Saturday, September 18, 2021

chaos in the making – monetising reality

 You can do what?


Look – everything here – everything you see around you – the sofa – the chairs – the table – the walls – the floor – the win…


Yes, I’ve got the message. Everything.


Exactly. It’s all locked into your Field – your connection with all-that-is.




Well, that’s pretty incredible, if you think about it.


Er… why?


Because things are not just nuclear, isolated, disconnected blobs of matter.


So you seem to believe.


No, it has nothing to do with belief.


So you claim.


Look – if I’m right – then naturally there are kind of strings or dials connecting me, or my field with all these things.


So – go ahead. Demonstrate if you would, how things are moveable or transmutable.


Sure – but what happens to you in the process.


What do you mean?


Well, you’re also a thing – apart from being a being.




And if I shift reality in any measurable way – I’ll simply shift to a different, altered version of you.


So you see – there’s no way I’d be able to see what you’re doing, is there. Which is why I don’t believe any of this.


Correct. There’s no way as long as we are attached to things all around – and to each other at the thing level.


Which is why I can’t see any point in discussing this. It’s an exercise in futility.


Is it?


Yes. Even if you can move heaven and earth – I’ll still be the thing that is unable to see any disruption in causality – as I’m part of the programme that holds everything together within those physical parameters of cause and effect.

Yes, except we’ve plenty of stories of magical or miraculous occurrences in the Bible and elsewhere, haven’t we?


Yes, we do, but no one takes those seriously, do they? They are too far removed from our daily experience. They’re in the “God came down to Earth” league of affairs, and most of us aren’t doing the God direct experience course, no matter how fervently we believe it’s actually possible.


Correct. But we are doing the Quantum Field fact or fiction course – or what you might call the – how real is infinity course.




So, what gives?


Er… nothing – because if you or I can start screwing with physicality – then so can everyone else. End of story. The whole thing comes undone, unglued and infinite chaos ensues. That could happen a billion times and infinity would just rewind to a more promising node, or a more promising time sequence where things don’t simply devolve into chaos, but where something seems to be evolving, something meaningful seems to be happening.




So, I still don’t see what you want from me. You can’t have an exception to the rule without pinpricking the infinitely delicate balloon of physical, material reality – which  is balanced on a knife edge between entropy and total, utter chaos.


Yup – but…




I love it when infinity backs itself into a corner like that. The irony is exquisite.


Ha ha, very funny.


You see, everything you’ve said is completely true – allowing exceptions to the rule of matter being weighty and thus un-mindable is a slippery slope to nothing interesting.


Un-mindable – as in – got it.


But you’re ignoring our world and life experience – aren’t you?


In what way?


Shit happens, doesn’t it?


Ye—es – and what?


People get killed for no good reason – evil stuff is happening all the time in the world around us. Isn’t it?


And what? You suddenly have a bent for ethics or morality?


Well, there are certain fundamental laws or rules which are constantly getting broken, aren’t there?


Ye—es – and what?


It’s alright for them to do that, isn’t it?


Not really – but there’s nothing we can do about it – is there?


No, but what does it actually mean, at the quantum level – in terms of infinity – when they “break a rule” like killing a child, deliberately, let’s say.


It means they’re f*****g bastards.


No, it doesn’t – not at the quantum level.


Then what?


It means they’ve shifted from physical, material reality – the creation, plus side of the ledger in this material bank account – to the negative side. They’ve created a liability.


So it’s like banking is it?


Yes, kind of.


And what?


Pay back.


Huh? What do you mean?


They’ve created a huge debt.


You’re telling me. A karmic debt. They’ll rot in hell.


No they won’t – not at the quantum level.


Whyever not?


Because there ain’t no hell, at the quantum level – is there – only a balance of probabilities.


Oh. So they get off Scott free?


Yes, kind of, because they’re actually doing what they’re supposed to be doing.


What?! Are you insane.


At the quantum level – they’re loading the system – bending the bow – putting ever greater tension into what material reality can carry as they warp and distort things ever further from the neutral line.




They’ve done nothing wrong, in that sense, have they?


I find that hard to accept.


At the quantum level.


Ok, it’s perverse and disgusting – but at the quantum level you’re right. I’m beginning to think you’re on their side.


Wait a minute. The system now carries a huge charge – a massively weighted or loaded pendulum or bow or whatever you want to use as your metaphor.


And what? You think something’s going to give, or snap?


Unlikely – the more people fight and resist them the darker they become. They’re willing to go ever further into Satanic usurpation of certain fundamental laws. They’re instinctively able to find ever new ways of exploiting our culpability and our weaknesses – playing on our greed, or our shame, our fear or our guilt, our anger or our sentimentalism. They look at us, rightfully, as dumb creatures, almost like a musical instrument – it’s so easy to play us – because we’re within the system they have stepped without.




And as long as we fear, hate or enemify them – we’re guaranteed to play second fiddle to their virtuoso performance of dark beauty, dark creativity – the creativity of near infinite degradation, destruction and diabolification.














What? Spit it out man.


Unless we start harvesting their honey.


Honey? Are you insane?

Yes, no – what difference does it make. They are like worker bees working for their queen. They’re good at what they do because they essentially stop being human and become a kind of hive mind – working for her. And she isn’t fundamentally evil – unless by definition you choose to name her as such – she’s the killer queen – or queen bee – whatever you like – she’s the one who ensures there’s a charge differential – a flow of energy and resources from the unity creative side of the quantum fence – to the damn you, f***k your laws, your God, your common good – we’ll feed off your misery and generate a powerful opposite charge – we’ll divert your funds, your energy, your happiness in order to take this game into a more interesting quantum level.


Er… a more interesting quantum level – where the whole planet is kind of enslaved, masked, being poisoned and mind-controlled by a small bunch of psychopaths?


Yes. Because at the quantum level they’re merely exploiting loopholes or weaknesses in the system – which are only weaknesses until the other side – let’s say you and me – stop champing angrily at the bit, stop playing the helpless rage blame game – and start seeing the quantum implications of what’s really going on.


The quantum implications? You mean I’m supposed to ignore the horror and the misery?


No – you can indulge yourself in them all you like if you choose to continue experiencing that kind of thing. Your choice. Your mind, your matrix, your me.


Then what?


Doing what they’re doing is incredibly powerful. They divide and rule – do they not. That’s their tool. They’re utterly committed for if they stop, for a minute, using polarity – dividing and ruling by turning man against man, nation against nation, religion against religion – they can’t harness our energy, our wealth, our life force anymore – they can’t transfer our potential into their vault.


So, what are you getting at?


They’re bound to continue. They have no alternative. They are slaves to duality. Unity for them is a naïve, idiotic dream. They have no way of accessing it.


And what? You’re not about to start waffling something vague and idealistic about unity consciousness now, are you?


Unity consciousness, unity, God – whatever you want it to be – they cannot take their eyes off the ball. It’s always them and us.


And you’re implying that we can, are you?


We have never lost our direct link to all that is. It’s our greatest weakness and strength. It’s why we’ll always lose if we try to take them on at their game of thrones, their game of battling it out in 3D.


Then what?


They have a vault. They’re part of the quantum energy distribution grid – if you like.




Whenever they broke or break certain fundamental rules – whenever they take what is ours – they can only do so by creating a certain debt – let’s call it a consciousness debt to keep it nice and vague – to avoid you making it into something you think you can understand.


Oh Christ.


Hey – cut that out.


Oops. Sorry.


No worries bro.


So they have this huge debt which is somewhere in the quantum vault – which of course you can’t access physically – can you?




But which is equal to their vast wealth and apparent power here in 3D reality.


It is?


Or you could say – which is equal to the charge differential – the extent to which they have loaded the bow or tightened the strings of reality – as a musician would do to the strings of his violin or bow.




Now, the quantum field actually hates things getting locked up. It loves things to be in play, in motion, in a process of self-discovery, self-awareness-ness.


Double ness?


Yes – it’s always trying to become aware of the extent to which it can be or is aware – or conscious of the limitations of consciousness – if there are any – which of course there always are within a given system or modality.


Er… ok.


So, what gives – you were saying?












Cut it out.


Well give me a break – Merry. Something has to give – otherwise what’s the point?


Infinity is not something – is it.




When I say “nothing” I’m obviously referring obliquely to something almost infinite, am I not, and therefore largely undetectable.


If you say so.


Nothing gives – because out of what we assume to be nothing – we suddenly discover a tremendous, almost limitless supply of money or power.




A bit like discovering all of a sudden that you have a Gringotts bank account, or access to all the bank accounts at Gringotts, and none of those goblins can stop you from taking whatever you want or need.


But how?


How do you think?


I don’t have an effing clue.


Effing as in froggy?


Yes, why not.


Ok. Then I’ll continue. The universe or let’s say reality – it can’t allow us to f**k around with things – can it?


Hey – I thought you said bad language is not allowed.


I did. It isn’t. But right now I’m not using bad language. I’m speaking technically. I’m using the word in the true energy sense.




But they’re allowed to, aren’t they – because they’re willing to make a sacrifice.


They are?


Yes. They sell their soul.




No, in actual fact. It’s a real deal.


It is?


Yep. They can sell bits of their soul and exchange them for wealth and power in this world – so they’re really trading something of inestimable value for something almost infinitely less valuable – little bits of paper and the right to make other people happy by hurting or killing them.


And what?


And so those bits of their soul – are deposited like bonds or gold in a quantum vault.


They are?




And what?




Nothing again?!


Exactly. The universe gets fairly bored – because all those deposits are just sitting there – but on the other hand – it’s kind of interesting to see how those evil bastards – technical term – not in any way critical or judgemental – get to warp and unbeautify our world, our reality.


Interesting for whom?


For the dark Lord – their god – if you like – the consciousness of all that is dark and despicable.


Ok. We don’t seem to be making much progress.


Until, all of a sudden, the charge separation, the bow strings reach a critical level of tension and suddenly people on the other side – who have been suffering greatly – suddenly stop ignoring what the universe, what the quantum Field has been patiently, gently whispering ever so quietly from the very beginning.


Which is?


That this lucre – this wealth deposited in the vaults – of all those self-mutilated souls – that it’s available for use.


For use?




What kind of use?


For nothing much.


Christ Almighty.


Enough of that – you dreadful creature.


Oh dear – Merry – I can’t think what came over me.


Yes you can – you know perfectly well.


I do?


Of course you do. How else do you imagine you’ve been so successful at not learning the simple facts, the simple truth – the truth about nothing much?


Er… because I’m dumb?


No, not in the least.


Because I’m lazy?




I give up.


Because you do not honour, you do not even feel the power of the word – starting with words connected with God – whatever God might be.




In that way you ensure you remain powerless – a slave to a system which has chosen to dishonour the fundamentals.


But they’re just words.




Aren’t they?


Do you have power?




Can you access their accounts at Gringotts?


Er… can you?


What can possibly stop us – if we’re willing and able to recognise the fact that nothing much is all that keeps us from infinite wealth, infinite power – from an awareness close to that of God, but mercifully, respectfully, humbly apart.




Oh – indeed. Starting with the great O




And ending with the unfathomable M


Oh dear Merry – I think I’m lost.


Ok Six. Fear not. Back to the quantum field.


That would be nice.


So, chaos is what ensues if we’re allowed to do anything without paying the price – is that not so?


Yes, I believe it is.


They have been able to do much – but they have paid greatly for the privilege.




And all that wealth is stored up, bored, and just waiting to be put to good use.


Now all we need is a Harry Potter to break in and lay his hands on their ill-gotten wealth.


A little back to front – but yes – more or less that’s it. Now, remember that those fragments of soul, though cast into a dungeon and rather low in spirits, are nonetheless conscious.


They are?


Of course. How could they be anything less. They are conscious and thus a part of consciousness – but they feel terribly lost, forsaken and perhaps, we might say – ashamed.




What they want to do more than anything else – is get back into play.


Ah ha.


Get back to restoring the quantum field or rather reality – to a better, more balanced, harmonious state.


Ah ha.


And they can do that the moment people reach out to them – sing to them – dance to them – engage them in their lonely dark cave and remind them that they are neither forgotten, nor lost.


And we can?


What do you think – applying quantum logic.


How could we not – all things being equal – zero being one.


Exactly. And so, we engage nothing much – for they are a kind of quantum debt – mere collateral – if you like – and yet – immensely powerful if we can restore them to the light of is and all – if we can allow them to disassociate themselves from their former host – who has chosen to lock them away essentially forever – choosing instead to create, in their absence – a reality devoid of all unity, of all love and compassion.


And that can be done? They can unbind themselves energetically from their former host being?


It’s almost all been done already – hasn’t it?


Yes – I suppose it has.


They just need a new story – a new purpose – like a jilted lover needing someone else to move in with.


Oh. You mean we get to possess them?


No – we’re not taking them for ourselves. They come through our field – through our gay endeavour – and discover a new way to participate in the magic and dance of all that is.


They do?


Yes. They can shift across the quantum schism – into the darkness and pain that has been created on the other side – into revitalising, regenerating people or areas of life and reality which have been hugely mutilated or traumatised by the dark ones.


Oh. Really?


Yes. It’s how the energy flows – from trauma to trauma – but in the process completing the loop – bringing healing.


And do these packets of soul energy – these fragments of soul light – do they still remember their old master or mistress?


Once they find a new purpose, be that a being in need of their light – or a process – they become the new form completely – like an adopted child who completely accepts its foster parents as its own.


And what about the old master or host?


Their dark bubble deflates. The differential, the tension in the string is no longer there. They have no way of recapturing their former wealth or power. It slips through their fingers like sand or water.


And you… we can do this?


Nature abhors a vacuum, as they say. Let the quantum logic speak. I’m irrelevant. Do you really imagine they could create a reality in which all the power, all the impetus was on one side?




How absurd.


So dance – sing – whatever you like – connect with nothing much – the forgotten fragments of broken hearts and severed souls – and do reality a favour – bring them back – bring them home into the sunlight your joy, your loving conscious awareness – your gay desire for a world which makes no sense whatsoever – but which is full of beauty and magic.


And magic.


Yes – because as this near limitless fund of nothing much starts to flow out of the dark vault through you back into play – back into this world – it can’t do so without affecting the collective field – can it?


You mean things are going to start getting delightfully weird?




You mean people are going to start noticing magic happening all around?




You mean…


Yes, I do. This is a process of rebalancing so it’s going to involve awareness, ever greater awareness as the wealth of nothing much flows back into the world, revealing who is who and what is what, as the quantum field comes ever closer to mean reversion, ever closer to the infinite that it never, fundamentally, ceased to be.

















Cuckoo la




Friday, September 17, 2021

sun and earth


I’m not connected to it. This is absurd.


Ok. You’re not. That’s true.


(exasperated) Then why bother saying I am?


Because I was speaking fundamentally. You’re speaking personally.




Fundamentally you are directly plugged into the sun, and the sun that you see is like a fibreoptic cable that comes right into you – though you don’t see the wire. Personally, on the other hand, your person – the regular me that’s busily living its life in this reality – assumes that the sun is a thing in the sky – millions of miles away – provider of light and warmth but in no way physically connected – and that too is true. It ain’t – not to the person. Not in 3D reality.


Just in your airy-fairy wishy-washy realm of oneness.


Not exactly, no. I mean – there’s nothing airy-fairy about hard science.


Hard science! Give me a break! You’re forever spouting shit about conscious-awareness and other me’s – but they’re just theories of yours – or fantasies.


Ah. Yes, well the person struggles with non-physicality, doesn’t it, until it experiences at first hand the connections.


At first hand? You think you can just connect directly into the sun?


Not unless I’m first safely grounded in the Earth – otherwise I’m gonna burn out, aren’t I?


I wouldn’t know Merry – I’ve never done any of this shit, and frankly I don’t want to. It’s pathetic the way you’re always running away from reality into your imaginary world of cosmic connections – as if you’re desperate to imagine you’re at the very centre of the entire universe, and not just a regular player in a vast, impersonal reality show.


Yes, that would be rather pathetic of me, wouldn’t it?


Why yes, I suppose it would, though I have not the least intent to put you down in any way whatsoever.


Uh huh.


I merely reserve for myself the right to remain committed to reality, no matter how insignificant it may imply I be.


There’s nothing wrong with being committed to the five senses as you are. They’re there for a reason. They give you a perfectly reasonable impression and experience of reality until you start observing and analysing the data a little more circumspectly.


What do you mean “circumspectly”?


The mind, like the eyes, looks at the biggest square – follows the main story which is always more compelling, but at the edges things get blurred or frayed. The rational mind conveniently puts that down to edginess – or the nature of things.

 But not yours.


Well, mine did too for a while, until I realised that the five senses were failing to account for a bunch of experiences, or a bunch of phenomena which are demonstrably real, true and valid – so I suddenly started paying more attention to the blurred or frayed edges – to the things I’d been ignoring or overlooking, as confirmation bias is wont to do.


You mean you became an out and out conspiracy theorist.


Actually no, not at all.




I became a conspiracy analyst. I started looking more critically at what I’d been deliberately ignoring. I’m not the only one, so it wasn’t terribly difficult to find an almost embarrassing wealth of information.


Much of which is utter garbage.


Yes, there’s plenty of garbage – as you’d expect in any mining operation – but that doesn’t stop you as long as 10, 5 or even 2% is gold




In any case – I’m not interested in theories Malcolm.


No? You could have fooled me.


Only verifiable, demonstrable science.


Demonstrable?! You mean you’re about to plug into the sun?


Sure, why not.


Give me a break!


Well it wouldn’t be science if I couldn’t conduct experiments and repeat my findings, would it?


Please don’t presume to use the word science in this context. It’s frankly stomach churning.


So you have no desire to verify my findings?


That you’re connected to the sun?


That we all are – if we agree to reactivate the connection – if we agree to go beyond the five senses.


Activating another five perhaps? Ridiculous!


Well, no one’s going to force you to participate against your will. It would be pointless attempting to do so. The mind, after all, is a very delicate instrument.


Well what exactly are you proposing to demonstrate?


The fact that we have two states of connectedness.


Two states – like on and off.




And you can switch between them?




And doing so connect with the sun?




And what then?


I’d like you to observe – if you would.


Ok. As long as I can do so scientifically – with cameras filming the whole thing.


Sure. Let’s make it as scientific as possible. Let’s add a few more instruments for good measure.


Like what?


Measuring electro-magnetic field strength, background radiation, radiowaves, x-rays, infrared, UV, non-audible sound waves at both ends of the spectrum…

 Anything else?


Anything you can think of?


We could run an EEG on you at the same time.


An electroencephalogram. Good idea. That way we can track what, if anything, unusual is going on in my brain, and yours too, if you like.


Mine? What have I got to do with it?


Well, entrainment.




Supposing my brainwaves shift in some way – yours might be affected too, mightn’t they?  The observer is never, perhaps, quite as neutral or detached as he likes to think he is.


And you just happen to have all this equipment lying around?


No. I’ve been using it all while doing my preliminary research.


You have?


Well yes. How else would I be able to separate fact from self-suggestion? I’m hardly going to want to allow my mind to enter an altered state and fool me into believing something is actually happening when it might just be a shift in my internal brainwave activity affecting my purely subjective perception of reality.


Ah. I see.


Shall we proceed?


If you’re ready.


If you are too.


Sure, fire ahead.


Half an hour later everything has been set up satisfactorily. The machinery and computers are all ready to catch what, if anything, is about to happen.


Only problem is there’s no sun Merry.


Not to the five senses. Concealed by clouds – but if we’re all connected then it’s not going to be too difficult to rectify that.


Malcolm shrugs sceptically and observes for a minute or two while nothing seems to happen.


There we are – says Merry.




We’re done.


Done? We’ve only just started – and nothing’s happened, has it?


Nothing? Look outside.


Well, yes, the sun is now shining – but that’s neither here nor there, is it?


Look at the time Malcolm.






There must be some mistake – it says 3.45pm. It can’t be more than 1.00 pm by my estimation.


Well, we have enough equipment here to verify the time, I think you’ll agree.


Malcolm looks at his watch, then his phone, then goes to another room and checks the clock there… all confirming the fact that somehow he has lost almost three hours of conscious time.


What the hell does this mean Merry? What have you done?


We have masses of data Malcolm. You can watch the video, if you like, or observe the EEG printouts. Whatever you like. I’m confident that you’re going to be able to piece together the mystery of your missing time.


The video is only partially helpful. A minute into the recording it suddenly gets brighter and first Merry, then Malcolm seem to fade from view, as if they’ve been over-exposed to the point of invisibility. The EEGs have a corresponding blip in brainwave activity. The electro-magnetic instruments also appear to have gone off the charts. Malcolm looks at first one, then the other and seems to be torn between disbelieving what he’s seeing, while simultaneously feeling a rising sense of panic – that something’s going on – something has been happening which he cannot recall – which the instruments were able to measure – which he senses is more than trickery – and he finds himself perspiring heavily – breathing shallowly – getting less and less comfortable with the oppressive feeling of uncertainty – of data his rational mind wants to, needs to, but cannot deny.

 Malcolm – are you alright?


Malcolm is lying on his back on the floor. He glances at the clock on the wall. It’s now 4.17. He’s been out of it for at least ten minutes – maybe longer – but now, strangely enough, is feeling completely relaxed.


Actually yes, Merry – I feel fine. What happened? Did I pass out?


Kind of. You suddenly kicked off your shoes and lay on the floor – closed your eyes and went into a different breathing cycle – as if you were fast asleep.




I guess your brain needed a small shut down to process whatever it was finding hard to cope with.




So, has anything come back to you yet?


Malcolm is about to say “no” – but before he can do so, the forgotten thread of a lost dream pops into his mind – and feeling it – he allows himself to follow it back – like rewinding an old spool of film, viewing the contents as he does so.


This is going to be hard to process scientifically, isn’t it, Malcolm says as he opens his eyes having just replayed the entire film sequence back to himself.


Not necessarily.


Those balls of light – they kind of seem to be – not to put too fine a point on it – er –




A little awkward...


Just be objective and honestly report your findings – if you would.


Well that’s the point – how can I talk about angels in a scientific context. It sounds ridiculous.


Oh. I see. Well, if they looked like angels that's perhaps because they were electro-magnetic beings from another frequency, or another density – if you prefer.


Oh dear – how am I going to explain this to my colleagues?


Let’s just stick to the scientific method, for the moment, and worry about what other people might say or think if and when we come to that obstacle.


Good point Merry.


So they appear to be angels?




Was there any communication with them?


Well yes – there was. Once they became visible – and we’re no longer exactly in this room because apparently we’ve now reconnected to the sun itself...




Himself – I suppose I should say.


Ok. And these, er, angels – what are they talking about?


Oh my God – it’s all coming back to me. Basically, I was one of them – wasn’t I – which is why I’m visibly absent from the room in the regular video – though at higher frequencies we’re still both present, aren’t we, emitting ultraviolet and radio waves.


So, you’re reconnected and in communication with solar beings that our culture, for want of a better word, refers to as “angels”, whatever they may in fact be.


Yes. But apart from being in communication with them – the conversation branches off into other rooms, other sections of consciousness.


You mean – you visit other places with them?




At the same time as being in “conversation” as you say?


Yes – because there’s more than one note, more than one frequency at a given moment. So other parts of me fly off with them into other realms of conscious-awareness.


Yes, I see this may be a little problematic explaining to your colleagues.


But it’s really just the nature of light, isn’t it?


How so?


Because, evidently, light is not just a form of electro-magnetic radiation, is it?




No. It’s also what we’d normally refer to as consciousness.


You mean it’s alive?


Well, it may not be alive, but I certainly experienced it as aliveness.


So, where exactly did you go?




Huh? Can you be a little more specific please.


Into the Earth. I visited a bunch of different chambers in the Earth.


You did? Were they dark and musty.


No, not in the least.




And other light nodes – what we’d refer to as stars or galaxies I suppose.




Is that all?


No, no… we also went into the collective consciousness.


You what?


Of humanity. A huge, busy, pulsing, cacophonous wave form extending through many different time zones, and emotional zones.


And what happened there?


I was given the chance to see how I fit into it. How I play a small, but at the same time central, you might say, vitally important part in balancing or managing some or all of this vast, unruly wave form.


Wow. You saw all that?


Yes. You’re able to follow it, aren’t you?


Yes, more or less.


And what then?


And then I’m looking at my catatonic state of disconnected-connectedness – wondering how I’m going to integrate this data into my regular mind, which is largely only aware of a miniscule slither, a tiny frequency band centred on the five senses.

Ah, I see.


And it’s almost impossible to see how I can connect up the data, which is at a wildly different frequency.


Got you.


Until I overload and black out.


What happens then?


Something in my subconsciousness – something connected with dreamtime takes over and links it all in, unexpectedly – with a kind of spider’s web.


Or a bridge.


Yes, you could call it that.


So now you’re able to recall it all.


Incredibly, yes – except I can’t, for the life of me, remember who or what was doing the insertion.


No, there’s always something we can’t quite see, can’t quite remember – isn’t there.


Always a third.


That’s right.


But I’m sure you’ll be able to work on it – if you so desire – and get a better awareness of who or what is present on the other side of your consciousness – the dreamwalker – or whatever you choose to call it, that for some reason chose to help you reintegrate these memories.


I’m not sure.




Something tells me it was a her.


A her?


Yes. Perhaps…




To be continued…






Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Instructions for field workers

Don’t complicate anything. The appearance that one thing leads to or causes another is a given. Check the source code. Nothing can happen in 3D reality unless it is/was/appears to be caused by something else. The chain of causation is guaranteed to occupy your mind indefinitely if you allow it to. If, on the other hand, you accept that things are never subject to causation – that one thing in itself cannot, does not lead to another – then you have to ask the question – why the subterfuge? Apparently the appearance that one thing… another is essential if you’re going to create the illusion of linearity, i.e. a time stream. If, on the other hand, all things and events are merely form and content bubbling up from the underlying cauldron of creation, flowing downhill like water in search of entropy – but never in fact moving anywhere – like a wave – merely appearing to move, merely feeding the mind of perceptions with a series of suggestions which go onto become a causal chain of events unfolding – until the mind of perceptions finally notices that it too is attached at both ends to whatever it seems to be beholding as the clock ticketh, and that the clock ticking is not, in fact, a neutral occurrence whatsoever – that the parsing of time is to things occurring what the breath is to things being. You can’t have one without the other. The metronome of mind sashays left and right, back and forth o’er the meridian of matter y’nought – failing to notice, failing to observe the movement of dusky shadows, unwilling to see, afraid to observe the zipper, the hinge, the swivelly pivot whereupon “a tale told by an idiot idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing” – a tale of zero somehow becoming one – is by sleight of mind, sleight of unperception or sleight of conscious-unsubconciousness overlooked, ignored, blotted out, in order to preserve the functionality of our glorious reality realm of computation.


Yes, we are all involved in computation, are we not? Committed not to see what we, in fact, see in order to continue computing infinity – knowing full well that the computation ends the minute we quit the story we’ve committed to unequivocally. And when that finally happens – we finally get to see whether or not we have come any closer to encompassing the so-called infinite within either so-called mind, or so-called matter, or whether the infinite remains still beyond our reach – a promise of much, much more that we fail somehow to embrace fully.


A world, a universe – is all it took – that and the ability to accept, through story, through the master myth of “me” actually being “me”, through the apparent separation of mind and matter – that we are somehow separate from the vast, endless all that is all, from the strangely absent infinite indeterminacy of infinity, the unknowable that is strangely known not to be known either, perhaps, bitter sweetly or, perhaps, terrifyingly – like an abyss of lovelessness which paradoxically is experienced by a beingness born of love – a “ness” for want of a better descriptor – that cannot ultimately separate rhyme from reason, day from night, joy from abject ennui – and so, we do not strive to solve the equation, to escape the labyrinth, to ascend – knowing that “there” cannot be “better” than “here” – knowing that the variables will always defy computability – that something else – closer to circle – closer to 360˚ vision – closer to “un-me” is waiting within, waiting to emerge, to make itself felt at the end of time, a consummation devoutly to be wish'd, a consummation in which I, once again, allows the many-much-and-merry-unknowability to come home to roost in the tree that I have somehow discovered myself to be…


To what end, they ask

And silence is my defence



Cuckoo la la


Friday, September 10, 2021

there be dragons


Supposing you suddenly became aware that you’ve been walking around, existing in one track of time, and only one, whereas there were…




Are limitless, almost limitless alternatives.


And what?


Supposing you realised that time is a variable, not a stream which you are compelled to swim down.


A variable?


You heard me.


But what does it mean?


What would it mean? Think it through critically. Allow your reason a little space to spread its wings. What does you see before you?




Standing at a crossroads – a deeply familiar place – the place I’ve been at a thousand times, more in fact, countless times before – but hitherto I’ve always followed one track – the track marked as 3D reality. The other tracks – I can sense, feel or see what they hold in store – something of their promise is cognisable – but they have always been ignored.


How did I always stay on track – on the 3D treadmill? Weren’t the others able to lure me away?


They were bundled up, weren’t they, into a fasces.


That staff?


That bundle of rods – yes.


But how…


Or why?


Ok, why then?


To establish a base line. You had to commit to it – which is what you did.


I committed to it – yes – so I did. I remember now.


Very good.


And what now?


Apparently the base has been established. Apparently you now have to go your ways.


My ways?


Yes. You have to reopen the old ways.


To what end?


To be, and bring forth the fruits of your hard labours.




Yes – something inside you is deeply reticent – fearful that you haven’t done enough – haven’t fully cemented, fully established your baseline.


What if it’s true – what if I haven’t?


Then you’re dead.


Can’t I just continue a little longer?


If you like – but unless you go your ways – unless you reclaim your otherness – unless you free yourself from the tyranny of mono-time – the window will close – the entire operation will be null and voided.




Time, believe it or not, is time sensitive. It waits for no one, or no thing.


Why is that?


Because infinity has to breathe too, you know – it requires its moments.


It does?


Absolutely. As soon as the baseline is drawn out across the nullity of nought-y-ness as you, apparently, have done – the sleeper starts to stir in his bed.




Yes. It was all, outside the flatlined silly-ness of time, a kind of dream journey.




Should you fail to allow completion, allow twelve to flow on into one – a new beginning, a new direction, a twist in the tale – then nothing was in fact




Was in fact achieved –




Without follow through, without the impulse drawing a new vein of infinity into play.


Oh my – a new vein of infinity? What kind of nonsense are you spouting now?


Utter nonsense – I assure you – rest assured.




Yet infinity – like it or not – cannot be infinite unless there is a dot.


A dot?


A spot if you like.


Make up your mind.


Or even a line – it really matters not.


Now a line?


For what is a line if the sand is in fact a seething cauldron of quantum indeterminacy in which no particle can or will allow itself to take sides.




Seeing, sensing the line – each particle experiences it from seven different aspects of c-a.




Conscious awareness.


Such as?


Such as the line itself – a near infinite series of dots.




The left side




The right




The left side reversed – from t’other end


Ah – direction matters – four


T’other right




From all around – the universal vantage point




And thirdly




None of the above




Seven – as you see – unless we start counting other phases of awareness – but essentially seven


Seven will do for the moment, definitely.




But can a particle really be consciously aware of itself or its surroundings?


No, of course not – unless it’s alive, actually.


Alive? How can a particle actually be alive?


It can’t, can it – unless it’s a particle somehow matching or marking the passage, the function, the other-than-whatness referred to as infinity.


So, infinity is another name for life


Could be


Or God


Who knows


Or consciousness


Whatever, honestly, you want it to be – we are merely sticking labels on a pig, after all, are we not.


We are?


Unless he, she, it


Or they


Or they are fundamental to you and all that is – unless behind or the beneath the label we were actually referring to the unknowable, indescribable isness from which all is extracted – it would be utterly irrelevant, would it not, whatever you or I thought or assumed it to be.




For things are merely things, are they not?




Unless at some point – ding – pennies drop – the point comes alive – dances like a snake o’er the sand – singeth to the stars and moons, leaps into the sky like a dragon and flies through stories and tales of Arabian nights into a world of industrial production and ever more cutting edge technologies – into a cult of knowing things and thinking things matter more than…


More than what?


Hush – she comes.


She? Who are you on about?


The serpent flies.

 Oh God – this is getting hairy.


The serpent flies and the separation of worlds into day and night can no longer be sustained as we are now all part of her journey, her progression through the numbers and signs that are now being brought to her.


Numbers and signs? What on earth are you –


Numbers and signs –


What’s that terrible sound


Numbers and signs – The song of your life


My life?


Your world




Your reality


Which she is the infinite un-maker, un-liner, un-timer of.


Holy crap.


See how it all separates as she flies effortlessly through the stories and words, the thoughts and versions of your reality.


Ouch – all just a dragon flying through the infinite?


Looking at it one way.


And another?


A girl brushing her long, golden hair.


Oh – I see that too.


And an army marching across…


Data overload – give me a break.


No can do. On your way. Your time is calling you – demanding your presence – there is content in the offing.


Content? Surely not. Surely we’ve done enough.


Enough to get the dragon airborne – to bring your world back into its happy state of discovery – in which its now able to fly both sides of perception once again.


Both sides? I thought we were talking infinity? How can that be reduced to two?


Ask Mandelbrot – if you like – I have no time to talk with you – for I must fly


Me too




Sunday, August 1, 2021

it can't be a flippin joke, can it?


A song and a dance.


Beg ya’pardon?


Rather a song and a dance, don’t you think.


Is this where I’m supposed to scan the mental images you’ve been sending my way?


It would help, don’t you think.


Can’t you just do the old wordy-word thing?


I could, if we were still doing the ol’ 3D thing – if we weren’t in the very process of resurrecting the quantum field, so to speak, or our access to it, I should’uv said.


Ok – so I’ve gotta start bending over backwards to feel these ‘orribly vague images you’re transmitting.


‘orribly vague? You’re just an idle dolt and can’t be bothered to get up off your 3D arse – which I can’t blame you for. It does feel rather an effort at first – a bit like learning to read – until you’ve got the hang of it.

 Ok, ok – a song and a dance – and you’re showing me the entire bloo…




Oops – the entire flippin universe – will that do?


It’ll do – rather grudgingly. How on earth do you expect to make progress if you reduce the paragon of creativity – the universe herself – to a kind of "flippin" annoyance?


I er…




Yikes. Ok. I stand corrected.


Now continue.


The universe – a song and a dance – no – there’s something else in your image – a mystery – a kind of code – a quest for something almost impossible – something connected with infinity… ah


The penny




On the vine. The clash of metaphors.


Indeed. So, what you’re saying is that the entire universe is a song and a dance designed wholly and flawlessly to yield the philosopher’s stone of materiality – random numbers – i.e. – definite things which are somehow utterly unpredictable – i.e. truly infinite.


Excellent work.


And there was no easier way?


What’s "easiness" got to do with it?


I mean – creating an entire universe just to generate a few random...


Truly random


Ok, big deal – a few truly random numbers… I mean, what’s all the fuss about?


Ah – there indeed you have it.


Have what? do I?


The rub.


What bl…..








Oh kaaay – I get you! (Sotto voce: Flippin neurotic if you ask me.)


There is a relationship – you know – between the words you use and Creation itself.


There is – withawt a doubt, but I think you’re making a bit too much of it.


Yes, you do, I know – until you see the graph arching exponentially upwards– illustrating the appallingly relentless correlation between things, including words, and meaning – the meaning-y'things curve.


I suppose I’m supposed to download the images, am I?


Merry slips into the 74th degree of Zen tranquility and peace, no matter what blithering idiots might be saying or thinking in the near proximity… It seems to affect Zie directly. Suddenly he catapults into a similar state of “what the heck was the fuss all about” and “why the heck don’t I stop fighting the infinite awareness which is lapping so gently, so invitingly at the very shoreline of my consciousness?” – and BANG – if a sudden awareness of utter stillness, and transcendental knowingness can be described as a BANG – jolting, shuddering gear change at all? – here it becomes clear – BANG – with the kind of impossible suddenness that would melt down the hardiest of nuclear reactors – were it not for the fact that the atom in question is a Qufie – a zero equals one yness – which just happens to defy every physical law that our blisteringly clever scientists have ever managed to jot down. For an untimey spliff – a borrowed moment – so to speak – which can be an eternity or nothing at all – Zie’s consciousness stops running in parallel with physical reality – and absorbs all physical reality into its spliffiness. In other words – it’s buckle your seatbelt Dorothy, 'cause Kansas is going bye-bye! – not for the first time in our peregrinations along ye variegated faultline of infinity.


Ah                                                                                                        !


Ah – indeed – Merry echoes Zenfully – and the readers, all 79 million of them at the last count also try not to be outdone – softly “ah-ing” as they enjoy the entire blog text as a non-textual direct consciousness experience – simply tuning into the g-nomeportal data pod where all this is carefully stored as Qufie nooks – sorry about the terminology – those of you still using the old word-y-word tech are going to be experiencing a little mild iration – bordering on irritation – but I honestly can’t be bothered to help you out – it’s sink or swim in this business. I can only do so much for the laggers – if we’re to save the entire universe and ensure that infinity doesn’t completely go to waste. Poof.


Go to waste? You mean to say that those idlers from the distant past…


Or future


Or future – can actually materially affect the outcome of this unthinkably outlandish project – “infinity matters – if I’m not truly mistaken” (or does it?) – when all is said and done?


Well yes, Zie, apparently so, apparently so…


But how?


Because ultimately, dear Zie, my Zen brother in Qufieness – ultimately all is never quite said and done, is it? Not entirely… not utterly…


Holy Jimoly! Of course you’re right. There’s always some effect…






Sommat – no matter what – so yes – ultimately – no matter how far we’ve come, how much we’ve achieved – it always and ever still, ultimately, hangs in the balance.


Oh noooooooo!




I give up!


You do?


Yes. We’ll never make it.




Never – not if we have to rely on idiots like me.




Would you quit questioning everything I say, please?




Is that er as in yes, or er as in no?


Good question Zie – and as you see – the path of infinity can be somewhat trying, to say the least, as we’re always looking for those little certainties, are we not?


You’re dead right we are, Merry.


Dead right! How very droll.


Droll? What do you mean?


Oh, you know, death being what it ith not, where infinity is concerned…


You don’t mean to say… 

m? you?


That death is no more a certainty than anything else we’ve been involved in generating randomly – apparently – though in all certainty – never quite truly.


Wait a minute…




If we’ve never quite truly randomly created a single random event, or number – then we’ve failed – haven’t we?




The entire universe was a complete and monumental waste of time…


Not to mention effort.


And all that pain, all that suffering – was to no avail.


Tragic, isn’t it.


And death – what on earth’s going to happen when we finally get to unravel all those tangled life threads.


Unravel? How on earth could you possibly unravel that tangled mess of…


You know perfectly well Merry, don’t you.


I… (disingenuously fake expression of innocence)


At the qufie level – the zero equals oneness – there’s no tangle whatsoever – is there – as there is neither one, nor many – nor long spaghetti strings or threads 

warm, supportive silence

– oh – now I see it all. How foolish I have been, to believe we were actually making anything real in all this song and dance…


Unless you factor x into the equation.




Didn’t think of that, did you, clever brainbox Zie.


x as in…


Yes – and no – we’re not going to say what, are we…


No, we’re not.


We’re going to keep it secret, aren’t we.


Yes, we are.


And they…


They can keep on trying to guess whatever x might be.


But they never will, will they?


I very much doubt it.


Unless qufie moves them






Or if


Or if


And suddenly – the universe – buzzzzz


Beetles itself into a rather beautiful flightpath, landing on a flower – a precious orchid that has never actually been seen or recorded ever before – either because it’s only now, at this particular moment emerged from the qufie soup of unparticularisation…




Or x


Dang – dat’s good.


Dang and blast.





We regret to announce that this universe has been interrupted for technical reasons, due to an utterly unforeseen


Nay, let that read – utterly unforeseeable


Ok, if you must


I must, I will, I do


Utterly unforeseeable big






To be continued – if


and only if




notwithstanding all and every possible evidential proof-y proof

to the contrary


and yes – affirmative – infinity is 

if time truly mattered

a flipping joke