Tuesday, March 21, 2023

dahn the plug'ole



Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard it a million times. Talk about broken record.

 Well, it answers your question.


No it doesn’t.


I beg to differ.


It just inserts a paradox, an enigma in place of an answer.


Well, you’re free to request clarification, if there’s any part of the answer you find confusing.


Any part of it? How about the whole of it. You’ve gotta be delusional to think that 0=1 actually means anything meaningful.


Tautology. To mean something meaningful.😅


And what? It’s hardly more absurd than your blatantly pseudo-math paradox – which is, in fact, just plain gobbledy gook, posing as intellectual sophistry.


Oh. I’m sorry you see it that way. I was of the mind that you were able to enjoy the elegance of this laconic formulation.


Laconic formulation? It’s just mean-ing-less. You might as well say d=f.


d=f? Interesting.


Or circle=square.


Ah, yes.


Oh what about  male=female.


That’s taking things a little far, if you don’t mind me saying.


Don't stop me Heinrich, I'm just getting started.


Listen Jodie, they’re all nowt more th’n derivatives of me’simple and, dare i say it, elegant formula, so we may as well deal with the original and confront the unconfrontable manfully, head on.




Or womanfully if you prefer. Gender is irrelevant where zero is concerned.


A lot of people aren't going to agree with that, Hans.


A lot of people are, respectfully, welcome to their opinions. Science, or perhaps we should go one step further 'n call it “isology”, isn’t concerned with popularity. We’re aware that the further we advance, or the deeper we penetrate the isness of be, the more the outer shell of 3d reality is going to do everything in its power to attempt to distract us and test our resolve, as in fact, it needs must do.


Er... why?


It's like the fair maid whom you are trying to win over.




The more she feels you touching her heart and eliciting sympathy, the more she needs to remain sober and prudent, ever vigilantly testing the hypothesis of your love.


Well, I don't know. This sounds terrible old fashioned, outdated perhaps, even misogynistic.


Heaven forbid. It's just your 3d reality of late has grown ever shallower, ever more superficial, generating arbitrary conflicts as it prepares for the great reset.


I beg your pardon!


Not that great reset, Jodie.


Oh, that's a relief.


The natural one, where the various dimensions come back together and reintegrate.




Yes. Unless you're more into eschatology.


End times? That was a thought, the way things are going.


The coy maiden operates at all levels. As we come closer to the event horizon of “now” the AI drones, operating through the unawakened masses, do their utmost to serve and sustain whatever narrative they've been living and breathing. Tis all par for the course.


You seem fairly confident that it’s just a distraction.


Oh no, it's deadly serious, don't get me wrong, but for those of us who are aware of the underlying mathematics...


Pschaw! You mean your 0=1 absurdity. That hardly deserves to be referred to as "mathematics".


Nonetheless, the mathematics of is, the Promethean Zero unchained, released, and reincorporated: the mathematics of life and conscious-ness, as opposed to the mathematics of things – mere puppets strutting on a stage pretending to be alive and meaningful, happens to be the basis, without which you’re lost in a quagful mire of airy-fairy relativism.


In short, you think you know best.


The proof is in the pudden, as they say. If I'm not delusional then the storm now approaching is mine. It's everything I expected and everything i need to help us transition the event horizon of things, and reintegrate.


Reintegrate what?


Zero is hardly going to succumb to your notions of what, Jodie, is it?


Sigh! No, i don't suppose it is. Though it would be nice if, for a change, you provided me with something vaguely quantifiable, something vaguely intelligible, to wrap my mind around.


Which brings us neatly back to zero, does it not.


It does?


Yes. Me thinks you'll find there's more to zero than meets the digitally intellectual eye.


Go on.


Well, it obviously ain’t, by definition, anything in particular that zero has to offer.




In fact, I think we could be bold enough to suggest that it must, by definition, be nothing whatsoever.


Er… seems to make sense, although, if truth be told, one feels somewhat underwhelmed.


The only problem being…  A penny drops in a distant corner of All that is...


The only problem being...  A glitch in the matrix, perchance, or déjà vu?


The “nothing whatsoever” zero refers to must be something – otherwise there’d be nothing to zero in on.




Only not here in 3D reality.


Correct. Not within creation.


So your zero might in fact be something – in another reality?


Well yes – that goes without saying.


Then why call it zero at all? Why not minus 1, for example?


That’s a very good question Jodie. So good, in fact, that I’m absolutely unable to answer it.


Oh. That’s rather brutal honesty.


Yes. One doesn’t like to admit one’s limitations so uninhibitedly. One prefers to hedge or trim ‘em with nods or throaty hums. But tis not to be. Nothing but honesty – brutal unashamed honesty is good enough for this blog.


If you say so Heinz.


It’s just, infinity obviously can’t be anything in particular, can it?


Huh? Now where’s he going?


0=1, on the other hand, is most decidedly not anything, is it?




It’s a binary system – two sides of one. After all – you can hardly have one unless somewhere, somehow, implicitly, you have an absence of one – a zero.


Makes sense.


And likewise – you can hardly have a zero unless there’s something else – something that presents an alternative to zero – something that corresponds somehow with our me-ness, our thing-y-ness, our matter of matter that is only really identifiable or discernible in terms of one or ones.


Ah... Yes. Matter does seem to have that going for it.


Yes, indeed.


So zero, far from being nothing whatsoever, could in fact be er... how about everything?




Yes, why not.


But zero by definition means nothing.


Only if you fail to read the small print.




Let me repeat, zero is not one.


As opposed to minus one.






And not one is whatever it is, just as long as it ain't here, in our reality, in 3D.


But I'm not sure I'm willing to go along with this “alternative realities” model. I’d rather just deal with things that are real ‘n tangible.


Yep, me too.


Then perhaps we can move on?


Not really.


Why not?


Because things are only real ‘n tangible here in 3D if they amount to nought.


Damn. Are you sure?


Kind of.


Kind of?


Well yes. It's a leap, I have to admit.


You mean it's unproven.


Well, as I said, the proof is in the pudden.


How do you mean?


Well, if zero is not just something insignificant which we can blithely ignore, if on the contrary it’s at the very heart of all that is, then we are probably all plug-holers.


Plug holers?


Precisely. We all hold the point that is, for better or for worse, zero somewhere within our anatomy, or our conscious-ness, which like a plughole is a point with depth.


We do?


Well that's the hypothesis.


Oh, so now you admit it’s just a hypothesis...


On the contrary, i boldly, happily declare myself to be a plugholer, determined to zero-in on no thing, so help me God.


Determined to zero in on nothing?


Yes, as in consciously, knowing it has to be there, as in here, present within.


I don't see.


Correct, for you’re seeing things and only things until you agree to flip the switch, to looking-glass things.


And you think that'll change things?


Your perception of ’em, yep, without a doubt.


Pretty confident, aren't you?


Like i said, the proof’s in the pudden.


So you've already had a go, is that what you mean?


Actually we're all constantly proving the pudden, whether aware of this or not.


We are? How so?


We have to access energy, or life itself, which is all constantly being generated there.


Wait a minute – why do i need to access “life itself” through your plughole if I'm already alive and well here, thank you very much.


Good question Jodie. You’re like an electric vehicle, here, with enough charge to keep you going for a few hours, let's call it one day, without being too specific.


But you have absolutely no proof that this is so.


Of course i do.


Go on.


Well, you need to sleep every day, don't you, otherwise things shut down. Sleeping is one way of recharging, but by no means the only way. You can also access your zero-point energy to a certain extent by dancing, singing, meditating. Anything creative like writing or painting also does the trick. That’s what keeps James going.



 The one who claims to be writing this blog.


Oh. So he does it to access energy?


Correct, but not only.


What else?


He also accesses absolutes.




Data or knowledge which exists outside his 3D reality which, being accessed in such a way via the zero point, are de facto absolutes.




And what?


What does he need them for? How can he use them?


He can weave them into the fabric of his reality.




And doing so, weaving them into the fabric of his reality, invisible globules of nothing-much, he can shift the storyline, bringing his reality back into a more conscious, active alignment with zero, a bit like pulling on an anchor chain to move a boat forward until it’s above the anchor.


And then?


Then he or his readers can raise the anchor from the seabed if they're willing to sail on.


Sail on where?


Dahn the plug’ole, into anuther...






Another what?


A more qualified expression of zero – one which is active.




And responsive.




Do you have to keep parroting me?


Parroting you?


There you go again.


But I'm just trying to figure out what on earth you're on about.


It's hitherto been a passive connection, which means people try to solve everything in 3D as if that’s the only option, as if there's no better alternative. If they draw on something deeper, if they draw on life itself to evolve into the next frame, a deeper unity, a more expansive, more connected storyline.


Then the pudden, as you call it, is constantly being proved.


Absolutely. You come up against these invisible barriers again and again in your life, and they cannot be crossed without accessing zero point itself, thereby activating a new chapter in your story.




It's already preloaded, coded into the fabric of your reality, but you need to pass through this threshold by validating your new me. That can't be done internally in 3D itself, as here in 3D you’re storybound, locked in one chapter, locked in one frame.




Look, we're talking about zero so there ain't a simple methodology to follow. If your life energy is sufficient, if you have enough story to narrate, then by hook or by crook you’ll find a way to transition frames, though at times it's tough, taking you to the limit, as indeed it must.


So long story short, you can't really prove anything. Just a load of talk about things that aren’t demonstrably real.


Ah, but that's just until we reach the limit of matter.




Which is fast approaching.




Matter is like a ponzi scheme. The more you rely on it, the more you take it for granted, the sooner it hits its hyperinflationary death spiral, when the ponzi collapses in on itself.


So now you're using cheap fear tactics to influence me and force my mind.


Am i?


Well, that's what it feels like.


You mean you’re afraid?


Frankly, yes.


And it doesn't feel nice.




Such is the nature of zero. It takes you deep down, beneath the false certainties of 3D reality, which are only fundamentally true for one day, which are only true within a fixed set of criteria, data points which provide an anchorage and sufficient slack, sufficient anchor chain to enable you to continue experiencing things, continue experiencing reality without committing, without activating your own personal connection.






What you're saying is that... Instead of using a third-party connection it’s possible to operate your own node.


Yep, that more or less sums it up.


And to do so you need to find your own zero point by yanking on the anchor chain and getting your vessel into position above it.




And this is going to be better than the third-party version.


No, I don't remember saying that.


You said something about us reaching the limit of matter, which is when i felt a constriction in my throat, and started to entertain the possibility that i was about to experience a panic attack.


That's right.


So, why would i start messing around with your zero if it’s going to give me a panic attack?


You wouldn’t, unless it's time, in which case there's a choice, or a dilemma, if you prefer.




Facing zero, which feels a bit like the abyss, which is in all likelihood going to give you the heebie jeebies, or “play it safe” and discover whether your 3D reality is in fact “real” if and when you ignore the contractual zero-in back-to-base signal.


The what?


You heard.


But this is absurd. I don't see anyone else having these do-or-die zero-in, back-to-base calls, requiring them to drop everything and essentially plunge down the plughole of reality, or else go into recycling.


Nicely put. No, you wouldn't notice it. That's the cunning nature of 3D reality. It masks such events as much as possible. One person “got sick”, another “had an accident”, a third had to “leave on business” and others, believe it or not, simply fade from our awareness. Even if you had photos of a close-ish friend - you'd just forget who he or she was. But in the end, who cares. This isn't about them, is it? It's about you – your life experience. You're just reluctant to accept the fact that there are absolutes other than death, that time is not as smooth and telescopic as you envisaged. Zero can suddenly call in its debts, if you’ve reached a structural transition or a significant turning point. When that happens, as your third-party reality-provider contract stipulates, “nothing personal, we’re able to continue servicing your passive player character if you provide the revalidation code” and that is easy enough to do if you still have an active, i.e. meaningful connection with zero, and through zero, with life itself.


And if i don’t?


Next question.


I mean, if I don't feel like i can face re-zeroing.


Same. Next question.


But there’s gotta be some kind of alternative. Some slack or wriggle room?


Yes, if your hypothesis that 3D reality actually exists in and of itself is correct. The proof, after all, is in the pudden.


Damn. And if it doesn't?


Same again. Next question.


Hans, you're not exactly trying to make this easy to cope with. Maybe you could try a little diplomacy. Perhaps a little sugar coating on this bitter pill.






If your hypothesis is correct, if 3D reality is intrinsically what it seems to be, then that's exactly what I would do. I’d sugarcoat it. I'd give you alternatives. However, that may not be possible. Zero is an inescapable, ineluctable fact. Zero brooks no deception. It's like the taxman or that unforgiving work submission deadline. God may be lenient. God may be forgiving but zero ain’t.


Breathing hard. Perspiring icily.  Give me a break, Herman.


I’m irrelevant, Jodie. Whatever you're feeling is entirely the product of your own imagination unless I’m right, unless my hypothesis, as you put it, is correct.


Okay, I get the point. Do you have to keep banging on like that, rubbing salt in the wound.




Well, I thought we were just having a friendly discussion.


We are.


Since when did a “friendly discussion” involve being threatened with dire consequences for non-compliance? That sounds like a shake down, not what any rational person would call a “friendly discussion”.


Now you're attacking the messenger. I merely provided information in answer to your questions. The fact that you feel deeply disturbed by zero is, while not altogether unexpected, neither inevitable nor necessary. Some people, on the contrary, are fascinated by the mathematics, and the fact that they are individually part of this equation, that can personally participate in solving it if and when we quit actively ignoring zero, the gap we choose not to mind. To be the maths, accepting the obvious.


Which is what?


That infinity is neither big nor small but somewhere at or between a zero and a one, and the me is neither an innocent bystander, nor able to extricate itself entirely from this, try as it might.


You don't mean...


Yes, that we are absolutely essential. Without us the maths is a form of denial. A futile flight into the quasi safety of numbers, but takes us ever further from Is, from “God”, from life itself. Until, that is, we quit burying our head in the sand of things, quit running from the simple truth, and finally release the fear switch, unlocking the math within, allowing the beast we were terrified of out of the cave.


No, not the beast.


Correct. Not the beast, for zero was not, or is not the negative we fearfully assumed it to be.


How so?


Because the numbers flow. They iterate, and we flow with them, as a Mandelbrot set, to infinity, and beyond, if you like.


We do?


If we can face the fear. If we can allow the zero and one somehow to reconcile, somehow or other, through us: it is – i am.




That’s a rather magical realisation, or it should be. It's breathtaking to realise that, while reality does indeed look like a zero-sum game – yet zero, however, is neither empty nor void – but what zero may or may not be, and my personal role in experiencing or validating it, is only a meaningful discussion for someone willing to go beyond the hissy fit.


I beg your pardon?!


Well, it’s somewhat disguised, but your little "panic attack" a moment ago was a wee tantrum, nothing more.


What?! How dare you!


Nothing personal Jodie. We're all, or most of us, much of a much in this matter, but there can be little doubt that the panic attack was a cunningly rebranded temper tantrum. The pampered ego is willing to do almost anything to distract or divert us from grasping the fundamentals, in this case Zero, even resorting to self-harm or sabotage.


And i thought you were a kind, sensitive individual. I trusted you.


Obviously you’re used to having your own way, as almost everyone in 3D reality is. Collectively, we conspire to ignore or obfuscate fundamentals such as Zero, excluding them from polite, rational discourse, and not getting your own way, not being able to dictate terms – being forced to face the plug'ole is easily enough to educe either a panic attack or a tantrum, in order to defend an unfinished version of reality. As a tantrum looks childish, you conveniently shunt it sideways into panic attack mode, thereby presenting yourself to yourself, subconsciously, more favourably as victim. Even though you don’t really believe in God, the absolute, you're still part of the post-Christian value system which has managed to pass the buck blaming others or things. It’s no one’s fault. It’s just the way things are, isn’t it – and besides, looking there is uncivilised, is indecent. Ask very well if the fabric of 3D reality is rock solid, if things are real and exist in and of themselves. An utter waste of time. You can't. You won't. On the other hand, if I am right, if 0=1, if we are essentially operating remotely from zero, or from within the plughole that zero conveniently partitions off, in that case, it’s time for the ultimate reality check as zero is no longer in passive quiescent mode, as zero is coming back over the horizon. It's time for vertigo.



No, it looks like the rig is up. It looks like zero is now shifting into validation mode.


You mean zero is going to test us?


Not exactly. Bear in mind that we are products of, or part of her.


Her? Zero’s a she?


Not really, but it seems more natural to say “her” when referring to zero. Well, the only way things can work is if both sides are able to validate each other... otherwise we’re just generating false signals, meaningless noise, chaos.


So, we get to validate zero?


Yep, as she does the same to us. If we align, if we fall within the Mandelbrot set of reality, then our value, whatever it is, appears on the screen, on the next iteration of the chart, and we move forward together, if our value is not more than one, let's say, nor less than zero.


And if it's not.


Then that's that. We served a useful purpose by providing a non-result, for the set needs values both within it and outside it to proceed, does it not?


I... i suppose so. But does that mean I die?


Die? Technically speaking you’re not yet alive if you haven’t yet got your own zero node up and running. You’re just part of someone else’s zero validation process, until you're ready to take the plunge and test your numeric validity.


Oh my God, i can't handle being reduced to a maths equation. It's so...




Yes. Degrading, demeaning, humiliating...


Well yes, there is that, but the nice thing about making friends with zero is that all those concerns suddenly become, if not irrelevant, then vastly less significant, not when you sense and perceive the beauty of creation, and the beauty of the mathematics unfolding not just before your eyes, but through your very existence, through your being-ness, if that makes any sense?


Groaning.   It does, though I wish for the life of me it didn’t, that this was all a dream.


Granted. This is all a dream, but the dream is to Zero what reality is to one-plus-one – the mathematically profligate 3D realm of things, so I'm not sure that's going to help as much as you hoped or expected.


All exit routes have been cut off. There's nowhere to turn!


Ah, it sounds like you're having a zero activation event. Well, I’ll wish you luck. No, not luck - I'll wish you merry calculus, and may life itself come to fruition.


How so?


If you’re able to finally do what until now was impossible.


Which is?


To validate zero.


What? Validate zero? This is insane. I can't imagine how that would even be possible.


How else? by being One equal to her, neither more nor less.


But how?


No one knows, but that, incidentally, doesn't seem to have ever been an obstacle.




No. Not at all. Not if, as i suspect...  A milky mist of zero-ones interposes itself with an electric-gurgling sound.


What?  What?   Hey?   What's going on?  Heisenberg, where are you? Come back...


Scraping clanking noise, like an anchor chain dragging across the seabed, until it locks and holds firm. “Pull! Pull! Steady now!” and the sensation of a boat sliding forward, the angle of the chain dropping down ever steeper and steeper towards the vertical, towards nought degrees, and the other side of things... to a place where







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