, for a moment, and assume that the story is correct -- that Jesus is the saviour -- well his timing can hardly be coincidental, can it?

I suppose not.

Let's go one step further and assume his timing is impeccable.


So this implies that the elite who decided to register humanity and treat them as cattle or digital assets -- they sowed the seeds of their own downfall in the very act of doing so. The universe responds immediately and delivers a software update to immediately rectify or correct the imbalance caused by administrative or jurisdictional overreach.



But Jesus didn't succeed in putting an end to the problem, did he?

How do you mean?

People are still being registered in censuses

or censi

ok, whateever, to this day.


So, how did his birth solve the problem?


I don't follow.

and poetically.

I follow even less.

If, as was asserted in the gospels, he was the son of God, and Messiah, then presumably, he released into the world through his teachings whatever was necessary to correct the imbalance -- without necessarily forcing governments to stop overstepping the boundaries.

But I don't see how.

Correct -- and that's your dilemma.

My dilemma? I rather think it's your dilemma: it kind of implies you're spouting hot air as usual.

Yes -- but that's until you follow the numbers.

What numbers?

The numbers of the universe, of creation, of life, of reality...

Anything else?

The matrix.

Oh -- I knew you were going to get there in the end. How could you resist referring to the iconic numbers of the Matrix movie's green matrix screen?

Well I did refer to it last -- at your special request.

Ok, ok, but you need to be more specific.

Well, everything has to be in balance -- no matter what shit is going down.

I don't see why or how?

No -- because you don't see the numbers.

So we're stuck in a revolving argument, getting nowhere.

It's an equation. All equations are circular. They have to balance. There can't, ultimately, be more or less.

I don't see why not.

once you see the relationship between one and zero.

Oh that.

Once you recognise and accept that numbers somehow have to interface with infinity.

Beep beep beep -- interface with infinity -- my ass.

Even your ass, if needs be.

But how -- that's like saying fire has to interface with snow, or oil with water?

Absolutely -- and it can do so biologically -- if needs be -- through the medium of life itself, or chemically, or emotionally, or even consciously.

Consciously? How?

As conscious energy -- but let's not go too far down that rabbit hole at this moment.

So... you believe


You think...


You're asserting...


Well, how the hell am I supposed to phrase it?

It ain't personal. I don't come into the equation. I don't matter. This is purely mathematical -- regardless of what I think, believe or assert. The proof, you may say, is in the pudding. Unless 0=1, unless the two sides add up, unless numbers or things can and do interface infinity, then we're stuck. 

How stuck?

Absolutely, completely and utterly stuck.


Stuck to the nth degree. So stuck that nothing will ever happen. Nothing will ever amount to anything more than zero or less than infinity.

So, what you're saying is that, unless I accept your ridiculous theory -- there'd never been any numbers less than infinity or more than zero?


Not even one?

One would be zero -- you'd never know the difference -- unless you have infinity onboard as a kind of parallel trading portal where values can be determined and denoted.


Yep. A bit like any trading portal. 

So -- we can't just fix values?

We can try - but doing so we start to deny infinity - and that has consequences. 

What kind of consequences?

Big and unavoidable ones.

Ok -- I think I get the message. So, you're saying Jesus the alleged Messiah was a big, unavoidable consequence of administrative or judicial overreach -- which, if I understand correctly, was the result of the elite's failure to understand the nature of reality?

You might be right or you might be saying too much.

How do you mean?

We don't know to what extent the so called "elite" understood the nature of reality. 


They may have understood things perfectly. They may have wanted to test the system, or even to trigger a response.

Yes? You think so?

I don't know. These are possibilities. They may, alternatively, simply not have cared. They may have assumed, rightly or wrongly, that they could buy time -- that the consequences would take years to bite them in the ass, and so they didn't need to worry about them for now. Political short-termism -- you might call it.

That sounds fairly typical.

If you're talking about politicians.

I thought that's whom we're discussing.

It depends how "elite" your elite is.

How so?

At the very top -- they may know far more than you realise. They may have known that the consequences would be fairly catastrophic.

Catastrophic? I hardly see how you can say that if we're still being registered to this day -- in fact -- it's probably worse now than it's ever been.

True -- but whatever software update Jesus delivered is now deeply impregnated into the body consciousness of the masses. It could be incredibly subtle yet monumentally powerful.

Again -- I fail to see how. I mean -- there are millions of Christians but...

What's this got to do with Christians? I'm talking about numbers and software updates.


I'm talking about the balance of matter and dot

Dot? What the hell's dot?

It's not matter -- is it?

No, I suppose not.

It's not anything much, is it?


But it's right at the heart of our civilisation now, isn't it?

Yes -- I suppose so.

You can't go far without encountering dots.

Like dot com, for example?

Or decimal points. Periods. Full stops. Any dot you like - even jpeg images. They're made of tiny dots. 


You see?

Not really. 

Oh come on, dude.

But what's the dot got to do with matter, or whatever we were talking about?

What does the dot represent?

I dunno. I never gave it much thought.

Well think. This shit matters.


Turn left a bit.


Now right.


Back. Reverse.

Eh... No. I don't know.

Exactly. That's precisely what it represents.


No. I don't know.


No. I don't know. What could be more vital -- more important -- more valuable in the age of almost infinite information than the dot representing "no - I don't know" informational vacuum/ void, or time out.

Holy cow.

You see?

I'm not sure. Maybe I do. Maybe... But it's kind'a far out.

You bet it is.

Holy shit.

Try to avoid expletives -- they disturb your dot matrix.

My what?

Your field of consciousness -- which can be described as a dot matrix.


cow. That's better, isn't it?

I suppose it is.

So there you 'ave it.

avit? -- a dotted h.


Except we use an apostrophe. 

That's right. But these are all merely variations on a theme. 

They are? You mean all types of punctuation are... 

basically dots - yes.

Holy sh..


So what's it all got to do with Jesus's birth -- if we're to close this thread in some meaningful way?

Good question.

You mean you don't know! 

The trouble is that infinity is never linear -- by definition.


So, whatever happens when Jesus is born is never going to be easily recognisable in a cause and effect sort of way.

Well, how do your precious dots help save us from the cruel effects of political, administrative or jurisdictional overreach?

Don't you see?

No. I don't. 

Hold it.


Your "No, I don't". 


Hold it just there -- just like that.

For how long.

It doesn't matter -- just hold it -- if you want to know the answer.

Ok. I'm holding it.

Now -- don't move -- please, don't move.

I'm not moving. I'm holding it, as you asked.

We need a sign.

A what?!

A sign.

Oh God. You're insane.

Am I? I thought you were holding it.

Well I was, until you said something ridiculous. As soon as you start being insane I can hardly be expected to hold my mind steady -- can i? It naturally rejects and repels madness in any shape or form.

Excellent. Once again you've illustrated the nature of numbers in action -- and how the Jesus factor can upturn any equation, any set of numbers, just as soon as we're willing to allow a little insanity, a miniscule drop of infinity into our mind's operating system.

Oh God!

Yep. A little oh God - a little insanity - a little dotty weirdness, an arc, arch or parabola of infinity and your linear frame starts curling round - like the footballer kicking a banana shot and scoring an amazing goal.

Jesus Christ - I give up.

Poetic justice. I rest my case.

Friday, January 12, 2018

rebeing me in january

cast your self into
that will do
that will do – the watchers have left
the watchers?
the watchers
have gone?
have gone
but who?
or what?
are the watchers?
well you ask
Well… the watchers watch to ensure no one – traverses the bounds
what bounds?
the bounds
the bounds
come on
of infinity
oh – continue
the bounds of infinity
of infinity? but where
where are they?
the bounds?
where are the bounds?
yes, where are the bounds?
of infinity
yes, where are the bounds?
don’t you see?
no, evidently not
where would they be
I don’t know
think – where would they be
don’t know?
you see?
i see
you know?
yes, i
know – the watchers
the bounds are where the watchers watch
they are where the watchers watch
the bounds?
yes, the bounds
of what?
of what we see, of what
we know
the bounds
of what we see and know
and now they’ve gone
so now we can cross
unopposed, and what?
what can we do across the bounds?
i hardly know
no – but yes – i… er we
we can do infinity
infinity, of course
but how, but
breathe – we can breathe the bounds and feel them with our breath
we can feel the meaning, the rub, the moment of the breath as it
ah me
as it traverses the bounds, feelingly
ah me
feelingly – like a violin bow
a bow
back and forthing o’er violin strings
breathing back and forth o’er the bounds
the bounds?
the strings which mark the edge of
of what we know
of what?
of consciousness
oh – the beauty of the breath – feeling what
what cannot be known
until it’s felt
until it’s born anew
born anew

breathe, let’s breathe infinity
let’s sense the bow
feeling back and forth
across the strings
of what might be
what may
what ought
let’s stay in the infinite
beyond it
beyond what
beyond bounds
let’s be the breath
letting be
revealing the one
the all
contained within
accessed through

All that just to say…
All that, indeed, to create a ring to ward off evil.
A ring?
A circle, a ring – call it what you will.
Not in the usual meaning, perhaps.
Then what?
For how else are we to access infinity if there be no beginning, no end? How to gain traction? We have to start with something emerging from nothing – like you yourself start as something emerging from nothing.
I do?
Of course – how else?
I rather thought I emerged from my parents.
Precisely – from nothing.
How can you call my parents “nothing”?
Well, your father is plus one, your mother minus one, or if you have a problem with that, simply reverse the plus and minus signs. Suffice it to say that they add up to nought, mathematically.
And yet it’s hardly fair to say they are “nothing”.
Here, in reality – yes – but here in reality is precisely nowhere of any value whatsoever.
Oh – I wouldn’t go so far.
I know – but still you’re failing to grab the bull by the horns.
I am?
Yes – for failing to allow, accept or acknowledge infinity is failing to embrace what is – and imagining or hoping, vainly, that it’s sufficient to focus instead on things.
Well, things without a doubt are significant.
And yet they amount to nought without the amniotic fluid of infinity encasing them.
For things, without infinity, cannot beget things, no more can people.
Oh. I wouldn’t be so categorical.
No – you would insist, along with every other adherent to the cult of things, that things can and do somehow emerge from a void without rhyme or reason, and that life itself is just a happy or lucky combination of things, not to mention the fact that the realm of things we find ourselves in is resting on no thing whatsoever, expanding into no thing whatsoever, and is bound, sooner or later, to return to no thing whatsoever, when it runs out of thingfulness. What a lot of things you have to take for granted. What a lot of things you have to stack upon one another in your pyramid scheme of things – hoping I won’t go back to check the first entrants, the first level which, of course, I have already done, to my infinite satisfaction.
And what exactly does your infinite satisfaction reveal or yield?
Not what.
Not what?
It reveals precisely no thing – that is – it reveals or yields what is – the open system, the open field, unstopped, unstoppable
– which is infinity
I thought as much – which is not saying much, is it?
Which is, in fact, saying precisely nought – if I am not mistaken.
As you evidently are – for how can nought be described as “precisely nought”?
Oh, stop splitting hairs.
Precisely, in terms of your scheme of things – or nought in terms of the vacuum, the void which you see all around until/ unless you learn how to engage the open system, the field of is – at which point that nought flips through itself – revealing infinity zipped within an infinitesimal decimal point.
So that’s where it was hiding all along.
And you think you can access the decimal point?
Access it?
Turn it around.
Or inside out?
Ah – now you’re talking. Of course I can – as you can too – if you be alive and human.
And if I’m not.
You won’t be able to resonate. You’d be like a cracked glass. You won’t hold frequency.
But if you can, are and do – then welcome – infinity is, like Narnia, present, and merely awaits you to breathe life back into the kindling that is smouldering within.
Which sounds somewhat dangerous. Fire can burn. Fire can consume.
As indeed can infinity – but without it you face a danger no less perilous.
I do?
But of course.
The danger of thinking and thinging yourself into oblivion and meaninglessness – which is precisely what you are doing right now, along with most of us humankind.
So you get to choose. If you can handle 3D reality, and are content to push pieces around on a chess board – then continue as before. Your humanity is engaged and nothing I say or do can help you.
And if I can’t?
If you can’t handle 3D then you’ll have realised by now that nothing you say, think or do can, is or will make a difference.
Is make a difference?
It’s a test of your infinity – unless you can handle perceived mistakes how on earth are you going to escape the gravitational pull of 3D finity and engage infinity drive.
Only when the breath is engaged. Only once and when you realise that you are dead until/ unless you do so.
That things have reached a head – long since – and that syntax is the least of our concerns.
For we are infinitely more than what we seem – or else we are precisely nought – as you so rightly said.
So breathe this text, these words, the spaces between – breathe them or be damned.
Damned? Isn’t that a bit extreme.
Irrelevant. Rome is burning. Breathe yourself back into the mother ship of consciousness – or indeed be damned for all eternity.
Oh. Hell.

Bright indeed.

So they did - so they breathed until they felt the edge, felt the strings, felt the tug and pull, the other side of whatever is transmitted through that silent, electric intermediary  and the rest as they say – is history
apparently three yet almost certainly

I never had the chance to say i love you and deliberate, if you will, on the meaning of love in a world where things cannot ever, cannot possibly complete – unless/ until i breathe you back into thinglessness  which of course, dotted i is willing to do, even if I am not. 

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

by hook and by crook

So the field is alive and well. In fact it’s never been better.
Field, Merry, what field?
Not what field. The field!
Er... non capisco.
You don’t understand? How bizarre.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to be stupid.
But my dear Megan, no one’s saying you’re stupid. Wouldn’t dream of it. Oh no! It’s just I constantly forget to what extent this earth is cut off from basic knowledge. Imagine not knowing about the Field. That’s like a fish not knowing about water, or a bird not knowing about wind.
Oh, it’s like that, is it?
Yes, the Field is everything, and were you not to know about it, you may assume things were going badly wrong in the world, based on what you see on the TV or hear from other sources, because of all the pollution, the wars, the cruelty and poverty...
But you mean to say that everything is in fact hunky dory, thanks to your mysterious field? I, personally, fail to see how a field,  no matter how vast or universal it may be, can lessen the suffering of children in the Middle East or wartorn Africa.
Yes, that’s understandable, and yet, seeing or not seeing doesn’t alter the fact.
Really Merry – I find it quite offensive hearing you speak in this way.
Not entirely true Megan.
No, you see, things are only offensive if you harbour offence.
Harbour offence?
Yes, which is a kind of parasitic field which embitters and corrupts the natural state of love.
Oh it’s easy for you to say.
Yes, indeed. Nothing could be easier than saying the is.
The what?
Is. The is.
You’re not making any sense Merry. You’re not speaking English. What on earth’s the is meant to be?
It’s not on earth meant to be.
Then kindly explain, or kindly cease and desist – you’re confusing me unpardonably.
Ok Megan. Kindly let me take you one pip from where you’re presently.
One pip?
Yes. It’s a technical distance which won’t make any sense until you’re there.
Eh... Ok. I hope i cN trust you.
Without fail. Here we are.
Uh? But we haven’t gone anywhere!
Not in your way of perceiving, but in fact one pip is a distance neither smaller nor vaster than the entire physical universe.
Oh. I’m, how can i put it, a little sceptical.
I know, which is as it should be. You’re not supposed to take anything on trust.
No, definitely not. You have to test everything for yourself and either verify or dismiss. Now, if as i said, we’ve actually gone a pip you’ll be able to see what a moment ago was gobbledegook.
I will?
Yes, because a moment ago, ensconced firmly within 3D, it would have been well nigh impossible to enable you to see, sense or feel what is – the is i was referring to.
Oh that.
But now, one pip on, although your physical surroundings don’t appear to have changed, the field lines are completely, utterly different.
They are?
Are, indeed. Allow me to present them before and after, so to speak.
Ok. Where’s your device.
You – you’re my device.
Close your eyes. Deep breath. Relax.
This isn’t going to work, Merry, I’ve never been susceptible to hypnosis.
This isn’t hypnosis Megan. It’s live feed.
Deep breath. Relax. 3 – 2 – 1
Oh my God. I see.
Open your eyes if you like. Test, investigate what you’re seeing, preferably from multiple angles. That will make your findings more reliable.
Holy Cow!
That too.
I can still see the field lines with  my eyes open.
Yes. Not surprising really, when you bear in mind that they’re actually there.
Well i never saw them before.
Correct, otherwise you’d not have been able to accept the 3D story. You needed a special filtered 3D vision, sans field lines.
So, er, how did they do it?
Do what?
Remove the field lines?
By creating a flattened replica of is.
What you call “reality”, mistakenly assuming that “real” means real.
“Real” is actually an acronym which was inserted into your consciousness. It means “replicated esse absent lines” or the latin equivalent which has the same letters.
Latin? Why Latin?
Because that’s the programming language they use.
It was never actually a genuine spoken language. That gumph about Latin and the so-called Roman empire was inserted to cover over the cracks in the matrix. A rushed job but it worked well enough, until recently.
So the Roman Empire never existed?
Not as such. Bits of it did, here and there, in Byzantium, Alexandria and Atlantis – copy pasted onto Rome. Anyway, long story short, the generally adopted programming language was Latin, and 3D reality is the last thing you’d want to call “real”, or even 3D, when you examine its field lines from the side, detachedly.
Here. Take a look.
No way!
Er... Yep. Ridiculous, isn’t it.
You mean to say we took that for real?
You tell me.
But how could we? It’s so obviously...
Flattened, derived, a replication. How come we never turned round and examined the vast mother field all around?
Er... Look and see.
Oh my God. How grotesque. Too busy blaming one another, fighting one another, killing one another.
Yes, it ain’t exactly pretty.
But who could have devised such a theatre of insanity?
Who do you think?
You’re not going to say God, are you?
I don’t have to.
How do you mean?
You have to see for yourself.
We did? We wrote the programme. We set the parameters designing an architect, who could order and run a reality that would play our emotions, fears and greed sufficient to distract us from the mother field overhead, all around. My God... How insane.
Who else? You could hardly expect a loving God to create and impose on you such a world, such a life, such a reality? If God were truly love and light, neither hate nor fear would have any traction in this world. The power of love, the power of light would melt or dissolve any emergent anger or misunderstanding.
So we did it ourselves – that’s what the field lines reveal, because we wished to experience and endure 3D, and really there was no other way?
Correct. How else could you engineer a reality based upon is, that lacks the main, fundamental component...
Which is?
As you yourself see...
Which is...
Indeed. You see – the quantum leap from the infinite and the universal to this squished, derivative version – a mere “reality” as opposed to a living beingness, an isness of be, a field that simply is – unambiguously and irrevocably.
So here, you see, you see – and nothing could be simpler, nothing could be more obvious, because no thing in any way alters the power, the fact or the force of the field lines, and the Field itself – which instantly reveals the subordinate, secondary, derivative nature of all things. Seeing the field lines you are able to see this stone both ways, ad infinitum – inside out or outside in.
I... i see
Yes, so what happens when you is the stone?
I can feel it from within, as if it be an extension of myself, a part of me.
I can see myself in any number of different relations to this stone – variations on a theme, permutations, recalibrations... With the stone shifting through red, green or blue spectra, fading in and out of form, shape, size, position, time – my God! With this one stone I can make or break the universe, make or break reality! I can use it as a reference point to turn about, around or through, thus binding or unwinding things in a fractal domino-effect reordering of the frame we’re presently “in”, and we’ve been doing this all along, in a tiny way, making miniscule changes to the set up we’re presently in, never realising or even accepting that we were always changing things from outside, using this innate power to interact with the field, even while denying its very existence. We liked to imagine, liked to pretend we were using muscles, machines or material forces to make things move, shift, morph, mutate, denying the very nature, the very existence of is, the field we ourselves be, we ourselves inhabit, we ourselves mind, manage and make do.
The sheer scale blows me away.
Of what?
Of is, the field connecting every thing, every one, every moment and place, every dot and every i...
Not to mention the scale of our blindness, our determined self-deception... un-be-liev-able
So, as you see Megan...
Don’t tell me. Your field lines say it all.
Good. Then say it yourself, for we need to use the word or deed to mark the fabric of space-time with something or other – paying matter its dues.
As you so rightly said – the field is alive and well – there’s nothing wrong with the world – it’s whatever we make do, make believe, make think, make say – and thus we consciate what can only really vaguely describe as con-scious-ness, until we pip pip and once more allow the field back into our lives, back to centre stage.
0=1 an’all, as they say!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

happily 2

there is no verse
that can describe the
all that is i am

learn to conjugate
the verb
that you yourself
a single word
commencing at your birth
complete only when you
discover the syntax
of your life
the non-genetic code
contained within
your nought-cum-one
your one-cum-nought
computer soul
computer mind
where ne’er the twain meet
in short behold
 your cacophonic quantum field
a stream of digitised
 of animate light and sound
vying for the existential crown
of recognition in your babbling
churning audio-fractal
scheme of things
a thriving ecology of emotions
and viral memes
much adoing nothing
making much
of one
a barely comprehensible 
and systematically denied
that i
in spite of all
that seems to be
or not to be
 in fact 
perfectly conceived
no more  no less
the pinnacle
apex of creation
which i embodies  represents
noble in reason
infinite in faculty
the beauty of the world
expressing mathematically
whatever universe is
whatever – reality 
a noughtly 
perceived infinitude 
of conscious ness
cunningly concealed biologically 
rational mind
beneath a heap of mouldering fears
and precious beyond words
absurd though this be
yet palpably
as real
as me
is  me

so take your words
your things of thought
of literary conceit
and fling them back
into the gaping maw
of an eternity
never duly satisfied
while i play the sun
for an old cuckoldy ram
and sing to the moon
beyond reason or rhyme
to not know
what i be
stroke/ is
stroke/ am


there is no verse
that can describe the
all that is i am

learn to conjugate
the verb
that you yourself
a single word
commencing at your birth
complete only when you
discover the syntax
of your life
the non-genetic code
contained within
your nought-cum-one
your one-cum-nought
computer soul
computer mind
where never the twain
in short
your quantum
cacophonic field
a stream of digitised
 of animate light and sound
vying for the existential crown
of recognition in your bubbling
churning audio-fractal
scheme of things
much adoing nothing
making much
of one incomplete
barely comprehendable
thought denied
that i
in spite of all
that seems to be
or not to be
am in fact
no more
no less
than perfectly conceived
quintessence thereof
noble in reason
infinite in faculty
the beauty of the world
expressing mathematically
whatever universe is
whatever reality
routed through
the conscious mind or ness
absurd though this be
and yet palpably
as real
as me

so take your words
your things of thought
of literary conceit
and fling them back
into the gaping maw
of an eternity
never duly satisfied
while i play the sun
for an old cuckoldy ram
and sing to the moon
beyond reason or rhyme
to not know what
i be

Friday, December 15, 2017

the unity of page

standing on the edge of power
dipping in my toe
t -- o -- e

what do you feel
when the clock stops timing 
timing things

if things feel ready to boil
ready to go
then hold  hold  hold

i love to feel the breath of
space-time in my mind’s 
thought stream 

i’m climbing into a singularity
known as me
as my   

tap tap tap
crow’s beak on my
window pane

sliding into the back seat of
my mind
driving into the time 
of my life

besides breathing moment
lines of interlocking
i flip coins
as it were

last is not the time to introduce
nor the time to scrape bones
or whipsaw perpetuity
decidedly no

secretly i mention
number code
observe it unlock
the catacomb inmind

winged beasts  birds  serpents of the air  and a gorgon’s snakey hair  payment in kind  stop