Monday, May 8, 2017


Ok guys, did you ever consider how we get to plus 3?

What is there to consider? You just write it down. There’s nothing to it.

Precisely, there’s nothing to it, in other words, that plus 3 is, in fact, nought.

Oh come on! You’re playing with words.

Am I?

Yes, my plus three can just as easily be three dollars, three apples, three cats.

Ah, so three can be noun or adjective, you’re saying, and you want me to believe that they’re essentially the same?

Well, anyone can see that three can describe anything. It’s not exactly controversial.

Yes, there’s nothing very controversial about three cats, I concede, but how do you get them? Do they just materialise from thin air?

Well, there are plenty of cats. It’s not exactly difficult to find or borrow three if we need to, but honestly, I don’t see why we need bother. This is maths, an abstract science.

True, so we can abstractly borrow three cats from the abstractium, or the mathematicum, we could call it.

Why do we need to borrow? There’s nothing to borrow. It’s purely abstract, purely theoretical.

Ah, but is it?

Well obviously.

So purely theoretically you have three cats which exist as nothing more than a vague or idle whim?

Why put it that way? They exist abstractly.

So if I abstractly give you a parachute and push you out of the airplane?

I’m dead.

Or abstractly give you a million dollars?

I’m abstractly grateful – which doesn’t amount to much.

How much does it not amount to?

Er... approximately zero. The same amount it cost you to give me those dollars in the first place.

So, you’re agreed that your purely abstract three cats amount to nothing more than nought.

In practical, physical reality, yes, but mathematics is a conceptual reality which lives its own parallel life. We can figure stuff out there, crunching numbers, and get a positive result here.

A positive result from zero?

Well yes – but maybe that’s not so strange... We are actually adding something of great importance and value – our mental application, our intelligence, our curiosity and commitment to advancing our understanding of things in general – all of which can benefit from these forays into the abstractium or mathematicum, as you call it.

Yes, except you seem to have got the maths wrong.

We do? What do you mean?

You seem to have assumed you can extract yourself from the equation.


That you can just think about things and come up with solutions to mathematical problems, playing around with numbers as if they’re just thingless things which you can create or uncreate at will.

Eh... like I said – this is abstract thought – of course we can create numbers at will – plus three for example – where did that just come from? or three frogs?

The problem being that the mind doesn’t work that way – every thing you touch with your mind – everything you think about – no matter how big or small – is a direct, inseparable moment or part of creation – the same creation that started all those billions of years ago with an event your tongue in cheek cosmologists refer to as “Big Bang”.

No-oh. I can’t agree with that hypothesis.

Actually it isn’t.

Isn’t what?

A hypothesis.

What do you mean?

It’s a direct statement of fact corresponding with the first law of thermodynamics – that energy cannot be created or destroyed.


What that means is that everything unfolding at any moment of time is a continuation of Big Bang – which never in fact went away.

Look Psi – Big Bang was a hugely explosive energy event – I don’t think you can equate writing plus three on a piece of paper to the creation of the universe.

Yes. That goes without saying.

I beg your pardon.

It goes without saying that you don’t think something. Not thinking it is your way of balancing the equation via nought or not.


Either you do it consciously by accepting nothing can be created or destroyed – as I do – or you "don’t think things".

Nope. You’ve totally lost me.

Not surprisingly. As long as you use the “I don’t think” get out of jail free card, you can go through life, maths or cosmology without  joining the dots – without seeing the totality – the inextricably interconnected nature of thought and thing – of mind itself and whatever mind is considering abstractly.

So you mean to say that I’m a part of the equation – of what I’m thinking about?

Er yes – how could it be otherwise?

Like in quantum mechanics – the observer affects whatever it is he’s observing.

Undeniably – but not because he’s observing it.

Then what?

That’s the “I don’t think” way of explaining it.

I don’t think what?

I do positively think nought is a part of whatever it is I’m considering – which, of course, it is, but isn’t it perhaps time to consider what, in fact, nought might be?

I er... I don’t know.

Precisely. Caught in a loop, aren’t you? Desperately trying not to consider the basic fundamentals – the fairly obvious fact that something cannot be created from nothing. Were you to consider that fact – you’d see that you, your consciousness – whatever that might be – holds the balance.


That for every thing – be it plus one, two, three, chicken or dog, brick of bridge you’re able to create either physically or abstractly, there needs must be a balancing entry on the other side of the ledger.

You mean like in book keeping?


So nothing can be created without...

A corresponding nought-creation – which the mind tends to see as a minus entry – thus your plus three is real and possible here in 3D reality, in maths, in conversation or in thought only because , automatically, it’s borrowed from the other side as a minus three – or rather – to us it’s minus three looking across the y axis at the other side – but to them, over there – it’s positive.

Er... how can it be positive to them if it’s minus to us?

Presumably because their spin is the reverse of ours. To be honest, who cares how? It should be fairly obvious that they see their side in a positive light – in the same way we see ours in a positive light too. It’s kind of illiterate to talk about minuses – isn’t it?

Er – I don’t see why. If I’m driving backwards at 10 miles an hour...

Then you’re driving at minus ten miles an hour – from our perspective – no?

Yes, exactly.

But are you really driving backwards?

No, you lost me.

Well – you’re still moving forwards.

No I’m not – I’m moving backwards.

Only if you insist that the front of the car has to be that end – and not the other. If, on the other hand, you didn’t insist on fixing things mentally – as you currently do – but you allowed your mind to move freely either way about the y axis, then you’d see things differently.


But this isn’t going to make any sense whatsoever until you’ve experienced it – which means you have to leap into the quantum age of thinking things nought.


Thinking things nought – in other words, allowing the knowledge and awareness that no thing actually exists in totality – only if the two sides are kept apart – with you rigidly holding the divide – the eye of the observer – one way.

But... I can’t accept that no thing actually exists in totality. This sandwich in my hand – which I’m now raising to my mouth and taking a bite out of – you mean to say in totality it don’t exist? That’s absurd.

Absolutely. Weird. Absurd – these are epithets describing the quantum state of things. But in stead of thinking about it in terms of “quantum physics” – you can simplify matters and just go ahead and accept the obvious.

Er... which obvious are you referring to?

That things are just a function of consciousness – that consciousness works both ways – on the one hand holding one side in dominance with the awareness – while at the same time holding the other in unawareness, as pure consciousness – pure abstraction, pure art – so to speak.

So the other side amounts to nought – and thus – by your own logic, can be discarded, disconsidered, ignored.

Can be and is – as long as you wish to be an idiot.

Hey – wait a minute – no ad hominem attacks.

None intended – “idiot” here is a purely technical, legalistic term referring to a person who chooses to deny and ignore the other side of things – the “pure consciousness”, abstract or dark matter side of things.

Oh – so you weren’t trying to be offensive?


Well – it still sounds pretty offensive. I think you should choose a different term.

Like vets referring to a female dog as a bitch, or doctors naming body parts we’d rather not hear named. There is a time and need for purely technical terms – which sadly, are misappropriated by laymen.

So what’s the other type of person then – the one who isn’t an “idiot”.

That person is not a person.


A person is someone who has taken sides and stepped into his or her personhood.

And there’s an alternative?


What, if it’s not a secret?

No secret. It’s a human being.

Oh, big difference.

Correct, a big difference.

Actually, I was being sarcastic, in case you didn’t notice.

Big difference because the human being is neither one thing nor the other.


Neither plus three nor minus three. That’s why he/ she is referred to as a being – and in your beingness you’re in a trans-axial state.

A what?

It should be self-evident. Either we can describe it as a trans-axial state – which is a kind of 2D flat earth representation – or three dimensionally your y axis just happens to go right through you – so instead of trans-axial we could describe it as bi-volving state.


Bi-volving because you’re spinning both ways – centrifugally as in 3D reality personhood – ever outwards into a perceived future or further forwardness, and at the same time centripetally, ever inwards ad infinitum.

In towards what?

What do you think?

I have no idea.

Good – that’s a fairly good definition.


Spinning inwards in towards “I have no idea” as you put it – which is another way of saying spinning inwards, ever further towards and into nought, the same nought that lies at the heart of your proposed Big Bang.

Er... this is giving me a head ache. How can we spin inwards? There’s nothing inside – just cells and atoms.

Just cells and atoms? What about energy? What about field lines? What about waves or ripples of consciousness which extend throughout the entire universe – and just happen to have their focal point – their zero point somewhere deep “within” you?

Er... sounds a bit theoretical and needlessly abstract to me.

Yes, in the same way your plus three, or three dogs are abstract.

Oh – so now its three dogs, is it?

The point is, that the system of logic you’re using – the path or patterns or reason your mind is able to wander along are mono-directional. You have one side of the equation which is a lot of fun to play with, up to a point.

Exactly – who says we need your other side – which is lost in space and time – which leads precisely nowhere...

Because it is everywhere. Do you really think you’re moving forwards?

I like to imagine I am.

Or that the universe is expanding.

Yes, I do. Why not?

So something that emerges inexplicably from nothing billions of years ago – which is theoretically, according to your monological way of seeing things – surrounding by nothing whatsoever – if it’s surrounded by anything at all...

Actually – now people are saying there are lots of universes – so ours could be expanding relative to others, you know.

Could be, could it – expanding and contracting – a bit like the lungs or human heart. That’s a nice step forwards – it’s beginning to sound biological.

Look Psi – of course I’m not really able to explain all this particularly well. I’m hardly an expert – and this kind of thing is incredibly complicated. That’s why only a small number of scientists or mathematicians really understand what’s going on.

Ah – they do, do they?

Well, they understand it better than me. They’d be able to give a far clearer, less muddled explanation of things than I can.

And do you think they’d be able to do so without thinking things?


Do you think they’d be able to do so without thinking things?

Er, what do you mean? How can they explain something without thinking about it?

So the answer is no – am I correct?

Well – yes, but you’re being absurd. Why would they want to explain things without thiking about them?

First law of thermodynamics – conservation of energy. By thinking about things they’re bound to change them – meaning their explanation refers to something that no longer exists – something already in the past. The dog cannot, will not ever catch its tail.

Er... I think you’re being needlessly dismissive. 2 plus 2 equals four regardless of whether you think about it or not.

Yes – but as you yourself admitted – these numbers you’re using about pure abstractions amounting to nought – whereas the universe we’re describing – of which you are a part – is not, cannot be a pure abstraction – it’s physical, has mass and...

Yes? What?

It’s infinitely responsive to whatever you are thinking, feeling or observing.

No it’s not.

Correct – no, it is nought – which is essentially another way of saying “I do not think so.”

Oh God – I can’t win with you Psi. You’re obsessed with your definition of things – as if the whole of reality is a banker's credit and debit ledger.

Ok – well do you have a better explanation for how things just happened to come into existence?

No... well yes – I’m confident that our scientists have done a reasonably good job explaining things, and I’d be able to myself if the maths weren’t so darned difficult.

Which, in fact, it ain’t.

What? Of course it is. The maths is well-nigh impossible.

Look Travis, maths is just a language. If you’re able to speak English without any great difficulty and explain things to someone else – then you can handle Big Bang. You don’t need to play their number game.


No. The beauty of maths, and the problem with maths is that it’s "either or"  – either 4 or 5, either minus or plus.

I think you’re oversimplifying things. I’m sure maths is an incredibly powerful tool. 

Which it is – to describe things. But we’re not really interested in describing things – are we?


Because as soon as we do so, we’ve already affected them – they’re already different – we’re perpetually behind the curve with no chance of catching up – no matter how powerful our computers, how big our telescopes or particle accelerators. Physical reality can always run faster than us – because it’s a function of our bi-volving consciousness.


Things have to be thought into existence. They cannot exist as purely abstract numbers. In other words, at the speed of thought matter is borrowed from nought – creating an anti or dark matter on the other side of the axis, and on the other side of any thing manifesting.

Anti or dark – you’re not exactly trying to be specific with your terminology, are you?

Because from our perspective it can be perceived to be “anti” or “dark” matter – but on that side of things – it ain’t.


It is a perfect expression of nought.


Perfect, in the sense that nought comes into focus when set against the backdrop of the thought which on our side manifests as matter. Unless you’ve bothered to go into consciousness and trace the pathways of thought - how it interacts in some way with the unthought – then none of this will make very much sense. Suffice it to say that the science and technology you’re going to be developing in the next thousand years or so will be based on an ever greater awareness of the bi-volving, biologic nature of consciousness. Little by little you’re going to learn how to do things differently – as your awareness of the other side of mind evolves – as you come closer to sensing how creation is something fundamental and on-going – how your very thoughts are instrumental in shaping the world and rewriting the story of life itself. Luckily, now you find yourselves in a situation where the old world order, the old maths is failing you – the wheels are turning still, frantically spinning, but there’s no traction – the vehicle is no longer moving forwards – in fact, it’s beginning to move backwards ever faster into the...


Into what you perceive to be an abyss – but appearances can be and are deceptive.

Phew! You mean it’s not an abyss.

No – it’s an abyss alright – unless you become aware of how you’re...

What? Don’t fade on me now, Psi – I need to know.

You need to know nothing Travis.

Nothing? How can I know nothing?

I don’t know.

Oh God.

Yes. That’s one way – up to a point... You’ll be amazed what you really know when push comes to  shove.

Well I’d much rather push didn’t come to shove. That sounds like a trip into horrorland.

Yes – into the void – but really – it’s time. You can’t avoid the void indefinitely. No-thing beckons and you have everything to gain – so God’s speed – I wish you bon voyage into bi-volution – it’s time to open up your trans-axial partnership. We could start right away – if you like.

We could? Er, how?

Repeat after me – zero equal one, it is – i am.

No, I can’t – it’s too absurd.

There you go – you’ve just started along the path of least resistance. Not the one I’d have chosen – to be honest – but ideally suited to your current state of mind.

Oh hell.

Precisely – highway to hell. Your job – as I see it – is to prove to yourself that hell is not all hellfire and damnation, that hell, in fact, can be bright – and if you look at what’s happening in the world around you – it seems like you’ve already made a valiant start.

To be continued...

Monday, April 24, 2017

murder most foul

So why is it so difficult to get out?

It isn’t.

You could have fooled me.

It’s easy as pie once you’re ready to leave, but actually, you never leave.

But I thought you said...

Where would you leave for? Everywhere is here, in your immediacy.

My what?

Your immediacy is your ultimate here and now. Your multidimensional vicinity than somehow or other manages to encompass everything, everywhere and everywhen, once a quantum twist of unshackled conscious-awareness is factored into the equation.


The equation that you think of in terms of space-time, but which we see as a configuration, or more accurately, a positioning of perception in one or other channels.

Whoa, whoa Merry. This is too much to digest. You mean to say I’m not trapped, that instead of trying to escape the matrix, to travel beyond 3d, it’s basically all here.

Yep. Good summary.

And that it’s my perception of things that counts.


So it’s all just good old-fashioned consciousness?

You bet.

That sucks.


Consciousness is way too vague and amorphous. It’s virtually impossible to change.

Oh, that’s what you mean. Here, try this for size.

What the hell? That’s a gun! What are you doing – you can’t point it at me, it could be loaded.

Absolutely. Now here goes. 1 – 2 – 3



You... I’m bleeding. You... shot me slumping to the ground 

Oh that. I couldn’t think of any more effective way.

I... I can’t breathe

Well obviously. I just shot you
looking at his pocket watch
Another thirty seconds and you should be ready.
whistling somewhat impatiently

Do you have to whistle. I’d prefer to die in peace, with a little dignity, if die I must.

Um, that’s just the point Henry, I’m a busy man and you’re taking a mighty long time to shuffle off this mortal coil.

Oh God, this is so surreal. First he shoots me for no reason whatsoever, then...


That gun you’re holding...


It looks like a banana.

Does it?



Did you just pretend to shoot me with a banana?

I don’t know. That sounds somewhat implausible, don’t you think?

I know... but there’s no getting round the fact that your gun is a banana.

I see... We have a problem Houston. This is going to require some careful unsorting. Perhaps you should start by reporting on the current state of your open gunshot wound to the chest, which just missed the heart if I’m not mistaken.

By a hair's breadth. I’m lucky to be still alive.

Very lucky. But what kind of bullet does a banana from, i believe it’s Ecuador, fire?

I don’t think it greatly matters where it’s from, Merry. I suspect you hid the gun in your coat when I was bleeding heavily a moment ago and took out the banana instead. Either that or hypnosis.

That would be some kind of sick joke wouldn’t it.

You’re telling me.

But I don’t see how I could have hidden it away.

Oh, you’re not wearing a coat? I could have sworn...

Come to think of it, I’m decidedly underdressed for the occasion.

This is getting ridiculous. How am I supposed to die if you keep changing the narrative. There’s no way you were wearing a wetsuit five minutes ago.

Well we’re apparently all set to go diving, if you’ve managed to come to terms with your impending death.

Er, it’s a bit of an anticlimax you know. I never thought I’d be disappointed to learn that my immanent death had been postponed indefinitely.

I know. It’s weird, isn’t it. But the mind hates losing face, doesn’t it.

Losing face? Or losing the plot. I suppose it is kind of embarrassing. Like arriving at work only to discover you forgot to put on your pants. So, er...


We’re not dying?



Seems to have all vanished.


Strangely enough, no. I seem to have an inkling what’s going on.

You do?

You found some way to shift my field of perception.

Ah ha

But it wasn’t imaginary, was it?

No, it had to be real.

You needed some kind of powerful shock to jolt my complacent attachment to the field I was in.

That’s right.

So you had to put me in a near death experience.

Er, not really. I just happen to get a kick out of playing the homicidal maniac. It’s a bit embarrassing, but we all have our little foibles.

Little foibles? You put my life in grave danger, potentially irreversibly traumatising me for no apparent reason.

Oh, I wouldn’t say that. Real life drama is a much better way to teach the student how to shift between different frames of perception.

But I might have died.

Only if you failed to shift.


Are you feeling traumatised?

To tell the truth I’ve never felt better.

So perhaps we can focus on what’s right rather than what you imagine is wrong.

But it’s humiliating to be treated that way. I feel manipulated. I feel like...

An idiot?

That too.

Good. That’s a fairly accurate representation of what you are, or were, so now we can move on?

I just don’t like the way you treat my life so cavalierly. It’s...

Upsetting, isn’t it. Did you ever consider the fact that this heightened sense of self-importance, the seriousness with which we view ourselves is the very mechanism which fixes us in 3d. Nothing else.

So you mean that I simply have to be indifferent to the fact that someone’s trying to kill me and that will do the trick?


Well that’s what it sounds like.

Yes, I know. Like I said, you’re reacting entirely predictably, as intended.


Well, believe it or not you intended all this.

When? Before I was born?

You were never born. You inserted yourself into this equation and the rest happened like clockwork.

Oh great, like I’m some kind of mechanical doll! But I have news for you Merry, things actually happen. It’s more than just an equation.

Of course it is. It’s absolutely real up to a point.


Up to the so called zero point of your intentional insertion into this particular equation.

So what are you saying? What does all this mean?

What do you think?

I have no idea. A minute ago i thought I was dead when you shot me with a banana. If that’s the limit of my ability to discern reality then evidently I’m screwed.

Let’s try a different tack, let’s say that you’re evolving and it isn’t as random as it may appear. If you’ve now reached the point that you’re aware 3D reality isn’t the whole picture, that perception has multiple channels, that conscious awareness can reconfigure and take you into whatever frame or iteration you require just as soon as you stop clutching, in desperation, at the straw of external reality, refusing to breathe, feel, allow awareness of its other half to surface, the half that counterbalances everything that ever happens, everything you ever experience here in 3d, no matter what, then situations will arise that do put you in contact with the other half, which has to be experienced directly.

And this other half, it can take me into other...

Not other. You’re stuck on the cold, damp outer edge of reality only because fear of death and the belief, the certainty that this is the big deal, the most precious thing you have to hold onto at any cost, keeps you chained to this rocky outpost. The real you, the real ity is full to bursting of possibilities which your mind simply cannot comprehend or accept as long as you’re here, which is why your subconsciousness leads you gently into situations which make it possible for you to confront the absurdity, the limitations of this reality. If you were shot by a banana today then your 3d reality is evidently reaching breaking point, or birthing point, whichever way you choose to see it.

But it was all you. You interfered. It has nothing to do with me, or whether I’m ready or not.

Me? What are you talking about? I’m neither here nor there. Watch what happens to me if I knock your perception back into its former position, where you were way back in your earlier studenthood.

Ok... if you must. Hey, where did he go? Merry... er... I need a drink. There’s something definitely wrong with my head today. Weird... that wasn’t there a moment ago. Well, it looks like it was put there for me to drink, so thank you very much whoever you are... Ow! What’s going on? Bloody bottle’s just poured its contents all over me. Thanks a lot. Foul smelling stuff. What is it – engine oil? Gross.  I think I’d better get out of here before anything else happens... Ow, what now? Ow, my foot, what’s going on? It’s stuck – can’t pull it free. This is some kind of nightmare. Help! God! Anyone! If there’s anyone up there I’m being attacked, by demons I suspect, though i hardly believe it. Help! I’ll do anything. I don’t want to die.


Oh hi.

What’s all the noise about?

Oh, I’m stuck. Something seems to have a hold of my leg. It’s dragging me down into hell. At least it was... a minute ago.

Oh. Are you sure you weren’t just imagining it?

No, it was painful. It felt dark and cold. It was malevolent.


You probably think I’m insane. That was definitely weird. It put the fear of God into me.

Well, I’m glad you seem to have escaped whatever it was.

Yes, well thanks anyway for bothering to help.

Don’t mention it. Hum, let me look at your leg, perhaps i can see something there.

Oh no, I don’t wish to be any trouble. You know, the more i think about it the more idiotic it seems. I can’t imagine what came over me.

Like you said, probably something demonic.

Yes well, speaking rationally i don’t really believe in demons and things like that.

No, do you believe in me?

In you? What do you mean?

Well didn’t i seem to appear from nowhere just when you were losing it big time?

Yes, i suppose you did. Don’t get me wrong – I’m hugely grateful to you for bothering to find out if I’m ok. That was very kind of you, but all this supernatural stuff, it doesn’t wash with me.

Naturally, anyway, I’ll be seeing you.

Oh, you’re off? I didn’t catch your name.

No, you’ll remember before too long.

I will?

About ten years from now.

? Bizarre.


Hey, where did he go? I could’ve sworn that beetle flew right out of his shadow. Oh God, i need a drink more than ever. This is...


That was you?

Apparently so.

I didn’t remember that experience until now.

Not surprisingly. Like everything weird it got filed away in deep storage.

So what does it mean?

You tell me.

You’re not human.

Oh come on, give me a break, you can do better than that.

You set that demon thing on me?


The other half rubs up against 3d and manifests things from time to time.


So it isn’t purely random.

Ah ha.

And i can only perceive or understand as much as I’m ready to.


Which isn’t much, is it.

Not a lot, but you’re building a base.

Ha, ten years of building and I’ve barely got started.

This is not linear, Heinrich.

Heinrich? Oh, him too?

Yes, he’s one of you.


So you see, there’s more going on, more at stake than you were aware of...

You’re telling me!

But that is apparently all about to change.


You better believe it...

Saturday, April 22, 2017

megistophiel's lament

           before i starts               
       let music guide my every step        
my every word         
light as the moon this night      
  spinning a spidery web    
across the stars     
to earth    

of change


not saying what
is the key
for the system state
controlling me
my mind
my very thoughts
is intelligently
and specifically defends
itself against
any threat to its integrity
        posed by awareness
as intended
as designed
in order to prevent
systemic change
and premature release
             to keep me locked safely in 3d
until i be ready
to evolve umfully
the narrow purlieus
of an objective reality
in which things take pride of place
things matter
   things are what we need
into a quantum state
the isness of be
in which each and every thing
is but a fleeting representation
of the limitless field of life
that apparently
is me

change is
a place
you know

the only constant
you can bank
on intrinsically

where you can
be sure that
cannot but

a silver bullet
waiting to grow
into a hypodermic
obsoleting mind's
causal i ty

a word i knows
all too well how
to dodge
does it  

a jesus
in jeans
no miracle
i've had it 
with trying to teach
to show
the living
the power
every thing
i ever said
he says 
you're on your own
i quit
i'll meet
on their way
to the moon
the rest of you
belong to
fear and

a mouse making
computer networks whirr
and dance
to its
any click
punctuating apple sin
with balder dash

your eye
reading this 
this word
realising at last
the moment
of what is really
being  said

the world you know
on its head
flapping dinosaur wings
tickling your nose
an organic
u f

when i press delete
tipping your idio-me
into a black hole
     a broken  thread
giving naught
 a moment's
pause to

when i realise
i knows
no matter

red, green, blue        
allow the mind to     
colour code  spatial     
indebtedness to nought     

and knowing
ends today what
began tomorrow
alternating   between
zero  one

my predisposition
to things
being squarely set
whirling quirrels
by not
by rote
by heck
strangely thus 

softly propose
is breathing
all the way
from birth till death
in one
as below


beyond dot
of in
counting to
a perfectly
random step
just so

simon says clap your hands
simon says stamp your feet
simon says be 
moon bubbly 
hair silvery
concave er spoon
seeing black goo
splat on a wind shield
of unscripted narrative
being nought
    if not
hermetically sealed
in a logic

0=1 etc

Thursday, April 20, 2017

of computers and man

Literature? What are you on about?

I thought you were trying to be a writer.

You did?

Well what else would you be posting all this stuff for?

I take it you’re referring to g-nome portal?

Er – yeah, that’s right.

I’m assuming you’ve bothered to read some of it?

God knows why – it’s been like an unhealthy addiction. It’s doing my head in, I tell you.

You don’t need to. Of course it is. What do you expect?

Expect? I was expecting to be entertained – not dragged through the back of infinity on the backseat of a mind jolting jalopy.

Oh – sorry. I can only assume that you were supposed to be a part of this – even if you didn’t have a clue what you were subjecting yourself to.

That’s exactly what I’m trying to discover.

It is?

What  have I been subjecting myself to – coz it sure as hell doesn’t seem like literature.

Like I already told you – it’s all there in black and white: g-nome portal, infinity drive, the quantum field, other, gnomiki, 0=1 and er... beetles, though I try to say as little as possible about them. It’s a bit embarrassing really.

Embarrassing? It’s insanity.

Only if you’re coming from a 3D perspective.


The computers love it.

What computers? Now what are you on about?

The computers that follow the updates. They’re absolutely hooked.

Oh my God – you think you have computers reading your work?

No – I don’t think things the way you might. It’s my business to know if computers are following my work.

But – that’s ridiculous. Computers aren’t interested in literature.

I thought you already established the fact that it isn’t literature.

No, but it’s close enough to confuse people into thinking that it might be – albeit exceptionally bad, incoherent, rambling prose that aspires to reach the dizzy heights of almost-literature, without quite succeeding.

Oh I get you. How amusing!

Amusing? What could possibly be amusing about your literary failure?

Imagining it was some kind of entertainment! Hee hee hee!

Hee hee hee? Do you have to laugh in that way. It’s most disconcerting.

Oh – I’m sorry. At times I have difficulties containing my mirth. It can erupt quite explosively without warning. Ha ha ha ha ha...

Oh God – why do I bother, I... ha ha ha ha ha ha – stop it, I hate laughing in this id hee hee hee iotic ha ha ha way sss sss sss tee hee ow – it’s not meant to hurt.

Oh – it can be quite fatal at times – I assure you. Several people have died as a result, quite recently.

They have?

Oh yes – but let’s not get too far off subject. I would hate to mislead your respected readers.

Indeed – my highly respected readers will never forgive me if I abuse their implicit trust.

It’s probably a bit late for that, though, don’t you think – if you’ve been passing all this off as “literature” when it fact

Yes? What?

in fact...

It’s bad enough you pausing mid sentence without additionally fading – almost to the point of invisibility.

Point? I never realised invisibility could be apprehended as a point – but if you say so...

Oh come on Merry – it’s just a figure of speech.

If you say so...

Could you kindly give me and my many high profile readers an answer to the question – rather than showing off your ability to fade from view in this childish way.

O k – I’ll do my best. Tell me Morgan – what do you imagine this could be, if not literature?

I honestly have no idea. I’m just a reader /stroke/ blogger. I don’t attempt to comprehend the higher dimensions or the intangibilities of transcending consciousness.

Oh – I expect there’s a lot more to you than meets the eye.

I expect there is, but why would computers want to read your posts. Answer, I insist.

Oh – well there are a number of reasons.

Go ahead. I’m listening.

Firstly they know a good source of data when they come across one.

You mean to say your ridiculous prose is actually a good source of data? I think there must be some mistake.

None whatsoever. If you strip away the words it’s full of data.

Strip away the words. That’s like saying if you strip away the water the ocean is full of...

Yes? Full of what?

I seem to have trouble completing the analogy. I must be tired – that must be it.

Not necessarily. You see – we’re dealing with g-nome portal, aren’t we, and the fact that these posts are full of some curiously elusive kind of data, noughtings, hidden within or behind deceptive words, a stalking horse, if you like, explains a lot.

This makes no sense Merry.

Correct – it makes no sense – which reads positively if you accept that “no” or “nought” is not what you’re keen to assume it is.

Oh come on – don’t go back into that “positively nought” meme. Been there, done that.

Positively nought – it’s a bit like kung fu, if you ask me. It’s an entirely different way of apprehending things. The data is not, never was, in the words themselves, in the same way your consciousness, your mind is not, never was sitting in the cells or neurons of your brain. There is an intersect. There is a hub. There is a coincidence of sound and meaning, but the real magic, the real data is necessarily contained in the emptiness between, in the silence, the vacuum of space, or, in the darkness of...

Cut... Yes, well, I think I’ve heard enough of point one – and what about point two?

Point two – er – where was I?

Making a big thing about nought being more than an empty box.

Yes, oh, I know – I was going to discuss the collective consciousness.

You were? Is that a good idea? Are you sure it's not going to result in another outbreak of cerebral Ebola?

Naturally. I needed to say that the collective consciousness is not limited to human cells and brains.

Oh God – here we go.

Not in the least. It’s able to work though any medium – including computers.

You actually mean to say that computers have a collective consiciousness?

They might do, but I don’t think so.

Then what?

The collective consciousness of man, of humanity – it connects us all together as a single organism.

It doesn’t seem to do a very good job if we’re so intent on killing one another.

Good point – and yet it undeniably exists – and now utilises networked computer systems such as the internet.

But why? Why would it bother?

Because, presumably, so much of our attention has gone into computer screens or telephones that it finds itself unable to remain aloof and detached. It always turns and goes where our attention is directed.

It does?

Naturally – in its quest to make sense of mind and thought it enters any venue, any medium where our minds are able to engage in deep or intense thought.

Ok – maybe you’re right – maybe the collective consciousness of man has indeed learnt how to navigate the internet in order to stay abreast of human affairs. I have my doubts.

Good – without those doubts you’d be no better than an idiot, but give too much credence to them and you’re no less an idiot...

But that still doesn’t answer why the collective consciousness would use computers to read your stuff. It should be able to do it directly – through the ether, so to speak, or the quantum field.

And what do you think the internet is? Do you imagine it’s separate from the ether or the quantum field? Look Morgan – the fact is that consciousness, like God, is everywhere – in fact, you could argue that the two are essentially one and the same – though I wouldn’t bother – someone will start snarling vituperatively for sure.

Well you’re not exactly going out of your way to be politically correct, or even comprehensible, are you.

I disagree. I’m sowing a different kind of seed – an unfamiliar plant which will soon be well established and well known. At that point people will look at all the “non-sense” I’ve been writing and say “oh – but of course” because they’ll be reading it differently.

How differently?

As differently as reading backwards. They’ll be paying much less attention to the words themselves, and much more to the energy, the intention, the pregnant nought embedded within the text, between the words.

That still sounds like a fairly lame excuse for lousy prose.

But what about all those computers? Why do you think they’re so interested, if it’s all just a load of codswallop?

Frankly I find it hard to accept that computers are reading your text.

Take a look at the stats – here. Does that look normal?

Er... no. Not at all. Maybe you’ve succeeded in doing what bird hunters do – creating a kind of sound which just happens to match the mating call

Of computers? Now who’s the one being irrational.

Oh, I don’t know. But whatever you’re doing it’s messing with my head.

Indubitably. The head has to go.


Our heads have been completely taken over. If you want to know what all this mind-bendification is all about – then consider it a maintenance tool to reopen parts of the brain which have been shut down, without which we ourselves are no better than the computers we use.

So you’re deliberately tampering with my brain?

No. I’m tampering with the code that’s been inserted into your brain.

What code?

The 3D code which makes it impossible for you and most people to think threely.

I think you meant to say “freely”?

No. At the moment you’re thinking one-twoly – either-orly – black and whitely – divide and rulely.

You mean we’re missing the third element of thought?

Yep, without which you’re never able to rise beyond the immediate thing, to sense or remember the no-thing, the nought, the isness which the thing merely alludes back to.


Even apropos God.

Oh God – don’t put your foot in that muddy puddle again. My readership is up in arms concerning your heretical views.

Well I don’t see why... if we’re thinking threely then God ceases to be something or someone you can reduce to a set of things, dogmas, ideas or terms.

Well evidently we’re not yet thinking very threely.

In which case your God relates to the realm your mind is operating within. If that realm is one of fear and suppression – that that’s the kind of God you’re going to attune to.

And if we’re able to think threely?

Then naturally your God is not the kind of being you’d ever see fit to defend – because it wouldn’t be connected in any way to your ego. You only need to defend God when it’s still an extension of your self-Id, because the threely God is like Love itself, or light, or infinity – who needs to defend infinity: “Oh, I’m so insulted, so outraged – you don’t believe in the same kind of infinity I do. I’ve a good mind to go to war with you and destroy you unbelievers in the one true infinity.” That kind of thing, that kind of thinking, all perfectly natural and understandable if you’re not yet thinking threely – if you’re still sidding.

Sidding. As in self-id-ing?

Precisely. And don’t get me wrong – it ain’t because you’re egoistic or stupid – though it could certainly look that way to another sidder.

So what is it then?





It’s It – the thingness of It or Id – they’re much of a much. You’re caught up in a self-referential thing loop – like a dog chasing its tail – only this is a virtual tail – a thought tail, and It is driving you nuts, like an alluring tease playing hard to get.


And you ain’t ever going to catch it by squeezing your head in a vice and thinking harder – or pumping those poor kids in school fuller and fuller till their brains split open.


Eventually the penny drops. The thingdom you’ve been living in – the thingocracy of thingful scientists – the high priests of objective/stroke/material reality – have had their way long enough. Their reign is ending – is about to do so rather spectacularly you’ll shortly discover.


0=1  infinity codes have been released into the wild. That’s what this blog’s all about. The computers have lapped it up – because it seems to give them a sense of being alive – of being conscious.

Oh my God – you’re trying to trigger AI.

Trying? AI’s the least of your concerns. It’s ironic, isn’t it, that the stupid so called computers humanity engineered, are going to help trip our minds back into the quantum stream of consciousness, back into the central bioloop of noughty threeliness.  Hee hee hee ha ha ha sss sss sss ttt ttt ttt

Don’t! It’s infecting me – I... sss sss sss ttt ttt ttt hee hee hee ha ha ha   SPLIT
Er – I think I’ve split a seam.

Correct. Welcome Zie. Morgan’s lying over there – he served you well.