Look Merry, it's not a bloody game. It's real life and at times it really hurts. When are you going to come out of your dreamworld and face reality?
Right now.
Well do something then.
Like what?
Well don't you care?
Of course I care. She happens to be very dear to me.
Then what are you going to do about it?
Why would I want to
do something?
To help! Or are you just going to let her die?
No, don't try and talk your way out of this. We both know you can help her.
Ok - we both know that anyone can help anyone else. It's a free world after all, isn't it?
Yes, but you've got a lot of experience dealing with this kind of thing.
So you can make her better.
Not necessarily.
You can Merry. For Christ's sake. This is a human life we're talking about.
Right now we're talking about anger and compulsion. Let's not mix up the two.
Ok I'm sorry, but you ought to care more.
And to do that, by your logic, I ought to raise my voice and drain all my power by doing stuff.
I said I'm sorry. I'm emotional. Excuse me.
Actually, you're entering the drama.
The what?
You're entering the drama.
What drama's that?
The drama Jen's in the act of creating, with her pending death.
Drama?! How could you make light of this matter. Jen's not creating a drama at all. The drama's happening by itself. She's dying of cancer, and instead of you rushing to help her, you're making out that's she's to blame. I can't believe it. I simply don't understand how you can be so utterly heartless, callous...
Zie, that will do.
Merry does what looks like a dance move - kind of shrugging one way, turning slightly and arcing his left hand through the air in front - as if he's breaking a chain of thought, disconnecting something.
What was that?
Was what?
What you just did?
Oh that. Nothing really.
You er... did you hypnotise me or something?
No, the contrary.
I'm... I feel different... no longer angry. Why was I angry a moment ago?
Oh because Jen's sick.
Yeah, but why was I angry?
Oh - you were feeling powerless to help. You also felt partially to blame for it.
But that's absurd.
I agree, but if you scan your feelings you'll see it's true. We often start feeling responsible for the lives of people we care about. There was something else in there causing this anger, wasn't there?
Wow - it's amazing. I can see it all clearly: the blame, and also... how bizarre... some fear for myself. How could everything have got so confused; so mixed up inside?
Oh, things usually do. Such is the nature of
Their nature? Things have their own nature?
Yes, why not?
Because, er... they're just things.
Yes, that's what you're supposed to think, and what you do think most the time. But actually, if you give it a little thought, or make a few detached observations, you'll see that things live a life of their own.
They do?
Yep. In a sense they are alive.
Inorganic life forms. Even if they themselves aren't exactly alive, inorganic life works through them and influences you, to the extent you can be completely taken over - like a house or tree smothered with ivy, or a ship with so many barnacles attached that it actually sinks as a result.
That's horrendous.
Well, I wouldn't go that far. Just because they're inorganic doesn't mean they're not natural.
What? These
things are a part of nature?
Again, we need to be careful with terminology. The things themselves might be merely a vehicle or a vessel, but the inorganic lifeforms that can feed on you, take you over, train you to serve their ends - they're certainly part of nature - albeit a broader spectrum of nature than you currently recognise.
But... it's preposterous!
Absolutely. It's everything you're taught and trained not to think - after all, they don't want you breaking free of their tutelage, do they? But don't be so hard on them or yourself. Ultimately everything finds its own balance. If there's a vacuum then nature fills it - so if you allow your awareness to drop because you unwisely choose to consider yourself the top of the food chain, then you're asking for it really, aren't you. A little humility, a little circumspection goes a long way.
So, we're not, you're saying, the top of the food chain?
And you think there is a top?
Well why not? There's a top to every mountain or building.
Yes, that's true.
So what am I supposed to make of all this and - er - what did you do to stop me being angry a moment ago?
I simply disconnected from your drama.
You what?
Disconnected from your drama.
But how?
Very easily. I stopped doing... Started nothing-ing.
Nothing-ing? What on earth's that?
Oh it's nothing really.
Déjà vu.
Yes, I've used the phrase already - but I'm using it literally, not as a figure of speech. Why don't you figure it out...
It's nothing really - so you created a kind of bubble - a nothing that interrupted my flow.
Yes, that's about right - but it wasn't exactly
your flow, was it?
What do you mean?
Well, you yourself have observed how quickly it all evaporated just as soon as I nothing-ed it.
Yes. Astonishing. It was just gone.
Which leads you to realise...
Oh my God! You mean it was theirs?
And who might they be?
Stop Merry. Don't make me say it. It's sickening.
It's nothing Zie. Let it drop.
Zie looks like he's losing it. Eyes glazing over. Breathing fast and shallow. Beads of sweat appearing on his face.
You're being a hopeless drama queen Zie. Snap out of this immediately. They are no better, no worse than you or me. We already discussed the fact that this is all nature - like light beyond the visible spectrum - it doesn't stop being light, does it?
Zie doesn't seem to be responding - but has at least stabilised in a kind of horrified dejection.
I'm going to teach you a very simple technique to interrupt the flow of what you think/ what they want you to think matters... that's one of the main mechanisms they use to control you through your mind. There's really nothing to it - so no need to worry about what to do or how. Simply play with me. Catch the ball.
Merry pretends to throw a ball to Zie. He does it with such total conviction, you might say artistry, that Zie's unable to resist and catches whatever the ball must be.
Right, throw it back to me, but remember, it's actually a bubble so you mustn't force it or it'll pop. You have to will it with your whole being - with your body and mind, as I just did... Yes, that's right. Oh wonderful! You're so good at this Zie, like you've been always doing it.
The two of them watch as the ball sails through the air to Merry, then the next moment it isn't there. There seems to be a gap in their sense of continuity. Like reality's just skipped a frame or two, but truth to tell, you wouldn't know for sure how big the gap actually was - any break, no matter how small - can be of indeterminate length - that's what Zie feels at least.
Oh. That was... I'm... er... lost for words.
Good. You're feeling better. You were having a...
Don't tell me... I completely lost it back there. I thought I was going to die.
You were. Had I not intervened you would now be dead.
You're joking, right?
Zie, this is not a joking matter.
No? I thought it's good to make light of serious things.
It is, just as long as you're able to face the truth, rather than run from it.
So what brought on this nuclear meltdown?
That's quite a good description really. Or you can liken it to anaphylactic shock.
You mean what people have when they get stung by a bee, if they're allergic to 'em?
That's right. The body completely loses it - you can be dead in minutes if you don't have an adrenaline shot.
So what's the link?
Well it's obvious really...
No it isn't. Try not to be patronising Merry, if you can help it.
I'm sorry, I mean - it's obvious if you stop telling yourself it isn't... if you simply allow yourself to know what you already know.
Ok - here goes... So this is like having a mental or biological tantrum. A massive overreaction. But why would the body or mind overreact to such an extent that the person's life is put in danger?
Good question. Let's assume that the bee sting, or the sudden awareness of them feeding on you was a truth you weren't ready to handle. It threatened to torpedo and unravel the whole story your life is based upon.
Ok Merry... my mind freaking out when I started feeling how I'm wrapped around by these inorganic life forms - how they're able to control me and feed on me, as you say - yuck - it's kind of understandable I'd go into shock - but why would I allow it to run completely out of control like that, and what's a bee sting got to do with all this?
Good question. The answers are all close at hand, I assure you - and instead of providing them myself, I intend, lovingly and respectfully to step back sufficiently to allow your own cognitive-digestive processes to work. I assure you, your knowledge of these matters is no less than my own, even if you're not currently aware of it.
Somehow I find that hard to believe, but then, I guess that's what they want me to think... Ok. So the ball - how did that help stop the meltdown?
The same way my wiggle-wave did a moment before. They, and their 3D reality requires our complete absorption. As long as they have our undivided attention, they have us where they want us, and we're easy prey.
So you just need to break the link.
Kind of. Actually, it isn't even a case of "breaking" anything. That would give them what they want. They thrive on your struggle, your resistance, your fear and anger - your emotions.
This is getting to me again.
Copy me - don't think - just play the child's game - simply copy whatever I do.
Merry starts dancing, cavorting round in the most absurd manner imaginable. He makes some funny noises which Zie does his best to imitate, before he gives up for laughter.
So this is what you call doing nothing?
Precisely. This is doing nothing - because it's outside their box.
How's that?
Because it comes from the conscious awareness - from my intuitive knowing what is, as opposed to what should be or what I'm supposed to think.
So coming from
what is breaks their
this-is-what-matters diktat? Suddenly, tis no matter - and the chain of causality is no more.
There is no chain of causality to break once you're coming from your isness.
My isness?
Your inner nature - that which simply, truly is.
Ok. So I don't have to fight them.
There's no point. Resistance is futile. You'd be fighting your own shadow.
So, in a sense, you're saying, they want me to fight them.
Absolutely. That way they get to milk you for every last drop of life force and conscious awareness. That's why they invest such huge resources in all this...
Merry points at the whole surrounding.
They create this?
Not exactly create - but they invest a lot of time and energy to make it look absolutely real, and to introduce the kind of distortions that are guaranteed to keep you and most of humanity hard at it, like rats on a wheel, sweating for them.
Oh God - it's so...
Don't say that.
Why not?
Because it seems evil. Maybe these things are like demons or the devil?
I already told you - they are nothing. They're no different from any farmer or businessman who sees an opportunity and uses it to make a living. They can only operate within the natural laws holding all things in balance.
But why would nature allow them to exploit us like that?
Answer that yourself. Detach. Toss the ball in the air and catch it.
Somehow it comes easily to Zie - he tosses the imaginary ball in the air, doing so with such candour, such apparent artlessness that...
Where does the ball actually come from Merry? Is it something you're doing that I'm not aware of?
Where does anything come from when you're outside this 3D reality of their making?
No idea?
Matter's a derivative of conscious awareness. It follows thought, so to speak. There's really nothing to it. We've always been able to materialise things - it's just down here in this symbiotic push-me-pull-you relationship with them it appears to be difficult.
So you helped me to escape 3D?
No - there's nothing to escape from. I simply helped you to come to your senses by applying a little light pressure to your focal point.
My what?
The point where you get to choose what to focus on - either this 3d virtual reality, or the isness of be.
Ok. So one more question if I may?
Fire ahead.
If it's a matter of choice, and if these dastardly things are able to take us over or devour us alive - why would we consciously choose this?
Good question isn't it?
Yes... are you going to answer it?
Yes, but not in the way you're expecting.
Oh dear.
I'm going to answer it by allowing you to see for yourself.
Oh... Is that - er - going to involve seeing these inorganic creatures.
Er... Merry - I think I'd rather not... in fact I'm coming over all strange again... I
Zie, catch the ball.
Without even thinking, Zie leaps like a bionic goalkeeper, extending fully to grasp with fingertips the ball that's hurtling diagonally beyond his line of vision. Strangely he doesn't come crashing to the ground. He's standing exactly where the ball is, as if he never leapt at all - as if he simply shifted sideways.
Nice one Zie. You're a natural I see. Technically speaking you've just flown through the centre of the galaxy and back again, all in the blink of an eye. Amazing isn't it?
You're telling me! But did I really go so far?
Technically yes. You shifted through zero point, and that just happens to be at the centre of the galaxy, which then connects into the next zero point at the centre of the universe and so on, ad infinitum, but we won't go too far down that rabbit hole. Suffice it to say that the quantum leap you just effected so admirably has broken half-a-dozen of your scientists' most fervently held and lovingly cherished dogmas - but they'll get over it. They always do.
But if it was a quantum shift as you put it, then in a sense I just dematerialised, then rematerialised here.
Correct. That's another way of describing it. To some people it may sound less fantastic. You never can tell. Every person's entitled to his or her own preferences.
So there are other ways of explaining this?
Oh half-a-dozen, as I said.
Such as?
Er... your reality collapsed when you completely withdrew your attention from it, and another one, accommodatingly formed around your new attention.
Wow! That's amazing.
Isn't it just. But let's leave it there for the moment. Our chief purpose wasn't in fact interstellar travel, though we're obviously guilty of as much.
What was our purpose?
Let it come back...
Oh that. You wanted me to see them. And did I? Oh my God. Now that I think about it - I've always seen them. I've always known they were there. I've been complicit right from the get go.
Correct. And they are not so much "they" as you were imagining a moment or two ago. Perhaps that explains why you were so sensitive to this troubling awareness.
Not so much "they" - I'm beginning to see what you mean.
Correction. You're beginning to see. What I mean is largely irrelevant.
Yes. So they and I are...
We're back to the mobius strip are we not.
The one that has only one side? My God - I don't believe it - except I do... how bizarre. I'm able to accept things that were completely off limits a moment ago.
And all that was required was for you to leap through a wormhole that just happened to be positioned a few metres away, thus traversing the entire galaxy in the blink of an eye and landing on your feet in a state of more or less centred awareness of
that which is - bingo - conscious awareness it is!
So to cut a long story short, perhaps you now know why it's not necessary for me to involve myself in Jen's so-called disease.
Yes, I think I do, but you can still help her doing nothing whatsoever and that would be the perfect cure.
If, I repeat, if it's what she herself wants.
Well of course she wants to live.
But not necessarily to face what is. In our heart of hearts, of course, we know that death's no more real than anything else we encounter, but dying on the other hand - that's a powerful conscious awareness tool. We can achieve more in those precious months of learning to let go than our whole lifetime of service to things that matter. So, let us avoid interference. Let us honour her choices whatever they may be.
It's so frustrating - wanting to help but not being allowed to... Merry, I see... We have to honour where she's at in her journey.
And trust that whatever comes her way - even a seemingly dreadful disease, comes from the ineffable magic of a universe that knows no bounds...
That is willing to stop at nothing
To bring us back
To our natural state of
Conscious awareness
It is... I am
And the two friends disappear from the screen as the credits roll and happy upbeat mood music escorts the viewers from the packed cinema in a state of... whatever you're feeling right now.
Jen, meanwhile, has a near-death experience - so technically she dies but doesn't remain long up there in the milky white softness - returning to the turmoil of this world strangely transformed - knowing death is nOthing - she becomes an adept at nOthing, and nOthings a course through life that enables countless other human beings to awaken to the power of nOught within.
The End
the beginning
of every thing
or every is
that proceeds from
cuckoo la la
catch a falling star
if that's
beyond belief