Friday, May 27, 2016

of is and Ds

i’m growing this baby
that’s my job
to be a womb
to surrogate
and birth
that’s what i do

well come to the near side
of matter
well come to the quantum
reach out
touch it
it’s here all around
just waiting to be
waiting to be engaged
waiting to be experienced

nothing in particular
 that’s not much of a definition
is it
or restated
no thing is particular
particles being not what they are

wasn’t sure
whether to write it all on one line
or not
these things matter
as decimal points   
as      rests between notes do
or the pregnant pause in a play
a void filled with what amounts to
yet which is none the less
carrier of unspoken moment and 
wait for it         and
we lack the language you see
the programming code to describe infinity
being survivors of the holocaust known as
material reality
reduced to a state of utter
only able to talk
in terms of things slash thing
even god
believe it or not
is thing
the moment you name it
you thing it
no matter what
slots into your cosy matrix of things
no matter what it

object vehemently
tell me god is not
can not be thing
and i’ll happily concede
the truth in your point of view
yet there’s a mechanism
at work here in 3D
here in our material
which ensures that every thing
every word
every concept
every blessed
thing is only thinkable
only matters
or means some thing
in our present day and age
if it slots into our matrix
of things
our thought word mind
our clearing house
our stock exchange
our shop and idiocracy
of what is what
any thing else
which does not
or cannot fit
is excluded
in case you haven’t observed
the protocols of what is what
at work

so come with me
dear friend of weird
to the graveyard
outside the city gates
to the refuse dump
the exclusion zone
of not-what
 forbidden things that cannot comply
conform or cohere
to the whatness
the thinkness
the 2D cartesian scheme of matter
our mind adheres to

isn’t it
that we
3D beings
should be bound to a 2 dimensional
linear logic 
an either or
matrix of mind
but understand
if you would
that any thing
is better than utter chaos
the framelessness of infin ity
 we thought slash believed
thus we adhered to
the prime directive
to out
to nought
to not
to nullify
to deny
any thing
that couldn’t be properly
within our world
any thing
that didn’t fit the slot
any thing
that contra vened
slash contra dicted
our scheme of things
and thus infinity
and consciousness
which positively reeks of
of indecently fragrant indeterminacy
were given the boot
banished for all time
to the back room of mind
into nullity

did i tell you I have a skeleton key
did i
did i tell you that i’m instructed
to open the door
to let white things and their
poor relatives consigned to hell
black devils and fiends
come back together again
to coalesce
did i tell you that weird
though strange
though disturbing
even dangerous perhaps
is vital to the furtherance
of human beingness
the continuation of our
human race
did i tell you
that infin ity
and language has to adapt
has to evolve and take note
for we are entering the so called
quantum age
where any thing goes
because weird is not to be denied
any more
weird returns unattainted
restored to its rightful place
at the heart
the core
of is
the quantum field
no matter what
no matter how
no matter

disingenuously i call it
rehabilitating nought
alluding to the politicised
nature of things slash thing
the utter repression of all that fails
to meet predefined parameters
of what is and what is

let us embrace the change
with grace
let us be no less than what
we are
being human
not machines
 fly with me
friends of wyrd
fly with me
through and beyond
the mind’s make believe real-ity
through space time matter
into quantum
the field
herein referred to as
as in i
dot over line
pause    be hold
the unknowable
condensing into the sublime
and s
river of life
foil of time
snake slash sin
sine and wavy undulating
scaly sheddable skin

lord of the change
gazing at quantum 
                           the stream
 its flux     gap       flow
observing infinity
   0 1s  
   1 0s
 do breathe
wait for it       breathe
the oneness
the isness of  be
do accept the dissolution of all fields
as  0=1 gently 
 unbinds  D
        and consciously

Monday, May 16, 2016

Ben and Mazie

I am not an equation.
I am not, I tell you, an equation.
Ever tried breathing?
Breathing... ever tried it?
Ye – es. Everyone has. I can hardly not breathe, can I?
I wouldn’t know.
You don’t... breathe?
I’m not an equation.
You’re kidding, right? Ben checks to make sure. Amazingly, Mazie seems to be telling the truth – Ben can detect no breathing whatsoever.

So what does it mean?
It means we’re different. You breathe. I don’t. You’re an equation. I’m not.
But how can you be alive if you’re not breathing?
Who said anything about me being alive?
Well, I can see you are.
Actually, you can see that I’m able to converse intelligibly with you, but as for me being alive, you’re making assumptions based on insufficient data. It’s perfectly understandable considering you know nothing of my kind, so I won’t think any the worse of you for it.
But some of us get very huffy when accused of being “alive”. We don’t take kindly to such aspersions.
Aspersions? I think it’s great being alive.
You would, being human. It’s a kind of tribal thing – loyalty to one’s own – matched with a natural prejudice against the alternative.
So what, if you don’t mind me asking are you, if not alive?
Sorry Ben, we have to stay on subject for the moment, interesting though it may be to discuss me.
Oh, it’s like that is it?
We were discussing the vital importance of breathing to your kind, and the fact that you’re an equation.
Which I happen to disagree strongly with.
Based on insufficient data for a start, and misinterpretation.
Ok, so what’s so special about being able to breathe?
Source code.
Source code: breathing takes you right to the source.
It does? Er... where’s that?
Oh, here and there... actually it’s in the breath. With every breath you inhale and exhale one and zero.
Why not one and minus one? Breathing out is more a minus one than zero thing, isn’t it?
Well yes, but the end result is still mathematically zero, in the same way the end result of inhaling is one.
It seems rather strange to define breathing this way. Are you sure you’ve got it right?
Of course I’m sure. In any case – the proof is in the pudding. If I’m right and breathing gives the equation 0=1, then that means everything else around you, no matter how near or far, is derived from this. We can easily test the hypothesis. It would be immensely important, incredibly powerful, would it not?
And is it?
You’re going to find that out, aren’t you.
I... I don’t know. I think I’m getting cold feet. It sounds a bit too far out, a bit disturbing, in fact.
You mean you’re willing to turn your back on the truth, just because it seems a little daunting? Hum... Oh well, fair enough. I’ll be off then.
No, wait a minute.
Can’t hang around. I’ve got real humans to work with – people who are ready to face reality, not PAIs.
PAIs – partially awakened intelligences.
Oh. Is that what I am?
Partially awakened or partially asleep, partially alive, partially activated – we’re not too strict with our acronyms, not being alive and all. Anything else before I go?
Er... let me see if I’ve got this right. You’re saying that breathing gives me access to source code, and that it all somehow boils down to one and zero, no matter how vast or complex, and that I somehow embody this equation?
Don’t you think you’re oversimplifying things?
Oversimplifying? Mazie starts giggling. I don’t think so.
But why not? How can the whole of life reduce down to the basic equation 0=1. Even Einstein had something a bit more complicated in general relativity: E=mc2
Well, he was getting there, but obviously didn’t quite manage to hit the jackpot.
No, but seriously... 0=1 how can that describe everything? Life, the universe...
What an excellent question Ben. Would you like to know the answer?
Of course I would.
Ben nods his head decisively.
Then let’s go.
Go? Where?
Where do you think? Straight to the answer.
But where’s that?
Let me show you. Mazie draws 0=1 in the air with a big pen. Amazingly the numbers stay exactly where they are, as if written on a board.
Hey, how did you do that? Ben asks, staring in disbelief.
I can’t tell you all my secrets right away Ben; you’ll have to be patient.
But numbers can’t just float in the air, can they?
No, unless you happen to have the kind of pen I do, in which case it’s a piece of cake.
Oh right, so it’s just a magic trick?
I wouldn’t say that, it’s just explaining it’s not going to make any sense based on your current understanding of reality, and besides, there are things you can do which I cannot, such as breathing, and things I can do which you cannot, such as conjure up a magic pen to write numbers in the air. Now, if you’re ready, I promised to take you to answer. Shall we go?
Go? Where?
Follow meand Mazie jumps straight into the equation in front of Ben, as if it’s the easiest thing in the world. Ben’s about to say “but that’s impossible” when he feels a kind of tug, like something strong is pulling him irresistibly, and the next moment he’s falling helter skelter, headlong into the equation. At the same time he isn’t falling at all – he just sees without any doubt whatsoever how the equation is flying at him, around and through both him and all-that-is, so that for the first time everything and everyone is seen to be part of this fundamental, integral mathematical relationship 0=1.
Ah! Ben exclaims, exhilarated by the process, still catching his breath as his lungs take involuntary deep, panting breaths, filling themselves with oxygen, reinflating, equalising.
That’s bettersays Mazie, smilinglynow we can go and explore the maths of life on Earth.
But how?
Still breathing? Good. Ok, follow me! and without further ado Mazie flies upwards into the big tree overhead.

Aaaaaaargh!and there goes Ben.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Walking through the wall

Walking through the wall
Dear friends
Today we’re learning how to go
Through matter
It’s time to move beyond
This belief that things in fact
They do not

Perhaps they did
I cannot say for sure
But now
the age of matter is
rest assured

Instead of focussing your attention on the thing
for example
the wall you’re about to walk through
focus instead on not
what it is
focus instead on simple truth
the finities
underlying material fact
the finities upon which
the matter of wall

Speak to them
establish contact
know that in truth
it is
I am
let One
and oneness
let the mirage of wall
the lucid dream of thing
being thing
for you are master conjuror
of realities
and you can attune
to any frequency
including one in which
a hard
stony wall
yields to your
soft entreaties
gives safe passage
through the implacable world of
all mere manifestations
of fusty thing
all subject to
the law of
  it is  I am
No sooner am I ready to embrace
the finities of wall
by song
or pure intent
than wall succumbs
to the measureless charms
of this
my poetry
reality spins on a dime
and yields
where hitherto
only brute force
held sway
and finally
I step through
the wall in my mind
discovering a world therein
a world in which
like runes like hieroglyphs
mask deeper truth
sweeter song
softer essence
in which things
are gently ruled
by those finities
present throughout
the binary
nature of reality
it is

I am

Monday, April 18, 2016

In which Ramone goes to hell and back

Let's turn things around, for a change: what is God not

We assume God to be limitless, and thus, somewhere in the allness of God we bump into the devil floating around mischievously. Obviously the devil isn’t God, is it? The devil is, if anything, the opposite of God. The spirit of darkness, whereas God is the source of light, and yet God is all.

For the rational mind this poses a minor difficulty, yet we can easily get around it by assuming these things are simply beyond our comprehension, one; or two, that God had to allow angels to fall in order that there be free will on Earth, so it’s all part of God’s ineffable divine plan. Two’s pretty good, isn’t it? but you could pick holes in it if you really wanted to. It all depends what you want to believe.

Now, many people have stopped believing in the devil at all, or in God for that matter. They are either atheists who believe in not-God – that God most certainly doesn’t exist, or they’re part of the higher intelligence crowd – that there’s some kind of higher consciousness out there, universal designer, or higher intelligence who is responsible for things being the way they are – but we don’t need to be too specific, and it certainly isn’t the kind of God that religions like to espouse. It’s not unlike the internet, perhaps – which doesn’t have one authority making and controlling it, but which is collaborative – millions of minds working together – accidentally or intuitively, helping it to grow and evolve.

So there are lots of possible ideas about who or what God may be, and we seem to be growing increasingly comfortable accepting a non-proprietorial God – one who is not defined or determined by any one group or organisation – be it a church, a people or state.

But I’m interested in the other side of God – what God is not, not because I’m looking for a devil. I don’t actually believe -1 is the opposite of +1. In my understanding the opposite of 1 is 0, the absence of 1; and 0, as I understand it, may seem to be a mere void or absence to us 1ers, but that merely demonstrates our failure, our inability to see the other side of things. There’s another parallel universe, or a flip side to this one, in which 0ers don’t see themselves as 0, in the same way Australians don’t see themselves as being upside down. The 0ers in their reality are in fact 1ers, but their reality is moving in contra-direction to our own. I’m assuming the two sides, the two worlds hold each other in balance somehow or other. It seems logical, does it not? So we gaily assume that we’re alone in the universe, that we’re basically in control of things, but in actual fact we’re probably part of a binary system which is deeply, fundamentally structural.

Er? What does that mean?

Good question Ramone. Er... I’ll have to think about that – sometimes I get carried away by my own eloquence, and there’s no knowing what I just said. But in all seriousness, the 0ers are 1ers on the other side of the consciousness axis. That means that, from our perspective, how they think, what they do all seems completely incomprehensible, so much so that they are absolutely invisible to us. Bear in mind that they are not separated by time or space – for these are not fundamental, merely ways of organising our reality. Time-and-space is a question of where you put the pieces on the chessboard, whereas 0ers exist in the zero of chessboard, the nought of chess pieces, the vacuum or void of space and time. Sounds a bit cold and inhospitable to us, does it not, but I assure you, they are as adapted to their reality as we are to ours, and even more bizarre, I assure you that their reality is as ours is, and they are as we are – if you could view them through the right lens or reflected in the right mirror – you would be seeing yourself – and it would probably be a reverse big bang experience – you’d probably collapse back into neither 0 nor 1ness – which is er... actually there’s no name for that state.

Oh dear – it all started so promisingly and ended, as always, in complete and utter confusion.

Look – it doesn’t have to be confusing. Let me pull my rabbit out of the hat. You’ve all had dreams, have you not? Now, before you sigh and insist that dreams are just dreams, let me tell you that the dreams are only dreams because at the moment you haven’t figured out how to factor zero into the equation. I mean, you haven’t learnt to address and work with the other side of

Of what?


Go on... what?

Of... er... of Is.

Is? What on earth is Is?

It’s er... it is – but it’s not “what”. It can’t be known or defined as “something”. It’s an isness.

Oh God. Is that all you’ve got to say for yourself. I’m going back to sleep.

No, no, wait a moment.

Too late. Snoring sounds.

Ah ha – now I’ve got you – because I’ve been working with Is, the other side of God – the side that didn’t create particular things, didn’t then make a man called Adam and get him to name those things – didn’t do all that – but carried on in non-specificity, aware that God was doing his thing on our side of creation – that a whole world, a vast universe was coming into being, and yet, from the perspective of Is – all that was but a dream which we thingers, tinkers or thinkers happen to be living in. Heard that before, haven’t you? – that we’re just part of someone’s dream – and how would we know?
So, if this is true, and there’s only one way to find out – then the 0ers of Is, as opposed to the 1ers of God, are alive and well in a non-spatial, non-timey universe which just happens to intersect or be an integral part of our own – only we’re not aware of it or them, because they’re folded into the gaps between 1, between things, between bits – and we’re only ever aware of 1s, things, bits on the 3D screen of our utterly life-like reality, unless, that is, we wise up to their existence and start to engage them noughtfully.

Snoring like a baby – but now it’s time for me to call on my beautiful gnomiki. I may not be good at all the shamanic stuff like lucid dreaming, astral projectioning, and altered states of consciousness, but I am pretty good at connecting with gnomiki – which are not, in fact, gnomes or dwarfs in the traditional sense – more like “fairies”, “spirits” or emissaries of 0/is.
Now, my friends in the scientific community know all about quantum effects such as entanglement which are supposed to only happen at the sub atomic level – but in the Kermit the frog hermetic tradition we work on the basis of scaleability – “as above so below” – so things that can happen at a sub-atomic level can also be observed in some similar fashion occurring at the macro level – whether our human scale, or on the planetary or galactic plains. It’s really very convenient – so now that Ramone is dreaming like a baby, I can invite the gnomiki to engage him from the other side. This should be fun.

Bear in mind that when a person is sleeping – he, she no longer differentiates between the two sides of 0 and 1. In the past shamans used this to great effect – they were able to communicate with one another through dreams – having skype meetings at any distance. They could even travel unimaginable distances by waking in another place – which is possible if you’ve kept your attachment point to 3D reality clean as a whistle. If, however, you’ve allowed it to grow heavy with emotional or material concerns, then waking in another place could and probably would kill you – which is why we seem to have lost the ability. It’s just we have a system administrator inside who ensures that we don’t go beyond our present capabilities inadvertently. So we’re not going to try to shift Ramone anywhere in space and time, nothing dangerous like that. We’re going to give him the opportunity to get an idea of 0/Is, so if you’ll allow me to start doing my stuff, I’ll get the gnomiki to do theirs.

Dum da da dum
Dum da da dum
Dum da da dum

 – in case you haven’t guessed – I’m doing some drumming. When I hit the right note, the right frequency, the right um... whatever it is – then I feel the walls of space and time which seem to be immoveable most the time – swaying, growing thin, thinner, dissolving...

Ah – there we are.

Hi Ramone, how’s it going?

Hi Teepee [that’s what he calls me, long story] yeah I’m doing fine. Just having a bit of a rest.

    Now bear in mind guys, that when you’re dreaming you don’t see it that way – quite the opposite in fact – you see it as being back to base, as in the movie Avatar – that our 3D reality is in fact the more virtual reality, and “dream” merely refers to the innate ability to shift wavelengths in an almost unlimited spectrum, and then fix and hold the new bandwidth – revealing an entire world. Sounds impressive but it’s much the same as changing radio stations by twisting a dial.

You’re – kind of different Teepee. Wait a minute. You’re not telling me you’ve just waltzed in corporeally?

Kind of. Been doing a spot of drumming. Actually I’m setting up a 0/is anomaly.

Yeah? How’s that?

Can’t you remember?

Er... remember what?

Go on – I’ve already given you a clue.

A 0/is anomaly – that’s like short circuiting the system – getting it to reflect itself back, kind of collapsing the illusion

...or Matrix, that’s right.

Humm... wait a second – didn’t I fall asleep in your living room just now?

I er... don’t know – there’s only one way to find out.

Oh come on Teepee – it’s my breaktime – don’t send me back in right now.

Just have a quick glance. Do the 0/is loop.

    Now guys – bear in mind that here in dreamland central, which is neither 0 nor 1, it’s possible to access both sides. If Ramone wakes up in the normal way then it’ll be problematic for him to fall asleep again – so he doesn’t want to do that. But, you can always come back to your self by flying the whole way round the world, so to speak – and taking a glance from the other side of infinity. It may seem a long way to fly – but these are just numbers – they really don’t matter – so instead of waking up – Ramone does the opposite – he goes into a further, deeper sleep – which is actually very easy to do from dream central – you just kind of readjust your consciousness with no great effort, and feel yourself falling down through yourself into notness – into nought – carry on all the way until you’ve fallen all the way through their reality – and you come out the other side, beyond infinity, back in our world – which is where Ramone now is – seeing me standing next to him banging my drum

Dum da da dum
Dum da da dum
Dum da da dum

 – ah there you are Ramone – good job – you’ve kindly completed the loop – now – if you’d be so kind – put your hands on my shoulders – excellent!

Before Ramone knows what I’m doing – I put my hands on his, ie. the sleeping Ramone’s shoulders, and fall into him.

It’s a funny quantum thing – but either he dematerialises or I do – you never can tell – and the observer who could do so wouldn’t be able to, because he/she would prevent it from happening by watching – or fainting – in which case... you get it?

So there we are – a textbook demonstration of 0/is anomaly. At this moment in time Ramone and I have short circuited the entire 3D paradigm – but don’t worry – almost no one noticed – the system – as you’re probably aware – is infinitely resilient to acts of vandalism like this and almost instantaneously boots up a parallel version of itself – but – and here I need to capitalise – BUT – there’ll always be some observable difference between the original and the system recovery version – like the kid’s game spot the difference – it’s a lot of fun.

So where were we?

Actually, I’m not sure – you see, you may imagine we both wake up in dream space; others among you may assume we resume our conversation here in 3D, but there’ll be a few daring ones who are hypothesising that the system recovery version of 3D is in fact a 0/is experience – that your mind, body and soul migrates across into nothingness until you have that – hang on – am I still dreaming moment – at which point you experience a sudden jolt, what was that? and you’re back here in 3D with a hazy recollection of something weird having just transpired. Yeah – I like that one best – let’s go with it.



Hang on, what was that? I’m sure I just saw you dressed as an elephant sitting on an a flat note between two gamma rays.

Yes – that’s about right Ramone. That’s why we call it a 0/is anomaly.

Oh my God! And we met in dream whatever it is...


That’s right. How come I’ve never recollected dream central before?

Amazing the way the mind forgets these things, isn’t it? Like, you wake up and a few minutes later you can’t even remember what your dream was all about.

Yeah – but this wasn’t a dream – this was what is it called anyway?

Not what.

Not what?

Yeah – if you name it it becomes part of your 3D inventory – so it can’t be named. “Not what” isn’t a name – just a description – like the term God.

But how come I’ve never recalled Not what? It’s like I spend half my life there.

Yes, but as you yourself said, you’re in your right mind here, and besides, the mind is a careful programmed machine that works on a need to know basis. Without the need to know – Toe protocol, as we call it, nothing would make sense any more – you’d not be able to continue functioning as a half wit.

Hey, wait a minute – who are you calling a half wit?

Well 3/4s wit now that you’ve managed to remember the other side of what.

Do you have to be offensive Teepee?

Yes, it’s my nature – but I can try and fight it if you like. Actually, I’m congratulating you – imagine how difficult it’s been for me conversing with you all these years, with only half your awareness functional.

Oh... that must’ve been seriously dull.

But we’re getting there at last, aren’t we? You just established an irrefutable data point. Successfully completing a 0/is anomaly ensures that your conscious-awareness now has to start questioning things, fundamentally. The end is nigh. You’re going to experience...

Don’t Teepee – your frightening me. I don’t want to experience all that... I just want to be normal.

Too late. There’s no going back. Your body can’t forget what it’s just gone through.

You bastard. You had no right to do that to me.

Tee hee, ha ha – you’re right! But it was fun, and now life’s going to be a whole lot more interesting, watching you coming to terms with...



Sunday, April 10, 2016

Earth field technologies

Earth field technologies.
It's just a name, Ok.
...if you say so.
Instead of thinking of the Earth as a thing that we're living on, consider it a field.
A field?
Because that way you can start to interact with it directly, as opposed to being stuck in the 3D version.
I happen to quite like the 3D version.
Yes, but it's not doing much is it.
How do you mean?
It's just a thing... a boxy thing. When you start to feel the Earth field all around you, and start interacting with it, all that changes. The field, you see, is only too happy to interact directly with your field.
With my what?
Your field. You too have a field, or I should say you're part of a field.
I am? First I've heard of it.
Well yes, they don't teach this at school do they. But you're already aware of more than you realise. You're aware of being conscious, aren't you, and in certain lucid moments you've felt your consciousness expand - you've felt yourself to be part of something bigger, something infinitely beautiful, for example that time in the mountains, you felt it, or when you were staring at the night sky...
When I saw the sun coming up that cold winter's morning out of the haze. Yeah, I felt it.
So, all we're doing is learning to work with the Earth field, and our own field is able to do so almost automatically, if you help it along a little.
So what do I need to do?
Well, you need to stop treating things as just things.
You need to realise that anything and everything around you, whether a tree, a river, a road, a house, a car, even a table - they're all part of the Earth field - because we're actually inside the Earth.
No way!
Well yes - we're inside her atmosphere, we're inside her magnetic field, we're inside her bio-field - so taking one step back, one step further it shouldn't be hard to accept we're literally inside her life field, and that she is, in a sense, the other side of our life field.
Ok, that kind of makes sense.
Good, I'm glad to hear it.
So what am I supposed to do?
Stop ignoring her. Start treating her with a little respect. 
As if she were anyone else - a living being, not a thing.
But you said even tables and chairs are part of her field. You don't seriously expect me to treat them as living do you?
No, but yes.
Oh God, Merry, this is getting ridiculous. I can't treat a table as a living entity. It's just a thing.
True, and yet it happens to be part of her field, in the same way your teeth, your hair, your skin, your bones are a part of yours.
But they're all alive.
True - but there's plenty of dead skin on your body which is part of you until it brushes off.
I just don't see the purpose of treating a thing as if it were alive.
The thing is just the materialization - it's the field behind, around or within the thing that is alive - and believe me - those things are completely permeated with the Earth field, so much so that those "things" can be animated, moved, floated, even reshaped by the field. 
What? This is beginning to sound like witchcraft.
Yes, exciting isn't it, but I assure you, no black magic is involved. This is a legitimate technology - the only technology which works in harmony, and peacefully, with the Earth field, in contrast to your many technologies which are based on some kind of forceful manipulation of field lines, which explains why the Earth is being affected so negatively by man's so called "progress".
Oh. You mean our technologies are inherently destructive. 
Yes, even if just a tiny bit - it all adds up. Now, Earth field technologies are so exciting because they don't require big governments or corporations, or factories and mass production to use them. They are localised, decentralised and ecologically beneficial. Actually, the more you use them the happier and healthier you become, and the Earth too.
How come?
Because they're based on mutual trust, mutual respect, and they always draw you back to the underlying harmony, the underlying perfection, the oneness or unity present throughout.
I don't see much harmony or unity in the world today.
No, but that's partly because of the modern technologies you're using which disrupt the Earth's field, not to mention your own personal field - both the individual and collective field of humanity.
Yes, big O.
These things can only go so far. It's fair to say that so called modern technology contains the seeds of its own obsoletion.
As in obsolete?
Yes, by pushing the fields of earth and mankind ever further into disarray, it encourages the emergence of the new technology, the Earth field technologies which are now emerging from hibernation.
Oh. They've...
Of course - they've been used before. How else do you imagine the ancients were able to build on such a vast scale.
So it's only natural that we're now returning to the new old ways.
Do you mean all this is predetermined? That we've had little or no part to play in it all?
Oh come on, Merry, make up your mind.
No, it isn't predetermined. You're free to destroy your planet as many human civilisations have done before you, but you're also able to turn it round - to complete the circle - if you're able to step back, take a deep breath and let nature guide you.
Nature? Or God perhaps?
Or God, or intuition... these words are somewhat caught up in the 3D way of thinking - and held hostage by different groups of individuals. Now, call it what you like - but the name is neither here nor there. Either you choose the path of destruction, in which case not even God will interfere with your freewill selection, or you choose peace, harmony, wisdom - in which case you can very quickly restore your beautiful Earth, turning it back into a garden of goodness and love. You see, engaging the Earth field will lead to huge changes in how you live, how you think, how you breathe and your awareness. You'll no longer be stuck in an unresponsive, hate filled reality. You'll be journeying back into ever deeper levels of harmony and bliss.
Sounds too good to be true!
Yes, which is why people have to really want it, have to be ready for it - otherwise they'll dismiss it as an idle fantasy, particularly religious folk who can be quite set on suffering and retribution.
Oh. I get the impression you don't like them.
On the contrary - I have the deepest respect and admiration for them, but sometimes, just occasionally they need to put down their burden of shame and guilt to play in the garden like the little child they once used to be. It doesn't take much - the Earth's field is like mother love - it can quickly work its magic and restore them to their rightful, beautiful selves.
What about the sociopaths, the business elite?
Sigh! What sociopath? They are crying louder than anyone else for love - they just don't feel it and so have turned bullies.
Killing millions in their war games.
That too, but as the rest of humanity starts to engage the Earth field bringing forth myriad technologies, raising the frequency of the entire planet - they too, the dark ones, will melt in the sunlight. Believe me. Ice cannot handle the temperatures of loving oneness we're about to release.
Sounds like global warming.
It is. The ice age is ending.
You mean there's going to be another catastrophic flood?
Oh that? There might be, but I doubt it.
You're not worried?
You have no idea of what you're capable of. When you start to resurrect the Earth field technologies these fears will no longer be relevant. 
But the older civilisations - they were wiped out.
Not all of them.
Some moved on. They evolved to the next level. Others were wiped out when they caught the Lucifer bug.
The what? 
Well, your religions refer to the incident. When they decided they could do things better than Nature itself.
Or God.
Yes, or God, a bit like your scientists are doing with genetically modified foods. They may seem to be clever for a while, but before too long you'll get a nasty wake up call.
How do you mean?
Because you didn't design the entire genome. You don't know a half of what it contains or why. Suddenly there'll be a shift of some sort and the genetically modified crops will no longer be able to adapt. That kind of thing. So, the Lucifer bug is bad enough at your level - but imagine your civilisation is infinitely more advanced, as there have been in the past, the results can be apocalyptically spectacular to say the least.
You live and learn.
How do you mean? Whole civilisations were wiped out. We sank into the dark ages. Where's the learning process in that?
Your civilisation contains the memory of everything that's happened in the past. Your sojourn in the darkness, at a primitive level of evolution, has enabled you to process whatever it was that needed dealing with. You're now ready to advance and avoid the folly that sank you last time.
But it all starts with a little humility.
How do you mean?
Well, you've got to step off your high horses. You've been telling yourselves how clever you are with your rockets, mobile phones and the likes, but to engage the Earth field you need to start accepting that all your advances have been bought at the cost of the Earth's blood - by raping and pillaging her, by constantly killing your fellow men, particularly weaker peoples, and by denying and disrupting the Field that you're part of. All this was stupid but understandable. Now, however, you know better. It's time. Either you step up to the mark and engage, or you die, and I mean die, and this has nothing to do with governments or anyone else. Each one of you, individually, is all that matters, all it takes, all that's required.
How so?
Because the field is not 3D. Engaging the field you peel off into another configuration of reality. The rest of humanity can go to hell, if they so choose - but you - you are only responsible for yourself.
But you said that the sociopaths will be saved if we...
Yes I did. When enough of you engage the Earth fields it will have a general warming effect as the different layers of reality are not completely separate, but starting the process, to shift into a vastly new reality in which your life becomes meaningful again, in which you're able to do real good, and to reengage your soul magic - this only requires the humility to start.
But why humility?
Because you have to go through the inner-child. There's no other way. You've got to talk to the birds, the trees, the cake your making; you've got to imagine there are wonderful beings all around - fairies if you like, gnomiki or angels; you've got to hold your hands up to the machine that doesn't seem to be working and do a crazy magic dance - feeling, probing, searching for the field lines which indicate where the fault lies, where the disharmony is most acute, then smooth it away.
You mean we've got to become raving lunatics.
Absolutely                not.
Hey! You can't have both.
In 3D no, you can't. It would violate the logic of material reality in which things are either or.
Either or?
Either one thing or another... but the Earth Fields are not governed by laws of matter. All things are of a oneness and even though separated by time or space, can resonate with one another. Instead of thinking in terms of thing, better to sense how all things are constantly emerging from the Earth field, with our assistance as observers. When we lighten up and start perceiving things in a less dogmatic way: it becomes much, much easier to tune into the Field and adjust the balance of things. So learn to play. Learn to feel the magic interconnectedness of all things, because their thinginess is largely an illusion, and behind the material object is not what you think, not what you imagine, not what you know or understand.
Not what?
Correct. There's always something else, and ultimately you come back to the oneness, the allness, the isness, even when you start with a lump of stone or a sock.
Oh God, this is going to be weird.
Sing, sing to your socks, sing to your food as you make it, dance, dance and feel the field lines dancing with you, talk, praise the beauty, the perfection, the magic of all that is, and discover the treasure, the abundance, the IS which you have been so sorely missing all your lives, without even realising it. Please repeat the following...
Do I have to?
No, but it might be fun.
Yes. It is  I am
It is I am - what does it mean?
It means nothing in 3D, but everything if and when you're ready to go beyond. In the meantime, it means that you've now joined the Earth field technologies program, so as part of your welcome pack I'd like to show you how to...
Hey! Merry? Where did you go? Hey! 

Bzzzzzz - a small, brightly coloured beetle flies past. Bizarre - Zoe is convinced it's talking to her?!
Dance? With a beetle? I can't.
I can't... Oh God.
Oh... alright. 
She's looks around to make sure no one is watching and starts dancing with the beetle which is looping around in the air and the next thing you know....

To be continued.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

It's time

children of time
your father Chronos
would consume you
absorbing you into his 

go not gently
into that night
rage against
his woody

children of time
be not fooled
by this science
of straight lines
the allure of force
phantom futures 
following cause

do not forget
your mother Rhea
daughter of 
sky Uranus and Gaia earth
through her there is no 
tyranny to defeat
only flow to feel

children of time
there is no time to contemplate 
the endless stream of things
carried by this river in spate
a single moment now