Friday, May 13, 2022

at the end of the universe

I is not what me thinks it is i am


Baffling, isn't it!

Gobbledygook, if you ask me.

Precisely, which only goes to show


Which only goes to show

[Waiting patiently... oh so patiently]

Which only goes to show

It does..?


Er... what?


What does it go to show?

Sorry, I seem to have lost track of the conversation.

Hardly surprising really, 

Oh yes, that. So you figured it out in the end?

Figured what out?


Yes, I suppose i did... [Looking round expansively at me knows not what.]

And them? [Wafting an arm at the general public]

I hardly know what to say. You'll have to ask them yourself.

Do you think I may?

I don't see why not.

I feel rather shy.

Do you?


Hardly consistent with I not being what me thinks it is i am, is it?

Now that you mention it, no, you’re right, not at all consistent – in fact, downright inconsistent.

So go ahead, ask ‘em.

I've a good mind to do precisely that.



What are you waiting for?

Nothing whatsoever.

In that case, what is stopping you?

Nothing whatsoever.

The very same?

In all likelihood, yes, though for certain i cannot say.

And this “nothing whatsoever” so actively directing your affairs – how do you actually recognise it when it...

When it what?

When it... [grasping strawfully]     me knows not what.


A trap door opens beneath and the two of them fall through into I is definitely not what me thinks it is i am, in the process losing all recognisable sense of being two, or them, or anything else for that matter, recognisable.

Not a word is spoken, I not being what me thinks it is I am, and yet each and every reader is addressed directly, intentionally, discernibly, from the horse’s mouth, so to speak, and most of them, you included, do everything possible to maintain the illusion that nothing has been said or heard, except for you – no, not youyou, there, yes you – you know who you are, don’t you – and one, one being addressed is enough, is it not – one being all, all being one – i not being what me thinks it is i am... and the rest, as they say, is history.

History. Once upon a time there was a tale that so engrossed the single mind, the mind of All, the One, that it began to multiply its I am in order to experience the tale from different perspectives within, from the thick of things.

Of course the I am’s all knew that they were essentially pretending to be separate entities, but as consummate actors and artists they were not going to let on that it was all an elaborate charade, besides, each I am had its very own me thinks stream of individuated thoughts to strengthen and accentuate the uniqueness of what it was experiencing. Me thinks thou art an arrant knave said one thought-y-stream. Me thinks thou had better curb thy tongue, another before I cudgel thee into oblivion. Me was able to think whatever best fitted the logic of the moment without reference to what was I am universally true, and this worked wonders for the story’s growth and development. History was able to go far beyond the bounds of thus it is, thus i am-ness, into a fantastical realm of me thinkitude and me thingliness, in which the logic of what me thinks, no matter what, was able to establish itself as fact, was able to build castles, towns, systems, webs of ideas, none of which needed to i am, none of which needed to it is, all of which could exist and flourish if it proved its validity, its viability by simply usurping and defeating other castles, towns, systems or webs of ideas. May the strongest survive, for the strongest, surely, had to be the fittest, the best, the closest to that which simply, truly is I am ‘n All.

So here we are, fantastically far advanced down these logical chains of reasoning, if a supercedes b, then a it is I am ‘n All, and who can fault the irreproachable logic of deductionism ad infinitum, or Darwinism for that matter: the engine, the driver of story into ever more abstruse, ever more exotic, ever more i am-less versions, nay, realms of historia? What is there to fault? True, wars have been fought, wives killed by jealous husbands, or vice versa, not to mention famines, droughts and pestilence needlessly endured, but history has been made, history has been spun, has been woven from the endless stream of what me thinks... or what me thinks I am... or



Yes Zarina?

Have you finished yet?

Finished? Er... almost.

It's just, well, I'm not really a big fan of history. In fact, it gives me a headache.

Ah... I was just going to wrap it all up with a devastating deus ex machina finale.

The only trouble is no one’s listening. It's not exactly easy reading, is it?


So what's the point?

No point. None whatsoever, but you're wrong about no one listening.

No, i can see the livestream data. Zero. Nada.

Tee hee, but she’s watching incognito, isn't she.

Who, Dorothy?

Dorothy? No, not Dorothy. Why would she be watching this?

Then who?

The one who slipped through the gap existentially.


The one who is a living being like the rest of you, but who’s ready to seeee the logical impossibility of matter, of things and the whole universe, suddenly, without warning.

And? What then?

What when?

Then? When she sees?




Of for Pete’s sake Merry...






The sound of a penny dropping somewhere on the far side of the universe in a galaxy facing imminent destruction. Kerchink.

Zarina? You ok?





I think

You do?

No, me thinks

It does?

Yes, that I...

Say no more Zarina. I can see. Observe, the lights going out.

Omg, no

Zarina sees what appears to be the entire universe, billions of stars before her eyes, twinkling merrily in the “boundlessness of space”, or thus the story goes, sensing or feeling the dichotomy, the as above so below-ness as each and every star up there extinguishes itself in a bewilderingly rapid cascade of disindividuation – leaving only one, the All, and a rather ridiculous looney tunes “that's all folks” note scrawled across the gaping blackness of unfullness.

In a roadside café somewhere in a benighted loop of semi-conductive consciousness...

None of it stuck? None of it was ultimately real? None?

Apparently not.

Then what was the point?

Good question. Wait a minute or two. Let's see if she reboots...

Of course measuring time from the nullification of all matter, including space, is a rather tricky business so i can't guarantee that this “moment or two” was in fact less than a billion years or more, but if you'd cut me a little slack and accept that time is, in fact, infinitely elastic, then here we are... a minute and seventeen seconds later...

Tinkle tinkle

Do you hear that Merry?

A rhetorical question without a doubt, as Merry and Zarina are both viscerally experiencing the electrical circuit of space, time and everything rebooting, with every fibre of their not-what-y-ness.


Feels good, dunnit!

You're telling me.

Whereas before, the entire universe had been jerry-rigged, wired to work, but to work with massive in-built resistance, to generate a guaranteed stream of history, this time round it’s the opposite, wired to go, wired to fly, to hum, to zing, in short, nature at its best, effortlessly surpassing the best laid plans of mice-y men, hum dum de dum, dum...

So the end of the universe was a temporary event, it would appear?

Yes and no. Just watch all those hopelessly anachronistic structures from historia, packed with endlessly needless complexity... watch them now imploding under the weight of their gargantuan redundancy. And yes, me thinks the world you know and love, the world that was fixed in obsessive compulsive load bearing, is blinking on and off, while an other version now repackages all the data ineffably, as is.

So there’ll be no more history?

No more honey? Pooh sighs wistfully. Never say never.

But what a waste! So much pain and hardship.

On the contrary, it was vital to the infinite spark of creation. Nothing is ever, ultimately, wasted.

But, it’s all gone.

Not so. History is a song, a record, a wavey line, whatever you want it to be, but methinks nothing matters, no less than All, that nothing is, either created or destroyed, that...

Like I said Merry, too much yabbidy yab. I want to test out this new circuitry. Something tells me that we’re going to have a lot of fun playing with the inertials, the memories of what historia used to be. I can feel ‘em begging to be explored, to be twanged like balalaika strings.

Yikes! A world of trouble in the making.

But that, dear reader, is where you now have to return to your own particular pocket of inertial space, and decide whether you’re ready to join Zarina on the other side of what, me thinks, is not, unless i be much mistaken, universe, hum dum de, or equally a bear floating for honey, disguised as a cloud, hoping to fool them mighty suspicious bees, heroically.

Bzzz! Pop!




if all be said and done

Saturday, April 23, 2022

gaining traction arbornautically


No traction?




So if there’s no traction – how can we be aware of anything?


Good question.


How does this conversation take place or register if there’s absolutely no traction whatsoever?






Or skating




Or skateboarding

Wait a minute.




Stop throwing concepts at me, and give me something substantive to get my teeth into.


Substantive? I just told you there’s no traction, didn’t I, and now you want something solid and real?


Ok. But we still need some kind of traction in our conversation, don’t we? I need to feel like I have a clue what’s going on, don’t I, otherwise we’re…


freakin’ doomed.


Precisely. So what gives?








[Sigh] Ok – I get the message – and skateboarding too. Do you have to talk in riddles? Can’t you just spit it out?


I could, couldn’t I…


But you don’t choose to.


Because I choose not to thing – capisce?


Not to “thing” – yes – I seem to remember you banging on about that interminably in a past life.


Because if I “thing” – giving you a bone, or a fish – we connect through one part of the brain – but if I merely make a suggestion and allow you to tune in, if you’re willing – then we have a deeper, stronger connection – and more to the point – they’re left out.




Don’t ask.


I just did, so go on.


You’ll only attract their unwanted attention by focussing on them.


Well, there’s no use crying over spilt milk – I’ve already “they’d” em, so out with it – who exactly are they?


You see how persistent your mind is, Zara?


Damn you Merry – I want an answer – now.


Ok – I’ll agree to confirm or counter your suppositions. So fire ahead.


They’re either some kind of Archons or else matrix bots, Agent Smiths, if you like – whose job it is to keep us safely in the thing-cube – the mind sphere that we’re allowed to operate within more or less freely.


Yes. Spot on. It doesn’t really matter which of the two, does it – whether they're etheric or physical. They’re rather effective at keeping us in the pre-defined mind space that we refer to as 3D.


But I thought 3D was a physical reality space. Why are you referring to it as “mind-space”?


Who cares? Within 3D it’s definitely just physical reality, isn’t it, but the moment you figure out how to evade them – and cross over into “un3DeeD” for want of a better term – that’s when all those certainties and definites become debatable, highly debatable or just downright ridiculous.


Ok. I’m with you so far. Things indeed appear to lock us firmly into 3D mind-space whereas two-way dialogue or something closer to telepathic communication does the opposite. That much I get. But what about skiing or skating…


Or skateboarding.




Well, when you’ve little or no traction – you can still move forward as if there’s plenty of it, can’t you?


You can?


Well how do you think skiers, skaters or skateboarders move?


By pushing outwards, using the edge of the skate.


That’s right. By using the wave form to your advantage. By playing the curve. There’s always the possibility to find traction if you bend the wave a little, scuff it up, compress or extend time – going slightly out of phase. It just takes a bit of practice.


But skateboarders just propel themselves along using their other foot on the ground. There’s no zero traction analogy there.


Except when they move forward by S bending rapidly back and forth.


Oh that.


Giving them an edge to push against.




So a seemingly hopeless situation is, in fact, not half as hopeless as at first it appears.


Right… So are you saying that’s what we do in reality – in order to make sense of things – in order to gain traction?


Of course.


Pushing against opposing streams – neither of which is quite what I think or feel?


Absolutely. We’re all wave masters, it’s just we’re not really aware of the extent to which we’ve mastered waves.


Probably because there seems to be plenty of traction – walking down a street, throwing a ball, reading a book. It’s called friction. We don’t seem to have any trouble thinking all kinds of complicated things, do we?


Correct, as long as they’re inside the 3D mind space.


But nothing original ever comes from the 3D mindspace, does it?




So we need to get out of it?


Get out – I’m not sure I like the idea of trying to break out or escape. You’re free wherever you are – if you choose to be free.


Ok, fair enough.


So what’s stopping us from being fundamentally free even here in 3D?






Nothing itself obviously has no traction whatsoever, does it?


I expect you’re right. Nothing is the last thing I’d feel I could push against.


So you need to start connecting with elements or aspects of reality that don’t presently fit into the 3D space, that ostensibly seem to be less than real.


And how exactly does one do that?


By skiing, skating or skateboarding.


Ask a stupid question.


You need to start engaging and enjoying non-linear umba umba


Umba umba?


Yes – it’s a kind of beat, really, isn’t it?


Well yes, that’s what it sounds like. Umba umba!


Once you get over the culture shock – you’ll find that there’s a whole world of non-linear-ity that’s just waiting to be discovered on the other side of your brain.


And I can start making headway?


Precisely, as long as you’re not too attached to squaring things.


Squaring things?


Constantly having to decide and fix what you agree with and what supports your self-idea.




Because, the self-idea is one of the key ways they keep you mind-locked in 3D.


It is?


Yes, because as soon as you’re able to be more flexible in your sense of self – and allow things to be contradictory – the sooner you’ll be able to open up other levels of reality – other spaces, other trajectories, which may be incomplete or inconsistent in themselves, but which might nevertheless add something to the whole.


Adding something even while they detract from the coherency of the whole? Sounds doubtful.


Indeed, it is very doubtful – but let that be no obstacle. As the contradictions escalate and the doubts, likewise, you’ll become more and more aware of the ability to breathe into or breathe through those doubts – thus experiencing different sides of the tree.


Oh – so now there’s a tree, is there?


Well yes, if you go beyond the geometric cube or sphere you need something else to hang your contradictions on.


And it just so happens to be a tree?


Well that’s what we call it, and its geometry is a lot more sophisticated than a cube or sphere – you’d agree – with the roots reaching down into some kind of fundamental bedrock, and the tree’s crown reaching up into some kind of starry sky.


Or sunny?


Or sunny, naturally – if it’s daytime.


Ah – I thought this was just an abstraction.


Oh no – it’s real enough – once you step outside 3D – and they can’t actually stop you climbing up or descending the tree, you know.


They can’t?




That’s er… nice to know.


Yes, but the tree is not the main focus of your endeavours – for it’s too big, and only materialises to the extent that you reveal it.


And how do I reveal it?


By skiing, skating or skateboarding.


I might have known. Is there no other way? Can I not, for instance, dance or sing?


Of course you can.


Then what’s the problem – surely anyone can reveal the tree. Millions of people dance and sing.


Ah – but it’s not so much what you do, as how­ you do it.


Ah. So I have to dance or sing in a particular way?


Yes. Let’s have a go now. Take it away, babe.


Zara starts dancing, rather beautifully. Merry watches – arms folded.




You’re a great dancer Zara – but you’re dancing within the cube – so you gained no traction and cannot access other plains.


So what am I supposed to do?


Merry starts dancing – birdlike. There’s something incongruous in what he’s doing and soon Zara finds herself losing track of things – the room seems to swivel sideways – but instead of panicking she just watches in an utterly detached way – like it doesn’t matter in the least – even when Merry dances himself across the ceiling into a single point of darkness, and then vanishes altogether – emerging a moment later – still dancing – as an iridescent light that seems to be everywhere all at once.


Some water?


I… where am I?


You kind of fell asleep – didn’t you.


But I saw you changing – and the room slanted sideways – and you were no longer touching the ground and…




I don’t know.


Ah – but I think you do.




Feels awkward, doesn’t it?


Yes. It’s too outlandish.


Go on. No one cares.


But honestly…


Zara – quit wasting time.


Was I really a beetle?

Depends what you mean by “really” doesn’t it.




If by “really” you mean “in 3D reality” then no – you weren’t a beetle – were you? Not in 3D's masterful rendition of things.


Phew! I was beginning to wonder...


But if by “really” you mean “in any reality manifesting anywhere on the tree” then absolutely – you most definitely were.


Oh no.


Which, on the one hand, is deeply disturbing at an existential level, is it not?




While on the other – it’s a wonderful indication that there’s more to you, more to reality:  “more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy” as the bard so aptly says.


But, it can’t be right.


Correct. It’s most definitely not right. It’s left.


No, I mean – it’s gotta be wrong – messing around with nature like that.


Messing around? With nature?


Yes. It smacks of sorcery.


Ah – I see what you mean.


So with all due respect Merry, I want nothing further to do with this kind of experiment.


Ok. Fine by me. Byeee.




I’ll be off.


What do you mean?


You’ve just released me.


I beg your pardon?


I was under contract to ready you for arbornautics.


Arbornautics – as in tree travel.




Under contract?


Correct. Ciao!


No, wait a minute. Contract? What contract? How come I know nothing about it?


Because you’re still “in the box” i.e. of-the-cube or sphere – whatever you wish it to be.


So who hired you?


You did.


I beg your pardon.


Not without good cause. Accepted.


No, I mean how could I have hired you?


Because you’re still “of-the-tree” – even if part of you has been ceremoniously inserted into this ‘ere cube thing.


Or spheroid.




So… I hired you.




To ready me for tree travel?


Yes, I really need to be on my way.


But how can I be sure you’re telling the truth?


You can’t, unless you bother to ask your all-knowing-self. Seems kind of obvious really.


But how can I ask myself – I mean…


You could just try.


What? Just ask my self?


Well how else are you going to do it? Honestly!


I really don’t know.


As Merry gathers his things and puts on his jacket and boots:


And who exactly am I?


I’m sorry Zara – I’m not under contract to explain such matters. If you wish to know who exactly you are I suggest you get that information directly, from the horse’s mouth, so to speak.


Eeeek! From the horse’s mouth? You mean I’m actually higher-dimensionally a horse?


No, I don’t mean anything. I’m just using standard idiomatic English.


Oh. Phew!


Now, I’ve got to be off. Other jobs to attend to.


But Merry – you were happy to talk to me and guide me a minute or two ago.


Yes, but then you obligingly released me from all contractual obligations, which means that technically you and I have nothing further to say to each other.


But, you have to understand Merry – the prospect of losing my human form – of becoming a beetle – is fairly repugnant to me.


I won’t call you racist Zara – I understand your predicament. But with all due respect – not my problem.


But have a little kind consideration…


Wait a second – I did everything humanly possible to help you reconnect with yourself. I bent over backwards – I rearranged time and space – I gave you a golden opportunity to feel the magic and splendour of who and what you really are – and you chose to reject it. That’s your choice freely exercised. Now, if you don’t mind – I’ve got a bunch of other leaves to see today.




Yes. You’re all really leaves – figuratively speaking, of course, though not without a pearly drop of truth.


Oh God. Merry – is there any way I can learn to reconnect with my self – whoever or whatever I am – without turning into a beetle?


I really couldn’t say, Zara, and frankly – I don’t care.


Zara starts sobbing inconsolably. Merry at first looks in disgust, but then a soft and sappy side to him opens up and he strokes her head, oh so gently, soothing her frayed nerves.


There, there Zara. You never know – your self might send another, better version of me. I never said I was the only tree liaison officer, did I?


But, I don’t want another tree liaison officer.


I see your dilemma, Zara. But honestly – I don’t see how I can help you. The one thing I cannot guarantee is that you can or will hold onto any particular form – because moving through the many plains of reality your essence is going to, inevitably, express itself in the most appropriate way be that beetle, chicken or...


My essence.


Your essence.


So, part of me is going to stay me.




Well why didn’t you say?!


I think you’ll find, if you scan the flight log of our first little arbornautics trip, that this was all explained in detail.


It was?


Merry sinks into a state of deep zen – floating a foot or more above the ground. Observing this – Zara too finds herself strangely relaxed – and inadvertently, without even thinking about it, leafs through the pages of her flight log, which just happens to be close at hand. As soon as she mentally searches for the relevant dataset – Zara finds herself in the thick of things – reliving the experience that a moment earlier she’d been unable to recall. When she gets to the end of her search – to her surprise – the beetle is back –




Me, who else.


You’re so beautiful. I can’t imagine why I thought you were alien or impersonal.


Good ol’ common-or-garden prejudice, Zara. Nothing to it.


But how can I see you if I’m…


If you are me – the beetle you’re now looking at?




It’s amazing isn’t it. On the one hand, you’re the beetle – on the other hand you’re not – it’s just a form that serves a purpose.


Must I always take a form?


Absolutely. How else could you experience things – without yourself taking form and thus defining the angle of attack, the vantage point?


Just the same way one is able to think in the abstract – without fixing anything?


Ah – but there in 3D you’re totally fixed in your human form with all the cultural and social constraints of the little-self you have become, so your “abstracts” always rhyme with, reflect or reject whatever it is you happen to be. They’re far from being pure abstractions.




This beetle form, on the other hand, is remarkably flexible and demands almost nothing from you – just a little buzzing around to maintain a certain resonant frequency while scoping certain electro-magnetic field lines to keep its easy-going conscious-awareness nicely charged and ticking over.


So how come my regular Zara is so engrossed in herself?


Occupational hazard – everyone going into the 3D cube


or sphere


exactly, gets sucked into the black hole of me-ful-ness – and almost none can escape. It's an addiction of sorts.


So, am I free?


You are always free – no matter what.


I am?


Yes – kindly observe.


Ezmie presents Zara with her life contract which is entitled “Articles of association” – like a corporation – Zara muses. There at the very first paragraph she sees the words in bold – “All beings are free no matter what they may feel, think or believe. The life-in-a-box experience is all about learning from a state of deeply disconnected ignorance this profoundly simple, inalienable, fundamental truth.”


Ah! Makes sense. But…




Haven’t I broken the terms of the contract by coming here and reviewing this contractual information?


Do you think you have the power to break a life agreement created by your deepest essence Zara?


Er… But wasn’t I meant to figure all this out for myself?


Good question... Yes.


Oh dear. Then I failed.






You could only be here if somehow, somewhere you’d already figured it out.




Absolutely. That’s how we set it up.


You mean…


But the next moment Zara is back in human form with Merry – eating an ice-cream.


Merry – I met her. Ezmie.


Did you? Well done!


She explained everything.


Oh wow!


Where did you get this ice-cream from?


I didn’t Zara. A bit forgetful today, aren’t we?


Wait a second – how can I forget something if I wasn’t here. I can hardly be in two places at once, can I?


Copy me.


Merry does a series of body movements, duration 23 seconds. Then freezes expectantly.


Ah. That’s rather impressive Merry.


Yes, but after a while you’ll be able to do it mentally, without needing to go through the actual motions.


So, you just reconnected me to another part of my conscious awareness…


Of your mind – correct.


And now it turns out that I’ve learnt how to manifest things –


Even ice-cream – very tasty I might add.


As long as I get out of the way, mentally – which means heading for the nearest beetle in the vicinity of my 3D mind cube. But how do I detach from it and come back to the new updated version of 3D reality with an ice-cream in hand?


I’m in danger of sounding like a broken record – you know what I’m going to say by now, don’t you Zara?


“Check the flight log”.




Rather spectacular – Zara relives the ice-cream moment – observing how she bird-dances herself into her favourite ice-cream parlour and then beetles her way back via the all-giving, all-accomodating flight log’s fungibility function, thereby recubing the sphere.


Zara suddenly notices that the ice-cream now feels and tastes much more real.


Why is that, Merry?


Causality. Everything has to come from somewhere definite, doesn’t it – otherwise it’s like a low res thumbnail, lacking full details.


So seeing is believing?


Kinda, yes.


Later that day…


So now I have traction, Merry, would you say?


Now you’re learning how to play one side of infinity against the other.




What else do you want to call it?


I don’t know – just – “infinity” sounds so soulless.


I agree. But on the other hand, a little mathematical detachment is necessary if we’re to clean up the emotional, psychological carnage of 3D reality.


But I don’t see what you have against 3D reality. It’s wonderful that we’re so emotional, so human.


Of course. And that we kill one another?


That’s just the failure of people to handle their emotions properly.


True. But be that as it may – one of the side effects of arbornautics, you will find – is a greater detachment from the drama of the moment. Now that you have a vastly expanded context and can see 3D reality from above and below, it’s difficult to take things that seemed vitally important a week ago, so seriously now.


But what about poetry?


What about it?


Will I ever be able to write it again?


Can't say I ever noticed you writing much in the way of recognisable poetry Zara.


No, but at least it was one of my basic options.


First and foremost you’ll be writing poetry-in-motion as you pen connections between different forms and aspects of an infinitely more connected reality. You’ll be skating or skiing, opening up new avenues, thus deconstructing the cube


or sphere


whence you commenced this arbornautic tango to reveal...


Merry dances hypnotically to complete the sentence neurolinguistically.




Let’s just say that you've completed one phase of your creativity, and the next is going to take a while to come to grips with. Everything you created and experienced in 3D reality is like a vast resource which you will be able to mine and process indefinitely. Nothing was lost. Nothing is ever lost. Energy is merely converted from one form to another, and likewise ideas and thoughts and things.


So I’m going to be rethinging things?


Absolutely, until you reach the point, inconceivable from where you are currently, that things always were and are in perfect...




You said it.


No way... Zara feels her mind melting at the edges. I think I'm going to have to... Buzzz!


Excellent. You're good to go Zara, arbornautically.


And a world of things in almost utter disarray starts signalling her, pointing out serial material anomalies and inconsistencies that have been putting an almost unbearable strain on the fabric of reality, but which are now brought into play one by one at the quantum level, like a vast reservoir of atomically charged and anatomically loaded springs.


Calloo callay!

They chortled in their joy. As reality's tulgey wood is finally able to reveal its innermost frumious bandersnatch, its jub jub bird, its dreaded jabberwock – frightsome, manxome foes until they are approached arbornautically.






Thursday, April 14, 2022

moving mountains, God knows how

We are told to pray whenever there’s a problem, and that if you have faith you can move mountains, but there are millions of people who truly believe in Jesus, and truly believe he can work miracles, but for some reason not many mountains seem to be moving around. Things seem to be going from bad to worse. So what does this mean?

- Er... good question James, but I don’t see what the problem is – obviously those people lack true faith. They believe in God and our Lord Jesus, but only superficially.

- Hum... I’m not sure I agree with you. I know that’s what people usually say, but come on, there are literally millions of people with deep faith who pray with all their heart.

- And many miracles happen, all the time.

- But not all the time. In any case, praying doesn’t seem enough to me.

- What do you mean “not enough”? Praying is our direct connection with God. What more do you want?

- I don’t want to ask God to do the work. I want to do it myself.

- How do you mean?

- Like in “Prince Caspian” by C.S.Lewis, Aslan doesn’t go into the mound to deal with the werewolf and the hag, does he? He gets Peter, Edmund and Trumpkin to fight their own battle.

- Ok. And what?

- I want to fight my own battles. I know God can fight them for me, but I want to do it myself, and just ask for guidance and protection.

- Ok, nothing wrong with that. But what’s the problem? I fail to see what you’re getting at.

- This terrible situation in Ukraine.

- You mean you want to go and fight there as a volunteer?

- No, of course not. In any case, I wouldn’t be allowed to.

- Then what?

- This is where my quantum field comes into play.

- Your what?

- My quantum field.

- What on earth are you on about?

- It’s what I’ve been writing about for years and years.

- And?

- Well, as far as the quantum field is concerned there is neither time nor space.

- If you say so.

- And every thing connects up here in me.

- Everything?

- Literally.

- So you mean the troubles in Ukraine can somehow be resolved internally?

- Precisely.

- Without any fighting?

- Absolutely.

- But that’s insane. How?

- Because everything’s infinitely connected at the quantum level. Whatever’s happening there, must have its counterpart within me.

- You mean to say the huge crisis in Ukraine must have its exact equivalent in you?

- Absolutely.

- But that’s...

- Totally insane?

- Yes.

- I agree, and yet that’s how things work – it’s how reality is structured.

- Or so you say.

- Indeed, but not because I take delight in sticking my neck out and sounding absurd.

- You could have fooled me.

- The thing is... reality is nothing like as monolithic, as set in stone as it appears. It’s a constantly updating snapshot of creation, and creation is, in fact, an ongoing process in which time oscillates, constantly zeroing back to nought and beyond, through the needle’s eye, to regenerate the universe on t’other side of infinity, without us even noticing.

- So it’s duolithic, you’re saying?

- Kind of, but as it constantly oscillates back and forth across zero point, and thus straddles infinity, the word “lithos” or stone  is perhaps inappropriate.

- What then?

- I don't know. Beyond my pay grade I'm afraid. All I know for sure is that things are constantly big-banging, so to speak, re-emerging from nought, as if nothing could be easier, and that “nothing” is merely where the two wave amplitudes cancel out, where both sides are in perfect equilibrium, and therefore matter not.

- Oh dear. Why so complicated? Why can't things just be things?

- And people?

- More than things, of course.

- There's the rub. It's mathematically unworkable so the universe keeps collapsing in on itself, or tripping over its tail.

- You mean God never stops picking up the broken pieces?

- I mean creation turns on and off faster than you can possibly see or feel, but that at centre it is completely still, completely calm. At its centre in the “off” state it is simply God, and God as we all know is, by definition, good, with a capital G.

- So why does creation seem so terrible, like now what’s happening in Ukraine?

- Because we’ve allowed time and momentum to take over.


- And been drawn into a nightmarish version of reality, in which people imagine, mistakenly, that they are just little, rational human beings, serving time, attempting to manage the world for better or for worse by squaring things dutifully, creating interlocking numeric temporal chains.

- But surely that's exactly what we’re supposed to be doing.

- Well yes, but only until we realise it's futile and that we’re almost guaranteed to annihilate one another. At that point we, hopefully, realise that we’re nothing of the sort, and that infinity cannot be excluded from the equation. Boom! There goes “time” which, like money, exists to prevent you from really experiencing the real moment.

- I simply can't understand why you believe that time is any more than a useful tool, to help us coordinate our actions.

- Yes, I know your quandary all too well. As long as you’re in thrall to Kronos, living in a finite, time-locked reality, you’re simply unable to see what you’re missing, as in merry timeless-ness. Time is a seductive trap. “A little longer and things’ll improve” is the mantra. We kick the can down the road hoping Time will save the day, which it might well do, short-term, but only by dragging us deeper into the quicksand of “a better tomorrow”, as if reality were a fixable mechanism, as if things could replace the inconceivable perfection of being-ness. We’re forever snorting hopium, and fail to recognise that we’ve inadvertently become children of Kronos and Saturn, instead of God, buying into the illusion of time, and the belief that things such as money, or even beliefs, truly matter.

- Well I think that’s a terrible thing you’re saying. You're accusing us of being pagans, of worshipping false idols. Shame on you!

- Yes, it doesn’t sound very nice, I agree, but my intention is to learn, to truth-seek, not to offend you.

- But what can you learn from these wild conjectures?

- That “God” and infinite peace is always present, even in the most terrible situations.

- Ok.

- And that we become part of the problem when we lose the ability to feel God’s presence, the infinite stillness present always and throughout; though probably nothing like the kind of God we were expecting.

- But how are we supposed to feel this stillness, the off-phase of your postulated electric circuit, if the world is going to hell in a hand basket, so to speak?

- By recognising the fact that we are inadvertently attached to the drama, the storm, the chaos, because we have slipped into “oh God-ness”.

- I beg your pardon! What do you mean by “oh God-ness”?

- You know – whenever something bad happens people say “oh God!”

- Well yes, but isn’t that because they’re asking God for help?

- No, not really.

- What then?

- This is actually blaming God for what has happened.

- Blaming God? You've gotta be kidding!

- I know, it sounds insane but that's what we're doing, inadvertently.

- But why would we blame God. You must be mistaken.

- It's not deliberate. It happens subconsciously. It's because we left God in charge of the off-side of reality, trusting, assuming, hoping he'd be able to fix things if they got out of kilter, as mostly He can and does.

- But not always?

- Correct, not always, because sometimes things get way too left of centre.

- But surely God can do anything?

- Absolutely, but it's a partnership, and if you're unwittingly steering into the gaping jaws of hell, He's only able to do so much, without dissolving the partnership and taking full control which, admittedly, is what he sometimes does.

- But not always.

- Correct, otherwise you'd never learn, and reality would be invalidated.

- So what are you planning to do with Ukraine?

- When the situation gets dire it’s time to get much closer to the off-side of Creation, to go from an arm's length relationship with God, preferable for high speed navigation, into a fingertips relationship, or even closer.

- Oh.

- I have to rediscover that pulse, that stillness present throughout, and that actually I'm an equal partner in this relationship. It’s time to dance or die.

- Er...

- I have to get rid of anything that's preventing me from feeling how what's happening there, in Ukraine for example must be, at the quantum level, present within me, a disequilibrium of some sort.

- Oh.

- Once I start to feel the imbalance or the pain, internally, then “God” can swiftly, easily work with me and, through me, recalibrate the system, which is, in fact, self-correcting when zero and one are in happy unity.

- Once I've got myself out of the way?

- Correct, once I've stopped being a heavy, obtuse, limiting factor, stuck in my ways, a spanner in the spokes.

- Ah.

- So I use science and this somewhat clumsy concept of the “quantum field” to get myself out of that heavy state in which, powerless and fearful, I was asking favours of God but ignoring my own responsibility for what was happening, in order to start becoming more aware of how it's all really going on here, and that, as soon as I start dancing elegantly with God, the doom and disaster of war is incomprehensibly transformed into an other version of things, an updated reality in which God is no longer forced to play the role of Kronos or Saturn, is once again able to reveal his true nature, his 0=1ness.

- Huh, but why would he play Kronos or Saturn in the first place?

- There's always going to be a version or an approximation of God, no matter where you are mentally, no matter how unbalanced your world has become, but if you’re way off centre, if time and matter have locked horns, then you're only going to see or be able to access one aspect of the Father, the red wavelength of light, for example, instead of the full spectrum in white light.

- Ah, I get you. So God himself doesn't really change?

- What is God? He changes when you do, not before. It all depends on whether you’re willing to evolve, if and when that becomes necessary. It's a relationship that needs to deepen and constantly adjust to real changes and real needs. It's a relationship that, like it or not, has to transcend even physical reality. Either it takes you to the next level or becomes nothing more than spiritual comfort candy; it’s a relationship that compels you, willy nilly, to grow beyond your fears and limitations into a level of mutual trust that beggars belief.

- You’re making it sound like I’m equal to God, which is absurd. God is almighty and I am not.

- Yes, but at the same time this is a partnership, and without coming to terms with our blockages and inhibitions we’re never going to get anywhere. We may as well drop dead from vaccine poisoning.

So how does your quantum field fit into all this?

It reactivates when physical reality has reached its limit, when things are falling apart. It enables us to rediscover the infinite present within and present throughout. It enables us to detach from the tyranny of seemingly monolithic physical and material reality, opening up the can of worms known as “consciousness” that we’ve conscientiously kept shut, to reveal other layers or levels of reality that we didn’t know existed. In other words, it enables us to detach from the Borg, the machine-mind version of things, and cut reality a little slack, thereby allowing it to realign or reconfigure. By God’s infinite mercy and grace creation can once again flow through twin channels of is-ability, and therefore shift and evolve more elegantly, inwardly, so to speak.

I’m not sure I understand.

Absolutely! It goes way beyond the convenience store of understanding. It reactivates your awareness of the unknown, of things that seem to make no rational sense. A walk on the wild side! The quantum field kicks into gear if and when your erstwhile bubble of certainties starts to implode, if and when you need to re-establish contact directly with creation, simply in order to survive, if and when reality approaches its term limit, as one cycle ends and nothing-good prevails.

What? How can reality have a term limit?

Because any set up, any platform, any arrangement that smoothes or flattens reality to make it seem comprehensible, sticking things to a grid, is necessarily, from inception, exclusionary: is not what it seems, is finite. A ticking time bomb, it’s guaranteed to come apart at the seams in a manner that blows you away, that utterly confounds your paper-thin logic n’ reason, that much is certain, and suddenly you realise that “God” is not just a matter of faith or spirituality, but now reconnects, unexpectedly, with science and technology.


People may not necessarily welcome this, but ultimately all roads lead to Rome, so what can you do? There is a divine circuit, and we are, like it or not, at the centre of it: the missing link, you might say, between matter and thought, between thing-y-things and mind-y-me.

No. I can't believe we just happen to be at the very centre of creation. It seems too convenient, too good to be true. It’s wishful thinking on steroids!

Yes, and thus the rational mind beguiles us, keeping mind trapped in fear or disbelief, until the waters burst and the child enters the birth canal. Suddenly, you’re experiencing what was being blocked, bewildered by the intensity of everything you were excluding, everything you denied, everything you’d flattified. Yes, you discover you are in fact an immensely powerful being, not just a little person in a big, bad world of things.


But with power comes responsibility, and also the need to let go of convenient untruths. You find yourself battling to hold onto sense n' reason as the infinite sloshes through the brain-mind sluice gates, utterly confounding your expectations, redesigning the very landscape and nature of reality.


An existential readjustment. The quantum field, by God’s infinite mercy and grace, takes us beyond the presumptuous power, beyond the ken of those sociopaths and unhinged individuals who believe it is their destiny and right to enslave humanity. Ironically, the more they try to keep a lid on the box, the more they empower this quantum unfolding, or what we might refer to as “mean reversion”

Ah. Back to where we always were.

Yes, that’s right – we’ve always been surreptitiously citizens of both realms, otherwise reality would have imploded long ago under the cataclysmic stress of all the distortions we’ve incorporated mentally and physically into our Kronosphere.

Our time-locked reality?


So ultimately it's a foregone conclusion? We cannot fail? The change is in? We’re already all we need to be?

Yes and no. The quantum field always gives uncertainty pride of place, until the next iteration is complete, but momentum or love of God carries us effortlessly through the end of time, the end of things, into what, in all honesty, I know not. Let infinity herself decide; let ye mountains again move!


So let us pray for the peace that passeth all understanding, for God’s unfathomable grace, without which life is moribund and things, if truth be told, utterly meaningless.





cuckoo la la

what ho!