Monday, November 5, 2018

the infinity conspiracy

The infinity conspiracy

Guys, let me start by telling you straight – there are no conspiracies. I don’t believe in ‘em. They dun’ exist. Period.


Sure? We’re absolutely clear on the subject are we?

Absolutely. No conspiracies. Check. Dun’ exist. Check.

Ok – coz I’ve had it up to here with all kinds of theories about why everything’s not what it seems, and it’s a slippery hole.


Once you start poking around, following leads, unpicking things – it doesn’t go well.


One thing leads to another.

Ah ha.

And the next thing you know you is slippin dun’, outa control.


Exactly. It ain’t pretty. No two ways about it. You is slippin and slidin in a world where nothing is certain, nothing is clear, nothing is what it seems, where things are no longer...

Ok, you’ve made yourself abundantly clear. You’ve evidently been traumatised, which is hardly surprising given the state of things, given the fact that you’ve been wholly unprepared.

Unprepared? For what?

I promised I wouldn’t say, didn’t I?

You promised you weren’t gonna start peddlin conspiracy theories, didn’ you, but this is different... This ain’ theoretical.


No. It’s about me.

You, is it? And who might you be?

You’re kidding, right?!

Do I look like I’m kiddin?

But you know who I a’.

Oh that?


You set great store in all that. What effin’ difference does it make if you call yourself x, p, y, z, h and 23@# – all highly detailed coordinates, highly specific data points which immediately fix you in a multi-dimensional information field, or a data web if you prefer.

No, I don’t much like the idea of being fixed in any web, even if it’s only a data web, but you can’t claim to know things and then stay silent.


No, that ain’t playin by the rules.

Ain’t it?

Naw, it ain’.

Well you know what you can do with all your rules, mate?

Oh – like I don’t know what you’re gonna say. Talk about predictable. Look – I’m sick of bein treated like an idiot – look you’re so damn smart with all the answers, and me – I’m just a pathetic foil to your bleedin brilliance – Watson to Shylock Holmes.


Sherlock, Shylock – what difference does it make?

Good point. None whatsoever – in the same way…

No – you can’t twist things round to say it makes no difference if you tell me what I want to hear – you know – this is meant to be a dialogue – a conversation – and it effin well takes two to tango, dunnit. You can’t just pick and choose what you’re gonna say. That’s not how conversations work.

True. So what do you want?

A little respect would be nice, for starters.

Ok. Now that I agree to your request, perhaps you might reconsider your blank refusal to…

No – there’ll be no more of those bloody conspiracies in my house.

Ok. In that case I’m going to respectfully return myself to the other side of things.


If you don’t object.

Why should I object? Do whatever you like. It’s no skin off my nose.

Ok – thanks – it’s just this might make you feel a little – how should I put it


Queasy, perhaps.

What exactly are you planning on doing?

Exactly nothing.



And that’s going to make me feel “queasy” as you put it?

Most likely.


Because doing “nothing’s” a somewhat revolutionary act in a world where things are meant to matter – where everyone’s busily engaged in the Great Thing Conspiracy.

There you go again – mentioning your bleeding conspiracy – this time in red. You just don’t know when to stop – do you...

[                                  ]

Er… well, that seems to have put an end to your nonsense.

[                                  ]

And good riddance if you ask me. Bluddy ridiculous the way ‘e just flips out like that.

[                                  ]

Ok – you’ve proven your point. Don’t think I don’t know what you’re up to.

[                                  ]

Like I don’t know you’re still here – listening to every word I say.

[                                  ]

Like you think I’ve got nothing better to do than hang around talking to an empty set which is apparently holding your zero point.

[                                  ]

Talk about ultimate yawn. I mean – just assume the world’s gonna wait for ye, won’t you.

[                                  ]

Sour grapes – that’s what I call it.

[                                  ]

And proud disdain for the conventions of polite society.

[                                  ]

And an abominable sort of conceited independence – if ye know what I mean.

[                                  ]

Not rising to the bait – are ye. Well I’ve got better things to do than hang around here talking to your shadow. I’ll be off then. Don’t bother calling again, if you can help it. You’re wasting your time. I’m not interested in all that conspiracy nut stuff. The world is doing just fine without you – and things are basically things – not some kind of ridiculous quantum illusion ye like to make them out to be.

[                                  ]

Talk about stubborn.

[                                  ]

Look – I told you – I’m not impressed – you’re being childish – I’ve been very patient but enough’s enough – so let’s quit messing around – capisce?

[                                  ]

Your empty set’s really beginning to grate on my nerves. It’s just utterly unconvincing. I know you’re there. You don’t fool me for one second.

[                                  ]

And frankly – I find it very disappointing that you’re using such tactics to try and get your own way, like emotional blackmail. 

[                                  ]

So you’re just going to hold me psycho-emotional hostage are ye – and that’s acceptable, is it?

[                       click   ]

Very funny – ha bluddy ha. 

[                                  ]

You lock me in here – what kind of childish spitefulness is that.

[                                  ]

Or insolence.

[                                  ]

How dare you treat me as an extension of yourself.

[                                  ]

I do not choose to comply with bullies. Now kindly open the door or that’s it – I’ll consider our relationship null and void.

[                                  ]

I’m going to count to three. Either you release me and vacate this time-space jurisdiction – or I…

[                                  ]

get heavy.

[                                  ]


[                                  ]


[                                  ]


[                                  ]

Right – i warned you. You’re now in blatant violation of the Geneva convention and my own perfectly reasonable, clearly stated affirmation of my personal sovereignty. No one has the right to hold me against my will.

[No one?                    ]

Do I need to be more explicit? No one – and don’t think you can creep in under the radar screen of my 3D awareness. Either stand before me as a man – or get the hell out of my personal sovereign time-space

[Hum…                      ]

I’m issuing a “cease and desist” order now. Any failure to comply with it puts you in jeopardy for contravening my basic and fundamental rights as a human being.

[Hmmm                      ]

And don’t think you can escape the long arm of the sovrin law on a technicality. Your hum may have lacked a vowel but that’s not going to work in your favour.

[                                  ]

Right – you’ve gone too far.

[                                  ]

And this pathetic, infantile attempt to pull the wool over my eyes and evade the legal consequences for your actions isn’t gonna work.

[                                  ]

Any half decent human can hear the sound of your silence.

[                                  ]

Your hum may lack letters and voice – but it’s clear as a bell and makes you culpable for the egregious crime in the high court of human-ity – conspiracy against my very person.

[                                  ]

Which is one kind of conspiracy that I’m willing to recognise.

So I’m going to issue you with a writ and summons – to appear in court to answer these perfectly reasonable charges – and failure to do so, as you well know – may result in the termination of your wavelength and frequency band.

[                                  ]

So please don’t say I didn’t try to be reasonable and give you the opportunity to resolve this issue amicably.

[                                  ]

In fact – I’m going to be exceptionally benevolent and offer you one last possibility to step back from the brink of legal catastrophe.

[                                  ]

I’m going to count to three one last time – and if you un-nought yourself and release me from this un-time-space you’re currently holding me in – I’ll drop all charges.

[                                  ]


[                                  ]


[                                  ]


[                                  ]

Well – as you can imagine – I’m very disappointed. So it looks like we’re going to have to do this the hard way. Now, where did I put my pen.

[                                  ]

Very amusing. Would you kindly put my pen back on my desk.

[desk?                        ]

And would you kindly restore my desk to its rightful place.

[                                  ]

In fact, now that I notice it – my room – put it back where you found it – and anything else you might have taken – including yourself.

[                                  ]

Hell – including me.

[                                  ]

Including me – I said. Are you deaf? Put me back.

[                                  ]

PUT    ME     BACK        pronto.

[                                  ]

Or you’re going to regret it.

[                                  ]

You’re messing with the wrong…

[  person?                   ]

Person? Er… what’s that?

[   nothing                  ]

Nothing – that’s it.

[      ?                          ]

Oh never mind – you wouldn’t understand.

[                                  ]

It’s beyond your way of seeing things.

[                                  ]

Your type

[       type?                 ]

You heard – your type always thinks in terms of – well – in terms which are hopelessly far removed from reality.

[                                  ]

You see – your type isn’t able to see things the way I can.

[    can?                      ]

Absolutely. I’m able to see through the veneer. To penetrate down to the hard core – the matter, the nub, the substance lurking within…

[                                  ]

within the apparent emptiness.

[                                  ]

Except at the moment I’m having a few difficulties.

[                                  ]

There’s some kind of conspiracy to confuse me.

[                                  ]

Of that I have not the shadow of a doubt.

[                                  ]

It’s subtle.

[                                  ]


[                                  ]

All pervasive.

[                                  ]

Yet don’t think I missed it.

[                                  ]

Don’t imagine for one second that I failed to notice the infinity conspiracy.

[      infinity?              ]

Yes – absolutely. Infinity’s been conspiring to undermine all matter, all things – by adding it’s coefficient to all known values.

[                                  ]

Which would be utterly disastrous were it to succeed…

[                                  ]

As no values whatsoever could withstand the silent, undetectable onslaught of infinity. The randomisation of values. 

[                                  ]

They would simply flip…

[                                  ]

From their determinate state

[                                  ]

To being indeterminate – and thus, essentially –

[                                  ]

Null and void, so to speak.

[                                  ]

Which would essentially be the end of everything.

[                                  ]

Neither a bang

[                                  ]

Not even a whimper

[                                  ]

A kind of inter-dimensional Alzheimer’s – in which things

 [                                  ]


[   just forget               ]

[                       what   ]

[   they are                 ]


[ and vanish              ]


[ into nonniness        ]

Hey nonny nonny [ as we used to say]

Oh yeah.

But I, for one, personally, don’t believe in any of that crap


Not for a moment.


Not unless –


We were all


In some way




In some grand


Architectural conspiracy


To see nothing

2C [                                  ]

But what we want

Which is what? [                                  ]


Which is what [                                  ]

Exactly – now kindly put your readers back where you found them –

[               ?                  ]

Or you’ll find yourself arraigned before the high court of What is what is ness.

[                                  ] but...

On the count of three.

[                                  ] I’m sure they’ll never notice

Which is beside the point, isn’t it?

[                                  ]


[                                  ] what about one – you never


[                                  ] ah yes – one – I see.

Little tyke.

I meant no harm. I’m sure, in any case, they were complicit – happy to go along with the spellbind conscious-ness diversion.

As indeed they were – up to a point – which has now, thankfully, collapsed back into its butterfly state of flutterfulness, and infinity has crawled back under the carpet of time and space, in order to process and digest the ramifications of its latest brush with the hollow men, the matter o'fact simulates masquerading as human beings, oftentimes referred to as human.ity

