“Away with the fairies,” I remember thinking to myself as I
flip out of 3D, and instantaneously I feel g-nome reconnecting what can only be
described as a spiral forest of stairways moving in every direction from the
central hub of me out towards infinity – like the distant edge of a giant
bubble, twisting and weaving, like the inside of a great seashell, like a field
of wheat swaying in the breeze... words fail me.
“Oh my, oh my, oh my...!!!” followed by some more “Oh my, oh
my, oh my,” and continuing quite happily, without any sense of repetition “Oh
my, oh my, oh my,” for each “oh my” refers to something different – something
unique that I’m only now able to feel and experience for the first time – or
the first time from the perspective of my erstwhile 3D self. “Oh my...” it
feels so good just being here and “oh my-ing” – surfing through the endless Faery
realms of colour, light, sound, of earth and tree, of flower, of cloud... yet an electric blue beetle awaits me – so once
I’ve had a good spin through the allness of is, and recharged myself with Faery
flight of fancy, I know it’s time to take myself back to the portal gates where
Roger awaits and I have something important to do, if only I could remember
“Away with the fairies...” I hear my voice, obviously
completely out of it.
“Yes, that’s all very well Josh, but it’s rather hard work
holding on to you like this, so if you don’t mind I’d like you to flip the
switch NOW.”
Roger was obviously finding it tougher than he’d expected –
or maybe I was just taking longer than expected to come round.
“Flip the switch?” I’m thinking to myself. What on earth is
he referring to. I’m still enjoying these out of body sensations, celestial
visions, and what not... the last thing I want to do is crash down to the nuts
and bolts mundane reality of relay circuitry, but that, apparently, is what I’m meant to do.
“Too right you are,” says Roger panting. “Master Wu assured
me you’d be no trouble – that you’d wake up spontaneously as he’s taught you
“Master Wu,” I’m thinking to myself... “the one who never
taught me anything – how bizarre!” but no sooner have I thought this than I
have the shock of my life... How can I describe it? Imagine living your whole
life believing you’re a hamster, experiencing what a hamster experiences,
eating what a hamster eats and drinking what a hamster drinks – even dreaming
what a hamster dreams, and all of a sudden you look in the mirror, you see your
reflection and to your surprise you find yourself gazing at a cat. No sooner do
you see your cat reflection than you recall what a moment before was blank,
terra incognito, the cat mind you never knew you had – and the hamster part of
your mind starts issuing loud, vehement “but... but... it doesn’t make sense...
I don’t understand.”
Oh dear, that doesn’t nail it either. I’m struggling as you
can see. Rewind.
“Master Wu,” I’m thinking to myself... “the one who never
taught me anything – how bizarre!” but at this precise moment I’m able to cross
over to the other awareness, the part of me that is sitting by the lotus lake
with Master Wu, and the two sides are
now able to shift into synergy with each other. “But... but... it doesn’t make
sense... I don’t understand,” raises his hand, but teacher says “quiet Josh –
you’re doing fine – everything’s perfectly comprehensible,” and to your
inordinate surprise – teacher is right for once and – contradictions be damned,
paradox effortlessly decoded and disambiguated, all is clear as crystal dew.
“Look Josh, I understand what you’re going through, I
appreciate it’s not your average Wednesday afternoon in the office set up, but
please understand that I only have about 7 seconds left before I have to let
your signal crash, so either flip the switch or face the consequences.
Bizarre. I don’t panic – not in the least. It’s as if I’m
absolutely confident, even though I don’t appear to have a clue. One part of me
is thinking “what on earth’s Roger going on about?” while another is patiently
explaining that the g-nome portal uplink requires a manual override of system
protocols, which is why I have to go into my genetic control panel which
actually appears as a physical room, with flashing displays, a bit of engine
oil and a smell – you’d either love it or hate it... and there I am – or rather
there’s the part of me that deals with this kind of thing – long ears,
whiskers, big soft round eyes, calm, competent – what you might call my elfine
system administrator.
“Funny – who am I, where am I?” I start to muse – wondering whether
I’m the elf-like system administrator, the normal 3D me, the me that’s with
Master Wu or the one that’s standing opposite Roger, watching as he grimaces in
pain, before finally giving up and releasing the wires he’s been holding
together. Oops. That’s er... bad isn’t it?
“Yes, very bad, says the elfine system administrator – whose
name is Llyss – but I rather suspected you’d be slow on the uptake so I’ve
routed in a time loop that can switch us back 15 seconds. If you’re quite
ready, we can now do what we appear to have failed to do.”
“Oh good job Llyss,” I’m about to say, but something snaps
me into higher awareness, whence I cut out all superfluous conversation and act
with complete composure. At this precise moment all the levels, all the aspects
of me, of my self which is necessarily represented wherever conscious-awareness
manifests – all come into synchronicity and act with one accord. Astonishing.
Perfect timing. Perfect unity. We act as one and neither space nor time nor the
laws of physics, chemistry or biology can stand in our way.
Blip. Fibble. Mugjug. Pondavar-selmek. Jofzehan.
No idea what they mean – but they make absolute perfect
sense in the HERE and NOW of all that is I AM.
...And some mind bending music that would normally reduce me
to a state of imbecilic dysfunctionality, but makes me hyper co-ordinated and
activates my hum-along glands.
I’m aware of seeing from multiple perspectives – and yet
there’s the all seeing eye of the observer that simply witnesses how story
unfolds in various threads. In the first thread Roger watches me crumple to the
ground, inanimate, then a few seconds later my body disintegrates into light –
if the words “disintegrate” can be used in this context.
Moving swiftly on – that thread doesn’t seem to offer me the
satisfaction of story – for true Story has to lead somewhere – into ever
greater happiness.
Thread 2 – sensing that I’m unable to respond in time and
flip the switch, I revert back to dream mode, and from dream mode back to
Master Wu’s meditation class, where I’m able to process all this and learn from
my mistakes, so when we try again next time I’ll be better prepared.
This version is kind of neutral – it neither offends nor
pleases me. I’m ready to accept it if nothing else is forthcoming... Just then, however, a straggler arrives huffing and puffing, with a glint in his eye that seems to
be saying “boy have I got something for you.”
Thread 3 – at the precise moment that Roger looses the wires
and I fall into the abyss of neither here nor thereness, the earth passes
through some kind of quantum anomaly which momentarily reverses time. It’s like
I’m falling, but the earth is falling faster, so in fact I’m rising, relatively
speaking. As this happens my conscious-awareness coalesces into what can only
be described in Goblin terminology as the 27th moment – absolute clarity
– and not only do I flip the switch but I also manage to prepare Roger an apple
strudel (his favourite dish), write a highly regarded treatise on
inter-dimensional coin flipping and, somewhat embarrassingly, cut my toe nails,
all at the same – er – moments, if you know what I mean.
Needless to say, the effect is more than pleasing. Roger
hasn’t ever experienced apple strudel materialising from what was 3.4 seconds
previously a dematerialised body, only to see the apple strudel followed by a
hand, arm, me, and the mutant waveforms of the aforementioned music I’d been
listening to while getting all this done.
“My God Josh, what on Earth’s that noise – a diesel engine
regurgitating yesterday’s lunch by any chance?”
“You like it?” I beam. “I can teach you guys a thing or two
about sound and frequency you know.”
“Er...” Roger’s torn between the desire to eat the exquisitely
baked apple strudel, with a dusting of cinnamon sprinkled on top, and protect
his ears from audio anaphylactic shock – but no need – the sound now disappears
back into hyper-dimensionality as the 3rd storyline closes around me.
“Such a waste...” I smile, “Sigmund Drozhbug’s musical talents
could be put to so much better use if shared with the world, but alas, I fear, tis
not to be.” To say that Roger looks relieved is to attain the fabled seventh
degree of understatement at a stroll.
Roger quickly recovers his usual sanguine, devil may care composure and takes
me on my first tour of g-nome portal... Introductions, back slapping, a rather
intimidating first encounter with Chumba Wumba the troll, a meeting of minds in elegant discourse with Fidgy Temoral, and much much more... but ours is to Story... to
cut to the chase... to surf the wave that leads us onwards ever onwards into
now's whatever next, and a beetle awaits.
So, here we are... G-nome portal. I won’t bore you with unnecessary
details. There is absolutely no secrecy – you have the same level of access as
I do, but as with all inter-dimensional peregrinations – it’s senseless to mix
“Why?” I hear you ask.
Because the five senses that you use in 3D relate to that
level only, so anything I tell you about g-nome portal will have to be the kind
of description that makes sense in 3D lingo – a complete waste of time. It’s a
bit like one of us trying to explain the internet to one of King Canute’s
crowd. “Er... it’s like you look into a mirror and you see a moving reflection,
and you click on it with a mouse and then...”
Dear reader friend, understand the simple truth – you are
here with me now. I’ve simply switched story threads. In this thread I flipped
the switch before annihilation. From 3D perspective you’d have seen me leaping
off a clifftop, vanishing into thin air... but more of that later. Flipping the
switch enables me to reactivate my junk DNA so without going anywhere I find
myself in a completely different world. Just think about it – you’re using one
or two percent of your DNA, one or two percent of your conscious-awareness and so
fail to notice every other story thread, all the other angles of perception that
the great eye of I observes. Without these – you appear to be stuck in a three
dimensional world in which you need cars and planes to get around, not to
mention passports, credit cards and, dare I say it, mobile phones.
Well, the minute you’re ready to join the party and “F-L-I-P
T-H-A-T S-W-I-T-C-H” as the game show host likes to shout
it out, at that point you become master of unbridled perception, navigator of
the quantum stream, picker and paster of story thread, but it has to be your decision.
From my perspective, I’m pleased to say, you’re already
here. You see, the fact that you’re reading this means that you’re already
connected with Story. The only thing lacking right now is your awareness of
being here, which is where my electric blue beetle fits in... You see, beetles are the
g-nomic equivalent of a noble steed that boldly takes me, errant knight of the
ancient order of Gnomus Portalus on my first mission, into the gloom and
glumness of 3D “I really mind what matters” reality. A mission that leaps o’er
bounds of mind and matter. A mission in search of you – the vital missing thread.