In case you're wondering what the fuss was all about - what had turned Zie overnight from a b-list international celebrity, into the world's most wanted man, apparently capable of anything... prepare to be shocked... prepare to be stunned... for what you're about to witness appears to be little more than absurd... a simple children's poem about an er... frog... which could never in a million years have justified such fame or notoriety!
The frog
A frog sat on his log and sighed,
Something was wrong, something empty inside,
He gazed in the water, tried eating a fly,
But still felt unhappy, and didn’t know why.
The frog wasn’t lazy, it wanted to know
What was making it sigh, the cause of its woe,
So it put on a jacket, then straightened its tie,
And when it was ready it called to the sky:
“Oh sky overhead you are mighty and wise,
Protector of frogs and provider of flies,
With rain you replenish the ponds down below,
With sunlight you warm us and make the plants grow,
Dear sky in your mercy, please help me to see
The cause of the emptiness troubling me.”
Lost in a trance frog stared up above,
And there in a vision caught sight of a dove
That was flying around, and seemed to be saying
“Come join me, I’ll answer the prayer you were praying.”
Frog leapt in the air, as if in a dream,
And found himself flying high over the stream
That flows to his pond from a field lush and green,
And there at its source, he heard the dove say:
“This water brings life to the tadpoles who play,
This water brings life to all creatures who use it,
Its spirit is in you, its spirit today
Needs your help little frog, needs the heart of a poet,
To see it and praise it, to love it and know it.”
Frog sat on his log, something burning inside,
He remembered the dove and his magical flight,
He took a deep breath and started to croak,
And the song of the water of life now awoke
In the heart of the frog. As he sang he could feel
The song was alive, with the power to heal,
That all would be well, for magic is real
When it shines like a star, when it spins like a wheel.
Yes, I agree, some are definitely wondering what all the fuss is about.
So, er... what is all the fuss about? I still haven't quite worked it out.
Hum... that's probably because the secret is nothing in particular.
What do you mean, Merry?
There's nothing in particular about the poem which made it such a viral phenomenon.
Then what, if nothing?
Ah, but I didn't say "nothing" did I?
No, I said "nothing in particular".
Go on, surprise me...
It's like a great stand up comedian. He can tell the ordinariest joke but have the whole audience in stitches. It all comes down to timing and something else.
Like what?
Like nothing in particular. It's like whatever's not being said explicitly, the hidden meaning or the loaded silence between the words. There's something of that in this poem.
Something of nothing - sounds like a contradiction in terms.
Which is precisely what it is - which is precisely what all of this is...
All of what?
All of everything... life... the universe... Believe me Paula, it amounts to nothing if not a huge, colossal contradiction...
Which is why we shouldn't, I guess, pay overmuch attention to what people are saying.
How right you are. Instead we can give our undivided attention to the magiks and what they're saying or doing.
The what? Did you say "magiks"?
Yes, precisely. If you can imagine, for a moment, that the whole of reality is a probability field being run by an infinite probability drive, and that you have direct access to that drive, then when you finally tune into it and start rhyming...
Yeah - tune into the poetry of Is - of life itself - then you're tapping into the underlying magiks of all that is.
And that, you're saying, is what Zie's up to?
Well, just look at him... Doesn't it speak for itself?
Chapter 6?
Yes, Paula.
I don't see why you have to make this so complicated Merry. We're not computers, you know. Why do we have to mess around with binary code.
Good question. Let's see if Zie has anything to say on the subject.
Oh, it's time!
And tonight on Z for Zie, we present your host, the one and only Zie Zecharia Zucchini...
A quick glance at the online viewer stats for tonight's show have it in the stratosphere.
Actually beyond!
Yes, you're right Mitch. Zie's now officially hotter than the Superbowl...
And the World Cup soccer final...
It's beyond absurd.
It's outrageous. What's he ever done to deserve it?
I tell you, no good's ever come from this level of extreme adulation. It's gonna end somehow...
Of course it's gonna end, most likely catastrophically, like a market blow out - a sudden crash -
Guys, would you shut up - I'm trying to hear what he's saying...
- it suddenly grows quiet in the diner where all eyes are glued to the screen.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to start tonight by announcing this is my final show.
NO!!! What did he say? He can't just quit when we've all decided we need him.
Yes, yes, I kept it secret until now - not even my producer knows about it - but there it is - it's time to move on. I guess all of us need to move on now that we've arrived at the point of no return.
- there are shouts of consternation in the live studio audience.
The truth is, I've learnt a thing or two in the last few days since my mentor Merry left. I've learnt that it really doesn't matter what anyone else says or thinks... you've gotta be authentic to yourself. You've gotta create your own story and nothing else. That's what I did, for the first time you might say, when I stopped worrying about my image and blogged that little poem, which is actually a spell, called the Frog. I suddenly realised that I've always been empty. There's always been something missing from my life... and no amount of talking, money or fame has ever helped eliminate it until now, that is. So before I go, I'd like to share something with you...
- He's gone off script. Cut, cut goddamit.
The network manager cuts the live feed and breathes a sigh of relief. The last thing he needs is Zie speaking his mind freely at a time like this - with political instability, rising social tensions...
What the hell's going on? Edgar Mitchell, not the astronaut - the network manager who's answerable directly to Ted Langley of all people, rubs his eyes in disbelief as the show continues on air, in spite of the kill switch he just flicked.
"Now there are some people out there who don't want me, or anyone else, to tell the truth, to speak our mind without fear, authentically. Usually they get away with it... Usually they're able to keep even celebrities like me in check, and we abide by certain unspoken guidelines because we don't wish to risk our careers, because we're fearful of what they might do to us, or to our families... You know the nature of fear - it's insidious. It makes you weak at the knees. You start justifying your weakness saying "I'm doing this for the wife, for the kids, for the good of society, for world peace," but in the end what does it amount to...? Fear dear ladies and gentlemen, however you dress it up, package it, present it, has never amounted to anything more than fear. And I for one have had enough.
Ted Langley's on the line to Edgar Mitchell.
"I thought I told you to pull the plug..."
"I did... there's something wrong with it. The system seems to be malfunctioning."
"Then physically remove that man from the studio if you value your life."
"I... Ok"
I have nothing to fear because as I was writing this little song about the frog I truly felt something giving way, and not just within myself - within the entire world.
Now that sounds like I'm a massive egoist - I'll be the first to admit - but this is the nature of things. As soon as we confront our innermost fears, as soon as we face who we are, we shift worlds, we move into a different reality - a different paradigm. What do I mean by that? Well, I can give you an example if you care to hear?
Zie pauses calmly - looks at the studio audience and into the cameras at the broader audience out there in the world... a moment of powerful silence and introspection... a moment of peace... of calm...
"Even as we're speaking right now they trying to shut this down - to take the show off the air - because I'm not supposed to be saying this. How do I know? I just know. That's what happens when the magic within starts to "spin like a wheel, and shine like a star". You just start to feel stuff... to get it... like it's no big deal. And the irony is that they, the guys who have been controlling us all along with fear - they're powerless - they can't do anything - because they themselves haven't yet confronted their fear. Oh... don't get me wrong... they can flip the switch to get the show off the air. Edgar Mitchell, this network's executive producer just did that, believe it or not, but I can tell with absolutely certainty that he failed - that we're still live on air. His next move will be to come in here and have me removed, forcibly if need be... but you understand folks, that he's not up against me... I'm nothing - just a single human being - yet he's powerless - as the whole lot of them are... because he's really up against himself and his own unresolved fears. This may sound a bit like magic, and in a sense, that's what it is, but you see, a person acting from a state of fear, no matter how strong he appears to be, no matter how big his weapons are, is at a huge disadvantage. Here he comes. Let him in. Stand back - there'll be no fighting in my show.
- Edgar Mitchell comes into the studio with security flanking him.
"Zie, I'm asking you to leave the studio. I know you've always put the interests of the people, the viewers at home above everything else, so kindly do what is right and come with me."
- the public are holding their breath. Once again there's a moment's silence. Once again it doesn't feel panicked. It doesn't feel constrictive. If anything it's peaceful and expansive. And there's the look in Zie's eyes - a look of absolute calm and utter detachment.
Edgar, I've been meaning to have you on the show for a long time. You've brought some men with you. Perhaps they'd like to take a seat and hear what you have to say.
And that's exactly what happens, as Zie leads Edgar onto the stage and hears about how the powers-that-be are indeed running scared... because without fear, without the people's fearful compliance, they're naked and left with nothing but the bravado of a playground bully.
Cutting to the chase - as one does - about four minutes from the end of the show - Zie has the whole audience joining him in a kind of meditation. He's singing this weird sounding song - something vaguely shamanic, and people all around the world are having what can only be described as other worldly experiences. Somehow Zie's able to connect them with another reality - another level of consciousness. Oh there are a few who are resisting fiercely, terrified of what they might encounter, but the vast majority are away with the fairies, so to speak, and judging by the look on their faces, loving every minute of it.
So there you have it, folks. Nothing is quite what it seems... And that doesn't have to be something scary to run and hide from... quite the contrary, as you've just seen. It can be liberating, empowering, truly wonderful. It turns out, in fact, that nothing, no thing can be better than what simply is - whatever that might be, no thing can be better than the simple truth, the isness of be - no matter what we've been taught, or led to believe. So join me, if you will, in the world's only meaningful and profoundly peaceful revolution. Join me here, wherever you may be, now, whenever you're ready, at this wonderful magical place where you and I stop running scared, stop living a lie, and come back home to the beauty, the splendour of what truly is. And where might that place be? you're asking yourselves? Why, here of course, right here in your heart - a place Merry calls IO, the golden heart at the very centre of all that Is.
- but what's so amazing? Just more pseudo-spiritual rhetoric, isn't it?
- you might think so, unless you are looking into the faces of the viewers around the world who are watching and sharing this moment together. I can't begin to describe the things that are happening. It's gonna sound daft if I do. You know how we've always imagined reality as something there - something around us that just exists - we even describe it as "objective reality", but right now, right at this minute as Zie's show is coming to an end, it's like the moment in the Matrix movie where you can see the numbers and you can see the walls bending... like a veil has been lifted, like at this moment the whole of humanity is finding its voice, croaking together in swelling harmony the song of the water of life... unbelievable.