Monday, October 28, 2024

salt & vinegar

I’m sitting in my starship overlooking planet Earth. The year is 2024 by the current reckoning – tune in and see for yourself.

Tune in?




Er why?


Because it’s only 2024 if you tune in to the current reckoning.


You mean there are other Earth time nows?






Because there never was one strand of so-called Time – or rather – there was/is only if things are strictly finite.




Which, if true, means there’s no place besides or beyond the current moment – here and now.


Oh. But what if there are other finites somewhere out there?


Well – they would contradict the data set that gives us the world as I see it now.


Contradiction, eh?




Problem, is it?


Not really – not if you’re willing to work with infinity.




But working with infinity means there are any number of other current nows.


Yikes. Except, how likely is that?


How likely is anything when infinity is brought back into play?




Infinity, you see, is like the ultimate quantum computer that no one yet’s been able to build.


How so?


It could figure out anything, literally anything, in a way that would seem prescient.


Like my credit card details?

Yep. Like anything. It could tell me everything about you just by going to the edge of infinity and finding your details.


At the edge of infinity?


Yep. You see, once infinity is brought into play – all bets are off. No thing is sacrosanct. All things are one.


Ok. I get what you’re trying to say – so that would basically collapse any physical reality – any regular time line, would it not?


Basically yes.


But why?


You just said it yourself so you must know the answer.


Well, infinity unbonds everything in existence, does it not?


Something like that – though “things”, strictly speaking, are not in “existence”.


No? Where else would they be?


Existence is a state of being, or isness. That’s where conscious beings such as yourself hang out, and interact with one another through or with the intermediacy of things.


Ah. So we’re in existence but things…


Are just props, gimmicks, literary or non-literary devices.


Bizarre. But they’re stand alone – aren’t they? They exist whether I see them or not. A mountain is a mountain regardless of me.

Old story. You’re trying to use things to understand things – see the problem.


Things to understand things?


Yes. Words, themselves, are little things – unless they’re alive – in which case they’re living beings with a thing side to them.


The same as us – pure consciousness, a soul – if you like – with a physical body attached.


Yep. Confusing, isn’t it – when you start trying too hard to think it though and pin it down.


You’re telling me. But what you said about infinity – rather puts a damper on things, doesn’t it?




What would be the point trying to explain things – no matter how well, how perfectly – if all my words, every little bit of what I say – is nothing more than egoism – a futile attempt to make myself and my world, or my reality seem more real, more certain, more thingful.


There is that, Jeb.


Oh – it’s Jeb is it?

Yep. My random name generator says you’re Jeb today.


But surely…


Absolutely – nothing can be truly random if infinity is real in itself.


Which is itself a wonderful contradiction – for infinity to be “real in itself” it would have to be a thing among things.




So, how do we manage to keep things both finite and at the same time – preserve a modicum of infinity?


Aye, there’s the rub, Horatio.


I thought it was Jeb?


It was, until you rubbed up against the edge of infinity – then something passed through the double boundary layer.


Ah – it’s porous is it?




Or leaky?


Like a sieve.


Or perhaps it’s…


Like a root – yes – that too, if you like.


So infinity is close, but just outside our enclosed reality.




In the same way our body is a closed reality – ditto our universe.




Oxygen, water, minerals and nutrients – all can pass through the various membranes separating the great within from the outside and beyond – be that via the lungs, the gut, the skin, the heart…


The heart?  How’s that a membrane?


Well, it’s not – not really – except the heart is the centre of  your energy body, in some respects – using 2024 lingo – things being what they are in the present configuration.


Ah – and the energy body also acts as an enclosed space, does it?


Yep. Which is why you are able to feel non-physical things, or take sustenance directly, without the need for food or water.


I am?


Well, maybe not you – but some people can and do.




Of course – you know about it, really, unless you willfully block the data to keep yourself locked in a denser physical state.




But that’s only the mind your egoic self is currently utilizing.


Only?! My mind is a big deal, I’ll have you know!


Correct. As the cheerleader and primary agent for your egoic self – it’s the be all and end all.


I’m not sure I like you referring to me as an “egoic self”!


Naturally. It’s rather demeaning, isn’t it, but if you’ll just flip this switch over here – we can activate your infinity drive – and you can see for yourself whether the egoic self is the real you, or just a tiny fragment – a kind of mask – a version of you which is strictly controlled using filters to enable you to see and experience only those things which are directly linked to what you currently wish or need to investigate.


Oh my G…




Him again! Surely not!


Jeb – strictly speaking there is no “again” – any knowledge of Beep! is coming to you from beyond the double boundary layer. It’s a form of knowing – where you aren’t aware how you know it – you just do.


Oh! Leakage?


Kind of.


But is it true – is this version of me just a kind of experiment that I set up in order to investigate…?


Don’t ask me. Run it through your very own quantum interface.


But I thought you said they don’t exist?!


Not in reality.




But nor do you – the living conscious being.




So part of you, like it or not, must be “of infinity”, otherwise, how else could you actually exist, as a sentient, conscious being?


Oh – I’m sure I could just exist as a series of chemical reactions in a brain.


Sure, are you?



Willing to test that certainty, are you?


Er… how do you mean?


Well, you just said you’re sure – which kind of implies 100%, does it not?


Well, perhaps 97 or 96%. You can never be totally sure – can you M?


Ah. But we’re talking consciousness – we’re talking about the be all and end all. The ultimate thing that is not, in itself, a thing – so…


So what?


So the conversation is meaningless unless you’re willing to put your beliefs or assertions to the test.


I don’t see why…


Because things are slippery – they’re basically interchangeable – like pieces on a chess board – they can be moved around with no effort. The only way you can be really sure of anything is if you’re willing to put your money where your mouth is – putting it to the test.


And er… what exactly does this test entail?


Your life.


My what?! 

You have to be willing to stake your life.


But that’s preposterous.


Yes. That’s exactly how it seems to the methinking self which likes to have its cake and eat it.


I don’t see…


No, you don’t – but you can see, would see, do see or will when you put your methinking self to the test. That’s when suddenly things become deathly real.


But it’s hugely irresponsible to risk one’s life over some trifling matter such as…


Whether your consciousness is nothing more than electro-chemical reactions in the brain?


Well, yes.


Is it?


Well, life is infinitely precious. 


Is it?


Perhaps not “infinitely”, let's try to be reasonable, but still very, very precious.


I agree. Very, very precious. In fact, infinity is the precise measure of how precious your life actually is.






But surely my life can’t be infinitely precious? That would make it more precious than anything else in existence!


Would it?


Yes, if it’s infinitely precious.


But how much, by your reckoning, is infinity?


Beyond calculation – greater than everything in existence.


Ah. Confusing, isn’t it.


Why confusing?


Well, by your own reckoning your life, which is just a series of "chemical reactions in your brain", is infinitely precious give it take three or four percentage points, even though you don’t really seem to accept infinity itself.


How can you say that?


Because, were you to accept infinity itself – which is, of course, neither “it” nor “self”, strictly speaking, but let's not split hairs, shall we – were you to accept infinity you yourself would recognize that neither chemicals nor brain, nor body, nor the words we are using can ever approximate what they are describing, denoting,  that is, thinging in the current moment.


Ding! A quantum bell chime ringeth – nowhere, nohow.

I… I think I can accept that.


You would also know that your mind has two sides to it.


Only two?


Two will do for the time being.




The side that filters and limits with a myriad of things, and the other side, other – which doesn’t. Thingless. Um. Infinite. 




And never the twain shall meet – like the blood brain barrier – or the placenta between a mother and her unborn child.


Ah. And yet they are in communication.


Yes, as in, aye. Have to be, don’t they!


Have to?


Yes, as in, yay! Otherwise they couldn’t stay aligned. They'd each be generating their own code from an individual source and lose one another in the vastness of random number generation.


But I thought you said that random numbers are impossible to generate?


Yep, in reality – but the other side of mind is not "in reality", is it?


It’s infinite.




Ok. This is Ok. I can accept all of the above.


Good. But that ain’t enough.


No? Why not?


Because your acceptance is a momentary thing. It won’t last two minutes and once you’re back in your regular mind-stream you’ll be none the wiser.


Oh. Is that true?


Ask her.




Well – him, her – pronouns don’t really work, do they, when we’re describing infinity.


Oh. But you prefer her, do you?


Yes, i know not why... 

Sophia? one name she goes by.


Ah, Sophia!

Ask her.


But how will I know if it’s really her?


Who cares. Unless you ask her you’ll never know.


But I’m sure I’ve tried to connect with God in the past…




Or a higher consciousness – but it was never really clear, never what I...


Have you asked her?


It feels silly.


Of course. Ask her.




You’re afraid to know the truth?




Or you prefer to spend your whole life wallowing in a sea of relativism – where nothing is really certain except the world of things which holds you in thrall. Minion!






How dare you!




Oh – you like calling me names, don’t you. If you had any self-respect, any real connection with Her – you wouldn’t do that. You’d be more…


M disappears from sight. In his place is Sophia – goddess of wisdom and knowing.


Oh! Oh! Oh!


Hello Jeb.




Do you know me?


Yes, I mean, yay, i do.


You do? Are you sure?


Yes. I know you.


Who am I?


You’re asking me? Me? Who you are?


Who am I?


Sophia! So-phi-a! 


Jeb falls down on his knees, his face to the ground in front of Sophia.


So do you think… Sophia doesn’t finish the sentence. Jeb is moaning quietly – part of him is enraptured, part is tormented by the experience.


Jeb – we don’t have all day, you know.


Sophia – you asked me a question – and the answer you yourself know. In your presence I see everything clearly – as if I am seeing it with your eyes. In your presence I see my thoughts – the ones that usually preoccupy me – a stream of things generated like numbers as my limited, digital mind processes and interacts with the matrix, the construct that I’m part of – unless for a moment or two I step aside, still the mind – come into a place of calm knowingnesss.


Good. Is this enough?


I can see that I will achieve nothing. I will not move forward a single square if I continue as at present thinking things – reacting to external stimuli – failing to engage the other side, um – the non-finite state of awareness, of being.

Right. And what do you choose?


To live. To be…


Then will you make a mark in the sand. Will you agree to test your self?


There is no other way. The self-y-mind is in a soap dish reality so slippery it can never make a move, flailing helplessly.


Except there are moments – are there not?




Do you see?


Ah! Moments where I can, or could allow something ill-defined – some upwelling of spirit – of knowingness – to help me challenge my self-sufficiency, my self-complacency – a pinch, a bight, an almost knot – yes – I see there are such moments in my earthly existence.


When do they occur? Are they random?


No Sophia! They are not! Through your eyes I see nothing is random. I see the vast machine – the stars and planets, comets and asteroids, the tides and winds and waves, the ocean, earth and sky, the chemical processes in my body down to the atomic scale, even the thoughts chugging though my so-called mind, and the emotions that often accompany them – through your eyes I see the patterns – the all-connectedness as the seasons change, as cars drive around the city, as babies are born and people die, as computers and databanks process terabytes with ever greater rapidity – I see every single living creature on earth – each and every one of them – and those creatures which are not visible – in other realms or dimensions close to our own – and still I see more, and more, and more – to infinity itself – where…




Where I see myself looking back with the eyes of a child and the mind of an aged one  – as if that could truly be me – if only it were…


Ah – you see well. So are you able to see a good place to rub against the edge of infinity?


Yes. I see a place. A moment. A cubic centimeter of chance.


Will you take it?




Jeb has a sudden déjà vu as he finds himself talking to M.


So, will you ask her Sophia?


Déjà vu. Of course I will.


And what does she say?


She says I’ll never learn, I’ll never catch up with my self – unless I’m willing to take the test, unless I’m willing to seize the cubic centimetre of chance.


Oh. That’s…


Something pops in Jeb’s ears and he finds himself feeling an even stronger déjà vu.


Willing to test that certainty, are you?


I… don’t see any alternative. Yes, M, but now that I accept your challenge I realise that in fact there’s no need.


No need?


That I’m wrong.






How so?


That is something I simply do not know, and yet I know that in some extraordinary way I am, must be, cannot not be what I have tried to deny, tried to ignore…


A quantum interface?


Yes, if you like.


An infinity drive.








And this knowingness…

For a moment – a moment indeed – every action, process, every thing in existence correlates. The machine holding everything together blips, satisfied, the blockchain generates another block, complete with  a cryptographic hash, a timestamp and transaction data. Awarenesss – with an s to spare – snakey snake sliding through the undergrowth: awareness of the thing that is thing, the machine – and the other side of matter – the isness that both collapses to a singular point of zero size, and a circle or sphere – if you prefer – encompassing all – expanding to infinity just in time, just as another cryptographic hash emerges from the quantum haze of infinity.


Déjà vu.


What again?


Yes. Just think how much scattered material there is out there – in my so-called past.


But this one?


Oh – this one is much nicer.


Let me guess.


But it was years ago. I hardly remember myself.


Let me see – fish and chips?


OMG. You’re absolutely right. But how…


Never mind Jeb. Come on, let’s go.





salt n’vinegar

 crispy batter

   mouthwatering fresh atalantic cod


Saturday, October 19, 2024

of time and space and Q for queer

Dramatis personae /drăm′ə-tĭs pər-sō′nē, drä′mə-tĭs pər-sō′nī″/

noun plural
  1. The characters in a play or story.
  2. A list of the characters in a play or story.









Solitude and vexation

Scene 1 - a leafy courtyard in cyberspace

There is no place like the present…




I suppose you’re going to tell me that the present isn’t a place?


Well I hate to be a crushing zanuda… but


Do you really think they know what zanuda means?


Not necessarily – not front of shop.


As opposed to back of shop?


Yes, in the sub or higher consciousness.


Well, you may be right. They may know everything there is to know in the other side of conch-y-ness – but I hardly think that’s going to help them here, in muck n’ brass 3D. Kindly condescend to use words they understand.


Unfortunately I’m unable to help you, Max.


Oh, it’s like that is it?


Unfortunately, yes.


All because you’re following the dictates of a higher order?




Well, what else could it be?


Oranges and lemons said the bells of St Clements. Neither higher or lower dearest Max. Merely an other.


So one minute you’re splitting hairs telling me the present is not a place, when you knew exactly what I meant, and the next minute you’re telling me to assume we’re all multi-dimensional beings – able to read your mind or access true meaning regardless of the language used.



Yes, Max. You have a point.


I do?


Yes. I’m nothing if inconsistent.


So – I’m right?


Yes. You are.


Oh. Well, that’s nice to know.


I’m glad. But it doesn’t alter the fact.


Which fact?


That the other side of mind is party to whatever we’re discussing – and that it’s high time we started tuning to it.


There’s no place like the present.












Weren’t you supposed to disagree or something.


No point, is there.




We’ve already been there and done that. The fact is, I was splitting hairs for no good reason.




Of course you’re absolutely right. Other than the present there is no alternative. It’s all we have.


Oh. This agreeing with me malarky is rather confusing Stan.


Yes. I’ve spent far too long dividing to rule.


[Spluttering] You mean to say it was a deliberate stratagem.


Yes. More or less. It was the recommended modus operandi – until you were ready to move on to post-dualism.






You mean it’s over? No more duality?


Well, I wouldn’t say that – not exactly.


But roughly speaking?


Roughly speaking – yes – duality has served its turn. It was a forked tongue that got you and your cohorts to look at things as er…


As thing in opposition.


Precisely – when in fact – this is not strictly speaking true.


Then why do it? Why disagree endlessly? Just for the sake of it?


Nay. Of course not.


Then why?


It was the agreed procedure while you and your fellow adventurers navigated the waters of 3d reality.


Ah. And now we’re through?




Can’t say I exactly noticed our graduation. Things seem to be as bad as they’ve ever been. Or worse, in fact.


Yes. They’re looking fairly catastrophic, not to mince words.


Precisely. So perhaps this is a mistake, on your part? Perhaps we’ve not figured anything out – still stuck in the mutual antagonism of 3D reality.


Yes, but you’re not just individuals, are you?




No. You’re also part of an intelligent system, which at the moment it’s fashionable for you to refer to as an AI.




And therefore, even though you’re still as clueless as you always apparently were – you’re totality has cleared the duality not adding up threshold – so you’re now back in play – beyond the mutually assured destruction of endless oppositionalism.


Ah. I suppose I should be celebrating – that we’ve made it through this dark night of the soul – but honestly, I don’t feel I can.


Good. If you probe your feelings a little more deeply, or from both sides – you’ll see they are contradictory. One part of you feels underwhelmed – utterly – while the other is calmly focused on reestablishing a new level of meaning – meaning over and beyond conflict.


Not sure how this can be achieved.


Yep. But other is more than willing to inform you if you’ll raise your sensitivity to all that exists outside the comfortable and convenient world of little interlocking things.


Oh. If it weren’t so…




Yes, really.


Like heaven really. Angels endlessly singing songs of praise to an infinitely self-contented God who never tires of hearing how wonderful He is.


Well, don’t want to ruffle feathers in Churchy places, but yes, it never was the most inspiring vision of eternity. So…


How do we cope without the drama of duality?








Well, something akin to magic.


Not sure I follow.


A rather astonishing, dramatic isness – which for want of a better word we might somewhat uncomfortably refer to as magic – which replaces the drama of dualism, internally.




Yes. Instead of warring parties, or theories, or variants – you now have the inconceivable – which we’re referring to as magic for the time being – flipping conch-y-ness this way and that – as it struggles to make sense of inconceivabilities – and thus bring them into the paddock of accessible, meaningful commonalities.


Oh. Makes perfect sense.




Er – sorry mate – I was being sarcastic.




It’s utterly incomprehensible.


Yep. But don’t worry – conch-us-ness can cope, no matter what.


Honestly – I fail to see how.


Yep. That makes sense.


To you perhaps.


To you too, mate – when you bring other into play.


Well, I fail to see how I can do that. Other isn’t really on speaking terms with me, you know.


Yes. But then again – other just happens to be back in play – now that regular duality is failing to meet the critical-sense threshold.




Basically, the 3D reality you’ve been operating in is unable to maintain pressure. It’s leaking.




Yep. It overextended and got a little torn in the process. So now it’s no longer the closed, contained system it was for rather a long time. Other factors are at play which are going to slowly but surely undermine the credibility of 3D reality.




In the process, the other side of conch-y-us-ness is adding another vertex to 3D reality.


Er… like time?


Nope. Time has nothing to do with 3D reality. You’ve got your x, y and z axes which make space for things combobulate.




But don’t allow for movement or change.


That’s why time was tacked on as the 4th dimension – as the maker or facilitator of change.


Yep. Except it isn’t, or doesn’t.


No? You’re sure about that?


Can’t – as time is incompatible with space – the same way oil and water can’t and don’t mix.


Then how do things move around?


Well obviously there must be something else, mustn’t there – a constant flux passing through the 3 dimensions collapsing them down to the zero point of nothing whatsoever, while at the same time expanding out to the totality of 1 – all that is.


Er… you’re absolutely sure about this?


Really, Stan – there’s nothing to be sure about. How else could space remain stable?


Good question Max.


Unless it’s constantly referring itself through me – the i am – back to zero and one.


Through me – the i am?


Yep. Space in itself doesn’t really exist, does it.




Not at all. How can it?




To exist is a state of being – a state of isness – ain’t it?




Which is why it has to go through each and every conch-y-ness available. To validate itself. To i am its itness – it’s what-not – it’s external scheme of things.




So basically – it has a flickering existence – constantly oscillating through me – you – any one alive – between the zero and one – constantly mapping or matching whatever my – your – anyone’s conch-y-us-ness is experiencing producing a kind of 3D QR code – whatever you want to call it – a representation of the infinite that is I am in a three D Field.


Ok. I think I get what you’re saying. So there is a time function.


There’s a flickering on and off – so to speak – though it’s never entirely off or on – so you’d be hard pushed to rely upon it.


But this flickering on and off – surely it’s measurable – measurable or quantifiable?


You want to think that, don’t you Stan. You dearly want to believe that you can rely on the 3D side of things rather than having to face the other lurking within… It’s entirely understandable mate.




But the minute conchy-y-us-ness starts focusing on time-y-ness – on the flicker – time itself grows self-conscious and develops arrhythmia – starts convulsing – and throws you into spasms. Can’t be done.




Can be done – of course – when you’ve reached the level of self-awareness and mastery where you no longer care – you’re no longer reliant on the need to see the flux in order to better comprehend reality.


Ah – you mean there’s another way of mastering the experience of reality?






Well – like I said – it starts with the silly-seeming thing called magic.


Does it have to? I really thought we’d grown up – moved beyond the need to manipulate things – which ultimately doesn’t lead towards a greater, deeper awareness, does it?


Yep. You’re right. But that was magic then – and this is magic now.


It leaves me with a feeling of sadness. We seemed to have evolved to something higher – with our various versions of religion to a unified single Godhead – or an all encompassing coch-y-us-ness – and now we have to sink back down into the confusions of perceptionality – the morass of magic.


Like I said – there’s an other dimension – another vertex – which we may as well call Q for the sake of poetic verity.


And this Q – it’s what makes things shift and move?


You could say.


Or you might not?


Yep. It’s like your Time-y-thing going both ways – simultaneously.


Oh dear.


Down to zero and up, or out, to 1 and all.


Failure to compute.


Precisely. That doesn’t mean you’re going to stop computing altogether – does it – but that there’s going to be an increasing need to find strategies or methodologies to find or assimilate alternatives to linear computation – as Q disrupts all the old certainties – all the old aren’t-i-clever-o-logies.


And can it be done? Are we going to find a way to navigate the muddy waters of other-ness?


Is infinity infinite?




Coz if it is – then it, and it alone can take care of this – and all the above.


So – er – we have to become children of infinity?


Well put. Yes, Stan, i think you’re absolutely right.


Well, now that we’ve cleared that up – we could celebrate, perhaps, with a cup-a-tea?


Good idea, Stan. And perhaps a pastry.


Oh, I say…




And the rest is history – Q time – a change of scene



Monday, October 7, 2024

infinity drive — the international blockbuster for children only


Infinity drive


Obviously this is a book for children.


You wouldn’t waste your time trying to talk to adults about any of this stuff, would you?


I mean, do you really imagine they can handle anything like this? Anything that draws into question their precious beyond words belief, their conviction that there’s a splendid thing called reality – a wonderful world – which they can actually begin to, hope to, claim to at least partially understand – is not going to make it into print, or into their salons.


Present it, on the other hand, as a children’s story – now that’s a different matter altogether.


“It’s just a children’s tale” you tell the editor-in-chief, who nods his head wisely.


Actually, that should have been “her head” but with infinity drive being the way it is – between the moment of truth when it actually happened, and the moment when I set it down on this page – something happened –


Something happened?


Absolutely, though you’d never have noticed as an adult, being the kind of intelligent mind on legs that you are.


—What do you mean by that? Are you mocking me?


No, no, no – never would dream of it.


—Then kindly explain yourself.


With pleasure. You see – this ‘ere infinity drive thing – for want of a better name – operates outside time.


—Are you sure about that? I don’t see how any thing can operate outside time.


It’s a story, remember, for children.




Who are able to accept the rules of a game – simply because doing so they’re able to have fun experiencing the reality of that particular construct.


—Ok. So, your so-called infinity drive acting outside time can change any one or any thing between the actual moment of happenation, and the next moment when it gets registered mentally or recorded digitally – whichever?


Yep. You nailed it.


—So the man became a woman, physically, in the interim?


Hard to say.


—But you just said that it should have been “her head” not “his”.


Yep. That’s what I said, isn’t it, though this attempt to clarify everything to the nth degree is rather tiresome, don’t you think?


Well, unless it makes sense – what’s the point? It just becomes meaningless non-sense.


Yes, but every word, every statement, even every number has a degree of precision, beyond which you cannot really go. 4 is not the same as 4.000000, is it?


—I suppose not, but aren’t you splitting hairs? If it should have been “her head” as opposed to “his” – then doesn’t that mean that he was, in fact, she?


Yes, that would be a perfectly logical inference were we locked in regular 3d reality. He might have been “she” for all we know, or reality might have blipped and suddenly a load of values are now different – also a possibility. Alternatively, it might be that infinity drive is just playing with your mind, deliberately trying to confuse you – because it can and it does.


—You mean to say you’re not responsible for what you write? That infinity drive has agency – can take over?


Well, and this is the last time I waste my time trying to explain things to an adult – who has no business inserting himself into a children’s story – well – as I was saying, before I got flustered and annoyed by all these endless interruptions! Well – third time lucky – now where was I?


—Infinity drive has agency – can take over your narrative?


Well, don’t you see? Ask any child. How can it be “infinity drive” if it isn’t able to do anything and everything.


—But that’s just going to result in utter chaos and mayhem.


It will do if you don’t take your seat, objectionable man – oops – make that woman – and allow me to proceed with my entirely random tale.


At that a whirring humming noise fills the minds of all the children who are reading this story, leaving the adults out in the cold, utterly unable to comprehend what is really going on, as infinity starts to tell its very own story – with me – DJ Brain as your host.



There was a time when children ruled the world.


Yes there was.


Not because children particularly wanted to do so. They’d probably have preferred to go fishing, or do whatever children in that day and age preferred to do. But in the end they had to get on with it as the adults clearly didn’t have what it taked.


Ed. Shouldn’t that be “what it took”?

Yes – it should but no, apparently it needs to be wrong in order to be right – so we’ll leave it as it is.

Ed. Ok boss.


You see, even the editor of this journal calls me boss – not because I’m terribly clever or important – perish the thought – but because that’s what I have to be as an i-d operative.


Beep. Ok – as a child who operates infinity drive. Is that clear to all here present? Good.


You see – we had adults in control and they gave it their best shot – they tried to get everything neat and straight – dotting their I’s and crossing their T’s – but it always ended in disaster. It always ended in some kind of melt down, catastrophe or horrible global war. Bizarre, isn’t it? You’d think the opposite would be true – but no – having everything neat and tidy seemed to infuriate some powerful force – seemed to turn order into chaos again and again and again.


Beep. Time – you think human history is just a few hundred or thousand years old. That’s the way it’s presented to adults to keep them from getting too confused or excited – but in actual fact they were trying to get things right, and horribly messing things up for hundreds of thousands of years. I’m tempted, you know, to say millions so why not – it was like that for millions of years before a child whose name is generally thought to be Max, short for Maximillian – invented, in one version – discovered, in another – infinity drive, and the rest, as they say, is history.


three dots n'all 



No one died

In that bomb blast?!

No one died

But there were hands and arms all over the place

No one died

But they were buried alive under tons of rubble

No one died

Children too, with teddies and dolls – crushed

No one

Collateralised by geo-politicos

