Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Split ends


The unities – not a clue what you’re on about.


Fair enough. It’s not like they’re an important part of modern life, is it.


I wouldn’t know.


Well, be that as it may, there’s no getting round the need to return to something a little more compact and collected if we’re to make any headway whatsoever.


Call me, Merry, when you’re ready to explain what on earth you’re on about.


Oh, excuse me Zina. How thoughtless of me.


No worries bro.


The unities.



I could explain but that wouldn’t be half as much fun.


So instead you’re just going to project the data into my head – is that it?


There’s a thought… but then again – much better to figure it out for yourself.


I really don’t have time, Merry.


Excellent. That’s one of them – there being no time bar the present.


Really – none at all?


Absolutely. No past, no future – just the livestream of now.


And here?


Perfect. That’s the second.


So no jumping between different film locations. And no sub-plots either.


Damn you’re good. That’s number three. Unity of action. Only one plot line.


Sounds a bit dull, if you ask me.


Yes, which is why we did away with them – by the time you get to Shakespeare at least. His plays don’t really happen in one day, and there’s plenty of stuff going on on the side.


All in one day – that’s even more extreme.


Well yes. Iron discipline. The three unities – a microcosm – one day – one plot – one place.


Why so rigid?


Well, when you’re dealing with infinity you need a bit of structure, don’t you, to put it mildly.




Otherwise things just get hopelessly complicated.


If you say so.


We actually operate under rigid unities of our own, you know.


We do?




Like what?


One body.


Come on, Merry – get real. How could there be more than one body?


There couldn’t, or can’t at least, if that’s one of your fundamental unities.


But it’s physically impossible – in any case.


Yes, if that’s one of your unities.


You mean to say it ain’t a fundamental?


Absolutely. It’s more like a convention.


A convention?


A rule of the modern man or woman operating in modern reality.


Er… frankly I find that hard to accept.




I’ve never seen you in more than one body, nor experienced it myself.


Correct. But that’s not to say it never happens – just that your mind will filter out anything that doesn’t conform to the rules of the system you’re operating within. 


And is this purely conjecture – on your part – or do you have any proof that this actually happens?


That’s the second unity.




The unity of truth and proof.




That reality is monolithic. That’s there’s only ever one true version – or one conclusive proof or set of proofs, what you sometimes refer to as objective reality.


That makes sense, doesn’t it.


Yes, operating within this system we’re in, perfect sense.


And you think that there could be more than one truth or set of proofs?






Well, there could be bifurcation for a while – or maybe completely divergent branches of a once unified reality. Or conversely – there may have been branches of a reality stream which were separate, ie. different, which then converge at some point – giving us what we have now.


How likely is any of this?


Ah ha – there’s the third unity.




The unity of probabilities. The sigma law. 


What sigma law?


The law of likelihoods or probabilities – dealt with so beautifully by Douglas Adams with his Heart of Gold probability drive space ship.


The one that travelled anywhere without actually needing to move – just based on the probability, no matter how distant, of actually finding itself there?




Oh. This is too much.


Isn’t it just. But that’s exactly what we have to consider – that if infinity is not a dead letter – if it’s actually part of the fundamental nature or make up of reality – then comfy probabilities, convenient cause and effects – are largely window dressing.


Window dressing? Why on earth would you say that?


Because the banana skin of infinity would be, or is, lurking throughout – and every smooth transition that we attribute to linear, logical causation is little more than a failure to see the true nature of infinity revealing itself – affecting things – bending, morphing, twisting reality like a skilled guitarist in order to produce the next notes, the next riff, the next masterpiece – which fundamentally originates in his heart, in his soul, in his connection with something ineffable, sublime and indefinable, rather than being the result of synaptic impulses in his fingers, wrist or arm.


Oh, oh my poor reason.


So, as you see, Zina, there are things we take for granted – which seem to hold true, which provide us with a convenient framework, a kind of matrix or structure within to operate – like a football match on a predefined pitch, with two 45 minute halves, and a bunch of rules that make the game playable without needlessly stifling creativity or sporting prowess.


And you think that we should do away with these rules and conventions?


Perish the thought, no, of course not, no, I don’t.


Oh. I thought for a moment there you were…


Me? Attacking the bedrock of reality? Absolutely not.


Then what?


Unities come and unities go. There are times when reality shifts phase like those astonishing cymatic sound patterns – when a new tone or frequency is heard.

Ah. And that’s what might be happening now?


Might be, yes, without a doubt – might be, yes, without a doubt – might be, yes…


Without a doubt – thrice the brinded cat hath mewed. Are you ok Merry?


Not sure. If there’s a phase shift in the works – then I’m bound to let go of whatever world we’ve been locking in place – inertially – and allow the flow to manifest whatever alternative is now forming.


If… It’s all just conjecture Merry. Much more likely that you’ve just been thinking too hard, you’re overwrought mentally – you’re…


0 finally 1 oops 0 thought it would never happen 1 hey ho -  this is going to take some explaining.


Merry – you’ve er… bifurcated.


0 don’t be so sure 1 apparently so 0 it could just be your perception, couldn’t it 1 or a localised time-y blip


I’m getting a funny itchy feeling in my belly. Not the kind of feeling I’ve ever experienced before – in fact – something tells me 0 the cat’s out the bag 1 infinity hath struck 0 yippee 1 awkward – but I suppose it had to happen sooner or later 0 time not being what it is


So how do we get back to unity if we’re bifurcating


If we’ve bifurcated – why would we want to


After all, what is unity?


Perhaps we need to just allow things to flow merrily along wherever they must


This could end badly – the waters of infinity could lead to a kind of hyper-inflated version of reality in which there are endless competing versions


Indeed – a little creative insanity


But in all seriousness…


‘Give me a break! You can’t just “in all seriousness” shove this genie back into the bottle of one plot


Can’t I? We’ll see about that


Hey – what are you doing Zina?


1 OM


0 OM? Are you off your rocker?


1 OM


0 We’ll see about that… dum di dum di dum dum taba ta zan di moo bi tay sor!


1 Wow – you’ve managed to get all the atoms and molecules reconfigured


0 the flower of life – nice isn’t it.


1 divine. Definitely worth an OM or two.


0 feel free to OM away – this train has barely left the station. Something tells me the journey is going to rediscover the lost or forgotten alpha omega trail


1 the alpha omega trail – that unites all with a  capital A in a single alphabet of double helix spiralling uniformity?


0 something like that – we’ll see – won’t we – if we play it by ear


1 if we go with the unities of much ado about nothing


0 the preposterous singularities of chaos jamming with infinity


The concert to die for


The notes – we’ve spent a lifetime making


1 un


0 know


1 ing


0 ly


dum di dum





actually I disag



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