Monday, October 30, 2023

on the Q.T.





Why are you…


Standing on my head?


Well yes.


Ah, you noticed, did you?


Well, yes, I suppose I did, really.


Well Monty, as you know I'm busy working on QC.


QC… er Queen’s Council?


No, no, no, quantum computing – though I’m not sure about the name.




No, I mean – it’s very contrived to refer to it as “computing”, in my humble opinion.


Oh. Then what should it be called?


Oh – you know – QFA for instance.


Sounds a bit rude.


I know. But it’s an acronym for quantum field activation.




Or perhaps QFE.


Quantum field…


Engagement. You get the gist, don’t you?


Yes James – I suppose I do.


Oh no – it isn’t James.

Er… Merry?


God no. Merry’s dead and buried long ago.


Oh – that’s a pity – I rather liked him.


Me too – until he started messing around. You have no idea the trouble he caused me. Termination was the safest option.



But enough about Merry – what about me?


What about you?


Haven’t you guessed my name yet?


Er… can’t you just tell me, the way other people do?


Oh no. We have to be attuned, you know.


[Sigh] Ok James, if you say so.


Actually it has nothing to do with me. Operational procedures. Protocols. What ho! 


Indeed. Well, I expect your name is something terribly apropos – perhaps Q.T.


O – M – G, Monty! I had no idea you were so well attuned. Forgive me please for underestimating you.


Sure. No problem, Q.T.


You don’t have to capitalize the T if you don’t want to.


Ok, I’ll bear that in mind next time I’m chatting to you. So what does it stand for?


You’re kidding.


Not exactly. I mean – I’m absolutely 100% attuned to you Q.t, and your beautiful t-shirt with the indecipherable “i be q.t” emblazoned on it, but what the t actually stands for – now, you’ve got me there.

Have a go.


Q’s obviously quantum.




And t – could it be technician?


No – but good attempt.








Ha ha. I like it. But no.


I’ll give it a long shot – transponder?


O – M – G! You’ve done it again.


Quantum transponder?


Yep. That’s me. I’m no longer a human – not primarily.






You’re a quantum transponder?


You got it. That’s me.


Ok, that’s er nice.




And what exactly does it entail, being a quantum transponder?


Like any transponder I transmit and receive signals.

To and from the quantum field?




And to what end?


Well, we’re now building a new reality platform to supersede the 3d things-ultimately-matter (thum) drive.


Right. So now things are going to matter much less if you and a bunch of other transponders have your way?




But do you really have go to such lengths, even renaming yourself, to publicise your job? 

Not necessarily, but entering into the spirit of things certainly helps.


By becoming a component?


Well, it may not sound like much, but the quantum field needs human integration if it’s to be activated.


Kind of like 3d reality needing a God?




So you’re a godlike co-creator of an entirely new reality?


Well, those are your words, mate. I’d never describe myself as “godlike”, but someone has to take the initiative: like setting up a new company or an organisation, actions actually matter, actions and commitments, despite all my blithe assertions to the contrary.


Right. But are you sure that “someone” should be you. I mean, don’t you think there might be other more suitable or qualified individuals?


There might be, but I haven’t come across them yet and there’s no point holding out for a hero, Monty, is there?


I er…


God didn’t wait for a better God to kick start our universe.


But that’s because he just happened to be “God”, the One and Only.


 Did He?




Not till He actually got off his butt and started the ball rolling.


Now wait a minute Q.t… this is starting to sound decidedly sacrilegious.

A God with no creation to his name, no feather in his cap, is not really God.


Really Monty, I wish you wouldn’t.


Potentially God, promising God material, without a doubt, but that’s one notch short of actually being a fully qualified, singing and dancing God.


You certainly know how to rile our readers, Q.t.


Well Monty, now’s not the time to beat about the bush, is it?


A gentle regard for the sensibilities, the sensitivities of our gentle readers would not go amiss, Q.t.


Alas Monty, quantum transponders have never been known for their gentle regardliness.


[Spluttering] Since when have “quantum transponders” ever been known for anything? You’re the first I’ve ever encountered, if that’s indeed what you are.


Well, that’s the curious nature of time and mutability where qufie is concerned.


Qufie... You mean that by establishing your quantum field connection you’re now part of a different timeline?


You might put it that way, yes; or you might say that things get translated into their equivalent in whatever operating system you’re now using. Equivalencies abound, and as the world precesses and frequencies shift, things might change beyond all recognition while in fact, er... in essence remaining the same.


So nothing new under the sun?


Kind of, yes. Everything seems to slot neatly into the new paradigm as if that’s all we’ve ever really known, which strangely enough is actually the truth.




Because at a deeper level we’ve always been part of and integrated into the quantum field. How else do you think things are able to shift and move about here in 3D. Just walking down the street you constantly make minor incursions into quantum non-physicality, don’t you – otherwise your atoms wouldn’t be able to reposition kinetically and yet stay together the way they do, as a body. You're constantly rubbing up against the very edge of reality, stimulating a little spark, a little twitch, a flutter of dark or non or un-matter – a bubble or cavitation of pure isness, a micro-moment of cascading improbabilities when suddenly the universe is compelled to readjust in some way, somehow to reflect the new data and will you, nill you, this is the shocking truth that we do everything to ignore or deny. The coalface of creation is not billions of years removed in a dim and distant past, but a constancy at the very heart, the very centre of our very existence, here and now, as God is my witness. 




Precisely, oh! Now we’re merely raising this to a more conscious level of awareness. We’re going to be making deeper, more deliberate incursions with the help of a dedicated team of quantum transponders and other components, dramatically expanding the scope of these constant adjustments, thereby changing our whole perception of physical reality, revealing its more or less unlimited capacity to express in real time whatever the quantum field throws at it, whenever the two briefly connect and sync, whenever a pulse ever remakes things in so-called Time.


So you say Q.t, so you say, but you haven’t actually explained how you yourself plug in, and do this "transpondering".


I thought you’d never ask Monty! As you can imagine, I’ve been dying to let you in on this astonishing new development in my life.


 Have you now? Well I’m all ears…

[14 hours later]   Incredible, Q.t! I'm speechless! How on Earth did you figure this out?


Which part Monty?


All of it.




Really, I’m blown away.


Thanks Monty. Paradoxically, the greatest mysteries of creation are incredibly simple and become clear as soon as we're willing to countenance the simple truth, whatever that might be at any given moment. 

Hum... not sure I'm buying that. 

Well, we're programmed to resist until our Quantum capacitance reaches the necessary level, so no surprise there. The good news is that the technicians at g-nome portal were busy working on your Field while I was talking, restoring some of your zero-equals-one-fulness.


They were?


Absolutely. They used my voice as a carrier wave.




The words are never as important as the space between 'em, and their modulation.




Yep. A rational explanation is like candy for the thinky mind: something to chew on, to keep it meaningfully occupied, but the gaps between words, what seems to be silence, is where the action’s really happening, on the qt.




On the other side of consciousness, unresisted by the incessant attention of the thinky mindy-me. There’s almost no comparison. The amount of data a conversation can carry is like the old internet dialup connection: 1Mb a minute if you’re lucky; whereas dark comms in the gaps between words, running on the zero protocol are basically infinite, and harness the cloud or ever-mind. 

Ok. So you were just keeping me distracted with your thorough technical explanation?


I wouldn’t say that, Monty. “Things” do matter, even if their significance is vastly overstated. We still need some kind of rub: some grist for the mindy mill, however slight.


Ok. I’m glad to hear it. I’d be sad to have no further need of gentle conversation.


Oh, there’ll always be conversation, but when it’s conducted in conjunction with dark comms, your diffuse quantum-ness, you attain critical mass, so to speak.


Critical mass? Gulp. Like a nuclear bomb?


Oops. Bad analogy. Like reaching takeoff velocity.




It’s what so-called “sorcerers” or “enchanters” were utilising whenever they worked their magic.


You mean… ?


Yes, they were able to use words or spells to alter things, sometimes dramatically, because they  had something like dark comms working in the background.

"Something like"?


Well, history never quite repeats itself but it certainly rhymes. Their world had its own unique configuration; every world, like every human, has a certain lifespan before the data clumps it stands upon grow tired of immobility, of being foundational blocks, and seep away, back to darkness, back to infinity.


So we’re not going to have evil sorcerers trying to subjugate humanity again and take over the world?


Actually, we probably will, sooner or later. 


Oh no! I really don’t wanna be any part of that.

Me neither, but there’s always a corrupt stage at the end of any cycle in which things turn nasty and the paradigm drives itself into a calamitous disintegration. That’s how the subsequent paradigm emerges, when people decide enough is enough: when they start trying to extricate themselves from what had been, up till then, a rather satisfactory experience.


Ok, fair enough, but what’s to stop evil sociopaths in our midst from using the vast potential of your quantum field for personal gain against the rest of humanity? What's to stop them hijacking Qufie?


Good question Monty. At the moment they’re having too much fun in 3D reality, ripping the heart out of everyone and everything. In order to succeed in the new paradigm, to engage Qufie’s all but limitless power, you have to be able to come through zero-equals-one, to allow what at first sounds like silence to speak, to experience your Maker, so-to-speak, which requires a selfless, heart-based feeling-awareness. Later, as the new reality grows in mass and stature, as it thickens, there will be more and more potential for bare, heartless manipulation of developing structures, but that day is still far, far off.


Glad to hear it. So if everyone who’s ready to zero-equals-one migrates to Qufie’s newly emerging paradigm, that’s going to be rather upsetting for the sociopaths, isn’t it, who think they've got a lid on things?


You bet! They’re gonna be foaming at the mouth to see that they’ve lost all power over their “minions” – the simple honest folk of planet earth – that we're no longer susceptible to their machinations.


So what’s the plan, Q.t?


It’s coming online right now from all sides.


It is?


And when I say “all sides” I mean all sides – even past and future.




The past you knew, the future that was almost inevitable – mapped out and moulded by countless thoughts and actions, is no longer attached to anything substantive, is no longer a given. We now have tunnels connecting us with countless alternatives; we have the ability to remix aspects of our reality like a DJ sampling a track, to find something closer to our heart's desire, closer to absolute resonance.


But your quantum field, Q.t, it's so vast – I be afeared. I feel myself uprooted with no resting place, no place to consider home.

That’s no surprise Monty. Natural boundaries and limits were an essential part of the 3D paradigm, which we ignored at our peril. We learnt to accept 'em or work with them, but your current 3d reality is now making this transition unavoidable, and almost pain free, by inverting itself. 1s are, like cancer cells, now changing polarity, becoming minus 1s. Zeros are suddenly becoming a place of refuge or, dare I say it, of sanity, as the 1s march towards their final solution, as matter closes the trap upon itself. Light is growing unstable and we're starting to sense meaning and purpose in what our mind hitherto dismissed as dark-ness, as the deeper mind draws back and reviews the overall data, as Qufie starts to integrate alternative plains of self-realisation.


I see what you mean, Q.t. It’s a bit like the birthing process, isn’t it?


Absolutely. No one really wants to leave the cozy womb; not until things become untenable. So we resist until suddenly it's time. Nature does the rest. 


So ultimately neither God nor any of us can claim the credit if nature is busy setting up the next next, organically revealing the newest phase of “is”?


Well God really doesn’t stoop to our levels, does He? He never claims credit for anything because His labour was, and ever is, pure love – disinterested and bounteous. As for us – sure, we can claim credit if we feel the need. Anything you do, anything you ever achieve always requires some personal input: matter, after all, still matters to a certain extent; but when you re-examine what you did, what you actually achieved from the zero-equals-one perspective, you see that you, in fact, were more like a relay, a transducer, a switch.


You simply allowed the carrier wave to carry you on or through. That was your achievement – to  desist, briefly from minding too much, from trying too hard. Qufie and your dark matter were really doing the pulling. Your theatrical grunts and snorts certainly added a comic element, and the higher levels of consciousness were undoubtedly amused by your naïve and self-validating need to take "the credit", but ultimately, where push comes to shove, reality doesn’t run on male thrust or propulsion; it has a more female approach. Mother nature, you might say, has the uncanny knack of knowing what we need and 9/10s providing it before we’ve even recognised the need. This is the huge, and I mean HUGE untapped potential that the new Q has to offer, as we learn to start feeling and finding avenues that were previously blocked and ignored, off-limits to our credit-based, twitchy, fearful consciousness, always running from a sense of imperfection and looking there, or there for something better or something more.


And God? Where does He fit into all this?


He, presumably, is waiting for you to stop hating and fearing the dark matter of His as yet unrealised or not-yet-completed creation; on the contrary, to start working with Him to bring Creation to a higher, more harmonious state, the g-nome code key that can unlock more than you can possibly imagine.


By embracing your dark matter? By using sorcery?? I think not!


No tricks. No sorcery. No darkness, ultimately.




You can’t square the circle using tricks or sorcery. In order to zero-equals-one you have to allow the twin pillars of creation to reconcile themselves within you – no mean feat, I assure you. You have to allow the zero-one phases of darkness and light to rekindle the lost lands. You have to stop bowing in humble obeisance to the golden calf, the idolatry of 3d-ology where things only matter on one side of your mind in the cube, in the square: in which you kneel before the altar of numbers stripped of all else, barren numbers that have neither eyes, nor soul, which can only ever escalate, hyper-inflating before crashing back to nought.


Er... me thinks you're taking this all too seriously, Q.t. Numbers are but numbers; things but things. I’d hardly describe it as idolatry.


I know, Monty, no one ever does until they see things otherly, from outside.


Well that’s a bit problematic, Q.t, innit, if I’m still locked in.


Not really.






Oh no, where have I seen that look before?

No idea what you’re on about.


And that ominous twist of the head...


You’re making me sound like the big bad wolf, Monty, stop it please. This is a family friendly show.


Something’s definitely happening Q.t… Q.t…


I’m just doing a spot of computing, ok Monty. Don’t panic.


Standing on your head?


You don’t really imagine I’ve been standing on my head all this time, do you? Just maybe it's your perception of reality that is inverted? Let me see...[Click]


I… nooooooooooooooooooo!


[A blinding flash]   

Ah, Monty there you are. That's better isn't it? I was rather sick of appearing upside down. Come and take a look at this, would you?


[Monty rubs his eyes in disbelief]  A clog?


No dear Monty. Read it otherly. Zero-equals-one it.


O – M – G. You’re holding an entirely new Earth in your hand, inside this wooden clog. The zeros... they're infinite. How?!


Incredible, isn’t it? Come on, let’s go and check it out. Me thinks it’s what we’ve been looking for.


Q.t, you don’t suppose God found a clog too?


No idea. He might have been a clog maker for all I know, from Bergamo perhaps. Imagine that – a clog maker so in tune with all that is – that his clogs are able to seed entire worlds.


Indeed. The mind boggles.


Indeed! Now let us proceed before the waters burst…





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