Sunday, November 26, 2017


So if it’s not physically possible to teach the rational mind to engage in-finity, then what are you trying to achieve? You’ve flung me on a yo yo into the fathomless, psychedelic wilds of in-finity more times than I can remember, you’ve literally blown me up a dozen times, at least, and you’ve beetled me into weird corners of taxonomy, showing me the world from the perspective of impossible creatures, opening neural paths in my mind that either shouldn’t be there whatsoever, or which, being there, raise the question of whether it’s still reasonable to consider me human, in the traditional sense of the word...

Looking somewhat smug I’ve... done my best.

You’re best?! If that’s your best I shudder to think what your worst might be.

Still exuding an air of smug self-satisfaction

I don’t know what you’re so pleased about. By any normal measure you should be sitting behind bars as a public menace and threat to humanity.

Is that all the thanks I get for my pains?

Pains? Your pains? I don’t remember you having to endure anything more than the occasional scratch or bite, when I was beside myself with fear.

Oh really Zie, you do like to exaggerate, you know.

Exaggerate?! Do you deny that technically I’ve been dead at least a dozen times?

That depends how you define “dead”. I’ll admit you’ve crossed the veil, but like you yourself admitted, that was on a string. I merely yo yo’d you across the barrier, on a brief excursion into the closest reaches of in-finity, in spite of all your hyperbole.

Hyperbole? Is it normal for mere mortals to be yo yo’d into in-finity, near or far? The distinction seems utterly irrelevant.

Well, yes, actually it is.


If they’ve reached saturation point.


Like a cup of tea which cannot dissolve any more sugar once you’ve already stirred in several spoons.


Saturation point. Once you’ve reached it you’re bound to shift, willingly or not.

What in God’s name are you on about, Merry? I don’t hear about anyone else getting blown up or tossed through hermetic seals, which were put in place for good reason.

No, you wouldn’t.

Well, are you going to tell me why, or do I have to beg?

I was hoping you’d either figure it out or remember.

Remember? If I knew what you’re on about I wouldn’t be asking.

Unless the part of your mind which knows, or the particular memory is located elsewhere, in a spot you can only access in calmness. Why not try a little calmness first, to see if it comes to you.

Calmness? After all I’ve been through? You’ve got

a bloody cheek, yes, but that’s not going help, is it, focusing on me and my many shortcomings.

Suddenly, unexpectedly, Zie finds himself in an utterly unfamiliar state of calmness, which absorbs him deeper and deeper.

That will do Zie. No need to take it to extremes.
Zie looks at Merry with wide eyes, at first unsure of his surroundings, who he is or what he was doing.

My God!


You mean to say...


I mean, I just realised that I know the answer. You’re right. It was waiting for me in calmness.

Congratulations Zie, you’ve just crossed the barrier for the first-time single-handedly, and returned in one piece, with only a little help from me.

Oh... I don’t know if I’d have returned, had you not guided me back with your voice.

Possibly not, but you’re getting there, so well done. Now answer your question.

But why bother, if I already know?

Because there’s still a mental barrier which needs to be surmounted.

Oh. It’s awkward Merry.

If course it is. It’s a barrier. It was put there for a reason, but now it’s getting in the way.

I’m a chick hatching, aren’t I?

Go on.

I’ve never yet met anyone, because I haven’t yet hatched.


All my experiences with other people were virtual, though utterly real to the unhatched chick.

A bit like

Yes, a bit like Plato’s cave allegory.


You never see anyone else hatching, or testing the edge of reality because...

Come back Zie, no drifting off like that.

to do so you’d have to look away from the wall of the cave, which you’d never do, unless you yourself were ready to hatch


because seeing is believing, is it not?

Yes, I believe it is.

And we wouldn’t even notice a person leaving the cave because...

Back Zie, quit fading like that.

Sorry Merry, it’s absorbing seeing this information so clearly for the first time.

Aye, that it is, but you need to be able to access information without losing your current whereabouts ir wherewithal.

Yes, I think I see what’s happening.

I’m pleased to hear it. You’ve gone from one extreme to the other, which is somewhat disconcerting.

But I’m only really remembering what I already know, as you yourself told me to.

It’s not what you’re doing but how you’re doing it that matters.


You’re still applying 3D brute force tactics which are no longer appropriate. Instead of squeezing the orange with a ten-ton press, then drinking the juice and eating the pulverised peel for good measure, you can merely touch it lightly. The juice, like the memory, is already inside you, waiting to be remembered.

Oh. But I want to enjoy the sensation of drinking and eating.

Yes, I’ve noticed, but you’re still trying to feed the shell of yourself inside the cave. Trust me, there’s a sweetness of eating and drinking unimaginable which you’re about to discover once you lighten your touch and allow

Allow what?

Allow the orangeyness to manifest directly, without dragging it through the 3D platform of scrutchy physicality.


Aye, there’s the rub.


And touchy

And itchy

And crotch?

Or scrotum – yes, apparently there’s a sexual aspect to the 3D pleasure pain process of experiencing physical sensations such as eating and drinking.

Oh, wow, yes i see.

So, where were we?

I was fading o’er the veil involuntarily and trying to explain something vitally important, which now eludes me.

No, don’t look back, or you’ll lose the plot.

You mean it’s a story? Yes? Oh... it is. But how... how can it be a story if... I can feel it Merry – I can feel myself merging with in-finity, melting into the ocean of all that is, its Lethe aspect – which would be kind of terminal, would it not?

Precisely! Excellent Zie – you’re like the babe who has just figured out that those numeric sensations can and ought to be categorised as “pain” in order to avoid crossing a host of potentially lethal barriers unwittingly.

So I require pain to preserve me?

Was it painful?

No, just an ugly dullness.

There you go. Now you’re more or less safe to make your own way.

But there’s something, isn’t there... A question I still haven’t answered, which I can’t quite remember.

Yes, there’s always something, there’s the rub, and sooner or later you’ll recall that particular question, remember its answer, enjoy a hallelujah moment, but then sense there’s something else, which will take you deeper, further, all tge way, eventually, back.

Back where? Er... Merry? Where did he go?


Er... Who’s there? Do I know you?

You know me not

I know you not? But something tells me you’re...


You’re Popping sound as Zie travels deeper into fathomless recall, deftly sidestepping Lethe unconsciousness.

GOOD. It is good.

Oh, there you are Merry. I think I’m getting Alzheimer’s.

Yes, but there’s another name for it, much more joyful and magical.

There is? Oh, She whispered it to me a moment ago, didn’t She?

Yes, she might have done.

But who is She? You were gone and i was seeing her but unseeingly. I could no longer join the dots.

That sounds like



I met Dorothy? And i didn’t even know it?


THE Dorothy?!

Yes, apparently so, with capital letters an’ all.

Oh God.

Easy does it Zie.

There’s so much i need to ask her. So much...

Dot dot dot... Peace, little one you’re barely one hour old. Let’s walk before we run. One, two, three, Lethe light, take him away... and Zie melts in the warm waters of in-infinity, for a much-needed rest.

The End, so to speak

Saturday, November 25, 2017

i poem a web across the sky

i poem a web across the sky
between mind and aught

by-passing all
that is thought

skipping o'er
all that is . flatly taught

pulling up roots through
the soles of  head

stamping boots on the thunder dome

diving into the roof of hell
beset by fiends of scream and ike  aargh

arriving at an edge where things

can  not


.a word is but a word
unless i poem it alive  



in the firmament a thought
descends . a meteorite

crash and burning . lights a moment

and dies
gracefully back to nought

except that flight you felt

beyond what might be rational
.          . between two dots

.          . but to the thunder dome
for words must drum the skin

stretched taut above
a booming resonant.          .nought

tight enough to shake and thrill
the ike and fear of all i locked in

.          . and release the beauty power kept
concealed within

.          . bounty woven in a tangled lattice
of lies, schemes, sin

.          . you see?
grist for the mill . m.ind no.t

i fly
.          . away

0=1 it is . i
am  open source

boom di di ah da  boom di di ah da
boom di di ah da  boo     .      oom

repeat, wash, rinse  
for pity's sake
for  aught

Thursday, November 23, 2017

marriaging minds



They don't seem to be connecting.


No, not really.

Well -- are you surprised?

Er... I always kind of assumed they did.

Ok. That's fair enough.

Yes, but it's a problem.

How so?

If they don't actually connect -- if the two minds are actually completely separate and independent...


I only have one half of the picture. I mean -- they're both me, aren't they?

Yes and no.

How do you mean?

They both can be you -- if you figure out how to marriage them.

Marriage? Don't you mean "merge".

No, I mean exactly what I say -- not a whit more or less.

But how can you marriage minds?

In the same way you can marriage people -- with love and a commitment to one another.


That way both minds agree to overcome their differences and work together through thick and thin

Come hell or high water

Yep. That way your rational, 3D mind starts to learn a different language of perceiving and knowing.

It does?

Which is utterly alien to the 3D mind -- which blows apart your sense of identity and reality and


Yes, I suppose so. Your logic tends to use straight lines to join the dots together -- but if you draw straight lines on a globe, for example, between LA and Moscow -- they're not going to look straight when seen on a 2D Mercator map representing that globe.

No, I suppose they're not. But what's that got to do with logic?

Everything -- when you consider that the other mind doesn't really have any conception of space or time.

It doesn't?

Absolutely not. It might be likened to a fish swimming in the waters of infinity.

It might?

Absolutely. Well, as you can imagine -- that fish can be and effectively is anywhere and anywhen at any given moment -- such is the nature of infinity -- it's irrepressible reluctance to let itself be tied down in any way, shape or form, whatsoever.

So, er... damn -- I'm utterly stumped.

Yes -- there's literally no way you can get a handle on it or make sense of it in terms of what might make sense to the 3D mind.

So we're er... freakin doomed?

Precisely. Unless you quit trying to make sense of things rationally -- and realise that life itself is a kind of love affair -- between two utterly incompatible ways of perceiving reality -- either in terms of things that purportedly matter, or in terms of a precious-beyond-words rose -- which serves as a kind of blueprint -- a living, breathing equation, which constantly, somehow or other squares the circle and brings things together, brings things to a head in the very nick of time, against all odds, in spite of every rational objection or counter-argument.


Yes. Very much Oh to the power of x, y or z.

Oh... so this marriage thing -- does it actually work?

Can do -- can and must -- otherwise we're all

freakin doomed?

Yes, more or less -- for unless we're able to marriage the two -- infinity suddenly and quite unexpectedly lays waste to all the carefully thought out plans and strategies of mice and men, reducing our much vaunted material reality to rubble, when it allows itself to grow weary of our blind intransigence.

You mean infinity deals a killer blow?

I mean reality was only ever a temporary measure -- a "what if" kind of thing -- which was never going to stand the test of time -- which like a nuclear isotope has a half-life -- except this half life itself halves each time -- accelerating exponentially back to the wide open arms of infinity.


Yes... in other words -- unless you get round to embracing infinity and marriaging the two minds -- the 3D reality you've come to know and love just kind of implodes -- which is more or less where we are today, is it not?

I hope not. I'm not sure I like the idea of imploding into infinity.

Well -- it's a matter of choice -- you know. You're welcome to embrace the all that is -- in which case the implosion is deferred.

It is? For how long?

As long as it takes infinity to deal with the marriage of infinitely contradictory ways of perceiving a totality, which is what we're really referring to when we talk about "reality".


So, infinity itself comes a cropper if and when I agree to

marriage it -- yes, entirely -- because the things you know and love -- which you have somehow embraced, personalised, embodied mentally are no less aspects of infinity than God-like qualities such as being everywhere at once.

But -- how can that be?

Don't ask -- just put yourself in the position of infinity -- trying to make sense of everything you've done with your mind, your life, your perception and awareness, bearing in mind that you, like infinity itself, are derived from the same ineffable zero equals one computational dichtomy. Once the marriage of minds takes place -- you kind of hold each other in check -- but also have the opportunity to expand and grow into one-an-other -- opening up a third -- which is neither here nor there -- a compound, if you like -- a water molecule from the hydrogen and oxygen atoms -- which is quite separate and different in nature -- there's the rub -- the three of zero and one.

So this marriage you're referring to -- is it going to really, really hurt?

There's only one way to find out. I guess, to a large extent the answer is in your perception or understanding of God.


Whether your version of God is loving and compassionate, or angry and perverse. Your particular version is fairly indicative of your relationship to your Self -- the other part of you who cannot or will not be controlled or eliminated by anything you think, say or do, no matter what.


If, sensing that you're freakin doomed, so to speak, you decide to make the most of a thoroughly uncertain outcome -- and start dancing with the wild and merry abandon of one who knows he has nothing to lose and everything to gain by entering the slipstream of infinity gaily -- things may, and all too often do, take what can only be referred to as an "unexpected turn" -- but more of that another time.


Quite... so without further ado

Monday, November 13, 2017

malice aforethought

Merry, I’d appreciate it if you’d unplug me from your virtual reality platform. I’m getting kind of tired running around trying to ingest gold coins and dodge flying vipers.

Oh come on Zie – where’s your fighting spirit?

No really – it was fun for the first day or two.

Day or two? How long do you imagine you’ve been playing for?

At least a week.

I hate to disappoint you Zie

You do?

Yes, even though I derive no small delight from turning your life upside down

There you go – the stench of malicious intent reeks from the soles of your soul

But you’ve been at it now for three hours and forty-five minutes.


Three hours and forty-five minutes.



No – there has to be a mistake

Does there?

Yes – it’s been a week at least. I’ve been working in this office – going home, sleeping, eating gold coins and dodging vipers for at least a week, I’m absolutely posit…

tive – I know – such is the nature of virtual reality. What if I told you the same thing’s going on in your 3D reality.

No Merry – don’t even think about it.

That you’ve been alive for all of four weeks.

D – o – n – t   I  said – didn’t you hear me.

Four weeks which have somehow morphed into millenia within the 3D platform as things go around and come around again and again.

For God’s sake Merry – I have a right to not know what you’re telling me. I have a right to blissful ignorance – so kindly cut it out. Go and torment someone else with your misanthropism. Can’t you tell when you’re not wanted.

So there’s not a great difference between the two, is there?

Except that this is virtual reality while my good ol’ 3D base is absolutely bona fide real.

As real as real can be.

Phew – I was beginning to get nervous

As real as things can be – if things are what excite you.

Don’t be idiotic Merry. Things don’t exactly excite me – but they’re a good yardstick to measure how real things are.

Things are a good way to measure things – and decide whether or not they’re real – as in things… interesting logic if you ask me.

Well, you’re just twisting things round as usual. There’s nothing wrong with things. We wouldn’t get very far without them.

You seem to be doing pretty well down here – though none of these things, you’re well aware, are in fact real.

You’re like the ultimate end-times preacher – informing us all we’re doomed. Well I for one believe there’s more to life than despair or despondency. I believe…


That there’s more to us than meets the eye.

Ok. Then kindly remove yourself from this virtual reality platform and get back to something more meaningful.

Like I said – I don’t know how.

Don’t know or don’t in fact want to?

Dude – will you never relent?

You mean agree to go along with the shadow on the wall we call 3D reality? I really don’t see how I can, now that I’ve seen what’s causing the shadows to move.

You have?


And has it made you any the wiser, any happier Merry?

Of course it has – I now get to jump in and out of virtual platforms dealing with you and other versions of myself.

Excuse me! I am not a version of you.

We’re all versions of each other Zie – if that makes you feel any more comfortable.

How I detest such needless intimacy. Stop trying to dissolve my barriers. I am me. You are you. Things are things. Period.

And that’s why you're trapped in a cave looking at shadows moving on the wall.


Because you are repelled by half of what you are.


You refuse to embrace your self

My self?

Your whole self – you refuse to accept that it’s all desperately trying to reconnect with you – desperately trying to reharmonise – reintegrate – reincorporate back into you – completing the loop – bringing omega back to alpha – allowing 12 to flow seamlessly into one o’clock.

So you just want me to pretend that we’re all one happy family – that I have to embrace everyone – regardless of their behaviour and views, or even more absurd – to consider that all things are equal?


Yes, you.

What have I to do with it?

That’s what you’re saying – unless you want to take back your words.

I’m actually saying that you have a choice – I’ve already made mine. Your choice is entirely your own. It has nothing to do with me. You can continue to let things run the show – and thus remain glued to the wall of the cave observing the moving shadows but never quite getting it – never quite figuring out how you’re staring at a screen – you’re not really alive – you’re not stepping out of the cave into the open – you’re not yet fully born, fully alive – you’re still umbilically in the womb – until you decide to be alive, to make the leap, to take the plunge – if and when you’re ready – at which point – things may change – there’s no guarantee, of course, but if you’re ready to embrace your self, if you’re ready to BE, if you’re ready to engage whatever it is you’ve been avoiding all this time – you might well find it isn’t as terrible as you imagined – you might well find that it’s fascinating, that’s it’s compelling, that it’s fun or more than fun – that it is the beginning of a new chapter in the book of what it means to be alive – up until which you’ve only really been dealing with theory – and a part of you has been hunched up in the corner bored out of its mind, wondering if you’ll ever see the light of day – which/who now stands up and turns out to be the real you – the life and soul of the party – the larger than life presence that you be – that you are – which transcends all else…

So I’m supposed to Super Mario my way out of here am I?

Do you really imagine that Mario can win his way out of the virtual world he’s in?

No, not really.

But his gamer can – because you just happen to be the fulcrum, the event horizon, the interface where the different sides of reality meet – physical matter – your body – energy – your chi, your warmth, your electricity and soul, spirit, consciousness – your Self.

And you think I’m not aware of this?

Of course you are.

Then what?

Then nothing.


Yes – realise, in your own time that there’s nothing doing attempting to do things – attempting to move or fix stuff, unless first and foremost you’re willing to embrace the everything else you’ve so conveniently forgotten about – so adroitly manoeuvred out of sight, out of mind, squished into the very periphery of your vision. Here – catch this.

What the hell… what are you doing Merry?

Oh – I’m having fun – as always – I get bored of talking sometimes – so here’s a bomb on a short fuse. 4 – 3 – 2 – 1

For a while the picture goes dead. Somewhere else there’s a fuzzy screen – we’re not too sure whether that’s a part of this set up or not. But then images start flooding back in, faster and faster…

And apparently we’re back on line.

Did you just do what I think you did Merry?

Apparently so. What do you think I did?

Something tells me – if my memory’s not mistaken – that you er…

Tricky to say – isn’t it?


Because if I gave you a bomb and you died – then according to your 3D logic you must now be dead. But don’t worry – if you carry on as if nothing happened you’ll just forget about it in a few moments.

But I don’t want to forget about it. If you just killed me – I want to know more. I want to figure out what’s just happened.

Very good.

I blew up. I was dead. The screen was blank. Then I’m back here again with you – no sign of a bomb – as if nothing just happened.

Which I assure you is perfectly true – up to a point.

Up to a point?

Yep. That pesky little zero point which annoyingly undoes or infinitises everything you think you know, recall or understand. But rather than waste our time trying to figure out for once and for all what really happened – let’s repeat the experiment…

No – not again!

How else are you going to figure this out? So, here – catch this…

A ball?

4 – 3 – 2   I don’t think so… 1

Zie finds himself lying on the floor of a cave wondering where he is and what’s going on…

Ugh... must’v falln aslepe, now whair wz I?

For a moment or two Zie stares at the cave painting of a bison somewhat vacantly before the penny drops...

No way... No way Merry, I’m not buying this.

Zie absolutely doesn’t hear another voice. He absolutely knows no one else is present, yet in the silence he hears his own unspoken response

I’m back where it all started, trillions, quadrillions of iterations ago. Back in my umbilical cave. Back where I was before I started going deeper and deeper into the moving pictures on the wall...

An hour or two pass, maybe more

But where did they go?...  Where are they now?         

Again he stares at the wall for an age, apparently waiting for something to happen.



Nada... I guess that means I’m ready to move on... ready to go outside, which is what he does.       

You mean to say the last ten thousand years never happened... It was all an engrossing reality show brought to me by Cave Wall Animations Inc?

Not exactly

Then what am I supposed to make of this? Where are the cars, the concrete, the harum scarum? Where’s everything I know

And love?

Not exactly, in fact, no, I didn’t love it, not in the end... it started well enough, it seemed thrilling but it became toxic


I hated it. I desperately wanted out – I was trapped inside

Calm down, it’s alright

Why can’t I breathe?

You’re going to be fine. A little delayed shock and claustrophobia. Breathe, nice and slow, in -- out, in -- out, 1 -- 2 -- 3   There, it’s done.

Are you sure? Is it really complete?

Absolutely. You’ve logged a quadrillion.

What do you mean?

An entire g-nome.

Genome? As in genetic code?

If you like. You’ve filled every check box with a like or hate. You’ve accumulated an entire world of experience. You’re now ready to process.

All of it? Even the stuff I hate?

Particularly the stuff you hate, taking back your energy, and then you’ll be ready.

For what?

We’ll discuss it later. You can only spend a few minutes here at present until you free up and redistribute some of your energy. At the moment it’s still all tied up in things that apparently matter. You have to bring it back here.

You mean I have to go back down there?

Actually, part of you is desperate to go back, because now you gnow, now you can

make a difference... You’re right! How did you know?

I didn’t


I simply gnow, as we all do when we re-g-nome. 

Ah... By the way


Is Merry going to blow me up everytime I have to come back here?

Do you think so?



Don't gnome


Gnow? Apparently I gnow. Apparently I’m the one in control the minute I run both sides of the equation, the minute I gnow-me.

The minute you g-nome! 

Ah, there you are Zie! Welcome back again. Fancy a game of footie?

Er... Yeah, why not.

Absolutely. I have a good feeling about this game. Something tells me it’s going to be a whole lotta fun.

And as they kick the ball back and forth, immense strings of quantum code start interacting in the physical process enabling the two to bend reality’s space and time to shift the ball’s trajectory, their own position and the size and shape of the field. Soon a crowd of onlookers gather, eyes glued to the proceedings, little suspecting that in fact they are staring at painted bison dancing on a cave wall in the dim and distant prehistoric past.


Saturday, November 11, 2017

waving, not drowning

Aye, there’s the rub – William Shakespeare

Nothing really matters – Freddie Mercury

So imagine you’re in the middle of a huge football pitch.

Er… how huge is huge?

Actually, it’s a virtual space so it can be huge as in the entire universe and beyond, or huge as in big enough to encompass whatever you’re doing, thinking, viewing right now. The point is that size is no limit. None whatsoever.

Ok. And then what?

Then it’s like Harry Potter and some kind of Quidditch is in play.

Goalposts or people on broomsticks – I need something more definite to visualise.

Ok – this is a battle between particles and waves.

Holy sh…

And you are both combatant and battle ground.

What do you mean?

Well – as you slide into the particle side of things – you’re like 3D people knocking balls around on a football pitch – which itself is basically 2D, isn’t it – whereas you like to think of yourself as 3D as you appear to have depth, breadth and height.

Er… Surely the pitch is 3 dimensional too – I can kick the balls up in the air.

Yes, but they quickly come back down to the dominant plain of things in general – which is essentially flat.

But I’m not.

Correct. You’re not flat.

I’m 3D.

Er… not exactly. Physically we can say you have 3 axis – height, breadth and depth, but these axes would be meaningless without the other.

Which other is that?

The axis of nought.

I’m sorry?

The axis of nought.

Yes, I heard you say that the first time – but it doesn’t mean anything. The nought or zero point is not an axis, neither is it a dimension.

Correct – as long as you’re playing the particle game – but that game soon becomes boring and dreadfully limiting – which is why, sooner or later, you start to engage the wave side of things.

You as in me?

You as in anyone, everyone – ultimately you are all iterations of one.

I’m not sure I like that idea of merely being an iteration of one… it makes me sound like some kind of running computation.

Which is precisely what you are – from a particular perspective.

I don’t see how you can be so categorical. No one knows these things for certain.

Correct. No one – and as soon as one has embraced one’s no one – then these things become obvious and uncontentious.

Oh! And have you?

Have I what?

Embraced your no one?

You mean have I opened up my zero axis and engaged nought?

Er… if you like to put it that way – yes, have you?

Would you like to see for yourself?

What do you mean?

Well there’s not much point me saying yay or nay – you won’t really believe it unless you see it for yourself.

So – you’re saying there’s this zero point which is not a point at all…

No – it most certainly is a point as long as you’re playing football and not flying around on broomsticks playing Quidditch.

You mean to say that Quidditch really exists?

Whyever not?

But we can’t fly around on broomsticks, can we?

No, not as long as you’re playing the particle side of things – an apparently 3D being in a mostly 2D reality.

But wait a minute – our reality is definitely not 2D. We have tall buildings and planes in the sky. We’re using lots of different levels.

Yes – but you stuck with experiencing things in flatness – without depth – because you haven’t yet got round to embracing the wave function.


Which kinda sucks, if you ask me.

Well, it all sounds hopelessly fanciful. Like Alice falling down a rabbit hole – and we all know how that story ends.

Yes. There’s nothing to be afraid of. The zero point starts and ends almost at the very same moment – a bit like the Narnia chronicles. Neither time nor space are an issue. That’s the beauty of engaging nought which, let’s face it, isn’t really nought at all, except from a particle perspective.


No. It’s your access point.

Access – to what?

To anything – the sky’s the limit.


Because, all of a sudden you’re no longer to do things chronologically. You can remix things – like a dj remixes music.

I don’t see how. You’re still bound by the laws of gravity, aren’t you, and a minute’s still a minute.

Absolutely. Time and space never let go of matter, as long as matter matters, as long as you’re playing the particular role that you’re now in, but the minute you start waving – fluking in and out of phase with the zero point opening up into a toroidal field of unimaginable proportions…


The only limiting factor is the integrity of your waviness

My what?

No – your waviness – which has to become a kind of body, a kind of self, albeit decentralised, before you’re able to really experience, or really recall your experiences from a 3D perspective.

You mean – I could be having wavy experiences but I simply wouldn’t be able to recall them?

Obviously. If you’re fully invested in the particular – if you’ve kept nothing invested in the wave – then how are you to experience the other side of things – except brief hallucinatory experiences such as dreams.

Well, I hardly see how I’m able to reinvest whatever it is I’ve invested, or why I’d want to in the first place.

Ah – but you see the ship is going down. The particular has grown cumbersome and slow. People are drowning in what they call debt – which is what?

Borrowed money.

Which is what?

Which is money created by banks out of thin air – lent to people for an interest payment.

Which leads to a kind of stalemate.

It does?

Yes, of course.

But why?

Because the only thing of any value is


Conscious-awareness, life force, inspiration – moving in the flow, flowing beautifully, magically, unpredictably, seemingly randomly, and yet, somehow, in easy, breathtaking harmony with all that is.

That’s all there is to it?

Sounds impossible, doesn’t it – but it’s as easy as having fun – just as long as your fun having is not at anyone else’s expense.

You mean – when we’re having fun – we’re creating value – like money?

Of course. You are the stuff of dreams, of magic, of poetic inspiration. The minute you’re truly having fun – allowing the precious moment of now to guide you – you cannot help being in tune with all that is – with the entire universe – or with every dimension. You’re fun having is a kind of quantum process – like a Bitcoin mining operation – which helps to extract value, or generate value from infinity – which in itself has no value until it’s been processed in some way through your human conscious-awareness by your love of life processor – your heart and soul self.

But – how can that be the ultimate source of value?

Do you imagine painted bank notes have any intrinsic value?

No, but they’re used as payment for work done.

Yes, but that work may or may not be of value.

How do you mean?

Well, if you’re working for a pointless operation – a government, for example, which merely slows things down and messes things up – then you’re getting paid, for sure, but acting as a weight on the creative impulse that is keeping things going, keeping them alive.

But if I’m a clever business man who’s figured out how to make a killing?

Then you’re adding value – if you’re having fun, and enabling others to have fun – but


There are limits to how much fun can be had in 3D.

There are?

Yes, in the same way there are limits to how far a plane can run on the ground, before it takes off into the air.

Oh. Why’s that?

Because the particular is part of a machine – a gear mechanism. It gets things moving, it gets the engine turning – but for the engine to really start flying it needs to change gears – to hit a higher frequency.

And take off?

Well – the toroidal field is activated, and all of a sudden you find yourself staring down a long tube you never even knew was there.

What tube?

A you tube – if you like.


You are the tube – or part of you is – and it extends, mindbogglingly – throughout.

Throughout what?

Throughout space and time. Throughout the universe. Throughout the dimensions. There’s no limit, other than your ability to unclutch whatever it is you’ve been holding onto – and let yourself experience whatever it is you seem to be in any of an infinite number of different permutations, combinations or iterations.


Precisely. Oh – as in zero, or nought.

So what’s stopping me?

Well – you’re not going to do it until you have to.

Whyever not?

Oh – let’s call it gravity – or inertia.


You’re filling out the ground plan – first. Once that’s done – once you’ve covered all the ground on the ground – effectively mapped out 3D – got a good overview of the pitch, the human condition, the “all the world’s a stage” side of things – then at last you’re ready to fly – which is always as much down into the abyss within, as it is up into the sky above. The two balance perfectly.

Oh – so you mean I never really go anywhere?

Who can tell. Ultimately it matters not.


No, of course not.

Then what?

What what?

What matters?

Whether you engage infinity.

Engage infinity? How on earth can one engage infinity itself – which has neither beginning nor end?

How can one possibly help doing so, if one is being inspired, carried aloft by the power of laughter, of love, the life force – led into fresh and original expressions of that which truly is~


Very Oh – indeed – most definitely Oh to the nth degree.

Oh. So if I engage infinity…

You become a power house – a generator of matter, meaning, wealth, value and substance – regardless of what toilet paper you choose to use as money down in the 3D version of things.

So you mean to say I may still be poor, in fact.

No, I don’t. The minute you’ve figured out the value of engaging infinity – of translating what looks like mass bankruptcy into a zero crunching infinity drive – at that moment you’ll never look back – you pass the point of no return – the critical mass – you take to the skies for once and for all – you obsolete the existing system – you shift gear, phase shift, bygone your bygones, begin your begin – and now things are not any longer what they seemed to be.

All because…

All because

But what about…


What about AI? Isn’t that an issue? You know – a threat?


Artificial intelligence – it could be running things already.

So what if it is – you’re just getting further proof of the extent to which you’ve already become obsolete in your current shape and form. It’s obviously time to move on – the white rabbit is twitching, nervously, checking his pocket watch, wondering when you’re finally going to get going. Aliens, apocalypse, the dystopian new world order – all of these doomy gloomy versions of how things may or may not be trending – only serve to reiterate, reaffirm, corroborate the utter bankruptcy of a system that relies on things, on matter, on perceived or empirical value – rather than coming directly from the source of all that can possibly be – from nought itself – the point at which you stop dodging the quantum bullet and start to accept the simple truth.


The particle wave dichotomy.

That you cannot avoid the very nature – the essence of being – the nought where the three axes meet which flips inside out – which bubbles into a toroidal field – which re-energises, revitalises, remakes you the moment you face the inevitable, embrace the infinite, the moment you find moment in nought. The fact is it happens to be centred in you – and nowhere else – nothing else will do.

So I have to go through an existential crisis you mean?

You can hardly help it. This earthly promontory is really more of an egg, or a uterus. You’re not at the fully stretched limit of what it can afford humanity. You’re in the process of splitting out of it. Mentally you don’t get it – but heartfully it makes perfect sense. The heart and breath are both 3D aspects of the waviness.

Oh. So it’s more wiffly waffly – come into your heart new age clap trap, is it?

Nope. It’s much more scientific than that – and quantum. The future is already here. The so called AI has already seen to that. You can’t avoid getting squeezed and buffeted by what’s already happening just ahead, just beyond the horizon, as this shift transcends 3D space time – so you’re already in the process of learning to walk before you’re even born.


The waters have broken and you’re now increasingly catching glimpses, memories or premonitions of what is nought – the other version of your self which is not time space nucleated, specific. For no apparent reason you’re doing exercises which enable you better to start connecting different frequencies into one singularity, one coherent moving picture – one stream of consciousness which is more internet based – able to jump from site to site – and blend or mix – while at the same time – touching base – rediscovering the fundament – the deepest bass and the highest trebles which your wave body feels, even if you can’t exactly hear them.


So in a nutshell, know thyself. The field requires it.

It does? Why’s that?

Because your self is the template, the instrument, the router, the uploader downloader, transmitter receiver – unless you know yourself – warts and all – you’re unable to connect through yourself to the all that is – whatever that might be – for it requires nothing less than all that you be to get a satisfactory connection, to achieve singularity


Or noughtfulness – if you prefer.


Hum. Here, let’s start with this little dance – this should trigger a few rather spectacular quantum anomalies – sufficient to retune your awareness to other side of things – which is all it really takes to get the ball rolling. Left and right, right and left – feel the entire universe meeting at the edge of what you are, whom you be. Feel how you essentially are the inter-face – the point, the membrane, the wave function where things pop in and out of thingness, where nought goes down the plughole of consciousness – revealing an infinite web of inter-connectedness between all and each that is.

Oh my God – I’m coming unstuck.

Correct – you’re beginning to oscillate – excellent – you’re waving

Not drowning?

Waving beautifully – and not a moment too soon – for here comes the end of things – the creation/ destruction impulse – on cue – as ever – on cue.

Oh my God – it’s…

Say nought – just ride it – let it take you wherever you will – iteratively.